El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on May 11, 2022


El Paso Chapter 6

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El Paso 6

"That which does not kill us..."

Bring your love to me

I will hold it like a newborn child

One of my own blood

And I might just even sing a song

To keep it calm ¹

        I woke up to sloppy, wet kisses. I reached over for my lover and felt nothing but a piece of paper. I cracked my eyes open to a larger-than-life face of Appa, licking me all over the face and doing his `time to get up and take me outside' dance.

          "Okay, buddy, I'm getting up" I told him while unfolding the note.

                              Had to work early Otto. I'll be back by 2:30 or 3:00. See you then.

                              Love, Felino

          I got up and pulled on my running shorts and slipped into my shoes. I didn't bother with a shirt since I was just taking Appa out by the dumpster. I hitched the leash up to his harness and he practically dragged me out the door. He really needed to go; he must have peed a quart before he stopped. I walked him around the grassy area for a few minutes, he didn't seem to need to do anything else, thank goodness, I'd left my poop bags in the apartment. We went back in and of course, he had to have a treat for being a good boy. I almost sat down before somebody knocked on the door. 6am – only one person would have enough balls to knock on my door this early.

          "Come on in Hank" I yelled.

          "Let's run homo" he said with a smile.

          "Ok, let me take a piss first, meat head" I snarked back.

          "I think we should run to the gym and work on toning you up" he said.

          "I can't leave Appa alone all day" I told him "he'll mess up the floor."

          "We won't be gone that long" he said, "I swear you care more about that dog than me."

          "Well, the dog is loveable..." I said, "just saying."

          A few minutes later we were at Anytime Fitness. Hank has a membership. I have one with Planet Fitness, but I think it's lapsed. He ran me though a 30-minute workout that had me sore all over, then after a drink of water, he runs me back home. I go in and he keeps running. How can somebody eight years older than me have so much more stamina. Ok, so now I stink again. I go jump in the shower. All this activity and it's only 8:17am. Appa comes into the bathroom and lays down on the rug in front of the shower while I wash up. I step out and wrap a towel around my waist. I can hear the phone ringing in the bedroom; I left it on the nightstand.

          "Hello?" I answer.

          "Hey, baby, where you been?" Felino says.

          "Working out. Hank is determined to make a real man out of me" I said sarcastically.

          "Oh goodie!" he said, "I've been looking for a real man!"

          "So, what's up? I just got out of the shower and I'm dripping in the floor" I said.

          "Call and see if you can take a long weekend this coming weekend, we'd be gone Friday to Monday" he said, "and don't ask where. It's a secret."

          "Ok, I'll call Phil and I'll let you know this afternoon" I said, "now, let me get dried off and get dressed and grab a bowl of cereal."

          "Ok, culo, but for sure call and find out. I'll talk to you later" he said.

          "Ok, bye" I said.

          I actually had no doubt Phil would let me have the days; he'd been telling me to take some days off ever since I came back the day after mom's funeral. He's a good boss. What other kind would not care about an employee calling on his personal cell on Sunday. As expected, he said sure and actually added that I should probably take Thursday too in case I needed to pack or run last minute errands. That taken care of I couldn't help but wonder where I was going.

          I did a load of laundry and cleaned up a little around the apartment while I was waiting for Felino to get off work. I sat down to watch a little TV and the next thing I knew I was asleep. I was woke up by the knocking on the door. I slowly got up and unlocked the door and let Felino in and made a mental note that I needed to get him a key made.

          "Did you call your boss?" he asked.

          "Yes, he told me to take Thursday too" I replied.

          "Awesome, I took Thursday off too, I was going to use it to get stuff ready, but instead let's leave a day early and have a little longer trip." I wanted to ask where we were going, but I'd already tried that and got nowhere. We went to Pizza Pro's and picked up a pizza for dinner. I was wondering if we were going to have any dessert, but he said he needed to do some shopping for the trip and he'd see me tomorrow. I took Appa for a walk and watched some Ancient Aliens on the Roku and called it an early night since I had to work tomorrow anyway.

