Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Sep 13, 2019



Chapter 60... The final days

Part 3

by Donny Mumford

As Robby and I shower together, I'm feeling different somehow. I feel really good, but it's more than that. It's like I'm glowing. Seriously, I feel like I'm glowing! And yeah, I know that's something you hear brides say, but I don't mean it like that. I'm not a bride and won't be one, so forget that. Rob and I will both be grooms.

It's more like I feel Robby and I are 'special' somehow and we're 'glowing' as a couple, radiantly glowing, and I mean right now in the shower together we're glowing. We're a special couple but, no, I don't mean we're better than anyone else, just that we're special to one another and we're gonna be a special married couple because we're, um, or... oh fuck, I don't know what I mean. We're glowing, alright?

Sure, the 'glowing' has a lot to do with the absolutely perfect sex we had a little while ago. Robby turned what was going to be a hungover drag-of-a-day into a special day and I tend to go overboard when my life is percolating along just right. I get carried away at times but this afternoon's special lovers' sex, two extraordinary and memorable episodes of making love, the best sex ever... that's a valid reason to get carried away!

Yes, Robby has been getting better and better with our love-making the last week or so, but he took it up a couple of significant notches even further this afternoon. It'll make you glow fucking in the most awesome way imaginable and even though we fell asleep for a while afterward, the memory is still brilliant in my mind. I'm still fixating on the extraordinarily excellent way he did everything. He was confident and dominant but, at the same time, his love was so obvious it was maybe the best sex I'll ever have... I can't imagine having better sex than we had this afternoon. Rob almost always does sex his way, so yeah, that qualifies as 'dominant' according to my revised sex-fantasy guidelines it does.

This morning, in addition to being wicked hungover, I was also feeling depressed because Chubby and I said goodbye to our epic extended childhood last night. My mood was negative this morning and I was resigned to a crappy day and, as a matter of fact, Rob and I started off slightly grumpy with one another too, although nothing serious. Neither of us was feeling great as we went out to have brunch.

It was an okay brunch, breakfast actually, and after eating we were smoking in the parking lot when Robby started asserting himself... started turning a shit day around. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me against his side showing anyone in the vicinity that we're boyfriends, and from then on he continued doing things his way which eventually turned this downer-day into a perfect 'first' day for the rest of our married lives together. A tad prematurely considering we're not married yet, but close enough and I'm wondering if today I experienced just the tip of the iceberg as far as Rob's potential for fulfilling every fantasy I've ever had. Well, I'm obviously referring to my altered more realistic version of my earlier fantasies. I wouldn't want my seventeen-year-old fantasy lover... not now I wouldn't!

Hmm, I think the 'look' in my eyes must be revealing my thoughts because Rob just gave me a little smile and wraps his arms around me giving me a squeeze. I'm hugging him back stupidly hard until he chuckles and pulls my arms away, murmuring, "I saw that 'look' in your eyes. You are so perfect but, babe, we need to start washing before the friggin' hot water runs out." Yeah, it's great water pressure, but this apartment has a small hot water tank.

Picking up the shampoo bottle, I'm like, "I'm starting to think I'm in love with you, Robby." Laughing, he takes the shampoo from me and pours some on my head, saying, "Hey, that's a very encouraging sign. We might actually make it all the way to the altar." As he's rubbing the shampoo in my short hair, I go, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll get there, husband to be." Then, he sort of yells at me, "Christ, Dylan, are you two years old? Close your eyes, this isn't baby shampoo!" I close my eyes, muttering, "That's what I was just about to do..."

Jesus, I can't believe I left my eyes open to get soap in them... dumb. It's just that I'm flabbergasted at how awesome I'm feeling! And how about the way Rob bossily snapped at me just now... that was awesome too! It's my old 'thing' about being taken care of, that's why I liked Robby snapping at me like that... he was concerned and looking out for me. I've been wondering if this weird concern I have about feeling safe and being taken care of, a concern I've had for years, if it could be a result of Chub and I growing up mostly on our own. No criticism to the moms, they had no choice, but it's that subconscious situation again where it might have left a mark on my psyche, ya know? Chubby did the best he could at being our 'adult', but come on! Ah, hell, who knows why they are the way they are?

Also, I wonder could it be when I lost my crush on Danny, did all those intense feelings transfer immediately to Robby and proportionately increased my devotion to him? It's like, hmm... it's hard to put into words, but I'm deeper into Rob, appreciating him more and feeling more in love with him than ever before in my life. Perhaps saying farewell to the last of my dependence on Chubby has something to do with it too. It's like there was open space, metaphorically speaking, in my heart or subconscious that's been quickly occupied by Robby demonstrating his elevated 'in-charge' leadership. Most recently, heh heh, his confidence before and during our fantastic lovers' sex that was off the charts this afternoon. Yep, it all feels like a new beginning.

And, I've been thinking I need to do my part better moving forward too. Robby flicked that switch and established ironclad guidelines for us and I need to show him I support all his plans for us. He's my lifeline now... um, what'd he just say to me? I'm like, "What was that, Rob? I was doing a little daydreaming and didn't..." He chuckles and stands me right under the showerhead, mumbling, "Daydreaming again, huh?" Sputtering water, I go, "Hey! Don't act like I'm always daydreaming, that's insulting!" He goes, "Jeez! I'm sorry, Dylan... just kidding! Um, anyway, you're as clean as you're ever gonna be, and now you're rinsed off as well. Go ahead and step out of the tub so I can wash real fast. The water is barely warm now and losing what's left of its warmth quickly."

Huh, he totally washed me while I was daydreaming? Jesus, Rob's impressing the shit out of me! As I step out of the tub and grab a towel, Robby rubs shampoo in his hair, saying, "Close the damn shower curtain, Dylan! Water is getting on the floor!" Jeez, he snapped at me again! Yeah, well, I'm acting like a fucking airhead again. Get a grip!

I pull the curtain closed, muttering, "Sorry," and dry myself while trying to snap out of this 'glowing' daze I'm in. As he's quickly washing, Robby says, "If you're planning on doing Danny's haircut this afternoon... it's getting late, babe." Hell, I'm still drifting on a cloud thinking about our great sex earlier while Rob, obviously, is totally back to practical matters. I go, "Huh! Um, yeah, you're right, I'm supposed to do that. So, you're not getting a haircut?" He mutters, "Right. You said I don't need one." I finish drying, muttering, "Well, fuck it then, I don't feel like doing Danny's haircut." Rob mumbles, "So don't do it, but you ought to call him and tell him..."

Hmm, normally I'd jump at the chance to give Danny a haircut. It's kinda strange I'd rather hang out here 'cause we have nothing to do. I mean, we just fucked twice forty-minutes ago so we're not doing that again this afternoon. I don't care though, I don't feel like going out... and why am I still standing here?

Rob turns off the shower, and mumbles, "Whew, babe, how about that super hot sex we had before our nap?" Oh good! I'd like to talk about that. I'm like, "Sizzling hot! You were so awesomely in charge, Robert!" Stepping out of the tub, he goes, "Yeah, I was, wasn't I? Um, but do you think you're overdoing the 'husband' routine just a little. We're not married yet." Yeah, I am overdoing it, but it's new and it's fun. I mutter, "I'll put the brakes on the 'husband' routine if you want," and he mumbles, "Maybe just a little..."

Oh well, it appears reality is back in play for real so what I need to do is deal with Danny's haircut situation. I'll make up a bogus excuse, um... it's getting too late today or, um... some bullshit about we'll have more time tomorrow morning. I'll play it by ear.

In the bedroom, I get my cell phone off the desk and call Danny telling him tomorrow morning is better and blah, blah, blah. Naturally, I then need to listen to him bitch at me for a while but we eventually agree I'll do his haircut tomorrow morning. He says, "And listen to me, Dylan... you're getting another haircut tomorrow morning too!" I go, "Honey, I don't really need one, but whatever..." He laughs at that, and then says, "You're getting one... whatever!" I guess I am if he says so, and I don't care. See I'm already following Robby's lead... haircuts are an inconvenience, and sometimes they're an unavoidable one.

Robby and I throw on some comfortable old sweat pants and t-shirts and go into the kitchen. As he looks in the refrigerator, I'm leaning on the kitchen bar staring at him. Why am I staring at him? Am I expecting Robby to give me a pat on the back because I blew off a haircutting opportunity with Danny? Huh, he's obviously not concerned if I do Danny's haircut or not.

He takes a bottle of Snapple with him and now, looking perfectly content, he's sitting over there on the sofa casually doing something on his cell phone, and not paying any attention to me. After a silent minute, I go, "So, um, you're my man, Rob! Hope you're up for it." He looks over and snickers as he's mumbling, "I'm up for any-and-everything, babe. And, yep, I'm your man alright... or so you keep telling me. What are we having for dinner?" Good question.

Dinner, huh? All kidding aside, it's true that Robby really is my man now that Chubby and I acknowledged our epic time together has finally come to end. And it's not just that Chub and I won't see much of each other going forward, it's that our adult lives are going in different directions. That's extremely disconcerting so I'm a little extra clingy to Rob right now. I know it's a transition period of sorts, although that's apparently more obvious to me than Rob.

Hmm, dinner? We've been doing more eating 'out' than normal recently so I need to fix us something here. I ask, "Um, would it be alright if I just do burgers on the grill for dinner tonight, Rob?" He looks up and shrugs, "Whatever, babe. Yeah, burgers sound good." He's still fucking around with his cell phone texting or whatever. I stare at him feeling something funny in my balls, something good. Actually, I want to go over there and hang on him.

Nah, I don't do that though; instead, I get frozen burgers out and then a few condiments before going out on the balcony to fire up the grill. After putting frozen French fries in the over, I set a couple of places on the kitchen bar and then go over and sit close to Rob, asking, "What are you doing?" It's like his arm is on autopilot as he puts it across my shoulders, saying, "I just sent a text to a preacher man confirming our appointment to meet with him." I go, "Oh."

See, Robby's good with details. I'm looking at the side of his face, murmuring, "You're very attractive." He looks at me with a smirk on his face, saying, "Dylan, you can't possibly wanna get laid again." I pull away, "Christ, Rob, I was just giving you a compliment." He laughs and pulls me back against him, saying, "You're the extraordinarily attractive one in our family," and he gives me a big smooch on the side of my forehead. I don't know, but Rob seems to be getting more macho by the day, and that's so fucking cool! He says, "Now... how about those burgers, babe?"

Back in the kitchen, I put some olive oil, then salt and pepper on the burgers. Taking the plate outside I drop the hamburgers on the preheated gas grill. Yeah, I make my own beef patties. They're a third of a pound each and, after flipping the burgers over, I'll put a slice of traditional American cheese to turn them into cheeseburgers. I'll add lettuce, a tomato slice, and sweet pickles... no, not dill. I use oversized hamburger rolls, add some ketchup and mayo and that's my version of a cheeseburger. A minute later the French fries come out of the oven, I add salt to them, and we have dinner. I should have made a salad, but I didn't.

As we're cleaning up the dishes, I say, "Yo, Rob, when should I tell the Rider twins I'm going to be working for you?" He goes, "You won't actually be working for me, ya know?" I shrug, "Not initially, but anyway, I feel, um, uncomfortable telling Tom, Tim, and the moms, ya know? It's like I'm rejecting them, and..." Rob grimaces at a random shooting pain in his leg, appearing startled for a second because he was thinking he was over his leg injury. Ignoring it, he says, "Hey, I know you've got an awkward situation there, but you really should tell them in person, and soon. Don't you think?" Fuck, I guess so. This blows.

Rob gives my shoulders a hug, adding, "You'll handle it fine but don't say anything about our date for the wedding, that's still between you and me for now." I shrug, "Yeah, you told me that already. Um, will you come with me when I tell them I'm not taking their job offer? Ya know, for moral support." He goes, "Hmm, you need me there... really? It'll be kinda uncomfortable for me too since you'll be working with me." I go, "Imagine how I feel," and he nods, mumbling, "Let's see, first we need to pick up our caps and gowns tomorrow morning, and then there's that dumb-ass meeting later when they tell us what we'll need to do during Tuesday morning's commencement practice, as if they couldn't tell us Tuesday morning."

Oh, fuck, that's right! We gotta do that tomorrow morning. Danny's gonna be pissed I won't be able to do his haircut then either. Oh well, fuck that. I go, "Come on, Robby! I meant after doing that stuff in the morning." He goes, "I didn't say I wouldn't go with you, Dylan. Relax! I'm just thinking out loud."

Jeez, that's the third time he's snapped at me in the last hour. Rob adds, "So, um, after we do the other stuff, sure, I'll go home with you. Yeah, but it'd be better, less awkward if we can go out to dinner. You know, make it seem more, um, like a family thing and not just business. I'll pay for it... the dinner I mean." Huh, it's hard to believe he used to be a cheapskate.

I'm like, "Oh, yeah! Damn good suggestion! We'll have some drinks too... that'll help," and then I add with a grin, "I knew my husband-to-be wouldn't let me down, making me face this situation alone." He snorts out a laugh and mumbles, "Heh heh, I couldn't think of a way to get out of it, or I would have. And what'd I tell you about referring to me as 'husband' every two minutes?" I'm like, "How about me? You call me 'wife'." He goes, "Well, me referring to you as my wife literally rolls right off my tongue, heh heh. Only kidding, Dylan. Anyway, I hardly never say it." I go, "Okay, you're right, you don't." He comes, murmuring, "Don't get upset, wife," and gives me a hug as we both snort out a chuckle. Then we kiss and, aw, that's nice although borderline sickeningly sweet. Yeah, that's true, but it's cool. I'm in a transition period and need Robby's support so I hang on him a little too long. He gives me a funny 'look' and I go, "I love you!" He says, "Love you too, babe."

Letting go of him, I'm thinking... Oh, balls, if we're going home after that bogus meeting about Tuesday's commencement practice, I won't be able to do Danny's haircut tomorrow at all, never mind not doing it in the morning. Jesus, he's gonna be doubly-pissed-off at me!

It's Sunday night, which is a good time to call my mom so I call and, of course, mom's at Tom's condo which works out well actually. I explain that I'd like to talk about my plans for after graduation and also give them the tickets for the commencement ceremony. Then I add, "What do you say we all go out to dinner, Mom? Um, Rob's and my treat." That leads to more phone calls and texts back and forth. The final plan is... Chubby will come too. He'll come home with Rob and me sometime late tomorrow afternoon and we'll all have dinner at Tom's condo. During my last conversation with mom, I hear Tom in the background saying he'll do lobsters on the grill. Huh, yeah, lobsters seem to be everyone's favorite, except for me. Not being a complainer though, I say to mom, "Tell Tom... lobsters will be awesome!"

Monday morning as we're picking up our mortarboard hat and flimsy black gown for Wednesday's graduation ceremony I run into Danny. And, yeah, we all had to buy the hat and gown but they weren't expensive... I think both of them cost us nineteen dollars in total. We'll probably throw the gown out after the ceremony and maybe keep the hat. Anyway, I tell Danny I need to go home after the commencement meeting so I won't be able to do his haircut any time today, and I'm very sorry! Shit happens though and something unexpected came up and... And he gets this pissed-off expression on his face, saying, "Well, the hell with you then, Dylan. I'll have Specks cut my hair." I snort out, "Oh, sure you will."

