Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on May 31, 2019



Chapter. 47

By Donny Mumford

When we're both under the covers of Danny's smallish bed our naked bodies unavoidably rub together. It feels so good I've decided to do something I've never done before; I slide up on top of Danny and lay head to toe on him with my nose almost touching his. Haha, there's no way he'll put up with this aggressive move of mine because he likes deciding how our buddy sex activities will play out. Surprising me though, he seems okay with it, saying, "Oh, so you can't resist my body, huh?" and his arms come around my back to squeeze me tightly. Oh God, my entire body shivers, and he softly says, "Dude, I felt you shivering with arousal... that was cool!" and he squeezes me again, murmuring, "I like feeling all of you too."

It's amazing how our bodies fit together so well. Not perfectly because, while we're the same height, Danny has a slightly larger bone structure. On the other hand, Rob and I have matching bone structures although not the same physiques, he has a better physique. Yeah, it's like we're mirror images when we're on top of one another. With Danny, it's like I fit inside his bone structure the way puzzle pieces fit together. No, not really... haha! It's comfy though and definitely sexy lying on top of him with our cocks having a playtime together.

Yeah, it is a weird coincidence the similarities between all three of our bodies: Robby's, Danny's, and mine. We're the same height with approximately the same slim build except that Danny and Robby have ten extra pounds, mostly muscle mass developed from years of athletics and exercise. Hmm, it's just occurred to me that since Robby and I have basically the same body structure he must have fit with Danny as nicely as I do. I mean back during their days of having sex together, which goes back to their early teen years, the lucky fucks. Hmm, Robby preferred being the 'bottom' when I met him so that means Danny was the 'top' for them. Considering the fantastic way Danny fucks, I gotta wonder why in the hell Robby ever left him for me?

Well, thinking objectively, Rob's psyche is NOT a submissive one like mine and, consequently, no way would he have been as accepting of Danny's penchants for being bossy like I do. And taking that premise further, they're both super competitive individuals so I'm guessing their egos probably clashed and that's the reason they basically had an on-again/off-again relationship over the years. I can't believe Robby would have had any complaints about how Danny 'tops'.

And why in the hell am I thinking these thoughts now anyway? Yeah, well, the good thing about 'thoughts' is the minuscule amount of time they take up... thoughts happen instantaneously. They don't take any time at all. Those thoughts I had required close to zero-time to think... about as much time as a streak of lightning takes. Yeah, I had those thoughts in the time it took me to kiss Danny's candy lips real fast and then say, "Jeez, Danny-boy, I expected you to dump my ass off of you by now." He smiles and says, "Oh, I probably will do that, but right now you feel good." I mutter, "Yeah, well, I'm kinda liking being in control of you for once. Ya better watch out, I could get used to this." He snorts out a chuckle and then mumbles, " Oh, and I suppose you're thinking you'll be fucking me now, huh?" I'm like, "Yeah, maybe I will!" He goes, "Nope! You won't." and I grin, saying, "I know I won't, I was kidding." He says, "Seriously, baby, the best things about the two of us as a couple are the roles we have within our serious relationship. Succinctly put, I'm the 'top' and you're the 'bottom', I'm the boss and you're not."

He said that in a pleasantly inoffensive manner. It actually sounded as if he was boasting about both of us, complimenting us for, um, I don't know... matching up, or something commendable. I cringed a little at two buzzwords he used: one was 'couple', insinuating he and I are a couple, and the other cringe-worthy reference was his use of the term 'serious relationship' as if that's what we're in. Loosely interpreted, yes, we are two guys, and 'two' does constitute a 'couple', but that's not what he meant. And, yes, we do have a buddy sex relationship but that isn't what he meant either. We have a communication problem although I'm the only one who realizes it.

Also, Danny has no filter between his thoughts and what comes out of his mouth. It wouldn't occur to him that I might be offended by his assumption I'm subordinate to him. Taking his head between my hands to ensure we're looking into each other's eyes, I say seriously, "You know better than that, Danny. We're not a 'couple' and we're not in a 'serious relationship'." Ignoring that, he responds instead to me saying that I was kidding about 'topping' him. He goes, "I knew you were kidding about 'topping'! You wouldn't be happy as a 'top'; not with me, you wouldn't. I know that's not what you want or need."

Well, I'm not interested in having a serious conversation about what I want or need so I have a joking tone in my voice when saying, "Well, look at you! I didn't realize you could read my mind to know what I want and need!" He gets his hands under my armpits and then, way too easily, abruptly lifts me off him and I almost go off the bed with Danny pulling me over just in time and then, quick as a cat, he ends up sitting on my stomach. The bed covers, of course, are now tangled and mostly at the foot of the bed. I knew he could flip me off him, but I wasn't expecting it to be that easy for him. Dammit, I should have at least tried some naked wrestling like Rob and I do sometimes.

And look at that! The firm head of Danny's penis is between my pectoral muscles. My pecs have pretty good definition, although that's mostly God-given and when compared to Danny's chest, mine looks boyish. And, hmm, I believe it was Danny who put that thought in my head because he once told me I have a boy's body. He tried to turn that into a compliment but it's a major stretch taking that as a compliment, not that I'm concerned about it.

Looking smug, he's grinning down at me now, so I'm like, "What the hell are you grinning about? Not that body flip I hope. Christ, I let you do that... and why is your dick so firm?" As he did yesterday, Danny intertwines his fingers with mine and stretches my arms out as he leans over me and says very seriously, "I'm in love with you... that's why my dick is getting hard. You arouse me sexually in a way no one else in the world does." I go, "I'm not so sure you know what love actually..." but he's not interested in that and talks over me, saying, "I don't need to read your mind to know what you want and need. You want a strong confident lover who can competently take charge of everything and who, first and foremost, will take care of you! That's what I'm going to be and do for you. And occasionally I'm going to spank your ass when you need it because occasionally you do need it, but then I'll make up to you and you'll be happy. Mostly though, I'm going to treat you like a prince."

I'm staring at him as this strange scary feeling begins buzzing in my balls. He's still smiling as he adds, "So you see, I do know what you want and need... don't I?" Gulping, I mutter, "I don't know, um..." He says, "Yes you do," and his head comes down slowly. He quietly murmurs close to my ear, "Don't be afraid, Dylan, I'll make it all work out okay," and he licks my ear and then moves his head so his lips can meet mine for another one of his romantic kisses, one I can't stop myself from joining in on.

My cock by now, of course, is hard as wood and sticking straight up behind Danny. When he sits up after the kiss my wooden boner bumps against his left butt cheek. Danny mugs a 'face' saying, "Hello! Who's there?" I'm slightly traumatized by his accurate appraisal of what I've always fantasized my lover would be like. Danny's version though is milder than my early fantasies. For one thing, he left out the word dominant although he actually described a more realistic version of my perfect lover and he did it with confidence oozing out of every pore on his body. There's very little doubt or hesitation in Danny Monday.

Danny's still got me sort of spread-eagled with my arms spreads out on the mattress, him sitting on my stomach with his knees against the sides of my chest and his feet back near my butt cheeks. Yeah, he's looking as comfortable as it's possible to be. I, on the other hand, am in one of my silent trances hypnotized by what Danny's said and the manner in which he said it. It almost sounded like a done deal... like reality, which is what scared me for a second.

With our fingers intertwined it feels like we're holding hands as Danny chuckles, saying, "After all these months we've been intimately together as lovers, I'm still not used to how quiet you get at times. It would be incredibly awesome if I actually could read your mind. I'd love to know what goes on in that cute head of yours. You stare at me with your beautiful blue eyes and then say nothing. It's spooky like you're a secret warlock... heh heh... a beautiful boy witch."

