Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Apr 12, 2019



Chapter 40

by Donny Mumford

The year-end holidays are over. We made it through all the Christmas festivities, then New Year's Eve and yesterday, New Year's Day. Right now I'm in bed waiting for Robby to wake up. This is one of the few mornings since the Christmas break began that I'm feeling rested without a trace of a hangover. It's also the final day of our holiday break and while the break has been awesome, it's also been tiring with way too many reasons for drinking, and I'm actually looking forward to going back to college.

Heh heh, I forget what made me think of this, but lying here in bed I was daydreaming about Pat what's-his-name fucking young Carl. Yeah, Pat fucking Carl and taking his cherry. Heh heh, it got me kinda horny. Hmm, so what should I do about that? Waking Robby might be a good start, so I shake him and say, "Robby, guess what?" He mutters, "Huh, wha ...? Rolling over, partially against his side, I tell him with mock seriousness, "Your future spouse is horny and needs his man to do something about it." Rob's eyes open, and he says, "What? Hey, don't call yourself my 'spouse'! We're gonna be partners. Ya know, it'll be like, meet my partner, Dylan. Like that." I go, "Oh, okay, but what are you gonna do about my horniness?"

He goes, "Haha," and then stretching out his arms and legs as he yawns and then stretches harder. When he relaxes, he goes, "Okay, what to do? Hmm, I guess I'll need to fuck you. I can't think of anything else to do about it, can you?" Then he turns his head to grin at me. I shrug, mumbling, "Nope, I can't think of anything else either, um, unless you want me to suck your dick. I could do that for my man." Rob snickers and says, "Yeah, why don't you do that for now. Meanwhile, I'll be trying to think of something besides fucking the cutest ass east of the Mississippi to cure your horniness." I go, "Who do you know west of the Mississippi with a cuter ass?" After snickering, he rubs my head and then we kiss. I can still faintly taste the peppermint mouthwash he gargled with last night. If we were drinking and smoking last night the peppermint mouthwash probably wouldn't cut it, but we weren't, so...

Continuing our kiss, I roll totally on top of Robby and rub noses with him. Oh man, what a body on this guy! It's a tight and sexy body, the kind that makes my dick bone-up. After sucking on his mouth one last time, I take my boner with me and slide down Rob's body under the cover where his scent swarms around in my head making me dizzy with desire for him.

Taking his very firm cock in my fingers I stroke it maybe ten times pulling the foreskin on and off the head until the skin is stretched tightly and his cock is very hard, and I put the head in between my lips and suck on it with my tongue moving smoothly and warmly over it, and then again and again. His piss slit quivers under my tongue feeling funny and making me think of a guppy in a fishbowl going after the tiny fish food that floats in the water.

Robby's arms go under the covers, his fingers ruffling through the hair of my latest crewcut. That feels good. I take some of the fat shaft into my mouth along with the head and, yeah, that's a mouthful alright. A mouthful of Robby! That thought makes my cock get even tighter. I moan around my lover boy's big hard penis as I'm gently squeezing his nuts, my tongue licking around the head of his cock as my lips suck on the shaft of this big-boy boner. Saliva is all around my mouth, drooling down my chin and then a big slurp of pre-cum rolls out past the quivering lips of his pee slit and Robby goes, "Ummm, oooh, no..." and then pushes my head away. I don't fight it although I'd truly love to suck him off until I'm taking his big gooey orgasm in my mouth.

With his hands under my armpits, Robby pulls me up on top of him again, his hard fat boner dragging on my body from my chest downward leaving a trail of wet pre-cum in its wake, and then we kiss again. A really good sloppy kiss this time. Robby sits up bringing me up with him until I need to slide my legs forward on either side of his legs... I'm soon basically sitting on his lap facing him. Pulling his lips away from the kiss he pushes me on my back, the covers falling off me completely and now I'm lying on them. He gets up on his knees as I pull my legs back and like magic Rob has the Astroglide in his hand. No, not magic, he got it from the nightstand when I was under the cover sucking his awesome penis.

Staring me in the eyes, Rob squeezes Astroglide onto the palm of his hand and then reaches over to deliberately and slowly spread the slippery substance unnecessarily around my shaved groin and nuts and under my scrotum and up to my belly button, his hand sliding in the heavy coating of Astroglide moves down past my cock to squeeze my balls too tightly making my back arch off the bedding before his hand grabs my boner. He lifts it up off my belly to stroke it up and down, up and down, up and down until I squeak out a sound of arousal and squirm on the bed. My face scrunches up as I murmur, 'Robby, umm, ooh... I'm gonna cum."

When he takes his hand away, my boner stays straight up so tight it doesn't move, not even when he pushes the back of my thighs to raise my buttocks up off the mattress and immediately mounts me with the very fat head of his boner spreading my anus. The big hurt starts when the head is halfway inside me and then, "Aaahhhh," from me when the head very tightly disappears entirely inside my ass. I shudder and close my eyes to deal with the pain, pain that begins fading almost at once, fading but then it stops retreating while it still hurts some but at a more tolerable level. I let out a long-held breath and then take a deep inhale.