We're holding the packages with the hat and gown as Danny abruptly starts to walk away, but I grab his arm 'cause I feel bad, and say, "Don't go, Danny! I said I'm sorry. And let's be honest about this, you've canceled out on me doing your haircut a half dozen times yourself. I'll do it for you tomorrow, I promise!" He frowns at me again. Yeah, he's not used to me not doing what he wants. I'm like, "And don't forget about that picture your mom's gonna take of you at graduation?" He goes, "Okay, you got me there. Let's be clear though. No changes, you mean definitely tomorrow, Tuesday, after commencement rehearsal, right?" I go, "Yeah, absolutely! You can count on me, honey!" He laughs, and then says, "Goddamn, now I'm starting to really like when you call me that." I mutter, "Well, you just ruined it for me," and Rob calls over, "Let's go, Dylan! C' mon!"

When my future husband calls I better start getting my ass in gear, haha. Rob was talking with some of his ex-teammates though, so I don't know what the rush is. Momentarily forgetting Danny likes me calling him 'honey', I tell him, "See ya tomorrow, honey," and then jog over to Rob as he's bumping fist with his friends.

Patting his back, I mumble, "Here I am!" He smiles and says, "Okay then, good," and as we walk away, he adds, "You know what? You're looking cute enough to eat." I mumble, "Go ahead then, bite me," and he goes, "Speaking of eating, call your brother and see if he wants to join us for lunch after this bullshit meeting. The three of us can decide when to leave for your future stepdad's place."

I'm taking out my cell phone, muttering, "Good idea, husband," and Rob goes, "Stop calling me 'husband' every two seconds! That reminds me though, it won't be long before you'll have other new, um, titles to remember in addition to 'husband'. You'll be my wife, and... aw, that's so sweet of you, Dylan!" I mutter, "Did that roll off your tongue," and Rob goes, "Sure, it feels natural already, but you'll also soon have a step-dad, which is new and then my parents will be your in-laws, Dodger will be your brother-in-law, and a new last name for your mom. Oh, and the biggest, most significant change is you'll be Dylan Dickers." I mutter, "Yeah, no shit, husband," and Rob goes, "Hell, they're all new to me too, plus Tom will be one of my in-laws along with your mom." Holding my phone, ready to call Chubby, I'm like, "That's right. That in-law shit... yeah, I never thought of that, but when Tom's my stepdad he'll be your father-in-law. 'In-law'... that sounds sinister, doesn't it?" Rob goes, "Nooo!"

Chub's somewhere in this huge mass of people picking up their hat and gown but I don't know exactly where so I call and arrange for him to meet us at Fuddruckers after the meeting. Rob and I decide to hang around here holding the packages with our robes and mortarboard hats until the meeting starts in an hour or so. We're talking with guys we know from our classes and then buy cold drinks from some enterprising freshman who selling drinks from a large cooler he and a friend carried down here. Later we sit through the commencement meeting, which turns out to be a total waste of time. A meeting to talk about another meeting tomorrow. Afterward, we drop off the hats and gowns and then meet Chubby at Fuddruckers.

Taking our time eating lunch, the three of us agree to leave for home at four o'clock. Then Rob and I kill a couple of hours at the apartment. I guess technically I could have done Danny's haircut now except Rob and I are showering again, separately this time, and getting ready for tonight's dinner at my future stepdad's, plus I don't feel like doing Danny's haircut and, anyway, he doesn't know I haven't left for home yet... so, no problem. And, where the fuck did my crush on Danny go?

With me driving, we pick up Chubby and then I drive to Tom's condo arriving a little after five o'clock. The Rider twins have apparently been busy beavers putting together a great dinner starting with appetizers of littleneck clams and small oysters on the half shell. Lots of them and they're super cold sitting on a large bed of crushed ice along with big boiled shrimp. There are containers of cocktail sauce, a small bottle of Frank's hot sauce, and lemon wedges making for a pretty display... really classy, ya know? I'll have some of the shrimp but, thinking about how hard it was gagging down a couple of raw clams recently with Chubby, no thanks as far as on the clams and oysters!

In addition to the lobsters, the guys are gonna be grilling filet mignons... surf and turf. That's what lobster and steak are called on restaurant menus. Plus there's a big salad bowl and Tom's usual fantastic side dishes. During appetizer and cocktail hour I tell Tim and Tom, with the moms listening, about my job situation and they're all wicked supportive, and no hard feelings, and best of luck to me, and blah, blah, blah. I can't help thinking I saw a sigh of relief from Tim and Tom when I told them I wasn't accepting their job offer. That may have been my imagination.

We're all drinking Old Fashions, another supposedly old person's drink, with Tim telling me, "Okay, then it's on to plan 'B', right Dylan?" I go, "Maybe," and then after dinner with all of us drinking more than we should and, with a wine glass in his hand, Rob announces he and I are getting married July fifteenth. Ha! He told me not to mention that! I give him a 'look' but he just laughs and says, "Well, we are." He can't hold his liquor to save his ass.

Omigod though, we get lots of congratulations about our upcoming wedding and Tom breaks out two bottles of champagne. After toasting Rob and me four or five times, Tim goes, "We weren't going to mention this until we get confirmation about the reservations, but they're just about guaranteed, right, Tom?" Tom nods holding up his champagne glass and Tim tells us the date is June twentieth for their weddings and it's definitely gonna be Las Vegas. More toasts to those guys, and the cork from the third bottle of champagne pops. As we all get smashed, they try talking Rob and me into joining their wedding plans making it a three-bagger in Las Vegas. It sounds exciting at first but Rob and I have just enough brainpower left to politely turn that invitation down. They'll be glad we did when they're sober tomorrow.

None of us are sober now though so we do not drive back to college. Rob and I sleep in my old bed at mom's condo and Chub sleeps in his mom's condo. The condos aren't far from Tim's and Tom's condos where the moms will be staying the night. My little turn-down-the-job-announcement was only one in a night of announcements which couldn't have worked out better for moi. Booze can make unplanned shit like that happen.

Tuesday morning it's hangovers for Chub, Rob, and me... nothing new about that! Hungover or not, we still need to drive back to college for the commencement rehearsal. We're up early enough, all of us groaning and bitching but we eventually get on our way stopping only at Dunkin' Donuts for drive-thru coffees before joining the morning rush hour traffic. It's a tedious drive back to Merrimack with much grumbling from our driver, Robby. We finish our coffees and then Chub and I doze on and off during the ride. Still, we get there in time to participate in the graduation rehearsal.

The rehearsal and the actual commencement are taking place in Duane Stadium, the football stadium. There are like 5000 chairs set up on the field, which is much nicer than having us 1764 graduates and our guests sitting in the bleachers. There's been a temporary stage erected with a podium and chairs for the speech-givers and so forth, as well as steps on each end of the stage where one by one our names will be called and we'll walk up the steps at one end, walk across the stage to receive our diploma, and then go down the steps at the other end and return to our seat.

Chubby, Rob, and I are like zombies all morning going through this inane procedure as if we're all morons who need to practice going up four steps and then off the stage at the other end. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot that most of the confusion centered around getting everyone in alphabetical order... 'nightmare' doesn't adequately cover how horrid that exercise was.

Whatever, we survive the rehearsal and then go to Fuddruckers for lunch. Fuddruckers again because it's nearest the college. We all have a beer with lunch, although none of us really want one. It's peer pressure, the beers are. Yeah, ninety percent of the people in here are our fellow seniors from Merrimack and everyone has a beer toasting each other whether we know one another or not. The biggest loudmouths in the place are female seniors. Just saying...

We saw Danny at the rehearsal and obviously, our plan to do his haircut is put off until later. We agree I'll be at Danny's dorm at four o'clock to do his two-month overdue haircut and, like yesterday and Sunday, I'm still not thrilled about it. That's so unlike the way I would have been in the past. I don't know why that is, probably because I'm hungover and my crush has evaporated and, frankly, I can't wait to get past graduation. All I want to do is lie around doing nothing for a couple of days. Do absolutely nothing! This past week or so there's been too much celebrating and too much alcohol which is apparently mandatory when celebrating, and I'm exhausted from trying to keep up with it all.

Anyway, after lunch, believe it or not, we all go to Rolf's Bar along with most of the guys and girls from Fuddruckers for more celebrating. A lot of other graduating seniors had the same idea and consequently, Rolf's is jammed packed when we get there. I'm not keeping up today and I'm not having a good time not keeping up. When we've been here for almost two hours of constant loud talking, cheering, and laughter, everyone congratulating each other even though we've all congratulated the piss out of each other already, I'm checking my watch again to see if it's time to leave for Danny's dorm yet.

I haven't been keeping up with the celebrating because I need to be sober to do Danny's haircut. For the past two hours, I've carried a bottle of warm beer around like a prop and now, finally, I'm looking for someplace to put it down when Rob comes up to me and says, "Look at the time, babe. Ya better take off for Danny's, don't ya think?" That's what I was planning to do. I nod my head and Rob hands me the fob-key to the pickup, as he adds, "The sooner you do that, the sooner we can get the hell out of here and take a friggin' nap." No shit.

He looks me in the eyes then, and says, "Come right back after you do his haircut, okay? I wanna get to the apartment and crash. We both need to get some rest." Rob's eyes are very pretty. Yeah, but I've known that for years. I've known it seemingly forever, but ever since he flicked the switch I've been captivated by everything he does and almost everything about him. I've been in this dreamy Robby-frame-of-mind pretty much all the time. So, yeah, as for coming back here right after I do the haircut... I've got no problem with that. As I start to leave, Rob grabs my arm, and adds, "So I'll see you back here in what, fifteen minutes or so?" I mumble, "If not sooner," and he pats my shoulder, and off I go. He's drunk...

I'm stone-cold sober although some remnants of this morning's hangover linger on, so while I am sober as a judge I'm not feeling great. Outside the bar, I inhale the fresh air and then get in the pickup only then realizing I've got a boner in my pants. Holy shit, that makes me grin to myself. I probably sprung a boner when Rob gave me instructions to get my ass back here in fifteen minutes... oh, man, I like that take-charge attitude.

Yeah, I'm impressed all over again at how he did his no-nonsense flick-the-switch... it's totally enthralling me. Ya see, what he told me inside was... no buddy-sex with Danny this time! That's what the 'come right back here' meant. So I guess Rob will overlook me having buddy sex with Danny sometimes, but not all the time. And who knows how much longer that'll go on? He told me the other day he'll wait for me to decide I'm done with side-sex and buddy-sex but he did say he's getting impatient, and I got the distinct impression his patience is running out.

Right now I'm pretty much okay with anything Robby decides because for years I've had this vision of a strong in-charge lover and Rob's turning into that vision, although I admit I never thought my imaginary confident slightly dominant lover would be my 'husband' and me his 'wife', that's true. Still, I'm okay with it. In the past, I simply didn't think things through as far as that. Robby thought it through though, and I do not think I'm fooling myself when I say I'm pretty sure I'm almost definitely good with everything. Frankly, I can't wait until it's official on July fifteenth. Then I won't need to wonder if I'm ready for it or not because I'll be 'in it' then, and there's no turning back from commitment. When I commit to something, I stick to it! Ya know, as best I can.

So, I'll do Danny's haircut and get back to Rolf's Bar right after. Hey... why wasn't Danny at the bar? I haven't seen him since the rehearsal. Well, yeah, but that's not unusual. Nah, he knows lots of guys to celebrate with, and the vast majority of 1764 graduates weren't at Rolf's Bar either.

When I get to Danny's dorm room and try the door... it's locked. I knock but I sense he's not in there. Hmm, it's very tempting to just go back to the bar, pick up Robby, and drive to the apartment for a long nap. Nah, I can't do that after promising Danny so, hmm, should I wait here? Well, obviously, I'll text him! Before I can reach in my pocket for my cell phone I hear loud laughter and then a cheer coming from a room down the hall. I walk down and peek in the open door. Yep, Danny's in there with a dozen guys and girls, half of them without much in the way of clothing on. They're all drinking and obviously playing some form of strip poker. Strip poker? Gee, I haven't played strip poker since I was like nine-years-old. Hmm, females aren't supposed to be in here, not that anyone cares.

When I lightly kick the molding around the door Danny, who's not far from the door looks up and sees me. Big shit-eating grin from Danny as he waves, so I give him a 'look' and he stands up and comes over, whispering, "Just let me play a couple more hands. That cute guy with the red hair only has two pieces of clothes left, his undershirt and underpants, so I..." Interrupting him, "Danny, get real! Come now or forget it." He goes, "Oh fuck!" and without saying anything to anybody he picks his hat, sneakers, and socks off the floor and walks out the door. As we're walking down the hall, someone yells, "Monday! Where the fuck ya going, dude?"

Ignoring that, Danny says, "Jesus, baby, I'm seriously wicked tired!" As soon as he unlocks the door and we're inside his room he sits right down in the barber chair, and I mumble, "We're all wicked tired, Danny. Thank God tomorrow's graduation. I'd probably be hospitalized if there was another day or two of celebrating." As I put the barber cape around him, Danny says, "Um, I decided I want a longer, only slightly longer version of the haircut I give Rob, okay?" I mutter, "Yep," and that's all we say about that... which is fucking amazing!

Even though I wasn't excited about doing this, I end up having a very good time cutting Danny's long hair. I cut it kinda short although not nearly as short as the haircuts Danny usually gives guys. I leave it a reasonable length. His hair is clean today and he's always had really good hair anyway, so it's fun cutting it. My haircutting technique is seriously rusty though and I realized that right away. Sure, it surprises me but, hell, I've only given three or maybe four haircuts in the last year, or it actually it's been longer than that. I can't zip through using the clippers like Danny does it.

I take my time and when I'm done, his haircut looks nice although I admit it doesn't have quite the distinct special 'look' of Danny's haircuts. This is a pretty good haircut though. I did have two big slip-ups using the clippers in the back making two uneven, um, lines or shingles as I used to call the mistakes when somebody else made them. And, Goddammit that pissed me off too! I never used to make mistakes like that. Yeah, well, at least Danny won't know about the two goofs I made on the back of his head, not unless some prick tells him about them.

Giving Danny the handheld mirror, he moves it around, and then says, "Would you get upset if I said it should be shorter all over, and it's very uneven on the right side." I go, "It's a little late to worry about me being upset since you just criticized the shit out of this haircut." He goes, "No! Don't be like that, Dylan, but jeez, um, don't be afraid to cut some hair off, baby... you're doing a haircut, not a trim. What's wrong, lost your nerve for haircutting?" I'm like, "No, I'm simply not as reckless as you." He shrugs, "Well, I told you I wanted the haircut I give Rob, only not quite as..." I go, "I know what the fuck you told me, I'm not stupid! I just didn't want to cut it shorter than you, um, wanted." He goes, "Well, no offense, but this is the kind of haircut I used to get at Tony's Barbershop on Broad Street. You can do better than this, right?" Well, motherfucker!

Alright, now the pressure's on! I do his haircut all over again still being conscious not to cut it too short but when I'm almost done I make a mistake on the right side again and, oh fuck! Okay, now I'll need to cut it really short to cover up the latest clipper slip. Jesus, I'm sweating now! Danny must sense my tension because he's like, "What's wrong?" I go, "Not a fucking thing. I'm doing what you told me you wanted,"... and a little more too, but I don't mention that. And now I've got the added worry that this is taking too damn long. Rob's gonna get the wrong idea. He'll wonder where I'm at or, more likely... what I'm doing. Still, I need to go over this entire side again and then match the other side with the short hair on this fucking side! Goddammit! Okay, I take my time 'cause Danny will pick out any mistake I make, um, that is, any mistake he can see.

