El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on May 13, 2022


El Paso Chapter 7

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects real persons living or dead. If any people, places, or actions depicted in this story reflect real life events or situations it is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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El Paso 7

In spite of ourselves
We'll end up a'sittin' on a rainbow
Against all odds
Honey, we're the big door prize
We're gonna spite our noses
Right off of our faces
There won't be nothin' but big old hearts
Dancin' in our eyes¹

I'll have to admit, I didn't understand Felino's problem with his grandmother buying the house for him. I had been brought up to show appreciation when somebody did something for you, not pick a fight with them as if they were hurting you in some way. From what I gathered over the sleepless night him talking about it, it was some kind of point of pride. He felt that he should be the one to buy the house. `Then buy it' I said exhaustedly, knowing where the circular reasoning would lead.

"You know I can't afford to buy a house on my wages" he said.

"Maybe I could buy it" I offered.

"A: it would be the same as Tita buying it; still not mine, and B: it's close to the ocean and you're a foreigner, the legal hurdles would be staggering" he said.

"Then let her buy it and you pay her back when you can" I suggested for the third time.

"No, she could die before I was able to make good on it" he said frustrated.

"Then I don't know the solution, Fey. But I know I'm wore out and I'd like to get at least a little sleep tonight" I said.

"Fine, you go on to bed. I couldn't sleep right now. I'll be in later" he said.

Normally, I'd stay up and argue with him some more, but I was really exhausted so I kissed him on the forehead and went to bed.

When I woke up, the sun was coming up over the water and I was alone. I walked into the living room of the suite and on the table Felino had left me a note: Gone to breakfast with Abuela, come down when you wake up. XXX Felino I went back through the bedroom to the bathroom and took a quick shower, then threw on some clothes and went down to join the battle royale. I found them at a small table near the back of the hotel's breakfast nook. More rapid-fire Spanish as I walked up, then somewhat fake-looking smiles, and a switch to English for the poor gringo's sake. Maria waved her hand and a waiter came over with a plate of eggs, chorizo and toast and glass of orange juice for me. I couldn't help but notice that the pair seemed much more congenial than they'd been last night.

"So, you two seem to have buried the hatchet" I said, as I dug into my breakfast.

"Yes, Otto, Fefe and I have come to a compromise" Maria said.

"What kind of compromise?" I asked.

"I will allow Abuelita to buy the house, but I will work for her to pay my debt" Felino said with pride.

"But how can you do that in El Paso?" I asked. I stopped chewing as the pieces began to fall into place; I was losing my appetite.

"I won't be in El Paso, chiflado, I'll be here" he said.

"Well, that's just great...I guess...but..." I left my thoughts unspoken. "I'm really not feeling well, I'm going to go lay back down."

As I quickly walked away from the table, I could hear the rapid-fire Spanish again. I punched the button on the elevator and my watering eyes finally overran down my face. I went inside the suite and onto the balcony and tried to reset my mind to how it was before my obsession with Felino began. How was I going to go back to being single and alone? I guess I could throw myself into intense training with Hank, but I couldn't see a lot of point in making myself look more attractive now that I would have nobody again. I pulled out my cellphone and placed a call to Bill, after all he said to call him any time I needed help or advice.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey, Bill" I said, "It's Otto."

"Hey Otto, what's up? You sound down" he said, perceptive as ever.

"I'm in La Paz, Mexico with Felino. He just made a decision to leave El Paso and move back here to work for his grandmother" I said.

"So, when will you be moving?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I assume you'll be moving with him" he said, "after all, you're a programmer. You can do your job anywhere you have a good internet connection."

"How could I just pick up and leave? Hank changed jobs just so he could be close to me and watch out for me" I said.

"I have it on pretty good authority that Hank hates the recruiting job. If you told him you were leaving El Paso, he'd be back on active duty in a heartbeat."

"I'd have to break my lease, then there's Appa..." I started.

"Why are you creating your own roadblocks? Doesn't life create enough of those for you?" he said. "Listen to me. I'm thinking you've found somebody who loves you as much as you love him. Cherish that. Do whatever you can to make it last. I'd give up everything I own to spend one more day with your mother. Don't make excuses, make plans."

