Eddie the Butcher

By gentlebearftl

Published on Nov 14, 2002



All the usual warnings apply here about age restrictions so you are warned the copyright belongs to the author and this may not be copied for profit or copy without the express permition of the author. this story is fiction although some of the theme is taken from real life however all names and such are total fiction, should you like to make comment please email to GentlebearFtl@gay.com

Eddie the Butcher

Back in 1987 when I was 19, I worked in the deli department of a huge supermaket. There were many employees and we were all like a big family. The deli department shared a breakroom with the meat cuttting department, and that's where I first encountered Eddie. I remember immediately not liking him. He was loud, obnoxious, ugly, fat, and looked like clone of one of those gumbas you see in mafia movies. In his late 40's early 50's, short, balding, with a big nose and large frame, Eddie had an intimidating demeanor.

Everytime I was relaxing in the breakroom and Eddie came in, I would find a reason to leave. He was loud and seemed to come in only when there were cute young "broads" (as he called them) taking their lunch breaks. One particularly busy day he came in and started his usual routine. I, being extremely tired and stressed out figured I'd just have to endure his tasteless banter or tune him out. He was sitting across from me, talking to a newly hired, very beautiful woman named Theresa. I didn't notice it immediately, but he had pulled up a flap of his white butchers smock so that his crotch was clearly visible. I couldn't believe what I saw! He had what looked like a HUGE kielbasa laying across his thigh, and for a minute I had to stare to make sure it wasn't fake, or maybe a tube-like crease in the navy blue polyester slacks all the butchers had to wear. When he shifted his legs a couple times and I could actually see the flange of his cockhead, I knew it was for real. I got hard immediately. I heard him clear his throat, and I looked up sheepishly as our eyes met. His muttered something under his breath, pulled the flap of his smock back down to conceal his bulge and gave me a disgusted look. He said goodbye to Theresa, who was getting something out of her locker, and swaggered out, staring me down the whole time.

As time went on, and my hormones got the better of me, I began to soften my harsh opinion of Eddie. I started some small talk with him, found out he was married, an Italian from Brooklyn and he loved sports. What I first thought of as intimidating, turned into a warm machismo. We talked about foods that our family cooked on holidays (I'm Italian too) and after a while he seemed to warm up a bit. Of course, my favorite part of our interaction was seeing that huge bulge he so proudly displayed. Sometimes it draped across his fat leg, or down his thigh, but I always had to go to the restroom after our chats to shoot a quick load before going back to work. That big slab of meat in those navy blue pants was emblazened in my mind and I jerked of nightly (and damn near every morning) to fantasies of Eddie temping me with his crotch.

Fast foward to Thanksgiving. Our store did very little business save for the those few last minute shoppers, so most departments had only a few employees that were needed. The usually busy supermarket was like a ghost town, and I did more cleaning than slicing coldcuts and cheeses. I clocked out for my lunch break as usual and noticed Eddie in the corner, sitting upright, but obviously sleeping. An intermittant snore confirmed my suspicion. I very quietly got my lunch from the fridge and sat down at a table directly across from him. I was delighted to be able to look at him without fear of him seeing me gawk at his unconcealable basket. Before long though he started to stir, scratching his big belly, yawning and in mid-stretch he noticed me sitting there.

"Hey", he said, "getting any busier out there?"

"Naw", I replied "It's completely dead"

"I can't wait to get out of here!", he exlaimed, "My old lady is cooking up quite a spread"

"Sounds great. My folks went out of town to see my grandmother, she's sick and they dont expect her to live into the new year", I said, not meaning to deflate his enthusiasm with my bad news.

"Tell ya what, why don't you come to my place for dinner tonight?", he offered, ignoring the bad news about my grandmother. "We certainly have enough, the way my wife cooks, we'll have leftovers for a week after Thanksgiving!"

"I really appreciate the offer Eddie, but I dont want to impose....after all, you'll prolly have company and I dont want to be odd man out"

"It's no problem, buddy....really. It's just gonna be me and the wife", he said with a wink

"You sure?"

He got up, walked over to me and tousled my hair like my grandfather used to do. "It's no problem at all. The store closes at 6 tonight for the holiday, why don't you just follow me home. I only live about 2 miles from here"

"Sounds great" I smiled

Eddie's wife Pat was delighted that I came. She was very warm, friendly and affectionate. Everytime I finished a plate of her delicious cooking, she insisted I have more. She was said she learned everything she knew from her mother. Her mother obviously taught her well.

"Go easy on the kid, Patty" Eddie joked, "He's gonna explode, for chrissakes!"

