Eastenders After Hours

By moc.loa@N0TTuBaDhSuP

Published on Jul 23, 2011


The weekend with Darren didn't happen in the end because Darren had second thoughts about cheating on Jodie with a 'dude'. But Tyler couldn't really care less- Yes, Darren was a good lay- but as Tyler posed topless in the mirror he knew that he could, and should, aim higher then Darren Miller. He was a walking sex aid, he was convinced he could turn even the straighest man a ittle gay, and whilst he still wanted and liked fanny, it was good old British sausage that Tyler was craving for now. The night with Darren had opened his eyes to a fucking delightful experience and he couldnt wait to see who his next fuck buddy would be.

It didn't take Tyler long to find his next conquest.

"Sup" Tyler Moon asked the gloomy looking barman Ryan Malloy who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else then here working this shift. Ryan was serving a blonde customer who was clearly giving Ryan the eye but he was either too stupid or too foolish to do anything about it. Had Tyler been in Ryan's shoes, the blonde tart would be on her back experecing the full Tyler Moon fucking machine by now. "Cheer up, it might never happen" he added.

Ryan looked at Tyler like he wanted to stamp on his head. "It already did happen" was all Ryan could repy. He served the big titted blonde customer and took the five pound note that she was holding out. He went to the till and got her change. "I work in this shithole".

Tyler laughed. "Oi, my cousin owns this shithole. And whilst it isn't the best looking pub in South London it serves beer and beer is all I need to get me through this gloomy Tuesday evening". Tyler thought for a moment, and licked his lips as he got a glimpse of Ryans tight arse through his work trousers. He so wanted to see that in the flesh. "And anyway, that Lauren Branning has been pratically undressing you with her eyes since the moment you arrived here. Leave your shift and go and bang that totty".

Ryan gave the change to the woman, who despite still giving Ryan the 'fuck me' look, took the change and walked off accepting defeat. "Lauren Branning?" Ryan laughed "Jesus, she's just a kid, and anyway, I think Maximus would kick my arse if I touched his daughter".

"What time do you finish?" Tyler enquired as Ryan yawned. "You should come back to mine after- I have plenty of beer. And I know lots of women, I could get one around.. "

Ryan laughed. "I don't need you to set me up with some slapper. I'm not looking for a bird anyway, too much trouble". Tyler had heard about Ryan's fling with his cousin Alfie's wife Kats coiusin Stacey Slater and how it ended with Stacey fleeing on a plane. But surely he hasn't remained celebate since then? She left at fucking Christmas. "But one hour, and beer sounds good".

"Good" Tyler smiled at Ryan as he seductively wiped the cold beer bottle with his hand, hoping Ryan noticed.

The look of horror and confusion on Ryan's face made Tyler certain that Ryan did indeed see his beer bottle wank.

"Who so misrable?" Tyler asked Ryan as they sat on Tyler's double leather sofa drinking a bottle of nice, cold wet Bud each. "I mean, I know you work in the Queen Vic and are single.. But you should be enjoying life dude, not looking like you want to die".

Ryan laughed as he took a sip of his beer. "The thing is, I hate Albert Square and I want to leave.. But my little sister Whitney lives here and I don't think she'd forgive me if I ran out on her..". Ryan thought for a moment, but carried on. "Again, and I have little to no friends around here, I just miss my old life".

Tyler sighed. "That does suck I guess, maybe you should come out with me one night?" he offered "You know, I'm a great dancer and the girls will be lining up, wed take our pick".

Ryan took a sip of beer and let out a little laugh. "Not that I doubt that your a stud when it comes to the girls, but really- I don't really feel in the mood for clubbing. Or dancing. Maybe I'm old before my time, but I'd much rather sit in the pub with a pint of beer feeling sorry for myself. And sex.. I miss sex, but I don't think sex misses me". Ryan laughed as memories come flooding back to him. "Whenever I have sex, be it in a relationship or a one night stand, things just seem to fuck up around me you know. You'd think that getting laid was awesome, but sex has caused me nothing but trouble since the moment I popped my cherry at 14. Maybe I should become a monk".

