Electro Docking

By Jack Santoro

Published on Mar 15, 2005



Electro Docking By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Michael had been introduced to me by a friend, and we hit it off right from the start. The first day we met, we were naked and jacking each other within two hours. Michael was my age, 64, and an inch taller than my 6'2", but thinner. He was blond with blue eyes and a thin face, while I had brown hair and eyes and a square-jawed countenance. Our groins were very different, as we saw the moment we dropped our shorts. Michael had what people call "low-hangers," a loose scrotum, while mine is tight against my body. Our balls were average size, and both our dicks were uncut. This wasn't unusual in our age group, as only about half the boys were being circumcised when we'd been born. "We're lucky to be uncut," he said as he eyed mine. "My parents were European, and didn't believe in circumcision." "Same here," I replied. "I'm really glad I didn't get the knife when I was born. Lots of other kids did, and some aren't happy about it." Mine had a long foreskin, expanding over the big bulging head, and forming an inch-long nipple in front of it, but Michael was what I once heard a friend call "verrrrry uncircumcised," with a long pendulous foreskin extending two inches beyond his large helmet.

"Man, that's a hell of a foreskin," I exclaimed the moment it came into view. "Even longer than mine." I reached out and grasped the end of his long nozzle, shaking it gently and watching the big head's bulge move from side to side. "Yeah, every time I get a physical the doctor stares at it and asks me if I want it removed or at least trimmed back. I always say no, because I worked long and hard to get it this way." "How do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I've had a long one since I was a boy, but when I found out how nice a long foreskin is for jacking and docking, I started stretching it. In bed at night, I pull on it, stretching it out, and I stretch it whenever I take a pee. I stretch it while watching TV, pulling on the end, then putting my fingers inside it to loosen it up." I could see the obvious effects, as his foreskin was not only unusually long, but actually baggy, with lots of room for another cock-head inside it. "I pulled on mine too," I said, "but not the way you did. You've really got a lot of foreskin. You have any problem skinning it back?" Michael demonstrated by retracting his long hood to bare his big polished purple helmet, remarkably like mine, with round front dome and high flaring ridge. The ridge fascinated me, because of its bulk and the sexy recurve that enhanced the flare. The long foreskin settled in thick circular folds behind his rim, and I skinned mine back to show him my equipment. Mine formed a thick fleshy collar behind the flaring rim, but it wasn't as thick as his.