When I'm done the second, um, I mean the third attempt at his haircut I've got sweat in my armpits. Christ, the pressure! Danny holds out his hand and I reluctantly pass him the mirror again and then hold my breath. He moves the mirror all around again, still unable to see the glaring mistakes in the back. He exhales noisily before saying, "Yes, this is better. I knew you could do it. Now, just a minor, um, adjustment if you don't mind. Um, you'll agree the sideburns need to be evened-out, right? And, um, I'm sure you intended to finish the bangs. Um, what do you think, cut about another half-inch off the bangs so they match the length of the rest of my hair on top? And, I know when you do that you'll remember to comb up the hairs and sort of pull the comb back some before cutting off maybe a little more than a half-inch. That'll eliminate the blunt-look the bangs have now which isn't too cool of a look... right? I know you know that of course, 'cause you taught me about avoiding the blunt look." What, now he's a diplomat as well as a freakin' expert barber? Jesus!

I do what he said because he's right. I overlooked that because I'm worried how long this is taking. Oh fuck, the truth is I forgot that technique. After I do that, and then even-off the sideburns he says he likes my third effort, but I can tell he's not thrilled with it. Well, fuck him! He can't see a couple of mistakes in the back, so they don't count, and other than that this is a decent haircut and it used to be good enough for him.

As soon as I take the cape off, Danny jumps up and moves me in a circle getting me sitting in the barber chair. The cape goes over me and, without either of us saying a word he does my entire haircut. It's shorter than usual because I didn't need a haircut to start with. Ignoring that, Danny does a complete haircut on my head just as if I needed one, and it still only takes him like eight-to-ten-minutes and then, handing me the mirror, he says, "That's how you give a guy a haircut."

It's short but looks perfect, and I actually like it better now than before he cut it. He really should open a barbershop in Boston on ritzy Newbury Street because he's as good or better than those guys who have the balls to charge over a hundred dollars for a regular haircut.

Danny takes the cape off me, and I say, "It's a wicked good haircut, Danny. Thanks." He says, "You're welcome. I look forward to doing many more haircuts for you, um, if Rob doesn't get a bug up his ass and prevent that." I'm like, "Why do you keep saying that? Rob thinks you're a great barber." He goes, "Oh, you innocent baby, it's not about how good a barber I am." Then he gives me a fabulous kiss that I gotta admit still registers even without my crush on him. Feeling a little bit in a daze after that, I'm sort of holding onto Danny as he says, "I've been thinking all day about being naked in bed with you," and he starts to pull up my shirt. Getting a grip on my senses, I step back and say, "I'd like to do that Danny but Rob's waiting for me at Rolf's Bar."

He stops, smirks at me, and goes, "You're kidding, right?" Shaking my head, I pull my shirt back down, mumbling, "No, I'm sorry, I gotta go but, um, another time because I really want to be, um, what you said..." and I kiss his lips real fast and walk quickly to the door with Danny saying, as a question, "Dylan?" Turning around, I go, "Danny, please don't be mad at me," and I'm out the door. Whew!

After walking down the hall a few steps, I decide I better jog the rest of the way. Fuck jogging, I'm running out the front door and down to the pickup. Then I drive too recklessly but get away with it and I'm back at Rolf's forty minutes after leaving the bar. That's twenty-five minutes longer than Rob expected I'd be, so that's not good.

And another thing, it's just now occurring to me that I didn't have much of a fetish thrill doing Danny's haircut. That's so friggin' odd because his hair was long and I got to cut it short. That would normally be a boner-inducing sexy time. Jeez, not getting a vibrating boner doing that, and then not getting one while Danny was giving me my totally unnecessary haircut... well, that would never have happened in the past! It must be that I wasn't sure of myself when I was cutting his hair, plus when Danny was giving me a haircut I knew Rob was waiting for me at the bar and I knew I was disappointing him. Yeah, the times they are a-changing, as that scary-looking old rock singer once sang.

I move around Rolf's until I see Rob over there laughing with a few guys at the end of the bar. It's so crowded in here now it's, um, it's stupid that's what it is. As I start moving to him, elbowing my way through guys and girls who won't fucking move, Robby sees me and bumps fists and then hugs some guys and then comes through the crowd to meet me.

He pats my shoulder when we meet, and then mutters, "Let's get the fuck outta here, babe." I'm like, "Sorry it took me so long, Robby. Danny insisted on giving me a haircut too and as you know, Danny doesn't take 'no' for an answer." Rob looks at my head and then grins as he rubs the back of his fingers through my stiff short hair, "Yeah, it's nice and short. It looks good on you, Dylan." That's it? Huh, that's all he has to say about that... no mention about how late I was getting back here? Jeez, now I wonder if Danny and I should have... no, get serious!

With his hand on the back of my neck, Rob's guiding me through the raucous crowd still favoring his left leg as we're slapping hands and congratulating guys on our way out. The way he's doing the hand on the back of my neck thing gives me a submissive sense like I'm being taken to the middle school principal's office for being bad, and it makes my dick shimmy in my pants. Then, it's nice being outside again, and so quiet too. We go right to the truck with Rob mumbling, "You drive, babe," and I ask, "Is your leg acting up again?" He goes, "No, my leg's okay, but I'm hammered."

While I'm driving us to the apartment, I glance at Rob who has his eyes half-closed and I can tell he's as exhausted as I am... and, as he just said, he's also drunk. When I park, he goes, "We'll take a nap now, if that's okay with you." I go, "Christ, yeah, I can't remember ever being this tired. It's the accumulation of too many days with hangovers, plus I didn't sleep all that great in my twin bed last night." Robby goes, "Aw, I did, babe. I always sleep really well when you're in bed with me," and he reaches over to give my right shoulder a squeeze. Looking over again, I grin at him but Rob's in the middle of a huge yawn covering his mouth with his hand, his eyes fully closed. That makes me yawn too. Why is that, I wonder?

I'm still into my 'nap' at almost eight o'clock that night when Rob shakes me to get me to wake up. He says, "Dylan, we won't be able to sleep later if we 'nap' much longer." He obviously just woke up too. He's sitting on the edge of the mattress so I reach up and grab his arm, saying, "Make love to me, Robby." He murmurs, "I can't now, babe. Let's eat something." I hold onto his arm for a second longer and then let go and sit up, mumbling, "Okay."

As I fix a late dinner for us, Rob's on the phone with his parents. I make mac and cheese from scratch. We'll have that with a big salad. The mac and cheese will need to bake in the oven for an hour though, and I'll put frozen Stouffer's dinner rolls in during the last fifteen minutes. A simple dinner, but we don't want a lot.

Waiting for the food to cook, Robby and I sit on the sofa, his arm around me as he tells me, "Your mom called my mom and invited my dad and mom, plus Dodger to join your family after graduation. The Riders have two limousines rented for the day to take all of us... you, me, Jeff, Dodger, both your moms, the twins, and my folks to dinner in Boston after the commencement festivities. One of the limos will pick up mom, dad, and Dodger to bring them to the college and, Jesus, my mom is all geeked-up about the limo... haha. It is pretty fucking cool. When mom told dad about it, he was like, 'Good, I can have a few cocktails and not worry about driving'. Everyone's happy with the plan." I go, "Me too, but I wonder why nobody told me about it?"

Rob's rubbing his finger back through my crewcut, and that feels good but I can tell he's thinking about something and didn't hear me the first time so I lean against him, repeating, "I'm glad you told me about the limos and what's happening 'cause no one else did." This time he goes, "What? That's impossible. Check your cell phone," and now he has a smirk on his face as I touch my pocket and... no phone. Omigod, not knowing where my phone is, well it's like losing my wallet. It's just as bad because it has all my stuff on it, phone numbers, pictures, messages I saved, and all kinds of information. I'm like, "Rob! I lost my phone..." He goes, "No you didn't. You left it on the kitchen table at your mom's condo last night. This morning I picked it up before we left." I'm like, "And you didn't tell me?" He laughs and goes, "It wasn't on purpose! Seriously, we were so fucked up this morning I forgot I had it. It's in the side pocket of those cargo shorts of yours... the ones I wore this morning."

Oh man, what a relief! I get up and go into the bedroom and see my old cargo shorts on top of the hamper. Yeah, I remember this morning we were stumbling around with our hangovers, not caring about much except we wanted something to wear. I'm excited as I go in the first pocket and then the second pocket, and there it is! I pull out my phone. Yes!

Yeah, I remember Rob looking in my bureau this morning and not finding much there because most of my stuff is at my other home. We did find old baggy shorts and clean boxer underwear which we put on because neither of us wanted to wear the wrinkled clothes we had on last night. My phone has six missed calls and eight texts, two of them are from Chub and two from my mom. Gee, I wonder what they want? Haha! The other calls and texts I ignore.

Damn, how'd I not miss my phone all day? Oh man, if I'd gone in my pocket for my phone outside Danny's dorm room I'd have been frantic when I discovered I didn't have it! Hangovers suck! The texts and phone calls from mom and Chubby are, obviously, about the plans for the graduation ceremony... the limos, etc. Sitting at the desk I text and then end up calling both Chub and my mom and they both convince me it's okay. They say they misplace their phones all the time. I know my mom doesn't, but Chubby certainly does. Everything is okay though, no problem.

Back in the living room I plop down almost on top of Robby and put both my arms around his neck, saying, "Thanks, future husband, you saved me from tons of anguish." He grins, "Well fuck, aren't you something! I mean, the way you're sticking with the husband thing no matter that I keep telling you to knock it off. It's a little bit early for that, babe. Um, I may have mentioned that before." I go, "Yeah, you did but I like thinking of you as my husband." He goes, "And all along I thought you were less than thrilled about it. I was under the misconception you were only going along with me being your 'husband' because I wanted you to." There's certainly some truth to that!

I go, "Initially that was true, yes. A mature person such as myself, however, quickly realized that when we're married, of course, you'll be my husband. What else would you be? And so, yep, I actually like the idea now, and I'm liking the sound of 'husband' more each time I think about it, or say it out loud." He goes, "Nice! And the 'wife' part? How about that?" I go, "Well, yeah, that was harder, but..." and he grins, saying, "Being a super mature person." I go, "Yes, but let me be the one who says it, alright? Jesus!" Then I continue, "Me being a super mature individual and all that, I'm okay with being your wife! Any gay guy in his right mind would be proud to be your wife, and I'm a gay guy, one who also loves you to death, so..."

He smiles and hugs me as we do a lover's kiss, then another one. Three minutes later Rob's got my pants down below my buttocks and, even though he's still favoring his left leg a little he's still able to roughly get me leaning over the arm of the sofa, and I mean roughly 'cause he's motivated and he's strong! Then, without lube, he fucks me hard in balls-to-the-wall fashion, really hard and fast. Omigod, I'm moaning and groaning in pain and pleasure and sexual heat that I'll remember forever.

I'm guessing we both got enormously aroused by, I don't know, certainly our making out but also maybe from that husband and wife discussion. I think that did it for me. Yeah, the thought of being his wife got me extra hot and maybe he got extra arousal by me sincerely acquiescing to his wishes. Or, maybe the both of us just look for any reason whatsoever to fuck 'cause we're a tiny bit oversexed. Either way, who cares?

But, yeah, it is enormously arousing to me the way Rob seems to have flicked that switch. And I know I've mentioned that a few times too many already, but the way he's casually and confidently being in charge, and being a bit dominant about it of late, oh man, that's the perfect combination as far as I'm concerned, and so, yeah, I'll be Rob's wife. That flicked switch is turning out to be monumental to me.

As of right this second though I'm concentrating on the way Robby's pounding his engorged fat boner up my ass. It's totally fantastic and I'm seeing stars collide from the combination of pain, sexual arousal, and pleasure. Omigod, and then my climax! A squeal bursts out of me while I'm shooting a strong stream of cum straight out against the side of the sofa. It hits so hard the cum splatters back onto my bare legs with some splattering on my pants that drifted down around my ankles during the hard fucking my ass was taking.

Rob's gasping for oxygen after that four or five minutes of exertion and when he steps back pulling his fat sloppy cock from my ass a long stream of his cum rolls out and runs down the inside of my legs. Robby smacks my ass, "SMACK! SMACK!" splattering the drooling cum as he gasps for air, super aroused to a degree I've rarely seen him before. Getting off the sofa's arm I put my hand back to try catching some of the cum, saying, "Jesus, Rob, that must have been a huge load of spunk." He nods, inhales again, as he mutters, "It was large, yes! Felt fantastic too."

Glancing down at the side of the sofa, I shake my head. Rob puts his pecker away without even wiping it off and then gets paper towels and kitchen cleaner. There were already some stains on the side of the sofa and at least one or two of them are Pony's cum shots, but that blast of mine dwarfs the others. Rob hands me the paper towels and cleaner as he nods at that big blob of my cum. I'm like, "Yeah, it's a mess but look at my pants! Your cum ran down my legs and pooled on my pants." He says, "Well, take 'em off, babe. What's the big deal?" Then he grins and smacks my bare ass again, "SMACK!" I jump and then mutter, "Those smacks felt good."

Reaching behind me I wipe the cum off my ass with a Bounty paper towel, then the inside of my legs and lastly, the front of my legs where the cum spattered off the side of the sofa. Stepping out of my cum wet underwear and pants I do another shoulder shudder at a zipping after effect of that ginormous climax. Naked from my waist down, my cock flopping around, I kneel down and spray the kitchen cleaner on the cum stain and start wiping it. Robby watches and then mutters, "That's gonna leave a mark," and then he snickers and takes the spray cleaner from me and helps we wipe at the stain. I think I said that same 'leave a mark' comment the last time Pony shot off on the side of the sofa.

We do the best we can with the stain and then I take my jockey shorts and pants to the bedroom hamper. Putting on clean clothes I'm back in the kitchen remembering to stick the frozen dinner rolls in the oven and then I sit close to Robby on the sofa again. His arm goes around me and I snuggle against him as we grin at each other. Robby says, "Wasn't our no-lube-sex the hottest!" I say, "Yeah, especially for you." Then I watch Rob send some text messages. Omigod, do I ever love how he looks, and I know I put too much importance on personal appearance... but look at him!

As we're eating dinner, I keep glancing at Rob and smiling without saying anything. Robby finally says, "Christ, babe, we just did 'it' twenty minutes ago!" I go, "I know, but I think you're so hot the way you've taken over and you're so in-charge... and everything. Sorry, but I can't get enough of you now." He chuckles and says, "I suggest you at least wait until you take out that big life insurance policy on me before you make me fuck myself to death." I mutter, "Very funny," and he says, "Seriously though, it's not easy resisting you, Dylan, not with that 'look' in your eyes." I go, "Well, don't resist then! Yeah, I know you gotta do most of the work during our sex but that's 'cause you're the husband." He says, "Ya know what, you cute fucker you, I could come right across this table and fuck you again without breathing hard." I go, "Well, do it then."

He doesn't do it then, and later when we go to bed he doesn't do it then either. Or at least I don't think he did. I wouldn't know because I was asleep two minutes after getting under the covers.

When we wake up... its graduation day! We don't graduate officially until one o'clock so we have the time and the inclination to do 'it' now, this morning at nine o'clock. This time we do 'it' with Astroglide and it's another hard fucking after which I'm wiggling my ass on the mattress because it feels so fucking good being fucked that well. We lie in bed with Rob's arm under the back of my neck and my head partially on his shoulder as we reminisce about our four years of college and living together in four different apartments, all of them, luckily for us, recently renovated units. As we talk, I turn my head to stare at him and play with his hair while he's lightly running his fingers over my body, occasionally flipping my nip ring. Oh God, I feel so good! Yeah, that's right, I'm glowing again.

Forty-five minutes later we're hugging, not even kissing but we get boners anyway and Rob fucks me with both of us on our sides, his arm over me to hold me against his chest. It goes on for maybe ten minutes. Slow thrusting for ten minutes or maybe longer until I start squirming and moaning. It's an extremely slow build-up to climax with Robby never getting into desperate thrusting until I start my whining moans, pushing my ass back at his thrust which throws off the nice steady rhythm he had, and that felt so good too, but I need to climax Goddammit!

