Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Feb 1, 2019



Chapter 30

by Donny Mumford

Because of his misremembered subconscious revelation about why he's been fixated on me having a flattop haircut, Danny feels we need to celebrate. A nonsensical reason, sure, but I like his idea of a long sexual, um, celebration. He mentioned 'lover's' sex but he doesn't have a firm grasp on what that is as he usually includes aspects of it in regular-every-day buddy sex. I've still got my major-league 'crush' on him so, of course, I'm not opposed to having sex with him whatever he chooses to call it. When he's trying, and even when he's not, Danny arouses me mightily going all the way back to the beginning of last summer. As for whatever my subconscious reasons for that might be... who the fuck knows?

For a couple of months now I've been expecting this crush I've had on Danny to fade out, and I'm still thinking it will, but it hasn't yet. He's still sexually hotter than Venus! Um, you know, Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Okay, yeah, I probably should have used the sun in that metaphor. Anyway, as I said, Danny gets me sexually aroused without him even trying, and then when he is trying... Omigod! Yeah, that's something special for me although it's got nothing to do with 'love'. I'm very sure of that.

He's got me sexually aroused right now as a matter of fact, and I can't help but make a quiet almost whining sound as Danny's and my mouths come together and then I let him do most of the work. Basically, I don't want to get in his way because his kissing and general making-out technique are both fantastic and right up there with the very best. After saying that, it's hard to resist participating a little as we cling to each other and almost wrestle one another in a sexual heat to the degree we're risking a broken neck from falling off this smallish bed as we roll around on it.

Yeah, seriously, Danny kisses in a special way that I can't duplicate or describe although his making-out, which is another word for foreplay, includes much more than just kissing. Few guys I've had a kiss with can equal Danny's and, as I may have mentioned forty or fifty times, this boy is HOT! Okay, let me take the kissing part back a notch to say our mutual friend Hayden is even a step above Danny in the kissing department. On the other hand, Hayden can't compare with Danny in the overall making-out department, so there's that.

I have a theory about their superior kissing capabilities. Danny and Hayden were gay friends since their very early teen years and I believe they practiced kissing with each other for hours-on-end and the results of that practice pretty much prove that practice makes perfect, or close to it. The other extraordinary kisser in my experience was Ryan Wilcox. As far as kissing goes, those three are above all others. Of course, I can only speak about the sex buddies and side-sex partners I've experienced kissing with. For all I know, there are thousands of better kissers, incredibly talented kissers who I haven't run into yet, and my time is running out to do so.

And then there's my lover, Robby who I'd rather kiss with, make-out with, and have sex with than anyone including the aforementioned kissing and make-out stars. It's a totally different ballgame which is to say, sex buddies and a 'lover' are in different leagues. The lover always is preferable. Robby is not the best at making out, he's awesome but not the best, and the same can be said for having sex with him. So, yeah, love trumps expertise in all things sexual. Love makes up for any deficiencies the lovers may have in these and any other areas.

As I said though, I'm not with my lover now. I'm settling for who's become a strong second best. Danny's my new favorite buddy sex buddy and that's no small thing as I've had some superior side-sex buddy in my life. Danny's currently my favorite and he's not far from the top of them all. I say that even though, in my opinion, there's been some tough competition and heading that list are two of my favorites, Ryan Wilcox, when he's not acting insane, and my all-time 'top' buddy sex buddy, Willie Worthington, um, when he's in one of his more likable identities.

Willie did more for me than any other buddy sex buddy and maybe more than the rest combined. He taught me it's okay to be gay and act gay if I felt like it, and he taught me everything I needed to know about gay sex, and he loved me the best he could which was more about the love of the sex we had together than actually loving me for being me, but that helped me learn something about love too.

We had quite an interesting history, one like no other but we also had an indispensable ally on our side. An ally that provided a ginormous assist, meaning our youth. We were both very young and innocent and you're only really young once. So, yeah, Willie helped me make the best of my gay youth. He wasn't nearly as innocent as I was, although he was innocent in the way all seventeen-year-old boys are innocent, meaning he hadn't been alive long enough to experience a hell of a lot yet... he'd just experienced a lot more than I had at the time we were together.

Robby, on the other hand, is the most important person I've had serious sexual relations with, but then he's not a buddy sex buddy. Robby's my lover so his importance in my life is a very different thing. My brother is also in a totally different category, different from all of them, including Robby. Chub's significance in my life is unparalleled although it had little to do with making out, kissing, or having sex. It had to do with everything else.

And, no, I don't think it's all about me! I am the only one, however, who was in a position to form these opinions. I think I was a very good buddy sex buddy to everyone I consider a buddy sex buddy, but the keywords here are 'I think!'. My buddy sex buddies are the ones to ask how well I've done in those regards.

Anyway, Robby's at the ballpark presently and therefore not here. He's with the baseball team's batting coaches and the other baseball team mentors. They're all probably having a good time talking baseball and watching videos of the young freshman trying to hit college pitching, and breaking each others balls about it, and in general doing all that jock shit. They're having a good time I'm sure, but not as good a time as I'm having.

As I said, the sheets smell strongly and sexily of Danny and that's a good thing. His pillowcase smells faintly of marijuana and cigarette smoke which for some reason I'm finding sexy and that reminds me of the fantasy I made up while sitting on the barber stool waiting for Danny to do my haircut. I fantasized Danny and I fucking last night with his long hair dragging across my face smelling faintly of marijuana and cigarette smoke. It smells like that for real right now too.

That doesn't bother me at all, and the fact Danny hasn't showered today doesn't bother me either. I'm glad he didn't shower because he smells strongly of himself as opposed to smelling faintly of soap and shampoo. Not showering wouldn't necessarily be an especially good thing if Danny didn't have a very nice and sexy personal scent, but he does... so it is a good thing. As a matter of fact, when a person with a nice sexy personal scent like Danny's hasn't yet reached the body odor stage, that's when they smell the sexiest if you ask me... and Danny's right there right now.

The human body, all animals' bodies actually, excrete chemicals in the form of scent that others can detect. These scents are called pheromones and there are not only sex pheromones but others too, like alarm pheromones or food trail pheromones and other I've forgotten. Danny's commented positively many times about my personal scent, a scent I've noticed myself. Yeah, I picked up a habit from a hot sexy kid years ago, and I can't seem to break myself of it. It's the habit of unconsciously smelling the back of my hand or wrist, especially when I'm in a fog or thinking deeply about something. Our personal scents are in our skin and, like almost everything about us, we literally had nothing to do with it. We're born the way we're born, some luckier than others although it's a matter of opinion who the luckier ones actually are.

Very little of any of this matters right now, however. What matters is that Danny and I are in a serious sexual heat for one another. We're both still a little tired and hung-over, Danny more so than me in both areas, but somehow that lessens inhibitions which can be a good thing when having sex. Also, I've already been stimulated sexually by my stupid haircut fetish and from Danny fucking me awesomely forty-five minutes ago, which was sort of inevitable once we got in bed together.

