
By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Sep 2, 2000


Hey everyone! I'm back, and with another shortie. A tad longer, but only a two parter. If you're generous with the feedback, I'll be quick with the next part. Lots of thanks to the people who emailed awesome feedback. The flames... Well, like I said. I don't give a shit about flames! Told you they'd be ignored, and THIS time if I get any, I'll be sweet enough to reply a nice happy little message back. I'm generous to share the icy love. Now, to the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: You all know the drill. Don't know Nsync. As I know of, they're not gay (although I swear JC's bi... anyway) so don't email me (again) to tell me they aren't and that I suck for writing them that way. Let me be as "sick a deluded" (Can't Hardly Wait quote anyone?) as I want to be here. Now, having said all that, onward!


===== Eavesdropping Copyright 2000 Ice

"Jesus Christ, Chris. You don't go up and tell your best friend of like, seven years and tell them that you're in love with them! ... .::sigh::. ... Yeah, I'm sorry buddy... Uh-huh... Yeah well, what were you thinking? Did you expect her to just throw herself into your arms and declare her love for you? That's a big bomb you dropped on her, you hafta let her think about it for a few days." Justin sighed into the phone as he walked into the living room where JC was sprawled across the couch watching TV. Justin walked to the end of the couch and looked at JC, then down at his feet then back up at his face and JC took the notion to lift his feet up so Justin could plop down, and immediately put them back down across Justin's lap. JC picked up the remote and clicked off the TV so he could listen to Justin's end of the conversation.

"Chris... Chris... Yeah... H-Hey Chris... DAMNIT Stop hyperventilating for a second and listen to me. Everyone knows you and Sara are meant for each other, just give her time to think it over. It's a big step, and there's probably no doubt in her mind that if you guys break up that she'll... Yeah, I know that's unlikely, but she's most likely thinking that if you do, the friendship's not going to be there anymore and it's gonna get weird between you two." Justin theorized for his older friend. He swatted at JCs hand, which reached for the phone. "Hang on, JC wants to talk to you." He said as he handed the phone to his best friend.

"Chris... Tell me how you did it." JC said calmly into the phone. He listened to the story Chris spouted off, starting at last nights party thrown by Lance and Joey...

Lance and Joey threw a wild party last night at their hew house, inviting nearly half the town. Chris, who had been pulling more and more into himself in the past few weeks, had spent most of the night by the bar, downing shot after shot of blackouts. Finally, Lance sent Chris' best friend Andrea over to swipe his keys and take him home. When Andrea came over and grabbed his hand telling him it was time to leave, he pulled back from her and started to mumble about how she wasn't his mother, and he didn't have to listen to her.

Avoiding his half hearted attempts to push him away, she stuck a hand in his back pocket and fished around for his keys. Chris, nearly having a heart attack at this, jumped away and cursed. But not before Andrea latched onto the keys. She grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him to the door, hollering a goodbye to Lance and Joey over the music. She walked to the car, helping a drunk stumbling Chris into the passenger seat. The drive started and he bitched and protested for about 5 minutes, then it stopped. She looked over and noticed he fell asleep.

When they got to his house, she woke him up and helped him inside. She helped him to his room, where she pushed him back on the bed and started to take his shoes and socks off for him. He just watched her overwhelmed at how no matter how bad he treated her that night, she was still helping him. She walked over to the dresser and got out a white shirt and some boxers and then back over to the bed. She sat him up and undressed, and dressed him. She pushed back the covers and laid him down, covering him up.

She sat on the bed next to him and looked at him for a second, then started to stroke his hair, asking what had been wrong with him lately. Not getting an answer, she sighed and leaned down and kissed his forehead, and started to get up, but stopped when Chris pulled her back down. Tired, and still drunk, Chris poured his heart out to Sara, unveiling the reason of his recent depression. His love he had for his best friend. The love he felt for her. The feelings he couldn't seem to repress when she was around. Then he did the worst thing to do when he was drunk: he started to make a move on her.

