Earth, Wind, Sun

By Sophie V

Published on Mar 15, 2001



Author's note: Yeah, me again. I had this story in mind and I couldn't wait to post it. If you don't know me, I'm Sophie V, the author of these stories: "Together Again", " Porcelain " and his second part " Send Me an Angel ", "Fate Will Gather Us Together", "The Snow Will Be There" and "Whispering Wind".

As always, I don't know them, don't know if they're gay or bi... The same thing. Please leave if you aren't older enough and/or if you don't like this type of stories.

WARNING: In this story, the BSB doesn't exist. So, you won't be confused.

I advised you these stories: "Nick and Brian", by JC Vascardi "Open Arms", by Carter "Because I love you", by Lucas Thompson "The Body Switch with Nick Carter" by Sher "The Project" by Adam "Any Path", and all the sequels, and "Interludes" by Dara Lynn "Star Crossed", "Sucks to Be You" and "I Need You Tonight" by Jo Beth Hill "It's Gonna Be Me" by Jamie "Say my Name" by Jo Beth Hill and Colleen "Heaven in yours eyes" by Beck "Question of Faith" by Nathaniel O'Leary "Chances are" by Red "Josh and Just" by AJ Shukla "Just One Call" by Sarah "Tearing Up My Ass" by Rick Chasez "Kevin and Dustin" by Nick Moore "Little White Lies" by Elly Iles "Calming Waters" by NCfan "Devotion" by Angel1313 "The Real Nick" by Kevin Michael "God Must Have Spent" by AJ B. "Secrets", "Hands Of Time" and "The Call" by Mistress_n9 "Shape Of My Heart" by MJ "Loneliness Knows Me By Name" by Cody and "Before The Storm" by Gking

English isn't my first language. So, sorry for the errors I may do.

Earth, Wind, Sun Chapter One By Sophie V. (

A town closed to the sea. Last Land Valley. Not a big one, but not a small one either. It would be a town without stories... if there weren't this war. Two clans. The Nomads and The Waters Sellers. Many clans existed everywhere, but these too couldn't tolerate each other.

The Nomads had their name from their first leader name James Nomads, who created it thirty years ago. With the members of his clan, he traveled, going from city to another city, from a village to another village... There weren't staying in the same place more than a few days. They only stayed to win some money and buy food, water and other resources for everyone in the clan. Now, James Nomads wasn't there anymore. He died because of a serious disaster, twenty years before. It was his best friend from the start, who took care of the clan. He always respected his friend's commitment: To take care of every member of the clan and, one day, to find a perfect place for them. Which meant no more travelling. They actually found this special place. But when they arrived here, ten years ago, the other clan, the Waters Sellers, arrived there at the same time.

The Waters Sellers were a clan, which had been created thirty years ago, like the Nomads, by two brothers, Rich and Kyle. They were all living near every lakes or seas they saw and exploited it expertly. They had fishes, edible waters plants, drinking water... They were selling them to a lot of people of other clans and were one of the last clans who could exploit a lake or sea with a lot of experience and materiel. But it was also the only clan who sold what they got from a sea or a lake. That's how they get their name. Unlike the Nomads, there weren't travelling much. Ten years ago, they lived in another city far from here but moved because of a typhoon which menaced them and the city. So they had decided to leave. They had traveled toward the South and, after a long time, had settled here, in Last Land City.

These two brothers were opposed to James Nomads since forever. That's why The Nomads and The Waters Sellers were still in conflicts. But, despite that, at the death of James Nomads and Kyle, who died from a cancer, their last whish was that one day, the two clans will be in peace and wouldn't have to fight anymore. Rich knew and wanted that too. But unfortunately, it never worked. Several times, each clan tried to stop their war but they never came to an agreement. So all their attempts to make peace were always. There weren't too many battles between the two clans because they cared a lot about their own peoples, but there were sabotages acts and thefts. These two clans were composed by several families, and by men, women and children who found refuge with them. And they all never got on with the members of each other clans. Each leader of these clans had a child. They were destined to take care of the clan and to resist the other one. Each of them didn't even know each other but knew that they wouldn't get on because they knew the full story of the two clans. But they didn't know about the last whish of their predecessor.


