Eastbourne Tales

By Chris Lydon

Published on Jul 19, 2024


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Eastbourne Tales – 04

Lesbians, not something a gay story really wants to start out with, but here we are.

Let me start by saying Lesbians, on the whole, are just awesome people. Sure we can all get a bit intimidated by women like Sue, six foot tall, built like a linebacker, volunteer firefighter, and genuine all around bad-ass. I loved Sue, she was like a dad, best friend to everyone, leader of the pack... and just someone you look up to. You will never want for a more loyal person in your corner, and whoa betides those that cross them.

Now there are downsides to every person, clique, or social group. I recently encountered a set of... shall we say, entitled eco-warriors at an electric charging station who felt it ok to take up two EV bays with their vehicle and drag a charging cable from the furthest charger all the way across a further two bays to charge their vehicle. (Four bays... I mean ... ok calm blue oceans... calm... there are four lights... )... where was I going with this...

Jimmy had a bad case of the Lesbian. He'd met, befriended a young woman, shall we call her Abby, let's. Abby was intense, she was like a spotlight on anything or anyone that gave her attention. There was nothing wrong with her on the whole, it's just... a bit much. She'd taken a shine to Jimmy because he was friends with other Lesbians in the slightly... umm... higher attraction grade shall we say? It was a path up the mountain, you can't blame her, she was shooting high good luck to her.

Abby would impose herself on Jimmy's table, interject herself into his conversations. Anything to get herself a little closer to the promised land of lipstick Lesbian nirvana. And Jimmy, who was terminally polite, didn't really know how to scrape this particular social barnacle off of his under-carriage.

It was a problem when he was trying to chat up a guy, to get a little alone time to shine, to have her making comments, off-colour jokes, or blatantly scare said boy away so that she could soak up the attention and outsine everyone around them.

This particular day, Jimmy was nursing a coke, was looking forward to a little light conversation, and maybe a chance to...

The door to the pub opened and there she was.

Oh gods, she had seen him... he only had enough for the one coke, downing it would kill his entire night. He struggled to look around for options. Kevin was across the pub, and their eyes met. Perhaps his civil Servant in shining armour would...

Kevin's eyes flicked to Abby in the door, a pained look flashing across his face as he looked back at Jimmy's desperate plea, quickly shaking his head. No, no damsel in distress rescue forthcoming there. It was every 'Mo for themselves. A moment of sorrow in his eyes, he went back to staring at his drink pretending he was busy counting bubbles in his pint of tennants.

Bastard, Jimmy thought. No sex for Kevin tonight after that betrayal. Well... maybe none. Kevin did have those dimples, and that smile... and that very pleasant way of seducing Jimmy that made him weak kneed and... oh fuck, she's here.

"James," she never called him by his nickname, always the formal, forthright and pragmatic for her.

"Abby," Jimmy smiled politely, adjusting his tie. If he hung himself from it, maybe then he could escape...

"How have you been, DAH-ling?" she bent to receive her mandatory hug. Ten seconds too long, ten seconds too tight, and ten seconds too much. Of course, she sat without invite. Pulling out her handbag to fish for some money to buy herself a drink. "Do you want another drink?" She knew full well the timing of her question. Jimmy had a near full glass, he would never accept, she'd never have to pay. It was all just social pantomime.

"No, thank you," best-actor awarded to Jimmy, for his part in 'fake platitude' a one woman show by Abigail (bugger if I remember her last name after nearly twenty-five years).

"I've managed to convince a friend from school to drop by," she said looking up after she'd ordered herself something fruity, wine-cooler-ish. "He should be here soon."

"He?" Jimmy looked up, was she cheating on him with another guy. Oh God, if you are real, 1. you must look like Judi Dench, and 2. you wouldn't tease a guy, would you?

He glanced quickly across the pub towards Kevin, who was watching keenly, as if he knew his chances to sleep with Jimmy that night depended on divine intervention. The dude would have been clutching rosary beads if he thought they'd give him a chance at their mutual fun-time.

Jimmy, natural gave him a scowl, no chance... well small chance... ok fine, bloody good chance, but he was going to make the Civil servant work for it.