"Hold it, hold it," JC interrupted Chris's story. "You told her you were in love with her, and without waiting for a reaction, you started to kiss her? And you were drunk, no less? Jesus Chris... Okay, what'd she do?" JC sighed as he continued listening. During the duration of the story, Justin got up and went to the kitchen, where he grabbed 2 cans of soda from the fridge and a bag of chips from the under the sink and made his way back into the living room.

"Hang on a sec." JC said into the phone. "CURLY! Could you get me a drink? And grab the Barbecue chips?" He shouted behind him.

Right as he was done, a can of Pepsi was shoved in his face and he smiled. Justin walked around the couch and JC moved his feet again. This time Justin folded his legs and sat indian style on the couch, putting the bag of chips between them. JC smiled.

"Ahh, you read my mind." He said as he reached into the open bag.

"That's not hard since your damn ears are so big." Justin smiled back and shoved a chip in his mouth. JC just lightly pushed him before laying back down sticking his feet in Justin's lap once again.

"ANYWAY. I was telling a story here." Chris said impatiently. JC just nodded at the phone.

"Okay, continue." He said munching on some chips.

"I can't, you keep crunching in my damn ear. UGH Nevermind. I'll talk to you later. Tell Justin I said thanks and I'll talk to him later too." Chris said and hung up. JC looked at the phone for a second, before shrugging, hanging up and tossing it on the floor next to the remote.

"Dude, can you believe he did that? What the hell was he thinking?" Justin asked aloud. JC just sighed and reached into the bag again. "I mean, it's a big step if you tell someone you've been best friends with for years that you're falling for them. How does the best friend feel? What happens if they don't want to be friends anymore, and never want to see the other person again. But what happens if the best friend returns those feelings and they get together, only to break up later down the line. What happens then, is the whole friendship screwed?" Justin stated absently. He had abandoned the chips by now and was playing with the tab on his Pepsi. JC just looked over at him. It seemed like Justin was trying to figure out more than Andrea's hasty retreat from Chris's house, crying.

"Just...?" JC offered putting his hand on the blondes shoulder. Justin jumped slightly at the contact and looked over at his best friend. "You okay?" JC asked, concerned.

"Yeah, sorry. Just spaced out for a second." Justin took a long swig from his can. "Chris can be such an idiot sometimes." Justin then grabbed the remote from the floor where JC dropped it and clicked on the tv.

JC looked at his friend for a second longer, then returned to watching tv with his feet in Justin's lap, munching away on chips. ====================

Later that afternoon the guys headed for Lance and Joeys place again. They decided to meet there and spend the night together somehow. Justin came barreling through the front door and immediately headed for the bathroom. JC came in after him laughing.

"I told you to stop drinking those damn Pepsi's." JC laughed while heading for the living room. Lance was in there with the tv on, not paying attention to it as he lounged in jean shorts and a white beater, leafing through a magazine. JC plopped down next to him.

"Yo, what's up for tonight?" Joey said walking in from the kitchen, carrying a plate topped with a huge sandwich, a bag of chips and two cans of Dr. Pepper. He sat in the recliner and started to eat waiting for the other guys to respond. JC just watched, amazed at how Joey could fit a sandwich that big into his mouth, while Lance looked at Joey, chuckling slightly. Joey stopped eating for a second, noticing the eyes on him.

"What?" He asked stupidly. Lance just continued to laugh as Justin bounded back into the room.

"Hey, where's Chris at?" He asked jumping on the couch between JC and Lance.

Lance opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by Justin.

"Oh wait, he's probably pining over his stupidity last night. Idiot." He shook his head, then brought it back up. "So what do you guys wanna do? I wanna head out to Zuma Beach." He said hopping lightly on the couch. JC just laughed at his friend.

"I'm up for that, it's been a while since I saw Lexi." JC said with a slight smile. Justin frowned lightly. Lexi was the bar tender JC used to hook up with whenever he was feeling lonely.

"Eww, she's a skank. Hey, we could go to the House of Blues, see what's going on there." Justin suggested. JC looked over at his friend.