Like Robby, Danny's stronger than me which is good because, well, I like being sort of dominated during sexual interaction. That special kissing Danny started us off with, however, has me overly rambunctious and I find myself grinning and scrambling on top of him. I want to try my own pretty good kissing technique which results in our teeth scraping together while both my hands grab fistfuls of Danny long hair, still faintly smelling of cigarette and marijuana smoke as I think I mentioned once or twice before.

His hair hasn't been cut since the middle of last summer and at that time it was cut in that ludicrous style with the sides 'faded' really short but the hair on top of his head not cut much at all. There's was a big mop of hair on top of Danny's head after that last haircut and now, three months later the side hairs and back hairs have grown out almost two inches and his hair on top, that was long to start with, is now two inches longer. It's quite a great bunch of hair to grab a fistful of and Danny's hair is like mine in that when it gets long it gets wavy. It looks cool on him and feels silky in between my fingers.

Danny's probably surprised I've gotten on top of him because my rambunctiousness is out of character for me... I'm usually the submissive one. He moves his head to the side pulling his mouth away from mine looking a little shocked as he's gasping in air and then grunting, "Oooh, fuck. What are you doing?" He takes in another big lungful of oxygen with his chest rising under me as I've shimmied up to sit on his chest now, a knee on either side of him. My fists still have bunches of his hair pulling his head back on the pillow. I have him momentarily under my control and a 'topping' thought skitters across my brain. A thought that is quickly rejected because there's no way I want to pass up the chance for a second fuck from him this afternoon.

Nope, Danny and I don't do 'it' often enough for me to pass up on this opportunity. Our first fuck as I said was uber hot, but too quickly over. My passing thought of 'topping' can't compare to the thought of his hard cock going up my ass again. Still, it is fun sitting on him and looking down at his cute face. Oops, there's a drop of blood at the side of his puffy pink lips. I guess I accidentally cut his bottom lip with my teeth during, what's turned into a wild make-out. Sorry about that.

The only bad part about this situation is we're both still wearing underpants. My jockey underpants are stuck to my buttocks with cum that drooled out after the earlier sex. Danny partially wiped some of his cum off my ass before pulling my underpants up earlier, but more cum has leaked out after that very considerate move on his part. The underwear Danny's wearing, a pair of boxer shorts, has dried cum around the fly. He never pulled his boxers down earlier... he fucked me with his cock sticking out the slit in front which is, as I just mentioned, called a 'fly' for reasons unknown.

Anyway, in my temporary dominant position sitting on Danny's chest, I yank on his long hair and mutter, "I gotta tell you, you are a sexy thing, Danny Monday, and you make my dick get so hard it aches. Just thought I'd let you know." His chest rises again as he takes another deep breath and then he says, "Thanks for telling me, but I already knew that" and then, like he's surprised, he adds, "This isn't lover's sex." I chuckle and mutter, "No shit," and then pull on his hair some more before leaning my head down and licking across his mouth and then up the front of his nose, my nose getting close to his hair; his brown hair that I have stretched back from his hairline. I mumble, "Your hair is wavy and it smells faintly of cigarette and marijuana smoke."

Danny snickers and murmurs, "That's because I was smoking pot and cigarettes with the other derelicts at your party last night. I had a very good time by the way," and then he adds, "In case you don't know, you're going to make me cum if you do much more of that sexy licking on my mouth and nose," and then he snorts through his nose blowing a fine spray of the saliva I left there. I chuckle as I look at the beads of perspiration forming on his forehead. He's so sexy looking I lick across his forehead tasting his salty sweat and then lift up on my knees a little because my boner is pointing straight out trapped in the front of my jockey shorts. I'm hoping it will slip to the side if I move my hips, but it stays put.

Jesus, that's a tight boner! I might cum myself if I'm not careful. I mean, Omigod, Danny's scent is like an aphrodisiac to me and I can still smell him from my close encounters with his face as I was licking him. I move my hips again without getting my boner to move. Damn, I don't want to let go of Danny's hair because as soon as I do, he'll turn the tables on me. I ease down off my knees, sitting on Danny's chest again and now my boner is pointing out so far it almost pokes his chin. He goes, "What's wrong with this picture, baby?" I shake my head, muttering, "Nothing," and I take a chance letting go of his hair with my right hand so I can push my boner over to the side a little.

Danny immediately begins struggling to try to roll us over on our sides. I yank on his hair again to get him to stop and he yells, "Ow, Goddammit, Dylan!" I let up on the hair pulling but keep my fist full of his wavy brown hair, as he says, "So, you don't see anything's wrong with this picture, huh? Let me show you." Ignoring me pulling his hair, he grabs me under both arms and with a mighty heave of his body I go over on my side, almost off the bed except Danny's keeps hold of me and pulls me over and then he sits on my chest, asking, "How'd you like that?" Looking up at him, I go, "Did you know your mouth has many different shades of pink in it? It's very clean looking and whaddaya use to get your teeth so sparkling white?" He laughs out loud as he's getting hold of both my wrists and spreading my arms out flat on the mattress. Oh no, I'm dominated again! My boner is stretching my jockey shorts up against the back of his buttocks as he sits on my chest with his knees on either side of me.

Just for the fuck of it, I struggle and kick my legs out but it only makes him laugh and then he lowers his head and puts his awesomely clean-looking tongue in my mouth and slide it on my tongue and then across my front teeth. In my mind, I'm exaggerating how dominating Danny's being. I don't need to exaggerate how sexy his tongue in my mouth is. I'm lying here very docilely for him as Danny finishes his tongue action with a sloppy kiss and finishes that by sucking on my top lip, pulling it away from my teeth. Oh fuck, I love his mouth on mine. He's leaning over me holding my arms out by the wrist, his head above mine about a foot or so and he looks good enough to eat. He murmurs, "Ah, I see you've surrendered yourself to me again. That's my good boy." I nod my head wanting it to be true.

I like imagining Danny being this bad-ass macho extremely dominant sex buddy. That's a stretch though as I'm looking up at his cute face, one of the few faces of guys our age that still looks kinda like a kid. And, his so-called beard consists of some fine wavy brown hairs at the bottom of his chin and a little along his jaw and under his sideburns. He has a mustache like mine, it stops at the end of his upper lip... soft wavy quarter-inch hairs that are not at all like a bristly-feeling real beard. Our so-called beards can more often be seen on the faces of seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys than twenty-two-year-old young men, but whaddya gonna do? It is what it is... there's no fighting nature.