My humping back at his thrusting causes his cock to pull out completely, so he goes, "Fuck!" and he thrust his big fat hard sex organ back up my ass, holds my back tightly against his chest and thrusts fast and hard... slap, slap, slap, slap! It only takes twenty seconds and I go, 'Aaaaahhhh, eeeeeiii, as a long stream of cum splatters against the sheets that got bunched up in front of me. Rob keeps thrusting and another streak of cum shoots from my boner and then I feel his hot stream filling me up back there. There's some shuddering but we finally both relax and gasp for air and then sigh.

Later, we're still lying here with me pressed against Rob's hot body, my fingers playing with his hair again as sweat forms between us. Rob finally mumbles, "If you think you can wear me out, think again. I'll happily fuck you until we both need to call 911." I go, "My ass is sore now so I'm not trying to get you to fuck me again. I like touching and being with you. Do you mind?" Damn, I know that's pathetically needy-sounding but Goddammit, I'm in one of my infatuation cycles! And, as I've thought before, it's the infatuation I used to have for Danny that's now transferred totally to Robby to go along with my love for him. That's a live-wire combination... love, plus deep infatuation! And I know my hots for him also has a lot to do with the 'talk' Rob had with me, so it's a shit load of sexual stimuli I'm dealing with here...

He says, "Oh, well jeez... I'm sorry your ass is sore, babe. Anyway, I was just teasing you. And nothing in the world makes me happier than you saying you want to be all over me all the time." Lifting my head, I go, "Was that sarcasm? I'm not 'all over' you. I'm touching and, okay, leaning on you a little bit too." He goes, "Sarcasm? NO! I do like it... I love that you feel that way!" I yank on his hair, saying, "But not necessarily all the time though, right?" He goes, "You said that, not me." I crawl on top of him, asking, "How 'bout this? Is this too much?"

Laughing, he dumps me off and mumbles, "Let's take another shower together. If you bring the Astroglide I'll take that as a clue you want your man, as you refer to me, to fuck you either before or after we bathe." I don't bring the Astroglide because Rob's already fucked my ass sore... I wasn't lying about that!

After our shower, I'm in my jockey shorts looking out the bedroom window at a nice sunny day and thank the Gods for that because, as I said, the commencement activities are taking place outdoors. The football stadium to be exact and it's where we practiced yesterday which was as tedious a couple of hours as I've ever experienced in my life. First of all, getting the attention of all 1764 college seniors, many of them hungover, proved to be problematic for those running the show. The constant overly-loud instructions over the PA system during that process will probably reverberate in my nightmares for weeks, maybe for the rest of my life.

Getting everyone seated in alphabetical order really shouldn't have been as hard as it turned out to be. When that was finally accomplished, Jennifer Aaron was number 1, and Melony Zembroski number 1764. Rob's number is a fairly low one... he's number 400 as his last name begins with the letter 'D'. Danny's number is 886 with the letter 'M' and my number is 925 sitting among students whose last names begin with the letter 'N', while Chubby is in with the 'R' names at number 1499, and so forth.

They emphasized vigorously that we need to be at the football stadium for commencement two hours before the first speaker will even utter his or her first words of greeting to graduates and guests. So, we have fried egg sandwiches and then I'm driving us to our assigned parking lot much earlier than makes any sense but Rob insisted. There's a cluster-fuck of backed-up cars at the parking lot's entrance. This parking lot is quite a distance from the football stadium because an administrative asshole decided to make all the parking lots on campus available for the 'guests' and I suppose us graduates can pound sand up our asses if we don't like it.

After an agonizingly slow process, I get in the lot and park the pickup and then it's a fifteen-minute walk to the stadium. I'm like, "Is your leg gonna be okay walking back to campus?" Rob goes, "Yeah, I could have driven actually, but you had the key-fob, so..."

We're part of a large group walking and there's quite a bit of grumbling going on. It's kind of like maybe we're all pissed off about being assigned the furthest parking lot, one that's not even on campus, and we're the fucking stars of the day. Well, aren't we? Plus, the sunny day I was happy to see forty-five minutes ago from our bedroom window is now too hot, and with these idiotic robes on we're all sweating.

When we get to the stadium there are too many professors yelling too many different instructions at the same time, but the loudest ones are telling us to get in our assigned seats. Rob and I lightly bump fist and mumble, "See ya," and make our way to our assigned groups within the 1764 folding chairs roped-off in front of the stage... "FOR GRADUATES". Most of us are looking at the slip of paper with our seat 'number' that we were given yesterday. The rows of folding chairs are numbered so, duh, us college grads should be able to figure this out.

Sitting with people whose last name begins with the same first letter as your last name means that unless coincidentally your friends have a similar last name to yours, for the next hour and a half or so you'll be with graduates you don't know. Yesterday I had to exist within my 'N' group which consisted of an abnormally large percentage of individuals who were into much-too-much small talk. Small talk of an inquisitive nature... where ya from? did your parents go to Merrimack? what's your major? what's your sign? is that your natural hair color? do you know Grace Manweller, by any chance? etc. etc. etc.. Two girls were especially on my case yesterday and I'm trying to avoid them now.

Yes, that's right, I'm not a fan of 'small-talk' and I've got a 'puss' on my face discouraging those who are. The exception to that is the cute guy I finally hooked up with yesterday. Gary Nickols was his name and it was a similar situation to the one in Rolf's Bar when I hooked up with a cute guy named Ronny-something who was very interested in ice hockey, which I know nothing about but pretended I did. At the rehearsal yesterday I was exchanging inanities with this Gary Nickols guy. Gary's a gear-head, meaning he's into cars and engines and auto races and whatnot. He had embedded grease in the creases of his fingers. So did John Smith. He's the guy I used to have lunch with occasionally last year at that bar. Well, he'd fuck me hard in the storage room and then we'd have lunch.

And, noooo, I'm not into cars and engines any more than I was into ice hockey yesterday with Ronny, but I pretended to be with Gary and it passed the time, plus it kept small-talking, non-cute-guys and girls away when they saw Gary and me deep into our 'gear-heads' conversation. I didn't mind the boring car-talk as long as I got to stare into Gary's pretty green eyes and watch his sexy lips move. The only bad thing about Gary was I think he must have been too rushed yesterday morning to brush his teeth 'cause there was a strange smell to his breath. It could have been alcohol-related I suppose, or maybe he'd recently eaten a Slim Jim... who knows.

Anyway, today Gary's otherwise occupied and our seats aren't in the same row anyway. That didn't matter yesterday but today a big mouth woman professor is encouraging us to... "Get in your assigned seats, people!" Even though we're all dressed casually under our gowns, because of the unusually hot weather no one is wearing the hat. Most of us are carrying our mortarboard caps with the tassels almost dragging on the ground. Alas, without cute Gary to get my mind off things today I'm relegated to make my way to my seat with the nerd group who have nothing better to do but sit and talk about things, things I couldn't care less about. Even worse, in the background Ms. Loud Mouth continues suggesting "You people wandering around... you need to get to your seats now!' Lucky me, the 'N' name students are in their seats already and, as I said, they're deeply into small talk again which I'm not participating in although I can't avoid hearing all the various mind-numbing conversations around me.

Sitting in the hot sun holding my square hat in my lap I'm passing the time flipping the tassel in circles while contemplating that we're here to get our diplomas and then, just like that, our college days are over and we need to get on with our lives doing whatever it is we hope to do. It's sad for me to be leaving behind any last remnants of my childhood but, on the other hand, living with Robby as a married couple seems an exciting thing to do. Well, except I have mixed emotions about that as I have about everything, doesn't everyone have mixed emotions? I mean, nothing's perfect, right? In any case, I figure I'll likely survive this commencement ceremony and then be whooping it up and throwing my mortarboard cap in the air with everyone else.

Checking my watch I see we still have almost a half-hour before things start up which gives me time to wonder who the genius was who thought we needed to be in our seats this early. Time crawls by and two lifetimes later the band starts playing the Star Spangled Banner and we all stand up and then we sit down and the speeches and awards finally begin and quickly become only droning background noise to me until every now and then the droning sound is broken up by short periods of polite applause and then the band plays again and we're all standing again and after two more lifetimes pass by, I hear the name Jennifer Aaron called and realize students in the first row are already lined-up at the end of the stage and now the second row just stood up. Oh, that's right, we practiced this yesterday. Jennifer goes up the steps as the next person steps on the first step. See how well they're following yesterday's instructions.

The next name is called and it goes quickly... up on the stage the graduates quickly go to get their diploma from a woman I've never seen before in my life. Even though they move quickly, it takes a long time to call 1764 names and then there are a few jackasses who slow things down by doing something idiotic when they get their diploma like a little dance or mug a 'face' or gesture in some dumb way and, I suppose, one or two of their friends think it was a hot-shit thing to do while the other 1761 of us mutter "asshole" under our breath... and then my name is called and on and on it goes...

It's all over now and, yes, everyone threw their hat in the air. I'm picking up one now as I try not to step on others. I'm in the middle of too many people milling around, both family and graduates looking for a recognizable face while trying not to trip over the seats that are now helter-skelter and not neatly in rows as they were. Almost three thousand 'guests' are looking for that one specific face, the only one important to them. I myself am looking for someone, anyone, I know. We're all carrying our diplomas and I don't feel anything right now... I'm numb. None of the expected feeling of relief, or special joy, or anything has made its way into my brain. Mostly I'm hot and sweaty. None of this seems right, does it? I should be jumping with joy like these joyous graduates around me. Huh, I wonder why I don't want to do that?

Everyone is smiling and happy and hugging and bumbling into people and then I see Danny, but he's with some guys laughing while doing some sort of goofy and complicated hand jive. I'm faking a smile and saying congratulations to whoever says it to me, exchanging hugs with guys and girls I recognize from classes who say my name and hug me as I desperately try remembering their names. Oh, there's Chubby! He sees me and we make our way to one another to hug with Chubby getting us jumping up and down, and now I feel a little more like some of these other nuts... a little bit.

Chub's laughing and telling me about a guy in front of him who fell down the steps on the other side of the stage. He was a very short guy and stepped on the hem of his robe, his diploma flying out of his hand to land into a puddle of coffee someone spilled. The word is he has a broken nose, but with blood running down his face he held up his diploma, cold coffee dripping off it, as he yelled, "I'm good, no problem!" I was feeling bad for the guy until Chub mutters, "The clumsy fuck," and the way he said that, and even with me feeling bad for the guy, I can't stop laughing. I'm holding onto Chubby laughing hysterically, laughing way more than that deserves but it lets out all the frustrations I was feeling...

Chub squeezes my hand as he says, "Jesus, bro, calm the fuck down," and I follow him out of the stadium and through the crowd while wondering how the fuck does he knows where we're supposed to go, and then we're in one of the visitors' parking lots, the correct one it seems as I see Robby with his mom and dad and then there's Tom Rider, and when we walk around one of the two big black limousines parked here, there's everybody. I mean everybody I care about. There's also everybody that everybody else cares about too... the parking lot is teeming with people.

My mom waves at Chubby and me as she yells, "There they are," and we're all hugging and I'm pretending to be like the rest of them, joyous and proud, or whatever. Lots of discussion about how uncomfortably hot everyone was and, Omigod, how long the ceremony was, and where are we going to meet up after we change clothes, and where we're going, and then Mrs. and Mr. Dickers are hugging me, and then Robby and I are hugging and... hugging Robby I feel calm for the first time in almost three hours. He rubs my back, murmuring, "Whew, I'm glad that's over. How ya holding up, babe?" Everything seems fine now. I go, "I'm good, Rob. No problem."

It's almost four o'clock by now so no wonder I was a little fucked up there for a bit, but being with Robby has magically made everything seem okay. Damn, I find that so freakin' cool! He's telling me something as I squeeze my arms around him nodding my head at whatever it is he's saying and then, right here in the middle of all these people, Robby kisses me on the lips, and says, "We'll have some fun now, huh, babe?" I go, "Um, yeah, sure..." and when we let go of each other my lips still feel tingly as I lightly touch them with my fingers. Huh, I just graduated college...

Sticking close to Rob, I'm beginning to feel just as good as everyone else. We walk toward our pickup, a fifteen-minute walk that I don't mind now because we're going toward the pickup and not away from it. As we walk, Rob's telling me the times and places we're meeting up with everyone. I'm not paying any attention 'cause, damn, it's great to be smiling. I purposely bump against Robby a few times making him glances at me, asking, "Do you want to hold hands? We can ya know, and fuck these people if they don't like it." I shake my head and he goes, "How about that asshole Mike Manski? Holy shit! That speech of his! I thought he'd never shut the fuck up." I go, "Yeah, but overall the commencement rigmarole went pretty well I thought." What a crock of shit that is but I want to seem positive, ya know? I just freakin' graduated from college so I should be wildly upbeat and positive!

It's another cluster fuck getting out of the parking lot's exit but we make it back to the apartment where Rob pops the caps on two Rolling Rock bottles of beer and we toast each other. We have one of our last smokes ever on the balcony and I'm feeling better and better by the second and it's because everything is calm and under control now that I'm with Robby. He's got all the stuff we're supposed to do for the rest of the day organized in his head and I get to hang onto his coattails and not worry about a thing.

Sure, it sucks that I'm so fucked up! Don'cha think I know that better than anyone? I suck for not paying attention to all the texts messages about plans for later today, but then I don't need to be involved 'cause Rob likes to do that sort of thing... organize and work-out details and whatnot. I'm almost in a Chubby mode except he doesn't even need someone like Rob taking care of everything. Chub simply doesn't worry about anything so it's almost the same thing as me having Robby. Chub just laughs and goes with the flow, doing his own thing at times and joining with the organized plans eventually. It's so easy for him... life is easy for Chubby.

After Rob and I finish our beers and cigarettes, we're sweaty from everything we've been through today so we shower again together but without sex and that's because we have timetables to meet and places to be. Showered and dressed in upscale casual clothes we drive to meet up with everyone in the Stop & Shop parking lot where the limos are now parked. We're sort of dressed-up because the twins made reservations at the Four Seasons hotel in Boston. They reserved a private room. No one is staying overnight though, just dinner with champagne toasts then drinks... whatever.

Even though Chubby told me he has a 'feeling' the twins might pay off our college loans as a graduation present, when they actually tell us about it I have tears running down my face thanking them as the significance, the generosity of that becomes real to me. They hug me telling me they were glad to do it for me and they love me like their brother... and they're the greatest guys... the twins are the best! They really are, so I cry some more... not sobbing, just quiet tears because, well, just because... alright? Jesus, who knows why you cry sometimes, you just do?

There are many toasts to Chubby, Rob, and me and then a delicious dinner and eventually I get drunk and Rob does too, plus he throws up, but all night it's like I'm a 'star' and so are Robby and Chub... three shining stars as though we three accomplished something no one else could possibly have done. It's the best graduation dinner imaginable, and all made possible by the fabulous Rider brothers who are so modest about it I love them even more than before. It's hard pulling off sincere modesty when showing generosity that's hard for me to even fathom, but those two do it so casually it makes everyone comfortable. The moms are beaming too because the twins are theirs... sort of.

Rob and I wake up in our apartment bedroom the next morning and, yes, we're hungover... again! Robby holds his head and groans, then mumbles, "No drinking for me ever again, or at least for a week." I say, "No smoking either?" Like it's a question. Rob goes, "That too," and we both go back to sleep.