          By Wednesday, I was surprised that I was actually ready to be off and on whatever adventure we were going on. I arranged for Hank to take care of Appa since the one tidbit of information I did get from Felino was that there would be no place to leave Appa while we were out doing stuff. Felino said he'd be over to pick me up around 7 in the morning and to be sure to pack my passport. Well, there was a hint; we must be going into Mexico. I slept fitfully and finally got up about 5 and got a shower and rechecked my travel bag to make sure I didn't forget anything. Fey showed up early, about a quarter to 7. I gave Appa a final kiss on the head and left my spare key for Hank under the big rock by my door and jumped into Felino's truck. A short while later we were at the border. I pulled my passport from my bag and got ready. Once in Mexico it was only a few minutes until we were at the Juarez airport where we quickly got in line for security checks to get on an Aero Mexico flight to La Paz.

          On the plane Felino finally filled me in. We were going to, ostensibly, visit his Abuela. It just so happened that Abuela Maria managed a small hotel right across from the beach. The flight over from Juarez was ridiculously cheap and the stay at Grandma's hotel using Grandma's employee discount would cost us a little under $75 for four nights; all in all, a great little get-away.

          We touched down in La Paz and picked up a car at Enterprise; ironically the most expensive part of this trip. About 20 minutes later we were pulling into the hotel. We pull our baggage out of the trunk and head into the lobby where Felino is greeting by a not-that-old-looking woman.

          "Nene! I'm so happy to see you" she says, then looking up, "this must be your friend you told me about."

          "Si, Tita, this is Otto, mi novio" Felino says. My Spanish is not the greatest but I blush at the word I understand.

          "Mucho gusto, Señora" I say.

          "I am most pleased to meet you as well" Grandma says in impeccable English, "you make my grandson happy; that makes me happy!"

          "Gracias" I say.

          "Well then, come with me and I'll show you to your suite" Maria says. We follow her to the elevator and up to the third (and top) floor.

          "Tita, this is the honeymoon suite?" my confused boyfriend says, "we can't stay here for the small amount we paid you."

          "This is the space I have available, so here you will stay. I insist" she said opening the door. The entire wall opposite the door was a wall of windows opening onto a private balcony with a beautiful view of the ocean. On the small table outside was a vase of local flowers.

          "This is just too much, really..." I started. I immediately got the grandma look, and shut my mouth.

          "I have to get back down to the front desk; I'm expecting one more booking today. I'll be looking for you two to join me for dinner tonight at seven. It wasn't a question, just a statement of fact. There was one reply to be had for it: "Yes ma'am."

          Seeing as it was only about 12:30, Felino suggested we go get a light lunch and walk on the Malecon for a little bit. We ended up at Taco Fish La Paz. I had no idea what to order so I told Felino to order for us both. He asked if there was anything I didn't like. I said just nothing weird. He ordered a couple of regular fish tacos and cokes for us and we sat down and waited for the food to arrive. One thing about the beach, the seafood is ultra-fresh; our midday snack was fantastic. We went back out and this time Felino took me up a side street away from the beach.

          "I want to show you something" he said.

          We walked back about three more blocks and he stopped in front of house with walled yard. The gate was made of elaborate ironwork. Looking through the gate I could see a small yard with a fountain on one side. Felino nudged me and pointed to the blue sign with yellow letters saying "Se Vende" (for sale), but a smaller sign was attached on top that read "Bajo Contrato"(under contract). I looked at him questioningly.

          "This house used to belong to my parents, it's where I lived as a small child" he said, "I had a dream of buying it one day, but every time it comes up for sale, it is bought again so quickly."

          "Ah, too bad, it looks like a nice place" I said. About a block down from the first house we stopped at another house.

          "This is where my aunt and uncle live, and my cousin Antonio" he said, "we'll probably come back here later."

          We went on rambling like this all over the neighborhood, with Felino showing me all the places of his childhood. Time slipped by quickly and the sun started getting lower in the sky so we went back to the hotel for a siesta before time to meet up with Maria. Unfortunately, neither of us was really that tired. I figured out sleep was a near impossibility when I felt my underwear being pulled off my hips. We finally got up and got naked, then walked out onto the private balcony. Felino stood at the rail looking out toward the ocean as I massaged his shoulders and nibbled on his neck at the edge of his hairline. The smell of him in the hot afternoon air was an aphrodisiac to me and my cock started to poke into his naked ass cheek. The skin on his back was damp from where the sweat had run down his back in the heat of the day. I ran my hand between his cheeks and felt the slickness there.

