
By Jack Santoro

Published on Apr 26, 2005



Electro-Weekend By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

NOTE: The characters in this story are real, with only the names changed to protect the guilty. However, some of the sex play is fictionalized, and did not happen exactly that way. On a printed page, characters can have oral sex and exchange bodily fluids with no consequences. In real life unsafe sex can lead to problems, such as hepatitis, herpes, and HIV. Be safe!

Tim's prick was hard and jerking inside the condom that held the cup shaped electrode over the front of his engorged and straining helmet. The electronic pulses were sending sensations of delight into his prick, driving him to ecstasy, as he eased the power knob higher.

We'd decided to meet for another weekend of mutual exploration and especially electro-sex, this time at an out of the way motel in Colorado, both of us arriving late Friday afternoon. Once inside the room, we'd immediately stripped, our desire overcoming any restraint we might have had. Tim's heavy-ended prick, with its bulky helmet, swung invitingly in front of his loose scrotum which was about to tighten with excitement.

"You haven't changed at all," I said. "Your prick's as ready to go as ever."

"Yours is pretty nice too," he replied as he rolled the nipple of my long, overhanging foreskin between two fingers, generating a gentle wet friction against my glans. Our pricks were rapidly stiffening with excitement, and as I pulled him to me they were pressed between our bodies.

"I want to hug you for a few seconds," I said as I squeezed him to me. I felt his strong arms enfold me as he kissed my neck. We separated and stood inches apart, our pricks pointing toward each other.

"You must be really hot," I observed. "Your prick's already leaking dew from its eye." The lips of his long slit were slightly parted and wet with his clear slippery fluid, and I touched them with my finger. As I began spreading the viscous natural lubricant around his slit he began to moan lightly and clasped the end of my foreskin, stretching it out away from my body to put tension on its nerve endings.

"That feels so good, the way you're doing that," he whispered. I knew that he enjoyed the light caresses around the front dome of his engorged helmet.

"You know just what to do with my foreskin to make my prick feel good," I answered. He'd begun twisting my foreskin slightly, adding to my sensations.

"I wish I had a foreskin," he said wistfully.

"You can play with mine all you want, Tim. It's all yours."

"We were both cut, but you had plastic surgery to get your hood back," he said.

"You could get yours back by stretching." We were both hot, partly because of the topic of our pricks, and partly because of the tactile contact.

"I think we both need to come," Jack. It's been four days since I came. I've been really busy at work. How about you?"

"I haven't come in five days, and you're right. We really need to relieve the tension." My tension was high, as evidenced by my straining erection, the outline of my bloated glans showing clearly through the covering skin.

"Come on over here and I'll relieve you," he said, leading me into the bathroom until we stood before the sink. "This isn't romantic, but I'll make you come fast, and then you can do me." I knew that Tim wanted the psychological stimulation of playing with my foreskin to build his excitement before I began bringing him to orgasm.

"Oh, go ahead, Tim, I really need this," I said as Tim's firm fingers began stripping back my foreskin, exposing the rounded front dome of my helmet.

"You know how I like skinning you back," he said. "I love to play with your foreskin but I really enjoy pulling that skin back so I can see your beautiful helmet." As his fingers worked on my prick, I was holding his shaft firmly, studying the drops of liquid that kept seeping from his slit. Now I ran my thumb over the front of his glans, swiping sideways across the lids of his prick-eye, spreading the slippery liquid across his dome.

"I like the way your cock-lips pout when you're hard. That hole looks like a teardrop," he said. "It's purple-pink around the hole, but gets darker purple farther back." My prick was responding to his stimulation, and I felt my cock-root twitching deep inside me.

"You're really reaching me, Tim. That feels so good when you skin it back slowly." Tim suddenly stopped and spoke:

"Let's get into the bedroom. Your cream's too good to waste shooting it down the sink." He led me through the door and pushed me gently flat on my back before climbing onto the bed next to me. Tim continued:

"Remember when I slipped my finger inside your skin and worked it around the head? Remember how good that felt? Well, I want to do the same thing now, but with my tongue." He crouched over me and clasped my prick again, holding it upright with the foreskin pulled up into a thick pucker. When he bent his head I felt the tip of his tongue insinuating itself into the end of my hood, pushing deeper and probing for my pee-hole.

"Wow, that feels good!" I said as I grasped his prick again, jiggling the shaft-skin up and down to bump his flaring corona. Tim lifted his head and said:

"I just love this, sticking my tongue into your skin. I thought about this on the way over."

"I wish you had a foreskin too, so I could do it to you, Tim." His prick had a thick brown Gomco scar half and inch behind the head. However, the shaft-skin seemed looser than I remembered. I turned my head slightly and licked the leaking eye of his glans, relishing the salty flavor of his lubricating fluid as I inhaled the musky odor of his ball-sweat. Now I felt Tim's tongue probing deeper into my foreskin, circling the hole, and sliding farther to caress the broad upper surface of my helmet and making my foreskin bulge with its thickness. His lips closed around my hood, pushing it back to bare my glans, and I felt the tingling contact of my helmet with his tongue and palate.

Tim's fist tightened on my shaft and began a rhythmic pumping motion, bringing my foreskin up over the head as he withdrew his lips, and then drawing my foreskin down fully as his lips advanced to engulf my swollen glans. We were both caught up in the passion of the moment, sucking on each other's engorged tips and tugging at each other's scrotums. Now Tim stopped for a moment:

"Better stop sucking me, Jack. You're gonna come soon, and I wouldn't want you biting me when you shoot." I released his hot purple glans but maintained the stroking motion with my fist, compressing his rim on each up-stroke as he continued to tongue my helmet.