No, the pain isn't entirely gone, but the hurt is bearable and the awesome sensation of having that fat boner's head inside me more than compensates for the hurt that remains. Rob looks serious as he leans over me and slowly pushes more of his boner up my ass. He doesn't do that slowly but it's not a rude intrusion either. He does it just right actually, and it doesn't take long before his pubic hairs are surrounding my asshole and his hard fat penis is completely hidden inside my body.

With a sigh, Rob leans in against my butt cheeks while lifting his head and breaking eye contact to close his eyes and moan quietly, "Ummm, oooh, niccceee ," and then he opens his eyes to smile and murmur, "Nothing feels as good as this, nothing in this world, baby," and he leans his head down with me stretching my neck to lift my head for a kiss.

After the kiss, I lie on my back with an arm around each of my legs keeping them back and out of the way so I can watch Rob's hips move smoothly pushing and pulling that almost-too-fat boner back and forth in my ass. Quite quickly the normal indescribable pleasure sensations flood over me and overwhelm the hurt sending it on its way and it's all pleasure from here on, wave after wave of sexual pleasure with my body shimmering with it. All over my body, the skin tingles while inside my rectum there's a throbbing prostate pleasure and then around my anus, there's a sizzling sensation from the thousands of nerve ending. It makes me want to scream at how good Rob's moving boner is constantly stimulating those nerve endings creating unimaginable pleasure. It's indescribable... awesome scintillating vibrations all around my stretched-beyond-belief asshole.

We exist in this nirvana situation for five, six, seven minutes of incredible bliss until Robby gets that startled look in his eyes and I know his climax bell just got rung! The button got pushed and his hips, seemingly on their own, speed up as his moans become more desperate-sounding as if he's losing control of the situation, and he knows it. The familiar sound of males-fucking starts out subtly. A steady "Smack, smack, smack," but soon, when his thrusting becomes faster and harder, Rob making whining sounds of impending climax, the "SLAPSLAPSLAP!' sounds become louder and faster too until my climax is all of sudden on me without any warning and we're both jostling on the bed, me trying to hump up at his fast and furious thrusting until I squeal... cum shooting straight up in the air above us followed by three more squirts of cum all of which drop down on me as Rob's against my buttocks humping and shooting his semen inside me... and then some more goes up my ass. His hard humping has pushed me back on the bed so far my head is now partially over the edge.

Our bodies become limp now... no more slapping sounds of Rob's body slapping against my butt cheeks as the sounds now come from our gasping deep breathing and maybe I can hear my heart hammering in my chest too, or maybe not. Only for half a minute though and then our bodies calm down as Robby makes a face and quietly says, "I'm afraid to try pulling my dick out. It might have broken off in there and I'll come away with nothing." I mutter, "Go for it, Rob. Take a chance and if it stays up my ass, I promise I'll give it back to you eventually."

He pulls his dick out and then drags me back from the foot of the bed. I get next to him, saying, "Now what we do is cuddle." Robby chuckles, and as he's getting an arm around me he mumbles, "You don't need to coach me, babe, I know what to do." I mutter, "I know, but just in case."

I love being hugged! Yeah, I've always loved being touched even as a little kid and I mean starting when I was barely old enough to know what hugging was. When Chubby and I as toddlers were doing something like watching cartoons on TV I'd take his arm and put it around me. He'd grin at me and put both arms around me and we'd watch TV like that. We did that basically until we were teenagers and then he'd only put his arm across my shoulders. Later our decision to work that summer we were seventeen our lives changed a lot. We were almost like lovers for years and years. Brotherly lovers, sort of, and I don't mean sexual lovers although we experimented with sex a little; a very little actually. Mostly we loved each other more than anyone else on earth.

Lying together this morning, Rob and I make plans for today, which in the end meant doing not much except packing up the stuff we need to take home with us, including some Christmas presents. This was the first year Chubby, me, and Rob decided the three of us would exchange Christmas gifts. In previous years Rob and Chub didn't buy a gift for each other. I think Chub feels Robby is going to be part of our family and Robby felt the same about Chubby. They both got the idea to exchange gifts on their own; I did not put a bug in their ears, so to speak. It made me feel good though, but I didn't say anything because it might have embarrassed them.

The biggest gifts Chub and I got Christmas morning was from Santa, meaning Tom and Tim. We got the latest model iPhones which cost about a thousand dollars each. Other than that we exchanged clothing items mostly. I got two books from my mom among other things, like Apple Music which is a small cost per month on her credit card. Robby and I had a pact not to spend more than fifty dollars on each other but I spent a hundred and fifty dollars on a baseball bat for him. I remembered from last summer he admired that bat, but wouldn't buy it because it was two hundred dollars at that time. I got it online Black Friday at twenty-five percent off.

Let's see, Rob brought me two things: a leather belt with a silver buckle, real silver, and a leather bracelet, both from the London Harness store where everything is expensive and he probably paid much more than a hundred dollars for each. So much for our pact of fifty dollar maximum gifts. Chub and I exchanged wallets because when we bought our new car in the fall we promised not to spend much on ourselves at Christmas and I know, unlike a pact with Rob, that a pact with my brother is a for-real pact!