Not feeling a helluva lot better an hour later, we get out of bed and do some necessary things in the bathroom and then gulp down liquids in the form of bottles of Snapple while we take more Advil and then, not even wanting coffee we lie around in the living room not saying much until almost four o'clock when we finally feel we need to eat something. Rob heats up cans of chicken soup for us and when we get that down it seemed to invigorate our appetites so I cook us scrambled eggs and toast.

While eating that, Rob says, "It's a damn good thing we had limo drivers last night 'cause I don't think anyone was capable of driving." I nod, mumbling, "When did Josh show up? Dodger's partner, Josh." Robby goes, "Oh, yeah. He showed up at the bar after dinner. Dodger must have called him. Christ, I wonder if he drove Dodger home?" I shrug.

That took all our energy and, without even cleaning up the kitchen, we lie together on the big sofa again. The TV has been on for a couple of hours and what garbage the programming is weekday afternoons! Lying here I'm starting to remember good things about last night's awesome dinner. Jesus, the twins are first class all the way. Oh yeah, and they told everyone about their Vegas weddings plans, the details and how they've already mailed invitations with everything we need to know. Their travel guy at work arranged for everything. We'll be taking up most of the first-class seats during the flight to Las Vegas. Our tickets are 'open' for the return flight because the married couples are going on their honeymoon and it's up to everyone else to decide when they want to use the open prepaid flight tickets home. The adult-adults will probably return the next day but us guys haven't decided.

All our parents and parents-to-be, plus Dodger made speeches during cocktail hour about what awesome guys us three graduates are, then the announcement by the moms of the twins paying off Chub's and my college loans as graduation presents, the Las Vegas trip announcement, and then Rob's unnecessary re-announcement of our wedding date... it all got mixed up but it was a wonderful evening. Rob's grandparents would have come to the commencement as would Josh and others, except the commencement tickets were limited to two for each graduate. Chubby used one of John Beverly's tickets for Dodger. The two tickets limit was the focus of lots of discord among the graduating class. I mean those individuals involved in the politics of the college. It had no effect on anyone I know personally. The college's contention was that Merrimack is a small campus with very limited parking and... whatever the fuck.

Yes, last night was memorable and after surviving yesterday, which is to say the day after graduation, when we get up on Friday morning it's back to dealing with the mundane matters of life. In this case, Rob and I are packing our stuff to take home, which turns out to be a lot of stuff! Then, after the hassle of packing up here at the apartment, and unpacking at home, our plan is to do a luxurious nothing for the weekend.

As it turns out, we don't even leave the house all weekend. Most of the discussion at the dinner table with his parents consists mostly of rehashing our graduation festivities and then about Rob's and my wedding plans. Mrs. Dickers is very interested in that and after Rob made it a point to tell his parents he and I are paying for everything, Mr. Dickers perked up and joined in with the conversation, mostly agreeing with Rob's decisions that it be short, small, and quick. I happily let Rob handle everything. The plans are simple and fairly certain, although not enacted upon yet. Mrs. D. tries to talk Rob into expanding his plans for the wedding, but Rob's not giving in. He plans to make it as simple, and short, and small as he can while still getting the job done because that's what I want... that works best for me.

After that restful weekend, Monday morning Rob and I are once again feeling good and it's a beautiful day so we're sitting around the backyard pool still chilling out. Robby's on his cell phone making inquiries and some reservations for our wedding and honeymoon, still sticking to his guns that it's gonna be an intimate and quick affair, but that still requires planning... and his credit card. I actually think Rob agrees with some of his mom's suggestion for making it a bigger event, but he knows how I feel so he's going along with what I want, and not what he and his mom want.

As he makes his calls I'm thinking back to the very nice breakfast his mom had for us this morning and how great a cigarette would taste right about now. I picture Rob and I sitting here with two smoldering cigarettes in the ashtray, the ashtray would be right there on that little table between us. The red aluminum ashtray from the pool house. That's how it would have been if we were sitting here the last time we were home.

Occasionally Rob interrupts my cigarette daydream asking me if I like this or that idea for our simple wedding and each time I say, "Sounds perfect," and he then gives whoever he's talking with his credit card number and then moves on to the next item on his list. These are final arrangements and I'm okay with them even though, as I've said before, I don't see any particular need for two gay boyfriends to marry. On the other hand, I'm not strongly opposed to it either and therefore I'm going along with Rob because I like to see him happy.

I said we were sitting around the backyard swimming pool but we're actually lying more than sitting. We're on chaise lounges next to each other and I'm now trying to think about something besides a cigarette, which is the reason I'm watching Robby do his thing on the phone. I couldn't do what he's doing nearly as well because I don't have that confidence in my voice when talking with strangers about something I'm not familiar with, but then I don't need to. Rob's quite happy doing it, so I'm happy too, everybody's happy as far as I can tell.

Hearing the backyard gate squeak, I look over and see Danny and Hayden, both bare-chested wearing swim trunks. Danny's is a cool surfer swimsuit and, of course, Hayden's got on a ridiculous minimalistic Speedo suit with his huge cock barely covered. The only hair on either of the two boys' torsos is the fine hair of his 'happy trail' that runs down from Hayden's belly button to disappear inside his Speedo. He does have very hairy legs though which is a bit of a turn-on for me. Hmm, I wonder if that has something 'subconsciously' to do with Chub and I shaving our legs as teenagers? I never know what the fuck is going on in the subconscious part of my brain, duh... obviously.

Both guys are carrying t-shirts and wearing flip flops but most of all I notice the cute smiles on their faces. My dick stirs inside my surfer swimsuit as they walk over to us. Yes, both of those gay boys can light my fire! Surprisingly, today it's Hayden I'm mostly staring at because I haven't seen him in a few months and I'd forgotten how his diminutive body makes his large penis look even larger as it bulges out between his skinny hairy legs. Oh yeah, both those boys are sexy hotties and I say that even though Hayden is doing his swishy way of walking... Jesus! Haha.

I'm pretty fucking psyched seeing both of them, while at the same time it hurts a little because I haven't had buddy sex with Hayden seemingly forever, and the prospect of doing it with him in the future is remote at best. As for Danny and me, it's been over three weeks since we did 'it' last and our prospects for future sex don't look bright either. I glance over at Rob and see him looking at me, so I nod my head mouthing, "I know..." meaning my buddy-sex days with these boys has probably elapsed, run out before I even realized it. There's been no definitive pronouncement from Rob about rescinding our 'arrangement', but I don't like my chances of a farewell fuck with Danny.

I'm still happy to see the guys though so I jump up and go, "Hi, guys!" Rob gets up too and puts his arm around the back of my waist as Danny goes to Rob and Hayden to me for hugs. Rob's arm slips from my waist as Danny says to me, "Hi stranger," and then to Rob, "Dude!" and then they hug and start talking about the graduation, and what Danny did afterward. Hayden pulls me away a couple of steps hugging and then kissing me on the mouth.

I happen to know from experience the kiss I just got from Hayden was only a quick preview of the kiss he's capable of. Then, his head tilted up to grins at me, he says, "You get prettier every time I see you, Dylan. How you been?" We rub lightly over each other's shoulders and sort of smile at one another as we're stepping back a little. I mumble, "Good! I'm good. It's awesome to see you, Hayden... how you been?" Yeah, I've got a bit of a stiffy in my swimsuit thinking of the times this little dynamo fucked me so awesomely, and our make-outs... Omigod! He's the best make-out ever.

Yep, he's the best make-out ever and I never would have believed I'd ever experience so much as a quick kiss with him when we first met. I'd never have believed how fond of him I'd become either and seeing him now I'm realizing I've missed him. Out of sight, out of mind, but here he is looking kinda hot with his short hair. Weirdly, I actually miss his long-girlie hair.

As friends usually do when they haven't seen one another for a while, we stand here telling each other the usual stuff about how we're doing and what we've been doing. Hayden nods at Danny and Robby who are now lying in the chaise lounges, saying, "Christ, seeing Rob and Danny again I'm realizing time is slipping away. I see those two and realize how long I've known them... and now we've all graduated college. Jesus, is it just me or is 'time' speeding up on us... does it seem that way to you?" I can hear Robby telling Danny about dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel now, as I go, "Speeding up? Fuck, no! Time almost stopped completely last week at our graduation ceremony." He chuckles politely which is how we're acting, basically... we're both being polite. It's a little awkward because it's been months since we've seen each other.

Hayden's a few inches shorter than me so he needs to shade his eyes from the bright sunshine as his head tilts up, telling me, "You probably won't believe this, but I've dreamed about you, Dylan. Swear to God! Yeah, I have literally dreamed about you and the dream was so real it was like you were there." He glances over at Danny and Rob quickly, and then whispers, "I can hardly wait to fuck that perfect ass of yours again like I did it in the dream and it got messy in my boxers," and then he sounds slightly girlish as he's giggling, and then asking seriously, "When do you think we might be able to do that for real?" A quick memory of the last time he fucked me flashes past my brain and I gulp before mumbling, "Oh, haha, as much as I'd like that, Hayden, I'm getting married and I'm pretty sure my future husband wouldn't like you fucking me." He goes, "Rob's never liked me very much." I go, "I don't think it's that exactly."

Hayden goes, "Oh, darling, I was actually afraid you'd say that but I respect you for it and, um... well, we're probably gonna do it anyway, heh heh." Grinning at me, he adjusts his junk in that ridiculously tiny Speedo as I chuckle too, and then mumble, "Your Speedo is a racing swimsuit, ya know. It's not normally worn for casually lying around a neighborhood pool." He does his grin, giggling again, before saying, "Yeah, I know." Then he slowly drags one finger between my pecs down my belly, and just before he can poke my stiffening dick, I push his hand away. He goes, "I love that you referred to Rob as your 'husband'. Danny told me you'll be Rob's wife and that's absolutely perfect for cutie-girlie you." I say, "Ya know, Hayden, except for the 'girlie' word you threw in there, I remember you alluding to things going this way for me the first time I met you."

He has eyeliner on but it's so expertly applied it blends in almost invisibly. If we weren't in bright sunshine I probably wouldn't have noticed. He takes my arm, saying, "C' mon, honey, let's sit down." We pull two deck chairs together and sit as he says, "Yes, I remember when we met. It was outside the movie complex and, Dylan, I knew two-minutes after meeting you that you and I were alike, and I told you that. Of course, you scoffed at the very idea you were like me but I could tell you were 'wife' 'material just like me. Your potential to become a little 'swishy', as they say, was obvious to me."

Speaking of 'swishy', he's being very, um, let me put it this way... this morning Hayden's deeply into his gay affectations act. Sometimes he is, and other times he isn't. I shrug, muttering, "I don't know that I can agree with you there, Hayden, but I'm beginning to realize you were right about me being okay with being Rob's wife if that's what you mean. It surprised me, but not you, huh?"

He grins, mumbling, "No, it was obvious to me." I go, "It's hard to believe you could, um, see that almost a year ago, but you were right." He says, "Actually, I'm gonna make another prediction and it's that after you're married you'll be even more like me. When you're Rob's housewife, I mean. You'll discover that acting a little more, um, feminine will get the best out of your man." I'm like, "You lost me there 'cause I can only be me, ya know?"

He goes, "You'll see. Little by little you'll be relaxing your 'straight' act, which must be an exhausting thing to maintain anyway. When you let go of that burden you'll discover more of your true gay-self that's inside you. It's what you've subconsciously wanted to experience anyway, and I'm predicting you will. Plus, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how relaxed you'll start feeling being a little jiggy, a little swishy, lisp a few words every now and then to showing your man your feminine side." I make a 'face', like... get serious! Hayden goes, "Yeah, I know! Who am I to advise you about life? Insignificant me having the nerve advising a popular guy like you. Thanks for not laughing in my face but I'm telling you, gay studs like Danny and Rob get off when their girls are a little different than they are." I'm like, "Uh huh, but Hayden, we're not girls."

He shrugs, "It's just a figure of speech, but seriously, acting a little bit girlie now and then make our men feel more macho. Act helpless once in a while too so Rob can feel he's coming to your rescue." I snicker at that, so he says, "Okay, now you're laughing at me but that's because you're letting your programmed societal prejudices overwhelm your true inclinations." I don't say anything so he goes, "Maybe it makes you uncomfortable hearing these things but I only wanna help prepare you for what's ahead as Rob's wife, and there's absolutely nothing bad about it anyway. Being gay is the only thing I'm better at than you, so it's all I can ever hope to help you with."

I go, "Oh, Hayden, no! I'm not better than you at anything. I love you as a friend, but I think your ideas are, um, farfetched." He looks hurt so I hold up my finger, saying, "However! You did just graduate from that prestigious university on the west coast so I gotta admit you're smarter than me and, because there's a small chance you know what you're talking about, and mostly just for the fuck of it, I might take you up on your advice to get a little swishy with Rob... just because you suggested it." He goes, "I probably am smarter than you, haha," and he reaches over and rubs my leg until I push his hand away, grinning at him.

What the fuck, I might actually screw around with Hayden's theory. I'm in a place, a frame of mind I've never been in before. Yeah, I feel this joy about everything but mostly about Robby and me. It's because of the change in him, the flick the switch thingie, but more than that it's me willingly agreeing to all Rob's plans for us. Heh heh, in my mind I've turned this entire thing into a sub/dom situation. I've turned the whole experience into me being submissive to my dom's wishes, and it's psyching me up awesomely so I'm 'up' for almost anything.

The only serious concern I have about trying Hayden's suggestion is my reason for doing it. Am I'm being a little 'pissy' about the 'wife' title? That's why I'll act 'swishy' to prove some kind of bogus point? That would be an immature attitude for me to take although, obviously, I can see how a gay 'wife' might imply 'swishy' or 'girlie', but I'm sincerely not thinking along those lines. I'm thinking it might be a fun thing to screw around with on vacation.

Seriously though, I have been feeling differently about a lot of things these past few days and, anyway, let me ask myself... what vast amount of gay experience and superior intellect do I possess that makes my opinion more valid than Hayden's? The answer is obvious, I don't possess shit in either category. In fact, Hayden in certain areas is definitely smarter than me and he's had more experience at being gay and interacting with other gay guys in the last month than I've had my whole life! I don't mean gay sex, I mean 'being' openly gay in every way and interacting with all kinds of gay personalities.

I tap Hayden's arm and say, "Okay, how about this. What if you coach me up on, um, a swishy move that I can try on Robby when he and I are alone. I'll let you know what he thinks about it if he even notices." Hayden says, "The only reason you want to try it when you and Rob are alone is that you're worried what strangers might think seeing you doing it, right? You need to stop caring about what everybody thinks and be as gay as you want." I glance over at Rob and Danny. Wow, they both do look gorgeously macho, I admit that.

I shrug, and Hayden goes, "A feminine side is inside you trying to get out, Dylan. No offense, but you're a submissive boyish-looking gay guy already. One who looks about eighteen I might add. That's a very good starting point for letting yourself be, um, gayer. It'll seem much more natural coming from you than say a mucho guy. It'll go with your pretty face and ultra-slim body. Hell, you've done it at times already when you've gotten submissive to me." I go, "What?" and he shrugs, "Yes, you're not far from acting girlie when I've fucked you. You get super submissive." Looking down, I mutter, "Really? I like to be submissive during dominant sex but I didn't realize that's the same as being 'almost girlie'. But, anyway, that's sex, not everyday life." Jeez, is he for real? I didn't realize that... and I don't believe it!

Hayden says, "I'm sorry for sounding like I'm lecturing you, Dylan. Hell, I don't know where I'm getting the balls to presume I can give you advice, but all I'm saying is you simply need to let yourself be yourself." Shrugging, I mutter, "I thought I was being myself already. Oh fuck, I don't know but, okay, I'll try to 'let myself out' as you say, um, maybe a little." He nods, mumbling, "Go for it, girl." I'm like, "Will you stop with that 'girl' bullshit, please."

