Eath Does Hollywood

By eathan spencer

Published on Apr 8, 1999


Eath Does Hollywood - Part 1

Let me start by saying that this is a work of fiction and in no way implies that Tom Cruise is homosexual, bisexual or anything sexual at all. Let me finish by begging anybody who enjoys this to email me at with any comments or ideas for future subjects. Thanks, Eath Spencer.

I'm starting to wonder whether it's such a good idea to be keeping a diary. It's the habit of a lifetime, and until recently there has been no reason to fear the prying eyes of people unknown. A great need for secrecy has not been a key feature of my past, but these days - well, these days things are happening that I'd kind of like to keep under wraps. Personally and professionally - some of my actions right now need to be kept as quiet as possible. Not to mention my thoughts and feelings. My life is a powder keg at the moment, and the slightest hint of a spark could spell total disaster.

No doubt about it, I would have to be a complete and utter idiot to be keeping a diary at this stage of my life.

My name is Eath Spencer, and I am a complete and utter idiot.

The truth of the matter is, I'm not about to stop writing about my life just when my life is finally starting to get interesting!

I still can not believe that in two weeks time a film starring myself and Tom Cruise will be released in cinemas across the country. It seems unreal to me that the first time my face will be seen on the big screen, it will be opposite a man I have worshipped as a god since my early years at boarding school. The number of times I watched and rewatched the cock scene in All the Right Moves - I'm surprised the damn tape didn't snap!

Who would have thought that one day I would not only wind up nabbing a decent part in a fantastic film starring this absolute legend, but that I'd have more than a fleeting glimpse at that gorgeous rod. Much more than a fleeting glimpse.

If you were to judge by the events of my first audition, you would never have guessed it. It was my first test for a film, and it would be opposite one of the greatest movie stars of all time. This was no B- grade TV show or a drama school production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. This was a league above anything I'd been involved with in the past. I was so nervous, if the ground had opened up and swallowed me on the way to the audition, I would probably have breathed a sigh of relief.

I have never taken so long to dress myself for an event in my life. I wanted to capture the essence of the character I was reading for, but I didn't want to look like I was turning up in full costume. Jeans? Pants and a shirt? Jeans and a T-shirt. Best to keep it simple for these things.

I stood in front of the mirror for ten full minutes, twisting and turning, checking for spots and stains. I had to grab hold of myself. Stop it. You look fine. And I did. I like the way I look. I like my short blonde hair. I like my big blue eyes. I like my strong jaw, thin neck, broad shoulders and small waist. I like the whispy blonde hair starting to sprout across my toned chest. I like the faint trail of hair spreading down from my navel, and I really like what that trail leads to. What the hell - I pulled out my cock. 10 inches on a good day - thick, long and strong.

I started to feel a tightening in my low hanging balls as the warm piece of meat I held in my hand began to spring to life. I smiled as I thought of the envy I could evoke in the showers at school as every pair of eyes fell upon my cock. I used to spend a huge amount of time soaping myself up down there. As long as they were going to look, I reasoned, they may as well have something to look at. I've always been an exhibitionist.

I absent-mindedly began to stroke my now erect muscle as I thought of my first sexual experience at school. It was right after one of those showering sessions. I'd noticed over the past few weeks that Dominic's eyes had been drawn more and more to the peep show between my legs. Dominic was my scene partner from drama class, and I really didn't mind him watching my cock in the showers. It gave me the perfect opportunity to check out his. It had gotten so that I couldn't lather myself up any longer, because I couldn't trust myself to stay calm, if you know what I mean.

Dominic and I had been playing basketball after class, and decided to shower before dinner. I'd never showered with just one other guy before, and it was something I was quite looking forward to.

Dom was really something. He was one of those fair haired guys with strong, dark eyebrows and, even at sixteen, a dark matt of curly hair covering his pumped up pecs. He was an athletic guy, and his torso had the power to make me drool. But his legs. Oh My God. From his tight, dark bubble butt to his powerful, rippling quads... Let's just say if his upper body had occasion to make me drool, then his bottom half had the power to make me cum.

Literally, as it turned out.

Dominic fucked me for the first time that day in the showers, and it was absolutely fantastic...

And if I hadn't stopped myself thinking about it in front of the mirror that day, I would really have had to start worrying about spots and stains.

Cock back in jeans, I stepped into the studio casting suite slightly less nervous than I had been at home. My anxiety had slowly ebbed to be replaced by a hunger to do well.

I was confident.

I was ready.

I ripped the front of my jeans on the corner of the table as they called me in.

