Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on May 17, 2019



Chapter. 45

by Donny Mumford

Driving the Kia Soul near dormitory row I see a guy with a big hat on his head shifting from one foot to the other in this cold and windy winter night. It's gotta be Danny 'cause he told me to pick him up here a few minutes ago. Yes, he 'told' me as in ordered me to pick him up and then he hung up on me. After rejecting my initial reaction, which was to ignore his 'order', I decided I couldn't let him freeze out here.

Also, um, maybe I was slightly nasty on the phone but hepissed me off too. He called me, which was a rare event to start with, but when I said 'hello' all I heard from him was his joking around with whoever was with him! No, that's not me being petty. It was rude of Danny to call me and then ignore me, right? And never mind I tried impressing upon him how special I think he is when we were at Coach Davis' charity event. He gave me a hug and left me standing there while he walked away to goof off with his teammates, and then I hardly saw him the rest of the night. That's how impressed he was by my admission he was an awesome friend.

Yeah, they're a few of the thoughts going through my mind as I slowly approach Danny. He's wearing his backpack, and why that is I can't imagine, plus where the hell did he get that big Russian hat? Pulling right up next to him with a friendly expression on my face I'm pointing at his hat through the car window. Danny does a little wave. He looks very serious though and now I feel weirdly nervous. What'd I do? He was the rude one! I can see his breath as he exhales condensation. This ain't Siberia, but it's wicked cold here too!

After dropping the driver's side window I try acting casual, like nothing's wrong, saying, "Yo, Alexey! Love the hat?" Danny steps over next to the car and sticks his head and his big hat right inside through the window. I move my head away as frigid air pours inside along with Danny's hat and head. His cute nose is red from the cold. He says, "I didn't recognize the car at first. And now I wanna take a close look to be sure it's not the guy I talked to on the phone 'cause he sure didn't seem like the boy I love."

Still holding my head away, I ask, "Who did he seem like?" Ignoring that, Danny touches his Russian hat, saying, "It's Specks' hat. He got it for Christmas from his favorite uncle who has a job that takes him to Moscow a couple of times a year. Cool, huh?" and then he takes his head and hat out of the window and walks around the front of the car to get to the passenger door. Huh, I couldn't tell if he's mad at me or not. As I put my side window up I'm pushing at my dick because Danny has a power over me. I'm already aroused by him.

Yeah, there's a mysterious magnetism I feel coming from Danny when I look into his shiny, pretty brown eyes. Before getting in the car he tosses his backpack in the backseat, then he gets in the front seat and slams the door. I look at him looking at me for a few seconds and the strongest urge comes over me to say I'm sorry, but I don't. I wait for him to say something and he finally does. He says, "Specks gets pissed off when I wear his hat. I had it on when I called you and he walked in just that second with two of his friends. Um, they're Myers Goldstein and Mike Cosco. Do you know them?" I go, "Huh?" and he says, "Yeah, Specks saw me with his Russian hat on and immediately started giving me a bunch of shit! Specks is so cool though, ya know?" I'm frowning at him wondering why he's still got the hat on if Specks was pissed off about him wearing it. Oh, right, I forgot... this is Danny I'm dealing with. Neither he nor his mom know what the word 'no' means.

Growing a set of balls, I'm like, "Never mind the fucking hat, Danny. Um, that is, I wanna make something clear to you." He goes, "Oh? What's that, baby?" I'm like, "It's just that, um, no offense but no matter how much I like you, I'm not putting up with you giving me orders! Ya know? So stop telling me what to do, okay?" There, I said it right out and I fucking mean it too.

His eyebrows go up like he's startled, as he says, "Whaddaya talking about? I've never ordered you to do anything! Jesus, false arrest alert!" I go, "Oh, you haven't, huh? Less than ten minutes ago you ordered me to pick you up." He looks concerned as he asks, "What happened to Rob's dad?" I go, "What?" momentarily thrown off, then I get back to my point, and ask, "Didn't you order me to pick you up?" He goes, "You said something about Mr. Dickers breaking his back or some such shit. How'd he do that?" I mutter, "No, he didn't break..." and Danny goes, "Oh, and am I to believe you've been alone in your apartment since Thursday afternoon and yet you didn't text me? That hurts my fucking feelings, Dylan... seriously."

Yeah, why didn't I text him? Defensively, I mutter, "You never text me and, I don't know. Oh, did I tell you my brother is sick too and, um, I made some soup for him and his roommate." Danny goes, "Jeff's roommate is that John Beverly guy, right?" Okay, obviously he's successfully got me off the subject! I get it...

Resigned to the fact Danny's going to continue ignoring that, I take a deep breath and forget about it. Instead, I mumble, "Yes, John is his roommate. Um, what do you feel like doing tonight? Ya know, why'd you want me to pick you up?" He goes, "First, let's go to your apartment so I can drop off my stuff," and he nods at the backpack on the back seat, adding, "Then I sort of promised Specks we'd see him and the boys at Rolf's Bar. Ya know, it's Friday night so we should have a few beers to celebrate the weekend... ya gotta love weekends, huh?" I shrug and he adds, "After a few beers we can do whatever you want." I go, "So basically you need a ride to Rolf's Bar, is that it?" He says, "NO! That's secondary. The first thing is to help you, who I know doesn't like staying in the apartment alone."

Frowning again, I'm like, "Um, yeah, I don't, but what stuff do you need to drop off at my place? What do you have in your backpack?" He goes, "Yeah, well, Specks isn't heading home to Worcester until tomorrow morning so I agreed to have a few beers with him tonight. You don't mind, do you?" I go, "Sure, I mean, no I don't mind, but what about your stuff in the backpack?" He shrugs, "Well, obviously we can't sleep together at my dorm room with Specks there tonight so I've got some things for staying overnight with you. I mean, we could spend the night in my dorm but I didn't think you'd be comfortable doing that although I know Specks wouldn't care." Putting the car in drive, I'm like, "No, I'm sorry but you can't stay at the apartment tonight. I have, um, a rule that no one except Robby and I sleeps in our bed. Sorry, but thanks for thinking of me." Omigod, sleep overnight with Danny! I've never done that.

He says, "No problem, baby. We'll work something out. C'mon, let's get going." As I drive off campus, I'm like, "Specks doesn't have a car so how is he getting to the bar?" Danny says, "Mike Cosco probably. They're buds, Mike and Specks." Mike Cosco? Myers Goldstein? I go, "How can I go this far into senior year and never even heard the names Mike Cosco or Myers Goldstein, and yet they're Specks' best buddies?" Danny makes a 'face' and shrugs, saying, "I don't know. Hey, can you lend me like forty bucks until Monday or Tuesday?" Looking at him, I'm like, "Of course. Um, how'd you run out of money?" He goes, "Oh, I've got my normal allowance coming from mom on Monday or Tuesday, so no problem." Which, of course, doesn't answer my question. I go, "That doesn't answer my question, but then it's none of my business I guess." Danny squeezes my shoulder, saying, "Christ, you look cute tonight, Dylan." Oh fuck, I can't help but grin at him as I'm muttering, "Get outta here with that shit! Haha, but thanks."

As I'm driving into the apartment complex, Danny says, "I'm not even going to mention the obvious." I go, "Whaddaya mean, the obvious?" He goes, "Well, since you asked, um, I guess I will mention your hair. It's unruly in that it's grown over the tops of your ears. I'm glad you're wearing that hat because I shudder to think what your full head of hair looks like." I unconsciously touch the brim of my hat. It's that old baseball cap of Ryan's from when he was the baseball team's equipment flunky, er, manager. I've been wearing it for years now. Jeez, I remember the day I stole it from him and how he smiled when he saw me with it on. He put his hand on the side of my face and said, "You look ten times better in my hat than I do," and I said... oh, never mind what I said. That's ancient history now.

I go, "How about your own hair, Danny? It's longer than mine." Ignoring that, he mumbles, "And you used to be the best advertisement for my dorm barbershop. I used to tell guys... do you know Dylan Newman? Check out the haircut I did for him, but now I hesitate to mention you." Jesus, he was so wicked serious saying that crock of shit I can't help but laugh out loud. He goes, "What's so funny?" Pulling into the apartment building's parking lot, I mumble, "You're so full of shit I don't know whether to hand you toilet paper or breath mints." He goes, "Ha, oh yeah, I love those 'full-of-shit' memes. And that was a good one!" I'm like, "And how the hell do you know the word 'memes'?" He smirks, "I know some words, baby, I told you that before. The question is... how do you know that word?"

I never get a straight answer from Danny even when he doesn't ignore what I say. And now I've forgotten what we were talking about. Oh, wait, I remember. It's something that's pissing me off about getting a haircut. So, as we're getting out of the car, I mutter, "I suppose you're gonna tell me I need to be at your barbershop early like everybody else." Then, seeing him getting his backpack off the backseat, I go, "Oh, um, there's no reason to drop off your stuff here. I mean, I already told you about my rule, my bed rule." Putting a backpack strap over his shoulder, he slams the car's back door, muttering, "Cold as a bitch tonight, huh?" I come around to the passenger side of the car and say, "Well, you're apparently determined to stay at the apartment tonight no matter what I say, and that's okay because I actually don't like being in the apartment alone, but you'll need to sleep on the sofa. I slept there four nights last week when Robby was sick and the sofa is comfortable."

With his backpack over one shoulder, we walk to the front door with Danny saying, "The sofa will be fine. I mean, I already told Specks I was sleeping with you tonight. If I came back to sleep at the dorm, what would he think... we had a fight?" I go, "What the...? You told him we're sleeping together? Jesus Christ, Danny, whatever happened to you being in the closet?" He goes, "I didn't say we were sleeping together! I meant to say, um, what you just said. I'm sleeping over at your place because you hate being alone." I go, "Jesus Christ! Specks will think I'm a wuss. Why'd you tell him that?" He shrugs, "You're not a wuss... I'm just trying to help you out."

Oh brother! I go, "Um, Specks isn't an idiot, Danny. He knows you're gay and he knows I am, so do the math." Going up the steps Danny goes, "You're right, Specks isn't an idiot. He's pretty smart and he knows you're gay, and he doesn't care if you are or aren't, but he doesn't know I'm gay. Nobody does except for the guys who, ah, know." I mutter, "He knows you're gay. Don't kid yourself. He said he's bi when you were arranging online to be roommates, so he must have got the impression you were gay from something you said and, Christ, you were goosing him in bed when your dorm lost its heat." Danny mutters, "He doesn't have clue..."