The attention had gotten both of our dicks swelling, and soon we were hard. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and eased his long hood forward, curious as to how it felt to manipulate a hood that was much longer than mine. Michael used two fingers to slip my skin fully forward over the head. We sat on the bed, continuing our jacking motions on each other's dicks, until it was clear that we had to come. "You've got me really worked up," he said. "Mine isn't usually this hard." I saw, whenever I slipped his hood back, that his seven-incher had a bigger head than mine. It was the same shape as mine, fireman's helmet, with round front dome expanding to a high purple ridge with a sexy flare, and I'd noticed how it had been very visible even when his cock had been soft. Its outline had been clearly prominent even through the baggy foreskin, and I'd wanted to see it bared completely. Now it was naked, and I savored the eye candy of his purple glans. "I sometimes don't get all that hard, either, now that I'm older. I've even had orgasms when my cock was only half-hard." My six-incher was rigid with excitement, his fingers sending hot thrills into my dick as he slid my foreskin back and forth over the head. "Ever use Viagra to jack off?" he asked. "I've used it a few times, although I don't need it right now." "I've used it too, but don't think it's really necessary since I can get off without it being fully hard. Anyway, I don't need any with you. This is getting me really hot." "I'm getting close, Jack," he warned. "Maybe we'd better decide who comes first." Michael thought the same way I did, that having our orgasms one after the other was more intense and more fulfilling than trying to attain the magic moment together. "Since you're closer, I think you ought to go first," I said. "I want to watch your prick shoot, and watch your face when you come." I wanted to do this with a clear head, not dazed by a mind-numbing orgasm. "Yeah, go ahead and do me," he whispered. "Want me to keep you going while I shoot?" "No, it's not necessary. Just lie back and enjoy the fun." I pumped his foreskin in long strokes now, watching the big glans swell and turn darker purple, as Michael let his hand fall to his side, leaving my hard prick swaying by itself. I skinned him back completely, baring the hard edged corona, then pulled his foreskin up to cover the ample glans again. His breathing deepened, and then I saw his eyes close as the first powerful throb filled his prick. His balls were now tight against his body, and he wailed helplessly as the first thick gush erupted from his purple glans. I moved his foreskin all the way forward, enclosing the end of his glans fully and trapping the next gush completely. "OOOOOWWWWWW!" he yelled as another wave of sensation ran through him, and I felt the hard pulse of his shaft as another jet coursed upward to ejaculate inside his long hood. I pinched the end of his foreskin with my other hand and watched it swell with the torrent of fluid pouring into it. His orgasm finally subsided, and when he'd recovered and drained his foreskin into a towel, it was my turn. I was so worked up from watching and feeling him come that my erection was still fully hard. "See?" I asked. "I don't need any Viagra since watching you shoot kept my excitement up." He didn't need to stroke my prick for long to make me howl with joyful agony. My eyes closed as I felt the warm foreskin sliding along my engorged cock-head, feeling the hot tingle begin in my rim as my foreskin ring rode back and forth over it. "I can feel your tip getting harder through the skin," he said. "You're gonna come right now." My crotch muscles contracted, sending a hot jet burning its way up my prick, and I was totally helpless, tumbling into the free-fall of orgasm. The next time we met, we tried "69," enjoying the aroma and taste of each other's uncircumcised cocks, tongues probing deeply into each other's foreskins, until we were both on the brink. His musky masculine aroma invaded my nostrils, and I quivered. It had been a busy day for me, and I'd showered hurriedly, not pulling back my foreskin to rinse away the secretions. "I love your cheese," he said. "It's a rich masculine taste, as well as odor." "Glad you like it," I replied. "I went first the last time. I think it's your turn now," he said. I released his heavy-ended prick, fascinated by his long pendulous foreskin, and let him tongue mine, the tip of his tongue twirling around my hot, sensitive glans, until my prick exploded in orgasm. Then it was his turn, and I pushed my tongue inside his long loose hood, caressing his hot tip with my tongue, tasting his rich flavor. I pushed my tongue in farther, probing deeply into his foreskin until I reached the big corona. I felt the sharp edge of the ridge, flaring in a sexy curve, and very sensitive. My tongue-tip massaged the studded nerve endings in his rim, then I withdrew, letting my lips caress the big round front dome of his glans as my tongue flicked across his slit. The glassy smooth texture of his swollen glans was against my tongue, as I explored its sexy contours. I pushed forward, enveloping his big rounded cock-head, as I pulled the long foreskin back to clear it. Then I pulled my lips back, pushing his foreskin up to cover the head, going faster now, then pushed the foreskin back with my lips, alternately covering and uncovering the beautiful head. The foreskin slid back and forth very easily, letting the beautiful helmet pop out at every stroke. My double action was giving his engorged tip the deep satisfying massage it craved, until I felt it harden beneath my lips as his excitement reached the peak. I heard him cry out in ecstatic agony, and felt the heavy pulse in his glans as his hot cream poured out onto my waiting tongue, then I swallowed frantically as his torrents of fluid filled my mouth. We'd planned to meet again in a week, and during the early morning hours of the day we were to meet, I lay awake fondling my prick and thinking of him. I squeezed the head through its thick fleshy hood, feeling the big glans sliding around inside its protective covering, and thought of Michael's prick. I didn't go to orgasm, as I wanted to save my fluid for that evening's encounter, and went back to sleep. The third time we got together Michael brought up docking: "We talked about this the first time, but haven't done it yet. I'd really love to dock your big tip inside my hood." "I'd love it too, because I like to feel a guy's hot tip throbbing against mine. I like to feel the hot juice all over my head, because that really turns me on. The hot cream always triggers my orgasm." "Want to do it now?" he asked, searching deeply into my eyes. "Love to," I replied, "but I'm just wondering if you'd like to try something else with it?" "What?" he asked eagerly. I then old him about something I'd kept secret for years, a private practice of mine that I'd found enhanced masturbation for me. "I sometimes do electro-sex," I began. "A few years ago I bought one of those electro-sex units, with a lot of attachments, and I hook up and let go from time to time." "Yeah, I heard about those but never even thought of trying it. I'd be scared of putting electrodes on my prick. Is it dangerous?" "I don't blame you if you don't want to stick your prick in a light socket," I said, "but this isn't like that. It's a little black box that puts out controlled current, and it's adjustable. You can use just enough current to feel a mild tingle, and you can work up to more voltage. It works off a nine volt battery, so there's no danger." "Well, I'll give it a try," he said, "but lets back off if it's too much for me." I went to my closet and pulled down a small cardboard box from a shelf, extracting the black plastic power unit and other accessories, and set the box on the bed. I inserted a twin lead into one of the sockets and showed Michael the electrodes. "When I'm alone, I put this one in the crack of my ass. Then I put this one over the head of my cock and pull the foreskin up over it to hold it in place. See how it fits right over the head?" "The electrodes come that way?" he asked. "The one I put between my cheeks does, but I made the cup for the head of my prick out of conductive epoxy. I made a clay mold of my cock-head and painted the conductive epoxy over it with a brush. It's a custom job, and fits me perfectly." "We going to use both types?" he asked. "No, just two of the kind that go between your cheeks. One is for you, and one for me. The idea is to set up a path for the current, and it can go between the two electrodes you put on yourself when you're alone, but in this case the current will go between the ones we put between our cheeks because we'll be connected by our pricks. Now don't worry, I'll be getting the same current as you, and I won't turn it so high that it's uncomfortable." Okay, let's try it," he said. Our pricks weren't hard yet, only at half-mast, and I handed him one electrode. "Here, put some of this conductive jelly on it, and slip it into your crack. Almost anywhere will do, but I like it best when it touches my anus. That way, the current causes it to contract with each pulse and the current travels through my prostate gland." Michael squeezed conductive jelly onto the electrode and slipped it behind him while I did the same with my electrode, making sure it was pressing against my anus. "Now we dock, to complete the circuit before I turn on the power," I said. "We don't have to be hard for this." We turned to face each other. He slipped his foreskin back to uncover the head, and Michael pressed his swelling cock-tip against mine. Then I pushed my foreskin forward to engulf his glans right down to the deep groove behind the ridge. He eased his long baggy hood forward until it engulfed my fleshy sleeve, extending beyond the outline of the ridge of my glans.

