EhBee Dads Trip to NYC

By Cooper Max

Published on May 19, 2016



Hello all, I am the author of a few different stories on Nifty: The Military Network, The Officers, TDY to Ft. Hood and Diplomacy and Lust. I'm reachable at and enjoy talking with readers.

This story is about the dad from the popular youtube series `Ehbee Family'. He doesn't list or use his name but sources say it is Andreas. If you haven't seen the youtube videos, I encourage you to watch them. This is 100% fictional and purely fantasy. This story no way insinuates that this individual is in any way gay or bisexual in reality though it'd be incredibly hot if he was!

EhBee Dad's Trip to New York

Andreas had the distinct feeling he was being followed. The New York City street was deserted aside from the occasional house cat on the prowl. The leaves rustled as a cool, autumn wind blew down the street.

Andreas spun around suddenly, without warning hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever was following him. The street was empty. Andreas started to feel that maybe he was being paranoid. His youtube show had become incredibly popular to the point he was often being recognized on the street. He thought maybe someone had recognized him and followed in hopes of talking about the show or getting an autograph.

He quickened his pace. Even if someone wasn't following him, being out alone in New York City at this time of night still wasn't the best idea; better to hurry up and get where he was going. It had been a long day already, especially given what had happened, and he could do with a good night's sleep.

Suddenly, he heard rapid footsteps behind him. Spinning around, a darkly silhouetted figure sprinted right towards him. Andreas, panicking, looked around hoping to see someone else on the street or an open store but with no success. His mind raced Ð fight or flight? Ð but his legs stood frozen, his muscles tensed as the man shortened the distance.

As the man drew nearer, his pace slowed and he spoke, "You left so quickly earlier. You didn't even say good-bye." The man said in a monotone voice.

Andreas couldn't quite make out the man's face as shadows covered it.

"Do I know you?" Andreas asked trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

The man abruptly stepped forward and the streetlights flushed his face with light.

"Of course you know me or did you forget me so quickly? So deliberately?" The man's voice tinged with anger.

Taking a closer look, Andreas' stomach churned. A cold shiver went down his spine. "Oh. It's you. Uh. Um." Andreas stuttered the dismay rising in his chest, his voice quavering.

"Cat got your tongue?" The man pined rhetorically with menace in his voice.

"Listen. I didn't mean to offend you. I just got nervous and left. You know I've never done something like that before. You followed me here?" Andreas replied with an edge in his voice silently thinking to himself that this guy was indeed creepier than he had originally pegged him.

"Followed you? No. Coincidence. You think I'd have followed you for 20 blocks? Wouldn't you have noticed me?" The man said laughing combatively.

"What do you want?" Andreas remarked firmly, his courage growing.

The man moved his hand hastily towards his pocket and pulled something than glinted in the light out of his pocket.

Andreas' senses kicked in rapidly as his mind realized this man intended to do him harm. Without thinking, Andreas turned and sprinted; his muscular legs pumping faster than he could ever remember. He heard the man's heavy footsteps beating the pavement behind him; close behind him. His lungs burnt and his legs ached and still the man was keeping up with him. Panic and fear were pushing Andreas to run even faster.

Finally, the man's footsteps trailed off behind him. He looked back quickly and saw the man hunched over, knife in hand, breathing heavily. Andreas took a hard right onto a better-lit street and finally ran into more people. Slight relief washed over him. Looking behind him every so many feet, he slowed down and tried to blend into the crowd. His heart raced almost as fast as his mind did as he inhaled heavily trying to catch his breath. He saw a busy diner, ducked in and collapsed into a booth away from the window.

`What am I going to do? I can't call the police. They'll ask questions.' Andreas thought to himself.

`What if they wiggle the truth out of me? If they ask if I knew the man, I won't be able to lie. Am I supposed to tell them where and how we met? People know me now. My wife could find out. My kids could find out. I should have never gone to that park! I should have never let the curiosity get the best of me.'