"I can feel it tickling," I moaned. Tim's lips and tongue continued to oscillate up and down my helmet, and I felt the sensations building up. A tickling feeling encircled my rim, and then spread all over the glans as he continued to fuel my fire. Tim's glans was shiny and dark purple, inches in front of my eyes, as I continued to stroke his magnificently formed prick.

Tim sucked and stroked my prick relentlessly, and now I felt a tightening deep inside me, a sign that my orgasm was about to boil out of my body. The tickle in the head changed suddenly to a hot tingle, and I knew I was rolling over the brink. A sharp convulsion deep inside me sent the first thick stream of fluid searing its way up my prick like a torrent of hot lava, and I cried out helplessly at the acute sensations that pervaded my body and blanked out my mind. As my eyes closed the hot cream shot from my teardrop shaped hole, flooding Tim's mouth, and I felt his lips tighten behind my rim as my prick throbbed again, delivering its second charge of semen.

Tim's other hand tugged on my scrotum, stretching the thick skin and its nerve endings, as another hot spasm wracked my body. I felt the thick cream boiling up my urethra, slamming through the lips of my slit, as I cried out again, sobbing and moaning in pure passion. I was no longer stroking his prick, because I'd lost all sense of direction, my mind numbed by the overpowering sensations he was pouring into my body.

Another heavy spasm coursed through my groin, sending another load of juice into Tim's waiting mouth. Tim had stopped stroking my foreskin and his lips remained locked behind my rim as my orgasm worked its way out. The throbs were softer now, and the fluid just crept up my tube, seeping from my slit.

My body relaxed as Tim released my prick, which was too sensitive to touch. I took a few deep breaths and opened my eyes to see Tim's face over mine as he leaned down to plant a dry kiss on my lips.

"You really creamed, Jack, and almost drowned me. I really loved feeling your hot cock throb in my mouth. Your cream on my tongue tasted so good." I responded by raising myself and pushing him flat on his back, grasping his hot hard prick and engulfing his glans with my lips. I locked my lips in the groove behind his prominent corona and tickled his slit with my tongue-tip as I pumped his shaft-skin. I smelled his heavy sweat as I tugged on his scrotum and began moving my lips up and down his bulky helmet, lubricated by my saliva and his fluid.

As I worked his prick with my lips, tongue, and palate, I felt the helmet swell and harden, losing its sponginess as his excitement rose rapidly. Tim began moaning helplessly, his excitement fueled both by having had oral sex with my foreskinned prick and by the sensations I was so avidly pouring into his erotic organ. Now I quickly swiped my tongue-tip across the gaping lips of his long slit and let my teeth lightly graze his gee-string.

Tim yelped suddenly as I felt his hot hard glans throb in my mouth, and I felt the pulsing of his shaft with my encircling fingers as the first stream poured from his tip to coat my tongue and palate. The characteristic chlorine odor flooded my nostrils and his fluid poured into the back of my throat, and I swallowed hard as his prick throbbed again to deliver another load into my waiting mouth. He was thrusting his hot hard penis into the back of my mouth.

My lips were wrapped around his swollen corona, and I twisted my head to unleash his third spasm that flooded my mouth with his sperm. Another load blasted from his slit and I struggled to swallow it. The next load was weaker, and the next was just a dribble, although I felt his glans throb each time.

Now Tim was still, exhausted from the biological storm that had gripped his body. I shifted on the bed so that my head was next to his, and I hugged him to me.

"That was really nice," he murmured dreamily. "I needed relief, and so did you." We lay silently for a few minutes, and then sat up.

"That wasn't safe, what we did, but I don't care," I said.

"I'd thought about putting your cock in my mouth, and I know it isn't safe, but I figured we already trust each other so much it doesn't matter." Tim smiled as he said this.

"I guess we do trust each other a lot, Tim. We've got nothing to hide from each other, and now we literally trust each other with our lives." I pulled him to me and kissed his neck. He kissed mine and then hugged me to him.

"Did you get together with Barry?" I asked. He'd mentioned Barry to me last time we'd met.

"Oh, yes, I met him. He's Bi, just like we are, and his main interest is foreskins and foreskin restoration. I told him about you, and he showed me how to tape the skin to stretch it enough to cover the head. He said if I keep at it, I should have enough skin to do that in a couple of years."

"I noticed your skin seemed to be looser than last time, Tim. Have you been taping?"

"I have, but I took it off before I got here. I wanted to see if you'd notice anything."

"Well, I did. You've made progress. I'm sure of that. Now are you going to keep seeing Barry?"

"No, I'm not. As I'd said, he's Bi and so am I. Anyway, we agreed to keep in touch, but there's nothing romantic there. He found a girlfriend and you know I've been seeing Susan. I really prefer a woman for company. Women are softer, more nurturing. You know that."

"I'm glad you found Susan. Maybe she'll be ex actly what you need. I wish you the best, you know." I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, and he returned the kiss tenderly.

"Did you bring the electro stuff?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's in the corner, that brown box on top of my suitcase."