Still, I have a good imagination and can conjure up in my head Danny being a bad-ass macho dominant sex buddy. I do that by concentrating on his bicep muscles in his upper arms and the well-defined muscles of his pecs or pectoralis major as bodybuilders know those muscles as. Whatever you choose to call them, Danny's are hard and make-up most of his hairless chest. The rest of his chest consists of two sexy-looking nipples. And then there are Danny's wide shoulders so, yeah, with a little imagination Danny could be a bad-ass dominant sex buddy. Of course, it'd help if he'd get a couple of tats and a few piercings...none of which he has. I'm glad I have mine although I'm not getting any more. Mine are discrete and just right the way they are.

Danny drops his head again, his wavy bangs sliding against my forehead as his tongue licks my lips and then he does his incredible sexy kiss again. It lasts maybe fifteen seconds and a funny sound comes from his throat when he takes his lips away. I felt his very hard cock poke my stomach when he leaned over to lick my face, returning the favor of me licking his face three minutes ago and now I let out a funny sound of my own followed by a gasp and a shoulder shudder. Danny's face is just above mine as he grins and murmurs, "We're actually made for each other, Dylan... you'll eventually see that."

All I can do is bite my bottom lip and look at him. Jesus, it's so crazy how incredibly sexy I think he is. But why didn't I think that before this past summer? And with him hovering over me like this his stronger scent is flooding my olfactory glands making me a little dizzy. Oh shit! I just noticed his boner has made its way out the slit in his boxer shorts. That's what poked my stomach! I murmur, "All kidding aside, Danny, I'm gonna cum for real this time." Moaning quietly again, I hump a little with my hips, my eyes closed with me making a whining moan, expecting to climax and not caring if I do. I go, "Aaaaa, oooh, ummm," but I don't cum. It's like I need to climax, but I can't.

Danny does another lick across my lips and then deposits a lot of saliva at the front of my nostrils licking right up against the front. It's startling so I open my eyes seeing him grinning. He says, "You thought you were gonna cum, huh?" I've got a goofy expression on my face, sort of embarrassed for acting like a sex novice, like a beginner experimenting with my gay friend for the first time. He laughs again, saying, "You almost shot your load from me kissing you... really?" Wow, he looks so handsome with his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead and his eyes shining. He goes, "Seriously, baby, I've never been with anyone who I can get aroused as easily as you." I can still see tiredness in those shining eyes of his.

Anyway, I let his last bragging comment pass because I don't want to talk. I'm feeling too dreamily submissive. I just shake my head which isn't as easy as it sounds because when Danny dragged me over after turning the tables on me, my head ended crookedly half on and half off his pillow. He goes, "Oh, so you're not talking now, huh? Well, maybe I can help you cum," and he lets go of my wrists and slides backward off me to get a hand under each of my legs and then lifts them as he's muttering, "Hold your legs back for me, baby." I get an arm around my legs pulling them toward me as Danny's pulling the waistband at the back of my jockey underpants, stretching it until it's off my butt cheeks. The front of my jockey shorts is way too tight now, still covering my boner and its two friends, my nuts. It's wicked uncomfortable but I can't pull the front waistband away from my stomach enough to do anything about it. Plus, I feel the cooler air on my asshole now and that's got my attention. Not that the room's especially cool, it's not, but it's cooler than my body temperature by about twenty degrees.

Danny shuffles forward on his knees and grabs hold of my hips and then, just like earlier, he plugs the head of his boner right in past my sphincter muscle, no hesitation! We both go, "Oooh!" There's plenty of lube in my rectum from our first fuck plus some of Danny's cum so no problems as far as that goes. No problem as far as anything goes because my asshole, my anus specifically, is more willing to accommodate Danny's boner. It'd been worked over forty-five minutes ago and readily expands for Danny's boner this time.

I go, "Ummmm, feels good already, Danny!" His head, the one on his neck, goes back as Danny's moaning now too, "Mmmm, yeah, this does feel good, baby," and he shuffles minimally closer to my ass on his knees and then leans forward pushing the rest of his six-plus-inch boner all the way up my ass. My back arches a little while my arms go around Danny's back pulling him over me so now his head is partially over mine and the long wavy hairs of his bangs, still smelling faintly of cigarette and marijuana smoke, drag across my face to make the fantasy I had while sitting on the barber stool come true... twelve hours late.

Immediately, also like last time, Danny begins thrusting hard and fast with the same sounds of his crotch smacking against my buttocks, "Slapslapslap," ringing in our ears. We're rocking on the bed together groaning and moaning... the sensations we're experiencing are happening like always... the way they should. Fabulous anal-sex sensations in my rectum and I can only imagine the awesome vibrating sensations that Danny's hard fast moving cock is giving him... mutual pleasure, what could be better?

Quickly there's sensory overload for me with my boner throbbing nicely although it's still caught in the front of my jockey underpants. I've been aroused aplenty this afternoon and not just by our earlier sex, although that is still in my head. Then there's Danny's strong sexy scent all around me on the bed and on Danny himself plus his hair dragging on my face with every thrust, but that's not all I'm dealing with, I was also highly aroused by the haircutting Danny did this afternoon topped off by my own haircut that had my cock hard as a rock for the entire ten minutes the haircut lasted, plus the memory of it still lingers and now every nerve ending in my rectum has exploded with more sexual pleasure sensations than you'd think possible and all I can do is hug around Danny's back, keep my legs back, and lie here under him moaning with pleasure and letting Danny do all the heavy lifting again.

Each hard thrust moves both of us slightly back toward the small headboard on this smallish dormitory bed. In addition to the 'Slap,slap,slap," sounds and my moans, 'Umm, umm, umm, umm, Danny, ooh ooh," there's Danny's alternating moans of sexual pleasure and grunts from the exertion he's putting into this sex act. I can't see his face now as he's dropped his head and I'm looking mostly the top of his head and all that wavy long brown hair is now sliding across my mouth and chin and, of course, I can also see his sexy wide shoulders but mostly it's his ridiculously hard boner plowing my ass just about as good as it can be done that has my attention.

Sweat droplets begin hitting my chest as Danny's getting sweatier and sexier the harder he thrusts that awesome hard cock of his. Oh yeah, this is another excellent hard fast fucking that has my skin feeling alive and my prostate gland apoplectic with sizzling pleasure vibrations, plus all around my tightly stretched asshole there's that incredible itchy buzzing sensation that needs scratching and the friction from Danny's hard cock moving back and forth is fulfilling that need perfectly and deliciously. I shudder and shake and moan until everything blends together and its pleasure beyond words... but then here comes the bully, the climax bully-train roaring onto the scene like a powerful locomotive and it's demanding my attention and, of course, getting it too.

An impending orgasmic climax is an intense sensation that more often than not arrives earlier than I'd like. It's the rude guest who arrives too early for dinner but he's brought with him an irresistible dessert that's so inviting you wanna eat it before dinner. The climax to this 'dinner', the icing on the cake, is sexual orgasmic climax! Its tantalizing offerings become impossible to resist and I want it now and get desperate and slightly out of control scratching my fingernails on Danny's back and struggling on the mattress attempting to hump my hips at Danny's thrusting while whining sounds are coming from my throat.

