Eath Does Hollywood

By eathan spencer

Published on Apr 9, 1999


Eath Does Hollywood Part 2

As always, this is a work of fiction, and in no way implies anything as to the sexuality of Tom Cruise or Ryan Phillipe.

Please send any comments or ideas my way at Thanks!

I've just returned from the first screening of my new film and I'm walking on air. I may be a little biased, but I thought it was fantastic - and the other dozen or so people at the screening seemed to agree.

I'm glad that Nora knows enough to realise it's not a great idea for an actor see himself on screen for the first time at a gala premier. I'm sure the event will be nerve-racking enough without having to deal with major league performance anxiety.

Tom Cruise couldn't attend the private screening at Nora's house, and I was actually quite glad. I've seen him once or twice since our romp in the trailer, and I know that his guilt makes him a little uncomfortable around me. The note he left made it clear: fucking me was a first and, while he had no regrets, he had no immediate plans to go back for seconds. I understood.

The arrangements for tomorrow night's premiere are finalised. I've purchased a tux, my hair's been trimmed and I found my first pair of sensible shoes. I have my share of black boots, but most of them are bordering platform territory, and I don't want to be snapped in a monkey suit with chunky feet. Even if I do like a little height.

I'm going to bed right now to re-read my diary entry on the Cruise Affair. Bygones, of course, but there's no harm in keeping the memory alive. Once or twice a day.

Now that I'm experiencing my first proper hangover, I've decided that my `no drinking to excess' policy was quite a wise one. My head is spinning, my stomach's queasy, but I'm glad to say my memory is intact. I'm thankful for that, because to have lost consciousness of such a magical evening would have been a tragedy.

It began in the limousine. I'd arranged for Nora to pick me up at seven- I had nobody I was aching to take, and Nora was in the middle of a messy divorce. It made sense that we should escort each other. I thought it would look nice - a respected director guiding her newest discovery through the unchartered waters of a film premiere.

I was in my tux with my hair styled and my shoes shined by six-thirty. I paced my living room for half an hour, refusing to sit for fear of wrinkling myself. The thought that I would have to relent when I got to the car did not dawn on me at the time. Perhaps I was expecting the limo to have a really high roof.

The doorman of my building buzzed me to signal Nora's arrival. I rushed down the single flight of stairs, halting at the entrance to regain my composure before striding confidently to the door.

I tried hard to contain my excitement over travelling in a limo for the first time, but I think the size of my grin as I slid across the seat may have given me away.

Nora smiled and handed me a glass of champagne as I surveyed my swanky surroundings. "Here, a little something to make smiling for the press a bit easier."

I took the drink and laughed. "I don't think smiling is going to be a problem." I sipped from my glass and watched the scenery fly by.

"Isn't the theatre in the other direction?" I asked Nora as we turned onto Broadway.

"Sure it is, sweetie, but we've still got one more stop to make. We're bringing a special guest with us."

I looked at her expectantly. "Well?"

"Ryan Phillipe, darling. I've signed him for my next film - I thought this might be a nice way for us to get to know each other."

Oh. I sat back and thought about this for a moment.

"You should have told me about this, Nora. I'll look like a third wheel now that you have a date and I don't."

"Oh darling, don't worry about that. Anybody who knows anything will assume I'm chaperoning the two of you."

She chuckled softly as she refilled my glass. I smiled at her as she handed it to me, but I didn't get the joke.

As it turned out, Ryan and I got along like a house on fire. He laughed when Nora repeated her line about being our chaperone and promised not to take advantage of me on our first date. "Just one good night kiss is all I ask." he winked.

Guzzling my fifth glass of champagne, I thought this was hilarious.

I was still laughing as we pulled up at the red carpet, but regained control as I stepped out of the car. I walked alongside Nora and smiled and waved amidst the blinding flash of snapping cameras. It was my first small taste of fame, and it was over all too quickly as we entered the foyer of the theatre.

I could only gape as I stood before the biggest picture of myself I had ever seen at the foot of the stairs, alongside an even bigger one of Tom Cruise. My cock stirred involuntarily as the memories flooded back, and I jumped as I felt a sharp slap on my ass.

"Not too shabby, huh?" Ryan smiled.

I shook my head and giggled. He was a really funny guy.