"Your cock's still dripping," he said, and he leaned over to inspect it. He'd drawn my foreskin forward after finishing with me, but now I saw that there was a thick drop in the pucker. Tim licked it off, and slid the hood back to reveal my front dome, still very wet. His tongue flicked out and I felt it wipe across and around my slit to get the residue. "There, it's all taken care of," he said as he pulled my foreskin back into place over the head.

"I've been doing the Kegel exercises you told me about in one of your e-mails," I said.

"That's really good. Those exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles and you can make your cock bob with erection. You know how I enjoy seeing your big-tipped cock swing from side to side when you walk. Now you'll be able to make it go up and down too." He grasped the end of my foreskin and began pulling gently, tugging it away from my body. I felt my prick responding to the gentle stimulation, and reached for his.

"It's pretty soon after we came," I suggested.

"We don't have to come again, or even get hard," he replied. "We can just play with each other's cocks, while we talk."

"I know what you mean. You never get tired of inspecting my prick," I said as I felt Tim's strong fingers grasp my prick around the base as he began pushing my foreskin back with two fingers of the other hand. The friction against my glans fueled my fire and I felt myself getting harder.

"Not just your skin, your helmet. Your helmet's very attractive." Meanwhile, I was gently squeezing his helmet from the sides, knowing that this would make his cock-root throb.

"Let me pull your skin forward, Tim. I want to see how much slack you've developed with that taping." Tim's prick was almost hard now, the helmet flushed with blood, and I began pulling his shaft-skin up over his corona. "It goes farther up the head than before," I commented. "About half and inch more, I think."

"I've been taping every day, almost 24 hours a day. Barry told me that keeping the skin stretched is more important than putting a lot of tension on it."

"Barry's right," I said. "Several friends of mine told me that that's the way it works."

"You've been stretching your skin too, haven't you? I know you had plastic surgery to replace your skin, but you always wanted more length."

"Yeah, and one reason was that that damned plastic surgeon wasn't too good. Apart from the complications, the new foreskin was uneven, a lot longer on top than on the bottom," I said.

"It's still longer along the top, but it's not too bad." My prick was now fully swollen, with Tim's caressing fingers gently twisting my foreskin and stretching its nerve endings.

"You should have seen it 22 years ago, a year after the surgery. By the time it was fully healed, scar tissue had contracted and really distorted my hood."

"Well, I'm glad you found a way to solve the problem, Jack. Anything you can do to make your cock look better is worth it."

"At least we've both got straight shafts and nice helmets," I said. Tim's prick was rock-hard, eager for more stimulation.

"Yeah, I really love those helmets," Tim said as his eyes bored into mine. "I always enjoyed running my fingers over your helmet and now I've run my lips and tongue over it too."

"I remember you seemed a little surprised when the home-made electrode I'd sent you last year fitted perfectly over your helmet."

"Oh, I really was surprised. You know how cock-heads are so different in size and shape on different guys. Ours seem to be twins, exactly the same size and shape."

"I measured mine a few years ago," I said. "It's 1 7/8" long and exactly the same wide. I guess yours is the same." Tim's fingers eased my foreskin back, until my hood snapped down into the deep groove behind my rim.

"It looks the same to me," he said. "Anyway, I'd like to try those electrodes and the unit you brought with you. The one you gave me is okay, but from what you said, yours is a really super unit."

"It is super, and I know you'll enjoy using it," I replied.

"First, though, since I've got your cock hard again, I want you to stand up in front of me and do your Kegel exercises. I want to watch that big helmet bob up and down." I got up from the bed and stood next to it, while he assumed a seated position on its edge. My helmet was inches in front of his avidly staring eyes, and I began to tighten my crotch muscles to make my staff go up and down.

"That's nice, Jack," he said. "I can see each time you tighten up, the head goes up about two inches. That looks really nice, that bare head and the way you make it move. Your helmet looks sculptured." Tim's prick was pointing up at me at a 45-degree angle, the way he was seated.

"I'd like to see how you can move yours, Tim." I reached down for his hand and pulled him to his feet, so that our tips were touching. I tightened my crotch muscles and my glans pulled up away from his, and then snapped down again when I relaxed.

"That feels so good," he said, "feeling your smooth glans rubbing against mine." As he spoke, he must have tightened his crotch muscles, because his prick snapped up and then came down again, his hard, swollen glans sliding over mine on the down-stroke. Now I tensed my Kegel muscles, and my prick rose higher, and I eased my hips forward slightly so that my engorged helmet came down on top of his when I relaxed.

"This is getting us really excited," I said. "Touching tip to tip is something I've never done with a guy before."

"This is my first time, too," he said. "I can see how it's turning you on, because your helmet's gettin' darker." Now he made his prick spring up, and his glans struck mine on the return stroke.

"I can tell you're becoming excited too, Tim. "Your head's not gettin' darker but your balls are rising. Your helmet also looks sculptured. It's very beautiful. That's why I enjoyed wrapping my lips around it before." Now I snapped my prick up and then down onto his engorged glans. At this point he grasped my shaft.

"What I'd really like, Jack, is to feel your skin covering my helmet. I know you've been stretching it, and maybe you've got enough overhang for me." His thumb and forefinger closed behind the thick ring of my foreskin, still lodged behind my glans, and I felt him exert traction to bring it forward.

"Go ahead, pull it forward," I told him. "See how far it can go on your glans." He continued to pull my foreskin towards him, sliding it down along my glans until it touched the rounded dome of his, which he was pressing against the nose of mine.