Resolving to not involve the police about for the sake of his reputation, Andreas slumped farther back into his chair. He needed an outlet; a safe way to find what he was looking for. He couldn't go online or use apps for fear of people recognizing him. Hell, he was scared to visit any bars for the same reason.

`God I'm so horny. Why couldn't the park have just gone better? Even with that lunatic, I still can't shake this horniness.' He thought to himself.

The waitress popped in on him so fast he jumped right out of his seat with a scream, startled half to death that his assailant had found him. The waitress gave him a judgmental look, probably assuming he was high or mentally ill, and asked for his order in a terse, wary tone. Slightly embarrassed, he ordered a coffee and the waitress scuttled off without giving him another look.

Within minutes, a different waitress approached with his coffee, cautiously as if he was a caged animal, and deposited the coffee onto the table without a word and hurried off.

Andreas ruminated over his predicament. He could give up on trying to find action with a guy for the first time. That'd be the smart thing to do. He was happily married with two great kids. He was successful and his youtube show was a hit. The family had been invited to all kinds of conventions and appearances. Why risk all of that for a curious urge?

On the other hand, the idea of being with another guy enthralled him. The first time he stumbled onto gay porn a year back, his curiosity was piqued. He tried to put the curiosity and urges out of his mind but temptation got the best of him and he kept watching different videos; each time getting more interested and curious.

He convinced himself to try to find some action on this business trip to New York City. The kids and wife would be back in NYC and where better to try to find his first time than America's largest city far away from where he lived and worked? This was a city of millions; being anonymous would be easy.

He had seen porn videos about cruising in the park. The idea seemed dangerous but incredibly exciting too. He looked up where he could cruise in NYC. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned and the only men he met were old guys and his creepy assailant; Andreas had a feeling from the start about him. There was just something off. Without any action, Andreas had hurried out of the wooded area of the park leaving the old men and creepy guy behind or so he had thought. Luckily, he got away but damn that was a close call.

Discouraged, he stood and pulled out his cell phone. Regardless of what his cock was urging him to do, it was late and his day was incredibly taxing, he needed rest. He summoned an uber and headed back to his hotel feeling defeated.

Feeling completely run down, he staggered into the hotel lobby; his eyes glued to the elevators across the atrium that would lead him to his soft, comfortable bed.

"Good evening, Sir." A voice said from beside him; startling him again. This time he didn't jump or scream.

Barely paying attention, he replied, "Evening." And kept moving.

"Rough night?" The voice questioned, "Looks like you need a nice, long rest. Would you like me to bring some extra pillows to your room?"

Surprised at the offer, Andreas slowed and turned towards the voice.

Beaming a wide smile at him was a young man. Andreas guessed he was young enough to be a recent high school grad or college freshman. Noticing how nice the young man's smile was, Andreas looked closer. The man's curly, auburn hair and green eyes suited him well. He was lanky and tall; his hotel uniform barely fitted him.

The man looked at him expectantly.

"Uhhh, yeah I guess. Room 200. I'm heading to bed within the next 30 minutes so please be quick." Andreas stated trying to push away his mischievous thoughts about this young man. He could feel his cock start to stir.

`This guy looks like he's barely out of high school. My own kids will be this age soon. No, Andreas, put those thoughts out of your head.' He thought to himself slightly repulsed by what he was feeling for this young man.

Andreas threw open his door minutes later and collapsed onto the bed; the weight of his day hitting him like a train. The bed was so comfortable. His eyes started to flutter. Just as he was drifting off to bed, there was a strong knock at the door.

Momentarily forgetting his earlier conversation with the young man down stairs, Andreas called out, "Who is it?"

"Room service, I came to bring your extra pillows, Sir." The voice replied.

His memory rushing back to him, Andreas hurried to the door expecting the man to hand him his pillows and be off.

"Sir, here are your pillows. Also, we usually do turn down service at night but I see from my list here that your room was skipped accidently. Do you mind if I do it quickly?" The man asked.

Feeling annoyed at the prospect of delaying his sleep more, Andreas stated sharply, "Sure but be quick. I'm exhausted."