Any confidence I had felt dissipated as I walked the few steps from the waiting room to the testing room. I was convinced that my chances of winning the role had withered and died. I was stepping into the most important meeting of my life looking like a cross between an eighties punk throwback and some sort of thigh flashing narcissist. I wanted to die.

But then I caught sight of Tom.

Reclining in an arm chair, hands behind magnificent head, legs spread apart nonchalantly. I found myself wishing he was the one to have ripped his pants. I would have loved to have been given a window of opportunity into that heavenly bulge between his legs.

At that instant, all of my apprehension disappeared. Ripped jeans or no ripped jeans - I was about to give the performance of my life. There was no way I was letting this part go to anybody but me.

I introduced myself and gave as dazzling a smile as I could muster. Good teeth count for much in this town. Then Tom smiled. I almost fainted.

I stored every detail of Tom's wide, pink mouth in my mind. Every curve. Every contour. Those lips would be around my cock in my fantasies that night.

But right now, there was the small matter of the audition to attend to.

The scene called for Tom, a policeman, to interrogate my character over the murder of a college girl. A pretty basic scene, nice and dramatic, and it seemed to be running pretty smoothly. Tom's policeman was menacing, my murderer was tough. There was no way I was going to let this guy crack me. He had nothing. The scene was coming to an end.

"Look, if you're gonna keep me here asking questions I've already answered over and over, I'm not gonna go on until I've got a lawyer here."

I stood up to show I was serious. This was where the scene was supposed to end. Any second now. Yup, just about to end. Why had the scene not ended? Why was Tom leaning forward?

Why was Tom's hand inside my pants?

The sound of my further ripping jeans deafened me as I was dragged back towards my seat. The blood rushed to my head as I was pushed onto the plastic chair.

The blood rushed way back down somewhere else as I realised Tom Cruise's hand was still wrapped around my thigh.

This was good.

But it wasn't right. This was not the way the scene was supposed to be going.

The blood rushed back to my head, I wrenched Tom's hand away from my leg and jumped to my feet.

Tom and I stood eye to eye. My chest rose and fell as I struggled to regain my composure.

"I mean what I say. Get me a fucking lawyer."

Oh please let this be finished.


Oh thank you!

"We'll be in touch."

Oh. Thank you.

Over the next few days, I started to think about what I might do over the next few months. Take some more classes? Work a few more shifts at the bakery? One thing I knew for sure - I would not be starring in a movie with Tom Cruise. That dream was over.

My agent told me everything was on track. This sort of thing happened in auditions. They were testing me, finding out if I could handle a change in conditions - if I was able to improvise. I didn't see it that way. I saw it as a big movie star humiliating a completely dispensable, dime- a- dozen, dick of a young actor who thought he could turn up to an audition dressed like a schmuck with rips and tears and spots and stains and be taken seriously. That's how I saw it.

Of course, that didn't stop me from fantasising about his lips around my cock.

Or, as it turns out, from getting the part.

The two auditions that followed the first did not involve Tom. In fact, the next time I saw him was on the first day of shooting. We were to shoot the scene I'd played with him at the audition. I was terrified. There was no possible way I could interact with this man. Not when I was convinced he hated me.

And certainly not when every single time I looked at him I could see my dick sliding in and out of his mouth.

Why oh why is my fantasy life so vivid? Why am I Ally McBeel?

We shot the scene in five takes. No detours from the script this time. Just straight acting. No thigh-grabbing fun.

As ecstatic as I was to be working on the film, the fact that Tom had not thrown one non-scripted word in my direction throughout the entire shoot had not escaped me. This was a man who treated every member of the cast and crew as gods. My agent again told me what she thought I'd like to hear. "He's threatened by you, honey. He can see you have potential and he doesn't want to be outshone. You should be happy he's being such a bitch."

Oh obviously. It was jealousy. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was sickened to have to work with a talentless hack who walked around with tears in his pants. No, jealousy was a much more plausible reason.

Hostility aside, I really did enjoy my time on the film. My part was great, the director was fantastic, the rest of the cast were absolute pros. I learned so much.

I would have learned more if I had spent less time ogling Tom, of course, but that would have been much less fun. I could gaze at Tom's ass as he bent to pick up his script, stare at his smooth, broad chest as he changed into a new shirt - even size up his bulging package as he strolled around in a swim suit. After all, the likelihood of Tom catching me was almost non-existent. To catch me ogling him, he'd have to look at me first.