"Okay, here goes," he said as he pulled harder, and we watched my thick fleshy sleeve begin its climb up the slope of his helmet.

"Lat me do it," I said. "I'll stretch it out and maybe we can get it over your tip." He released my foreskin and I grasped it at the forward edge on each side with thumbs and index fingers, stretching it away from his glans as well as toward him. I felt him press his prick against mine, compressing our front domes and their nerve endings, while I stretched my foreskin over the rest of his helmet.

"That's as far as it goes," I explained. "I can cover your head but I don't have enough overhang to really stroke it with my foreskin."

"That's okay," he whispered. "I just wanted to feel my helmet wrapped in your skin. It feels so intimate, being inside your skin." He leaned forward over our joined pricks and kissed me, a light but lingering dry kiss on the lips. I kept my fingers around our docked pricks, maintaining the contact that he enjoyed so much.

"I love it too," I said. "I love the intimacy of holding your beautiful helmet inside my foreskin. It feels so natural."

"It feels so hot," he replied. "Being tip to tip with you is a terrific turn-on, even more than stroking your skin and making you come." I felt a slippery gush pour from the lips of his slit, which were touching my orifice, and a moment later his helmet slid deeper into my foreskin, overriding mine.

"You're really hot, the way you're leaking lube and sliding into my hood."

"Think we can come this way?" he asked.

"No, there's just no more room. My foreskin's so tightly stretched right now you might tear it if you thrust at all."

"Well, can we stay like this for a few minutes? It's so intimate being like this with you, my helmet against yours."

"Yeah, we can, but let's lie down for this," I answered, and we slowly and carefully eased ourselves onto the bed, maintaining the erotic and intimate contact. We lay face to face, our hot hard pricks joined at their ends, savoring the warmth of each other's helmet, pressed together and encapsulated by my distended foreskin. Tim kissed me on my lips again, and I moved my head slightly to plant a kiss on his muscular neck. After many minutes, our excitement dissipated, and our pricks began to soften.

"Well, if we can't come together like this, can we try the electro?" he asked. We separated, I got up, and brought the box to the bed. Digging inside it, I removed the cup electrode I'd made out of conductive epoxy to fit my glans exactly. Removing a tube of conductive jelly, I squirted a large, viscous drop on the dome of Tim's now exposed glans.

"This is for conductivity. You've used it yourself." Now I placed the cup attachment carefully over Tim's helmet, until it covered the entire from dome down to halfway along the glans. I removed a condom from its foil envelope and began unrolling it down Tim's hard shaft. "See that stud sticking out from the top of the cup?" I asked. "I'll push it through the rubber and connect the lead to it with an alligator clip."

"This is fascinating, Jack. Are you gonna wire me up all the way? I've only used one channel of the unit you gave me." As I finished rolling the condom to the base of Tim's penis, I pulled a blue conductive band from the box. As I tightened it around the base of his prick, right below the rubber ring of the condom, I explained:

"I'll put some conductive jelly on this too, and attached the other lead to the glans cup with an alligator clip. This is the "A" channel. The blue band will be the common lead for both the "A" and "B" channels." I pushed the stud through the thin latex and attached the alligator clip to it, and pushed the "banana" lead into the receptacle of the wire coming from the blue band.

"Here, Tim, take this adhesive pad and attach the "B" wire to it, and then place it by your anus." Tim followed my directions and then lay back on the bed as I plugged the wires into the electro unit.

"Now this black button is the on/off switch. I'll push it now."

"I don't feel anything," he said.

"You won't just yet. The power knobs are at zero. I want you to turn them up until you can feel something. Start by turning them to about 30 percent. You can see the readout in this LED window right here," I said, pointing to the display window. Tim slowly turned each power knob up until the display read 31 percent for each channel.

"I feel something," he said. "It's very faint, and it's kinda tingly."

"Yes, this first program is called "Waves," and it feels like fingers are squeezing your prick. Now turn it up a couple of points on each channel." Tim carefully moved each knob incrementally, easing the power level up, until each was at 42.

"Oh, Jack, I can really feel that. It's like fingers are all over my cock, sliding my shaft-skin over the head, and then inside me too. It really feels like waves, running all over my shaft."

Okay, now turn the power up a little more, say to 45, and see what happens." Tim twisted both knobs slightly, until Channel "A" read 45 and Channel "B" read 46.

"How far can I turn it up?" he asked.

"The power level goes up to 100, but you'll find it uncomfortable long before you reach that. You don't want to get into pain. You have to experiment to see what program and power level works for you. Now that knob to the left of the power knobs is the multi-adjustment knob. It varies the rhythm and with some programs, the frequency of the pulses. You turn that until you find what gets you aroused without being uncomfortable."

"Right now it feels wonderful, but I don't know if I can get to orgasm with this."

"Just increase the power a bit, maybe one or two points, and see what that does." Tim twisted the knobs and brought the power to 48 on each channel. He sighed deeply.

"That feels even better. It's really reaching deep inside me."

"I can tell it is, Tim. I can see your head's getting darker inside that condom, and the rim's really standing out. Your balls are tighter, too."

"What's gonna happen when I come?" he asked. "The cream's gonna push the cup off my helmet."

"Don't worry about that. Your sperm is very conductive, and the current will still flow from the cup into your helmet."

"This is really nice," he said. "Should I go higher?"

"Do what you want, as long as it's comfortable for you. Remember, only a small amount at a time, or you'll get a bad surprise. You really have to feel your way along at the higher power levels."