In the apartment, he drops his backpack and gets his arms around me, saying, "We're getting off on the wrong foot tonight and it's probably all my fault. I apologize for everything that I've done or said that's upset you. I keep forgetting how sensitive you are. Um, was it something I said during our phone conversation?" He pulls me tighter against him. My body relaxes, seemingly on its own, as I mumble, "You called me and then talked to Specks. That was kinda, um, rude..." He rubs the side of his face against my cheek, murmuring, "I'm sorry but I already explained that. Before I could say anything to you Specks came in and I had his fucking hat on and he won't let anyone wear his hat." I go, "You still have it on." He snickers, muttering, "Yeah, I know." I'm leaning against him because, well, because I can't fucking help myself, that's why. My arms are around him hugging him tightly. Jesus, I suck!

He rubs the side of his face against mine again, murmuring, "I love how you feel and smell, and you're so fucking cute and sexy I get a hard-on from just looking at you." My hand goes up the back of his head knocking off the Russian hat. Danny chuckles while pulling me even tighter against him and then his crotch humps gently against mine. Rubbing his nose against the hair on the side of my head, knocking my baseball cap off now, he says, "You smell so good. I guess I'm gonna have to fuck your brains out tonight. Are you okay with that?" I need to stifle a moan as Danny snickers and mutters, "But for now, please try not to step on Specks' ushanka-hat." I'm like, "What kind of hat?"

Danny sounded Russian saying that word... ushanka. He never stops surprising me. Mostly I'm feeling so good in his arms I'm trying not to purr, I go, "I won't step on Specks' hat if you won't step on mine," and then his head moves so he can look me in the eyes for a second. I sort of smile self-consciously back at him and he grins, murmuring, "You and me, Dylan, we're so good together," and he does one of his sexy kisses on my lips... and now I'm lost. The second he started moving his face to mine my lips parted and my eyes closed as I waited breathlessly for the feel and taste of his lips and tongue on mine. When his mouth met mine I quietly moaned, "Ooooh, mmmm," and, Jesus, do I ever need to get a grip on myself!

Yes, my hunger for Danny has a little to do with me being sex-starved for eight or nine days but it's also this 'thing' I've had for him since last June! I can't shake it and, in fact, it's stronger now that it's ever been. I kiss him back in a fever until he finally says what I knew he would. He pulls his lips away and rubs noses with me, murmuring, "Please be patient, baby. Let me put my stuff away first, okay? Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you. Don't I always?" Then he kisses my lips fast and lets go of me leaving me trying not to pant.

That's right, I can't fucking help myself around Danny! So sue me!

He says it about me, but he's as awesomely sexy and cute as anyone I know. And now, with the so-called ushanka-hat on the floor, I can see Danny's hair and it is, in fact, longer than mine! Of course, that doesn't concern him. Only my hair needs cutting in Danny's world, not his hair. I stand here and watch him as he grins at me again while he's pulling his toiletry kit from the backpack and then brazenly taking it to the bathroom. Letting out my held-breath that I didn't realize I was holding, I go over and lean against the kitchen bar to try calming my beating heart rate. Sex and desire are strange dominating and unexplainable forces.

When Danny's back from the bathroom he, without hesitating, dumps everything out of his backpack. Dumps it all on the armchair: clean underwear, sweatpants, and sweatshirt, socks, a t-shirt. He looks at it for a second and then mumbles, "Fuck it. I'll sort this shit out later." Dropping the empty backpack on the floor next to the chair, he's like, "Um, do you have a beer we could share? Or, we could each have our own beer if you have two."

What I want to do is go over and jump on him with my legs around his waist and have him fuck me like that... both of us naked, my arms around his neck with humping his hard cock up my ass. Instead, I mutter, "Yeah, we have beers," and point to the refrigerator. Danny chuckles, saying, "What a clever place to keep beer," and he goes over and brings two cans out.

He's so full of fun and so consistently lively, which is a bit of a contrast to Robby. That's not saying Robby's not fun because he is, and much more so than he was when we first met, but Danny's into fun most of the time and only into responsibility a minority of the time. Rob's the reverse. He's more mature and responsible. They're both awesome sex partners and... and, I don't know why I'm even comparing them. Why would I do that?

Handing me a beer that he's already popped the tab on, Danny says, "Let's have a toast to you and me, Dylan baby," and before I can say anything he taps my can with his and says, "To you and me forever," and he chugs some beer. Holding my can of beer, I'm still looking at him, so he goes, "Drink some beer to my toast, Dylan... jeez!" I nod and drink a swallow and then he puts his can of beer on the kitchen bar, takes my can from my hand and puts it next to his, and says, "Let's get naked now. Specks can wait for us at Rolf's Bar a little longer."

He pulls off his sweatshirt and drops it on the floor and then, looking at me, asks in a serious manner, "Is it okay if we fuck on the sofa?" In a stupor, I nod my head and Danny goes, "Good, um, get undressed, baby. I wanna fuck naked so I can feel your whole naked awesome body rubbing against mine." Nodding again, I pull my shirt over my head as I continue staring at him, wondering how anyone can be so cool, so relaxed and in control of everything.

Danny sits on the sofa to pull off his LL Bean ankle high boots that I'm just noticing are exactly like mine. Taking his socks off, he says, "Do ya wanna put a sheet or blanket on the sofa so we don't, um," and he snickers, "Ya know, spunk all over it." Now he's pulling his skinny jeans off while looking at me, asking, "Are you waiting for me to undress you, or what?" and he laughs as he takes off his boxer shorts and drops them on the pile of clothes and boots next to the sofa. Huh. There it is... his look-alike dick to mine. I want to suck it but Danny's walking naked down the short hall to the bedroom, saying over his shoulder, "I'll get a sheet or something."

No hesitation in Danny. He's really something alright. Shaking my head to clear it, I finish getting undressed. I'm naked as a jaybird when Danny comes back down the hall dragging a sheet behind him. He's also holding the Astroglide tube, saying, "Can't forget this, huh?" and he holds up the Astroglide. I nod my head and then help him drape the sheet over the sofa and tuck it in between the cushions while he's mumbling, "I pulled this sheet off your bed and then saw this lube on the nightstand. Handy place to keep it, haha." I nod and he goes, "I didn't want to start snooping in closets or whatnot, and your bed wasn't made up, so..." Oh yeah, Robby wasn't here so I didn't bother making the bed this morning.

We've got the sheet tucked in the sofa's cushion as good as we can and then I stand here while Danny puts a hand behind my neck to squeeze it giving me shivers. He takes hold of my cock with his other hand and, holding it kinda tightly, he leans in for another one of his magical kisses. I meld into him again and absorb every sexy-second of his mouth on mine. I haven't said anything for the last five minutes because Danny, without knowing it, has put me into a hypnotized state of mind and I'm simply waiting for him to initiate whatever he wants to do. I've drifted into this dreamy submissive trance without realizing it myself, and Danny's assumed total control of our situation. He must realize that fact, right? Yeah, he does as he licks across my lips and murmurs, "Now I've got you feeling better, right, baby?" My cock is a steel bar in his hand.

Rubbing his nose against mine again, he murmurs, "You're not mad at me now, are you?" I shake my head side to side one time. My eyelids are half closed and feeling heavy as I lean my head closer to his, our lips brushing together but he doesn't initiate another kiss. He says, "You're the perfect lover, Dylan. No one has ever made me feel as desirable or sexy as you make me feel. You so obviously want me. You don't even try to hide how hot you are for me... it's gonna go to my head if I'm not careful. I love you, Dylan. Will you say you love me?" I say, "I love you, Danny," and he kisses me.

This kiss lasts maybe fifteen seconds and I feel my stomach and buttocks muscles tighten and then tightening further forcing out a short orgasmic spurt of cum or pre-cum. It shot right out the quivering piss slit at the head of my hard cock that's still being held tightly in Danny's fist. Danny's holding my cock but I don't think he knows I just shot some spunk out. It made me gasp into his mouth when it happened and when he pulls his lips away he licks up the front of my nose, saying, "You like when I do that, don't you?" I'm wiping my nose with the back of my hand as he mutters, "Your pre-cum shot hit me in my leg and it's drooling down to my fucking knee... haha. Hey, let's lie on the sofa now." Oh, so he did know.

He pulls on my boner and I take a step toward the sofa where Danny lets go of my cock that's now so hard it's sticking straight out defiantly, so hard it doesn't even quiver when Danny gently pushing on my chest to get me sitting down with my arms pulling away from him. He picks up my legs and pushes them to the side which has me sliding on my ass going lengthwise on the sofa. Holding up the Astroglide again, he says, "Lie back, and pull your legs up." When I do that he climbs on the sofa at the other end and gets up on his knees. My hypnotic trance feels so dreamy now and I'm totally loose so he has no problem pushing my legs back until my knees are almost touching my sides. I bend my legs and get an arm around each one behind my knees and hold my legs tightly, almost down to my chest which pulls my ass up off the cushion a little. Huh, I'm just now noticing my boner isn't the only one standing at attention. Danny's is so hard and tight it's shiny.

He has an extremely hard, pretty boner... and yes, it is pretty. It's just like mine except his will grow a tad longer than mine when it's inside me and he's aroused to the max. Danny's in no hurry though as he takes his time squeezes some lube on his finger and then pushing it inside my ass, saying, "You've got a crazily awesome ass, Dylan. I'm always sort of surprised at how perfect it is for fucking. Everything about it was made for a hard cock, and I say that with admiration and absolutely no malice. I mean it as a compliment."

I'm too deliciously into my submissive sexually-induced trance to speak. Danny looks up and grins at me as his finger goes further up my ass. It goes up, up, up to the third knuckle of Danny's longest finger... his middle one. He mutters, "I know you don't talk much, or at all.. haha. Not when we have sex and I'm hoping my chatter isn't annoying you. Um, is it?" I shake my head once and he grins pulling his finger out of my ass and then leans over to lick my mouth and then up the front of my nose again. He says, "This time don't wipe my spit off your nose, okay?" His tongue is so fucking pink I want to chew it like bubble gum.

He snorts out a laugh and says, "It's so odd the way you just stop talking. Bang... you're silent. I like it actually 'cause I know you're concentrating on everything I do." I say nothing to that, so he murmurs, "Open your mouth, please," and when I do, he says, "Stick out your tongue, please," and when I do, he does some long licks on my tongue, our noses bumping together with his nice scent filling my head. His skin is so perfect, not oily or dry... just right.