I'm still not saying anything because I don't trust my voice right now. He says, "And you're still doing it. Oh, okay, I feel your power, warlock. The spell you cast on me is probably why I can't resist you. Your spell is working... haha!" He moves up my body to sit on my chest now, his hard cock almost bumping my throat. Danny goes, "C'mon baby, admit I correctly analyzed what you want and need from a perfect lover... like me. And don't say you don't know again... you know very well."

I'm able to barely shrug considering the way Danny's pulled my arms tightly over my head and to the side with one of our intertwined hands over the edge of the mattress. He says, "You like that I take charge, don't you? Hey, we talked about this yesterday... don't you remember? You admitted liking it when I put my arm around you protectively, and I know you like when I spank you, right? And I can get you wicked aroused so you'll do anything I want." He's smiling and pretending he's half-joking, but he's not joking. I'm deep in a sexy trance though and enjoying looking at him and hearing him talk although in my trance I'm not especially paying much attention to what he's saying... it's the sound of the words, not the meaning that hypnotizes me. The words sound kinda right I guess but look at that face though! So cute! And, Jesus, his scraggy sparse soft-looking whiskers feel sexy against my face when we kiss.

Ooh... Danny's getting a tad frustrated, saying, "C'mon, say something!" I shake my head and he snickers, muttering, "Prick," and then, "You sure don't hide your emotions, do you? You make it obvious what you like, want, and need and I'm ecstatically willing to provide it all for you, and more." Doesn't he ever doubt himself? Fuck, I wish I could think of something clever to say. I mean, he'd been pretty much right if only he'd stop insisting we're a 'couple' and eliminate 'lovers' from when he refers to 'our relationship'. Those two small changes and his analysis would describe our buddy sex relationship... and that'd be perfect!

I keep staring because he's so youthfully cute and strong and sexy. He's also deliciously dominant in a sweetheart kind of way, but without thinking of himself as being dominant. He doesn't use the word, he uses 'in charge' or 'bossy'... which are okay too.

I'm back to enjoying being silently in my trance hoping he'll do more analysis, when he laughs and then says, "You better say something pretty damn quick you cute motherfucker or I'll turn you over and spank your ass." I managed to come up with a total non sequitur, mutter in my hypnotized submissive trance. I go, "Um, well, I like the haircut you gave me today." He laughs out loud, and goes, "You're breaking my balls again, right?" Then, without realizing I'm going to say it, I go, "Kiss me," and he leans down as I lift my head with my mouth slightly open, trying not to pant. His lips meet mine and I mostly let him do everything which turns out to be maybe the best one-minute luscious kiss, um, ever. Dreamy and sexy! My body gets very tight and I grunt into his mouth as a spurt of pre-cum shoots out of my boner. Yeah, it didn't drool out, it shot out feeling sort of like a watery climax, as I moan, "Mmmm, oooh." All this body contact with Danny is really getting to me. First I was on him and now he's on me... Omigod.

When Danny lifts his head, our lips make a wet sucking sound as they're separating. I see pinkness in Danny's cheeks as he goes, "Goddamn, I love kissing you!" and then it occurs to me that I'm the one who initiated what he logically could interpret as a lover's kiss. Oh, fuck, that was wrong of me and so unfair to Danny. I don't mean to but I sometimes act like a big tease giving off all the wrong signals. It's because Danny gets my head all fucked up. Oh man, I need to be the one advocating buddy sex! What was I thinking with that needy 'Kiss me,' nonsense?

He lets go of my hands and I stretched my arms out along my body and relax as Danny gets a serious expression on his face and murmurs, "You've got sweet lips," and then he licks my lips and as I squirm a little under the weight of him, I can't help moaning, "Ummm, umm." He pats my cheek and says what he always says, "Be patient, baby, okay? I want us to enjoy foreplay before I make love to you and, heh heh, the way I'm feeling right now it'll be quick love... if ya know what I mean." I nod my head wondering why my brain turns off when Danny gets me aroused like this. Then I fully participate in Danny's next thirty-second kiss, his tongue deliciously sliding on mine until I can't catch my fucking breath.

My arms are around his neck now and I'm holding his face against mine while kissing him back as if I've lost my mind. We make-out with him sitting on me, his hands on either side of my face and it goes on for five or six minutes, and all five or six minutes I'm thinking my climax is ready to blow... not pre-cum but a full-blown climax that feels right at the tipping point. When I feel his pre-cum drooling out onto my chest, Danny lifts his head with his eyes looking a little out of focus as he grins, saying, " Hey, how about showing me how much you appreciate me like you were saying the other day. You said you wanted to tell me how special you think I am. I liked hearing that even though you didn't need to tell me. I already know you think I'm special."

Again, I can't think of anything to say, so Danny continues, "And, do ya wanna know how I can tell? Haha, I can see how much I mean to you from your eyes. Yeah, and I see it all the time too! I see your desire for me, I see you want me to make love to you. Yep, every time I look into your eyes you give yourself away... haha, I probably shouldn't have told you my secret way of knowing everything about you from your eyes. I see it all and I want to live up to the way you look at me."

Other guys have told me they see the desire for sex in my eyes. They've said it in different ways but it all comes down to... sex. And I don't doubt that many of my past side sex partners did see something in my eyes because sex is often on my mind. I don't doubt Danny's seen desire at times either because I think he's a hot and sexy guy and I've had this crush on him for a while now, a long while. Most of the rest of the things he thinks he sees in my eyes is what he chooses to see.

I mutter, "I've got blue balls," and he says, "Yeah? Well, I'm cranked up too. I'm gonna get off you and then you get on your side." I do that and hear a drawer open and then lube is being pushed inside my ass as Danny says, "Just a quickie. We'll get off fast." I hear a thump which I assume is the container of Specks' KY Jelly being tossed back into the bedside table's drawer. Danny's arm comes over my side and his fingers play with my nip-ring as his hard cock hits my asshole. The head of his anxious boner spreads my asshole open a little and then it opens wider as I gulp and shiver. My anus spreads open even more before that nice swollen head of Danny's cock fits in and then with a little hump of Danny's hips it slides tightly past my sphincter muscle. Oh, Christ, it feels much larger than I know it is and I moan, "Oooh, mmm, Danny." He grunts, "Feels good, huh, baby?" All I can do is nod my head because a million pleasure vibrations duel with the initial pain. The pain never had a chance though, not with Danny's hard penis fitting in there so perfectly. Quickly, all traces of the defeated pain fades into oblivion.

A few humps and grunts from Danny and he tight against my buttocks, all six hard inches and maybe a little bit more are all tightly inside my rectum and I experience that sensation of being perfectly filled up back there. Danny lets out a long exhale and pulls on my nip-ring until I go, "Ow!" His face is against the back of my head as he mutters, "Sorry," and then it's fast and hard balls-to-the-wall fucking with muffled sounds of Danny's crotch slapping into my butt cheeks. Muffled because we're on our sides and the side of Danny's hips against the mattress slows down the thrusting but nothing slows down the rampaging climax that roars up on me in a minute or so. Our earlier touching and making out, and just being in bed with Danny who I've got this wicked thing for, had me shooting out pre-cum earlier so I knew it wouldn't take much to fuck a climax out of me, and it doesn't.

I thought I was going to shoot off when the head of his cock burst past my sphincter entering my body like it belonged in there. How I held that climax off for almost two minutes I couldn't tell you, but I did. The inevitable full force climax had its way and BAM! it's like show-ponies and skyrockets and the Fourth of July fireworks going off in my head as I squeal, 'EEEEEIIII!" Danny's hand slapping over my mouth to muffle more squealing from me as I'm bucking on my side as my iron boner is shooting a long stream of cum toward Specks' bed but that falls short and then two more shots of creamy white cum as my body shakes and Danny fires his creamy load up my ass. He humps against my buttocks gasping and breathing noisily through his nose.