Kevin's eyes flashed, that way they did when he sensed his odds improving by the second. He mouthed that one word, the one word that Jimmy knew he was powerless against. "Magic..." Fuck Kevin, bastard always won.

"You're not still working on him," Abby said, noting the direction of Jimmy's gaze. "The guy is blander than magnolia paint. I swear, we need to fix you up with a decent guy, someone respectable and... blah, blah... something obnoxious... blah," Jimmy had zoned her out. Anytime someone said something disparaging about his taste in men, he blocked them out. He liked Kevin, the guy was decent... but the rats... he shuddered.

The pub door jangled open, this time on a young guy. Thin, a mop of unruly black curly hair, dark eyes. He looked determined, braving a gay pub for what was, obviously the very first time.

"Matt!" Abby called out to the new arrival, beckoning the guy over to what was once Jimmy's table, and now had been thoroughly colonized.

Matt arrived at the table looking a little nervous as he stood there, "Abby," he greeted. "We were going to have a meeting..." he paused beside Jimmy. A spark of something that passed there as they appraised each other.

"This is James," Abby introduced.

"Jimmy," Jimmy corrected. Taking the bony thin hand that was extended to him. Their eyes had done that laser focus thing that happens when two people meet and form some kind of weird connection thing that opens up all kinds of possibilities.

"Matthew... uh... Matt, it's Matt... I'm matt that is, not Matthew... well I am but..." Matt was tripping over his tongue.

"Don't be weird Matt," Abby admonished. "Get yourself a drink and sit down. The others will be along soon."

"Oh, I could give you the table," Jimmy offered, having literally NO intention of going anywhere now that the deer-in-the-headlights Matt had blundered into his world.

Kevin, across the pub, was laughing at him. Tilting his glass up to wish Hunter-Jimbo the best of luck at the game. They'd have another night, there was no question of that.

The night had been interesting. Jimmy had taken the time to keep at Matt's side as the younger guy had talked, socialized and navigated Abby like he was a pro. Finally as the bar was closing, they'd all stepped out into the night, Abby heading for her car, looking at Matt expectantly.

"Am I driving you home, dear," considering Matt and her attended the same college, she always played at being older. Compensating for her social awkwardness by affectations.

Matt, who was still focused on Jimmy, waved her off. "I'll walk, it's a great night for it."

"Oh I agree," Jimmy nodded. His own car was still up on blocks round the back of his flat, a state of utter decay on wheels that... to be honest... never really ran again... or much of at all in the first place.

Abby huffed, as she rolled into her car, rattling off to leave the two fast-friends to their walk home. Oblivious to the undercurrent there.

Alone at last, the two faced each other. "Want to go for a burger?" Matt asked nodding up the road to the center of town.

"I'm brassic, mate," Jimmy replied. "But I'll come with you, if you don't mind."

Matt studied Jimmy's face for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I'd like that. I don't know, how'd you find tonight?"

Jimmy shrugged, "Usual Friday night, nothing special. I could go on to Shimmers, but I kind of just like to hang."

"There is that Blues club," Matt offered.

"Rather just walk with you, if you don't mind," Jimmy replied as they crossed the silent road and wove their way past Cavendish Place. "So do you mind me asking if you're..."

Matt looked at him again, deer-eyed, "N-no, I'm not- no... uh... I don't think so."

Jimmy felt a pang of disappointment at that, but shrugged it off. "So friends it is, though this does feel a bit Date-night."

"I don't mind if it's a date," Matt responded brightly. "Though that means I have to buy you a burger, only gentlemanly thing to do."

Jimmy shook his head at the rather striking contradiction that was Matt, he was small and slight and yet possessed a charisma that made him a mountain. He was timid yet sure of himself at the same time. Determined and so... unique. Damn, Jimmy was starting to feel something, for a straight guy. This was going to hurt... Jimmy hated pain.

They were at the hole in the wall burger place tucked in beside the Odeon and across from the Cathederal of Despair, otherwise known as the Job Centre. That sort of corner in every town where (after decades of neglect would end up being boarded up and grafitti covered after Covid, we all know it, where the Debanham's used to be..)

Matt was leaning on a wall while their burgers cooked, "You sure you don't want to go to Cafe Blues? It's right around the corner." It almost seemed that Matt wanted the night to go on. Like he needed more time with Jimmy. Why? Jimmy was too young to realize, and Matt was too stubborn to admit.