The leader's son of the Nomads was outside, sitting against the wall of an orange stone building, looking at the horizon. He was on the second floor and could see everything that happen in his clan from where he was. But now, he was just looking at the landscape. The sight was beautiful. The sun was sitting as the sky turned into orange, giving to the landscape a beautiful light effect. Just sitting there, he continued to admire the sight. The wind was slowly brushing his short and soft blond hair and he closed his eyes, breathing slowly. He opened them and then heard the sound of a car coming toward the building. He looked down and saw an old, big and dusty range-rover coming. It was several of his friends coming from the city with what they needed. Provisions, water, clothes, stuff for the health... everything they could buy with the money they won in games, races... Contrary to several other clans, The Nomads weren't rich. If they hadn't enough money to buy clothes, they made them with some fabrics or other cheap materials they could buy. His grandmother made the clothes he was actually wearing. There were made in cotton. He had some baggie beige pants, with a brown belt in leather. He had a beige tee shirt and he wore gloves cut near the fingers and made in leather, just like the belt. It wasn't actually good clothes but he didn't matter. As long as clothes could be worn, nobody cared in the clan. "What's up, man?" he heard someone saying from the car. He bent over and smiled at the man. "Nothing much." He said. "You found everything?" "Yeah, it didn't cost too much, we still had some money." Said the man "And tonight, Howie and I are going to the Scarce Club. You come with us?" "I didn't know this place." He said, "It's a good club?" "A dirty one, but whatever, it's a good one. You don't have to worry." Said the man as he carried a box full of food in the building. He entered in the building too and went down the stairs to find his friend opening the box. "Meat, breads, fruits, vegetables..." he said as he and several other men emptied the other boxes. "We have enough food for three days." "Not for a long time." said the son, sighing. "Yes." Agreed the man "But we don't have many money... not like these bastard from the Waters Sellers!" "They sell a lot of their products." Said the son "So they have everything they need." He walked toward a window and sighed. "Do you think that one day we could have enough resources like them?" "I don't know, but I whish." Said his friend. "We don't have a lot of money like them. And we still have this old big car from the twentieth century... a long time ago..." "They lived at the other side of the city near the sea." Sighed the son "I never saw sea in my life. I want to see that so much..." "You know it's impossible." Sighed his friend "They had all the zone where there's the sea. If you go there, something really bad can happen." He looked outside and saw other men from his clan carrying the other cases, with some children laughing as they followed them. "AJ..." he said. "Hmm?" said AJ as he carried put some bread on a table. "Do you think that we'll spend the rest of our lives... in this city?" "Yes, I think. I like this city." Said AJ "Beside, remember that our first leader wished that we find a city where we could live happy." "But with the other clan..." "Yeah, I know." Said AJ, sadly "But perhaps that one day, they'll live... or we'll live... or we'll stay in the city with them 'til the end. Who know?" "We had traveled so much." He said "I just want a city where I could live happy with all the members of the clan and with... someone." He sighed and then felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw AJ smiling at him. "You're like James." Said AJ "You have the same whish." "I wish I could have know him." He said. "You were only a baby when he died." Said AJ "You couldn't remember him. For me... well even if I was a very young child I still remember him." "Yeah, you were lucky." He said "Now, my father is the leader of his clan." "THEIR clan." corrected AJ "And remember that after, you'll be the leader. Actually, you're doing a very good job, so I'm sure that you'll be a good leader." "Thanks man." He smiled "I love my clan so much... I'll do everything." "And we love you too." Said AJ as he hugged him. "I only hope that your future kids will be like you." Then he felt him pulling away. He looked at him and saw his sad face. "What's wrong?" "Tania." He said "Everyone say that I should marry her, one day. I know that she's the most popular girl of the clan, but I can't look at her that way." "She's gorgeous." Said AJ. "Yeah, and courageous and in love with me..." he said as he rolled his eyes "But I don't feel anything for her." "It's as you want. Just remember that your father liked her a lot too... He thinks she's perfect for you." Said AJ "I do what I want." He said "And I'll find someone that I think will be perfect for me." "I only hope that you'll find this someone." Said AJ. "Just don't make mistakes." "I won't." he said, smiling. AJ smiled too. "Okay... so, do you want to go to this club? Now that you're legal..." he said. "Yes, I'm coming." He answered "I need to go out, anyway." "Okay." Said AJ as he walked out of the building. Then, he came back a few seconds after. "Hey Nick?" "Yes?" "Remember that I'm here if you want to talk." "Yes, I know." He said. "Thanks, AJ." "No prob." AJ said as he exited the house.

**************************************************************************** That's all for now. Tell me what you think about it! Like it? Hate it? Just tell me. See ya! Sophie V. ( OR

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