It seems like we're shaking together for a minute afterward but it was probably ten seconds and now it's all quiet on the western front or maybe we're pointing to the eastern front, whatever... we're calm now. Calm but we're breathing deeply with our bodies slack, limp, but still together. Ultimately not a great fuck because it was too short but I'm still savoring the feeling of my cum as it came roaring out my incredibly sensitized hard cock.

We lie like this for two minutes or so and then Danny pulls his cock out and I shudder as a few late developing pleasure vibrations sizzle around my anus. Danny sighs before getting out of bed and then wiping his cock with Handi Wipes as he's telling me, "Roll over on your stomach, Dylan." I do that and he wipes my ass with me saying in a squeaky voice, "Thanks for wiping my bum, Daddy." My wise-ass remark gets me a "SMACK!" on my ass, and I yelp, "Ow!" Danny chuckles as he dries his dick with some tissues and then crawls back in bed. Oh man, did that feel good!

Snuggling up against Danny, from necessity as much as wanting to cuddle, I say, "Seriously, that felt fantastic, Danny, and thanks for being considerate about wiping your drooling cum off my ass." He says, "Move over a little bit, I'm almost off the edge here."

I slide over a little and, jeez, Danny's so great, um, and if I hadn't experienced the perfect long-term love affair with Robby already, who knows what might have been. What happened did happen though and I can't imagine being in love with anyone else as much as I am with Robby. Maybe anyone in love would say the same thing... it's all moot anyway because I did meet Robby and we have had a five-year romance, so the possibility of me leaving him is as inconceivable to me, as inconceivable as me becoming an astronaut.

While that's all true, it doesn't mean I don't have a special spot in my beating heart for Danny too, because I do. It started unexpectedly as a frivolous crush and I was as surprised about it as Danny was. We've talked a little about it and agree it is odd that I'd develop a crush on him when nothing like that happened during the three previous years we went to college together and doing many things together with mutual friends.

Whatever, I did get that crush on him eight or nine months ago and it hasn't gone away. Instead, and maybe because I had a crush on him, Danny became infatuated with me too. We had sporadic sex last summer; not nearly as much as I would have liked, and then near the end of the summer something clicked in Danny's brain and now he claims he's in love with me. That's our short history of time...

And here we are with Danny's doing his 'thing'... again. His 'thing' being him changing from the lover's mode of his earlier lover's type kisses to the buddy-sex type fuck we just had, and now he continues in a buddy sex mode by pontificating about random stuff. He's back sitting on my chest casually running his fingers through the bristly hair on top of my head, saying, "Gee, I like the feel of short stiff hair like this. I mean on my boyfriend's head. I'm into guys, not girls obviously, and short hair like you have is a guy thing. That's one of the reasons I decided to give you a flattop haircut initially, that and my memory of you having this haircut as a teen. Oh, sure, I then changed my mind in favor of this awesome crewcut, but that's beside the point." Yep, he's off and running with an off the cuff dissertation about short hair. Frowning, he asks, "Hey, did I already tell you this, baby?"

As he's yammering on about my hair, my lovely trance has drifting away, but it's very good he's sticking with his 'buddy sex' frame of mind, so I say, "Oh, I think you mentioned it before, yeah. Um, I mean, no, I'm not sure if you told me or not." He rubs my head some more, mumbling, "Anyway, you said a little while ago you like this haircut specifically, and thanks for the compliment, by the way. Um, but are you saying you want me to use the same clipper attachment next time too?" Oh fuck, whatever! I go, "I want you to do what you think looks best, Danny. You've been right more often than I have about what looks good." The more Danny talks about routine things like my haircut, the more I can say bye-bye to any remnants of my sexy trance. And, that was a dreamy one too.

Danny says, "Huh, ya know, what you just said puts a lot of pressure on me." I laugh out loud. He goes, "What?" I shake my head, mumbling, "Oh, nothing," and he goes, "C'mon, tell me." I say, "Well, you've been doing whatever haircut YOU wanted to give me for the last seven or eight months, so I was wondering why all of a sudden you feel pressure about simply continuing to do the same thing."

That wasn't what Danny wanted to hear apparently, so he's decided to ignore it and go off in a bit of a different direction, saying, "Fucking Hayden, ya know?" I'm like, "Hayden? Um, whaddaya mean?" He goes, "That was always something I never had with Hayden." Not knowing where he's going with this, I mutter, "You mean short bristly hair?" and, I said that to be a smart-ass, but Danny goes, "Yeah, exactly! I missed a real guy's haircut to feel when we're doing foreplay or, ya know, sexy fucking, or just goofing around. Hayden was my boyfriend with a head of girlie hair! He's always been a cantankerous fuck and steadfastly refused to get it cut, which was especially ridiculous in the summers when you'd expect he'd come to his senses!"

I make a 'face', trying not to snicker at his outrage this long time after the fact. I manage to mutter, "Yeah, he had a lot of hair." Danny nods and says, "I've almost always had, you know, jock's short hair but Hayden had that girlie long hair all the years we were, um, best friends, boyfriends, lovers, you name it and we were it. I might as well have been fucking a girl." That makes as much sense as most of this diatribe of Danny's. So, still goofing on him a little, I go, "Well, he has short hair now," and Danny's outraged again, "For all the 'effing good it does me now! I'm talking about the last nine or ten years when he was my main man, my main girlie man."

Danny doesn't realize how funny he is getting all pissed off and worked up about ancient history. I'm trying to keep a straight face as he goes, "Hell, I put up with Hayden's gay affectations because, well, haha, I kinda liked them... I got a kick outta them. Not his fucking girlie hair though!" Well, obviously, I'm totally out of my trance by now but I continue trying not to chuckle, mumbling, "Don't get upset, Danny. Feel my hair again." He snickers and mutters, "You asshole. I wasn't upset," and then he rubs the top of my head again.

Ya see, as crazy as it might sound that's the kind of passionate goofiness I think is endearing about Danny. He's so truthful in saying things that most guys might find embarrassing to admit. Anyway, as much as I like Hayden, I don't really care to talk about him right now. I wanna get back to thinking about the feel of Danny's body, the smell of him, and just the rarity of actually being here in bed with him.

I guess it's on my mind that I've only got a few more months of this. With Danny I mean. After graduating I'll be working a full-time job for, well, for the rest of my fucking life. And then Danny has lots of stuff going on this summer too. He needs to get teaching credits or whatever it's called at Framingham High during their summer school program, plus he told me he's enrolled in two baseball coaching clinics, and then there's something else he's doing that I've forgotten. He'll be busy all the time is what I'm saying.

With all that going on I'm unlikely to see much if any of Danny this summer, never mind I'm living with Robby, my other home, and we're supposedly getting married sooner or later... Robby and me. Plus Danny isn't like me. He can go weeks without sex. Then, when he's in the mood he'll go three or four or five times in twenty-four hours, no problem. Few guys fuck better than him. What I'm saying is this summer is likely to be a Danny-less summer so I need to make the most of the time I have left with him. I can't have him slip into one of his abstinence modes these last three and a half months of college!

Before Danny goes off on another tangent about some random topic, I go, "Um, do ya think you could slide off me for a little while, Danny?" He grins, "Am I getting too heavy?" I nod my head and he mutters, "Anything for you, baby, but reach down and pull the covers over us too." He slides off me and I scoot over until I'm hanging onto the edge of the mattress so he can lie on his back. When he's on his back, he mutters, "Don't forget the covers." I reach down and grab the covers and then, with a grin and feeling a little bit silly, I slide mostly on top of Danny now and at the same time pull the covers over us... this bed ain't too big ya know. He asks, "Better, baby?" I go, "I'm not a baby!" He mutters, "Okay," and I go, "But, yeah, this is good," and I snuggle in trying to get as comfortable as I was earlier. Ya know, getting the puzzle pieces to fit... heh heh.