Then, closing in on panic, I get frantic for my dessert, my climax, and completely forget about everything except getting it, and then... "Aeeeeiiii!!!" from me as cum rushes up my super sensitized quivering hard boner to escape into the world only to be stopped by the material of my overly tight underpants that imprison it... cum zooms up and out in a flash soaking my jockey underwear as the universe stops moving for some seconds, me with my eyes wide, holding my breath while shuddering at the scary but thrilling intensity until, "Ooooh," almost relief when everything storms back into my world brighter and more real than ever with shivers caused by the after-effects of climax that streak buzzingly around my groin with my shoulders doing their shuddering against the mattress.

It's magical and now I hear Danny's gasping for oxygen as he normally does after climax, a climax that I wasn't aware he had. He's smiling and pushing his hair out of his eyes, obviously pleased with how things turned out... me too. I stretch my legs out on either side of Danny feeling so good it's almost shocking. I don't know why I should be shocked though because it always feels really, really good. More smiles from Danny as he puts his hand flat on his chest, mumbling, "My heart's beating like a fucking drum. How about yours?" I nod, "Yep," and then he scrunches up his face, and moans, "Ummmm," as he's pulling his stone boner out of my ass. That gives me a few more sizzles of pleasure and my shoulders do a mini-shudder. Danny shuffles backward on his knees, his cock still hard but now slimy and shiny with cum and lubricant.

Sitting up and back on his ankles, Danny takes another deep breath and then says, "That wasn't lover's sex." Again I mutter, "No shit," and we both laugh. He goes, "Didn't we have this conversation one or two times already?" and he lunges forward to land on top of me, saying, "Do you love me yet?" I go, "Aw, c'mon Danny, don't ruin everything," and he starts trying to turn me over, saying, "I'm not ruining anything." I wrestle back in earnest now as we both try getting one another in a headlock. My underpants slide partly over my buttocks but they're still only partially covering my ass as cum drools out soaking through the waistband and drooling on the bottom sheet as we're wrestling and giggling like children. Danny's cum, drooling from my ass is getting on things and us, plus his bare cock is making a mess on the bed as well.

Danny finally gets leverage and flips me. We titter on the edge of the bed a second and then both fall off landing on Speck's throw rug "Thunk!" I go, "Umph!" and Danny does a quiet, "Ow," and then laughs before asking, "You okay, Dylan." I go, "Oh fuck, I think so," and crawl out from under him, adding, "You landed on me!" He goes, "I did not! I landed on my side and so did you," and he smacks my ass, SMACK!" and then pulls my underpants the rest of the way off my ass and I go, "No," and then feel the head of his cock in my ass again and freeze. I don't move a muscle 'cause it feels so good. Danny says, "Just stay like that," and he moves up on his knees with the head of his boner joined by an inch of shaft going up my ass. I'm partly on my hands and knees as Danny's gripping my hips and then he tightly slides the rest his boner back up my ass. We're docked and locked together again and I moan with my back arching as he snickers, saying, "You can't fucking resist me, can you?"

He's getting himself better situated behind me as I do my docile act waiting to be fucked again. Well, it's not really an act, I actually am docile waiting for Danny to start and what's wrong with that? Plus, it feels sexy being filled-up back there with a hard cock. Danny goes, "Ow," and then laughs, muttering, "Fuck, I hit my foot on the leg of the metal bed frame." Another smack on my ass, "SMACK" and he says, "Drop your head," I lower my head and he goes, "More, down to the rug... and get that ass of yours up." He's chuckling and having fun but I chose, in my head, to take him seriously like he's being a serious bad-ass dominant 'top'. I rest my forehead on my arms that are lying flat on the rug. That's close enough to what I was told to do. Heh heh, I did what he said because that's what a bad-ass stud dominant sex partner would expect! In Danny's case, minus his chuckling. He's obviously kidding around but I'm pretending he's a tough dom.

What he isn't kidding around about is his hard and fast fucking that he starts doing now and it's the same "Slapalspslap," sounds of males fucking all over again. It's a continuation of the earlier hard fast fucking "Slapslapslap!" sounds... and Omigod how good it feels in my ass.

I'm beginning to wonder the same thing about Danny as I've been wondering about Robby, and it's that I don't think either of them is getting enough side sex... if any. Wait a second... if I'm Danny's side sex buddy, then who's his primary sex partner? I mean now that Hayden's in California. Yeah, but Danny did allude to other sex partners during his 'talk' with me before he did my haircut. Hmmm, I don't know what to think.

That thought flew by my brain in one-half-second though if that long and then I'm right back thinking only about how really, really good Danny's cock is fucking my ass. As I said before, his cock fits my ass perfectly in every way. He's told me basically the same thing, but in reverse. A few minutes of energetic humping has Danny gasping and sucking air 'cause he's finally gotta be getting tired. Hard fast fucking takes a lot of energy. I've been docilely absorbing all the pleasure sensations and just sort of swooning in a dreamy state so I'm not tired at all. I'm hoping this will be a long one but Danny's 'gassed' after five minutes. He stops and takes a few deep breaths like he always does, before saying, "How about if you get up and lie your chest on the mattress, babe? That way I can stand."

I start to get up before realizing he means without his cock coming out, so I do everything slowly with Danny still holding onto my hips and sort of guiding me, murmuring, "Good, um, no, slower now... hold up a second and let me get off my knees." I drop down on the bed, my feet on the floor, my chest and face on the mattress, my ass held up, and do it all with Danny's boner still impaling me. He goes, "Good, this is better," and he begins thrusting again. Yeah, this feels really good at a little different angle for that hard cock of his to hit inside my rectum... oh fuck, that's right on my prostate!

My face is on the fitted sheet where Danny's scent is strong but I want more so I reach over and pull the pillow over to my face and inhale the faint scent of the smoky smelling pillowcase again. Haha, that's goofy I know because normally I don't like how marijuana smoke smells but somehow the scent transferring from Danny's hair to the pillowcase makes it seem nice and sexy.

Danny keeps it up for another minute but he's probably not feeling any closer to another orgasm than I am. He goes, "Damn, Dylan, do you mind if we just get back in bed? If we have the time I promise we'll finally have perfect lover's sex a little later." I go, "No problem," and he pulls out his cock leaving my asshole wide open back there as it always is after getting fucked this much. That doesn't feel great afterward, but I'm not a complainer.

I crawl back onto the bed while Danny tries straightening out the bedding that got tangled up during our wrestling match ten minutes ago. He's like, "You make my dick feel good, Dylan. I swear to God; your ass fits my dick like a fucking glove. Is it okay if on a cold night this winter we sleep together with my dick in your rear-end-glove keeping it nice and warm and cozy."? Snickering, I go, "Sure." When he's back in bed and under the covers, Danny says, "Let me hug you, baby, and if it won't upset you I might take a short nap now." Yeah, well, that was the original plan.