"We could go back to mine, Channel Four's got some films or something," Jimmy offered, knowing it was Vietnam night on Four... Manly war film for men, spending it with men, doing manly things... yeah.

Matt nodded, "Ok, but it's going to be late, ok if I spend the night?"

There it was, that little act of defiance against his own self. A part of him had won a battle to give, something, a chance. Jimmy could see that, and a moment he was surprised, he hadn't really thought there were any possibility.

"Sure, but you have to know it's a one room flat and I only have one bed..." it was like playing chess, move counter move.

"I don't mind if you don't," Matt said accepting the two burgers that were brought out by the cook, and exchanging a few pound.

That was how they ended up back at the flat in the Mayfair, sitting sharing a too small armchair Jimmy's arm crooked around Matt who was laying against him, head on his shoulder watching Apocalypse Now, a Movie that Jimmy never got to see all the way through, even today... every time he tried to watch it, it ended up in...

"Don't fall in love with me," Matt murmured, suddenly shifting to look up into Jimmy's face. "My best friend is gay, and I have to tell him the same thing. Just... just don't okay?"

Like that he leaned up and kissed Jimmy on the lips, soft and urgent as he pressed himself against the older boy sharing a need they both had.

"Too late," Jimmy thought as he returned the kiss. This young man, this would be school politician, Abby's schoolmate, and Burger affectionado was gentlely kissing him. They'd met, and it wasn't really sex at first sight, but a slow burn through conversation and just... being that drove them there.

Jimmy picked up the slight lad, carrying him a step over to the bed, as he lay him down, pulling Matt's shirt off as he took in the beautiful boy. He was thing, muscular in a way that his clothes hid. Years of walking, running and footie had crafted a natural body for Matt, one that Jimmy was definitely jealous off. Bright brown nipples in the right places, a long slender neck and meek, almost wildly shy eyes that looked at Jimmy for some kind of approval.

Jimmy bent in and kissed Matt again, "You sure?" he asked.

Matt shook his head, "No, but I can try, right?"

He was wriggling out of his trousers, revealing a pair of cotton purple briefs, now the only thing he had on. He was breathtaking. He was hard, a respectable movement inside the purple confines reassured of that. And he was spread out looking up at jimmy with a mixture of lust, fear, and inquisitiveness.

"What?" Jimmy asked, suddenly at a loss.

"Am I the only one undressed here?" Matt asked impatiently, suddenly grinning. "I want to see too you know!"

Jimmy laughed and wrestled out of his shirt and trousers, joining Matt in the underpants club. Taking off his glasses and putting them aside, he straddled Matt and gently sat. "better?" He asked.

Matt ground upwards, and nodded, "Yeah, weird, but better. I've never..."

"You said earlier," Jimmy nodded.

"No," Matt insisted. "Never...ever..."

"Oh!" Jimmy's surprise was palpable. "You're like... totally never-ever?"

Matt nodded simply, "Yeah, never got this close to someone... or really found anyone... right." he ground up again, his need was very apparent as he dry humped Jimmy's backside. "Just nothing too gay, ok?" he asked, leaning up to wrap his long gangling arms around Jimmy's neck.

"I don't know how... less gay to make it, but I'll try?" he offered, tasting Matt's neck above his clavicle. His hand reaching down to caress Matt's hard-on that had wormed its way up, under the waist band to enjoy it's first real touch.

They chatted between touches and kisses, Matt commenting about how he'd never really had a girlfriend... about his bestfriend who he made sure he kept at arms length...

Jimmy wondered if there was something more there that Matt wasn't saying, feelings and confusion probably. And he wondered how much of what they were doing was out of Matt's loneliness, and isolation from any kind of intimacy.

Matt had rolled him over onto his back, lifting one of Jimmy's legs up to his shoulder as he continued to grind and hump at Jimmy's butt, there was something building there and while Jimmy wasn't often on that end of things, he was versatile and Matt was making a compelling case for entry.

Jimmy tugged the purple briefs down a bit, as Matt's very hard cock dropped free and began to poke right on target at the cloth covered arse beneath him. They were making out now, getting more desperate for something more that frottage. Matt wanted it, jimmy wanted it and that want was becoming an overriding need.