Danny adjusts his position a little as well and then he wraps his arms around me under the covers. The side of my head is on his shoulders and when he gives me a squeeze I get the same shivers I felt before. He snickers, saying, "It doesn't take much for me to get you aroused, does it? That's all I was saying a little while ago." I resist asking him to do that squeeze again because I'm determined not to give off any more wrong signals, I mean any more after the hundred or so I've already given him.

He starts lightly rubbing my head again, absently as if he's not particularly thinking about it and then he's rubbing his hands down my back and occasionally squeezing my ass so it's no surprise my boner is getting hard again. It's not as hard as it was, but it is a real boner lying between Danny and me. This is nice though... I should lie on top of him more often 'cause his body is awesome. I've got a little grin on my face enjoying my boner and replaying in my mind our fantastic make out a while ago that was followed by the two-minute miracle fuck and the big orgasm... BAM! Not that I'm going to encourage it, but I wish Danny would do a few more of his deep imitation lover's kisses. Jesus, they had me right on the verge of climaxing for five or six straight minutes... and I totally believed I was going to blow my load every single second of those five or six minutes. I wanted to actually, and then Danny provided the relief with his hard cock... haha, we're animals, pure and simple.

Danny's talking quietly about his plans for teaching and coaching high school baseball... hopefully, high school. He's excited about Tom Brooker's father maybe getting him an introduction to maybe a high school teaching position as early as this coming September. He goes on saying how it's almost worse having this possibility dangled in front of him when he'd previously settled in his mind that he'd be a substitute teacher at middle school the first year and blah, blah, blah for a half hour or more. Here's the encouraging thing about that to me, Danny never says things like Rob does about what I'll be doing in his plans, hopes, and dreams for the future. It's encouraging that maybe Danny's realistic about 'our' future or maybe Danny hasn't thought through things enough yet to include his plans for me while he's teaching and, as I said, that's a good thing!

I'm half listening while mostly thinking how much I like our bodily contact in this smallish bed, and our making out earlier, and our fucking, and I almost forgot how my haircut fetish helped get me aroused from the start... it's been a good afternoon. When Danny runs out of things to say I finish my daydreaming and look at him remembering what he said a half hour ago, or maybe it was longer ago than that. I lift my head off his shoulder and, oh no, Danny's eyelids are looking heavy. All that talking wore him out and I know from experience he's prone to napping, so I'm like, "Yo, Danny, what were you gonna say about me showing you how much I appreciate you?" He frowns, asking, "What was that?"

Yep, I wanna keep him awake but I also want us to stay in a "buddy sex' mode. That requires me being careful as I try instigating some more sexual activities before he falls asleep. He's done that, taking a nap, every single time we've been in his dorm bed together. And today he's been on his feet cutting hair from nine-thirty this morning until three-thirty in the afternoon so I'm positive there's a need for a nap lurking in Danny's head.

He says, "No, wait! Yeah, I remember! It was the other day, yesterday I think it was, you were telling me you think I'm special. I already knew you thought I was but... hey, didn't we already talk about this?" I'm like, "You started, but never finished what you were going to say." He goes, "Didn't I? Um, I guess I was gonna say that it's one thing to tell me how you feel about me, but it's far better if you show me some physical appreciation. Yeah, you talk a good game, and I gotta say I do feel appreciated hearing it verbally, but how about if you show your man some physical love." I hesitate for a second wanting to correct his 'my man' misconception, but it's not worth it, so I'm like, "Yeah, I can do that," and I shimmy down his body, under the covers. As I'm doing that I'm thinking, 'Oops, he fucked me forty-five minutes ago so his cock... hmm.. Yeah, but he used Handi Wipes on his dick so, um... fuck it, no problem. I've sucked guys off in my younger days after they fucked me. It's not ideal, but I'm on a mission to keep Danny interested and awake! Haha.

When I'm on my knees between his legs I put a hand on each leg rubbing lightly up and down from his feet all the way up to his cock and balls with the back of my knuckles sliding against his scrotum on the way up and on the way down. Danny has nice legs but they're fairly hairless. Omigod, if he had hairy calves I don't wanna think what I might do. Hairy calves turn me on. Anyway, after rubbing up and down his legs four times I feel his body shudder and he mumbled something too, but I can't make out what he said. I'm committed to giving Danny a lot of attention with the hope he'll avoid one of his abstinence periods next week, or whenever.

Obviously, I'm going to suck his dick so I move my head forward under the covers getting in position to do that. When I move my head the short bristly hairs on top stiffly refuse to bend against the pressure of the covers while the slightly longer hairs in front pullback flat against my head. That feels weird and I reach up to rub my head. Remembering the extra short haircut Danny gave me makes my dick move on its own.

Oh yeah! My dick has been feeling good a lot this afternoon... heh heh. It's experienced various degrees of hardness from the first minute I crawled on top of Danny an hour ago until right now. It's been feeling fantastic even during Danny's random dissertations. Okay, getting down to business I need to make this oral sex memorable enough that Danny will get as horny as I usually am, and he'll want me to do it again. Without touching his cock with my hands, I put my face against his groin and do fast little licks on his dick. Lick, lick, lick until I feel the wetness of my saliva all up and down his hardening penis and then, moving his dick to the side with my nose, I do the same little licks all over and around his balls making them move in his scrotum. Oh, Christ, in a couple of minutes my face is as wet with spit as his cock and balls. Lick, lick, lick. Little quick licks like a cat licking at a bowl of milk. Oh, good, I think I heard a moan from Danny, plus he's moving his feet on the bed and now he's squirming on his ass, his hands coming under the covers to rub my head.

Now I do long laps up his cock that's already quite hard, although not as hard as mine. I get 'off' licking a guy's cock and balls and then sucking him off. Yeah, it feels like a submissive activity to me and I'm into that sort of thing. My goal is to get his cock as hard as mine so I suck on the head and use my hand to stroke the foreskin on and off the head until most of it is stretched completely off. Danny's boner is over six inches long now, and what a perfect cock on this boy... awesome!

I'm trying to lick under his balls but his sack of nuts keeps slipping off my nose so I use my hands to push his scrotum and hard cock up against his belly. Now my tongue can lick under his nuts and, Omigod, I need to stroke my own vibrating boner a few times as I try to lick over to Danny's asshole. Oh boy, he's really squirming on the bed now, his feet moving up and down a foot at a time, no pun intended. I can just imagine his arousal if I can get my tongue reaching the rim his asshole.

My nose, wet with my own spit, is pressed hard against Danny's groin right next to his scrotum with my tongue stretching as much as possible but just not quite getting to Danny's asshole. If he'd lift his ass a little that'd be a big help. Not only am I having trouble reaching his asshole with my tongue, but when I almost get there Danny flops on the bed or squirms and moans while pushing at my head or trying to pull the slightly longer hair at the front. It's a little frustrating because I want to rim his ass a little.

Finally, I'm like, fuck it! I give up the rimming idea 'cause it ain't working and, anyway, I'm kinda anxious to feel his entire cock in my mouth so I pull my head back, pick up his boner and begin again sucking the head. Immediately a long drool of pre-cum coats my tongue and Danny says loud enough for me to hear, "That's good! I'm good... that's enough, baby," as he thumps on the top of my head with his fingers. Well, sure, I heard him say that loud and clear but I'm sort of into this oral sex too deeply to just stop. Instead, I take as much of his boner's shaft into my mouth as I can. Then push in even a little more until the swollen head hits the back of my throat.