"What's the most you did on Waves, Jack?"

"Oh, about 60 or 70. I was able to come once, but I had the multi-adjust knob all the way clockwise, for a fast rhythm. Want to try that first and see how it feels?" Tim nodded and then twisted to knob slowly, to see what a faster rhythm would do for him.

"This is making my Kegel muscles contract," he observed.

"I can see your prick twitching," I said. "The pulses will make your muscles contract when you hit the right level and rhythm for you."

"I'll turn the power up a little more. Do I have to do it the same on each channel?"

"No, just what's comfortable for you," I coached him. "I usually find that using a higher current in my penis gives me the best sensations." As I spoke Tim eased the power level to his penis to 55, in slow stages, and on the "B" channel to 52.

"This is about all I think I can take. I need to come, but I can't get there with this." He looked at me for guidance as he spoke. I withdrew a small battery-powered vibrator from the box. It was a six-inch cylinder and half an inch thick. Twisting the base to turn it on, I pressed the buzzing end against his frenulum, confident that the sensations would reach his tender flesh through the thin latex.

"Now I can help you, Tim. You just relax and enjoy the waves going through you, and I'll work on your hot spot with this vibrator. I'll get you over the top this way."

"Oooohhh," he moaned as the sensations filled his helmet, and I saw his body tense as his excitement rose abruptly.

"That's it, Tim, just try to relax and let me bring you over the edge. His hand gripped my free hand, squeezing tightly, communicating his tension to me.

"My cock's gonna explode," he grunted, "it's just so hard, so swollen...."

"You're gonna come hard, Tim. Just try to relax and let the orgasm come to you." His hips lifted off the bed as he tried to thrust his helmet deeper into the electric cup that covered the front of it. Now Tim's prick jerked hard.

"OH! OH! OH! HUNH! HUNH! HUNHHHHHH!" he cried out as the first hot spasm hit him. I saw the front of the condom distend as creamy liquid flowed from between the cup and his glans. His lips were drawn back in an orgastic rictus, and his head moved from side to side from the effect of the overpowering sensations.

"Just stay with me, Tim," I said, not at all sure he heard me, as I pressed the vibrator harder against the hot spot under his helmet. His hips bucked again, and the condom distended further as he unloaded again. His loud cries filled the room, and I knew that his mind was on "HOLD," overpowered by his ecstasy.

Tim cried out loudly again, and his prick throbbed with another release. His eyes were closed and the cords in his neck taut with effort. His jaw dropped as he let out another helpless cry of blissful agony, and I saw a definite gap between the front dome of his straining helmet and the cup shaped to fit it. I turned down the power on both channels and removed the vibrator, letting his orgasm fade as he drained himself into the condom.

Tim's prick twitched a few more times in counterpoint to his heavy breathing, until I saw his body relax as the orgasm died. I turned off the electro power box and lay down beside him, hugging him to enhance his afterglow. He opened his eyes and turned his head toward me, eyes boring into mind in wordless gratitude. I kissed his lips, then his chin, and finally his neck.

"That was mind-boggling," he said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I replied. "It was great for me, too, although I didn't come. I got a real thrill out of making you come, feeling your prick jerk, watching your sperm fill that rubber. I knew what you were feeling, and I was glad to be able to do it for you."

"That was magnificent, Jack." Tim kissed me on the lips again, and this time I felt his tongue probing passionately into my mouth. I reciprocated, and our tongues twirled around each other, swept up in a wave of excitement. When we finally broke, I was the first to speak:

"It's getting late. Want to go out to eat? I'm getting hungry."

"What about you, Jack? Do you want to do some electro on your cock?"

"No, I don't think I can have another orgasm tonight. Remember, I'm 23 years older than you."

"Okay, then, let's get up and shower. I'm really hot and sweaty after this," he said. Tim rose and I followed him into the bathroom, where we got under the shower, enjoying the spray of warm water on our bodies. I began to soap his back.

"I don't have to have as many orgasms as you, Tim. I'm perfectly satisfied with what I had, and I really enjoyed watching you shoot your loads. You know that always gives me a thrill."

"I know it does. I'm glad you get a charge out of watching me shoot, just like I get a charge out of handling your skin. By the way, I've gotta pee. How about you? I can hold your skin shut like the last time." His words reminded me that my bladder was indded full, and the hot water running down my penis reinforced that thought.

"Okay, I do have to go, and yes, you go right ahead and hold my foreskin shut while I drain myself." I felt his strong fingers grasp the end of my foreskin nipple and pinch it as I relaxed my sphincter.

"Just like you enjoy watching me shoot, I get a thrill out of watching your hood swell when I pinch the end. That gives me such a charge, really. You can't imagine." He relaxed his hold on my hood and we watched the thick yellow gush pour out and blend with his stream, flowing between us and running down the drain. Tim pinched and released my foreskin several times, making it balloon out and then collapse as he let it drain, until I was empty.

We finished washing each other, Tim paying particular attention to retracting my foreskin and rinsing underneath, and then we dried each other and got dressed. We'd decided to eat at a steak house in the next town, and as I drove, he reminisced:

"Remember that time you phoned me on a Saturday night and we got so hot talking to each other that we jerked off? You really had me going when you described how you'd skinned your cock back and the head looked exactly like mine?"

"Yes, I remember it well," I replied. "That was a real turn-on for both of us."

