Eastenders Benders

By Blue Boy

Published on Oct 10, 2003


This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is based on characters in the BBC soap Eastenders. It is a work of pure fiction. Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that the characters or the actors who play them are gay (as much as you would like them to be :-). I don't know anything about their true sexualities. The characters and the show are trademarks of and copyright BBC.

If you enjoyed this story please let me know at blueboy3649@hotmail.com

It had just gone midnight in Albert Square, as Dennis locked up at Angie's Den and started to make the short walk back to his flat. As he crossed the square, he spotted Martin Fowler sat on a bench, the very one dedicated to the memory of Martin's dad in fact, in the gardens in the middle of the square. Martin had his head in his hands and looked thoroughly miserable. He only noticed Dennis when he had walked over and was standing right in front of him. Martin looked up to see who the shoes belonged to.

"Alright, Martin?" Dennis said, cheerfully.

"Alright," replied Martin, miserably.

"What ya doing sat out here on your own?"


"Let me guess - you had another row with your mum?"

Martin almost smiled. "How did you guess?"

"Fancy a drink back at my place?"

"What about Sharon?"

"Gone to America to see Vicky. Left this morning."

"Yeah," Martin said, as he got up, and finally smiled. "Yeah, alright."

They made the short walk over to Dennis's flat, Martin complaining to Dennis about his nagging mother.

"Mums, eh, who'd have 'em?" joked Dennis, as he poured Martin a whisky once they were in the flat.

"Here, pour that down ya," he said, handing the glass to Martin. "I'm just gonna go and jump in the shower, and then we can have a chat. Won't be long."

Dennis had a reputation as a bit of a bad boy, having done time for GBH, and Martin had always wanted to hang out with him, so he was pretty chuffed that Dennis had asked him back to his flat... although not as chuffed as Dennis was. 21-year-old Dennis had arrived on the square a few months ago, and he'd had a bit of a thing about Martin ever since he'd first set eyes on him. There was something about the cute, skinny 18-year-old that caused a stirring in Dennis's groins every time he saw him.

Five minutes later, Dennis stepped in to the front room, wearing, to Martin's surprise, nothing but a small white towel to cover his modesty. He walked over to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a drink. Martin couldn't help but stare at Dennis and marvel at how fit his body was. His chest was well toned but not over muscly, and he had a firm six-pack of a stomach. There was something sexy about his glistening wet hair and the way that the few beads of water that hadn't yet dried were clinging to him.

"Want a top up?" asked Dennis.

"Yeah, cheers," replied Martin, as Dennis filled Martin's glass with more whisky.

"Ain'tcha gonna put some clothes on?" asked Martin.

"Why, d'you want me to?" asked Dennis.

"No - I, er..."

"So you don't want me to?" asked Dennis, trying to conceal a smile.

"I... I mean..." stuttered Martin, realising he had landed himself in a bit of a no-win situation.

"Well, that's alright then," said Dennis, as if that settled the matter, and sat down on the couch next to Martin, wearing just a big grin and a small towel. He sat a little closer to Martin than two mates normally would, but Martin hadn't seemed to notice.

"So," Dennis began. "You gonna make it up with your mum?"

"Dunno," said Martin, feeling more comfortable with the change of topic. "Yeah, I s'pose."

Martin took his glass of whisky and downed it.

"Steady on!" said Dennis. "When I said pour that down ya, I didn't mean literally!"

"Sorry," said Martin. "It's just been a bad day."

Dennis thought for a moment and then broke out into another one of his devious grins. "You know what I like to do when I've had a bad day?" he asked.

"What?" asked Martin.

Dennis sipped on his whisky, then looked at Martin. "Have a wank," he replied, still smiling coolly.

Martin looked at Dennis, unable to believe what he'd just said.

"A w... a wank?" stuttered Martin.

"It makes you feel loads better," Dennis continued, as if he was talking about nothing more interesting than the weather. "You should try it."

"Er - right."