Danny tries pulling my short bangs again, saying something that had a touch of urgency to it although I can't make out the words. I bob my head forward pretty hard to get his cock into my throat. Gagging is unavoidable until my throat muscles relax a little. Then I hesitate for a second before pushing my face against his crotch which forces his hard swollen cock down my throat as pubic hairs surround my mouth, chin, and nose. I press harder with most of his throbbing boner inside my throat now. Waiting a few seconds and hardly believing his whole cock is in my throat. I snap out of it and begin bobbing my head pushing and pulling Danny's wickedly hard boner back and forth in my throat. I swear I'm going to cum myself as Danny's back arches off the bed. I hear a loud moan as he tries humping his hips and his load gushes down my throat. Immediately I'm pulling my head back... his boner coming out of my throat as a squirt of cum hits my tongue and then a spurt hits the inside of my cheek. When his cock is fully out of my mouth I hold it in my fingers and take two squirts of cum on my face, one hits my nose and the other my chin.

After stroking his still hard cock a few times I let go of it and stroke my own boner while working my way up and then out from under the covers. Danny's face is red as he's gasping in a deep inhale but then he snorts out a laugh when he sees the cum drooling off my nose and chin. Omigod, my cock is stupidly hard. I stroke it again, biting my bottom lip and hoping to climax but starting to lose faith that I'm gonna make it to a climax tipping point.

Danny rubs his finger in the cum on my face and smears it on my lips and then pushes some in my nostril and now it's my turn to snort out a laugh. Danny then pushes my hand away from my boner, saying, "Let me taste my cum," and he pulls my head over while still holding my wrist so I can't stroke my cock. I'm right on the precipice of orgasm when Danny's tongue goes inside my mouth. I don't think he'll get much of a taste because I've swallowed like three times since he shot off in my mouth.

He says, "I don't taste anything." I shrug and he goes, "And I want you to stop playing with yourself, haha! C'mon, get back on top of me, baby. That seems to motivate you to do extraordinary things." I pull my arm out of his grasp, but it's too late to bring on the climax that was building. Danny tells me like he's telling me something I don't know already, "Damn, dude, you made me climax!" Oh man, haha.

I need to take a deep breath myself as I lay my chest on his. He hugs me and says, "Very interesting blow job and it felt fantastic, but what I wanted to do is shoot another load up your ass." I ask, "Has anyone ever rimmed your ass?" He shrugs his shoulders against my shoulders and says, "Only you that one time." I don't remember doing it, but I tell him, "Well, you say the word and I'll do it for you." He goes, "Nah, I don't want you doing that again. That's too gross a thing for my precious Dylan to do." A matter of opinion, ya know? I'm not arguing though because I wanna keep Danny happy with buddy sex, not lover's sex. And this was definitely buddy sex... oral buddy sex.

Danny's hugging around my waist which always feels good because I like bodily contact with guys. Now though I'm having second thoughts about deciding to go the oral sex route. And, jeez, Danny just shot his second load so, hell, my chances of being fucked again today might be slim assuming Robby's coming home at five. He already told me he's too tired and beat up for sex so a second fuck from Danny will hold me over until tomorrow morning.

Yeah, Rob told me he needs twelve hours of sleep before his batteries are recharged. He said he hasn't gotten as much as four hours sleep either night he was home. In the old days, I'd be suspicious he was fucking or getting fucked by one of his side sex friends...not anymore though. I believe him that he's done with side-sex. It's all about his true love from here on out, and since I'm his true love that's a good thing. Not tonight, however, but tomorrow morning, oh boy!

Danny says, "Why aren't you talking again?" I'm like, "I'm thinking!" He goes, "What are you thinking about?" I lift my head to look in his eyes, saying, "I'm thinking maybe we won't have time for you to fuck me again before Robby gets back." He reaches over and picks up my left wrist to look at my watch. He goes, "Oh, fuck, it's quarter to five. When did you say he was coming back?" I mumble, "We're done, Danny. He said he'll be back as early as five o'clock. He might already be at the apartment. Goddammit, where did the time go?!" Danny like, "Be calm and call him to make sure he's on schedule." I make a 'face' as I sort of whine, "What would I tell him? I mean, why would I be calling to check on what time he expects to be here? Do ya see what I mean?" Danny says, "Figure it out, baby," and he reaches down to give my ass a smack, adding, "C'mon, get up and call Rob." I go, "Oh, alright," and I slide off his body feeling a wet streak across my thigh. It's the playfulness of penises, Danny's in this case. Un huh, a penis always has a last bit of cum or piss that it likes to let out late to wet your finger after you take a piss or, like just now a late streak of cum across my leg. Fucking penises, ya know?

Wiping at my leg, I get my cell phone out of my pants and, I'll be damned, there's a text message from Robby. He sent it eleven minutes ago. Huh, that was while I was trying to lick Danny ass. I say, "You won't believe this, Danny, but Rob texted a few minutes ago telling me it'll be closer to seven when he gets back here." Danny goes, "Awesome! That's a blessing because I need a nap. Get back in bed, baby, and, um, turn out the light first." I mutter, "Yes, Mr. Bossy." His napping record is one hundred percent intact now... every single time he and I are in his dormitory bed, Danny takes a nap. It must be me.

As I'm crawling back under the covers, Danny says, "Lay partially on me like you did last night on the sofa. I can't go to sleep if you're totally on top of me." I do that, and he's like, "No, get more on my chest, please. Wait, first, let me slide over some more." I roll my eyes and Danny goes, "Okay, now lay on my chest and put your left leg between mine. No, not on my leg, between my legs. Whaddaya doing... don't you remember last night?" I go, "Don't yell at me, Danny! And stop bossing me around!" He mutters, "Sorry, but try following directions for once." Under my breath, I mutter, "Fuck your directions," and he snickers and then mumbles, "I heard that."

I do what he said and then we both adjust our position a little before Danny sighs, murmuring, "Perfect. Just like that, Dylan... that's my boy," and he puts his arm across my back and squeezes me, muttering, "Nice." Another squeeze from his arm and then he kisses the side of my face, and says, "I love you so fucking much." I mumble, "Don't, Danny." He rubs my head, going, "Shhh, be quiet now. We're gonna sleep for a while." He's right though, this is nice. Damn, I can't help thinking about our earlier fuck, and that oral sex too... that was hot!

Trying to get everything off my mind so I can sleep, I sigh as Danny did but it doesn't work for me. I'm too geared up thinking about Danny's and my, um, I almost said 'relationship'. That's what Danny's calls it all the time. And he's right too. It has become a relationship and not just a buddy relationship as I've been insisting it is. No, he's somehow made it more than just a buddy relationship... I may as well admit that to myself. Opening my eyes, I stare at him... damn, I do have real feelings for him but they're different feelings than I had last summer when it was just a fun crush. Oh, boy... life is complicated.

Danny's right though, he and I have become more than just buddies who have sex together. We're a lot of things all mixed together and Danny recognized that way before I'm recognizing it now. There are many things I appreciate about him like his 'looks' and hot sexy body with his wide shoulders. Yes, physical appearance means more to me than it should. I'm shallow like that I suppose. I put too much stock in what a guy looks like, but it's not just Danny's looks... it's him too, the person that Danny is. Obviously, his sex is extraordinary and that's important... vitally important actually. He's an incredible 'top' when he gets around to it... haha. No, he's been coming through pretty regularly since last summer. Well, except for the three-plus weeks of Christmas break and then he missed almost a month while sucking up to Tom Brooker and Tom's father about the teaching/coaching position. Other than those to abstinent periods, he's been good.

Let's face it though, Danny's simply not nearly as horny as I am, or Robby is. Hell, I'm horny almost all the time, but when Danny is horny... look out! He was rambling a bit this afternoon with the Hayden thing and short hair for guys and then his plans for after graduation and other things. That's what took up so much of our time. And then he got into analyzing what I want and need... lots of talking from Danny. He's a good talker.