"Yeah, that's cool." Lance said, noticing Justin's reaction when JC mentioned Lexi. He shrugged it off. "But for now I just wanna chill, I'm still tired from last night. Besides, I wanna change. I look like shit." He said as he looked down at his outfit.

"That, my friend, you do." Justin said as he threw an arm around Lance's shoulders and leaned back into the couch. JC scowled slightly, something that didn't go unnoticed by Lance. He stood up and stretched.

"Actually, I'm gonna go do that now. Do whatever you guys feel like, I don't give a shit." He said making his way towards the stairs.

"We love you too!" Justin called after him. Joey set the plate down and opened the bag of chips, standing.

"I'm gonna head over to see Kelly." He said smiling lightly. "I'll only be about an hour or so, let Lance know, k?" Then without waiting for an answer, he grabbed the second can of Dr. Pepper and headed out the front door.

"So dude, do you mind if I invite Lexi tonight?" JC suggested nonchalantly to Justin. Justin sighed.

"Sure, go ahead. Whatever floats your boat." He grumbled while flipping through the magazine Lance left on the table. JC shrugged off Justin's reply.

"Yeah, I think I will. It's been a while since I hung out with her. Ya know?" JC said trying to keep talking to Justin.

"Uh, yeah sure." Justin muttered out. He threw the magazine back onto the table and stood up. "You mind chillin here for a bit? I got something I gotta do real quick." Justin didn't really wait for an answer and made a hasty retreat for the door, slamming it behind him. JC just looked into his hands as he heard Justin's Benz screeching off down the street. He knew he had something to do with that, but couldn't figure out what.

"What was that all about?" A voice startled JC out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Lance standing on the stairs, now in a light green button up shirt over a black beater, still in the jean shorts.

"I dunno." JC shrugged. "He said he had something to do. Anyway, I gotta call Lexi, I'll ask her if she's working and if she wants to come out tonight. Do you mind?" He asked Lance. A thought tugged at Lance's mind.

"No, go ahead. Use the cordless, it's right there." Lance pointed it to JC, then walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. 'Why did JC get that look on his face when Justin touched me? And why doesn't Justin like Lexi? There's no way that either of them are... interested in one another. No, they're not...' Lance shook his head. 'No, not even bi. They can't be. Can they...?' The thought remained on the back burner as he made his way through the hall back into the living room. He stopped when he heard JC talking to Lexi. He knew he shouldn't eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it. He leaned forward a little bit.

"Yeah sexy, I'll come get you whenever Justin comes back... No, the guys won't mind. I can get Justin to take me back to the house and I can get my car from there so we can leave early if you'd want... Ooh, you bad girl... Okay, sounds good. Yeah, I'll see you in a bit." JC said and clicked the phone off. Lance took that as his cue to come back into the room.

"That Lexi?" He asked as he watched JC stick the phone back on the cradle.

"Yeah, she's gonna come." JC announced. "I just gotta wait for Justin to get back so I can go home and get my car to pick her up." He said lounging back into the couch.

"Why'd you wanna invite her anyway?" Lance inquired. "You know Justin doesn't like her."

"Yeah well, Justin doesn't have talk to her if he doesn't want to. Besides, why should he care who I bring out with me? It's not like he'll spend much time talkin to me, he left all huffy earlier." JC said with an unreadable face. "Anyway, can you make sure Justin stays out later with you guys? Because I wanna bring Lexi back to the house and I don't want Justin to come in and uh... witness anything embarrassing." JC asked looking over at Lance.

"Sure buddy," Lance said, knowing it would only be an embarrassing situation for the younger boy if he caught Lexi and JC in an awkward position. 'Especially if...' He shook his head lightly. "I'll see what I can do." He smiled at JC.

"Thanks bud. I'd feel weird if Justin saw us doing anything." JC said looking down at his hands again. Lance just sighed and turned to watch TV. ====================

Justin was just driving. He didn't want to go back to the house and listen to JC talk about that little skanky...