Lying here in bed this morning, Robby and I continued talking for quite a while with our bodies touched and his arm was around me, neither of us in any hurry to get out of bed. It's only nine o'clock anyway so why would we be in a hurry. Finally, with a smirk on his face Robby goes, "How about if you get on your hands and knees? You know, right here on top of the bed?" I go, "Why would I do that?" He goes, "You'll see," and I go, "Okay, Mister," and we do our routine where I play the role of a thirteen-year-old clueless numb-nuts and Rob's an old sex pervert. Hahaha.

Omigod, when I got on all fours Robby fucked my ass so hard I thought the bed was gonna collapse. It was an awesome fuck and my second climax this morning was bigger than the first one. That's very rare for obvious reasons. After we get our breathing under control we're chuckling as Robby goes, "Okay, kid, I got you the fun size MilkyWay bar this time." I frown, "Fun size? Hey Mister, you said you'd give me the big MilkyWay bar if I let you put your thing in my bum," and we fuck around laughing with that bit for a while before taking separate showers and then getting dressed. Next order of business... see what's for breakfast.

It smells like coffee and bacon in the kitchen on this Tuesday morning. Mr. Dickers had eaten breakfast and left for work an hour ago. Mrs. D. is on her cell phone talking with someone named, Linda. She smiles and waves at us when we walk in and, as she continues talking on the phone, she breaks eggs in a bowl. Robby makes us mugs of Dunkin Donut K-cup coffees as I glance at the skillet and see eight slices of bacon just beginning to cook. Mrs. D. must have waited until she didn't hear the shower running in the hall bath before putting the bacon on. It's the thick-cut Oscar Mayer bacon strips this morning.

Rob sets my mug in front of me and we both sit down as he mumbles, "It looks like we're gonna get some scrambled eggs and bacon." I nod my head but then see his mom add milk, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the bowl of beaten eggs, and I say, "No, it's looking like French Toast, Rob." Mrs. D. laughs into the phone as she turns the bacon slices over and then puts two tablespoons of butter in a large frying pan. I mumble, "And it's not low-cal French Toast apparently." She pours the egg mixture into a glass pie plate and dips a slice of thick brioche bread in it. Robby says, "Good, nobody here is on a diet, that's for damn sure so I'll get the maple syrup," and he gets a bottle of 'pure Vermont maple syrup' from the pantry. That's what it says on the label along with the little grocery store sticker with the price on it... $8.99. I go, 'Yum," and add three heaping spoonfuls of sugar and then heavy cream to my coffee.

As we're finishing breakfast, Mrs. Dickers says, "Rob, would you and Dylan take the Christmas tree down, please?" Robby goes, "Why?" and his mom says, "It needs to be put out at the curb for the town to pick it up this week. If we don't get it out in time it'll blow around the streets until summer." Rob's indignant, "Why can't you take the lights and balls off the tree? You put them on... we had nothing to do with it! Dylan and I need to get our shit together so we can get our asses back to college. Jeezuss!" She sweetly says, "Language please, Rob. You never hear Dylan curse." He goes, "Oh yes I do," and she says, "I'd do it myself, dear, except I need to return a few Christmas gifts at the Chestnut Hill Mall. Your father and I have been married for twenty-four years and he still doesn't know my size. I was just telling Linda Cockeran..." Rob interrupts, "You could take the stuff off the tree tonight or tomorrow!" and he gets up and stalks out of the room. He'd finished every bite on his plate before stalking off of course.

Mrs. Dickers puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head, and then starts cleaning up the mess that making French Toast creates. I get up and say, "That was a delicious breakfast and, don't worry, we'll take the tree down, Mrs. Dickers." She says, "Thank you, Dylan. I know Rob will help, but he just needed to blow off a little steam first. I've put the boxes in the living room where the strings of lights and the decorations go." Nodding my head I go, "Sure, okay," and then go upstairs. I find Rob on his computer laughing as he types, telling me, "That asshole Danny! Look at the photoshopped pic he sent of me in a Santa's Helper outfit." Huh, that's the first time Danny's emailed or texted Robby for weeks. I'm glad he did 'cause I don't like thinking I'm the reason their friendship fades out.

As Robby goofs around online I take the many pins out of some Christmas present shirts and then use scissors snipping the plastic fasteners that hold all the tags on. Why the fuck is it necessary for each piece of clothing to have like three or four different tags. Pain in the ass! The Dickers gave Dodger, Robby, and me the same number of presents to open, which I wasn't expecting. Josh got a few presents from Mr. and Mrs. Dickers too, but not as many as they gave me and it made me feel awkward. On the other hand, I think Josh was as surprised as I was to get any presents from them. Yeah, Christmas morning we waited for Dodger and Josh to get here and then the six of us sat around the tree with Mr. Dickers passing out presents one at a time so we all could see what everyone got from Santa... ha! Oh man, I was so glad I bought presents for almost everyone, including Rob's parents.