And I actually like his quirkiness and goofy mannerisms that seem to put others off a little. Yeah, I do because he's so honest and always one-hundred-percent himself. Nothing phony or put-on about Danny Monday. Nope, he's real and I like his enthusiasm for life plus his confidence in, well his confidence in every-fucking-thing. All that kind of stuff is off the charts with Danny. Robby's confident about baseball and business matters and that second one is a very admirable and useful thing to be confident about, to say the least. In other ways though, Rob's no more confident than me, and I'm not confident about very much. In high school, both Rob and I were very shy too. I can't imagine Danny ever being shy about anything. On the other hand, being overconfident, as Danny must be in some instances since he can't be an expert about everything, being overconfident isn't an especially good trait either. That's a fairly pathetic criticism, but then I can't think of much I don't like that I could criticize Danny about.

And there I go again comparing Danny and Robby which is ultimately a pointless exercise because however they stack up, it's still going to be me and Robby riding into the sunset together. I'm not considering switching to Danny... I'm just being honest with myself about how I feel about him and admitting we have a relationship that's become a step or two more important than just buddy-sex buddies. I admit that now. Still, what's the harm in comparing attributes of the life partner I'm riding into the sunset with? Comparing him to someone else I admire. Oh jeez, do I admire Danny though? Huh, I guess I definitely do because he has some qualities I wish I had, just like Robby has qualities I wish I had, and I admire them both because of that. That's what admiring someone means, right? They're better than you in some ways that you admire and wish you could emulate.

And when I really think about it, it's actually not so strange I have a real relationship with Danny, one that's elevated beyond a buddy sex sort of thing. I mean I had these same thoughts and concerns at times with both Willie and Ryan, my other two significant buddy-sex buddies. I fell into a longish relationship with both of them too. They're my only other serious relationships and they both ran their course... the passage of time sorting them out, so to speak. There was no specific break-up or official dumping in either case... our relationships just ran out of steam. That's never happened with Robby and me, nothing even close to that has happened in over five years now.

Only one time in those five-plus years has Robby put his foot down about anything. And I'm not particularly upset about never having sex with Dodger again. But then we never had a real relationship anyway. He had a passing fancy for me before he went in the Army but he has his own boyfriend now. Things change, things end sometimes. The same thing applies to Willie and Ryan. They're my past, they've moved on and so have I. With Willie and Dodger, I think we're still friends but who the fuck knows what Ryan thinks. I don't know if we're still friends or not. Probably not, but not because of me. And Pony's like a little brother to me rather than us being in any kind of real relationship. There is no relationship in fact. Pony and I are friends, period. No, it's only Danny who I really care about outside of my love affair with Rob. All my other side sex partners have drifted off and while I wish them good luck, I don't miss them. I'm sure they feel the same about me... no hard feelings at all, except for the troubled mind of Ryan maybe.

So, as I said, it's only Danny who's a concern. I don't want to give him up, but at the same time, I guess I should for his benefit. Well, that's a little dramatic! I don't need to worry about Danny, he's very capable of taking care of himself. I just meant he has this crazy idea I'll leave Rob and marry him! Well, no, not exactly because Danny probably wouldn't want to get married even if I did leave Robby, which I'm not doing anyway. Still, there's the part where Danny thinks he and I will end up as a couple and he's wrong about that, so it's a bit of a problem.

So what's this all mean? I don't know what it means, but it's been a fun day.

I'm pretty sure Robby would never go for the three of us being a happy threesome riding off in the sunset together... haha! I need to change 'pretty sure' in that thought to 'I'm positive' Robby wouldn't go for that, but then neither would Danny. I'm the only one out of the three of us who would be happy with that. Nah, I wouldn't be happy with it either. There would be too much potential for tension. I hate tension! Anyway, I don't need to deal with this now.

I mean seriously, why the fuck would I deal with it now? Who knows what could happen in the next three months? Robby's aware of me and Danny doing 'it' and it falls within the guidelines of our arrangement. Nothing unusual here. Move along... nothing to see here, folks. Go on about your business. False alarm. It's so typical of me to manufacture things to worry about. This isn't a problem for now! It's a problem for the future.

Christ, I can't help but smile. What was I thinking? I got all confused between keeping Danny interested when that obviously isn't a concern, and then I added on a future concern unnecessarily... because that's what I do; I make up problems. So I won't do that anymore. Oh man, that's a relief.

Ha, I feel great now that that self-inflicted concern has been put to rest. Glancing at Danny sleeping, his head three inches from mine, and, Omigod, he's so youthful looking! I would love to feel those sexy looking lips of his on mine right now but I'm not waking him. Danny's got that polite but slightly stern way about him and he wouldn't like me waking him from his nap.

Yeah, I like that he has a way of nicely being stern with me at just the right times. Only someone who really cares about you will put that extra energy into their relationship... getting stern with you shows they care about you. Robby does it sometimes too but it doesn't come as naturally to him as it seems to with Danny, although I'm not hesitant about snapping back at either one of them when I don't think it's warranted. But mostly, as I said, I like it.

Well, I'm back to my original thought of a few days ago, which is: reinforce to Danny how awesome I believe he is 'cause I shudder to think where I'd be without him. Oh, and there's another concern I forgot about and it ties in with me making sure Danny knows how much I like him. Ya know, so he doesn't lose interest. And I've forgotten what Rob said about Danny often falling in love... but not for long. Robby has known Danny since grade school and was one of his loves, so he knows of what he speaks. I'm not too worried Danny will lose interest in me but no harm in letting him know I don't want him to, certainly not during the next three months. I want to be all about enjoying the here and now. You'd be surprised how many people are unable to do that; enjoy the here and now, they're always worried about something bad that might happen. Not me.

Looking at Danny again, I wonder about the coincidence that he and Rob both sleep without making a sound. It's like I should carry a little mirror with me to hold in front of their mouths to ensure they're still alive and breathing.

Then I wake up sweaty and sticking to Danny as I lift off his chest where I fell asleep. Obviously, I fell asleep since I just woke up, but what the fuck is it with the heat in here? This room is like a sauna. I better wake Danny 'cause I don't know what's going on. I go, "Danny, wake up. I think this fucking place is on fire or something." I'm wiping my face with my hand and the sweat is like water rolling off me. Danny goes, "What'd you say Specks?" Specks? Does he sleep with Specks?

Danny opens his eyes and looks startled for a second when he sees me. That boy was deep into sleep! He shakes his head and mutters, "What the fuck? It's a hundred degrees in here!" I jump off the bed and go over to the door. Cracking it open to peek down the hall, I see everything looking normal. Several students are fucking around joking and then a guy sticks his head out the door next to Danny's room and calls to some guy, "What'd they say about the heat, Mullins?"

Danny's behind me pulling on a pair on sweatpants. He says, "Step back, Dylan. Don't let anybody see you." He goes out in the hall and yells, "Yo, Mullins, I'm sweating like a blind lesbian at a fish market. What's up with this fucking heat? Anybody call maintenance?" Someone yells, "Cooney did, and meanwhile I'm sweating like nuns at a cucumber farm." Guys are laughing and a deep-voiced guy says, "Oh yeah? I'm sweating like a cat trying to bury its shit balls on a marble floor." Hahaha! Big laughter as another guy, a squeaky voice guy, says, "I'm sweating like a dog at a Korean barbeque," and someone yells, "Yo, I'm Korean!" and more laughs as Danny comes back in the room chuckling. He looks at me and says, "I'm sweating like Peter Griffin's groin," and I burst out laughing as much from the look on Danny's face as I am at the joke.

Holy shit. Locking the door, Danny says, "Yeah, it's the fucking furnace thermostat, baby. No worries. We had no heat a couple of weeks ago when the electricity went off and when it came back on something happened to the main thermostat, or some such shit. This overheated situation happened three days ago too. They reboot the thermostat or the computer controlling it, or I don't know but they do something and by midnight it'll be forty degrees in here. Fucking old dormitories, ya know?" I nod my head as if I do know, which I don't, and Danny's like, "Come back to bed with me. Hey, that was a damn good nap, huh?"