The man shuffled into the room and set off about his work. Andreas, not sure whether he was supposed to stand in the hall and wait or stand awkwardly in the corner of the room, decided to follow him in. The door closed behind them.

Feeling slightly creepy just standing there as the man set about his work, Andreas grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV.

"Oh yeah. The Jets game! I forgot they were playing today! Must be a re-run with it being this late" The man uttered while smiling at Andreas.

"Jets fan, eh?" Andreas replied trying to resist smiling back.

"Yeah I am. My dad has season tickets! I really wanted to watch this game tonight. I guess I'll catch the highlight reels tomorrow. It's over now anyway." He said enthusiastically as he finished up the last of his turn down service. "Well, I'm done here, Sir. I should be off."

Andreas felt his stiff cock poking through his pants and a crazy thought came to his mind.

"You could hang out for a few minutes to watch a bit more of the game. It's late. I'm sure your boss won't miss you at this hour." He replied cautiously not quite understanding what he was doing or why he was saying the words.

"Naaah. I couldn't inconvenience you like that. You're about to go to bed and I'm on the clock." He said; standing and looking towards to door.

"It's ok. Really. I wanted to watch this anyway." Andreas replied trying to sound nonchalant.

The man looked at Andreas; his youthful face scrunched as if he was trying to solve a math problem in his head. Andreas looked right back at him. After a moments pause, the man said, "Ah what the hell. A few minutes won't hurt."

Andreas sat down on the bed and kicked of his shoes. The man pulled up a chair. Andreas turned up the volume and slumped back into bed his eyes ostensibly on the game but also watching this young man out of the corner of his eye.

"What's your name, buddy?" Andreas asked in a flat tone.

"Jason, Sir. My names Jason." He replied not moving his eyes off the game.

"You can call me Andreas. I won't report you." Andreas remarked, laughing.

The young man laughed and glanced over at him smiling.

The two chit chatted intermittently as the game played on. A commercial crossed the screen and the Jason stood up.

"Well, thanks Andreas for letting me take a break. I really should be going now. If my boss catches me up here, I'm toast." He said.

"Ah, c'mon one more round. You can get back on the next commercial." Andreas responded feeling his cock twitch.

Jason looked at him, a slight air of skepticism crossing his face.

"Yeah?" Jason questioned.

"Definitely. I appreciate you bringing the extra pillows and doing the turn down service. I appreciate your help." Andreas proceeded cautiously not sure how he'd steer the conversation any further to delay Jason's exit.

"Well, it looks like you need some help right now." Jason declared as he looked directly at Andreas' crotch.

Panicking and blushing heavily and trying to shift his noticeable erection Andreas blurted, "Sorry about that man. It happens randomly. You know Ð you're a guy." Andreas blurted.

"Is it random, though?" Jason retorted slyly, "If it's been hard the entire time I've been in the room, is that random?

Andreas turned a deeper shade of red. He wasn't sure what to say. He was caught. Silence blanketed the room.

"It's ok man. You're hot! I've always liked older guys." Jason revealed.

"Older guys? Liked?" Andreas stammered still not sure what exactly Jason was meaning or whether he was just joking.

"Yeah. Hot guys like you as in I think you're attractive and from the looks of it, you have a big cock." Jason speculated.

"I've never done anything like this, man. I don't know what to say or do. How old are you?" Andreas asked fearing the answer to the question and feeling nauseas with nervousness and fear.

"19." He replied with a smirk on his face. Andreas almost choked on the words. Guilt surged through him.

"Is that a problem? I can go or I can also show you how to do this if you'd like." Jason replied.

Andreas stared at him. His mind was screaming to tell Jason he should go but his cock was surging with excitement.

Taking the lead, Jason sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for Andreas to join him down there. Overcoming his common sense, Andreas slid down the bed towards him.

Slowly, Jason reached out and grabbed Andreas' bulge. He squeezed it and rubbed his hand on the outside of Andreas' pants.

Andreas moaned.

"Just follow my lead. If it feels good on you, you can do it to me. No pressure." Jason advised kindly.