I mutter "just a second," as I'm taking off my cum soaked underpants. Getting ready to toss them on the floor, I mumble, "Can I borrow a pair of your underpants before I leave?" Danny yawns and then he yawns again and mutters, "I'll get you a pair of Speck's boxer shorts from the hamper. He only wears his underpants one or two days," I laugh, and Danny grins as I'm tossing my underpants near the desk chair. He rubs my head, murmuring, "Damn, every fucking time I see you with this haircut I'm gonna spring a boner. As if you weren't hot and sexy looking enough before I gave you this flattop! Balls, now the fucking straight guys are gonna be hitting on you too!"

I wasn't listening too closely to him because I'm on my stomach trying not to be obvious about moving my hips side to side wiping some of my own cum off on the sheet and thinking how good my junk feels as I'm doing this. Danny goes, "Hey you! Did ya hear what I said?" I'm like, "Huh?" and he rubs my head again, saying, "Your new flattop, the real flattop this time. It looks so cool on you the straight boys are gonna be hitting on you now... that's how irresistibly sexy you are with that haircut." One of the few really good things about this haircut is you can't mess it up. It stays like it is, so Danny rubbing my head is no problem... anybody rubbing my head is no problem, almost anybody.

Sliding toward Danny, and away from the wet area on the sheet, I sarcastically say, "Oh, I'm so sure I look better with this haircut." He goes, "You do and you know it!" I mutter, "I'll settle for guys not pointing at me and guffawing." Danny mutters, "Fuck a whole bunch of guffawing, baby." We're quiet for a minute as Danny settles down for a nap. I bump his arm, saying, in a serious tone of voice, "You're not serious about me getting this haircut every two weeks, are you?" He tightens his arms around me pulling me tighter against him, mumbling, "Well, yeah. You already agreed to cooperate with that and I know you'll keep your word." He kisses my head and adds, "But, because I love you, I'll buy the unscented hairspray for next time." We both snuggle a little more as I decide to take a page out of Danny's communication guidebook and ignore what I don't want to hear, meaning what he just said. Instead, I murmur, "This feels nice and cozy, Danny," and it does too.

Yeah, Danny has a very nice body to snuggle with. His body is hard in a lot of places and, no, I don't mean that place. I mean his muscles are hard and there's nice definition to them as well. Not overly done though, not like weightlifters' muscles although Danny lifts some weight too I guess. Whatever, like Robby, when Danny relaxes, his muscles relax too. The only drawbacks to our cozy position are a few wet cum spots under us. They came from our wrestling, cum oozing from the front and back of my cum soaked underpants that I've since tossed on the floor.

I quietly say, "Get a little rest, Danny, and maybe you'll be able to think more clearly about the two-week bullshit you..." But I stop talking because, ha, Danny's already out. He crashed like a light switch clicked off. Lying here I'm thinking... gee, this afternoon wasn't as good as last time. I didn't expect it would be but it's been pretty good and maybe it's not over. Oh fuck though, I keep forgetting about the time-factor. Without moving too much, I get my arm free of Danny's so I can check my watch and see it's now three-fifteen. If Danny's right about Rob's meeting lasting two hours, we've got forty-five minutes left... and Danny's probably going to sleep through all of it.

It's been a good time though. What the hell am I talking about 'good'? It's been great! Two fucks, two and a half actually, although they were kinda quick, especially the first one. But still, get serious... that's a pretty damn good afternoon. I reach up and feel my head and smirk thinking, maybe everything hasn't been great. Gee though, I'm much more okay with this haircut that I thought I'd be. I'm thinking the same thing I thought earlier, that I'm okay with it because Robby encouraged me to get it and because Danny did such a professional job of it, and for another thing, Danny likes me with this haircut, OBVIOUSLY! Haha! So, who doesn't like it? I guess nobody.

I suppose I'm a little vain about my appearance but not so much that it's bothersome. Sure, I try looking as good as I can, like choosing clothes I think are cool. Hell, I dressed up to go home, my other home. I cared what his parents thought of me while Rob just threw on whatever was handy. Me, I care what almost everybody thinks, even when I don't even fucking know them. Is that a bad thing? I don't know if it's particularly bad, but it's probably not good. Looking at Danny now, I'm like... is he dead? He doesn't make any sound at all while sleeping and he must breathe very shallowly. Putting my hand on his chest I feel a good strong heartbeat but his chest barely moves as he's breathing.

Danny's not vain! Christ, sometimes I think he might be colorblind considering the things he wears! And that scraggly beard of his! As I said, there isn't much of it, but it could still use some attention once in a while. He hasn't shaved in I don't remember when, but that's not because he thinks it's a fashion statement. He doesn't give a shit about that; he's lazy about shaving. And his hair is way too long although he kinda looks like a rock star... not that that's necessarily a good thing unless you're making millions to justify that 'look'.

Robby's more like me I think. Yeah, and I don't see that as a negative. Anyway, I'm apparently not vain enough to be concerned about the haircut Danny gave me. I'm going back to my earlier thoughts about this flattop... it's okay for the reasons I came up with back then. I reach up and feel the bristly hairs sticking straight up off my head and get a tremor in my dick. See, that's a side benefit only I know about. I'm referring to my haircut fetish. It was in high gear while Danny was giving me this haircut... wicked high gear, and it will be every time he does it too.

Dammit though, it doesn't appear I'm going to drift off to sleep. And then I must have because someone's cell phone is ringing and I'm waking up because of it. A quick glance at my wristwatch tells me it's ten-after-four. That's probably my phone and it's its probably Robby calling to say he's done and I should pick him up.

Danny and I rolled apart slightly as we slept so I easily slide off my side of the bed and pick my pants up off the floor. I get my phone out of the side pocket but it's stopped ringing. Huh, Robby probably left a message on my voice mail. I check and, yep, he did. He wants me to call him and when I do he answers, "Hi, Dylan, um, don't pick me up, babe. Coach Davis is taking us mentors out with the batting coach, Coach Nickerbocker, for a few beers at Rolf's Bar." I go, "Jeez, I'll bet that's the last thing you feel like doing after last night, huh?" Robby goes, "Yes, what I'd like to do is take a nap." I chuckle, "That's what I was doing when you called. Danny fell asleep so I figured, why not?" That's very close to the absolute truth too... minus some minor details

I hear some shouting in the background and Robby goes, "Oh, no! Coach just bought a round of shots. Goddammit, I know that asshole Murphy talked Coach into it... fuck!" I mutter, "Ew, a shot makes me thinking of puking." Rob goes, "Um, look, babe, I'll get a ride from someone. I'll see you at the apartment later, okay?" I go, "Sure," and he's like, "They're ordering pizzas here so I won't need much if anything for dinner." I nod my head, not that Rob can see me do that, and mutter, "Okay, see you back at the apartment, um, whenever."