He does three long licks on my tongue and pulls his head back, asking, "How'd you like that? Should I do it again?" Omigod, I need to murmur, "Ummm, no, Danny, I'm gonna cum this time for real." He goes, "No, you're not," then he goes up on his knees and begins spreading lube on his hard boner, stroking it like he's jerking off. Long tight strokes, his fist moving straight out from his groin, stroke, stroke, stroke with the lube making a wet squishy sound under his fist. My cock throbs as Danny's eyes close, his slippery fist continuing to stroke, stroke, stroke his porcelain-looking hard penis. With a quiet moan, he lets go of his cock and it sticks straight out from his groin without moving as he leans forward and takes my boner in his slippery fist and strokes it up and down, up and down, saying, "I haven't forgotten to take care of you." He strokes my super sensitive hard cock with me arching my back off the sofa moaning, "Mmm, oooh, mmm, Danny, ooh."

Grinning, he strokes my cock for maybe twenty seconds and when he lets go of it it's the hardest straightest boner ever known on earth sticking straight up tighter than it's ever been before. I'm still holding my legs back, looking between them at my fossilized-looking boner. My eyes glance up and see Danny has a serious expression now as he moves the head of his boner to my asshole and then plugs it right in. I gasp, "Aaah!" as my eyes close to better concentrate on as many of the delicious pain/pleasure sensations around my anus as I can from the overwhelming amount swarming through my brain.

Danny moans and I open my eyes a crack to see him staring at his boner as it's disappearing little by little up my ass. There's the pain, but it's quickly fading pain and then my head begins moving back and forth on the sofa cushion as I begin experiencing ecstasy in the form of pleasure sensations coming from my rectum in waves. It's been a long time since my rectum has felt this good. All around my asshole feels itchy like when a scab is healing and you want to scratch it so badly, but you know better. Danny's cock is scratching my anus itch so fantastically I'm making a 'face' and squirming on the sofa hardly believing how good it feels. "Mmm, ooh, Danny, umm."

He moans now as his eyes close making me think I'm not the only one who has gone too long without having sex. For me, being a 'bottom' hasn't happened for eight or nine days but it could be almost a month since Danny's had sex. That's if he's telling me the truth that he's fucking only me. Letting out a noisy exhale, Danny pulls his cock back, almost too far and then he rams it back up my ass. With another moan, he leans forward putting a hand on the sofa on either side of my chest. Steadying himself, he then begins thrusting hard and fast... very fast. Our bodies are both stiff as metal rods as he hammers his rock-hard cock back and forth in my ass with loud, "Slapslapslap," sounds ringing in our ears along with Danny's grunts and my moans of deep sexual pleasure.

Not for long though. Right from the start, there are sensations too fabulous and numerous to keep track of, but only for a solid minute or so and then Danny groans and stops thrusting to humps against my buttocks. I've been expecting to burst a climax almost from Danny's first thrust and when I feel the extra warmth in my bowels from Danny's quick climax and then hear his moaning that sounds like relief more than anything else, it gets my climax shooting cum straight up in the air. There are three fast shots of cum flying high... boom, boom, boom with me paralyzed by sensory overload, not even able to squeal. Only an airy sound came out when I tried squealing with pleasure. It was too much, too soon and too reminiscent of my first climax up Pony's ass. Too many sensations at too high a level resulting in too soon of a climax. And at the same time, it was indescribably awesome! Haha, yeah it was! Not the best one ever, no, but my whole body is shuddering from the after effects, and that climax wasn't what you'd call a normal one for me.

Danny's taking deep breaths. Yeah, he's immobile breathing deeply for thirty seconds or so before I see his body begin relaxing. Then he's so relaxed he lies forward, his cock sloppily pulling out of my ass and dragging cum and lube across my own semi-sloppy cock as Danny lies on my chest. Our legs tangle together when I push mine back until they're lying flat on the sofa intermingled with Danny's legs. There's lots of cum between us. My cum went up in the air and came down on my stomach and chest, plus the lube and cum drool from Danny's cock that's lying next to mine in between our bellies, not to mention his cum that's drooling out of my ass. We breathe deeply for a few seconds, our hearts hammering against each other's chest.

My shoulders shudder at a last zipping sensation around my balls and then we're both completely still and limp. Danny's chin is against my shoulder, the side of his head against the side of mine as he whispers in my ear, "That didn't count. Forget that one 'cause it lasted only a minute. Minute-fucks don't count." Obviously, I'm out of my trance now. My climax took care of that. Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through Danny's soft brown hair, saying, "Okay, that didn't count. I really, really liked it though." He snickers and mutters, "Me too."

I'd like to ask him if this was the first sex he's had since the last time we did it during the Christmas break, but that seems too self-serving and it's not any of my business anyway. Danny has no obligation to be loyal to me. And, honestly, I don't want him to be loyal to me! I'm not even considering being loyal to him. I'm not even loyal to Robby, but then we have a formal arrangement that we both know about, plus we're in love.

Oops, that reminds me... I said 'I love you' to Danny five minutes ago. Oh man, this is an awkward time to say what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. As I pull on his hair a little, I say, "Hey, you. I wanna say something important. Um, I know you know this already anyway, but I feel obligated to repeat what I've told you before. When I said I love you, I obviously meant I love you as one of my very best friends in my whole entire life. There, I've clarified that for the record." His lips are still next to my ear so I hear him quietly sigh before saying, "You and I both know what you meant when you said it. Rationalize it if you must, but I know what you meant and you do too." I mutter, "It's possible to love two people at the same time, ya know. The love doesn't need to be the, um, same though, not at all. You'd know that if you knew anything about true love, or..."

He goes, "Heh heh, stop! You're talking yourself in a corner. You should have quit when you were ahead," and he lifts off me and reaches for his jeans from the pile of clothes next to the sofa. I'd like to argue about that except it will probably serve me better to just keep quiet.

Danny's still mostly on top of me, both of us sticky with our cum, as he gets his cell phone from his jeans' pocket and texts while telling me, "I'm texting Specks that we'll be there, but not for a while." Nodding my head, I then shrug because I'm not worried about Specks. I mean, he's an okay guy but it's not a big concern of mine when we get to the bar. Anyway, Specks is drinking with his buddies who for ten million dollars I couldn't tell you their names even though Danny told me what they are ten minutes ago and I think I repeated the names in my head. Not that it makes a fucking iota of difference that I've forgotten them.

Dropping his cell phone on his pile of clothes, Danny slides off me and stands up taking my hand. He pulls on me, saying, "Grab the lube tube I dropped at the other end of the sofa, baby, we're taking a quick shower. C'mon." He pulls harder and I stand and then reach for the Astroglide managing to get it in my fingers just before Danny pulls me away from the sofa. I say, "My ass still has plenty of lube in it, Danny, plus some of your awesome spunk." He gets his arm around the back of my waist and walks us down the short hall to the bathroom, saying, "Okay, I won't bother with more lubrication then. Ya know what? Let's wash each other in the shower. That's what lovers do, ya know?" Then he adds excitedly, "Oh, and I'm looking forward to shampooing your hair. I've never shampooed a guy's hair before in my life. Professional barbers though, in the better barbershops do it for every client. I couldn't do it in my dorm room obviously."

I'm not listening very closely though because I'm thinking way back to when I was seventeen and would get mortified when Willie walked me places with his arm around the back of my waist. Willie thought nothing of it then, and now I think nothing of it. In fact, I like it now. Back then I thought it was like a straight guy walking with his girlfriend, and I suppose I didn't want to be the girlfriend. Well, haha, Willie certainly wasn't the girlfriend between the two of us, so I guess I was the girlfriend by default. Now I realize in a way I am usually doing the girlfriend role because I'm the submissive 'bottom' except on the rare occasions I'm the 'top' with Pony. Huh, I never think of putting my arm around the back of Pony's waist. Pony wouldn't put up with it for one thing, but then he's not actually submissive anyhow... not really.

Danny's got the shower-water running and he's holding his hand under the flow, asking, "How long does it take the water to warm up, Dylan? What's with this fucking hot water?" I go, "It takes one minute for hot water to get here from the hot water heater in the basement. For your friend, Tom, it takes a little longer because he's on the floor above this." Danny mutters, "I could give a flying shit how long it takes Tom to get hot water. I'm never taking a shower there." I mutter, "Just saying..." I like that Danny isn't doing any lover's activities after our buddy sex. No words of love or cuddling or whatnot. Danny's in the perfect buddy-sex mode. After the sex, you move on to other matters, like how long does it takes for the shower to have hot water? That's perfect.

He goes, "It's hot now, fuck!" and he pulls his hand from under the flow and shakes it. Then, muttering under his breath, he adjusts the cold and hot water until he says, "This is good. Get in there, baby," and as I step over the rim of the tub, "SMACK!" rings out from his bare hand smacking my bare ass. I yelp, OW!" and he chuckles following me into the tub pushing the shower curtain closed behind him. He goes, "Get your head under the water, Dylan. I wanna shampoo your hair first. You've got the prettiest blond hair I've ever seen on anyone in my entire existence. Did I tell you that before?"

He picks up a bottle of shampoo from the shelf. It's Robby's expensive shampoo and Danny's pouring way too much of it in his hand, saying, "Face away from me now." Haha, he doesn't realize how bossy he's being, or that he's always basically ordering me to do things... not that I mind. I like it when he's bossy. I like a confident bossy 'top' who is also wicked cute, and a nice person too. Sounds contradictory to my earlier complaint to him about telling me what to do, but it's not really. Christ though, I don't want Danny to know I like when he's bossy, which is mostly the reason why I tried to tell him he can't be giving me orders. Obviously, he totally ignored that anyway, ignored it as though I never even said it.

He does a rough shampoo of my hair and scalp with too much shampoo and a little too much fingernail scrapping on my scalp although some of it feels good and gives me chills. Danny says, "This is so cool, Dylan. Your hair is awesome!" With my head jerking around a little, I say, "Did you ever think you'd end up liking haircutting and shampooing guys' hair?" He laughs and says, "Fuck, no! It would have seemed too faggy even though I'm gay. I mean, until I tried it. It's so cool changing a guy's appearance. I like shampooing your hair because I'm in love with you and I like doing stuff for you. Haha, in fact, I wish you'd get sick so I could take care of you." Gee, that's sweet. I go, "I'd rather not get sick but I'll bet you'd be good at taking care of someone." He goes, "Not someone... you! The hell with someone! They can take care of themselves for all I care, and you're the only person on earth whose hair I'd shampoo." Maybe he's not so sweet...

Although I'd like to do it for him, Danny does his own shampoo and then he washes me as I stand here moving wherever he wants me to move. He washes my entire body using bath gel and his hands instead of a washcloth. That gives me a boner, one that's so hard the Guinness Book of World Records people would be interested in seeing it, I'm almost positive about that.