What if there really is more 'feminine', um, something inside of me than, um, than the amount that's already come out? That's assuming some has come out already, which if it has I was unaware of when or what it was that came out. Oh balls, haha! Frankly, I don't think there's any 'girl' in me trying to do anything, get out or otherwise, but as I said, I don't know nearly as much about it as Hayden, so...

He moves his deck chair away from mine so he has room to spread a beach towel on the grass, asking, "Do you wanna lie with me, Dylan?" Would I trust myself doing that? Fuck, no! Trying for casual, I mutter, "No, I'm good here."

Omigod, now he's spreading sunscreen on his hairy legs!" Okay, that's making my dick get hard. I gulp, and say, jokingly, "Do you need help with that, Hayden?" He's like, "Next time, sweetheart, I'm already done my legs." He holds up the tube of sunscreen, saying, "Here, you can do my belly." I go, "What? Nah, never mind!" He gives me a knowing 'look', and I snap at him, "Why the fuck would I wanna spread sunscreen on you? I was just being funny... do it yourself!"

My boner is as hard as a boulder but no problem because I planned ahead and dropped a towel casually on my lap hiding the obvious tent in my swimsuit. Fuck, I could go for a cigarette! I need some buddy sex too... bad! Yeah, but I know this is part of the weaning process. It's understandable I'm missing side sex considering my past five years of having quite a bit of it. Weaning off something like sex is gonna take some willpower for sure.

After a minute of silence, me watching his smallish hand rubbing sunscreen on his well-defined torso I hear an unintentional gulping sound come out of my throat and Hayden looks up at me, and says, "C' mon, help me with my back." Pretending to be annoyed, I make a face, muttering, "Oh, alright. Christ! You need a lot of help, don't ya?" He does his cute grin, "Yeah, I do... hee hee. We can help each other."

Trying not to, I can't help grinning back at him as I get out of the deck chair still holding the towel. When I take the sunscreen tube from him, Hayden flops over on his stomach and, Omigod, look at that perfect ass on him! Oh man, I can't believe I'm gonna do this, and I really shouldn't, but I straddle his legs and sit on them, my boner almost touching his two perfect mounds of buttocks. Blinking my eyes a few times, I take a couple of silent deep breaths and imagine I'm sitting naked in a tub of ice water. Under control now, I quickly spread the lotion on his back thinking, I'd love to stick my boner in that perfect ass. Danny's so lucky! Hayden mumbles, "That feels nice, Dylan."

Yeah, well, not to me it doesn't. My boner is achingly hard now. Quickly finishing, I drop the tube next to him and get back in the deck chair readjusting the towel casually over my boner again while wiping the sunscreen off my hand, and whew! Taking a deep breath, I mumble, "Glad to help." Hayden stays on his stomach, his head turned toward me as he's murmuring quietly, "That gave me a boner... hee hee." I go, "Jesus, chill out, will ya? Gawd, get a grip!"

I don't dare look at his ass or legs now and, wow, the willpower needed not to stroke my hard cock is significant! Yes, I'm still freakin' horny for side sex, and that's true even though Robby's never been sexually hotter or more desirable than he is now, and he's never been a better or sexier lover than he's been this week... I mean he's been fantastic! Holy shit!

Okay, Rob's been absolutely perfect but I'm still thinking about select side-sex possibilities, ones I'm going to ignore of course, but the desire is still present. Christ, sitting on Hayden's legs I had the thought about my cock in his ass. If I had thought about his cock in my ass I'd have spontaneously ejaculated in my swimsuit. Fuck, haha! Ya know what, I'll simply keep weaning myself off these side-sex desires just like I'm gonna do with cigarettes. Yep, that's what I need to do, and it's what I'm going do too.

Hayden's eyes are closed as he murmurs, "The sun feels nice, huh?" Yeah, it does, and then I hear Robby say he's gotta take a piss and, as I'm just about to ask Hayden for a simple example of some subtle gay affectation Danny surprises me coming up behind me. He rubs my head, saying, "Hey, nice fucking crewcut, dude! Who's your barber? Haha!" Looking back, I grin at him as he asks, "Where's my hug and kiss, baby?" I stand up, holding onto the towel to cover my lap. We hug and kiss and after the kiss, Danny rubs my ass and then puts his arm around me. I sort of slide down to sit in the deck chair again.

Christ, with these two around me, both only wearing bathing suits, I'm gonna need a harness for my boner. How the hell am I gonna stay totally faithful to Robby when we hang-out with these guys? It's gonna be exhausting, but I'm determined to abstain! Um, except for Danny... if we ever get the chance, which seems unlikely.

Things settle down when Rob comes out of the pool house and the four of us begin planning our trip of three nights at the Cape. Provincetown to be exact because Hayden's mother has a friend who owns a cottage in Provincetown. We can rent it cheap, but it's gotta be tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday nights only. While we're talking about that my boner goes down but not for long as the four of us jump in the pool for a childish boner-inducing grab-ass swim.

Later, Rob fires up the gas grill and we have hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. The beers come out too, and it's a damn good time. Everyone is uber relaxed and, ya know, there's a special way I feel relaxed, minus the boner-inducing moments, when I'm with my gay friends and I mean gay friends only. It's actually the best feeling ever and I love all three of them, one way or another.

And then another concern. As I mentioned earlier, I've got a major problem developing and it's that at least five times a day I've felt like smoking a cigarette and I mean I've had the strongest urge for a smoke, not just a passing whim... a strong almost overpowering urge! It's nicotine withdrawal, of course. I actually dreamed I was smoking. It was a for-real dream at night. Fuck, Hayden dreamed he was fucking me and my dream was about smoking. What's wrong with that picture? I'm in the wrong dream, that's what!

Anyway, the thing is, I refuse to admit my nicotine willpower-weakness to Robby because he hasn't said jack-shit about cigarettes since we had our last smoke on graduation day. He's got willpower like a steel trap and while I usually do too, this is a 'habit' I'm dealing with. Habits are a bitch, so what I'm seriously considering doing is buying a pack of cigarettes, keep it hidden, and sneak one a few times a day to wean myself off the nicotine without dealing with the withdrawal I've been experiencing. That's how we should have done it in the first place, little by little... everybody knows that!

The next morning the four of us drive to Provincetown in the pickup. The macho guys in front with Hayden and I in the back seat. Hayden's still on his 'I need to be swishy' kick so, with us smirking he's showing me subtle limp-wrist ways he moves his hand doing things and a certain unnatural way, unnatural for me, of moving my head. Affected mannerisms, in other words, plus certain facial expressions that soon have me laughing my ass off and that gets Hayden laughing along with me.

To get us off that, I ask him, "Hasn't Danny suggested you need a haircut?" Hayden touches his hair, which is a basic regular-type haircut now, the kind with a part on the left side. He says, "Ha, that was the first thing Danny said to me when we met the other day. So, yeah, I'm letting him give me a haircut when we get back from Provincetown. He tells me he's become an excellent barber." I go, "He's right about that. He's an excellent barber for sure, better than I ever was." Hayden touches my head, mumbling, "That's an adorable, um, what type of haircut is that?" I push his hand away, saying, "Crewcut," and Hayden says, "Well, darling, as cute as you look with that butch haircut you and I need to grow our hair out, especially you for your wife role. We should have much longer hair than our men... as I had for years."

I go, "Yeah, what happened that made you get it cut?" He makes a girlie wave of his limp wrist, saying, "All my wavy hair got cut off when that silly but beautiful boy, Nickolas, talked me into getting this haircut at the University Barbershop. It was during the first semester and I kept it this way for him all through the second semester too. Oh, we fucked, Nickolas and I, like there was no tomorrow after my haircut. That was quite the night and then... well, never mind that now. It's you we're talking about, not me."

When we get to Provincetown we have a helluva time finding the cottage and when we do find it, the place looks like a dump. It's nice inside though. Hayden says, "It's rustic." It's also small, and two miles from the closest beach. The two bedrooms are literally eight feet by eight feet each with only a thin wall in between, so thin Rob and I can clearly hear Danny fucking Hayden in their bedroom while we're unpacking in our tiny bedroom. Covering our mouths we're trying not to laugh when we hear Hayden's girlie scream as he climaxes. I'm, of course, visualizing Hayden's gigantic cock being super-fat and hard as cum spurts out of it... and I can also picture Danny's boner in my mind as clear as day. My ass twitches as I wonder if Robby might still think it's okay for us four gay friends to fuck among ourselves... he was okay with it last summer. Hmm, I hesitate to bring it up considering our wedding plans and whatnot.

And Danny fucking Hayden a minute ago gets me thinking about Danny. Specifically, him telling me with no prompting from me, that he gets a kick out of Hayden's swishy ways... he actually likes it when Hayden gets into it, which is when Hayden feels like it. That's kinda weird. Both things are, actually... Danny liking it and Hayden turning it on and off randomly. Both things seem unusual to me, but what do I know?

Anyway, Danny's reaction to 'swishiness' is a small example of Hayden knowing what he's talking about. His logic is simply that macho guys like to see their boyfriends acting less macho than they are. I don't know, but if nothing else, I could try swishy moves on Rob for laughs. That's the worst that could happen... we'd have some laughs. My other thought is, I'd been under the impression Robby never warmed up to Hayden because of Hayden's sometimes girlie mannerisms. That was my assumption although I don't recall anyone ever actually telling me that specifically. It could be Robby didn't warm up to Hayden because Danny did, and Robby was jealous of that because he had a crush on Danny. That's conjecture on my part going way back to their young teenage years, obviously.

We have lunch at a place on the waterfront, which is another way of saying downtown Provincetown. The waterfront is a bustling very cool place although there seem to be way more tourists walking around than obvious gay guys. Of course, except for Hayden, we're not obvious gays either and for sure some of the tourists are gay too, but not obvious about it... and who cares anyway?

There's no beach here so after lunch we need to drive to one. As soon as we get there, Danny and Rob drop the cooler of beer and sodas they're carrying and go running down to jump in the ocean. Rob's leg isn't bothering him and actually, it hasn't been a problem for a couple of days now. Hayden and I shake our heads when we hear the guys scream as they hit the cold ocean water.

Hayden nods at the two guys, saying, "See how macho they are, and you didn't go running down with them, did you?" I go, "No! It's too early in the summer for that. Jesus, the water's still freezing cold and their scream, when they hit the water, proves that." He nods, mumbling, "For sure, anyway us girls need to set up the beach blankets and get the towels ready for our guys when they get back." I go, "We're not fucking girls! Jesus, Hayden! And, ya know, this is exactly how you were acting when we first met." He says, "I'm trying to set an example for you!"

As we're spreading out the beach blankets, I ask, "What's with you sometimes acting as swishy as the queen of gay affectations, and other times you're as straight-acting as anyone?" He says, "I don't know, it's whatever I feel like doing. I like to enjoy myself mostly," and then he pulls my arm to get me to share his beach blanket. Lying together, Hayden's covering his eyes with his forearm because the sun is very bright again today. Unseasonably warm sunny weather for New England but I'm prepared and have my shades on. Hayden rolls up on his side, and says, "Your body is giving me a boner, Dylan. Rob's so lucky!" I go, "I'm the lucky one! Rob's more awesome than ever. Lately he's adopted an awesome new take-charge attitude too. Oh man, that's what gives me a boner."

Bumping my shoulder, Hayden goes, "Well, honey, he's taking charge now because he's marrying you in a couple of weeks and he's preparing you to be his wife, right?" I chuckle and then mutter, "You have a distorted idea of Rob's and my relationship. He merely took charge a little bit in order to eliminate silly matters we might otherwise argue about after we're married." Hayden goes, "Sure he did. Ya know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to call you every day to find out how well you're fulfilling your wifely duties." I go, "Get outta here with that shit. I'll be working full time, just like Robby!" He goes, "You'll see. That won't last long. You'll be at home taking care of his baby and being Rob's housewife, and I'm guessing that'll be within three months." I laugh out loud and he goes, "What's so funny?" I'm like, "I believe babies take nine months, not three." He shrugs, mumbling, "I meant within the first year. Rob's a traditionalist so he'll want a wife and family to provide for. I'll bet that's one of the things he made you agree with... didn't he?" I go, "He didn't MAKE me agree with anything!" Jeez, Hayden has Rob down pat... haha.

Don't get the wrong idea about Hayden though, everything he's been saying yesterday and today, he's said as though he seriously thinks it's important, and it's said as one friend to another, and not in a supercilious manner at all... quite the opposite actually. I don't know how to explain this, but Hayden always speaks to me like he's not quite on my level, like he's talking to a, um, superior or... oh man, it's hard to describe except to say he's definitely not being arrogant or talking as if he's a know-it-all. He's always acted sort of deferential to me although there is absolutely no reason he should. Hell, I don't feel I'm on his level! I admire the way he's always been openly gay, and I mean from when he was twelve-years-old. He's basically the nicest guy, and he wants to help me understand this shit 'cause I'm having a hard time agreeing with it even though I'm trying to be open-minded.

Tapping my shoulder, Hayden says, "I just know you and I are gonna be the best girlfriends ever. When we're both married we'll get dressed up for our weekly lunches, sneaking cigarettes behind our husbands' backs and drinking cosmopolitans outside on that patio of the little French restaurant in downtown Framingham. You and me, just a couple of housewives complaining about our husbands who do not appreciate all we do for them." I'm like, "Hahaha, right!" Then I roll my eyes, asking, "And who is your husband going to be?" He's like, "If Danny won't marry me, Ronnie Baldassare will... I hope." I go, "Who in the fuck is Ronnie Balls-aplenty?" Hayden rubs his fingers across my chest and flips my nip ring, mumbling, "Never mind who Ronnie is. Hey, where are you guys gonna be living after you're married?" I tell him about Rob's condo that'll be ready for occupancy in August. Until then we'll still be living at home.

He goes, "Wow, that's cool. Rob's a planner, and he was smart buying that condo way back at a pre-construction price." Bragging on Robby, I go, "Yeah, not only that, he negotiated a discount off the preconstruction price 'cause Dickers & Son did the earthmoving, the roads, and all the landscaping. Nowadays units like ours start at a hundred thousand more than Rob signed up for, and that's for the condos without the water view we have." Then I explain, "I say 'condo' but they say 'townhouse', and I guess it qualifies as a townhouse because it's has a private entrance and there are two floors and a basement. We'll have a big mortgage, but... ya know."

Hayden nods his head and says, kinda wistfully, "Rob never embraced being friends with me, and that's even though I always admired him," and then, with a chuckle, he adds, "Christ, he was a shy motherfucker when Danny and I first met him. Rob was the new kid in the neighborhood actually and, heh heh, he fell in love with Danny, but was so shy around us Danny didn't realize it for months." I go, "Jeez, that sounds hard to believe. How old were you guys?" He shrugs his little shoulders, "I guess we were all like fourteen or probably thirteen when Rob first moved into the neighborhood." Huh, so Robby lived there only four years when I met him, although what difference that makes I have no idea.

Hayden goes on, "Yeah, and back then Danny loved me! Puppy love, ya know? We were thirteen for Christ sakes. Anyway, I was like the leader among the three of us back then, if you can believe that. Yeah, it was because I was upfront about being gay and they were in the closet just learning about gay sex, and asking me about everything. I'll tell you a secret, Dylan, they were both," and he looks around before saying, "They were both sucking my big dick in the beginning. No, wait... first, I got them jerking off and then jerking me off. As I said, I was their leader, and then after the jerking off, that's when I got them, one at a time, sucking my big dick. They both wanted to learn everything, ya know?"