He takes off his sweatpants and, damn, he has a sweet ass! Guys talk about my ass but Danny's got an ass on him that's hard to beat. I pat it and he smiles, saying again, "C'mon back to bed. I need some loving."

We're both sweaty of course, as I ask, "How hot do you think it is in here?" Danny wipes back through my short hair grinning and saying, "I don't know," and then he shows me his hand full of my perspiration. I go, "I know, I'm sweating like, um... I can't think of anything funny." Danny chuckles and hugs me. Our bodies feel like they're sliding together, and they actually are a little.

Danny smacks my bare ass, saying, "What'd I say, get your buns back in bed." As I'm climbing onto the bed, I say, "Buns spelled backward is snub." Danny gets in bed beside me, muttering, "Oh, are you into heteropalindromes?" I'm like, "What the fuck is that?" He goes, "Words that are also words when spelled backward, like the word 'desserts' is the word 'stressed' spelled backward, or the other way around if you prefer. Like 'tar' is 'rat' or 'straw' is `warts', like that." I stare at him for a few seconds, and then ask, "Are you super smart, but you hide it? That long word... how'd you know that?" He shrugs, "Everybody knows what a heteropalindrome is, don't they?" I go, "That'd be a big fat 'NO!' I'll bet not one person out of a thousand knows that goofy fucking word 'heterophones' or whatever it was." He goes, "That's not the word!" I'm like, "Well, tell me the word again." Danny's pulling my arm, telling me, "Get on your back in bed, okay? Like when I was sitting on you earlier."

You recognize Danny's done with a topic when he ignores your last comment. Fine by me. He's standing at the foot of the bed pulling the covers off, mumbling, 'We won't need these." Sweat is literally rolling off his face, mine too although I don't get as sweaty as some guys. Holy shit, the way some guys sweat you'd think they'd need to be drinking water constantly to keep up with the water they're sweating out.

I lie on my back and Danny leans over to grab my feet spreading my legs. Putting my hands under my head I watch him climbs up on the bed getting on his knees between my legs, saying, "I'm feeling the need to do hard fucking on your ass, baby. You sucked an orgasm out of my nuts and that was cool, but there's something special about shooting off in a cute guy's ass twice on the same date." Date?

I go, "Okay, just like you did earlier... I'm up for that." That was a buddy sex fuck and I like encouraging that whenever possible even though our relationship is better than a normal buddy sex one. "Um, Danny, ah, I know this is actually none of my business, but are you fucking Specks?" Danny goes, "You're right, it's none of your business," and then he massages my left foot. That feels good!

I go, "I know it's none of my business, but you said you weren't fucking anyone but me." He looks at me, and says, "I wasn't when I said that. Pull your legs back, please." I pull my legs back, asking, "Are you fucking Tom Brooker too?" He reaches over to cup the front of my pulled back thighs and then drags me near the end of the bed. What the fuck? He hops off the end of the bed, pushing my legs back further and spanks my ass hard for fifteen seconds with me trying to squirm away from him. The sound of his hand connecting with my butt cheeks is ringing out in the room loud enough to be heard in the hall, "SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!" I yelp and buck on the bed, both my hands going down to cover my buttocks, as I yell, "NO! Stop! You spank too hard, Danny. I told you that before. Now, stop it or I'll get dressed and leave."

He makes a 'face' and smacks my ass again, but not as hard. Smirking at me, he asks, "Was that better?" His expression makes me snort out a laugh and then mutter "Asshole. What the hell is wrong with you? Why'd you do that?" As I'm sliding back to the head of the bed, Danny gets on the bed again and moves close to me on his knees. He says, "Pull your legs back again, please. I'm gonna fuck you the way you like it, nice and hard." I hesitate and he goes, "I won't spank you again. Trust me."

Cautiously, I pull my legs back and get an arm around each one keeping an eye on Danny, watching him in between my held-back spread-apart knees. I'm on the alert for his arm going back for another smack on my stinging red ass. He goes, "You know why you got a spanking?" I go, "For no good reason, that's why!" It's because I asked about his side sex but he's the one who lied that it was only me he was fucking. And I still really want to know about Tom, especially because no one knows if he's gay or bi or straight.

As he rubs my butt cheeks gently, Danny goes, "Don't give me that, baby! You know why you got a spanking and I'm pretty sure it won't be your last and, ya know, it hurts me more than it does you." I'm making a grumpy face muttering, "What bullshit..." So he adds, "And no pouting! Guys our age don't pout." I mumble, "Who says? And anyway I wasn't pouting, Mr. Know-it-all." He pretends to smack my ass and I grin, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, mister."

He chuckles and says, "Reach over in that bedside table and toss me Specks' KY Jelly." I do that and Danny catches it, saying, "Thank you and, um, I'm sorry I whacked your ass so hard, but you gotta admit you deserved it." I shrug and he goes, "Oh, c'mon, baby, admit it. You know I never talk about my private sex life and I never ask you about yours. Do I? Have I asked you about anything private? Ever?" I mumble, "I don't remember." I'm still holding my legs back, my feet dangling a few inches off the bed. He's looking at me with an expression like.... seriously? I mutter, "Okay, no, you never asked me but you have said a few things about your so-called private sex life in the past." He goes, "No I didn't," and I go, "Yes, you did." He pulls his arm back again and I say, "I dare you to do it," but I chuckle too.

Danny pushes more of Specks' lube inside me as I say, "Do you wanna stop arguing about that?" His finger rubs my prostate as he's saying, "There's probably enough lube in there from our first fuck but I don't want to take any chances. I'm always thinking of you first." I go, "Bullshit alert." He snickers and goes, "No, seriously!" I mumble, "Oh, here's one... the word 'recaps' is the word 'spacer' spelled backward." He chuckles and mumbles, "Changing the subject, huh? I guess I won the spanking discussion." I go, "Don't you always?"

His finger continues rubbing my prostate until I'm squirming on the bed, saying, "No, Danny, you'll make me cum... ooh, oooh." He pulls his finger out and wipes it on the bottom sheet and then leans over between my legs, asking sweetly, "Can we make up with a kiss, please?" I lean up off the bed and he puts a hand behind my head to hold it as he gives me a fabulous kiss and then, still holding my head up he licks all around my face the way a dog does and then leaves a glob of his crystal clear scentless saliva in front of my nose. I wiggle my nose and he tickles my ribs making me snort out a giggle and then inhale his saliva. I cough, sputtering, "Goddammit, you ball buster," as he laughs and then kisses my mouth again and my arms go around the back of his neck and slide my saliva-and-sweat-coated face on his face. He pulls away and goes, "Christ, I can't tell if that's sweat or spit."

He's right, we're both dripping with sweat and it's slippery around the back of his neck under my arms, but I hold on, saying, "Kiss me again, baby." He laughs at me calling him 'baby' and then we do an awesome kiss with my legs going around his waist, my left butt cheek bumping against his hard cock and then it feels extra hard as it rubs longwise up my ass crack. My cock is now a six-inch rock too.

Danny gives me a 'look' as he's reaching back to reposition his boner and then, looking into my eyes he humps it inside me and my body gets stiff as a board. Danny still has a hand behind my head holding it up off the pillow as he humps again and a spurt of pre-cum drools out from my rock cock and runs down the shaft to pool in the sweat at my groin.

It hurt a little when Danny poked his cock right in past my sphincter, but his hard penis and my rectum are simpatico so the hurt evaporates in seconds. A third hump and he's fully up my ass. I moan, "Oh, Danny, that feels so fucking good," and I hug his face against mine and kiss his sweaty forehead as he humps against my buttocks, and then again as I groan, "Ahhh, ahhh, Danny, fuck me hard, mmm." He moves his sweaty face against my sweaty face, our noses squishing together all slippery and wet with sweat. Christ, it's sexy being this sweaty tangled up in Danny's taut sweaty limbs.