I went shopping for Christmas presents, somewhat reluctantly, with Robby. It was the day after we got home from college. I say reluctantly because Robby looks at every fucking thing in the store before deciding what he'll buy, and that nonsense overlaps to the stuff I wanted to buy. First, of course, we shopped online and then went to the Framingham Mall for things we didn't think of. Walking around looking at all the things on display gave us ideas of what to buy. When we couldn't take the hassle for another minute we left and had a late lunch and a couple of beers talking about what we bought and what we still needed to get.

Two days later Chubby and I went shopping together. Omigod, that was a completely different experience. For one thing, when Chubby shops he talks to everyone he comes in contact with. Talks to strangers as if they know him. He just turns to someone and starts talking to a complete stranger with that friendly smile of his. The things he says and the way he says everything makes me laugh out loud at times. Chubby would merely give me a 'look' as if he can't imagine what I'm laughing at. He always keeps a straight face as he's telling strangers the most bizarre things he makes up in his head as he's talking. The expression on the strangers was priceless too so, by the end of our shopping trip, my stomach hurt from laughing. As for the shopping, Chubby makes quick decisions on what he wants to buy and he doesn't care what it cost or if it's on sale or whatever. I hope the job the twins have in mind for Chubby pays a lot.

After like three hours of shopping we had lunch at a Beef and Ale House restaurant and it was a great day. Between the two days of Christmas shopping, I spent almost $600.00 but I had to buy presents for nine people. Josh had a present for me, a really cool tie, and he's the only one I didn't have a present for. That was not cool of me. I didn't think of it and I should have, but he was awesome and didn't say anything. I told him I owed him one.

After opening presents for over an hour, we had a big breakfast that somehow Mrs. Dickers found time to prepare for the six of us and then later Rob and I went to Tim's condo for my family's Christmas. We open presents there and then we had a big lunch. It was a different process at my family's Christmas present exchange. Two or three people were opening presents at the same time. I think the Dickers' way is better. Rob and I stayed for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. We stayed to have Christmas dinner with my family. Dinner was served at eight o'clock and then New Year's Day dinner was with Rob's family at Mr. Dickers' country club as I mentioned earlier.

Anyway, that was a week ago and this is now. As far as taking the decorations off the Christmas tree goes, I'm glad to do something for Mrs. Dickers before going back to college tomorrow. Fuck, it's the least I can do. Rob was stubborn and wouldn't help me at first. He put a college football game on the family room TV and I just started taking the strings of lights off myself. After five minutes Robby got up, muttering, "Oh, Jesus, the adopted son wants to make me look bad again," and he started helping.

As Rob and I dismantled the Christmas tree, he's grumbling, "This is the first year I've ever had to do this. I think Mom knew you'd agree to do it and that you'd talk me into it." Haha, I ignored that and was like, "Your string of lights is tangled with the string I just took off the tree." We get them untangled as Rob continues his bitching, "The Goddamn tree doesn't absolutely need to come down today anyway. It could go out at the curb tomorrow or any day this week!" Continuing ignoring his bitching, I say, "Pass me your string of lights, Rob, I'm trying to keep them separate so next year they're not tangled together."

As I said, I'm happy to be doing something for Mrs. Dickers and when we finished that chore we take the tree out to the curb. His mom was doing her errands, so Rob and I have lunch at McDonald's on Route 9. He was over his snit about helping with the Christmas tree and in a good mood laughing and telling me more about what he and Danny were texting back and forth this morning. We're both glad the holidays are behind us, and both happy everything went about as good as either of us could have hoped for. I know that's how I feel.

At McDonald's, we get our burgers and whatnot but when we start walking to a table two guys walk in and stop us. This average-looking guy yells, "Dickers! How ya doing, boy?" Rob smiles and says, "Jesus Christ, how ya doing, Sammy?" This guy, Sammy, goes, "Oh, shit! " and nods his head at me, asking Rob, "Is this your boyfriend? It is him, right?" and he holds his hand out to me, saying, "Hi, I'm Sam White. I was a pitcher on the baseball team with Rob," and then he points to a younger kid, and says, "This is my little brother, Dickie." I shake hands with Sam and mumble, "Hi." Dickie doesn't shake hands; he looks away with a pissed-off expression on his face. It ain't easy going through those middle teen years.

Sam says to Rob, "Artie Frost told me you were gay. And, dude, I had no fucking idea. Why didn't you tell me? We were tight, bro! Hey, my brother's a queer too... hahaha!" Dickie says, "Fuck you, Sammy, I am not!" Robby's chuckling as he and Sam do a guy hug and then Rob goes, "How ya doing at Cal State, asshole?" Sam says, "I'll tell you in a minute. We're gonna grab some burgers and join you guys," and then he and his brother get behind three other people at the counter waiting to place their orders. Sam's got a lot of energy.

Rob shrugs, telling me, "I fucking know I told Sammy I'm gay. I remember it clearly. It was one night we got drunk at his house the summer after our sophomore year at Merrimack. He's right though, we were tight buddies in high school from freshman year on. We met when we were both pitchers on the junior varsity team." Putting our trays on a table for four, we sit down as Rob goes on, saying, "Well, I got promoted to varsity pretty quick and even though Sammy didn't we were still tight buds." I'm biting into my Big Mac nodding my head thinking... 'Dickie might be Sam's younger brother but he's no longer his 'little' brother. He's taller than Sam'.