"I was looking at my cock while you were talking and stroking it with Albolene, and when you told me that you had it skinned back and were massaging the helmet I imagined that I was looking at your cock right there in front of me, and that while I was stroking my cock I was really stroking yours. That's what set me off, and why I shot so fast."

"You're right, Tim. It was a lot like that for me. I told you how my helmet looked so shiny and sculptured, and I realized I was also describing yours. I thought about my fingers working on the contours of your helmet, because yours is so much like mine."

"I was really into it with you then, even though we were a thousand miles apart. You remember how when I came, I was yelling your name?"

"Oh, yes, Tim. I was surprised at that. You'd told me you were close, but I expected you to moan or grunt when you came. Instead, I heard you shouting my name."

"That's because I was thinking about your cock. In my mind, the cock I was stroking was yours. Remember how I told you I was twisting my fingers around the rim?"

"That's right. I remember. You were thinking that you were making my helmet tingle, and that you were making me shoot."

"Oh, that's it exactly, Jack. You fired my fantasy. I was fantasizing that I had a cock exactly like yours, that I had the cock-skin skinned back tight, and was working on the big helmet." I felt my prick starting to swell as Tim described his thoughts and sensations to me, and I sighed deeply.

"We'd better stop talking about this," I said. "It wouldn't do for me to walk into the steak house with a hard-on showing."

"Me too. My cock's getting hard thinking about it." By the time we'd arrived, our excitement had subsided, and we didn't embarrass ourselves. We secured a corner table, away from the other diners, and ordered steaks with mushroom sauce.

"I don't know what we'll do when we get back," I said over the salad. "We might be ready to go to sleep."

"I know I will," he said. "I always get sleepy when I have a full stomach. Anyway, we've got tomorrow and Sunday. That should be enough."

"I know it will," I said. "Anyway, let's concentrate on enjoying the steaks. They serve Mid-Western beef here, much better than the local kind." We finished the meal with few words, exchanging lingering glances, and then we drove back to the resort.

Next morning I awoke with a full bladder, and I could tell that Tim's was full as well, because he was sporting a magnificent erection, with the helmet fully swollen. I clasped it, causing him to stir, and moments later he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily.

"Hi," he said. "I like waking up like this, feeling your hand on my cock." He reached for my penis, gently sliding the foreskin back and forth over my bloated glans. My prick responded immediately, going from partial to full erection within seconds.

"We both have to pee," I suggested.

"I wish so much you could dock me. We could come inside your skin, and then pee inside it to flush it out."

"I know how much you enjoyed going tip to tip with me yesterday, and this gave me an idea."

"What?" he asked eagerly.

"Let's go tip to tip again, but this time connected to the electro box."

"You mean with the current flowing between our cocks?" As he spoke, Tim reached for a towel we'd placed on the bedside table the night before and spread it between us.

"Yes, exactly. If we do it right now, we can have the pressure of full bladders to make it hotter for us." We both knew that full bladders always enhanced the sensations for us.

"I think that'll make me come very fast," he said. "It's gonna be exciting three ways, having to pee, going tip to tip with your helmet, and then the electro too." I reached for the box with the unit and the electrodes. Attaching a conductive pad to one of the wires, I handed it to him.

"Here, put this by your anus, just like you did yesterday." As he placed the electrode between his buttocks, I put the blue band around the base of his prick.

"How are you gonna set it up for you?" he asked.

"The blue band around your shaft is the common lead. The one by your anus is the "B" channel. Now I'm gonna put this blue band around the base of my shaft for the "A" channel." I slid the blue band down my shaft, tightened it, and wet it with conductive jelly. Next, I wet his blue band for better conductivity, and connected the wires.

"Now ease up to me and press the front of your helmet against mine," I continued. "I'll drip a couple of drops of jelly between them to make good contact." I felt and saw Tim press the bulging front dome of his helmet against mine, the contact made slippery by the viscous but smooth jelly.

"That feels so good," he said. "Even without the juice, it's nice to press my tip against yours."

"Okay, now I'm gonna turn it on to Waves for a minute. Since I can feel the current too, I'll take care of the power levels." I worked the knobs and felt the pleasant electric tingles coursing the length of my penis, from base to glans, and I saw by his eyes that Tim was feeling it too.

"Now I'm gonna switch to Toggle," I said after a minute. "This is gonna give you a hot pulse at just the right frequency from the base of your prick through your prostate for a few seconds, and then the pulse is gonna run from my prick to the base of yours, through the heads." I punched the button to switch to Toggle, and turned the power levels up to 45.

"That feels super," he said. Each time it pulses, my muscles tighten up as if I'm doing the Kegel exercises."

"I can see what it's doing to you," I said. "Your balls are already getting tighter."

"Yeah, and our helmets are hard and shiny." I turned the power levels up to 50.

"Just make sure to keep our tips pressed together so we don't break contact," I coached him. I felt his prick jerk against mine with each pulse, and when the current flowed through mine to the base of his, my crotch muscles tightened involuntarily in hard contractions.

"I know this is gonna make me come," he whispered. "This is so intense."

"Toggle always makes me come," I said. "It makes my Kegel muscles tighten hard, and that always pushes me over the edge."

"I'm gettin' there," he whispered. "Close, close." I felt the tension in his body, although we were connected only by our pricks. The cords in his neck stood out and his legs began twitching. I turned up the power on the "A" channel, as the longer current path meant I needed more voltage, and was rewarded by powerful contractions in my crotch.