I managed to traverse the flight of stairs without incident, but Nora and Ryan both laughed as I fumbled slightly on the way to my seat. I'd already explained to them that four glasses of alcohol was usually my limit, and that even a small amount could leave me extremely... well, happy.

I was still chuckling as I sat down in my appointed seat, but stopped short as I realised who I was sitting next to.

"Hi Tom."

"Hey Eath," he clapped me on the shoulder. "First premiere! Are you excited?"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure am." Pause. "Hi Nicole."

Tom's wife leaned over to take my hand in both of hers.

"I've heard great things about you, Eath. You should be very proud."

I smiled weakly and hung my head in what I hoped looked like modesty, when in fact I was not able to look her in the eye. I didn't feel too proud at all, and if she ever heard some of the `great things' about me that Tom had obviously edited out, she would definitely not be smiling as warmly as she was now.

I settled back in my seat as the lights dimmed and the curtains parted. For the next hour I divided my attention between the action on screen and the reaction of the audience. It seemed to be going over well. I unconsciously sat forward on my seat as my big confession scene began. I kept my eyes on the people in the next few rows, and knew that the scene had worked when I caught at least three women wiping tears from their eyes. I leaned back in my chair, grinning ear to ear.

Tom leaned towards me and patted me on the leg. "You did great."

He smiled and then turned back to face the screen. But memories came flooding back as I noticed that his hand did not leave my thigh. I closed my eyes and told myself he was just being friendly, until his hand made its way to my rapidly expanding cock. As he began to massage it with his index and middle fingers, I realised that the boundary between reassuring pat and dangerously erotic grope had been well and truly crossed. For a man who did not intend to be coming back for seconds, he certainly seemed to be making the trip.

I sat there and allowed Tom to feel me up for way longer than was safe. My new pants were in real danger of being drenched in pre-cum, and at the pace Tom's fingers were working, a huge gush of the real thing was definitely on its way.

I suppressed a gasp as I reluctantly wrenched Tom's hand from my crotch and jumped up from my seat. Crouching forward to hide my bulging erection, I made my way into the aisle and sprinted towards the rest room. Thank God I was seated in the back row and was able to leave relatively unnoticed.

I gasped for air at the entrance to the bathroom and quickly scanned under the doors to make sure I was alone. Finding no feet, I burst into the nearest cubicle, shrugged off my jacket and removed my shirt and tie. Naked from the waist up, I undid my pants to free my aching dick. Oh God, he had the power to make me hot!

I fell onto the seat below me and fervently began to pump my cock. I had to do this if I was going to be able to get through the rest of the movie, and I wanted to make it fast.

A loud moan escaped me but was cut short as I heard the bathroom door creak open. I sat frozen, my hand around my pulsating shaft, as footsteps echoed through the room. I looked down as two shiny black shoes parked at my door. I stopped breathing.

"Eath," A whispered voice. "Is that you?"

Could I trust myself to answer? I had to.

"Yeah, Ryan, it is." Had I sounded normal? God I hoped so.

I watched as Ryan's feet moved from in front of my door, turned left, and entered the cubicle next to mine.

"I know what you're doing, Eath, and I don't want you to stop."

I almost died of embarrassment right there.

"Don't be embarrassed." Was he reading my mind? "I'm going to enjoy this as much as you are."

I thought for a moment, then shrugged, leaned back and continued pumping. Quietly. It was probably the champagne, but all of a sudden masturbating with Ryan Phillipe seemed like the most natural thing in the world. For the next few minutes I surrendered my mind to him as he softly described what he would like to do to me - and what he would like me to do to him.

My balls tightened as he talked about filling my tight hole with his hot meat and I cried out as a stream of cum spurtered from my cock, landing as high as my chin. Five seconds later, I heard Ryan follow suit.

I quickly wiped myself off, threw on my clothes and burst out of the cubicle. Ryan was at a basin, washing his hands.

He turned to me and grinned impishly. "That was fun, huh?"

I smiled and nodded.

"You know, I'm home alone tonight. Maybe you'd like to come over for a few drinks?"

I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Oh, I don't really drink."

Ryan shrugged. "Oh, well that's a shame. But not to worry, I guess I don't mind going home alone." He smiled as he turned towards the door. I reached out and spun him around.