Both brothers are okay looking, Sam with his blond hair and his brother has that pale red hair that his mother probably calls strawberry blond. Both have nondescript regular haircuts and, yeah, I always notice haircuts that guys have. Dickie, with his red hair and his nice facial features, reminds me of Hayden Parks a little, although he's taller than Hayden and at his age, Dickie could still be growing.

The brothers come back with their trays of food and sit at our table with the talker, Sam, doing a lot of talking. Robby interjects with some reminiscences from their high school baseball days but Dickie doesn't say anything, and neither do I. Dickie mostly is working on his disgusted scowl. Dickie reminding me of Hayden gets me thinking about Hayden's and my hot sexy time together during the first week home from college. It was the day after Robby and I went Christmas shopping.

What happened was, Rob, me, and Danny were in the pool house with the space heater blaring away and Danny making my groin feel funny with his hand on the back of my neck while he was asking Robby, "Isn't this the perfect haircut for Dylan?" Robby mumbled something like, "He looks awesome with any haircut." Danny was like, "What? Hey, I looked online at over a hundred different haircut styles from galleries of young guys with all kinds of different haircuts and decided on this one for Dylan." Rob shrugged and muttered, "Yeah? Okay, if it'll make you happy... it's a wicked cool haircut." Letting go of my neck, Danny said, "This haircut goes with his face and the shape of his head... AND his hair... it's perfect for him. You're not into guy's hairstyles all that much, are you, Rob?" Robby said something like, "Give it a rest, Danny."

The three of us were smoking and sipping on Cokes when Danny asked if we'd go Christmas shopping with him and, after some discussion about that, it was decided that Robby would go shopping with Danny. They'd go in Danny's mom's car and I'd drive our pickup, I mean Rob's pickup, to see Hayden. I'd missed seeing him the day after we got home for some reason. I was probably doing something with my mom, Chubby, and Tris. Anyway, Danny and Robby visited Hayden without me, which pissed me off, but I got my chance that day and, oh man, if Danny hasn't been shopping with Rob before, haha, it must have been a shock! I forgot to ask him how it went the next time I saw him.

Anyway, I drove to Hayden's house which is like a five-minute drive from our house, um, that is, Rob's house. I was excited because, I don't know what it is, maybe it's that Hayden's got the right pheromones or something but he turns me on sexually. It's actually a mystery, ya know, what it is exactly about Hayden that gets me hot, but then I never figured out what the mystery thing about Ryan Wilcox was that got my balls jumping and my dick moving.

Nope, I can't explain it except they both are dominant during sex and they both have extra big cocks. Maybe that's it... haha! No, I've known many guys who were dominant during sex and some of them had big cocks too but yet they didn't get me sexually squirmy from just being around them. Holy shit, I guess I need to add Danny to that list now too, minus the big cock.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I drove over and knocked on Hayden's front door feeling excited, yeah, I was excited about seeing him. Mrs. Parks answered the door and she didn't remember my name, or there was some confusion because I hadn't called ahead that I was coming over. I forget what it was but she finally told me Hayden was in his room and I should go on up. She's wicked kooky but she stands by her son and I think she's a good mom for Hayden. Upstairs Hayden's door was closed and I remember thinking... how cool would it be to catch him pulling his pud?

He wasn't jerking off though. When I pushed the door open he was lying on his bed wearing only boxer shorts. Maybe he was planning to pull his pud... that'd be something to see alright. Ya know, his small hand wrapped around that monstrous penis of his. Maybe he uses both hands.

It's was a little bit of a shock seeing him without his normal long curly hair and to be honest, being objective, he's not actually cute per se. I mean, if I saw him as a stranger, like when I first met him, he didn't register as 'cute' in my brain. He registered as 'interesting'. Interesting for reasons I couldn't put my finger on, not precisely. It's simply that mysterious 'something'. That 'something' he has that I can't explain that makes my balls buzz in my pants getting me susceptible to drifting off into one of my trances if I'm not paying attention.

Anyway, and this was like ten days ago... when Hayden sees it's me, he jumped off the bed and gave me this big hug. I felt his big dick through the flimsy material of his boxers pressing against my leg. That, plus those mysterious weird vibrations I feel coming from him, put me immediately in this mindset that I want to please him. No, it's not exactly I want to please him so much as I'd like to do something sexual with him and I'm willing to just let it happen in any way he wants... whatever he wants to do I'll probably give it a shot... that kind of mindset. Yeah, it's hard to explain shit I don't even understand myself.

It's a bit foggy now, but I remember Hayden gave me one of his famous magical kisses along with his hug. The top of his redheaded head comes to my nose so he always gets his hands behind my neck pulling my head down. Not that I resist you understand. And, yeah, it's always a little awkward hugging and kissing short people, don't ya think?