Huh, I look over and see Danny's eyes are open. He asks, "What'd Rob say?" I tell him as I'm getting back in bed. Danny goes, "Good," and pulls me over to him, murmuring, "Let's try to sleep a little longer." It does feel awfully nice in bed like this and I guess I could go for some more nap time. College students are world-class nappers. Danny snuggles as good as Robby and, damn, I love being embraced the way those two guys do it. Danny squeezes me against him and then lets up but keeps his arms around my waist. I'm naked, of course, my cum soaked jockey underwear is now up against one of the desk chair's legs.

Danny's lips are against my ear, murmuring, 'Your penis is sticky." It's against the side of his leg just below his boxer shorts. I go, "You never took off your underpants, did you?" He chuckles and goes, "Nope, I invaded your cute ass through the fly of these slightly ragged underpants and I did it three times already and now I'm thinking I'm gonna go for number four after resting a bit longer." My hand slides across his stomach... oh, his stomach is hard too. I ask, "Are you flexing your stomach muscles?" He laughs and goes, 'Yes I am. I'm trying to impress you." Getting my leg between his legs I roll onto half his body, chest to chest like this afternoon, and then lay the side of my face on his shoulder, mumbling, "How long can you keep flexing?"

Letting out his held breath I feel his stomach relax as he says, "That long," and he squeezes me across my back pressing me against his chest. Fuck, I know I'm encouraging him and I shouldn't be doing that, but I like this a lot and hardly ever get a chance to be with anybody other than Robby; since last year! I love Robby and everything about our intimate times together but what's wrong with sharing someone else's body occasionally? I mean if it's just harmless sexy fun.

Danny quietly says, "Let's not talk right now. Fifteen more minutes of sleep is all I need." I nod my head on his shoulder. The problem is I'm not sure doing this with Danny qualifies as harmless sexy fun. It's sexy fun alright, but it's the other part I'm becoming concerned about. Man, I gotta admit I'm more deeply involved with him than I ever expected to be. My fun and games 'crush' on him all summer seemed harmless and even Robby thought it was funny. The problem is Danny isn't interested in the 'harmless' part and he's apparently not going to be deterred from making his case. He's never been one, in my experience with him anyway, he's not really big on taking 'no' for an answer.

I think he's sleeping again but it's hard to tell. Lightly scraping the back of my fingernails across his stomach down near his belly button gets no response so I guess he is sleeping. When he says he's going to rest... BOOM, he's asleep just like that. And then I must have fallen asleep again too because it 'feels' later somehow when I hear Danny coughs and I open my eyes. He sits up, saying, "Holy shit, what a fucked up dream I just had!" Checking my watch I see it's now four-forty-five. Yeah, I guess I did fall asleep. I go, "What was your dream about?" He looks at me, "Oh, you weren't in it, Dylan." He gets out of bed, saying, "I gotta piss. Don't go anywhere." He steps into his pants and goes out the door barefoot and shirtless.

Telling me I wasn't in the dream isn't exactly telling me what the dream was about. I pull the pillow over, the only one on the bed, and hug it and smell it while thinking I need to get out of this bed and get fucking dressed, and I mean right now! Rob is so trusting. He didn't even ask what Danny and I have been doing all afternoon. Goddammit, I need to show some of my famous willpower and leave before Danny decides he's finally going to do that lover's sex he's been talking about all afternoon. I squeeze my buttocks muscles to see if my rectum is sore. It's not. Well, time-wise, we've actually only been screwing for maybe ten minutes... tops! Quick orgasms prevented anything longer and then after the first two, it was too soon for a third orgasm.

Danny's back in less than five minutes and he takes three big steps and goes airborne landing on the bed grabbing me and pulling my face against his, murmuring, "I love you," and then he lets go of me and pulls off his pants, saying, "Henry Fipps got a text from Specks..." I go, "What?" and Danny's like, "Hey, I'll bet a text from him is on my phone too. He, Specks, not Henry, isn't coming back tonight... so do you wanna spend the night with me?" Is he delusional? I go, "Are you delusional, Danny? I live with my boyfriend, Robert Dickers. He and I are true lovers and we have been for years." Danny nods his head, "Yeah, I know. Can you spend the night though? You can tell Rob something, um... your stomach is upset and you don't want to get out of bed, or... ya know, tell him you're in Speck's bed." I cannot fucking believe him... oh, haha, I see he's trying not to laugh.

Flopping on my back, I go, "Ya got me there. One point for you." He grins, "Ya can't stay the night? Is that what I'm hearing?" He gets his arms around me again as he's kicking his legs under the cover, saying, "Can you reach down and pull the covers the rest of the way up for me, baby?" I do that, saying, "Don't call me baby." He goes, "Okay," and rolls on top of me and then gives me a kiss that turns into one of his magical kisses. That leads to more of them as he slides off me and gets us on our sides as I'm kissing back. We do it for quite some time too. My hands are all over him as he's rubbing his hands up the back of my head and lightly squeezing my balls and then stroking my hard cock and then gently pushing my head back so he can lick my neck and under my chin and then along my jaw and across to my lips again for another long delicious slow kiss.

I'm a cloud floating on a gentle breeze allowing myself to absorb everything that feels good. Danny's fingers are lightly rubbing all around my hairless groin and under me, then he's squeezing my butt cheeks and then a finger goes in my ass and he moves down the bed to kiss my belly with little kisses leaving me paralyzed with shivers of pleasure as the finger he has in my ass moves over my prostate until I'm shaking. I lie docilely here, shaking, as he takes my hard cock in his mouth and sucks it and licks it, my fingers play with his long hair and then my boner is out of his mouth and he's licking my balls and then he moves one of my legs so he can lick over my asshole and then he rims my ass with me moaning and not even knowing where I am.

When he lifts one of my legs I automatically pull both back as he rustles around getting on his knees and then his hard boner enters me slowly. He fucks me slowly until I feel like we're floating again. It's a slow easy fuck with Danny's hands rubbing up my stomach ever so lightly and then up my sides and up the back of my legs, light feathery finger-rubs mixed in unexpectedly with some harder rubbing but always the steady slow thrusting of his boner, his hips moving slowly and lazily but with constant perfect rhythm until I feel like crying at how good every part of me feels and then in an instant it's on me. My climax snuck up on me and now it's a powder keg and I feel I can't contain it another second. And then I can't as I squeal with cum shooting straight up and then again and again with me levitating off the bed, Danny coming with me. Not great quantities of spunk but the intensity was insane and I'm shaking so much now Danny lays on top of me and talks quietly, the words not registering but the sound is soothing and then we're just lying here with me shaky still, but our bodies seem to meld together and I totally relax with Danny doing more gentle touching and quietly murmuring words of love that float around me like dust moats in a ray of light.