"I, uh, I mean, I... I'll drink. I'd be happy to drink. At your place. Drinking."

Ryan pretended to think about this. "Well, I don't know, I mean if you don't drink..."

"I'll drink! I'll drink!"

Ryan flashed his million dollar grin, grabbed hold of my waist and kissed me with luscious, wet lips.

"Eath, by the time you finish drinking me tonight - you'll be a fucking alcoholic!"

The rest of the evening flew by. The movie received a standing ovation, industry people and hangers on tripped over themselves to congratulate me on my debut, and after the bathroom incident, I had more than just the limo ride home to look forward to.

At the after-party, it seemed that every few minutes Ryan found an excuse to touch me in some casual, teasing way. A brush here, a pat there - it was almost impossible to remain calm while his constant contact combined with the anticipation of what was to come.

I was glad when the first guests began to trickle out, and quickly let Ryan know it was time to follow their lead.

In the limousine, Ryan sat across from me and drew his long legs up beneath him. We chatted about the movie's success and Ryan's role in Nora's new film, and when the car parked in front of Ryan's apartment building it seemed as if we had only just left the theatre.

"So here we are," Ryan smiled as we stepped into the living room. "Would you like a tour or would you rather I fucked you straight away?"

It turned out to be a rhetorical question, because before I could calculate a response we were on the floor locking limbs and tongues. I tore off Ryan's shirt while he straddled me, and lay back as he removed mine.

I grinned as Ryan began to plant kisses all over my torso, starting at my shoulders and working down until his tongue was tickling my navel. He continued licking while he removed his pants and briefs, before grasping my hands and pulling me to my feet.

"You have a beautiful body." He stared intently into my eyes as his fingers nimbly unclasped my pants. I stepped into freedom as they and my boxers fell in a puddle around my ankles.

We stood for a moment, kissing and caressing, my hands kneading his muscled shoulders and back, desperate to trace every inch of his elegant neck. Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me to my knees. I broke away from his hungry kiss and dove straight for my target, swallowing his eight inch cock to the hilt.

Ryan moaned as his hands dug into my hair before moving down to massage my shoulders while I worked on his meat. I loved his cock. He had a huge mushroom of a head that was almost a mouthfull on its own. Sucking his dick was like devouring the sweetest lolly-pop imaginable.

Ryan's breathing accelerated as I sucked harder and faster on his throbbing rod. I knew he was close when he grabbed my head and gently pulled me to my feet. My own cock was almost at boiling point due to my fervent pumping, and our two rock hard muscles battled like swords as we passionately kissed.

His lips still delicately brushing my own, Ryan's hot breath mixed with my own as he spoke.

"Would you like me to fuck you?"

Our tongues danced as I nodded my assent before Ryan directed me onto my hands and knees. He pried apart my ass cheeks and began to plant hot kisses on the smooth flesh. He began to dart and flick his tongue as he approached my puckered hole, and I moaned in ecstasy as it suddenly entered. Ryan's tongue was as strong as some cocks I've known, and his wetness provided natural lubrication as he worked me over.

I groaned as his head pulled away from my hole, and then gasped as his other head took over.

I had been longing for that big mushroom to push through my ring, and was not disappointed with the sensation.

"Your ass is so tight." Ryan panted as he slid his tool further inside me. "Do you like this?"

I could only nod my head like a jack-in-the-box, because Ryan's increasing pace was taking my breath away. His strong hands clung to my shaking hips as I bucked and writhed in time to his thrusts.

Ryan's heavy breathing told me he was close, and was the signal for me to grab my cock and begin to pump as Ryan's thrusting reached a manic crescendo. His moan was a roar as hot cum filled the condom inside my ass, his cock in its final thrust as I chimed in with my first.

By the time I had milked the last drop from my pulsing rod, Ryan had collapsed onto my back, his deflating cock resting inside me, his hot breath bathing my neck.

"If this is the way a premiere ends, I'm making fifty films a year!" I grinned as Ryan dismounted me and pulled me onto his lap.

"Well, if you make fifty films a year and I make fifty films a year, I think we'll be just about set."

We sat for a while, smiling and caressing each other's faces before Ryan stood and guided me to his bedroom. We celebrated the release of our next three movies in advance before falling asleep, exhausted, in each other's arms.

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