When I'm pretty much as clean as it's possible to be, Danny fucks me without using more lube or saying anything beforehand. He fucks me incredibly hard pushing me up against the tile wall of the bathtub. I'm literally flat against the wall with my boner pointing up between the wall and my belly. He keeps his hand pushing the side of my face against the tile wall fucking me wildly, firing his hard-six-inch boner inside me so hard I'm lifting up on my toes with each of his trusts. Amazing sensations of being dominated and getting fucked perfectly brings an epic climax of rushing cum flying up from my nuts and out my stone cock, the cum shooting up between the wall and my belly splattering against my chest while at the same time Danny is filling me up with his cum. He keeps me against the tile wall, water pouring down on us until he catches his breath and then he spanks my ass, but not for very long.

Omigod, that whole deal was so fucking hot! I want to do it all over again and when I turn around my arm goes around him as I mumble, "Oh, Danny, that was... um..." He rubs my back murmuring, "For me too, baby." After ten seconds he pulls away and reaches behind me to smack my ass twice more, saying, "You got your spunk all over me." Then we're both holding our bodies under the water flow wiping at the cum on our chests. He steps back grinning and mumbling, "Jesus, we're really something, huh? Couple of sex maniacs." Grabbing the washcloth now, he goes, "Turn around and I'll wipe my cum off your butt cheeks and the back of your legs. Jesus, it felt like I fired a bucket of cum up your ass... it felt fantastic doing it too." Looking back at him I'm feeling real love for him, but not the 'in love' kind of love. I don't know what kind of love it is. A new kind maybe...

Danny washes the cum off my ass and turns me around to do a better job of washing my cum off his and my chests. Grinning he drops the washcloth and says, "Turn around again so I can finish what I started. I know he's going to finish spanking my ass and that's fine with me so I turn around and he spanks me, "SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!" I'm soon yelping and holding my hands back trying to block his spanking hand, he stops and says, "Okay, that's good! Now you're ready to go, baby." Well, I guess I am at that. I'm shampooed, washed, rinsed off, fucked, and spanked really well.

My ass feels red and hot and it's stinging like a motherfucker but I've got another partial boner as I'm getting out of the tub to dry myself as Danny's saying, "I sometimes forget you like me spanking you, but I remembered this time. Christ, the things I do to please you." I'm rubbing my ass gently with the towel mumbling, "I think you do everything just right." See I'm still on my mission to make sure he knows I appreciate him. He mutters, "I try. baby. Um, would you pull the shower curtain closed, please?"

I do that and Danny washes quickly and then turns off the water and steps out of the tub. He takes the towel from my fingers, the one I just used, as he's saying, "That was the best time I've ever had in the shower. When we're together permanently I'm going to bathe you and shampoo your hair all the time. That's right, you guessed it, I'm going to baby my baby." I mumble, "I'm not a baby... and we're not ever going to..." but what's the use saying it again? I've told him twenty-five times, and he's not listening to me now anyway. He's roughly rubbing his hair, asking, "Do you have a hairdryer?"

I give him my hairdryer and we stand in front of the steamed-up mirror with Danny using the towel to wipe it repeatedly as he blows my hair dry and then his hair. Then we take turns using a comb to comb our hair with me asking, "How do you think I should comb my hair? Now that it's grown out for almost five weeks I'd like a part on the side but I don't want to look like Rob's twin, ya know? Rob and I used to have the same haircuts all the time but I think we're too old now for shit like that. I don't know how, um, how could you cut it a little differently than Robby's but it will still be a preppy look. Not exactly like you cut Rob's hair though." Danny combs his hair forward and then swipes the bangs over to the side. Not a cool look if you ask me.

He hands me the comb, saying, "Don't worry about your haircut looking like Rob's, baby, I'm giving you a crewcut again. C'mon, let's get dressed and we'll have a few beers with the boys," and he puts his arm across my shoulders, asking, "How'd you like that brisk shampoo I did for you?" I smile at him and say, "You're really something, Danny. Um, the shampoo left my scalp tingling. It's still tingling a little!" he nods his head chuckling, "Good... that's good. I'll do it again tomorrow morning after we figure out how we're gonna sleep on the sofa together."

What was that? In the living room, we start putting our clothes back on as I say, "Um, Danny, we're not sleeping on the sofa. You're sleeping on the sofa. Did you think I was gonna..."? He says, "We'll sort it out later. I respect the fact you don't sleep in Rob's and your bed with anyone but him. That's cool..." I go, "Who else would I sleep in the bed with? I mean if I won't do it with you? You must think I have more sex than I do." He looks up, "No, I don't. You still wander off the reservation once in a while but since you and I became lovers you're mostly only having sex with me and Rob, and I don't count you helping out your little buddy, Pony."

Pulling my sweatshirt over my head, I mutter, "Oh," and he goes, "When it's just you and me though, that'll be the end of all your wandering off the reservation. That shit will come to an immediate stop! I won't allow it like Rob does... it'll be the end of your side-sex days. For now, I'm glad you still have a little flexibility in that regard, if you get my meaning." I go, "That was so subtle I may have missed your meaning." He laughs and then says, "Fuck subtle!"

As we chug our almost-warm beers, Danny asks, "Was the spanking okay? Should I do less or more, lighter or harder? You tell me, Dylan. This way, before we move in together we'll have everything down pat." Shaking my head slowly, I resist getting into denying that's gonna happen and instead say, "You do everything perfectly, Danny." He says, "Oh, can you lend me that forty bucks? Just until Monday or Tuesday?" I go, "Oh, yeah, I forgot," and go in my pocket for my money as Danny says, "I most likely won't need it all tonight, but just in case." I'm like, "No problem," and give him two twenty dollar bills. He says, "Thanks. This is the first money I've borrowed from anyone since, um, at least two weeks ago. I didn't want to ask Specks again."

After another swallow of beer, I'm like, "This beer is skunky." Danny nods his head and we pour the rest of the beer in the sink. We put our coats on and as Danny's putting on Specks' Russian hat, he says, "I feel one thousand percent better than when we first got here. How about you, Dylan?" Nodding my head I'm trying not to smile too hard as I say, "Yep, me too, Danny." He hugs me and then walks me out to the parking lot with his arm around my waist and I'm perfectly fine with it although Danny doesn't seem to realize if someone from college saw us his secret would be out.

Approaching the Kia I'm thinking about what Danny said... he's feeling a thousand times better. That was an understatement as far as I'm concerned. I feel a million times better even though neither of our sex acts was particularly noteworthy, or even in my top fifty. Doing it with Danny is always kinda special though. Hell, the worst sex I've ever had with him was pretty fucking good.

At the car, he asks, "Can I drive this cool looking car, Dylan?" Oh, fuck. John Beverly said that was the first time Chubby let him drive the car and it was only to get the car to me. I say, "Um, no... I'm sorry but Chub and I made a pact not to let other guys drive the car. Something could happen that's nobody's fault, but we'd be the ones who needed to deal with it." He goes, "Okay," and gets in the passenger seat. I stand here in shock. Danny took 'no' for an answer! Ring the church bells or something. I get in the driver's seat and he says, "Fire up the heater, baby. Jesus, how cold is it?" When the engine turns over the computer system comes on and I say, "That gauge says it's eight degrees outside." Danny goes, "Brrrr," and I drive us to Rolf's Bar.

I need to park across the street from Rolf's because their parking lot is full. I park and we cross Main Street and walk through the parking lot to Rolf's front door. No bouncers or ticket takers, so we go right inside where I see a man on a little stage playing an acoustic guitar and singing a song that I think used to be known as a 'folk' song, or folk music. Maybe it still is called that. The song doesn't do anything for me, but on the other hand, it's not especially annoying either. The people here are mostly middle-aged or older, and most of them appear to be paying attention to the singer.

Three guys who aren't paying attention are at the end of the bar, and one of them is Specks. The others are his two buddies. There's an empty seat next to Specks, the last empty one at the long bar. Danny's smiling as he walks up behind Specks and puts his hands on Specks' shoulders, asking, "How you boys doing?" Specks says, "Give me my fucking hat," and then he takes it off Danny's head and puts it on his head, mumbling, "Now, let's get outta here, Danny. That guy," and he points to the far end of the room at the small stage, "He won't stop singing horrible dreary songs!" Myers says, "Yo, wassup, Danny?" and Danny says, "Not much, Myers... how you doing?" He goes, "Good," and Danny taps the other guy on the head, mumbling, "Looking good, Mike." Mike goes, "We're waiting for you to get here so we can leave. I'm not digging the entertainment." Danny goes, "It's not groovy enough, huh?" and they all laugh.

I guess that was a 'take' on jargon from a different era... maybe the folk song era. Hmm, I'm thinking it's from the sixties if my History of Rock Roll class taught me anything. The bartender arrives, asking, "ID's, fellas?" Danny shows him his license and when the bartender looks at me I pass my license to him although I don't know why we're showing our ID if these guys want to leave. As the bartender hands my license back to me, Danny says, "Five Coors drafts, if you don't mind." Oh, that's why? Does everyone do what Danny wants? I thought it was just me.

Turning to me, Danny gets his arm across my shoulder pulling me over and saying, "Mike, you too Myers, this is my main man, Dylan Newman," and to me he goes, "That's Speck's main man, Mike Cosco and, no, he isn't related to 'that' Cosco and this good looking dude is Myers Goldstein." The three of us bump fists, muttering, "Wassup?" Naturally, no one ever responds to the 'Whassup?' Instead, Mike says to Danny, "You're thinking of 'Costco' with a 'T'. That discount club where you can buy things cheap as long as you buy a lot of it. Like fifty rolls of toilet paper." Danny goes, "Oh, with a 'T', huh?"

The beers arrive as the singer takes a break. Specks goes, "Thank Christ!" and we all tap our beer glasses, muttering, "Cheers." After swallowing some beer, Danny taps my shoulder and says, "Take that empty seat, Dylan. I'll stand." I shake my head, Danny shrugs and sits down and immediately goes into his rap about how Mike and Myers need haircuts and how they'll do best getting to his dorm barbershop early Saturday, "Because, dudes, it gets crowded."

Specks says to Mike, "Believe it or not, he's serious. I go home most weekends to avoid the Saturday shit storm but I gotta admit Danny's doing a helluva lot of haircuts... and for free too. Plus, he's the best barber I've ever had. He had to talk me into my first haircut but I'm glad he did. He does my haircut during the week 'cause we're roommates." Danny goes, "And Specks is too modest to say it, but he's an awesome roommate. By far the best I've ever had!"