Tyler let our a chuckle. "That's just stupid Ryan, God gave you a prick to use. So grow some bollocka and use the prick that God supplied you with!".

Ryan shrugged. "I'm quite happy with a pint of beer, some porn on a laptop and a quick wank of an evening. I'm 28 now and I think I'm destined to become a lonely old man, so fuck it".

Tyler looked like someone had just slapped him. "Oh my God, your an actual psycho aern't you? Wanking is awesome, don't get me wrong. But you can't lie your life with your right hand.. It's just.. Not right" Tyler took a sip of his beer and sighed. "Your such a goodlooking lad, it's a waste! The girls of walford are missing out on a night with Ryan because your too stupid and paranoid to use the dick that God gave you".

It was Ryan's turn to sigh. "I appreciate the concern about my sexlife, or lack thereof, but really must we talk about this? I just want to enjoy my beer and go home and have an early night".

"An early night? Fuck sake" Tyler put his beer on the table. "You need to live a fucking little". Tyler dug into his pocket and pulled out a packet of

weed that hed stolen from his half brother Michael. "You ever smoked this?"

Ryan tutted. "I'm not that much of a loser that I've never tried weed before".

Tyler laughed as he rolled up a large joint. "Good, because this shit is good. I'm going to give you a good night if it's the last thing I do!"

Ryan doubted that, but he was so fucking misrable what can a toke or two of

a spliff really do? It might just cheer him up. If only for an hour.

In moments, Tyler had sparked the weed up and inahled a large pull of the good tasting weed that had no affect on him. He was used to this shit. He passed the joint onto Ryan, who studied it for a few moments before putting the spliff into his mouth and inhaling.

"So- that is some good shit isn't it?" Tyler laughed and Ryan just nodded in response, the weed immediatly getting to his head and making him feel good. Content even. "Now I'm gonna ask you a personal question".. Ryan just nodded. "When was the last time you exactly had sex?"

"3rd January" Ryan answered almost immediatly that Tyler nearly spat out the beer that he'd placed into his mouth. "I remember because it was with some slapper I picked up in the bar.. I fucked her, then I got arrested that same night for punching a police officer".

"Punching a police officer?" Tyler tutted but he was impressed. Maybe Ryan wasn't such a loser after all.

Ryan shrugged. "He looked at me funny". He inhaled a third pull of the weed

and began to feel hot, so he undone his shirt a little. Not alot, but Tyler could see a faint bit of hair from the top of Ryan's chest.

"Awesome story" Tyler laughed "But 7 months? Since you last got your willy wet? Oh my Ryan, oh my indeed".

Ryan leant back on the sofa and Tyler decided something needed to be done.

"Close your eyes" Tyler demanded and Ryan looked at him like he'd asked him

to do the hokey cokey or something.

"What?" was all Ryan could respond to that particular demand.

"Close your eyes and don't open them- I have a surprise for you".

Maybe it was the weed or the beer. Or both. But Ryan sighed and closed his eyes. Tyler licked his lips as he dropped to his knees, a move which Ryan didnt hear or feel. But he did feel the opening of his trouser pocket, and he most certainly felt Tyler undoing his zip.

"What the fuck, dude?" Ryan asked as he wanted to push him away but could't

be arsed too. He just felt mellow.

"I'm just helping a brother out" Tyler smirked as Ryan opened his eyes. "You don't have to do anything, just lay back and enjoy".

Ryan was about to protest. Say anything to get Tyler to stop what he was doing. He wasn't no homo and he didn't want this to happen. But he somehow lost the ability to speak when Tyler's cold, rough hand reached inside his boxers and grabbed hold of his already semi hard dick. It wasn't long before the cold hand was replaced by wet, cool salivia and Ryan groaned as he reaised that Tyler had taken his cock into his mouth. "Fuck" was the only word he could speak that moment.