"Both our tips are hard and shiny," I commented through clenched teeth, not sure that he heard me because he was so far into it. I felt his prick jerk hard, pressing against the front of my glans, and then he cried out:

"Jack! Jack!" as a thick and powerful gush of hot lava erupted from his slit, which was aligned with my orifice. I felt the surge of fluid force its way through the lips of my teardrop and down my tube, triggering my orgasm just as a heavy pulse of tingling voltage coursed through my prick.

My eyes snapped shut as my body responded, and the sharp contractions of my crotch muscles forced a heavy gush of hot fluid into my tube and up my prick, where it poured out between our straining helmets. I was grunting with effort and passion, totally absorbed in the overpowering sensations, as Tim cried out again, splashing another torrent of sperm between us. The alternating pulses fueled our fires, as did the intimate contact of our helmets, and we both moaned helplessly as the fury of our orgasms devastated our consciousness.

I don't know how many times I ejaculated, caught up in the storm of our mutual passion, but I became aware that my throbs were weakening, and I turned off the box with one hand, using the other to keep our pricks in intimate contact. Thick white cream had dripped from our engorged helmets to form a puddle on the towel, and I folded it up and carefully wiped our pricks with it. We lay very still, exhausted by our efforts, our tingling tips gradually softening as the blood flowed out of them.

"Jack, that was hotter than last night," he said as he opened his eyes. I hadn't noticed his eyes closing because I'd been so enraptured by my own excitement.

"It was hotter for me, too," I replied. "You know you shot your first load right down my tube?"

"No," he said. "I really did?"

"Yeah. Our pricks were pressed right against each other, and our holes must have been in perfect alignment for that second, but I felt your hot load shooting right into me. I don't know how far down my prick it went, but I lost it right then. I just went into spasm down there."

"This ever happen to you before?"

"No, it never did," I answered. "It was a hot experience. Feeling your juice bubbling down my prick just sent me into orbit."

"Maybe it worked because your slit opens up when your helmet swells. Otherwise my cream might have just run out from between our heads."

"I'm sure that had something to do with it. Also, you really shoot hard when you come. It felt like I was getting filled by a fire hose."

"Well, I shot so hard because of the electro, and because I was tip to tip with your cock. All that got me really excited, more than ever before," he said.

"Well, let's disconnect and go clean up," I suggested. We removed the electrodes and wires, and soon were again under the shower.

"This is a nice part of being together," Tim said. "It's not just the sex, it's the intimacy. Taking showers together, soaping each other, drying each other, all that means a lot to me."

"It means a lot to me, too," I said as I pulled him to me for a prolonged kiss. "I like to feel your warm body against mine, in bed and in the shower," I continued when we broke.

"Now that I'm soft, I've gotta pee real bad," Tim said, and I saw the yellow stream pouring from the gaping lips of his shrunken helmet. This stimulated me, and mine began to flow, sluicing through the long hood that had once more covered my glans. Tim pinched my foreskin a couple of times, apparently never tiring of watching my hood distend with the pressure.

As we were drying ourselves, Tim remarked:

"I noticed that your cock hangs a little bit to the left. Is that because you keep it on the left side of your boxers?"

"That might be it," I answered. "I've always kept it hanging down on the left side, and that could have given it a set in that direction."

"Mine does too, just a little, not as much as yours. I dress to the left too, just like you do."

"Both of ours point straight ahead when they're hard, though," I said.

"I'm glad we both have straight shafts, Jack. I noticed some guys have curved cocks, to one side or the other, and even up or down."

"I've seen that too," I remarked. "I'm glad ours are straight. I think it's more attractive that way."

"Oh, sure, Jack. Your cock is very attractive, hard or soft."

"So is yours," I said as we got dressed and prepared to go for breakfast. We ate at a roadside diner, hoping that the food would be good, although the diner was not part of a chain. We ate a conventional fare of bacon, eggs, and hash browns.

"What do you think we should do when we get back?" Tim asked between bites.

"I think we ought to take our time getting back," I replied. "Are you ready for another orgasm right now?"

"When I'm with you, I'm always ready. You must have noticed that."

"Yeah, and you also told me you often have four orgasms a day. There was only one day when I had four orgasms, and that was when I was 16. You have a higher sex drive than I do, and you're also 23 years younger."

"Oh, you're not bad for an old guy," Tim said with a big grin.

"Thanks," I replied.

After we'd finished we took a tour of the town, stopping at a local mining museum, looking at the displays of ancient mining equipment that used to be the major force in the town's economy. We were alone in the museum, apart from the guide, who took our money and handed us tickets, but remained at her desk the whole time we were there. As we drove back to the motel, Tim suggested a plan for the afternoon:

"What about doing Princeton with the electro? Can we hook up and do that?"

"I'm not sure how we'd set the current path," I said. "The rubber is an insulator, and that could stop us cold."

"Maybe we could do it without a rubber. Put an electrode on your cock, and one at the base of mine."

"Okay, let's give it a try when we get there. If we can do it, you just might have a super orgasm again."

"I think I'll have a super orgasm with you any way we do it," he replied. Once inside our room, we again stripped down, and I noticed that we were getting hard even while we were still removing our clothes. Wordlessly, we stood facing each other, our pricks touching.