"So how often d'you, uh... spank the old monkey then?" asked Dennis.

Martin couldn't believe he was having a conversation with Dennis about wanking. He felt slightly uncomfortable talking about it but at the same time was getting a bit of a buzz out of it.

Without waiting for a response from Martin, Dennis continued. "Still, I don't suppose you need to really, young, good-looking boy like yourself, must get loads of action."

"Yeah I... I do alright," said Martin.

"Who's the last girl you shagged then?"

"The last girl I shagged..." said Martin, drawling out the words as he played for time. "Kelly," he said finally.

"What, from the stall?" asked Dennis in surprise, as he rested his hand lightly on Martin's thigh.

"Yeah, that's her."

"Nice girl," said Dennis. "She must take some satisfying."

"Yeah, she does," said Martin cheerfully. "But I was well up to the job."

"Is that right?" asked Dennis, eyeing Martin with interest.

"Yeah, it is," grinned Martin.

"Fancy yerself in the sack, do ya?"

"Yeah, I do alright."

"So ya measure up alright then?" smiled Dennis.

"Yeah," said Martin eagerly.

"As big as this, is it?" And with that, Dennis pulled away his towel to reveal a throbbing, nine-inch hard-on. Martin tried to not to look impressed but ended up just staring at it in awe. He couldn't take his eyes off it. Dennis sat there with a huge grin on his face, increasingly turned on by Martin's reaction.

"Wow," whispered Martin, finally, dropping all pretences of not being impressed.

"You can touch it if you want."

Martin had never handled another guy's dick before. In fact, he had never seen another guy's dick hard before, let alone one this impressive. He extended his hand and touched Dennis's erection, then slowly started moved his fingers up and down it. What the fuck am I doing stroking another guy's hard-on, he thought. But there was no way he wanted to stop. All the time, Dennis was looking at Martin with a huge grin on his face, congratulating himself for getting this hot little cutie jacking him off. The first part of the plan he'd concocted in the shower had worked perfectly, and now it was time to put the next part into action.

"Come on then," smiled Dennis. "Your turn."

Martin withdrew his hand from Dennis's hard-on and looked at him in alarm.

"What?" he asked, even though he knew exactly what Dennis meant.

"I wanna see if you measure up," said Dennis.

Dennis moved his hand further up Martin's thigh and gently squeezed his cock and balls through his jeans. Martin gasped in shock.

"I.. I fink I better go," he said, nervously.

"What, ya scared mummy's gonna find out?" taunted Dennis.

"No!" replied Martin defiantly.

"You got a small one then, is that what it is?"

"No!" replied Martin, even more defiantly.

"So what ya gettin' all worked up about? I show you mine, you show me yours, Martin. That's how it works."

"Is it?" asked Martin, still nervous as hell.

Dennis thought for a moment. It was time to use the fallback line.

"No, you're right," he said with a sigh. "You're just a kid. Go on then, run along back home."

Martin thought for a moment. If there was one thing he hated, it was being treated like a kid. In fact, that was exactly what had caused the argument with his mum earlier.

Martin looked Dennis square in the eye. "I'm not a kid," he said, boldly.

"Prove it," replied Dennis, just as boldly.

Martin was feeling apprehensive about exposing his manhood to Dennis but now he had something to prove to him. And if he was being honest, there was also a part of him that was inexplicably aching for Dennis's touch. Slowly, he unzipped his flies, reached inside his boxers and pulled out his flaccid dick, letting it rest limply on his jeans. Martin's dick was slightly thinner than Dennis's, and uncut. But in its limp state it looked comparably a lot smaller, and Dennis saw the somewhat embarrassed look on Martin's face.

"It's alright," he said. "They're all like that when they're soft. We'll soon find out how big it gets."

Dennis gave it a little squeeze, and Martin let out a short gasp of pleasure. Then Dennis pulled the foreskin down to expose the head, and then back up again. He repeated this several times, and Martin tilted his head back, taking in the sensation. As Dennis continued to play with his cock, Martin soon began to get hard. He had never felt pleasure like this before - someone else wanking him off.