Hayden's basically a sexy motherfucker though, I mean to me he is. His sexy kiss is one even Danny can't match and maybe I thought it was extra special because I hadn't seen Hayden for three months. He pushed me against the bedroom door and then pushed in the lock button on the doorknob and started pulling my pants down. Just like that, he was undressing me while saying something like, "Let's get this first one out of the way, okay Dylan?" I swear to God it was weird how I was like putty in his hands.

I'm pretty sure he mostly undressed me because I don't remember doing it, and when all I was wearing were socks he pulled down his pants and as Danny will do at times, Hayden put the slightest pressure on my shoulders and I knew what to do. I sunk down to my knees and picked up his big flaccid cock that felt like it weighed five pounds... I could hardly breathe. Haha, I remember staring at his skinny legs with his hairy calves. Jesus! Yeah, it's fucking embarrassing thinking back on it but Hayden has that 'something' special that, as I said, I can't describe but I can't ignore either. And, I'm very special to Hayden too. I mean, because I'm the only one he knows who will let him 'top'. That's unless he found someone at college this year who will let him put that huge salami up their ass.

I don't remember either of us saying anything and, as I said, I'd never seen Hayden with short hair before and he has a tattoo of a lion on his stomach now too, with the lion roaring. So all of it was quite a 'trip' for me like I was speeding on acid or something. A tattoo on Hayden's creamy skin, ya know. I imagined some hairy armed tattoo artist with his forearm resting on Hayden's belly, Hayden's shirt pulled up to his shoulders and his pants pulled down just far enough to expose the beginning of his orange pubic hair as the tattoo gun drew that lion on his belly making its tattoo noise. With all that in my head plus Hayden's scent, and I mean his naked body scent between his legs... well, I slipped into a trance for sure.

Yeah, just like that I was super aroused which seems incongruous in hindsight, plus he's only like five-feet-seven and weighs about a hundred and twenty pounds of which at least two of those pounds is his penis, but yet in my mind he was this dominant 'top' whose huge cock I was sucking. He was rubbing my head and saying whatever... I can't recall a word of what it was he was saying although I remember how hard my cock was... achingly hard. Christ!

To be honest, I don't remember a lot of other detail because, as I said, I drifted into one of my dreamy trances. It's just that in my mind I've conjured up Hayden as this awesomely dominant 'top' during sex, but dominant in a very agreeable manner and I like him as a friend too and it was a crazy situation for me.

Even while I'm anxiously trying to do everything Hayden wants I'm thinking in some part of my brain that I'm probably the only guy in the world he has this kind of success with. It's funny, and I don't know how many times I've thought this, but it's true... I would have said NO FUCKING WAY if someone predicted when I first met Hayden I'd become good friends with him and actually be enamored of this skinny, short, sometimes swishy gay guy, but that's exactly what happened. He won me over fairly easily because he has that aforementioned something. Something I can't pinpoint. Nope, I don't fucking know what it is!

Anyway, as I said, I got the hardest boner imaginable from sucking Hayden's long fat dick while rubbing his legs, first the right one and then the left one. Jesus, Hayden has that sexy nice personal scent and I was probably subconsciously thinking about the time he dominantly deep-throated me with his huge cock, and what an orgasm I had that day! Omigod! And maybe I was hoping he'd do it again, although he didn't. Dreamy trance or not, I'd have remembered if he deep throated me ten days ago... hahaha, no way I'd forget that.

Perhaps I'm embellishing my memory version of what happened but it's caused a nice boner to grow in my pants right now as I sit here in McDonald's with Robby and his friend... and his friend's brother, Dickie. Oops, Robby just said something to me. I go, "Huh?" and he says, "I was just telling Sam about that fucking awesome buffet at dad's country club and Sam mentioned the rip-off buffet at Lulu's New Year's Eve. He was there too!" I go, "Well, there were over three hundred people there so it's not too surprising you didn't run into each other."

No one else has anything to tell me here so I go back to my sexy daydreaming. Yep, I was going to town sucking on Hayden's cock making wet slurping sounds with my spit all around my mouth and, oh man, I was in my glory until Hayden's cock spurted out pre-cum. Right away he got a hand under each of my armpits and pulled me up. Or more likely, I mostly just stood up because he isn't strong enough to pull me up on his own. He was smiling like mad as he got his arms around the back of my neck to pull my head down to his level again and then use his super clean-looking pink tongue to lick all around my wet mouth. I'm surprised I didn't cum right then and there.

Even though I'd sucked a hard cock on him, really hard, it couldn't stand out straight like most boners when extremely tight will do. No, Hayden's is too long and too heavy for that although it was hanging away from his body to the left a little... a long fat heavy pipe of a boner with a dark rosy colored head on it. In my Hayden-infused trance, I was just standing there with my head pulled down to his level letting him lick around my mouth and chin and wherever he wanted to lick.

He's not an idiot, he could see I was obviously gonna do whatever he wanted so he got brazen and reached behind me to smack my bare ass a few times with that small right hand of his. He could see my eyes were glazed over and he'd seen that before when we'd been together. If he said something, I don't remember what it was. He must have said something though as he spanked my ass. When he got my ass red and stinging I remember what he said then... he told me to get on the bed and lie on my stomach.