I'm frowning like I can't believe what I'm hearing, but I guess I can see at that young age the most knowledgeable gay boy, or the most brazen, would be the leader." I ask, "Well, when did that turnaround? No offense, but you didn't seem like Danny's leader when I met you." Christ, the night I met Hayden he was as far from Danny's leader as it's possible to be, never mind Rob's. Robby mostly ignored Hayden.

Hayden does an odd facial expression that I have no idea what it's supposed to mean and then says, "Oh, it was when they got deeply into those fucking sports they love so much. They both started getting popular because of baseball, and they played other sports too. I became a peripheral interest all of a sudden. Well, Rob was the best known, but not the most popular of the two. Rob became this big deal pitching star although it was hard to get two words out of him because he was so shy. Danny, on the other hand, was very popular. I don't know, by then they also thought they knew as much as I did about gay sex, and then I went off to prep school too so me being the leader definitely came to an end. All through the high school years I loved and adored Danny but from afar mostly... except summers. He loved me too, but he had so many straight friends it kinda ruined things for me."

Oh man, that's sad. I say, "I can't believe you didn't have lots of friends yourself, Hayden." He shrugs, "During the summer I made friends with a couple of fag-hags and they're still my friend but there's simply nothing like guys, ya know? Anyway, me and Terrence are good friends. He's my next-door neighbor, remember him?" I nod, "Yeah, he's a good guy."

Sighing, Hayden mutters, "I got picked on a lot because of my size, and darling, I'm not talking about my penis, I mean because I'm so small I tend to get lost in the crowd. I finally decided to bring a little attention to myself by being flamboyant." I mutter, "Oh, uh huh," and he touches my arm, saying, "I don't know if I've ever told you how much I adore that you like me, but I can't help wondering if maybe you'd have snubbed me in high school too. I mean if I went to the public high school, which I didn't. I was picked on at prep school too though. The assholes!" Gee, that's sad too. It's probably because he was openly gay at prep school and therefore an easy target for bullies.

Then Hayden leans over and rubs his fingers back through my crewcut, asking, "Did Danny give you this haircut?" I nod, "Uh huh," and he says, "I like it on you but you have gorgeous hair and, as I said a little while ago, you need to let your beautiful blond hair grow out." I mumble, "I don't think Rob would want me to, but you were saying he never became close friends with you. Why was that?" Hayden shrugs, "We were all young and Rob let his jealousy of me cloud his common sense." Ha, I was right! Hayden shrugs, adding, "I guess he wanted all Danny's attention, and you know Danny, right? Omigod, Danny knew everyone and he was all over the place, plus he discovered another gay boy who just needed a little push from a confident boy like Danny. Oh my, what a lovely boy he is though, don't you think?" I nod, "Oh yeah, lovely."

Hayden says, "Well, about Rob... I was always friendly towards him but he rejected me. Now, all these years later, he finally is okay with him and me being friends... sort of." I'm like, "How long was Danny, um, in love with you?" Hayden's serious when he says, "He still is actually, but he can't help himself. He gets flings of fancy about a cute face, like yours. So, it's like, on and off Danny falls in-and-out of love. And you mentioned about Rob being in charge. Ha! Danny's like that too, times five. Danny insists on everything being his way." Yeah, I know!

I'm like, "So, you still think Danny will eventually marry you?" Hayden goes, "Oh, I sure hope so, but not actually marry me... not the way you mean. My best hope is Danny will want me living with him and I'll be his housewife taking care of everything, plus I'll work too and undoubtedly bring home a lot more money than he'll make coaching high school ballplayers. Although, now that I think about it... hahaha, he'll have more fun at his job than I will... if you get my drift." I go, "What? No, Danny's not interested in sex with children!" Hayden says, "I know that! That was me trying to be funny. I can never pull off being funny." I'm like, "No, that was funny... sort of. I just didn't get it at first." He smiles, "You're sweet. Anyway, Danny won't want to have children, but he'll want someone he can fuck regularly and someone to cook and clean for him, which is where I hope I come into the picture. But first I'm going to Stanford for my Master's Degree in economics, so it'll be at least two years from now."

Man, I didn't know any of that shit. I gotta wonder how much of it is accurate and how much strictly from Hayden's viewpoint, a viewpoint that may be very different from Danny's and Rob's. Hayden runs his fingers through his hair, which is dyed red again, as he's saying, "Anyway, it was wicked smart of Rob to buy that condo so he can move you out of his parents' house, certainly before you have the baby. Mothers-in-law can get bitchy about their beloved son's wife." I go, "Oh, what other clichés or TV sit-com stereotypes can you tell me about?" He laughs and goes, "Oh you! Anyhow, getting back to the point... I hope you'll take my humble advice and at least try being more, um, for lack of a better description, more feminine because, girlfriend, you'll feel more real, plus your husband will appreciate the change as well."

From now on I'm ignoring all his 'girl' references because he apparently can't help himself. He makes a 'face' and adds, "I'm sounding like a know it all and I don't mean to come off that way. I'm seriously trying to be helpful. Tell me to shut the hell up if I'm out of line. Please!" I mumble, "No, I'm finding all of this interesting, um, a little far out there, heh heh, but I'm sincerely interested in learning a possible new way to be a good, um, wife for Rob. So, don't stop." He says, "You're so nice. You've always been the nicest person I know!"

Grinning then, Hayden reaches over to poke my swimsuit where my now deflated penis is located but I again push his arm away, and say, "You know what you're ignoring? It's that Robby and I have been boyfriends and lovers for five years now, and as you said I'm not nearly feminine enough, but yet Rob and I are in love and getting married. That would seem to indicate me being the way I am has worked spectacularly." He says, "Yes, but you aren't married yet. You aren't his wife yet, right?" I'm like, "Well, no, not yet although I don't see why... um, okay, never mind that for now. Just for the hell of it, what specifically do you suggest I do?" He grins that cute grin of his, saying, "Ah ha, now you're using the brain in that adorably cute head of yours." I go, "Maybe you've piqued my interest just barely enough that I'll try something subtle."

He goes, "Well, for starters, as I said earlier, you need to act a little helpless once in a while... that's subtle. Let Rob come to your rescue." I nod my head, asking, "And exactly how would I do that?" He makes a 'face', saying, "Omigod, I'd forgotten how fucking innocent you are, Dylan. I never forget how cute you are and I just love you to death, but you don't have, um, an ounce of 'wily instinct' in you. And I know why that is too, it's because you don't hang out with nearly enough real gays. You know three or four straight-acting gays but that's it. You're emulating straight boys too much." I go, "I'm around straight-acting gays and 'straight' guys, yes, but that's because there are a lot of straight guys around. And why do you think gay guys are any more wilier that 'straight' guys?" He laughs and then says, "Well, you'd know if you hung out with us more. But, yeah, you're right, most guys are either 'straight' or pretending they are. Besides you, Danny, and Rob, I also have another dozen gay friends or acquaintances, and that's because I make a point of going places where gays will be. Brilliant of me, huh?"

Shrugging, I mutter, "Rob and I don't care for the gay clubs we've been to." He makes a face and goes, "Didn't Merrimack have gay/lesbian/ LGBT clubs? Whatever, I'm gonna get you out to some gay clubs you'll like, I mean whenever your husband allows you to have a girl's night out. Then you'll feel free to be yourself." I go, "You tried that last summer and it didn't work out all that well." He goes, "Omigod, I remember making-up your face so beautifully that night. And you could use a little eyeliner on a regular basis, dear. Dark eyeliner to outline those beautiful blue eyes of yours."

I mutter, "Yeah, sure. Anyway, how about some subtle way I could try being, um, did you say 'helpless'?" Hayden nods, "Uh huh, you need to act helpless about something once in a while so Rob can help you. The macho gay 'tops' eat that up!" I'm like, "Yeah, but helpless, how?" Hayden moves his head close to mine, his nose almost rubbing my nose as we lie here with our heads turned facing one another, and I can't help it... my dick tightens up again.

Yes, diminutive Hayden turns into a sexy stud when he's fucking me! I go, "Any suggestions" and then gulp as he rubs one of his hairy legs on mine, the hairs dried now by the sun. He snickers and I'm barely able to again ask, "What should I be helpless about?" My ass twitches as I feel the curly hairs, soft against my hairless leg and then an involuntary gasping sound comes from my throat as Hayden says, "You can be helpless in a silly way... like you can't get the lid off a new jar of pickles. Use your imagination." Moving my leg away, I mutter, "Actually, now that I think about it, Robby helps me with lots of shit already." Then I turn my head because I almost put my lips on his.

He looks around and then goes, "Holy shit, I hope none these people on the beach can overhear our conversations. They might call the cops on me." The way he looked around as he said that, and his small size, his sincerity and that big cock of his so obvious in that Speedo, and his hairy skinny legs... everything about Hayden makes me grin 'cause it's all, um, incongruous. Seeing me grinning Hayden hunches his shoulders and starts snickering and then I do too and it's like we're little kids talking dirty. That makes me laugh and we get into a giggling fit and I don't believe either of us knows why.

Anyhow, as I said, none of this, none of Hayden's bizarre ideas have been said in an off-putting or know-it-all-manner. He grins and says everything almost apologetically and, what the hell, I'm enjoying myself. It almost seems as though our history together goes back much farther than last summer. Hayden makes me feel inclusive in the relationship he, Danny, and Rob have had going back nine or ten years, back when they were the only three secret gay boys in their neighborhood. Well, Hayden wasn't a secret I guess, and I'm sure neither Hayden nor Danny knew about Dodger, who was another secret at the time.

Yeah, sex can create a sense of familiarity quicker than most activities, and Hayden's fucked my brains out a few times creating our familiarity. It's more than that though! We became friends after I got 'over' my initial judgmental problem of being a snob thinking he was too-gay-acting to be a friend of mine. I hate that I was a snob about that. I've learned not to be so judgmental since then, mostly through my friendship with him, with Hayden.

And while his theory of swishy behavior sounds farfetched, maybe there's something to it. Actually, I believe there is, but not nearly to the degree he claims. Anyway, I'm committed to Robby like I've never been before and willing to try different things, something new that he'll perhaps like. If he doesn't I'll stop and what's the harm. I want to make him happy. That's how I'll be happy because, like Robby said to me, I can't shine if he don't shine, and all that. But, acting girlie? I don't know about that. It would probably come off seeming fake when I do it, but as I said, we'll get a laugh out of it if nothing else, and laughter is a very good thing.

Our entire conversation, from the time we spread the beach blankets to right now, has been no more than eight to ten minutes and already here comes Rob and Danny dripping wet. Of course, they flick cold water on us. Why do people always do that? Laughing, they drag Hayden and me down to the ocean... the cold Atlantic Ocean.

After almost having a heart attack at how cold the water is, I get used to it. It feels good to swim and we have a really nice afternoon. We have beers and later Danny and Rob take a walk on the beach and come back with hotdogs for an afternoon snack. There was a food cart moving up and down the beach. More swimming and sunbathing and then we're back at the cottage by five o'clock drinking a few more beers while taking turns showering. Refreshed, we go out to have dinner which requires driving into crowded Provincetown.

It's still light out as we park ten blocks from downtown, which is the closest parking spot Rob could find. We're walking in the street which appears to be what most people here do, cars slowly making their way through the people. Very weird arrangement although no one seems to mind. Anyway, for the hell of it, I tap Hayden's arm to get his attention and show him a few gay affectations I'm attempting, mimicking him. Danny and Rob are in front of us as we continue walking down the middle of Main Street, stores and crowded sidewalks on both sides of the street. Hayden puts his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud, but nods his head too, finally saying, "Yes, you looked sweet doing that, Dylan. That looked natural too. Jesus, surprisingly natural."

Christ, I'm pathetic but that praise made me feel good so I do some more 'swishy-walking', or my interpretation of it anyway. It does feel kind of, um, almost natural to me too. That's so weird! Then later, walking with Robby this time I self-consciously try a few of my new moves imitating Hayden. Nothing Rob notices apparently, but it's kinda cool too and then Robby puts his arm around my waist pulling me against him as he asks, "How ya doing? Having fun, Dylan?"

Hayden winks at me. Jesus, is he right? Well, anyway, if there's a place where it's okay to be as gay as you want, it's Provincetown. There are a lot of us in this town and I'm guessing we're all out tonight. Ya know, giving the tourists something to gawk at and talk about.

We eat at a restaurant with tables so close together the back of my chair hits the back of the chair behind me every time I move. It's very loud with a very gay 'feel' and there's some kind of bizarre music playing too. Our waiter could teach Hayden some swishy moves. He's young, but not cute. We have beers before and during dinner. Later we're at a crowded club sitting around a small table with all our knees bumping under it. There's a very gay man singing songs while playing the piano. The songs are from many decades ago. I overhear someone near us says, "Arturo does a killer Sinatra," so I guess they're Frank Sinatra songs although I couldn't name a single one for a million dollars.

By now we've all got a beer-load going for us, all of us slightly drunk with Hayden and I acting goofily girlie and at one point, Robby says, "Danny and I are gonna get another round of beers for us at the bar. Our waiter is obviously too busy for the likes of us. You two, um, just hang here at the table," and I swear, in my head, I heard, 'You girls hang here at the table,' and I laugh out loud. He didn't say that of course, but I'm having fun pretending to be swishy like Hayden.

After the bar scene, we need to sober up a little so we do some more walking around Provincetown where many stores are still open after eleven o'clock. Robby and I are holding hands as we walk and while I felt funny doing some of the swishy stuff, overall, I've never felt more comfortable than I have tonight here in P-Town. Danny and Hayden are walking in front of us but not holding hands like Rob and I although we're not the only two guys holding hands, not in this town we're not, and not by a long shot.

Yes, it's a great feeling to be totally relaxed doing what we want. We've been getting hit on by older men regularly tonight but they do it in a good-natured manner, not being crude or rude. And I'm wondering what it is with gay men and dogs... yeah, lots of gay men have dogs on leashes. And, maybe it's my imagination but Rob seems to be extra attentive to me tonight... could it be the Hayden-effect? I don't know, but I gotta wonder.

We stop in a club with a band and I get Robby doing fast dancing. He's remembering some of the moves I've taught him in the past but he's still a terrible dancer. That's odd because anything athletic, he's great at but dancing just doesn't work for him somehow. And, surprisingly, Hayden isn't a lot better! Danny's an okay dancer... no one would give his dancing a second look. When Hayden switches off from Danny to be dance partners with Robby... well, it doesn't help that they're both hammered, but the less said about their dancing the better. Danny and I got cramps in our stomachs from laughing.

It's after one o'clock before we get to bed and Rob makes it obvious he's anxious for us to have sex tonight. He seems uber eager for it. We decided earlier in the evening that Danny and Hayden are NOT going to hear us. After I do oral sex getting a really fat hard boner on Rob, using lots of lubricant Rob's fucking me slowly. No slapping sounds as he murmurs, "You were in such a good mood tonight, babe. Jeez, I love when you're happy like this and having fun and showing me your love. Great time tonight, huh?" Isn't he going to mention my goofy swishy stuff? I murmur, "Yes, it was a great time, Robby. And it's easy showing you how much I love you."

Rob's definitely into lover's sex and we kiss as he's doing it. I've got my legs pulled back exactly as I had them the other day, pulled back and spread wide, totally docile and submissive for my lover and, oh wow, I'm feeling deliciously submissive to Robby again. This past week to ten days, since Rob flicked his switch, we've had the sexiest days of our lives together. It's been fantastic sex and seemingly getting better and better. I love it!