He sighed as he turned back onto Lane & Joeys street. He'd been out for 25 minutes, so he figured he should get back. He had his windows down, but the breeze wouldn't cool him down. He stopped at a stop sign and shed himself of his t shirt, leaving himself in a beater. He used it to wipe the sweat from his forehead before continuing back to Lance and Joeys house. He pulled in the driveway and got out, carrying his shirt. He walked into the house, feeling relieved at the air conditioning. He plopped down next to JC and rested his head against JC's arm which was resting on the back of the couch.

"Why is it so damn hot?" He groaned out. JC just laughed and ruffled Justin's hair.

"Maybe cause we're in Florida in the middle of August?" JC cracked. Justin opened his eyes and turned his head and glared at JC for a second. Then seeing JC's smile he smiled back and leaned his head back down on his best friend's arm. Lance just watched the scene with a little smile on his face. Maybe... He thought.

"Just?" JC asked looking at him. Justin raised an eyebrow without opening his eyes. "Hate to haft ask you this, but can you give me a ride back home?"

"What for?" Justin sat up. "Getting changed?"

"Well, I gotta go pick up Lexi, and I was just gonna pick up my car from the house then get her." JC explained. This time he noticed the scowl on Justin's face when he mentioned her name again.

"Yeah, sure." Justin said and got up abruptly. He grabbed his shirt. "I'll call you later dude, k?" he addressed Lance. Lance just nodded as Justin headed out the door, jiggling his keys.

JC sighed and followed. He said a quick bye to Lance and hurried out the door. He could tell Justin wasn't happy about something, he was jiggling his car keys. He only did that when he was annoyed. He just got into the passenger seat and relaxed in the seat as Justin drove off.

JC looked over at Justin. He was concentrating on something, he knew that much. Justin's eyebrows were furrowed and he was biting his bottom lip, giving him a sexy look...

'Where did that come from?' JC asked himself. He tore his eyes off of Justin's profile and looked out the open window. Yet a few minutes later, his eyes strayed back to Justin's slightly sweaty body.

Justin was leaning back into the drivers seat, his left elbow resting on the open window, his right steering. JC couldn't help but notice the arm muscles flex as Justin turned the wheel...

'Stop it damnit!' JC ripped his eyes off of Justin's body again, and looked back out his window... again. 'What the hell is my problem...' JC thought in a slight daze. The heat was getting to him. He forced himself not to look back over at Justin again. The car ride back to the house was silent. Justin was too deep in thought to talk, and JC was a little dazed, thinking of why he was thinking about what he was thinking earlier, which he knew he shouldn't be thinking, but never thought to think of before (gets ya a lil confuzzled, huh?).

The Benz pulled up to the house and Justin sat there, waiting for JC to get out. When JC didn't, he looked over and gave him a puzzled look. He realized JC lost in thought, so he reached over and lightly shook his shoulder.

"Yo Josh, man, snap out of it. We're here." Justin said shaking JC lightly. JC jumped at the contact. Justin yanked his arm back quickly and faced forward again.

"Sorry man," he apologized, getting out of the car. "I'll see ya tonight." He said before walking to his jeep. Justin watched him get in and pull away. Sighing, he crossed his arms over the steering wheel and leaned his head onto them for a good 5 minutes before he made his way back to Lance and Joe's. ====================

Lance turned his head as he heard the front door open.

"Hey Joe." He said switching off the TV. "I gotta talk to ya. Hold up, where'd you go?" Lance asked, the question popping into his mind.

Joey shook his head a little. "Went to Kelly's, I told one of the guys to tell you where I went." He laughed.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about them." Lance informed. "Did you notice anything weird about Justin and JC lately?"

"Weird as in JC's acting dumber than he normally is, and Justin seems to be on his rag more than usual these past few months...?" Joey asked smiling a little. Then he smirked. "Or do you mean weird as in they want each other and are to stubborn to admit it?" Lance's mouth dropped open.

"What do you... You mean you knew?" Lance asked a little confused.