Specks' endorsement or not, Mike's and Myers remain noncommittal about Danny's haircut sales pitch and he changes the subject asking if any of us has seen a movie that's out now. It's one I've never heard of, but everyone seems to be talking about it. I don't like movies about comic book superheroes which this one is about. I know I'm in the minority because everyone else is excited about seeing it. Yeah, I know about suspending disbelief seeing that shit, but c'mon... seriously?

I'm standing behind the four guys mostly keeping my mouth shut and drinking my beer. It pisses me off that Danny told me the same thing he told these almost strangers... get to his barbershop early. Again I'm wondering how I got demoted to 'everybody status'? I liked the special hassle-free Sunday haircuts I used to get, and then what came afterward in Danny's bed. And why is Danny still drumming up customers anyway? He never did start charging for his haircutting like he said he was gonna do, and he already has fifty guys per month coming for haircuts. Boy, was I ever wrong about predicting he'd lose interest in that!

We're still here when the folk singer comes back out on stage to polite applause, although not from us. We're as far away from the stage as it's possible to be so I don't see the problem these guys have with the folk singer... he's a nice unassuming older guy and kinda handsome actually.

Oh, no! Mike has just ordered five shots of Jack Daniels along with his round of beers. This will be my third beer and the beers are not going down that well tonight. Maybe it's the Coors beer. I bought the round after Danny bought the first round, and now Mike Cosco's shot of Jack Daniels is the last thing I want. Yeah but I don't want to be a killjoy and, hell, maybe a shot will get me in the mood for drinking tonight. I don't know why shots of liquor became a mandatory part of the college experience, but it sure seems they have.

We click our shot glasses together and it's just my bad luck none of my whiskey spills out? I tapped extra hard. Fuck it... I flash down the fire and, Jesus, that 'Jack' is an awful shot of liquor. My latest glass of beer is still on the bar so I'm reaching for it but Mike helps by passing it to me, asking, "How come we've never met, Dylan?" I shrug while gulping some beer to kill the taste of the whiskey, and then I'm like, "Jeez, I don't know, Mike."

Danny's wearing the Russian hat again as he and Specks are giggling about some roommate stuff so Mike, Myers, and I exchange personal vitals like, where we live, what we think of Merrimack, what major we're in, and blah, blah, blah. They're both okay guys and Myers is sexy looking without being especially good looking. He has nice skin and he's clean shaven, the only one among us who is, although Danny and I have scant beard patterns and my so-called whiskers are so pale blond they're almost invisible.

As we talk I glance at Specks who's on the short side. He wears glasses and he's an average looking guy. Nothing great or horrible, just your run of the mill guy at college. Except, there is something sexy about him. Specks has a sexy ass and I notice it every time I see him. I can't see it with him sitting down but every time I see him standing I notice he's got a firm-looking sort of plump ass that sticks up a little. He says he's bisexual and, man-oh-man, what a great ass to fuck. Unfortunately, I get the sense that Specks would never agree to be a 'bottom'. I don't know but he's too acerbic and he doesn't take any crap from anyone... whatever, he seems like a 'top' to me, which is a waste of a really good ass.

Mike Cosco, unless I've lost all inklings of my 'gaydar', is straight as an arrow. He's also apparently not homophobic. That's if I can take anything from the offhand casual manner in which he just asked me, "Where's your boyfriend tonight, Dylan? His name is, um, Rob, right?" I tell him what Rob's doing and then ask, "How did you know Rob was my boyfriend?" He shrugs, "I don't know now that you mention it. Hell, Danny must have told me, or it may have been Specks. It was probably a couple of weeks ago when we were all pounding down beers at McMann's Tavern talking about the guys in the senior class we all know. Ya know, dumping on the guys who weren't there... haha. No, we were actually trying to figure out what we're all gonna do when we graduate someone, probably Danny mentioned Rob's dad owns a business so you two are all set. Have you been at McMann's Tavern over in Middleton? It's nicer than this place." I nod, 'Yeah, I've been there once or twice." Then we discuss how there really isn't what you could call a 'college bar' around here. In Boston, that's where you could find a college bar or two... around Boston University, or better yet in Cambridge near Harvard.

Mike is taller than me by two or three inches, not that that's unusual. Lots of guys are taller than my five feet, ten inches. Lots of guys are shorter than me too. He has an okay body, although I wouldn't consider him slim. He told me he's not on any of Merrimack's sports teams. He knows Specks from a chance encounter freshman year and blah, blah, blah. Myers is pretty much the quiet type. He has very black hair, shoe polish black. I can't see Mike's hair on top because he's got a knit ski cap on, but seeing the hair on the sides of his head I can tell he has a regular haircut. And, I guess, he's sort of nice looking in a mature way. If I didn't know he was a senior at college though, I'd guess he was thirty. Nothing about Mike piques my interest but as I said, he's an okay guy. Myers piques my interest because he's got a sultry sexy look about him but there's only one chance in ten he's gay. Hell, they're both okay guys and so is Specks but there are lots of okay guys like them around campus. Not boring guys exactly, just guys I'm not especially interested in.

Specks announce, "It's my turn to get a round of shots and beers and then, for God sake, let's try another bar." Mike says, "Yeah, let's see if we can find a bar with clientele averaging under the age of fifty. Whaddaya say?" Danny ignores that and says, "Don't get Jack Daniels, Specks. Get a real bourbon. Jack is not bourbon." I tap Specks' shoulder saying quietly, "No shot for me, Specks. Thanks anyway." Danny heard me like I was afraid he would, and he says, "No, don't listen to him, Specks. Get him a shot too." I'm like, "No! I won't drink it." Specks mutters, "Danny, go fuck yourself. If Dylan doesn't want a shot I'm not getting him one. Mind your own business." I go, "That-a-boy, Specks." Danny looks at me making a 'face'. I smirk at him while silently mouthing, "You can't tell me what to do'. He silently mouths back, 'I love you.' I say out loud, "Don't say that, okay?"

I skip the shot of bourbon but finish the beer along with the other guys. Finished their beers, all four guys get up and we leave a buck each on the bar for a tip, plus the bunch of quarters on the bar that's all the change from paying for earlier rounds. I think we should have left two dollars each but I don't want to seem like I think I'm a big shot, so I go along with the crowd.

Outside, Mike tries to talk us into going to Joe Blair's Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge because he knows the bartender and can get us a round or two on the house. I don't feel like drinking anymore and, anyway, I'm not having much fun. I tap Danny on the arm and say, "I'm gonna take off, Danny. You go ahead with the guys but I'm not feeling it tonight." He's like, "Bullshit, you're coming." I say, "No, I'm not," and then I get in the Kia.

Danny gets in the passenger seat and says, "Follow them, baby, and don't give me any shit about it. For Christ sake, it's not even eleven o'clock on a Friday night!" Mike's driven away with Specks and Myers already, so I'm like, "Goddammit, Danny! You should have ridden over with those guys." He says, "I know where the bar is. Just drive." I let out an exasperated exhale, saying, "I'll drive you over but I'm just dropping you off." He goes, "Oh, come on!" and I look him right in the eyes and say, "Goddammit, I'm not drinking another fucking drink tonight! I'll drop you off. Do not fucking nag me to go in that bar with you!" He shrugs, "Okay, fuck it then. I don't want to go if you're not going. Let's go back to your place." I ask, "Are you sure?" He nods, "Yeah, let's go."

That's how you say 'NO' to Danny Monday... you gotta say it six times with emphasis. Good to know. Wait, that's not true though. I said 'no' he can't drive the Kia and he said 'okay' just like that. Hmm... he's unpredictable.

As I drive up Main Street, which is through the center of North Andover's business district, Danny says, "Oh, jeez, baby, did I tell you my mom is talking about getting engaged to her friend, Stan?" I shake my head, and say, "Wow, no kidding? Is Stan that boyfriend of your mom's I met that time?" Danny goes, "He's not her boyfriend for God sake... he's forty-six years old. He's her man-friend. Anyway, my mom told me..." and he's off talking about his dad and mom finalizing their divorce and his mom already talking about marrying again. Danny is strongly opposed to that although Stan treats him, Danny, like the golden boy. I nod my head so he'll know I'm listening, but I'm grinning too because this is so like Danny. He loses his battle of getting me to go to another bar with him and less than a minute later it's totally forgotten. A very flexible boy.

Ya know, if it were just Danny and me tonight I might have hung in there with him and tied a load on, but I didn't feel like drinking all night with those three guys and, yes, it's because they didn't interest me very much, and I don't just mean sexually. They're fine for a half hour or even an hour assuming I've got nothing better to do, but that's about it. I'd rather read or watch some sporting event on TV then hang-out with them. I'm not nearly the people-person Danny and Rob are. They like hanging out in groups. And maybe I just wanna be with Danny. Him sleeping on the sofa though... well, he may as well sleep in his dorm room. But I'm still not giving in on my bed rule... I'm not!

During the ride back to the apartment Danny tells me about a used car he says Stan is fixing up to give him. He goes, "Yeah, it's a Volkswagen that Stan drove until two years ago. He's putting a rebuilt engine in it for me." I go, "He must be a really good guy," and Danny tells me about Stan buying him the barber chair and so forth. I don't mention he already told me about that before, or that Danny gave me a haircut in that barber chair during Christmas break so I already know all about that barber chair. Christ, it was in his garage at the time and I held onto the chair when Danny fucked me excellently after my haircut. I let him talk because he's a good talker. Lots of inflection as he gets excited about whatever he's talking about. I like his voice too, it's not much different than Robby's voice.

When I've parked at the apartment and we're out of the car, I stop Danny by holding his arm, saying, "Wait a second, Danny. Sleeping at the apartment is silly, don't ya think? Um, wouldn't you be more comfortable in your own bed tonight? The sofa is okay. I mean I slept on it four nights but I'm sure your own bed is better." He goes, "Nope, I wanna spend the night on your sofa. Hey, baby, you told me you hated being in the apartment alone and I'm gonna see that you're not alone." I go, "I already told you we're not sleeping together, you know that, right?" He says, "Not in your bed we're not, I know that much." I nod, mumbling, "Well okay then. I do like the idea of you being in the apartment with me. I'll fix a great breakfast for us tomorrow morning."

As we're walking to the front door he puts his arm around the back of my waist again and squeezes me, saying, "I'm always gonna take care of you, Dylan. Don't you know that by now?" I grin at him 'cause he says the nicest things and then... wait a second. What did he say a minute ago? He said, 'not in your bed we're not'. Hmm, he doesn't think the two of us are gonna sleep on that narrow sofa, does he? We're inside the apartment for a minute when I realize that, yes, that's what he's thinking.