"Now what?" he asked. "Now we try a steady low voltage to start." I hit the "ON" switch and adjusted the frequency to the highest setting. Slowly, I turned to power knob until I felt a mild tingle in my prick. "Feel that?" I asked. I knew he did, because his expression had changed right at the moment I'd felt the first tingle. "Yeah, it feels funny, but nice. I guess now you'll turn it up, right?" Yeah, eventually, but right now I'm going to drop the frequency. This'll give a very different feeling." I turned the frequency knob to its lowest setting, until it felt as if someone was going tap-tap-tap on my glans, and looked at him. "Feels like someone's tapping on my cock-head," he said. "It's really different. Think we can come this way, or are you going to turn up the power again?" "I will, but also I'm going to make another adjustment. This is the pulse setting. It turns the current on and off, in short pulses, and I can adjust the timing of the pulses. I'm also going to change the frequency to one I found feels really hot in my prick." I adjusted the settings and asked him: "Now how does that feel?" "Very nice," he replied. "I think both our pricks are reacting to that." I saw what he meant. We were getting hard, the covering skin on our joined pricks stretching to accommodate the increased length and bulk of our swelling cock-heads. "Okay, now for a little more power^Å." I said as I turned the knob. The pulses increased in intensity, and now our cocks were jerking strongly with each pulse. "Wow! I can feel that right down to the root of my cock," he said. Our pricks kept swelling, and I felt the big head of his swollen prick pressing against the front of mine under our foreskins. "The pulse feature makes our muscles contract, and that really builds up our excitement," I explained. "Now I'll turn it up another notch and you'll feel a different sensation." I turned the power knob clockwise and felt the strength of the pulses increase. "That's really different," he said. "It feels like a big hand's squeezing my prick all the way down to the base." "That's because the pulses are making the muscle in the skin of your prick contract. The skin on our pricks has a layer of smooth muscle, an extension of the skin of our balls. That sheet of muscle tightens up in cool temperatures, and that's what draws our balls up tight against our bodies when it's cold. You probably noticed your prick contracts in cool weather." "Yeah, my prick always shrinks when it gets cold. That tightening and loosening really feels good." Our pricks continued to jerk visibly was we spoke. "The pulses make the skin of your prick contract, even your foreskin. Feel it tighten over the head?" "Yeah, that really feels funny, but nice. I guess it makes your foreskin tighten down over mine too, right?" "Oh, yes. I can feel my foreskin tightening with each pulse." I, too, felt as if a giant but gentle hand were clasping my prick along its entire length, alternately squeezing and releasing it. "I never felt anything like this," Michael said. "It feels like every nerve in my prick's being tickled." "Yes, that's because the current travels along your prick, affecting both the nerve endings and the nerves themselves. Feel your anus tightening too?" "Yeah, I can feel that. It's like getting stroked all over, even deep inside." I could see that Michael was enraptured by the pleasant sensations, his anxieties all gone, as the hot sensations in his prick captured his attention. "It feels the same for me. We can go all the way to orgasm with this." I knew that the pulses would draw the orgasms from our cocks, although I wasn't sure we'd come at the same time. "How did you get on to this?" he asked. "A friend of mine showed me his, and it was so nice I decided to buy one for myself. He was cut, and his prick wasn't as sensitive as mine. He told me that the pulses stimulated all the nerves in his penis, even those that led to his missing foreskin. He said that even though he didn't have the foreskin nerve endings any more, the current stimulated the nerves in the shaft, and he felt more sensation than he ever had when just stroking." "I can relate to that," he said. "When I jack, I get stimulated by the skin rubbing over the head, mainly the rim, if I use short strokes, but this is hitting me all over my prick, even down to the root." "Same here. I use it for no hands jacking. Even though I never touch my prick, I feel the sensations all over." I'd done this many times, gradually increasing the power level, sending exciting electric pulses into my groin, feeling them course from my anus to my throbbing tip, until my entire body was shuddering in the throes of electrically-induced orgasm. "Really don't need Viagra now," Michael continued. "My cock's so hard that it's ready to burst. I can feel yours inside my skin too, and it's throbbing too. Can you turn the power up just a little more?" I turned the knob slightly and felt the comforting increase in sensation. The big hand firmly squeezed my entire prick once a