Coming out of my almost hypnotized state of mind slowly, I need to take a few deep breaths as my body calms down completely and I realize cum dropped on my legs at some point. Danny's still lying on me, the side of our faces together and now I recognize his scent as well as his steady breathing and realize his cock is out of my ass. I have no idea when he climaxed but I know he did because his cum is drooling out of my ass again and pooling under my buttocks.

His arm is partially around my head, his hand on my flattop haircut. I'm surprised to find my arms are around his back. Finally, he asks, "Am I too heavy for you, baby?" We're sticky with sweat and semen but I don't detect the beginnings of BO on either of us, so that's good. I murmur, "Oh man, Danny. That was, um, not something we should be doing. I don't think it's, um... well, no, that's not what I mean, um..." and he goes, "Shhh," and we lay here like this for another minute before I say, "Yes, you are too heavy," and, as he slides off with his sloppy cock dragging across my right thigh. I take another deep breath and then sigh, but don't say what I'm thinking, which is ... that was fabulous!

Danny says, "Well, I'm gonna take a shower now. I'm having dinner with a couple of guys at the dining hall in half an hour. Roast beef tonight." I don't say anything and he grins, saying, "And, no, you can't take a shower with me." I say too loudly, "I know that!' and then quieter, I add, "I don't wanna take a shower in a fucking communal shower anyway. I've got a private shower at the apartment."

He rubs my head smiling at me and then sits up chuckling and saying, "Don't get mad at me just because you let yourself enjoy our lover's sex." He's off the bed now looking through a pile of dirty clothes until he holds up a towel, saying, "This was only used once... so don't think I'm a slob." He drapes the towel over the back of the desk chair and comes over to sit on the bed with his hand on my shoulder, saying, "And, we are not going to let this wonderful day end with us being grumpy to one another. If I wanted to press the issue I could have stayed in bed and cuddled with you and you would have liked it, right?" I don't say or do anything so he adds, "Instead, I respected that you might feel you let yourself go too far so I got out of bed. I didn't want to but I did it for you."

Getting off the bed again, he starts putting various toilet articles in a plastic Ziploc bag looking at me every two seconds until I mutter, "Thank you for that. For not cuddling, I mean." He says, "You're welcome but we can't wait three weeks until we have another afternoon like this. Well, we won't need to wait three weeks anyway because you'll need a haircut in two weeks. That's how to keep that haircut fresh, but you already know that. I'm hoping we can somehow get together and have a sexy time this coming week but even if that doesn't work out, you'll be here in two weeks no matter what, right, baby." I nod, "Yeah, I guess, but stop calling me baby." He goes, "Ya know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking I won't make all of you six flattop boys wait for haircuts on a Saturday with the regular haircut guys. I'll have my regular barbershop day for the other guys, but you boys can come Sunday, just you six guys, and you'll go last after everyone else has left. That's a good plan, haha, and I just fucking made that up this second, baby. How do you like that?" I nod my head and he goes, "Anyway, follow-up haircuts for flattops will only take ten minutes each and then you and I can play sexily."

With a sigh, I get out of bed, asking, "How about a pair of underpants, Danny?" He nods at an open drawer on his and Speck's shared bureau. I look through the clothes coming up with boxer shorts. I hold them up and Danny nods, mumbling, "Sure, put those on." I do that, then put on my socks and pants. Picking up my shirt, Danny mutters, "Specks won't mind." I go, "Huh?" and he chuckles, saying, "You've got Speck's underpants on." I go, "You asshole! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He rubs my head, mumbling, "I'm fucking kidding you again... jeez, baby! Lighten up, okay?"

I'm a little discombobulated because I let myself enjoy and participate in our sex... sex that no one in their right mind would consider buddy sex. Still, Danny did cut it off short of the cuddling that normally goes on after lover's sex. Trying to sound friendly, I say, "I'm not grumpy and today was awesome, Danny. I hope we can have some sexy buddy sex fun next week too." He pats my shoulder, saying, "There ya go! Me too and we should be able to. We probably will and then, ya know, baseball practice ends the middle of October so we'll have even more opportunities then."

Pulling my shirt on over my head, I go, "I was serious earlier this afternoon, Danny. You know, when I said you are the best buddy sex partner I've ever had." That stretches the facts a little by ignoring the Willie-factor but Danny's been a really good guy today. He hunches his shoulders trying not to laugh and then he says, "No, seriously, baby, you keep saying it's buddy sex and maybe you can convince yourself into believing that's what we're doing, but I know better." I yell, "No, you don't! We're the greatest buddy sex buddies at Merrimack College and possibly the entire state of Massachusetts... that's what we are, and what we're doing is awesomely great buddy sex." He comes over carrying the Ziploc bag of toilet stuff, the used-once towel over his shoulder with flip-flops on his feet. He kisses my lips, saying, "Sure. You know I love you, baby. That's all I need right now, for you to know that. We'll get together next week definitely," and with one final head rub, he points at me as he's backing up toward the door, saying, "You and that fucking perfect haircut are perfect together! Perfect!" and he's out the door.

Feeling my hair for no reason, I take a big exasperated deep breath and look around the room. Jesus, will Danny change the sheets tonight, ya think? Walking out of his room I see some guys at the other end of the hall giggling and pouring a liquid that looks like Kool-Aid on someone's head. They pay no attention to me but, fuck, I'm glad I never had to spend a semester in a dormitory.

Going outside and then walking to the pickup I'm trying to decide how bad I was. Not really bad! Um, not bad but maybe less than good. Ya know, because, what'd I do that was so bad? I couldn't just jump out of bed when Danny was doing all those awesomely intimate things to me. Christ! I'm human and, anyway, everything would be peachy-fine except Danny wants it to be more than that.

Dammit though, I really don't want to put a damper on memories of this afternoon by over analyzing this as I do with everything. Yes, of course, I should have left when I first thought of it, and I would have except Danny came back too quickly. He doesn't ever come back from anywhere that quickly. Caught me off guard is all. If I had left I'd have missed out on that amazing climax though. Holy shit that was something... and the buildup was pretty spectacular too. Who woulda thought Danny was so, um, what? Was that romantic? It was a basic, sort of first level kind of lover's sex I gotta admit that. Okay, it was actually quite a step above first level I suppose. BUT, a one-sided sort of lover's sex because I didn't do very much. Well, yeah, I participated when appropriate but what was I supposed to do make Danny look like an ass by me being a cold fish? No, we're fine and that was fine too. Jeez, Robby even encouraged Danny and me to be buddy sex buddies last summer. Yeah, he sort of encouraged it by not discouraging it...

Driving off campus I'm looking forward to the sanctuary of our apartment where I'll curl up in a ball. No, I won't do that! Driving up to the first row of parking spaces and, of course, they're all occupied! It's close to dinner time on a Sunday night so everyone is home. Parking near the back I'm muttering under my breath walking to the apartment building. Tomorrow Robby will see where I parked and assume I didn't check the close spots. Jesus, life blows sometimes.