Tyler took Ryan's 8 inch dick all the way down and it wasn't long before the semi hard dick was now fully hard as rock. Tyler loved the taste of Ryan,

his cock tasted off shower gel and sweat. It made him horny. Ryan's groans as 7 months of intense virginness slowly swept away as Tyler continued to treat his dick like it was a lollypop. A fucking fantastic lollypop. His tounge was all over his dick, his mouth wrapp"ed around the discostick as Tylers mouth got faster on his dick. Shit, this dude knew how to give head.

Locking eyes with Tyler as he continued to give his cock some much needed and brilliant attention, Ryan licked his lips at the hunky, muscular Moon cousin and soon Ryan was thrusting hard, making Tyler take his cock deeper and faster into his mouth.

Ryan's trousers were disposed off and his boxers around his ankles, as Tyler grew more adventerous. A single finger found it's way inside Ryan's very tight and very hairy arse which caused Ryan to scream "fucking cunt OHMIGOD you fucking cunt" as he gushed an enormous amount of cum down Tyler's willing and very grateful mouth. Ryan fell back against the leather sofa, his arse sticking to the bottom due to the sweat. But Tyler wasn't finished, and soon Ryan found himself shooting out a very generous second amount of cum as Tyler continued to suck his dick like an expert and finger his untouched arse with delight.

Tyler wiped his mouth, all traces of Ryans cum now lingering in his throat again and he stood up and sat on the sofa next to Ryan. Ryan looked at him.

"I need a cigarette" was all Ryan could say.

"You don't smoke cigarettes?" Tyler laughed as he looked at Ryan, who's Ben

Sherman shirt was now covered in traces of his own cum.

"I don't fucking care".

"I'm not gay" Ryan stated as Tylers hairy legs were wrapped around his head

and Ryan forced his dick into Tylers waiting, gaping, tight hole. Tyler groaned as the full realiastion that he was taking a dick for the first time hit him. He expected it to hurt, but this was the complete opposite. It was fucking amazing. He felt nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure as the gorgeous Ryan thrusted in and out of his virgin arse, leaving him to make noises that he'd never thought he could make it in his life. His arse was stuck to the leather sofa from the sweat his arse was producing. "But this feels fucking amazing". And Tyler couldn't agree more. Ryan leant forward and kissed Tyler briefly on the lips as he continued to pound Tylers arse. A drop of sweat dropped from Ryans head onto Tyler's bare chest, leaving an imprint on his 6 packed abs. Ryans legs began to feel like jelly as he continued to stand up and pound Tylers arse.

Tylers own dick was pointing up, needing attention, so Tyler grabbed it and

began furiously wanking it as Ryan's thrusting got harder, deeper, even more fantastic. It didn't take long for white, sticky, hot cum to spurt out of his dick and squit onto his chest. A second spurt went ever higher, some hitting him on the face but most hitting the leather sofa behind him. Ryan groaned with apprecitian as Tyler let out a 3rd jet of cum, it made Ryan feel even more awesome that he was doing a good job. That he was turning this teenager on so much.

Pulling out of Tyler's arse, Ryan stroked furiously at his own erect cock and it didnt take long for Ryan to join Tyler in the bliss of orgasm. Letting out a load groan, Ryan shot out a waterfall like jet of cum all over Tyler's waiting abs. Falling onto the sofa next to Tyler, Ryan just sighed with content as Tyler patted him on the bare knees as if to say 'Good job'.

"That.. was.. awesome" was all Ryan could manage and Tyler just laughed in agreement.

"So?" Tyler asked curiously "Was that worth the 7 month wait?"

"Hell yes" Ryan grinned.

Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the previous one. If you have suggestions on any other EastEnders character you like me to use and/or pairings let me know at PushDaButt0n@aol.com (mailto:PushDaButt0n@aol.com) or SwaggerJagger90@mail.com (mailto:SwaggerJagger90@mail.com) . I appreciate all feedback- good or bad.

Next: Chapter 3

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