"Feels good, don't it?" asked Dennis.

"Mmmm," sighed Martin, his dick now hard as a rock. Dennis stopped wanking him off and sat back to admire it, poking a good seven and a half inches out of his flies.

"Not bad, for a kid your age," he said, and Martin smiled.

"I'm eighteen," Martin reminded him.

"Well, you're the fittest eighteen year old in Walford," said Dennis, and Martin blushed with pride at the compliment. Dennis continued to stare at Martin's swollen cock, his mouth starting to water at the sight. If there was one thing he loved more than fucking, it was sucking.

"Ever had a blowjob before?" asked Dennis.

"No," replied Martin.

"How about it?"

"Alright," said Martin. He was much less nervous now and much more relaxed.

Dennis undid Martin's top jeans button and pulled his jeans and boxers down to his ankles, revealing, for the first time, Martin's balls and thick black bush of pubes.

"Wow," sighed Dennis. Martin smiled, loving the fact that he was turning Dennis on. Dennis licked up the few drops of precum that Martin had started leaking and then took his cock in his mouth. Martin closed his eyes and relaxed, as Dennis began sucking and licking his way expertly up and down his stiff teenage cock, and softly massaging his young, hairy balls at the same time. Dennis had sucked a good few cocks in his time, but knowing that this was Martin's made the act even more enjoyable. Martin's soft moans told Dennis that he wasn't the only one enjoying himself. However, Dennis decided he didn't want Martin to climax too early, and besides there were other things he wanted to do with him. He took Martin's dick out of his mouth and sat up.

"You ever kissed another bloke, Martin?" he asked, even though the answer was obvious.

"No," said Martin, a little apprehensively.

Dennis softly touched Martin's face, and then pulled it towards him. He leant forward and put his lips on Martin's, letting them rest there for a moment. Then he started licking at them and Martin, taking the hint, opened his mouth to let him in. Martin soon lost his fear and started enjoying this unexpected kiss, letting his tongue explore Dennis's mouth, and savouring the taste of his own salty precum. As they kissed, Dennis was rubbing his hands all over Martin's naked body and Martin, taking Dennis's initiative, did the same in return.

Dennis squeezed Martin's nipples, making him gasp as they kissed, and then let his hand wander lazily down his smooth chest and stomach. Martin, still a little unsure about what to do, just took Dennis's lead and tweaked Dennis's nipples before also sliding his hand down his body. Dennis's hand found Martin's cock, still rock hard, and gave it a few gentle strokes, before moving further down and rubbing the insides of his thighs. Martin took Dennis's cock in his hand and played with the head, before starting to jack him off.

Dennis's hand was now moving back up Martin's thighs and groping in between his legs. Martin sensed what he was going for and willingly pulled his legs apart to reveal what had never been seen by any other person before. Dennis touched Martin's virgin hole and slid a finger in. Martin let out his loudest gasp yet, which forced him to momentarily break away from their prolonged kiss.

"D'you like that?" asked Dennis.

"Ohhh yeahh..." moaned Martin, as he felt Dennis's finger go all the way into his arsehole. Dennis moved his finger in and out of Martin's tight hole a few times, and then inserted another finger. Martin had never felt a sensation like this before - it was a strange mixture of pain and pleasure.

Suddenly, Dennis withdrew his fingers completely.

"Turn over," he whispered. "I'm gonna fuck you."

Martin did as he was told. There was no more hesitancy or nervousness. The idea of Dennis's hard cock up his arse was suddenly very appealing.

Dennis inserted the tip of his cock into Martin's hole and felt the muscles close in on it immediately. He forced it in deeper, inch by inch, and he felt Martin's hole stretch to accommodate him, Martin moaning loudly. Finally, the whole nine inches were in, and Dennis had never felt anything grip his dick so tightly. He pulled out and then went in again, and soon he was pumping Martin with a steady rhythm, with Martin drawing a heavy breath with each thrust. He'd never felt such pain... or such pleasure.