Eddie ate more food than I though humanly possible, about halfway through the meal, he reached under the table and undid the button on his pants "making more room" he said with a wink. We had antipasto, then pasta with meatballs and sausage, then a glazed ham, and finally pastries with coffee. When she brought a a bowl of fruit and a tin of assorted nuts I thought I would burst. I couldnt eat another bite. Pat quickly cleaned up as Eddie and talked shop.

"I'm going to my sisters to play some cards. Help yourself to any leftovers if you get hungry" Pat said as she carried a care package of food out to her car and drove off, leaving me and Eddie in front of the television watching a football game.

"Do you mind if I get comfortable?", Eddie asked as he took of his pants and shirt, not waiting for an answer. He said it give the appearance of politeness.

"Not at all, make yourself at home" I said courteously. He smiled and gave me one of his famous winks.

He was now in a pair of thread-bare boxer shorts and a white t-shirt. I could see the outline of his cock against the thin fabric and could see big, eraser-sized nipples poking through his shirt. He went to the kitchen, got us a couple of beers and sat down in a recliner. I was not old enough to drink, but I took the beer anyway and guzzled it down in no time. I looked at Eddie watching the game, his big cockhead peeking out of the leg of his boxers and I got an immediate hardon. When Eddie suggested I get them another round of beers, I had to shift my dick so he didn't see it jutting out while I walked past him. I got the distinct feeling he was looking at my crotch when I walked by. When I returned, he told me to take off my pants and get comfortable. I was felt so bloated and my pants felt so tight after that amazing feast, that I did it without a second thought. I think the beer might have lowered my inhibitions as well.

"Wont Pat be offended?", I asked nervously

"Naw, she always calls me before she leaves her sisters anyway. No need to be worried, buddy"

I draped my pants over the edge of the sofa and sat down. Luckily I had wore clean underwear!! Gratefully my erection had deflated in the meantime and I returned my attention to Eddie's crotch and belly as he cheered and roared enthusiastically at the game. I noticed that his cock appeared larger. I could see the piss slit and I drooled hungrily. The beer was hitting me pretty hard and I must have lost all discretion. The television suddenly turned off.

"You still hungry?", he asked, with gleam in his eye, his voice deeper than usual

I continued to stare at his cock, which had slowly snaked further out of his boxers. "Yeah" I said quietly.

I got on my hands and knees and and crawled over to the recliner. Eddie leaned back, and rubbed his big belly, occasionally pinching his nipples. As I neared my target, I could smell the raw masculinity of him. His huge dick growing bigger by the second, it started to raise up off the seat of the recliner and I could see his heartbeat throbbing in it, growing bigger with each surge of blood.

"I knew you wanted this since that first day in the breakroom", he sneared, his voice and countenance changing drastically, "Everytime I get a new job there is always some faggot that follows me around like a cock-crazed puppy. You think you were being slick, but I knew you were checking out my package today. I heard you come in and wanted to tease you"

I was hypnotized by his cock which was over 9 thick inches by now and still growing. There was no way I would ever be able to get more than the big bulbous head into my mouth, that's how big it was....and the smells. The musky-sweet saltiness of his crotch was intoxicating. I leaned in and took a deep whiff and reveled in the odor. He reached down with his big paws, rubbed his lemon-sized balls and shoved his thick fingers under my nose.

"You like the smell of dirty, nasty old man cock, huh?" He asked, but it wasnt really a question.

I couldn't hold out any longer, dazed, I opened my mouth and swirled my tongue around the huge smelly head. It continued to fill out. He grabbed the base of it, as if feeding it to me. He squeezed, and the skin on the fully engorged head grew tight and shiny. His cock had to be over a foot long and thick as my wrist. High on hormones and crotch-funk, I started licking and sucking on that mule dick for all I was worth. I lost control. I was whimpering and moaning, and he laughed at me between his own lustful groans.

"I bet I could make you do anything for this.", he snarled as he slapped that heavy dong on my forehead. "Bet I could even make you pay money for sucking me off"

His laugh demeaned and aroused me at the same time.

"Get up!" he barked.

I stood up, disoriented, still buzzed from the beers, and he swiped off my briefs and laughed as my 4" erection pointed straight at him, leaking.

"That's no dick, that's an overgrown clit" he snickered, angering me, and my face grew red with embarassment and infuriation. It just made him laugh harder.

"Turn around", he ordered, and I complied in spite of myself.