"They can't be anymore obvious. Watching the two of them is like watching Chris and Andrea. And look, one of those two cracked. You know one of the others is gonna soon. My guess is Justin. He can't seem to stop the annoyed looks he gives JC when he mentions another girl, or touches a guy's arm or something. Well, whatever happens, I think it's gonna happen soon." Joey stated. He had laid himself across the couch and put an arm over his eyes."It's gotta happen soon. I can't take much more of their shit." Lance just sighed.

"I have a feeling this is gonna be a long night." ====================

"Hey, come on in for a sec real quick." Lexi said turning around and hurried back inside her house and up the stairs. JC came through the doorway.

"Okay, but hurry up, the car's still running." He called to her. Lexi came running back down with a light sweater in her hands. JC raised an eyebrow. "Do you know how hot it is outside?"

"Yeah, but it might get cold later tonight." She said matter-of-factly. She then took his hand and dragged him out to his car. They got in and she shook her long curly light brown hair loose from the ponytail it was in and she donned her sunglasses she had in her hand. "Let's go." She said. JC couldn't help but give a little chuckle.

They drove with the radio on quietly, talking comfortably. That's what he liked about her, no matter what they did, he was comfortable around her. She was a very easy going person and fell into conversation with ease. They pulled up to Lance & Joey's house and got out and made their way to the door. JC just pushed in and brought Lexi behind him.

They went into the living room to see Joey laying down on the couch, Lance sitting in the oversized armchair, and Justin sitting down at one end of the loveseat staring at the cup of soda in his hand. JC let go of Lexi's hand and plopped down next to his best friend. Justin remained unfazed.

"Ya know," JC started. "If you stare at it long enough it just might talk back to you." He said smirking.

Startled, Justin looked up and realized JC was sitting next to him. He started to smile at JC and his corny joke, but he saw Lexi sitting on the arm of Lance's chair talking to him and his smile faltered. JC noticed Justin's slight discomfort towards Lexi.

"Can you just put up with her for tonight?" JC asked his friend, putting a comforting arm around Justin's shoulders. Justin shrugged.

"Yeah, I don't care." He told JC. "Are we going?" He stood up, addressing the others. JC just sighed and stood up after him, following everyone out the door. Lexi took his hand.

"You okay?" She asked a little concerned. She noticed JC hadn't been exceptionally happy tonight.

"Yeah," He replied smiling at her lightly. "Just Justin's being weird." He said getting into the car.

"Oh, well maybe you should talk to him. I'd offer but for some reason I don't think he likes me much." She sighed and put on her seatbelt. "So tell me about it." She said as they started on their way.

JC quietly told her of Justin's behavior the past few weeks, as his car neared the House of Blues. She just listened quietly and offered her advice. The car pulled up and they got out joining the others and quickly made their way in. ====================

JC's car pulled up to the house he shared with Justin. He got out and stumbled a bit to where Lexi was hanging onto the door. They both had a few drinks and were a little tipsy.

"C'mon inside," JC said tugging on her hand impatiently. "I'll show you what I did to my room." He said wiggling his eyebrows. He pulled her away from the car and smacked his hip against the door to close it. Lexi just giggled and allowed herself to be pulled into the house. Neither of them took note to the Benz sitting in the driveway.

JC led the way to his room and turned on the lights. His bed now had black satin sheets and an oversized black comforter. Lexi plopped drunkenly onto the bed and ran her fingers over the satin and grinned up at him, tossing her purse across the room.

"Come on over here Josh," She said crooking her finger at him. "The bed's just not the same without you in it darlin." She told him.

JC came to the bed and Lexi pulled him down and fell back. She grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. He shoved his tongue in her mouth after it was off, and she started to frantically undo his belt. When he reached for her sweater though, she pulled away.

"Umm, I'm sorry Josh, but I can't let you..." She tried to clear her mind enough to tell him without grossing him out.

"What? You don't wanna?" He pouted. He wanted to get off, it had been a while for him.

"No, it's just that I'm well... Um, I'm ovulating." She said and started laughing at JC's confused face.