"But what if he doesn't want me here?" I whined into the phone.

"DIOS MÍO! Is that why you ran off? Jesus! Grandma can read you better than I can!" said Felino, who I just figured out was standing behind me listening in on my conversation. "Did you ever think to ask me `Hey Felino, what about us?', I would have told you! Before you ran off with your wilting flower act, I was about to say it would all depend on whether you would come with me or not, you pindejo. The future is never guaranteed, but I feel like we could be great together. And, seriously, I'd never leave you just to get a fucking house."

"I'm gonna let you go, Otto" Bill said in my other ear, "it sounds like you two have some things to talk about."

"I'll call you later, Bill" I said and punched the end call button.

"That was rude, interrupting my phone call" I said.

"No, what's rude is wasting a plate of food to run away and pout" he said, grabbing me by the jawline and planting his tongue in my mouth.

I pulled back and said "Well, how am I supposed to know what you two are conspiring about; both of you speaking Spanish at 100 miles an hour, pointing at me and otherwise basically ignoring my existence..."

"Baby, when we move here you are going to learn Spanish first thing. The handful of words you know just ain't enough" he said, pulling my shirt over my head. "Abuela is your greatest ally, when she pointed at you what she said to me in `100 mile per hour Spanish' was that I would be a complete fool to let a boy as nice as you go. She said unless we both came, she'd rather not let me have the house because to trade love for a piece of property would mean I was not her familia. Let that sink in."

"But I only just met her" I objected.

"She said she can see the change in my mood, how happy I am, how I act around you. That's what matters in life. If you want to stay in El Paso, I'll be there with you" he said as he removed his shirt, baring his bronze chest.

"But Maria's job offer would be a step up I bet?" I half asked as I unbuttoned his shorts.

"At least double what Tia Rosa can afford to pay me" he said, jerking my flimsy basketball shorts to my ankles. About this time, the conversation trailed off as my dick slid into his gullet. He held me in place with both his hands gripping my flexing ass.

When he pulled off a string of saliva connected from his bottom lip to the head of my peter. I pulled him onto the lounge with me and began wiggling his cargo shorts down his hairy legs before I dove onto him the same way he just had me. He in turn twisted until he could get me back in his mouth. We were so worked up by this time it only took a few minutes for us to fill each other's mouths. He twisted back around and deposited my cum into my mouth, mixing it with his. We shared it until it was gone.

The next month was crazy. As predicted, when I told Hank about my plans he said `Thank God' and a week later he had a Middle East assignment. Maria closed on the house about two weeks after we left and was currently working with the lawyers to draw up paperwork deeding the house to Felino on her death. In the mean-time, we agreed to pay all the payments to her. I took Appa and made sure all his shots were up to date and got a certificate showing the information. Talking my boss into letting me work from Mexico turned out not to be that big of a deal. I reminded him that I already worked from home a lot of days now, and it would be no different, just a different location. After he cleared it with corporate, my new deal was on; the company even bought me a new computer for work.

The last week at the apartment, Bill came down and helped me pack. Felino and I had decided to sell most of the furniture since the house in Mexico was furnished, so most of what we packed was just dishes, towels and other household goods. We sent all our stuff ahead on a moving truck and on the last day we stopped in at Rosa's to say goodbye. She was the one most saddened by our departure; she had raised Felino since his parents died. We assured her there would always be a place for her to stay when she visits Mexico. This time out trip would take longer since we were driving. I sold my Sentra, but we were keeping Felino's truck so we were driving through New Mexico and Arizona to go down into Baja. We would camp on the way down.

The time had finally arrived, I walked with Appa to the apartment office to turn in the keys while Felino loaded my bags and Appa's crate into the back of the truck. I had to shake my head at the stereotype of a truck my boyfriend had; Ram 1500 sitting on a 4" lift kit, chromed out and complete with the obligatory last name in all caps Old English type curved across the back window. The truck was black, of course, with dark tinted windows and the Morales arched across the back window in gold. I chuckled as I sat Appa up in the cab and grabbed the handle to pull myself up into the cab. Felino was like a spider monkey as he gracefully made his way into the driver's seat despite lacking my extra inches of height. He turned the key and the loud exhaust came to life, only to be drowned out by the mariachi music blaring on a stereo system that probably cost as much as the truck. He reached over and turned the music down.