Needless to say, I was partaking in a lot of self gratification at that point in time. Sex was always utmost on my mind, probably due to the fact that I hadn't had any for a while. Too busy, too lazy and too fussy. My right hand was fast becoming my best friend.

On the final day of shooting I filmed my last scene with Tom. It was a continuation of the audition scene - my lawyer was present and Tom was calmly presenting the facts of the murder. The victim had been my character's girlfriend. She had been killed by a stab to the heart with a shaft of glass. It would stand to reason that the murderer would have nicked himself during the attack. The shaft of glass had been thin and jagged, and not too easy to hold.

Tom eased himself gently off the chair. He knelt in front of me and gently reached for my hand. I was shaking and sweating, but allowed him to hold it up. The camera zoomed in to focus on my bandaged hand.

I shook myself out of character and watched the familiar chaotic flurry of lights being dismantled and cameras rolling away. I was about to stand up and head to my trailer when I realised something that stopped me in my tracks. Tom had not let go of my hand. Time stood still as I slowly lifted my gaze from our joined hands to his twinkling brown eyes. I felt a vague stroking of my hand and watched in wonder as his lips twitched. Widened. Parted. He was smiling. He smiled!

It took me twenty seconds to run to my trailer. My hands were in my pants before the door had closed behind me. I was lucky to have made it that far. I thought for sure I was going to cum right there on the set after Tom had let go of my hand and sauntered away. Believe me, you have not lived until you have been smiled at and stroked by Tom Cruise.

My pants around my knees, I fell onto my bed and gyrated my bare ass against the comforter. I pumped my aching cock for all it was worth. It wouldn't take me long to cum but - my God - what an orgasm it was going to be!

I had raised my legs in the air and was about to start fingering my crack when I heard a knock on the door. The person who had knocked on the door heard a knock on the floor as I fell off the bed in fright.

"Eath, are you OK?"

I was until I heard that. Hearing a knock on the door while jerking off can make you fall off the bed. Discovering the knock came from Tom Cruise can lead to a heart attack.

I pulled my pants up over my cock and zipped the fly. I was covered up, but I wasn't likely to calm down anytime soon. I grabbed a pillow and opened the door. I hoped against hope that Tom would see nothing unusual about a flush-faced teenager answering his door with a cushion covering his crotch.

"Hi, do you mind if I come in for a moment?"

Tom stepped up into my trailer and sat down on my solitary arm chair. He smiled. I tried to. I closed the door.

"Eath, you understand that I've been keeping my distance from you throughout the shoot for the good of the film, don't you?"


"It makes it a hell of a lot easier to hate you on-screen if we're not best buds on set, you get me?"


"Eath, did you hear a word I just said?"

Uhh uhh.

Tom smiled again and I melted. I finally found my voice.

"Uh, of course I understand. I think you did a great job and I feel really lucky to have worked with you."

Tom leaned back in his chair.

"Eath, can I ask you a question?"

Oh God yes!

"Of course."

"Why are you holding that pillow?"

Suddenly I was as red as a radish. I clutched the pillow harder against my straining rod and fumbled for an answer.

"I, uh..."

"Can I have a look?"

Tom was on his feet and moving towards me. I stood frozen. He grinned as he reached down. He pulled the pillow from my grasp. His grin widened.

"Is that for me?"

He looked into my eyes as his hand moved up and down the outline of my cock. I had to say something. What would I say? What could I say? The first thing that came to mind.

"I uh... I thought uh... Aren't you straight?"

Tom's eyes twinkled as he moved his hand from my crotch to my wrist. For the second time that day he lifted my palm, but this time he placed it at the front of his pants.

"Do I feel straight to you?"

What I felt sure was straight. And long. And hard. And hot! I was frozen no more!

I flung my body against Tom's and we crashed onto the bed. My mouth found his mouth and we grinded pulsing cock against pulsing cock. His lips were everything I dreamed they would be and I savoured the taste of his delicate flesh as his tongue darted in, out and around, wrestling with my own.

God I'd missed this.

Tom reached across my waist with his strong, muscled arm and flung me onto my back. Straddling my lower chest, he pulled his white T-shirt over his head exposing his smooth, rippling, perfectly tanned chest. He was rubbing against my rib cage and I could feel the heat emanating from inside his jeans.

He slid down until his hips were between my legs and tore open my shirt. I vaguely registered the pinging sound as the buttons hurtled against the metal wall, then moaned with pleasure as Tom's tongue traced the outline of my pecs. I reached out to run my hands through his dark, short cropped hair and gasped as first his lips, and then his teeth, grabbed hold of my right nipple.