He stood up, and I watched over my shoulder, his big dick bobbing with every slight movement he made. I knew what was coming, and as much as I was afraid, I wanted it more than anything I ever wanted before in my life. He reached over to the endtable where there was a bottle of hand lotion, it was probably his wifes, and he pumped out a copious amount and worked it all over his enormous, hot penis. He then pumped out a bunch more and started hurredly, roughly working the cold lotion into my ass. I tried to relax, but he was insensitive to the pain he was producing. I winced and yelped.

"Shut up, faggot" he said...and I did.

I could feel the tip of his cock between my ass cheeks. He wiggled it playfully, teasingly, sliding it up and down my crack.

"You ever been deep dicked before, boy? Well get ready!"

He pushed against my hole, but it was too tight. His earlier attempts to open me up were minimal, but he didnt seem to care. He grabbed me around the chest in a sort of choke hold and pushed for all he was worth.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh", I cried as his mule dick split me open and invaded my tender virgin rectum.( I knew I was gay at that time, but had done little more than play around with a few friends my age.) My eyes filled with tears and I tried to pull away, but this man was a lot bigger and stronger than me and he held me fast.

"Where you think you're going Buddy? Ah yeah, that feels so fucking good. You'll be backin' into it in no time"

I was in serious pain. There was no way I could imagine liking this. Why did so many gay men enjoy anal sex? It felt like a toothache in my butt, only worse. His cock began to twitch and as it did, it slid millimeter, by millimeter into my ass. It felt so hot, so much hotter than the rest of his body. As it slid in slowly, I started to feel the first twinges of pleasure, and I gasped with relief and lust.

"Told you you'd like it, faggot" he muttered, and read the sounds I was making as license to push in deeper.

As he did, he hit a spot deep inside me that I never knew was there. My cock started to get hard again and I moaned. He pushed in deeper, rocking me back and forth on each inch of progress.

"OO OO OO OO" My moans synchronized with his rocking.

"You sound like a bitch in heat", he snickered and reached around to my rockhard cock. Cum was oozing out in a steady stream, like I was have one long orgasm. "That clit of yours is leaking pussy juice like crazy, you damn bitch" and he rammed his cock all the way inside me.

"Oh yeah" I groaned in pleasure and in pain. "Oh yeah, fuck me!!" He pulled that cock almost all the way out and then slammed it back in again. Over and over he did this, slowly and deliberately, driving me crazy. Cum dribbled out of my little dick and onto the tile floor. It was like I was taking the biggest shit of my life. When he would start to pull it back, I would feel empty and back into it.

"See?" he chuckled, "you like that big dick deep inside there. You cant get enough of it"

I wriggled my ass onto his cock and relished the feeling. I felt my dick spasm and my spincter clamped around his thick cock. Ribbons of cum shot out of my little dick. I started to lose my balance, but Eddie held me up. He started fucking me harder, like an animal. It started to hurt again, but I quickly became accustomed to the assaulted and the feeling melted into ecstacy. With a minute, my dick was rock hard again.

"Take my fucking load you bitch, you fucking bastard!", I could feel and smell the sweat pouring off of him and he fucked my ass furiously, all the while shouting obscenities. I came again before he finally shot his seed deep inside me, like white hot lava.

When he regained his composure, he ordered me to lick up all the jizz I shot on the floor. I went to the bathroom because I felt like I had to take a dump, and he opened the door without knocking. His heavy bloated dick was swaying like a pendulum. He turned on the water in the sink, and told me wash his dick for him. I was glad to oblige. We both got hard again as I lathered up his trouser snake, but before I could bring him off again, the phone rang. "Shit!, that's Pat", he ran for the phone patting his crotch dry with a wash cloth.

He came back to the bathroom as I was finishing up. He held my pants out to me. I put them on quickly. It seemed such an abrupt end to such an intense experience.

"Thanks for having me over for Thanksgiving", I said as Eddie walked me to the door.

"Dont mention it....and don't forget about the money you owe me"

"What money?" I asked, with a stupified look on my face"

"The money for the fucking I gave you tonight", he said, matter-of-factly.

I couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. He was ugly, fat, over 30 years older than me, and he was expecting ME to pay HIM! I felt humiliated and used, but for some reason it turned me on, and my little dick started jutting out the from of my khakis.

"100 Dollars", he sneered, and he reached over and flicked my cock hard with his fat fingers.

I winced in pain, and nodded my head "ok"

"...oh and next time, it'll be 200 dollars", he laughed as he closed the front door.

I clenched my jaw in anger and drove home feeling degraded ...but I knew it was a matter of time before I gave in and paid him the 200 dollars to be fucked.

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