He says, "Let's make the sofa up now, Dylan. If we take off the back cushions it'll give us more room. We'll leave the bottom cushions as they are, obviously, and I guess only one bed-pillow will fit. We can share it, okay?" He grinning and adding, "This will be fun and that sofa's not much smaller than my bed in the dorm... not really." Doesn't he ever run out of energy? He's heading down the hall, asking over his shoulder, "Where do you keep the extra bedding? That sheet we used earlier got some spunk on it. I'll get fresh stuff."

Well, ya see this is an example of something I don't believe is gonna be worth trying to get Danny to take 'no' for an answer. Anyway, it does sound like fun. Yes, when I take the puffy back-cushions off the sofa it gives us extra eight-to-ten inches of room and, hell, now that I look closer it's a pretty big sofa. I was positive we weren't sleeping together but now I think it's a great idea to share the sofa. He's wrong though, even after removing the back cushions this is smaller than his dorm room bed.

Gee, the thought of us both sleeping on the sofa never entered my mind, not until Danny mentioned it. Of course, he mentioned it as a foregone conclusion but, whatever. Oh man, this is an example of what I meant when I said Danny is all about fun, um, fun all the time. It's not practical, of course, but it'll be fun. It wasn't practical when Chubby and I as kids used to sleep in a tent in the tiny back yard on the other side of our driveway at the condo either, but it was wicked fun! Chubby's another one who is all about fun... and I mean all the time. Maybe Danny reminds me of when I was with Chubby and we were together all the time, twenty-four/seven. And I've wondered at times if I'd ever get the chance to sleep with Danny, although I never seriously thought I actually would. Now I'm excited about it.

Damn, why was I such a hard-ass grouch with Danny in Rolf's parking lot? I could have gotten my point across without being a dick about it. Danny just let it roll off his back though. He said 'Okay' and that was that. He didn't act grumpy or pouty when he didn't get his way and he was fine with it one minute later.

He walks back with sheets and a blanket, saying, "Since you wouldn't tell me where the linens were I had to snoop around a little and, ta-da, here they are." We try getting the bottom fitted-sheet to work on the sofa cushions but finally ball it up and toss it in a chair. I mutter, "I'll get another flat sheet although it's blue and doesn't go with the white one." He laughs, saying, "Oh no!" I snicker as I'm walking down the hall thinking... what a dumb-ass thing for me to say! I bring a pillow and the last flat sheet we own. Danny goes, "Yeah, now we're cooking!" We make up the bed and Danny's eyes are shining as he goes, "C'mon, Dylan, let's get naked and get in bed!"

I talk him into doing bathroom stuff first. We take a big beer piss which we were both gonna have to do anyway. Yeah, but we didn't need to act like six-year-olds playing with our pee streams and comparing equipment, but that's what we do... laughing about it like lunatics. Then we wash our face and hands and finish up by brushing out teeth. Danny puts his toothbrush back in his toiletry kit, asking, "Is there anything else you can think of that we need to do before we can get in bed?" I go, "Sarcasm doesn't suit a fun person like yourself, Daniel." He goes, "Ya know," as we walk out of the bathroom, "My name actually is Danny, not Daniel. It's on my birth certificate... Danny Jones Monday. Jones is my mom's maiden name. Seriously, my mom's beloved brother was named Danny and he died at like twelve years of age and she named me after him." I'm like, "Wait a second, wasn't her brother's name Daniel on his birth certificate?" Danny looks puzzled and mumbles, "Yeah, it probably was."

Back in the living room, we undress and as we drop our underpants at the same time, I mumble, "I'll get the lights." He watches me as I turn out the living room lights and then the overhead kitchen light. There are a few little lights that always remain 'on' in the kitchen. Like a small blue light on the Keurig machine, also dim lights for the digital time on the microwave and oven, and there's a tiny light on a multi-electric-socket that we have three things plugged into. Altogether those dim little lights cast a glow we can see from the sofa. Nice!

Danny gets under the sheet and blanket and leans against the back of the sofa. I lie down on my back for a second. Only for a second though because there isn't enough room. My left arm is hanging off the sofa completely. I need to get partially on my side and when I do Danny immediately insinuates his hand, and then his arm under my neck and his other arm goes over me pulling my body against his. We both rustle around trying to get more comfortable. It takes some doing and I end up facing the kitchen, away from Danny with both of us on our sides and our naked bodies 'spooned' together. This isn't too bad actually, except we're not ready for sleep and I'm looking at the kitchen, not Danny. My dick stirs because the feel of Danny's dick on my buttocks is sending a few inconclusive signals to my brain.

As I'm looking over the edge of the sofa, Danny mumbles, "This sofa looked bigger before we both got on it, don'cha think?" I go, "Yeah, but it's nice and soft." Danny says, "I'm thinking my arm under you is gonna go numb pretty soon. How 'bout if you get off the sofa and then get back on, but facing me this time with both of us will get totally on our sides." I mumble, "It's worth a try," and when I do that we fit better but our noses are almost touching. He says, "We're bigger than I thought we were." I say, "Yes, but aren't you glad I suggested we brush our teeth?" He chuckles, saying, "Yeah, you have a nice minty breath with that delightful hint of Jack in the background."

I'm grinning as the tip of our noses bump, and then I'm like, "Aw, that's so nice of you to mention my breath... so romantic of you." Our eyes are beginning to get cross-eyed so I move my head back to the end of the pillow but now my ass is just over the edge of the sofa. I say seriously, "Wow, this close up you're a very good-looking person, Danny." He goes, "I was the third or fourth best-looking guy in our senior class at Framingham High. Ya know, depending on how high you rank Billy Ferragamo." I go, "Yeah, you told me that before. Your 'looks' rank extremely high which really means something when you consider that, overall, ours was an extraordinarily good-looking class." He snickers, and then goes, "With you on the cover of our senior yearbook it became a best seller at the porn store downtown." I nod my head, mumbling, "Everybody in town knows that. My mom was so proud." He smirks and mutters, "Jesus, I hope this room isn't bugged and the tape gets out."

We're silent for a minute just looking at each other from, I'd guess maybe ten inches. There's just enough ambient light coming from the moon and stars shining through the sliding glass door of the balcony for us to see one another okay, but not enough for us to see any imperfections. Danny looks as youthfully boyish and, um, perfect as anyone I've ever seen. There's a mischievousness in his eyes. his facial expression too, and I mean even now when he has a neutral expression on his face. He says, "Dylan, I love..." and I put my hand on his mouth, murmuring, "No, don't say that, Danny. You'll ruin tonight if you do." He nods his head slightly, murmuring, "Okay, as you wish." I smile, saying, "As you wish? Who the fuck talks like that?" He does his cute snicker, saying, "Christ, I got the creeps hearing myself say it. I don't know where that came from... scary!" I mutter, "Yeah, try not to say any more creepy things, okay?" He snickers, muttering, "I'll try, but... ya know."

We move our heads a little, still looking at one another and he goes, "Um, please don't get pissed-off by this question. I gotta ask it because I'm wicked curious." I raise my eyebrows, muttering, "Go ahead and ask." He says, "Okay, why were you acting like a cunt when I called earlier tonight?" Making a 'face', I'm like, "That's a little harsh, wouldn't you say?" He goes, "No. What's been going on in your brain that made you act like a cunt?" I start to shrug but decide any movement could land me on the floor. After a few seconds, I mumble, "I already sort of told you what's been on my mind at that charity beer bash. You know, I mentioned, um, I was kinda, um, well jealous. I don't mind using the 'J' word. Hell, I'm not too proud to say I was jealous you were spending all your time with Tom." He goes, "Get outta here! I explained to you why I was doing that! I was sucking up to Tom a little so I could get to his father and suck up to him big time! I'd do a lot to get a better job next September. Dude, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get ahead in this world."

I do a tiny shrug, saying, "Yeah, but as, um, embarrassing as it is to admit, I guess I acted like a cunt because, for one thing, in the back of my mind I'm hurt that you seemed to get along so well without me. And I mean for the entire past month! But hold on, you asked specifically about my cunt-ness on the phone tonight so let me clear that up for you. For one of the rare times since we've been at college, you call me on the phone. I was so excited but instead of you talking to me, you continued goofing off with Specks and his buddies while I waited on the other end of the line like I didn't matter." Danny emphatically says, "It was five fucking seconds!" I go, "I'm holding the phone to my ear waiting until you got around to talking to me. Anybody would get pissed off at that! If I sound needy, I'm sorry. I wouldn't even have mentioned it except you asked, um, and so I'm being open and honest about it. I don't mind admitting that I missed you and it hurt that you didn't seem to be missing me." And I'd like to add... and you're the one who thinks we're gonna end up as a couple? I don't say that though because I don't want to get into that discussion again.

He says, "Jeez, Dylan, um, I've gotta take everything you said as being wicked fucking flattering! Ya know because you're openly admitting that I mean a helluva lot to you and, really, that's fucking flattering!" I go, "Well, I told you a couple of times already that you're the best buddy-sex-buddy of my life, so..." He shakes his head, muttering, "You're still on that bogus 'buddy' kick, huh?" I go, "And another thing ... um, oh... but never mind what I was gonna say. Instead, let me ask you something straight out." He nods, "Uh huh, what it is?" I say real fast, "Why have I been demoted to, um, everybody-else-status and I need to go on Saturday with everyone else to get a haircut?" He goes, "Whaaaat? Demoted? What's that even mean?"

Omigod! I feel as childish and bratty as I should feel after asking that. Why do I 'lose my shit' around him and say stupid crap like that? Goddammit!!! His non sequitur reply of, "Who demoted you? You've lost me, baby, but could you push the pillow my way a tiny bit? I'm on the edge of it and the pillowcase is bunching." That tells me, Danny, fortunately, wasn't paying a helluva lot of attention to what I said which for once helps. Scrambling to salvage an ounce of dignity, I force a laugh and pretend I was kidding, saying," C'mon, you know what I mean... like the song says, now I'm just somebody you used to know. At least as far as Sunday haircuts" He's pulling the pillow toward him and now my head is half on and half off the other end. Getting comfortable, he says, "Yeah, that's song is an oldie alright. Good song though."

Moving my head toward Danny's on the pillow, I say, "Seriously though, haha, I did enjoy those days when you'd make me your last haircut client on Sunday. I could stroll over and maybe wait ten minutes while you finished up Carl's or Pony's flattop and then it'd be just you and me. Remember? You took all the time you wanted with my haircut and then we'd have some sexy time in your bed. It was special, that's all I meant when I was jerking your chain about me being demoted."