I couldn't take much more than this - I was seconds away from exploding in my pants. Tom must have realised because he slowed down. He reached up to take my hands from his hair and placed them gently at my sides.

He looked up at me from his resting place on my stomach and gave me a smile to die for. I smiled back.

He carefully unzipped my fly. He lifted the top of my boxer shorts over my raging erection and slid them off with his teeth. I lay naked on the bed as Tom stood and slowly removed his pants. He had the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. At least nine inches, nice and thick and raging proudly from a soft down of dark, curly hair.

He slowly slid his hand around the head of his cut cock and started to pump up and down, lubricating his bulging rod with his own pre-cum. I reached down to my own dick and started to do the same until Tom stopped me.

"Let me take care of that."

I closed my eyes and thought of nothing except the warm pleasure as Tom lolled my balls around the inside of his mouth. With Tom's head between my legs and his strong hands stroking my abs and hips, I was in heaven.

His mouth moved to the sensitive area below my balls, licking and kissing before making a bee line towards my bursting cock. Over my balls. Along my shaft. I smiled at the gentle kissing at the head of my dick, and then moaned as Tom dove down on my 10 inches, inhaling the lot. His nose brushed against my curly blonde hair as he bobbed up and down, sucking and slurping, milking my cock for all it was worth.

My hands found Tom's head again and burrowed into his gorgeous nest of hair. I felt my heavy balls begin to constrict and expand.

"Oh God, Tom. I'm so close. I'm so close!"

Tom's mouth action heated up. He slid up and down the length of my cock with the suction of a vacuum.

"Oh Tom, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

The whole of my dick was in Tom's mouth as I felt the first ecstatic wave of orgasm. His lips slid up to engulf only my red hot head as he eagerly swallowed my frenzied spurts. I thrashed and moaned as I finished thrusting and Tom licked my throbbing muscle clean.

My head was spinning as Tom kissed his way from my navel to my neck. He caressed my cheek as his slightly bristled chin nuzzled my jaw. Our hips were together and I could feel the heat of his cock as it nestled against my own, my cum and Tom's pre cum combining to form a natural lubricant.

Tom kissed me gently on the lips. "Did you like that?"

What else could I say but yes?

"Can I fuck you?"

This time I didn't even need to answer. I let my actions speak for themselves. In an instant I propped myself up onto my elbows and raised my long legs until my feet locked behind my head. Another trick I picked up at boarding school. My education was very well-rounded.

The look on Tom's face as he traced his hand up and down my arched back is something I will treasure forever. My head fell back upon my pillow as he worked his way down my spine, across my hips to gently pry apart my ass cheeks. I felt the warmth of his hot breath before his flickering tongue, and soon my hole was opened wide to accommodate his oral probing.

"I need to feel you inside me, Tom. Please fuck me."

His tongue gave one last flick and I waited for what seemed like hours, but was probably five seconds, for the fucking of a lifetime.

My eyes opened involuntarily as I felt my hole expand to take in Tom's huge, hot head, and locked directly onto his. His tongue entered my mouth as his quaking cock entered my ass. I could feel his hairs brush against my own, and writhed in ecstasy as he thrust in and out, finding the most beautiful, magical, rhythm.

Our kiss broke as he began to pound harder and faster, rocking the trailer with the force of his passion. I reached down to jerk my own cock as he moaned with the divine agony of impending release.

"Oh God, Eath, you're making me cum! I'm about to fucking cum!"

He pulled out of my ass and began to pump his raging rod for all it was worth. The two of us yanked on our cocks in a manic frenzy, our breathing hard, our eyes locked.

"I'm gonna cum on you. I'm so close! Do you want me to come on you?"

"Oh God, yes!"

"Do you want me to cum?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

We moaned together as hot jizz spurt from our throbbing cocks, splattering across my neck, my chest, my abs, our streams running together to form a testament to our combined efforts. Tom collapsed onto my glistening chest and buried his face in my neck as I lowered my legs and wrapt them around his. We lay quivering together until I drifted off, warm in the glow of the best sex I have ever known.

I awoke bathed in sunlight, the chirping of birds filling my ears. I could see Tom's note sitting on my dresser, but I was in no hurry to read it. Just knowing that he didn't hate me could keep me going for the rest of the year.

Instead of picking up the note, I reached for the diary it lay next to. I wanted to record this event while my body still felt the evidence of the act. And I have.

Like I said before, my life is finally starting to get interesting.

There's no way I'm about to stop writing about it now!

Next: Chapter 2

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