Dennis pounded his meat harder and harder into Martin, still not quite daring to believe that he was fulfilling his hottest fantasy of the last few months. He knew he would be walking around the square tomorrow with a huge grin on his face at the thought that he'd fucked Martin Fowler. And then, before he knew it, he felt that familiar rush of energy in his groins, and he knew he was close to eruption. And then...

"Yeahhhhhh!" groaned Dennis, unable to control himself, as he spurted a powerful jet of cum deep inside Martin's tight cavity, followed by another and another. Martin moaned too, as he felt his hole fill with more and more of Dennis's warm man-juice. Dennis withdrew from Martin's hole, leaving cum dripping from the entrance, his nine-inch beast still spurting out jets of the creamy substance, now over Martin's butt cheeks. He could never remember shooting this volume of cum before, or having an orgasm that lasted this long and this intense. He breathed heavily, as the last few drops arrived, and his cock slowly started to go soft.

Martin turned around to face Dennis, revealing a still intact hard-on. This was the best shag Dennis had ever had, and he decided he would thank Martin by giving him more head. Wasting no time, he immediately put his mouth over Martin's dick and proceeded with another expert blowjob. Martin lasted a lot longer than Dennis thought he would, which was fine by him, as it gave him more sucking time. But when Martin's breathing grew louder and harder, Dennis knew it was almost time...

"Ohhhhhhh!!!" screamed Martin, as he exploded into the back of Dennis's mouth. Dennis did his best to gulp down the flood of teenage spunk that was being shot down his throat (he loved the taste of cum), but Martin was shooting so hard and fast it proved impossible, and some of it trickled out of his mouth and down Martin's cock.

Martin's orgasm slowly subsided, and his cock gradually began to return to normal size. Dennis stepped back, admiring the contrast that the spots of splattered spunk made on Martin's thick, dark pubes. He ran his fingers through them and then up and down Martin's now dangling cock, massaging it with cum.

"Alright, maybe you're not just a kid," said Dennis.

Martin grinned.

"Not any more, anyway," Dennis grinned back at him. "Go on, get dressed and get yerself home."

"Any more of that whisky goin'?", asked a cheeky Martin, as he gathered his clothes.

"Don't push your luck," smiled Dennis.

Dennis watched Martin get dressed, not bothering to himself. He followed Martin to the door, where Martin turned to face him, trying to decide whether a goodnight kiss was appropriate or not.

"Night, then," Martin said, hesitating.

But no sooner had he said it than Dennis's lips were on his. Martin opened his mouth to let Dennis's tongue in, and got his first full taste of cum - his own. They kissed for a few seconds before Dennis broke away.

"How d'ya fancy helping me out at the club while Sharon's away?" he asked. "I'll, uh, make it worth your while, if ya know what I mean," he added with a wink.

"When do I start?" said Martin with a grin.

"Tomorrow afternoon," replied Dennis.

"Great, see ya then," said Martin, and turned and left.

They didn't bother specifying a time - they never do in Eastenders, somehow they just know.

Dennis closed the door with a big, triumphant smile on his face, then went off to have a wank over the night's events.

Martin walked across the square back home, with an ever bigger smile on his face. He had been introduced to gay sex, and he had loved it. He wanted more. But not just with Dennis. As fit and good-looking as Dennis was, there was a new target Martin had his sights set on. The only boy on the square cuter than Dennis. He stopped as he passed the Queen Vic, and looked up at the windows. He smiled at the thought of Spencer, asleep up there, maybe naked. He carried on walking towards home and as he did, he found himself wondering what Spencer's dick looked like, whether it was long, short, fat, thin... he had no idea yet, but he was damn sure going to find out.

Hope you enjoyed that. Hopefully I'll write another part some time soon. Comments and suggestions always welcome at blueboy3649@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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