          Felino spit in his hand and reached back and coated the head of my dick, then pulled his ass open for me. I slid my cock up and down until it found his indentation. I could feel him push out and my head started sinking into the furnace of his hole.

          "Are you sure?" I asked quietly.

          "Never been surer" he said.

          I pushed in until I was resting on his sticky back, fully sunk inside him. I could feel him struggling to accommodate me; clamping and pushing out over and over again. I waited until he was relatively stable before starting to make the slightest moves. I was trying my best not to hurt him but he was having none of it. When I pulled out, he came back and slammed his hips into me, burying me to the hilt again.

          "Get on the lounge" he said.

          I sat down on the chaise lounge and instantly he was hovering over my dick, impaling himself. He rode me like this for a long time until I was begging him to let me cum. That's when he started jacking himself in time to his riding on my dick, it made his hole squeeze me extra tight. It only took a minute of this before I exploded and filled him up with a huge load. Despite my cumming, he continued to ride my sensitive cock while beating his meat furiously. Incredibly, I felt my orgasm building again. He finally reached his apex and shot rope after rope all across my stomach, and as his orgasm gripped him the intense squeezing on my member had me so close, I grabbed his hips and jerked him down as hard as I could and came in him again. I could feel it oozing out around my peter and running down onto my balls.

          "We're going to need a shower" was all he said.

          I just laughed at him as he stood up and offered me his hand. Somehow, we managed to get cleaned up and ready in time to meet Grandma for dinner. She was waiting by her car, somewhat impatiently, when we came down. Felino sat in front next to her, I climbed in the somewhat cramped back seat. She took us to one of her favorite places `La Peregrina'. Looking at the menu, I couldn't help but think this place was expensive for the area. The waiter took our drink order and I sipped on my Modelo while studying the menu. Felino had a Modelo as well, Maria had a glass of Sangria. We placed our order and she and Felino got into a very rapid conversation in Spanish, they were speaking so fast I couldn't make heads or tails of what was being said.

          The waiter arrived with our meals, Maria and Felino ordered spicy dishes while I went with something somewhat tame; the Aguachile de Fresa. Everything was delicious, but I was beginning to feel like an unnecessary addition to this outing. I stopped eating and sat staring at the two of them carrying on until finally Maria met my gaze and said "Oh how rude."

          "We didn't mean to leave you out of the conversation, Otto" she said, "it's just so much easier for me to communicate in Spanish. I was just telling Felino that if everything goes as planned, you two may have a vacation place here."

          "And I was telling Abuelita that she should not spend so much money on me" Felino said.

          "But, Fefe, it is an investment. If you decide not to use it, I can rent it out to guests looking for a little more private accommodations" she said.

          "A beach apartment would be a good investment" I offered.

          "Not an apartment" Felino said, "she is the `bajo contrato' on my parent's house."

          "If you won't let me give you such a gift, I have another plan" she interrupted, "I'll make the purchase, you two can pay me rent."

          Felino looked from her to me. I shrugged.

          "Abuela, we're just starting out. We may work out, we may not. It's too early to know" he said.

          "Felino, I don't know how your friend feels but I know you, and I know I've not seen you so happy since you were a little boy" she said, shooting a quick pointed glance at me.

          Felino looked like a mixture of embarrassed, frustrated and confused.

          "Would it be okay if we thought it over while we're here this weekend and let you know?" I interjected.

          "Sure, Otto" she said, "but either way, I'm buying the house. If Felino doesn't want it, I may live in it myself."

          The waiter came back and she paid the tab. The drive back to the hotel was quiet, with brief punctuated rapid-fire Spanish. We got out of the car and Maria hugged both of us, then said Buenas Noches. We went up to bed, this time with a lot to think about.

Lambodara 5/9/21


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¹ https://youtu.be/TJ2dRFy5BmQ

Next: Chapter 7

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