"Whas that s'possed to mean?" He asked like a little kid.

She was a little tipsy and leaned over and planted a sloppy kiss on his face. "I've got my period, you dork. We can't fuck." She said in his face.

JC just pouted some more. He was too drunk to be grossed out.

"Well I wanna get off!" He whined loudly. Lexi rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You can still get off loser," She said taking his pants off of him. "You act like I've never given you head before!" She said. With that, she grasped hold of his boxer briefs and pulled them down, flinging them over her head and off the bed.

JC groaned loudly as she took all of him in her mouth at first, closing his eyes. Lexi wasn't the best at giving a blowjob, but something she had on her side was she could deep throat just about any guy.

JC grabbed her hair and pulled slightly as she swirled her tongue around his head. He let out a long moan.

"Oh yeeeeeahhh..." He let out as she latched onto his balls and rolled them in her hands.

She bobbed her head up and down repeatedly, with him grabbing at her curly hair. He opened his eyes for a minute, and through his drunken haze, all he saw were the curls at his dick. He was close. Oh, was he close.

"Oh.... God yeah... Uh, I'm right..." He groaned out loudly as he neared his release. His body shuttered as he came in her mouth, loudly calling a name.

Lexi pulled away and looked up at him slowly. ====================

"Oh yeeeeeahhh..." Justin heard through the wall. He turned back over again. It wasn't even midnight, and JC didn't have the fuckin audacity to go back to HER place. Hello, his car was right there in the fucking driveway. He even left the door open, when it was always locked. He heard muffled bits of their conversation, so he knew what was going on.

Sitting up in bed, Justin sighed loudly as he heard JC groan through the wall. He didn't know why it was bothering him so much. Him and Lexi came back to the house PLENTY of times before. He looked down at his crotch and ruefully smiled.

Okay, so he knew why it was bothering him. But what the fuck was supposed to do about it? He heard another moan. He didn't like eavesdropping, but it was so tempting to listen to JC moan. He sighed and laid back down, and decided to take matters "into his own hands" so to speak.

He closed his eyes and pictured the face he knew his best friend was wearing right now. He stroked himself to the brink of an orgasm, biting his lip the whole time to prevent himself from crying out or groaning. He was right there...

Justin arched his back as he came. As he did, he heard JC groan loudly. And then. 'Ohmygod...' A thousand thoughts raced through Justin's mind. Nothing could have prepared him for what he heard next.

"Justin!" ====================

Lexi just stared at him, her hand frozen on JC's now softening cock. Her eyes were wide as saucers, and her mouth was hanging slightly open. JC couldn't figure out why she was looking at him like that. His mind was slowly coming out of it's haze, and he remembered what just happened. 'Ohmygod...' He thought to himself. He sobered up QUICKLY.

"Lexi, please..." JC stuttered, reaching out to her. It was then her brain remembered that she could move.

She jerked herself back quickly as his hand grazed her arm.

"Oh my God..." She said loudly. "OH MY GOD! JC! How the hell... OH MY GOD, JUSTIN?! JUSTIN JOSH, YOU SAID JUSTIN!" She shrieked as she grabbed her purse. JC grabbed his pants which were at the foot of the bed and struggled to put them on.

"Lexi, wait! I can explain!" He shouted after her, as she ran out the door. He pulled his pants up as he ran down the hall. He froze when he noticed Justin's door was open. The lights were off but he could see the outline of Justin's body standing at the door. Watching him. Their eyes met.

JC moved first. He forced his eyes away from Justin's and ran down the stairs after Lexi. He caught her arm as she fumbled with the door.

"Lexi... Please." He begged. She turned and faced him, her dark brown eyes almost black with anger.

"Josh, let go of me right now." She said quietly. He dropped her arm. There was venom laced in her voice. "I need to blow off steam. We will talk tomorrow, ok?"

Without waiting for an answer she turned around and walked out the door, slamming it behind her. JC sighed and turned to look at the stairs. He didn't want to go back up there. 'Did he hear...?' He thought to himself. 'Oh God, he probably did. What the fuck am I gonna say to him?'