second, letting go only to bear down again with its comforting pressure a second later. "Now it feels like the skin's tightening right behind the head," Michael said. "It' like a thick rubber band squeezing my rim and the groove behind it. It's making me really hot." "Yeah, I can see your balls are tight against your body, and your tip feels hard against mine." I inched the power up another notch, and saw Michael's legs begin to tremble, jerking slightly with each pulse. My stomach muscles were contracting in time to the pulses as the current built up my excitement. Now I increased the pulse setting, and the pace became more rapid, driving us towards orgasm. "I think it won't be long now," he said. "It's going faster, and I can feel it building up deep inside." I knew what he meant, as I was feeling the same tightening in my groin that did not relax when the current switched off between pulses. I turned the pulse knob slightly clockwise. "OOOOHHHH! That really gets to me," he muttered through clenched teeth. I knew we were both close, awaiting the thundering release the pulses would bring in another minute. Our cocks were jerking hard inside their fleshy covering, and I felt a drop of lubricant crawling up my tube. "Now I'll go higher, and this might do it for us," I whispered, barely able to get the words out because my mind was focused on the compelling sensations in my groin. I inched the knob to higher power, and the contractions increased. I watched Michael's eyes close as he withdrew into himself, unable to speak, face contorting, as the powerful sensations pounded through his pulsing prick. I turned the pulse knob slightly to increase the pace of the pulses, and felt the hot sparks of sensation increase in pace. My legs began to contract with each pulse, and the head of my prick swelled even more, aching for the release that would not be long in coming. I gave the power knob another twist, and the current pounded through me, bringing me relentlessly to the edge. "AAAHHHH! AAHH! AAHH! AAHH!" he yelled as I felt a powerful throb from his glans beat against mine. Hot fluid washed over the head of my trapped cock, bathing it and stimulating the tortured nerve endings. My cock-root began to pound and I cried out as the first hot jet burned its way up my urethra. My eyes closed as I became lost in the hot sensations that consumed me. Michael's rock-hard glans hammered against the front of mine as it throbbed with each spurt. I lost track of time as my prick and cock-root contracted rhythmically in time with the pulses, expelling hot gushes of fluid that filled Michael's foreskin and mixed with his cream. Our cocks pressed hard against each other's tips, our bodies straining in orgasm as our hips bucked and our prostates poured out their jets. We moaned mindlessly, lost in the sensations that overwhelmed our consciousness. As my orgasm began to fade and my mind began functioning again, I reached for the main switch and snapped it off, as I knew we were both near the end of our climaxes, cocks still throbbing but not as heavily as before. I sensed the volume of my jets had diminished, as we were completely draining ourselves. Now I lay still, feeling the last throbs of Michael's big glans against mine. We lay utterly still for a long time, dazed by the aftereffects of our intense, mind-numbing orgasms. Our cocks shrank, but were still joined tip to tip by our overlapping foreskins. I saw that, although our big heads had softened and shrunk, there was a big bulge in the skin covering them because of the trapped sperm. I picked up a folded towel I'd placed on the bedside table and placed it beneath our cocks to catch the flow when our cocks finally separated. "I never felt anything like that in my life," Michael said. "That was so hot and it totally drained me. I can hardly move." "Yeah, I know. I get that drained feeling too whenever I use electro-sex. It makes my cock-root pump out every last drop." "While I was shooting, I couldn't even feel your prick against mine because the sensations in my cock were so intense. That happen to you?" "Oh, yes. All I can feel is my cock pounding, and I don't notice anything else," I replied. "Yeah, I was in a world of my own," he said. "My brain just shut down, and I couldn't even think, just lay there and felt the hot throbs." "That's the way it always is for me. I just float, lost in space. Now our cocks were totally shrunken, but still connected by our swollen hoods. I peeled my foreskin back and began pulling my tip out from under his foreskin as streams of white cream began leaking from the edges of his hood onto the towel. Several tablespoons of sperm oozed onto the towel, forming a thick, viscous puddle. "That's a lot of cum," he said. "I can hardly believe we shot that much." "Yeah, we really drained our tanks," I replied. "I don't know if we can come again today." "I know I can't. I'm ready for sleep." We cuddled against each other and lapsed into unconsciousness.

The end

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