Jason unzipped Andreas' pants. Andreas' underwear were exposed, his bulge protruding out, precum staining the front of his tight, boxer briefs.

"Take em' off." Jason said firmly. Andreas complied.

Andreas stood facing Jason in his boxer briefs feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

`God this is crazy. This guy is practically a kid. What the hell am I doing? Andreas thought to himself but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Jason's fingers sliding into his waist band.

Playfully, Jason ran his fingers along Andreas' waist band while eye level with his bulging cock. Andreas closed his eyes; it all felt so good.

Andreas' eyes shot open as he felt Jason pulling down his underwear; his cock flopped out and bounced. Jason pushed it down and let it pop back up. Without a word, Jason slid his mouth onto Andreas' cock. Gripping his cock, Jason began to pump his mouth onto it.

Andreas' toes curled. This felt incredible. His wife never gave him blow jobs. The last one he had was in college.

He groaned with pleasure as Jason pumped his cock only pausing to swirl his tongue over the head of Andreas' cock.

"Oh god man I'm not going to last. I'm sorry." Andreas bleated excitedly.

Jason quickened his pace; cupping Andreas' balls with one hand and still stroking and sucking with the other hand and his mouth.

"Fuck. I'm going to cum. You may want to move." Andreas shouted but Jason made no movement.

Not being able to hold it any longer, Andreas' shot his load into Jason's mouth. Jason paused not removing his mouth from Andreas' cock as he drunk in every drop.

"That was incredible!" Andreas screamed feeling equally parts satisfied and guilty. Jason smiled as he stroked his cock.

"Can I É.uhÉ. help you out too?" Andreas offered nervously wondering to himself if he'd be any good with no experience.

"Do you want to touch it? Asked Jason as he watched Andreas stare at his seven inch, 19 year old cock.

Cautiously, Andreas reached out and gripped it. It felt so warm and hard. Precum was leaking and Jason's cock was slippery. Slowly, Andreas began to stroke it.

"Uhhh yeah. Damn that's good. Sure you've never done this before?" Jason asked jokingly.

Andreas continued to stroke his cock.

"You want to suck it; put it in your mouth?" Jason asked.

Andreas hesitated. He was so nervous. What if it didn't taste good? What if he wasn't any good at this?

"I've never done this." He said blushing heavily again.

"It's ok, just open your mouth and let me put it in." Jason said; an urgency to his voice.

"I don't know man." Andreas spouted.

"C'mon just let me put it in for a little bit. You'll never know if you like it until you try." Jason pleaded.

Andreas sunk to his knees in front of Jason. Hesitantly, he opened his mouth. Jason gripped his cock and shuffled forward. Slowly, he put the tip of his cock to Andreas' lips. Andreas looked up at him feeling excited and scared.

Slowly, Jason slid his cock into Andreas' mouth. Andreas could taste the salty sweetness of Jason's precum. He wasn't sure if he liked it. He closed his mouth around it and emulated what Jason had done to him; moving his mouth up and down on Jason's cock.

"That's it. Damn good for a first time." Jason moaned.

Jason slid in and out of Andreas' mouth for a few more minutes.

"Fuck I'm close." Jason panted.

A look of panic spread on Andreas' face and seeing it Jason stated, " don't worry I won't cum in your mouth."

Jason pulled out and started jacking his cock.

"Grab my balls," He instructed Andreas.

With Andreas' hands around his balls, Jason pumped his cock harder and harder.

"Oh yes. Yes. Fuck. Here it comes." He yelled.

Fascinated, Andreas watched for the first time in person as another man blew his load all over the carpet. It was so hot to watch for Andreas.

Andreas stood and Jason looked at him.

"Not a bad first time, I hope?" Jason inquired.

"Not at all! This was so hot!" He responded.

"I really need to get going now. I'll be lucky if I still have a job by the time I get to the lobby. Worth it though!" Jason said giving Andreas cock one last playful squeeze before zipping up, cleaning off and heading out the door.

-----The End ----

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