As I lie docilely on this lumpy mattress on my back with Robby's face close to mine, his hips steadily thrusting his boner I can't even begin to describe how good everything feels, how good I feel. My arms around the back of Rob's neck and it's otherworldly wonderful. His hips continue a steady thrusting until I pull his head down to mine and hold on for dear life as my orgasm builds to scary proportions. We climax together with Rob's mouth on mine to muffle my squeal.

Afterward, we hug and do long deep kisses with Robby being very gentle, whispering, "You're so sexy, Dylan. Ya know, babe, this past week has been our best sex ever, and everything was perfect today, and we graduated from college too! Holy shit, are we ever on a roll!" Naturally, I'm wondering what, if anything, being swishy the times I tried imitating Hayden has to do with Robby being so gentle and attentive tonight. We kiss and Robby goes, "Tonight was fabulous and so will every night for the rest of our lives, Dylan."

Before going to sleep I think of an earlier concern I had. I was worried I've been hanging on Rob too much the past week or so, ya know, concerned I was annoying him by being too clingy but he appears to enjoy all my attention and he's showing me a lot more attention of his own too. This is a special time, a new beginning. Robby and I soon will be husband and wife with unlimited sub/dom possibilities so, yeah, I'm ready for that now and forever.

All three days in Provincetown are fun. Hayden and I do our kinda swishy things, me getting bolder about it, but as far as I can tell our guys, for the most part, either don't notice or don't care. Occasionally I'd get a grin or chuckle out of Robby and a couple of time he got his arms around me laughing, pulling me against him, asking, "What are you up to, Dylan?", but that's the extent of it. It's fun screwing around being goofy with Hayden and the fact he felt he was helping me out, and he means well, so it's all good.

But, all kidding aside, a few times during our three days I'd be lying on the beach pretending to nap while fantasizing about buddy sex. Fantasizing that Danny or Hayden was fucking me hard and fast. Or I'd fantasize making out with them and because of the fantasy, I'd need to turn over onto my stomach on the beach blanket to hide my iron boner. I never needed to fantasize Robby fucking me because we did it frequently all three days we were here, sometimes twice before sleeping and always in the morning and sex with Robby has reached a new level of heat... wow, has it ever! Last night we didn't even try to be quiet about it, but I've still got the buddy-sex-itch and I'll need to wean myself off of that.

So, unparalleled fabulous sex with my lover and soon-to-be husband and yet it's still, obviously, going to be a struggle for me giving up random side sex. Thus far I don't need to try giving it up because it's simply not available, not with the four of us together all the time. In all honesty, I don't think I'd do it with Hayden anyway, and the opportunities to do it with Danny have been nonexistent since graduation, and there's been no one else I've seriously considered doing it with. I played around with a couple of cute guys the days before graduation but didn't press it any further than the messin' around... so that's a start. Yeah, I've already started weaning myself but then, I've been doing that on and off for a year now. Slip-ups, of course, but that's just part of the weaning process. I mean, I assume it is.

The fact is... since fat Carl 'outed' me to myself and I eventually hooked up with Robby, this is the longest I've ever gone without side-sex of some kind and ya know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking that giving up both cigarettes and random buddy/side-sex at the same time is gonna be too hard. So, I'm buying that pack of cigarettes I've been threatening to do, and I'm doing it the first chance I get. Of the two choices, it'd be less disappointing to Robby if I back-slide on the cigarettes, and he catches me rather than him catching me back-sliding on the other thing.

It's been fun but our Provincetown excursion is over Friday afternoon and now we're on our way home. I'm in the backseat with Hayden again as Rob drives and Danny sprawls out in the shotgun passenger seat seriously hungover. We had drinks every night but not so many we needed to deal with serious hangover problems, except for Danny last night. Yeah, he was doing shots of Scotch with an orange-haired, bucked-tooth young cute guy at a small bar we bumbled into late last night. Robby, Hayden, and I stuck with beers with Hayden fuming about Danny spending too much time with that bucked tooth boy. Now Danny's paying the price.

It's a three-hour drive from Provincetown to North Andover 'cause Provincetown is located at the very tip of the Cape. The radio is on a sports talk station but mostly I'm not paying attention to the chatter. I'm feeling a little foolish for goofing around pretending I was developing gay affectations, but after an hour in the truck I'm bored. So, foolish or not, Hayden and I get silly again whispering about our little gay affectation secret and how our 'men', as Hayden refers to Rob and Danny, treated us. Hayden makes it fun and funny. He's a bad influence on me... yeah, he is!

Then later, driving into Boston, meaning we're forty-five minutes from home, Danny recovers enough to get into a discussion with Rob, both of them over analyzing their failed baseball season AGAIN. Hayden's quietly trying to get me to repeat a few lisping words and, with a grin on my face, I say the words and before I know what's happening our lips are together as we're crouched down behind the backs of the front seats kissing.

Omigod, my cock gets so hard it scares me. Fuck, I can't resist Hayden's kissing technique and I've been daydreaming about this the past three days, plus Hayden and I have been like best buddies all three days, and... oh fuck I shouldn't be doing this! And, no, I don't push him away but it registers in my mind how I'm still super susceptible to the dangers of side sex temptations. It's such a hot make-out though, our hands all over each other, and I quickly feel precum drooling into my underpants and I know an orgasm isn't far off. Hayden smells so delicious too and I decide I'm just going to let it happen... I'm going to cum in my pants. It's going to happen any second now, then Hayden lets go of me and takes his lips away. He deliberately licks up the front of my nose twice as I hold my head steady letting him do what he wants. Leaving his clear scentless saliva dripping off me, he whispers, "I'll finish with this when we can get away together for fifteen minutes or so, but for now we better sit up, Dylan."

I'm in a daze when I hear Robby yell, "Hey, quick bumping my fucking seat! Jesus!" it startles me and I inhale some of Hayden's saliva and cough. Hayden pats my cheek nodding at me, then he pulls me up to a sitting position a split second before Danny looks back grinning at us, asking, "What are you two horn-jobs up to, huh?" Hayden says, "Nothing, darling." Danny laughs and turns back around.

My dick is still hard as I'm wiping my nose with the back of my hand. Hayden leans over, murmuring, "Obviously, you and I need to have sex! Rob will let you if you ask him." Smelling the back of my wrist now, I whisper, "I'm not asking him anything. Stop it! We're acting like teenagers."

The rest of the ride I concentrate on getting my boner to go down as I'm picking at my shorts, my underpants gooey with pre-cum. I'm pissed off at myself, not at Hayden. Right now I make a pact with myself using this incidence of weakness as my motivation to redouble my efforts at being diligent about not letting my guard down again 'cause I truly don't want to let Robby down. Hayden's acting a little pissed off 'cause he's misinterpreting me chastising myself as me being mad at him. To show him I'm not mad I smile at him and he gives me a smile back, mouthing, "I promise I'll finish next time, don't worry." Oh fuck, more miscommunication!

I'm looking out the window now, my dick still vibrating a little and finally, Hayden, pats my hand and says, "Dylan," I look over and whisper to him, "I hope you don't think I'm mad at you," he goes, "Well I hope not because it was you who... well, never mind. Listen, I read something in my 'Hello MR' magazine that you should read. It's a story that applies to you." I'm like, "What's hello Mr.?" He says, "I'll show you. It's a gay magazine," and he goes through his backpack and comes out with a small-size magazine and then starts turning pages, looking for something.

I'm back to gazing out the window thinking about something I think about too much, but it's monumental to me! It's the switch Rob's seemed to flick. It had to be a conscious decision where he said to himself something like... 'enough pussy-footing around, I've gotta finally tell him, meaning me, that this is how it's going to be'. And then, yeah, that's what he did. He did it effectively but without yelling or being an asshole about it. Basically, his entire approach was reminding me of my past agreements. It came down to this: was my 'word' any good?

Yeah, I guess he thought, in the end, I'd stand behind my 'word' and that's eventually what happened. Rob pushed right along with one thing after another until here we are. The only 'new' thing, the only thing I never gave my word on in the past was the 'wife' thing. That got mixed up with everything else and then Rob cleverly called my bluff by offering to take the 'wife' designation himself and, of course, that would be silly... so I'm the wife. Lost in the whole situation is why one of us needs to be the wife. No, that's not true. Rob gave a number of examples for why it's just simpler to be husband and wife during introductions and shit like that. I don't know, but I'm okay with it. Christ, do I think I'm too important, too good to be Rob's wife? Ya know?

Heh heh, and then, in addition to standing behind my 'word', I made it all come together for me when I assigned the sub/dom spin to everything in my head. Yep, now I think Rob's a genius for the way he wrapped everything up. I've checked my brain's 'rationalization program' two or three times and confirmed that I'm not rationalizing to myself, I'm sincerely okay with everything, including the 'wife' title when we're married. Not thrilled about it, but okay with it and getting more okay with it as time passes. I can't help myself, I love how Rob did everything, taking charge as he should.

I'm reminding myself of these facts to clear my guilty head of the slip-up there with Hayden. Thinking about Robby's plans for our married life makes me smile, and I'm serious when I say I'm not screwing any of it up! Each item he mentioned was said with such confidence too and I liked that. Somebody has to be in charge or nothing ever gets done. Yeah, and while I'm well aware that many wives are not submissive, in our family I want the 'hubby' to be the dominant figure. So, now that it's all set-up... let the games begin.

And, no doubt about it, Robby has assumed the leadership role! I didn't make that part up in my head. He probably said to himself... 'we've been talking about this shit for a couple of years and both of us agreed two or three times with the main points, plus the main point my air-head boyfriend has been insisting on since we met, which is me being in-charge and that's what I need to be!' That's what Robby probably thought just before he flicked the switch.

Oh, and during pillow talk after sex last night Rob was like, 'Babe, I forgot to tell you about our appointment?' and he went on to tell me we have an August tenth appointment with a surrogacy fertility operation called RESOLVE, National Infertility Association. They'll lead us through the process of having a baby, maybe during our first year of marriage. I thought it was a perfect scenario, um, it was as if we were already married and Rob, as the in-charge husband took the initiative to set that up and then explain it to me. The explanation included that, basically, whichever of our sperm 'takes', that will be the biological father of our first child and whichever one didn't take will be the only one donating sperm to be the biological father of the second child. Obviously, I'll be the stay-at-home 'dad' and my husband will make the money, which I have no doubt he will.

That's about it although Rob elaborated further on some points while being very excited about the prospect of us having a family. Pretty quickly his excitement for our lives together with our children became contagious and I got as excited about everything as he was. His voice, as I've mentioned before, can sort of hypnotize me anyway, so I slipped into a delicious trance watching and listening to him, his arm eventually going under my neck... as usual. Hell, last night my body was still vibrating from our sex a little earlier anyway so I thought it was a beautiful moment we shared talking about our family.

And a lot of his in-charge authority is unspoken too although I can feel it coming from him like never before... it's real! For one thing, he didn't start off apologizing for setting up this appointment without consulting me. No, he knows it's his responsibility to take care of that and then explain it to me. No problem 'cause I have confidence Rob can handle, um, life... adult life in the real world. Not just 'play' at it or fake it, but really handle it as well or better than the next guy. Sure, we're entering a part of life that most people hold off doing for years... the getting married part. We're ready for it though and we've almost been living it since the beginning of last summer anyway.

Well, okay, those are some nice thoughts for me to concentrate on... good positive thoughts to counteract that slippage of almost climaxing in my pants while making out with Hayden. I'm good now, thank you very much. I'm putting all my trust in Robby and why wouldn't I. When has he ever let me down? Sure, I could cherry-pick a few times over the five-plus years we've been together when he wasn't perfect... he's made a few bad choices here and there but we're young and still learning as we go, and anyway... who's perfect? Certainly not me!

Then, for some strange reason, I get defensive in my head imagining know-it-all people being critical of me, perhaps labeling me a wimp or a pussy for acquiescing to Rob's design for our lives together. But, fuck, they'd simply be projecting themselves onto me, and they are definitely not me! It's impossible to anticipate all the negativity people can conjure up in their small-thinking closed-minds, um, maybe some will question why I have increased devotion to Robby considering he'll be deciding things for us, things he'll say 'no' to. Or they'll sneer at me for even considering acting like Hayden while never considering it's because maybe, like Danny, Robby will like a little swishiness from his wife.

Know-it-all people will criticize me for things I can't even imagine, but they're not me, are they? It's more like they can't understand why everyone isn't like them? They know better than me how I should be and what I should like even though they haven't felt the things I've felt or lived my life. They can't even imagine why I'm happy Rob's finally taking control of everything. They refuse the concept of me being uniquely me, or that I don't want to be them! It's a minor fact they don't know the life I've led, that doesn't carry any weight with the sneerer's whose criticism of me is actually a critique of their own limited acceptance of anyone who doesn't fit their mold, their idea of how everyone should be.

Motherfucker, I'm on a roll now as I stare out the window watching the world flying by outside the pickup. Every person I see as we drive by, every one of them has their own unique story to tell, no two people have the same brains or same set of life experiences, not even close... everyone is different in uncountable, unimaginable ways.

And me saying Robby 'flicked a switch' is a metaphor for his great change from the shy boy I first met to the current take-charge young man he is today. It was almost a six-year process that enabled Rob to flick the switch, and I had almost as much to do with it as he did. And I've been a six-year process as well. My ideas for a perfect partner, or husband as it's turned out, have been an evolving set of criteria changing in my head, evolving due to the force of reality from a fantasy perfect lover to the greatly modified current version that is Robby. Changes were made in my head as I became more sensible and realistic.

Holy shit, I'm exhausting myself with this self-analysis and... huh...? Hayden breaks into my silent rantings and ravings, bumping my arm. Looking at him, I'm like, "What was that, Hayden?" He goes, "Here, read this, Dylan." He's holding out his oddly undersized magazine. Pushing it away, I go, "Not now, Hayden, please." He makes a 'face' and says, "It's about someone just like you, and..." Smiling at him, I put my hand over his mouth, saying, "No, he's not like me! No one is exactly like me, or you, or Rob, or Danny, or that odd-looking man driving that car we just passed." He goes, "Well, yeah, but this..." and I put my hand on his mouth again. He grins and then deliberately licks the palm of my hand and we both snicker at that. Taking my hand away I lick his saliva off and he goes, "Eww, that was such a sexy thing to do." Hayden and I are good, so are Danny and me, and definitely Robby and me... we're all good!

Back home safely, Rob drops off Hayden and then Danny. Oh boy, by now I'm pretty freakin' psyched about all my righteous musings, my rantings against the know-it-alls of the world, BUT... the more I think about that 'talk', the one I just had with myself, something more important occurs to me and it's this: Why the fuck do I need to justify myself to anyone but Robby?'

Yeah, why? That's a simple question and the answer is because I still care what people think about me, people I don't fucking know and will never know. I don't want to do that anymore! I don't want to care what they think. I'm giving up my worries about what strangers think of me, or even well-meaning family or friends. I'm gonna stop worrying about that because I can't change people's minds. Hell, I don't want to change them... I just need to stop caring about them.

Yeah, and I admitted to myself just recently that my concerns about what strangers think of me has given me unnecessarily stress my whole life. What difference does it make what they think anyway? I want people who I like and love to try to understand me. Christ, Hayden's never cared what the world thinks about him and he seems a hell of a lot less uptight than me. It's what he thinks of himself and what I think of myself that should come first. Do I think I'm basically a good person? Yes, I do. With flaws... of course! Hell, that goes without saying. Obviously, I have flaws but overall am I a good son, friend, brother, and lover? If I think I am, why should I care what strangers think? How stupid is that?

Robby says, "We're home, babe!" I go, "Wha...?"

To be continued...

Part 4 of the final days...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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