"Well, here we go" he said, leaning over for a kiss. We met in the middle and shared a passionate kiss; at least a passionate as a kiss can be with a small white maltipoo licking the sides of your faces. A short while later we passed the sign saying "Leaving El Paso: Come Again! I felt a little apprehensive leaving the only home I'd ever known.

The first day we made it as far as Tucson. We stayed at the Super 8 on the outskirts of town, nothing fancy but we didn't care as long as it wasn't inside a moving vehicle. Although we had intended to get up and get an early start the next morning, we were so exhausted it ended up being close to 10 by the time we pulled out.

The second day we made our border crossing at Yuma and started down the Baja. We decided to call it a day as we approached La Ventana. We went to a campground we saw advertised and got a spot for the night. By the time we set up the tent and ate sandwiches and chips we were ready to just relax a while. I rummaged around and found the dog baggies and took Appa for a walk to the water and back; the view here was beautiful. Appa made his deposit and I scooped it up and tied the baggie and tossed it away when we got back to the campground. There were only a few other campers in our area, so I set Appa up in his crate so Fey and I could get a shower before bed. I'd like to tell you that we went at it like crazy in the showers, but there was a dad with his kids in there and we were both worn out again anyway, so we just showered and went to bed.

When we woke up the next morning, we talked about it and decided to take it easy the rest of the way. We were making good time and we didn't have to be there until the first of next week; it was only Wednesday. So, with that in mind, we slowed our pace and spent the next night at Puertecito. We set up our tent under a palapa next to the Sea of Cortez. We had stopped early so we had time to play in the water for a while. Appa loved dancing at the water's edge as we walked down the beach. One of our camping neighbors was a couple; an American Ex-pat husband and Mexican wife. They invited us over to their site for fresh fish tacos and cerveza. The wife even had a friend for Appa to play with while we ate. After the sun went down, we said our thanks and bid our hosts goodnight and walked back to our campsite. We were glad they were staying in a travel trailer, we felt like making noises tonight and it was better they didn't have to hear.

We left the main door open on the tent, only zipping the insect screen. Appa was worn out from his play date and he curled up in a corner of the tent and went to sleep. I lay on my back staring out at the quarter moon in the night sky. It was so dark here you could see lots of constellations. I had stripped off as soon as we entered the tent so all my goodies were very accessible. I wasn't surprised when I saw the shadow of Felino straddling me and laying his already stiff manhood alongside mine, gently grinding into me. My little soldier, like his had not had action in several days and he immediately stood at attention. When Felino stopped grinding down on me, I started grinding up toward him. We kept this up for a long time; kissing and dry humping while gazing at the stars. After a while we were both getting pent up and Felino sat up and took both our penises in his hands and started jacking us off. I squeezed my asscheeks together and my cock jumped in his hands causing his to do the same. Excruciatingly slowly our orgasms built; every time I started swelling, he would stop for a few seconds. Every time I felt him get extra hard, he would stop. He kept this up until I was begging him in a whisper to let me cum, let us cum. He leaned down and stuck his tongue practically down my throat then sat back up and tightened his grip and increased his speed until I felt it hit me. My entire body went stiff and I shot what I just assumed was about a quart of cum. Halfway through my ejaculations I started feeling his cock throbbing at the back of mine and soon the mess was so much Felino couldn't keep a good enough grip to keep jacking. Like an idiot, he lurched forward and pressed himself to me squishing the massive cum between us as we kissed again. We decided it might be prudent to take a midnight swim so we wouldn't end up looking like two Krispy Kreme glazed donuts in the morning.

Lambodara 5/12/21

lambodara@protonmail.com for any comments or feedback. Your two cents are worth a nickel to me due to inflation!

¹ https://youtu.be/P8tTwXv4glY

Next: Chapter 8

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