Jesus, I think by then I'd still only been in his bedroom like eight or nine minutes. In that short a period of time he had me naked, I'd sucked a boner on his big cock, got spanked and then was lying on his bed with a wicked-hard boner thinking what a cool AND HOT, fun sexy time I was having. He hopped up on the bed bringing a lubricant with him that I think was KY jelly. Hayden sounded really gay, as he told me, "Spread your legs for me, darling." Holy shit, I thought that was perfect considering my situation. Now I think it's funny but then, in my mostly self-inflicted trance, I was like so aroused it's stupid. Haha, it's stupid to think back on it as well. Embarrassing!

He was on his knees behind me, between my legs. I felt the cool lubricant being pushed in my ass and spread around the rim of my asshole and he did it roughly too, and then he finger-fucked me with two and then three fingers at a time. In retrospect, he was doing me a solid by getting my asshole elastic in preparation for his ginormous boner. When he was done doing that, his fingers went back inside moving the lube up my rectum as far as his fingers could reach, then repeatedly rubbed over my prostate. I was pushing my ass up like a good submissive sex buddy should do without needing to be told. No comment from Hayden that I recall.

It's like he doesn't need to be doing anything especially dominant when his 'bottom', me in this instance, has it established in his head that Hayden's a dominant 'top' and therefore I do what he says, sometimes I do it before he tells me to because I don't want to fuck up the mood or the perfect frame of mind I'm in for sub/dom sex. That's my favorite kind of buddy sex in case I haven't mentioned that a hundred times before. Hayden being smaller and weaker than me just makes it that much hotter!

When half the head of his ginormous boner was in my ass the pain wagon came rolling in and my body stiffened. Hayden gripped my hips with both hands pulling my ass up with my full cooperation to where he wanted it. He smacked my already red butt cheeks said something although I didn't understand what it was he said because his lisp was so prevalent. Anyway, it was probably said with a grin on his face because it sounded like he was joking

The real pain for me, however, began when that long fat cock of his, and the girth is pretty much the same as Rob's fat cock, started making its way up my ass. I know I embellish Hayden's so-called dominance, but I get to feeling dominated FOR REAL, no embellishment necessary, when dealing with that sex organ of Hayden's. Yeah, I've had experience with cocks that big, and a few times with Hayden's for example, but experience doesn't change the fact that there's serious pain involved. I expect it though and actually try to embrace it because I'll know it's part of being fucked really good as a fuck I'll remember and savor. All fucks I've ever had were good, but special ones don't happen every day and ones like Hayden's are rare indeed. I get off big-time by being fucked by a guy with equipment most mortals run from... haha, something like that.

As usual, I had to clench my teeth and hold my breath during the time Hayden took getting his big boy up inside me, a longer trip then I'm used to obviously! Sweet sexy pain that, as I said, I make myself appreciate because I know what comes after it. It takes Hayden maybe fifteen long seconds, long to me before his orange pubes were squished between his belly and my butt cheeks.

As that huge boner was going up my ass it's like the pain of a loud piercing Swiss asshole screaming his yodeling in my head with earthquakes rumbling loudly like electricity trapped in a steel box, balloons popping in my brain as sweat broke out on my forehead and my blood sizzles fast through my veins with my heart thumping hard and then BANG! just like that I was over the top of pain-mountain and on my way down with pain in full retreat. Oh yeah, and then the first quivers of pleasure sensations began beating tantalizingly from my prostate. I let out my held breath and all was right in the world. The ride down is so easy and awesome compared to how hard the ride up was, but that's totally forgotten when the pleasure train pulls in.

Thinking back on it, the biggest thrill in the early going was when Hayden pulled back that log of a boner for the first time after the painful trip up my ass. Oh man, that felt good and the scintillating sensations began to sparkle giving only a hint of the pleasure my rectum would soon be putting out when all those nerve endings began mindlessly pumping out pleasure. The shocking difference between the pain and pleasure made me shudder as Hayden murmured something about, 'How's that feel?' but all my concentration was on the higher level of pleasure when he pushed that big boner back up my well-opened and ready-for-it rectum.

So yeah, after a few pleasurable slow thrusts and withdrawals, Hayden fucked my ass hard and fast and what a special treat that eight-inch boner was! Long thrusts until I couldn't believe it was still traveling up my ass and then the same when it was moving in the other direction. My anus had been properly put in its place, stretched as wide as when Robby has his fat boy up my ass, and the nerve endings around my asshole were all about the pleasure Hayden's boner was enabling... sexual pleasure pouring out so fast I couldn't keep track of it all.

It was the regular, "SLAPSLAPSLAP," sounds coming fast and hard because that's how Hayden fucks. It's so rare for him to get a chance to 'top' he puts everything he has into it. Lots of quiet moans of pleasure from him and I must have been making a little too much noise because he took a hand from my hips to cover my mouth as he leaned over me and continued fucking my ass like it was his last day on earth. My climax gushed out under me wetting my belly and then again with me nearly passing out at the brilliance of that burst of indescribable pleasure... spectacular doesn't cover it. Huh, now it's just another memory albeit a damn good one.