"Urrgh," Jimmy felt Matt's hands pulling his underwear off, tossing it aside as they were both now naked tangled in sheets and each other's limbs. That insistent cock probing and seeking where they both needed it to be. Jimmy knowing that he had to show the virgin what had to happen next before they ended up with a very painful dry first entry...

He spat into his hand, to Matt's amazement, and began to slick up Matt's cock, "Lube," Jimmy explained at Matt's quizzical expression. Jimmy took the heavy bouncing dick in hand and guided it towards its goal.

Matt turned and kissed Jimmy's fingertips of the hand he was caressing Matt's face with. Taking the time to look into his eyes. They kissed again, more passionately. Delightfully soft lips, a playful tongue that had artfully duelled Jimmy's tongue. Man he loved kissing.

Matt's cock was now brushing against Jimmy's hole, giving an affirming note of pleasure as he ran his fingers up and down Jimmy's lean body. "May I?" he asked politely, almost pleading.

"Slowly...?" Jimmy almost begged, knowing with a virgin that was a vain hope. There was only two modes to virgin, that was now, and now now now...

He pushed, and Jimmy gasped, feeling his anus open slightly as the head of Matt's cock was pressed against it. There was a second of resistance as they both breathed hard, and suddenly he was in.

Jimmy was not used to it, he'd done it a grand total of twice before and needed a second... "Ow... ow..." he writhed from the unexpected pain, Matt was, by no means, small.

"You ok," Matt looked almost panicked as he wondered what he'd done wrong.

"Nothing, Jimmy replied cupping a hand around the back of Matt's neck reassuringly, "You're doing great. Honestly," he lied, but it was the nice kind of lie, the one we all tell in this exactly moment.

His hole was tense, super tight, gripping the dick inside him firmly. Matt leaned forward, still worried he was doing it wrong, and nuzzled and kissed at Jimmy's ears and neck, feeling the muscles in jimmy relax against intrustion. Jimmy taking the long dick into his arse, welcoming it in now. Knowing what it wanted and letting the young, super hard, super not straight in that moment straight boy Matt's dick was feeling every muscle contraction. It was where it needed to be, they were one at that moment, corny as it sounded. They were making love.

Matt slowly pushed forward, and he rested his forehead against Jimmy's as he went right in till his pubes tickled Jimmy's butt. They kissed, feeling the burn of pleasure that moment gave them.

"Do it again," Jimmy urged as he sighed in pleasure, feeling Matt pull back and slowly slide forward again, that first real stroke.

"Am I doing it right?" Matt asked worriedly, his face contorting into pleasure as he shuddered a moan. "I'm...wow... I'm really doing it."

They started to move at that point, slowly at first, but speeding up a bit, inching upwards as they both built a rhythm. Jimmy bit his pillow as he thrashed under the intensity of each thumping thrust, they were both sweating by now. That one hand that was entwined squeezed together as they both stared into each others eyes. It was more than just mechanical, they were sharing something... muscles tightening more and more, as they both moaned upon each thrust.

"I can't hold...it," Matt breathed as he hammered his dick in and out of Jimmy, "Please... I have to... let me..."

"Yes," Jimmy encouraged, feeling his own build up. "Please... do it..."

There was no slowing down, Matt was rabbit fucking for all he was worth, he sensed the end, knew what he needed. Fuck being straight at that moment, who cared... "I... am... gonna... ca---!"

He squealed in that moment, as his orgasm broke over him. His head arching back as he thrust his last massive thrust into Jimmy. Jimmy could feel it as Matt emptied inside of him. That vital DNA that would bond them forever. The shuddering convulsions, as he collapsed onto Jimmy's chest, frantically trying to kiss, touch, bite... have more of Jimmy in that moment. He had a need, now, that went beyond and his mind short-circuited and he loved every moment of it.

"oh god," he murmured as he looked up and kissed Jimmy again. "Do I do ok?"

"Well," Jimmy smiled accepting the kisses. "Not bad for your first time, I mean, if you want to try again."

"Sure," Matt grinned. "But no gay stuff, and I still have to get you off..."

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