He looks serious, saying, "Oh, I was the one you say demoted you, huh?" I'm like, "Forget that word... demoted. It was a joke." He nods his head and goes, "By 'those days' do you mean when you got your last haircut before Christmas break? You make it sound like it was years ago, but I gotta tell you, Dylan, you keep making me feel better and better about us, about our relationship. When a little thing like me giving you special treatment, as you put it, by doing your haircut on Sundays, um, I never realized it meant that much to you. And, frankly, I'm flattered you're jealous I was spending some of my time with Brooker. It really is flattering... I had no idea you even noticed."

So, what's he saying? I go, "Yeah, well, all I'm saying is I liked our Sunday haircut days. So, do you think we could recreate that, um, ambiance again and I can avoid the Saturday crush?" Danny smiles and says, "No! But, as I said, I'm flattered you want me all to yourself. Not surprised, but flattered you'd come right out and tell me. I'm afraid you're gonna need to get over it though, and you may as well start right now. When we're a couple living together I can't have you nagging at me every time I'm paying attention to my friends. As much as you might like it, I'm sorry but I can't always make it about just you and me."

I wonder if the expression on my face reflects what I'm thinking, which is an incredulous... what the fuck are you talking about? I go, "Holy fuck, you've gone totally off the rails with that shit..." He says, "Shh, I'm sorry but, baby, I'm a people person and you need to get used to sharing me. Having me all to yourself isn't the way real life works." I go, "Oh, you made my balls hurt when you said that, daddy. Yes, please explain real life to me and then how about the facts of life too. I've always wondered where babies come from and don't give me that stork bullshit." He laughs out loud like that's the funniest thing he's ever heard. He goes, "Oh fuck, um, that was... oh, shit..." and then he gets serious again, saying. "You're a funny motherfucker. It's fine joking around but seriously, Dylan, I already know how you feel about me and I treat you special, but after college, I won't be able to dedicate as much time to only you as I do now. You need to start getting used to the idea, let's say as a metaphor for life after college, get used to Saturday haircuts, not special Sunday ones. Does that make sense, baby?"

I'm flabbergasted for a second or two before muttering, "Omigod, I see you've blown this way up in your mind. I mention two little things and your head swells up four hat sizes. Specks' Russian hat won't fit on that balloon head of yours now, Daniel." He says, "Go ahead, keep joking if you want. If I sounded conceited... well, I didn't mean to. Like you, I'm just being honest." I go, "That's all wonderful, but none of it addresses my issue of... why the fuck I can't get a haircut on Sunday?"

We don't talk for a minute and then Danny says, "Don't pout," and he tries combing my hair off my forehead with his fingers. I'm pulling my head back making it hard for him to do that until that goofy discussion we just had strikes me as ridiculous and I snort out a laugh before saying, "Stop messin' with my hair!" He grins, yelling, "No!" and now he's messing my hair by ruffling it in the opposite direction I had it combed. I don't do anything to prevent him from doing that so he stops. I give him another 'look', like... 'Are you done?' He mutters, "What'd I just tell you about pouting?"

I mutter, "That's how much you know about pouting! I wasn't even close to pouting. When I'm pouting, you'll fucking know it." He grins making a 'face' at me now as his hand is going under the back of my neck. He pulls my head toward him. And, no, I've no intention of debating his inferences about him and I becoming a couple and him not allowing me to do this or that. I don't feel like arguing about it for one thing, plus for just tonight it's kind of fun pretending that would ever happen. Me and Danny living our lives together with him 'looking out for me' and being super bossily in-charge in the sweet almost naive manner he has of doing that. Oh man, what a fantasy...

And, I'm offering no resistance to Danny pulling my face to his. Our lips come together for one of Danny's magical kisses... it's a softer version that I suppose is Danny's true lover's version. It's a pretty fucking good version too and I find myself inching closer to him. We're both on our sides, his left side and my right as our naked bodies are snugly together now, our legs stretched to the opposite arm of the sofa and our cocks getting harder and harder as they're pressed tightly against one another. I know this is all wrong and will further encourage Danny's misconception of our relationship, but I'm weak and he has a mysterious power over me, and presently I can't resist him. In my experience, this kind of insane infatuation has always, for me anyway, had a time limit on it... a 'use-by date', so to speak. I wonder what the used-by date is for this mutual infatuation?

All I'm sure of is the 'used-by' date isn't here yet. My eyes are closed because this close to him nothing's focused anyway. I feel his tight body against mine though, and I smell his sexy subtle scent as his mouth does sexily wonderful things until I'm aroused to the point where I'm making desperate whining, sexually-aroused moans and clinging to him while humping lightly against Danny's hard cock. He gasps and takes his mouth off mine. After a noisy inhale he murmurs, "Be patient, baby. We need to relocate a little before I can fuck you properly."

Oh man, I'm dizzy and out of breath, but manage to ask, "Should I lie on my back?" He says, "No, not this time," and he pats my shoulder like he's thinking. He goes, "Okay, I'll lift up against the back of the sofa and that will give you the room to flip over on your stomach." During our hugging and kissing, I slipped into a very nice submissive trance-like frame of mind... again, it's easy to do. Perfect for this sexual situation too so I'm eager to do what I'm told, eager to please my dominant 'top'. Sure, this requires some embellishment on my part when, like presently, my dominant 'top' isn't acting especially dominant. I'm using Danny's words earlier when he was describing what I'll be forbidden doing when we're living together... that's my motivation for slipping into my, um, latest submissiveness. And it's working great too.

Danny slides his back partially up the back of the sofa, muttering, "There's a different feel on my dick fucking you from behind." Yeah, he's right, and the second I have room on the sofa to do so, I flop over on my stomach bumping against him as I'm doing it. Danny goes, "Haha, that was an awesome flop over, baby. I hope you're as obedient when we're married... no, don't look at me like that." I don't give him any trouble because I'm fantasizing I'm his, um, sort of his wife so, naturally I don't argue with my man...

Anyway, another thing I like is that after that lover's type make out Danny did a minute ago, and carried off so perfectly, this is now definitely buddy sex he's doing. Yeah, and I feel much more comfortable with it even though I'm fantasizing the other thing. Danny's lover's sex is awesome but I get too involved in it with him and afterward, I'm angry with myself for going along with him so completely. This ain't that though... so it's all good.

Danny discussing possible positions for us to have sex, and then laughing at my 'flop over', plus cracking jokes... those kinds of things, plus no lovey/dovey murmurings are what differentiates buddy sex from Danny's form of lover's sex, which we should never be doing in the first place because we're not in love like true lovers are 'in love'. It's not at all unusual, however, for Danny to get mixed-up about what lover's sex and buddy sex is.

Yeah, well, Danny's not the only one I've experienced that oddity with...I mean, the mix up between buddy and lover's sex. The same thing happened with Willie when he and I were children. We both mixed-up buddy and lover's sex all the time. In later years Ryan Wilcox made the same mistakes. Actually, Ryan interspersed buddy sex, lover's sex, and a form of BDSM sex in his sexual activities with me. Yeah, I never knew for sure what was going on with him and, oh man, my emotions had peaks and valleys galore with Ryan. What a roller coaster ride it was with him, and also, to be honest, I had the hottest pure sexual heat... heat he created in me, that I've ever had with anyone. Once again though, we were a couple of years younger than I am now.

Through all my mistakes though, the one constant for me has always been my 'rock', my anchor in life... and I'm, of course, referring to my true love affair with Robby. During the times of my infatuation with Willie and later with Ryan I'd fall into and out of a temporary lover's-sex frame of mind but, obviously, I got over it with both of them. Those two life experiences are what I base my belief that Danny's and my situation will follow the same path. Thinking logically, our infatuation hasn't gone on nearly as long as either of my earlier two, so...

So, yeah, that's what I base the temporary nature of my crush with Danny on... my past experiences. Anyway, as I said, Danny doesn't know the difference between buddy and lover's sex in the first place. He talks like he does, but he doesn't. You need to be in true love in order to know the difference. Presently, I'm obviously infatuated by Danny's approach to both types of sex... but it's temporary. I guess my two previous infatuations, plus the one I'm presently having with Danny might seem like a lot of infatuations but considering all the guys I've had side-sex with, out of all those guys only three interested me enough to let a relationship form; frankly, it's surprising it didn't happen more often.

Anyway, I'm on my stomach and after Danny accidentally steps on me a few times getting down the sofa behind me and then in between my legs, there's now plenty of room for me to lie here. I'm glad for the extra lube Danny pushed up my ass earlier because neither of us needs to waste time dealing with that now.

He gets right into things by pulling up on my hips lifting my ass. I help with that and he immediately gets the head of his boner spreading my asshole open, then spreading it some more as I'm hearing an aroused noisy exhale from Danny and then a quiet moan, "Mmmm." His boner continues going in tightly but with little to no hurt because this isn't the first time we've done this tonight. Letting Danny know everything is feeling good for me, I push my ass up a little further while biting my bottom lip because his cock, only halfway up my ass, feels so good it's making my eyes blink spastically. In less than ten seconds he's against my buttocks, all six-plus inches of his hard cock is inside me now and I can't stop a whiny moan of sexual pleasure slipping out, "Ooooh, ummm." Omigod, how can anything feel this good?

Leaning forward, Danny supports himself with a hand on the cushion on either side of my back, his body hovering over me as he humps against my butt cheeks a few times. I feel his cock getting bigger inside me and that's a wicked turn on. I'd like to rub my boner but I'm lying on it and can't get to it. Danny moans, 'Ooooh," before pulling his boned-up cock back. He pulls it back until my anus is distended and I get the concern I always get... his cock is going to completely slip out of my ass! That concern only lasts a moment though because I know it never pulls out completely, not until he's done fucking my ass really good and hard!

Danny holds that position, his boner almost pulling out of my ass which is creating a million awesome itchy buzzing vibrations zipping wildly around my asshole. I can't help but tighten my buttock muscles. Well, it's involuntary tightening more than anything, it just happens. I'm holding my breath until his boner begins sliding tightly back up my ass with both of us moaning quietly again and then Danny begins a steady rhythm of thrusting, his hips the engine smoothly thrusting and pulling his very hard sex organ in and out of my ass getting my prostate throbbing with pleasure, so much pleasure I'm biting the pillow to keep from making an ass of myself by moaning constantly and calling out Danny's name.

Soon, I hear the subtle slapping sounds of males fucking, the sounds getting more pronounced the faster Danny's hips move. He's mostly making breathing sounds now, only an occasional desperate grunt as he puts a lot of energy into fucking me hard and now there are unmistakable louder "Slapslapslap," sounds with Danny fully committed to achieving climax. No more pretenses of subtleness because his climax button has been pushed and everything else can wait until next time. No lover's sex here, that's for sure! Hell, I've had precious little sex the past ten days and Danny possibly hasn't had any for almost a month so we're both eager to experience the mind-blowing aspects of climax again.