I hear laughter and snap out of my memory to see Rob and this guy Sam sort of leaning over holding their stomachs laughing at something one of them said. Looking at my food tray I see I've finished eating everything I ordered although I don't actually remember eating it. Sam's brother, Dickie, has a strange expression on his face as he looks at me, asking, "You okay, dude? You look like a cunt with her period grimacing that way." Taking an unnecessarily aggressive posture with him, I go, "What the fuck ya talking about, dip-shit? I'm grinning at those two laughing their nuts off." He goes, "Chill, dude. I was just offering you help... if you needed it. I thought you had an appendix attack or something grabbing your stomach like that." Oh shit, I was actually grinning at the Hayden memory I was visualizing and squeezing my junk, not my stomach but he couldn't see my hand under the table. I go, "Oh, yeah, um, yeah I had a cramp or something. Sorry I jumped down your throat. Um, where do you go to school?" He tells me Framingham High, where else would he go? I buy him another soda to make up for being an asshole.

We stay at McDonald's way longer than I wanted but Sam and Rob were having the best time. Dickie and I made small talk until finally we all got up to dump our trash and then walk out into a cold blustery day. Rob and Sam lie to each other about getting together during spring break, and then we're finally in the pickup driving away with Rob saying, "Goddamn that was a good time!" He starts telling me some of the things he and Sam did in high school as I'm wondering how I missed knowing all the guys Rob knows? I mean the guys he routinely runs into every time we're home. It's not that I'm disappointed I don't know all those guys, not at all! I just wonder what I was doing while Rob was making all his friends...

I go back to thinking about Hayden. After he and I had our big climaxes he was more or less as I remembered him. He sort of acts a little obsequious to me when we're not having sex, which is ninety-ninety percent of the time we're together. It's as though he feels lucky I like him. That's stupid of him but that's the impression I get. There's absolutely no carry-over from his dominance during sex. When it's over he's back to being, um, Hayden...

He still did his act with all the gay affectations he can think of, and then he just stops doing that shit depending, I suppose, on what he felt like doing. He can turn it on and off and I think he's just being himself and having fun. I really like him. He looked better with his short hair too. He told me Danny gave him the haircut the first day he was home, but Hayden got all his long hair cut off at college. The day I met Hayden he had dark brown long curly hair but his different-color-hair phase passed quickly and he stopped dying his hair so most of the times I've seen him he's had his natural red hair.

His next-door neighbor, Terrence Berk, joined us shortly after Hayden fucked me a new asshole. Terrence is a sweet guy and we did a quick hug with me gawking at his hair. It was cut exactly like Hayden's so obviously he and Hayden got haircuts from Danny together. I'm starting to think my prediction that Danny will lose interest in haircutting is bogus.

Breaking into my musings again, Robby asks, "Is there anything you want to do now, Dylan?" I'm like, "Yes, let's go say goodbye to my mom." We drive to the condo to do that and as we're driving there I let my Hayden-memory fade into wherever memories are stored in my brain.

We have only a short visit with Mom because she had to get ready for work so we're driving back to the house and, with nothing better to do when we get there, we load the pickup with stuff to take back to college. We'll be driving back tomorrow to finalize our course schedules, although ninety percent of everything was done online two weeks ago, including paying our tuition. Rob and I have the same courses again for our final semester. We only need to take three courses which give us more than enough credits to graduate. I wanted to take only two courses as that would have been enough, but I didn't feel like arguing about it with Rob. He has a good point. It's an unlikely scenario, but if we took only two courses, what if we flunked one? As I said, highly unlikely but by taking three it's more like guaranteed we'll have the credits we need.

Mrs. Dickers made Rob's favorite meatloaf dinner for our last meal before going back to the grind. With the meatloaf, we had browned potatoes AND creamy mashed potatoes with gravy. She made the gravy from homemade beef stock. Two potato dishes at dinner isn't something you see every day, obviously, but it's what Rob requested. There were candied carrots with brown sugar and butter, plus Caesar salad and Italian bread to go with the meatloaf and potatoes. We had two Manhattans before dinner to keep Rob's boozy parents' company, and the dessert was chocolate cake with chocolate frosting that Mrs. Dickers, of course, made from scratch and vanilla ice cream that she bought at the store. Yeah, well I guess I've had worse meals and Mrs. Wilcox, sorry, but you're just the second best mom-cook I know.

My ass was able to handle Hayden's big sex organ pretty well so I wasn't especially sore back there, but then my rectum is used to Rob's fat penis, so ya know it's a similar situation times-two. In real time though, Rob and I felt we needed to leave our bed here at home something to remember us by so we had the best sex before sleeping in our bed this last night before returning to college. It went on for like forty minutes when counting the foreplay, mutual oral sex, and Rob fucking me twice. Going to sleep I congratulated myself on doing good with the buddy sex the past three weeks, and the lover's sex with my lover didn't slack off at all. That's especially noteworthy considering we went to bed drunk a number of days during this long break. Whatever, we're ready for the last semester now... very ready and very anxious to start so we can finish it.

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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