JC ambled into the kitchen, and grabbed a cold Pepsi from the fridge. Taking a big gulp, he thought a little more logically. Even though his room was right next to Justin's, he was probably asleep and Lexi's screaming woke him up. He left the House of Blues early because he was "tired" and needed some rest. Justin was a heavy sleeper and probably didn't hear it.

Finishing his drink, JC tossed the can and played with the button on his jeans real quick. He was shirtless still, so he couldn't play with the hem of his shirt like he normally did when something was bothering him. Even though he led himself to believe Justin hadn't heard him, he still didn't want to go upstairs and face him. He sat down at the table and put his head into his hands, shaking. ====================

Justin stood at the door of his room and watched Lexi run by, purse in hand and angry look upon her face. JC followed a minute later, buttoning his jeans. He froze the instant JC did. they both stood there, daring the other to move. Justin just searched his eyes for... 'For what?' He thought to himself. 'Anything...'

JC turned around and continued after Lexi. Justin watched his back as he ran down the stairs. He turned around and walked back into his room, shutting the door quietly. He slowly sat down on his bed.

'JC just said my name while...' Justin thought to himself. 'JC. Said MY NAME.' Justin heard him say it again in his mind. It sounded so right and so wrong at the same time.

"Is he bi...?" Justin said aloud. "JC has always liked girls, but he said MY NAME!" Justin didn't know what to do. The thought of himself with JC aroused him, for sure. But just that. It was JC. His best friend. His very MALE best friend. "I'm not gay though!" Justin argued to himself.

He threw himself back onto the bed. He wasn't gay. Other guys didn't make him feel the way JC did. Yet no girls did either. He hooked up with a few girls before, fucked a few, but never felt anything. He got off, yeah. But he didn't get that special... closeness that he felt when he was with JC. He didn't get the tingles running through his body when they touched him, like he got whenever JC laid a finger on him. He didn't get aroused when he saw any other girls clad in barely anything, or any other guys for that matter. Yet when he saw JC shirtless, or even in a beater his pulse accelerated.

"So what does that all mean?" He asked aloud. He just sighed and pushed himself out of bed, out of his room, padding down the stairs. Sleep would not come easy tonight, that's for sure. ====================

JC didn't look up as he heard Justin enter the room. Justin walked over to the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice and took a long swig from the carton. JC looked up in time to see that.

"Don't drink from the carton Just!" He scolded. Justin just raised an eyebrow and did it again, watching JC for a reaction.

JC got up from his place at the table and walked over to the fridge. He grabbed the carton and put it away before Justin could protest. Justin just leaned against the fridge door smirking at JC. He hated JC for making him feel the way he did. He hated JC for walking around shirtless. He hated JC for the throbbing erection he now had due to this shirtless ass. He hated JC for calling out his name. He hated JC for... For making him love him.

He wanted to see him squirm.

"So, why did Lexi leave?" He asked, smirking as JC froze.

"Don't worry about it." JC said, his voice shaking a little. Justin would not let him get off that easily.

"Nah, I'm curious. I heard a lot of screaming going on. What was that all about? Oh, and I heard my name." Justin smirked as JC whipped back around. "Lexi kinda yelled it pretty loud, ya know. Were you guys fighting about me or something?" Justin asked trying unsuccessfully to hold back his shit eating grin.

JC just looked down at the floor, not trusting himself to look at Justin. He wanted to wipe that smirk off of Justin's face. He couldn't stand him right now. He couldn't stand him and his sexy body, with his tight beater and his boxers, his glasses making him look so irrestible...

"Justin," JC started softly. "What did you hear?" He kept his eyes at the floor. He knew if he looked up he'd break. His body was shaking already.

"Does it matter?" Justin said back quietly, feeling bad for making JC squirm. He could tell JC was really shaken up. "C'mere." He said, pulling JC into a hug, sorry he tried to piss JC off.