Sure, earlier this evening we fucked twice but that wasn't close to enough catching up on all we've missed. "Slapslapslap," sounds for another two minutes, grunts and moans too as I slide into the pleasure zone where nothing else that's happening in the universe means a Goddamn thing to me. Just Danny and his hard cock... that's all I can think about right now. And just when I don't think anything could feel better, my climax roars out of nowhere and now I'm struggling on the sofa trying to hump my ass back into Danny's thrusts.

Omigod, orgasmic blast-off is happening any second now! Stars are bursting behind my eyes as I'm like, "Ah ah, oh Danny, ah ahh ahhh ahhhh," and with a squeal cum blows out my steel boner and pools under my belly and then I feel that extra second of warmth inside me as Danny fires his jism up my ass even as another stream of cum is shooting from my cock making my shoulders do their familiar shuddering. Danny does desperate humps against my ass, I assume pouring more of his semen into my rectum.

My climax, a supernova explosion of sensations, lasts a very short six or seven seconds and then, by comparison, everything is calm in my world now that it's over. What a magnificent thing to experience though! Ohhh, I sigh at the memory of that burst of pure pleasure. I'm limp as a dishrag, just lying here under Danny's body with his awesome semi-hard penis still fully impaling me. Danny's warm moist peppermint breath blows in spurts against the side of my face as he tries catching his breath. With the exception of his semi-hard dick, Danny's body feels as limp as mine from head to toe. My cum has quickly become stupidly sticky under me and while I'm filled up in back nothing is drooling out back there yet, not as long as Danny's plugging me up with that semi-hard plug of his. I'm still experiencing a few buzzing pleasure spikes around my groin... the usual after-effects of climax and they make me shudder again. Danny felt the shudder and says in my ear, "Feels good, don't it, baby. I can't begin to tell you how good it felt for me," and he licks my ear, murmuring, "Yum."

In short order, Danny's weight on me loses its attractiveness so I mutter, "Could you slide off me, please. You can leave your dick behind if you'd like." He goes, "I think I'll bring it with me," and he slides partially off me and partially up against the back of the sofa, his cock pulling from my ass in the process with me stifling another moan. Cum immediately begins drooling out of my wide-open asshole as I move over near the edge of the sofa and go up on my side facing Danny like we were before. He begins rubbing the back of his fingers lightly up my cheek, saying quietly, "Pretend I'm saying the words you don't like hearing... they're the words I'm thinking."

I touch his face and say, " You know damn well I love you too, Danny. You also know there are different kinds of love. You don't love your mom the same way you love Hayden, right?" He says, "You're right, of course, but it's you who is mistaking the way you love me. That's all I'm saying." I go, "Um, I'd really like to hear more about that car your mom's boyfriend is fixing up for you." He says emphatically, "Stan isn't my mom's boyfriend! Jesus, I keep telling you that and, um, it's a Volkswagen. That's all I know... it's a 2002 Volkswagen. A Volkswagen Gulf, I think. That's the model." I'm like, "Is it stick shift?" He grins, "I don't fucking know, but I do know you changed the subject on me."

After making a 'face', I say, "Omigod, I feel compelled to change it again because I need to say you have the most perfect teeth I think I've ever seen." He says, "Yeah? Well, I've never had a cavity. Never, not even as a little kid." Shaking my head slightly, I mutter, "That's incredibly awesome," and we both laugh. Then Danny says, "Contrary to what you might think, we are going to do lover's sex from start to finish before I let you get off this sofa." I'm like, "Of course you'd think that," and then I say, "So, when are you going to reinstate me to special status haircut-wise?" He does as much of a shrug as possible in his position and says, "Never," and I go, "C'mon, I'm special to you, aren't I?" He goes, "Yes you are and in the most special ways imaginable, Dylan baby. Even more so after the way you sincerely professed your undying love and devotion to me a little while ago."

Steering clear of a serious conversation, I go, "What you just said there, um, you're aware was a massive exaggeration of the facts, but I'd expect nothing less from you." He mutters, "I'm happy I didn't disappoint you." I go, "But seriously, Danny, Rob and I are working next Saturday and I need a haircut before then because Mr. Dickers has ideas more appropriate to the nineteen-sixties where the topic of grooming is concerned."

Danny tries not to grin but he does anyway as he says, "I already told you... get to my dorm barbershop early tomorrow morning, that's all I can tell ya about that." I'm like, "Well, how early is early?" He squeezes my nose, saying, "Since you're sleeping with the barber, I'm thinking whenever he gets there you should consider that as 'early'. I mutter, "Ya know, I forgot all about tomorrow being Saturday. These four day weekends fool me. Fine, I'll come with you and be first." He says, "Well, to be honest with you, you won't exactly be first even then. Um, sorry but three of my loyal clients have soccer practice at ten o'clock tomorrow morning so I already promised to do their haircuts first. The soccer coach apparently is in Mr. Dickers' generation with the same misguided nineteen-sixties idea about grooming." I go, "Oh man!" and he says, "You can be fourth though! The first of my regular clients, that's assuming you come with me first thing tomorrow morning."

Oh, what the hell, I like watching Danny cut hair so that's what I'll do. Yeah, he fascinates me the way he gives haircuts with such confidence, and he cuts hair quickly too. He's like twice as good as I ever was. Making my tenth 'face' of the last hour, I mumble, "I guess that's what I'll do then Mr. Hard-ass." He snickers, saying, "Who won that argument, do you think?" I go, "It wasn't an argument but whatever it was, of course, you won. You da man!"

He smugly mutters, "That's right, baby," as he's adjusting his position again so he's on his back, which means I have very little space. He pulls me partially on top of him and then he goes, "Um, can you turn over again so you're on your stomach?" I mutter, "There isn't room, Danny." He goes, 'Well, get off the sofa and then get back on. You know, as I told you to do before, duh!" I go, "There you go again giving me orders." He says, "It wasn't an order... it was a suggestion." I mumble, "Oh, alright," and I get off, but the covers get all disheveled as I'm doing it. Standing next to the sofa I start to rearrange the bedding, and then say, "Hey, Danny, you get off too! We need to get the bedding back the way we had it initially. It's all tangled up. C'mon you, get up"

He goes, "Oh, for Christ sake, anything to please my baby." He stands on the sofa and untangles himself from the bottom sheet and then steps off to stand next to me. Pointing at our cocks, I go, "Look at our dicks... they're twins." He goes, "It's more like yours is my little brother." I go, "That's bull doody," and we pull all the covers off the sofa and start putting them back on from scratch. When we're done that, Danny asks, "Do you have anything to drink?" I ask, "You mean booze?" He shakes his head, "God no! A soft drink or maybe just a bottle of cold water."

I get us Cokes and as we drink them I'm wiping Danny's cum off my ass using a paper towel, saying, 'You should be doing this for me." He takes the paper towel from me and wipes his dick with it and then mutters, "I'm glad to help you out," and he swipes at my ass twice and then hands the paper towel back to me, saying, "You already got most of it."

Danny sits at the kitchen bar on the living room side as I stand here on the kitchen side. We smirk at one another as we drink our Cokes and then I reach across the bar to run my fingers through his hair, asking, "When can I give you a haircut?" He goes, "Let me think. Hmm, if you stay all the way through Saturday until I'm done giving haircuts, and help me along the way by sweeping up the hair clipping so they don't get walked all over the room, I'll let you give me a haircut when everyone has gone. And maybe I'll take you to my bed afterward too. Okay?"

Holy shit. We've fucked three times but yet when he said that thing about 'take me to his bed' my dick moved. Wow, I still have it bad for Danny Monday! I'm like, "What? I need to stay through all the haircuts you do tomorrow AND sweep up in between haircuts?" He shrugs, "Yeah, that's right. I mean, if you want to give me a haircut... that's the deal."

Fuck, I'm like, "Hey, since when did you get to be so, um, stern? You used to be more accommodating to me." He says, "I'm gonna be the man in our relationship. Even you'd acknowledge that, um, hypothetically, right?" I go, "Um, well, hypothetically, um, yeah." He spreads his arms, and says, "So, even though I love you like life itself, I realize I gotta start getting you used to me being the boss of us. That's why you're noticing me getting a little sterner with you, that's all it is. I've gotta curb my tendency to spoil you rotten the way I'd like to... ya know, baby, because you're so fucking cute. That wouldn't work long-term so it's my responsibility to do a little tough love on your ass, ya know? Somebody's got to."

Rubbing my face with both hands, I say, "Your assumptions make me want to scream, but I won't." He goes, "I know you don't believe it, Dylan. Christ, I'm not stupid... I know you think I'm nuts. I know you think you're never leaving Rob. That's what he thinks too, BUT, I'm using the power of positive thinking on your ass. And, we've got plenty of time for it to work." I say, "No we don't, and that's not the power I'm worried about anyway." He goes, "Whaddaya mean?" I shake my head muttering, "Nothing. I'm tired."

Danny mutters, "Me too," and then he grins and then does a childish long exaggerated carbonation burp and laughs at it like he's ten years old. Well, I chuckle a little too... burps and farts are still kinda funny no matter we're twenty-two. Danny gets in bed still snickering and then nods his head at the space next to him and I get on the sofa the way Danny, um, suggested I do it. He's against the back of the sofa, his right shoulder partially rising up on the back with me on my stomach, my left arm and shoulder on Danny's chest. His left arm goes under the side of my neck and he's lightly rubbing his other hand on my back under the covers as he murmurs, "Aw, this is nice." And it is too.

I feel a sexy shiver skitter over me and then say, "Do you realize I won three arguments with you today. One, when I wouldn't let you sleep in Rob's and my bed, two when I wouldn't let you drive the car and, three, I refused to go to that second bar that you were so insistent we go to." He mumbles, "See you always get your way, baby." I act smug and then quietly say, "I can't fool myself into thinking that. I know you got your way with every other fucking thing we've done since you called me and ordered me to pick you up in the parking lot. But here's what you don't know... I liked it! I liked that you insist on things." He yawns and then looks at me, and says, "I know you do, Dylan." Huh?

We talk a while, mostly joking around, and then Danny tells me his alarm is set for eight-thirty because in the morning when we wake up and we're groggy, that's when we're going to have the best lover's sex we've ever had. He says, "The best you've ever had in your life." Half asleep, I murmur, "Uh huh," and that's the last thing I remember until Saturday morning when I wake up hearing, "Beep, beep, beep..."

to be continued...

Donny Mumford. thinat20@yahoo.com. donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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