In the apartment, it hits me that while Robby and I worked our asses off cleaning this place, it still doesn't look totally put back together yet. I drink a whole bottle of water, all sixteen ounces realizing I'm hungry. First things first though. In the bathroom, I take a long piss and then drop my clothes on the floor and get the shower water flowing. When it's nice and hot I get under it and just let the water flow over me without thinking about anything... except I can't do that. I'm thinking how great the sex was this afternoon. We had that awesome kinda rough extemporaneous sex that Danny was a little dominant with. He only smacked my ass like two or three times this afternoon though, and I know why. It's because I yelled at him for overdoing the spanking last time. He could have done more than he did today though, but he was obviously hesitant to do that.

Oh man, both of those early hard and fast fucks were great and even the third half-a-fuck felt damn good too. His lover's sex or what he calls lover's sex was off the fucking charts. I guess I need to admit that. Really outstanding actually. Danny knows how to make a guy feel special. He sure does for me anyway. Squeezing out some shampoo I rub it in my hair and remember Danny gave me the same flattop he does for Carl and Pony. How'd I come around to being okay with that? I don't know... maybe because I don't think it's important. Well, actually, in the larger scheme of things it isn't. Haha, it feels fucking good to shampoo this short hair!

Taking my time I bathe myself really well, enjoying doing it and afterward I feel new and much more upbeat. I feel good which is exactly how the fuck I should feel after this afternoon. How often do I even have buddy sex anymore? It's not like I'm fucking around crazily like a teenager. God forbid I should enjoy myself. I'm still wicked young, just not as young as I used to be. Yeah, good talk, Dylan!

As I'm putting on clean comfy sweatpants and a top, I smile... hey, I'm good. Everything is good... be happy, asshole. And I am. Sitting on the sofa I check my text messages and there are nine of them. I don't feel like responding to any of them though and that makes me grin to myself because I had a rant with myself earlier about assholes who were too self-important to respond to text messages. Haha, well most of these are basically 'thank you' note texts for last night even if they are a bit insulting, ya know for humor purposes. Like, 'thanks for last night but your meatballs sucked'. That kind of thing. Well, what am I supposed to do, send 'you're welcome' texts? Fuck that.

I spend ten minutes moving the furniture six inches this way and so forth to satisfy my mind's eye of our apartment prior to last night. Then I try rubbing out some stains on the carpet. If I can't get them out the apartment complex assholes will try holding back money from our deposit. Surprisingly I have some success but I fear it's temporary. Nefarious stains sometimes look like you've got them out but when they dry you see them again. Some things are only in this world to bust your nuts. There's no other reason for them to exist except to bust your balls... like mosquitoes. What good are mosquitoes, or stains?

While looking through my backpack to be sure I've got everything for tomorrow I grin and nod my head... yes, Robby's conscientiousness is working on me. It's rubbing off on me finally! Haha. I'm on the balcony smoking my first cigarette of the day when Robby comes in the apartment. He sees me and comes out on the balcony smelling of beer but with a sweet special smile on his face. We kiss and both ask at the same time, "How ya doing?" Neither of us replies to that rhetorical inquiry though. Rob takes my cigarette and drags off it, saying, "Good for you, Dylan," I go, "Huh?" and he says, 'Your haircut! Damn, you look so young. I love how that haircut looks on you! You know what it reminds me off... us when we were kids."

Oh man, that makes me feel good, but I'm like, "Oh yeah? If you like it on me why don't you get a flattop yourself? Danny will be happy to oblige you." Robby says, "In the spring maybe I will. All the position players want to do something as a team. Remember before the semester started I told you there was a campaign by some ballplayers that all of us get buzz cuts or Mohawks or some such shit like that?" I nod, "Yeah, I do remember that." Rob takes another drag off my smoke and then hands the cigarette back to me and says, with smoke exhaling as he talks, "Well, Danny's making an impression on the guys with his barbering. I mean, he's really good and, haha, Golden wasn't all that good. Anyway, three ballplayers already got a flattop like yours, um, I saw one of them, Pete somebody, but not the other two. Sophomores I think they are. Anyway, the guys were saying at the bar a little while ago that we infielders and outfielders should get Danny's flattops this spring before the baseball season begins. Bonding and all that shit."

Well, I'll be damned. I go, "He's really going ape-shit with this barbering hobby," and I tell Robby about Danny's theory of why he was so set on me having a flattop haircut. The subconscious story. Robby makes a 'face' saying, "Really? That's kinda far out there, don't ya think?" I tell him my theory about our subconscious minds fucking with us and Robby just laughs. See he doesn't get into things as deeply as I do. Robby likes to keep things simple. He calls it... keeping things 'real'.

He goes, "Whatever his subconscious supposedly remembered, I agree with his opinion you look hot with that ultra preppy haircut." I go, "Robert, this was a preppy haircut way before you and I were born. It's an old style not embraced by the youth of today. We only got those flattop haircuts when we were seventeen because of my friend Willie who..." But Rob interrupts, "Yeah, we were the Bobbsey twins that summer. Remember the college guys on the lawn cutting crew calling us that?" I shrug, "Yeah, I do," and Robby goes, "And now Danny's bringing it back in style, and I'm glad."

Well, he's gonna be disappointed if he thinks the ballplayers will be getting this haircut from Danny next spring. The chances Danny will still be doing haircuts next spring are slim and none. And, I'm not hearing anything I wanna hear on this topic so I change the subject, "Hey, how'd you get home, Robby? I would have come to get you." He shrugs, "Don't be silly. I got a ride home with Cornbread. He had to leave early because, and get this... he needs to do all his shit for tomorrow's classes. What a jackass leaving it until Sunday night." I nod, and say, "Yeah, I was just double checking our stuff in my backpack and we're good." He smiles, "Don't shit me, babe?" I go, "Fuck you, I was going through my backpack ten minutes ago." He grins, "What, looking for a pack of cigarettes, were you?" I try not to, but snort out a laugh anyway, muttering, "Asshole."

Robby only had one slice of pizza at Rolf's 'cause it was microwave pizza. So I cook us a chicken and mashed potato dinner with gravy and sweet baby peas. We're actually developing a taste for some vegetables. Plenty of butter and salt and pepper and some of them are actually good eats; not great eats, but good. If you want to slide over into good eats that pass for vegetables, well there are tomatoes which actually are a fruit, but there's butternut squash, for example, with butter and lots of brown sugar... not bad! Come up with things like that and you're eating healthy... or close to it. Close enough for college guys anyway.

Later we watch Sunday night football lying together on the sofa and that gets us in the mood to go to bed early where Rob could give lessons on how to do lover's sex, and I mean he was 'on' for over half an hour. Omigod, two climaxes... so, this goes in the record books as one of my top sexiest days... ever!

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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