JC was hesitant at first, then let his arms wrap around Justin's thin frame. 'So he didn't hear... He sure as hell wouldn't be hugging me if he did!' JC thought.

"I'm sorry, I was just teasing you about that." Justin whispered in JC's ear. JC's head nearly exploded when he felt Justin's hot breath on his ear. "You don't hafta tell me if you don't want to." Justin finished. JC pulled away and smiled nervously at him.

"Thanks Just," He said quietly. "But I need to get to bed. That just kinda... Wore me out." He said looking away, nervously while running a hand through his hair. He looked back at Justin to see him bit his lip sexily. He felt his groin twitch.

"Okay then," Justin said back. "We'll talk about this tomorrow then, alright?" Justin said. He decided to test JC real quickly. He put his hand on JC's shoulder and felt JC stiffen, then relax into the touch. JC smiled at him. He pulled JC into a hug again, letting his hands rub up and down his back. He heard a small sigh come from JC's mouth. Almost a moan. He grinned inwardly and couldn't help but smack JC lightly on the ass. And what an ass it was.

"Get to bed, ok?" He said pulling away and saw the startled look on JC's face. Justin just turned around to hide the beam that was plastered on his face and walked to and up the stairs. He knew for sure now. JC wanted him. And tomorrow, he would let JC know he felt the same way.

"Tomorrow..." Justin said as he shut the door to his room. He got into bed and laid there for a minute, willing his erection away. But he couldn't get the image of JC's smooth chest out of his mind. Or the sound of JC calling his name. He reached into his boxers and began to jerk off.

He let out quiet sighs. He moaned a bit, imagining JC under him, calling out his name. He soon got lost in his own world as he thought about his best friend. He stroked faster, desperately imagining the way he could feel if he was with him right now. He moaned out quietly, again.

"Josh..." ====================

JC walked to his room, slightly dazed. Why did Justin do that? Maybe he did hear, but was just too nice to tell and embarrass him. Oh God, if he heard then...

'No, he couldn't have.' JC thought, removing his jeans and throwing himself on the bed naked. In his haste to catch Lexi, he forgot to put his briefs back on.

'Oh well, I like sleeping nude anyway.' He thought. The aching in his groin wouldn't go away. Justin looked so sexy standing around in his boxers. He wanted to throw Justin on the kitchen counter when he hugged him, running his hands up and down his back like that. He couldn't help but recall the way Justin's hand felt as it touched his ass. Or the way Justin bit down on his lip.

Looking up to make sure his door was closed, JC let his hand wonder to his hardon. He began to stroke himself slowly. He closed his eyes and his mind vividly recalled Justin's face as he bit on that damn sexy lip of his. He stroked faster.

He stropped the minute he heard sound. It was Justin. Sighing, and moaning a little. JC couldn't help himself. He got out of bed, and walked to the wall. He didn't like to eavesdrop, but he could NOT stop himself from pressing his ear against the wall for a minute or two... or, six.

Leaning his back against the wall, JC began to jerk off again, thinking of Justin doing the same thing, listening to Justin's moans.

"Josh..." Justin's voice carried through the wall, and JC froze. Did he just hear right? 'Did Justin just say my name...?' He pressed his ear back to the wall and held his breath, listening to Justin moan.

"Josh... Uh..." No doubt. It was louder and clear. JC sprang away from the wall and looked at it. Without thinking, he grabbed his boxer briefs from the floor, pulled them on, and hurried out his door.

He walked down the hall a determined look on his face. Just as he reached for the knob, he stopped his hand the second before it touched it.. JC looked down at the knob in confusion. The wheels in his head were racing.

He knew if he opened that door, everything would be different. Nothing would be the same. His life would change. Did he even want it to?

Shaking his head, JC turned the knob and pushed open the door.


Ooh, you all love me, doncha? Hey, if I get lotsa nice feedback, I'll send the next part out, and soon. If not then tough titty! Leave it to yourself to figure out the ending... Hey, I'm not called Ice for nothing... ::evil grin::

You know the email. So use it.


Next: Chapter 2

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