He licks my lips and I open my mouth a little and Danny puts his tongue in my mouth and our teeth scrape together as we kiss. Gasping and pulling his mouth away he begins thrusting fast and hard, grunting with the effort and we're like a tight ball of fuck with "Slapslapslap," sounds in the room, Danny's hips moving very fast and hard. "Slapslapslap" sounds for three or four solid minutes and I'm off somewhere in the Galaxy again. What a spectacular trip to the stars, my body jolting from the hard thrusting, me off the bed with him holding behind my neck now and my legs tight around his waist. Our naked sweaty bodies sliding together with each thrust of that hard sex organ up my ass with drops of perspiration flying around us as we're in constant motion and the constant "Slapslapslap," sounds in our ears, plus me going, "Um, um, um, um," and it's otherworldly.

Who knows how long I've been on this rough trip around the sun but now every muscle in my body clenches as I gasp and call out, "Oooh, Danny," with cum gushing out from my stone boner between us mixing with the sweat running off all parts of our bodies? Omigod, that felt almost painful in its excellence and then again with me unable to breathe as I'm struggling and trying to hump my hips with each shot of cum. Pleasure sensations are soaring all over me wave after wave, millions of tantalizing nerve endings sparkling and giving me goosebumps and shivers.

Oh! And then it's mostly over with only a few zipping after effects as I inhale deeply, drop my legs from around Danny's waist and now I'm feeling limp and weak as I'm still holding onto Danny's neck for some reason. He hasn't climaxed yet so he pulls my arms away from his neck, lifts up for better leverage, pushes my legs back, and continues pounding his boner up my ass for another two or three minutes my body jostling on the bed like a rag doll.

This will be Danny's third climax, my second, so it took him longer to build to the crescendo called an orgasmic sexual climax. When it hits, Danny has a startled expression on his face, humping against my buttocks shooting his jism inside me. I don't feel it like I felt the first one or the splash of cum in my throat earlier, but Danny obviously felt it and he shakes, his face scrunched up as if the pleasure is too much to manage. Then I see him relax from the sweaty taut state his body was in while climaxing. He thrusts a bit in my sloppy cum filled ass and then pulls his cock out and fall forward landing half on me with his cream covered cock resting between my thigh and scrotum. I mutter, "Ew," as he rubs his sweaty hair on my shoulder.

Okay, that was good. Really good, but we're a mess. After catching his breath, Danny says, "That was fantastic, wasn't it, baby?" Again, the 'top' needs his kudos. I'm like, "Better than fantastic, Danny, but tell me something. Um, is Tom Brooker gay?" That isn't asking about Danny's private screwing! He chuckles and then says, "You're skirting the issue this time, eh? Nice move! Um, but I really don't know the answer to that. Let me put it this way, you couldn't prove it by me one way or another." I rub my hand up his forehead preventing lots of sweat from dripping into his eyes as I mumble, "That's all I wanted to know."

He readjusts his position, going up on an elbow, saying, "Ya know, I like that you're jealous, Dylan. Here's the scoop: I only fucked Specks twice and there's been nobody else before him; not since I told you that you're the one and only one for me. Specks and I got drunk one night and he told me he hardly ever does 'it' but he wanted to do it with me. I didn't want him to feel like a jerk-off for asking, so we did... twice. Satisfied?" I nod and then say, "I'm sorry for blatantly snooping into your private sex life." He says, "I'm sorry for overreacting and spanking you too hard. I was embarrassed you caught me after I told you I was concentrating my entire sex life on you." I say, "Well, I was jealous but I have no right to be... so I got the spanking I deserved." He nods, "Yep, you did. And as I said, it probably won't be the last one either," and he laughs. I go, "I think we've pretty much covered every fucking aspect of that unfortunate incident, don't you?" He goes, "Yep," and he says, "How about turning over. I feel the need to show you how crazy with desire you make me."

I make big eyes at him and then turn over and stick my ass up. He slides his less than hard cock up my ass and slowly moves it to and fro a few times and I feel it get bigger and harder and in like fifteen seconds or so and he begins steady thrusting that goes on for quite a while. Oh man, casual thrusting even after the hard fucking ten minutes ago still feels really good and I mean every second he's doing it. I close my eyes and go along for the pleasure ride. The good sensations pick up momentum after, well I'm not sure how long, and then it's the building sensations that make me scrunch my face at the fabulous sensations of another climax bullying its way to the bursting point making me forget about just feeling good and now I'm going for the spectacular!

It's building and building until I'm struggling on the bed moaning and then BAM! it's here and I squeal with what feels like a river of cum shooting out under me but in reality, it's merely a watery substance that wouldn't fill a tablespoon. Who cares, it's what it felt like that counts. And it felt like beautiful rainbows blowing up in my head with my skin sizzling with pleasure.

I don't think Danny ever had his fourth climax so we tied at three apiece. We lie together without talking, both of us as sweaty as I ever recall being until it occurs to me it's getting late. I look at my watch and see it's six twenty-five. "Danny, I gotta go." He says, "I know you do but this has been a wonderful time with you, as always." As I extricate myself from his arms, I'm like, "I never did your haircut." His hands feel his head as he mutters, "Good. It means you need to come back." We both get out of bed and wipe ourselves off with a towel from the floor. After we've done what we can in that regard we begin getting dressed.

Our clothes do not go on easily because we're still basically wet with perspiration. He goes, "Hey, what are you guys doing tonight? It's Saturday night." I tell him again that Rob has had hardly any sleep the last two nights so he wants to crash early tonight. In other words, we're staying in. Danny mutters, "That sucks," and then we have a simple buddy's quick hug with both of us saying, "Text me." Danny says, "Um, Dylan, humor me, please. When you go out the door just walk out to the right quickly, okay? Try not to say anything to anybody." Ha, what a nut! He's still worried someone will think he and I were doing what we were doing all afternoon.

When I open the door I look down the hall and say, "No one is in the hall," and Danny takes a look and says, "Oh, yeah, they're probably at the dining hall. Good! I'll take a shower now." I shrug, saying, "You'll just start sweating again," and then when I step outside the room, I'm like, "No, wait. It feels cool in the hall." Danny steps out and says, "Oh good. They've fixed the thing already." I pat his shoulder, and as we walk in opposite directions, me toward the door and Danny toward the lavatory. He says, "Dylan," and when I turn around he mouths silently, 'I love you.'

It feels like the Antarctic outside compared to Danny's room. In the Kia, I'm thinking, 'get serious dude!' There's little to no chance Danny will lose interest in me the rest of this semester. I don't know what I was worried about. Back at the apartment, I take a long shower and then brush my teeth to get ready for a 'welcome home' kiss with Robby.

Yeah, believe it or not, even after that great afternoon with Danny, I'm excited about seeing Robby. That must be love, right? After Danny fucked any need for sex out of me, I'm still wicked excited about being with Robby again. Ya see, it's two entirely separate things for me. There's that great buddy- sex buddy, Danny, who's more important than any buddy-sex buddy I've ever had, and then there's the love of my life, Robert Dickers... it's a very different thing!

After the shower, I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt and then heavy sweat socks sans sneakers. Checking out the haircut Danny gave me I see what he meant about the top is shorter. It's a mere eighth of an inch shorter... big deal. He left the bangs, the hair at the front of my head longer and I experiment with combing that hair over to the side. Yeah, I like the way that looks with the short hair behind it. I leave the bangs combed over and I'm anxious and ready to greet my real number-one lover.

to be continued...

Donny Mumford. thinat20@yahoo.com. donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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