"That feels nice, my helmet rubbing against your cock-skin," he said. The gentle friction brought our pricks to full attention, and soon we were swaying from side to side, swiping the ends of our pricks against each other. Now Tim reached for mine, gently easing the foreskin back to bare my glans.

"I like to feel your big smooth helmet against mine," he said. "The skin's nice, but feeling the helmet's out of this world." He moved his hips slightly, sliding his heavy-ended prick across the end of mine, caressing my front dome with his.

"Now let's get my ridge rubbing up and down your frenulum," I said as I guided my helmet under his, until my flaring corona caressed his gee-string.

"Oooooh, that's good, so good," he whispered. "You're really getting me excited now."

"Let's get onto the bed and see how we can manage Princeton," I suggested, going into the bathroom for another towel, and within seconds we were lying facing each other. "I brought something that might do the trick for us, I said as I reached into the box I'd brought onto the bed with me.

"This is Astroglide gel," I explained. "It's also conductive, and a lot thicker than the liquid we've used before. That should make it smoother for you between my thighs, so you don't get a hair burn. The friction won't be as good, but with the electro, you should be able to cream." I spread a thick film over Tim's penis as I spoke, and worked some in between my thighs.

"Now take this electrode and put it between your cheeks like before," I said. "I'll wrap the blue band around the base of your prick."

"Let me put the other band on yours, Jack. You know how I love to touch your cock." We slipped the blue bands down each other's pricks, and tightened them around the base. Tim squirted a drop of conductive jelly onto my blue band, and I connected the wires.

"Okay, Tim, now the "A" and "B": channels are just like before. You can reach over me and stroke my foreskin all you want because the band's on the base of my prick." Tim slipped into place and I felt his prick between my thighs as he began thrusting slowly.

"I guess the towel's gonna catch my cream and yours, the way we've got it under us." I punched the button on the electro box, and turned up the power to 35. I felt the tingling of the Waves program surging through my lower body.

"That feels really nice, Jack. The current's going right through my cock and prostate. How's it feel for you?"

"I think I'll turn up the power a little more on the "A" channel, since there's a long current path. How's this?" I asked as I turned the power up to 45.

"Oh, great, oh, delicious," Tim said, and I felt his thrusting become more urgent. His strong fingers closed around the end of my prick, stroking the foreskin in long slow strokes along my glans. The gentle friction and pressure fueled my fire, and I felt more blood rushing into my already engorged penis.

"I can feel you down there," I said. "I can feel every stroke, while you're pumping your prick."

"I can feel your helmet through the skin," he said. "I can feel it swelling even more. That ridge is really standing out the way it's swollen."

"Your helmet's getting bigger too," I replied. Even between my thighs, I could feel his corona becoming more clearly defined.

"Can you switch to Toggle, the way you did yesterday?" he asked. "I think I'll come this way, but the Toggle action makes it really intense."

"Let's stay with Waves for another minute," I said. "If I switched to Toggle now, it would be over too soon, and I know how you like to make it last."

"Oh, you're right, Jack. I'm really enjoying this right now. I love it how my cock's sliding between your legs, and the current's stroking it as well." We continued this way, with Tim's thrusts becoming more forceful, and I felt his fingers tightening around my foreskin as his excitement mounted.

"How are you doing now," I asked. "It feels like youre getting close."

"I am getting closer, Jack. Can you switch to Toggle now? I want to feel those hot pulses that make my Kegel muscles tighten." I punched the button to change to Toggle and increased the power to 65 on the "A" channel and 60 on the "B" channel.

"How's that?" I asked. "Enough for you?"

"Oh, you can give me more," he moaned. "I want to really feel it." I turned the power to 75 and 70. Tim's prick seemed to surge between my thighs, and the long pulses of hot current made our Kegel muscles tighten in powerful spasms that promised to bring relief within seconds.

Tim was silent now, except for his ragged breathing, punctuated by deep groans, and I knew he was rapidly approaching release because both his thrusts and his strokes on my foreskin had increased. I was moaning too, carried away by the intensity of the sensations. My helmet was swollen to its maximum, and it ached for the relief of orgasm.

Tim's hips slammed against me, and I felt his body straining against mine as he raced towards orgasm. His fingers had tightened even more on my prick, and the combination of the friction and the hot pulses was driving me forward. The pulses made it impossible for me to relax, and my crotch muscles tightened rhythmically in delicious spasms, numbing my consciousness.

"HHHHAHHHHH! Jack!" Tim howled as I felt his penis throb hard between my thighs. My eyes closed, and a moment later my superheated, engorged glans exploded, and we were both in the throes of a hot and mindless orgasm. The sensations punched through me, making me yelp uncontrollably, as our bodies strained against each other. I felt Tim's hot liquid pouring out between my thighs, coating my hairs and my scrotum with thick, viscous fluid. Tim continued to pump frenziedly, while the sperm boiled up out of my prick, some of it coating my helmet and the inside of my foreskin. Each time the electronic box toggled to send the pulse through my prick, my Kegel muscles tightened involuntarily. Now he peeled my foreskin back, where it caught behind my rim, and I felt the naked flesh of his fingers against my tender glans. The sharpness of the sensations made me cry out helplessly as my crotch muscles went into another spasm and expelled a hot torrent up my prick. The surge distended the lips of my orifice, as I knew his ejaculations were distending his, and we grunted and moaned as the hot sensations poured through us.

The powerful spasms drained me, and it was almost painful to feel my Kegel muscles straining under the impetus of the friction of Tim's fingers on my helmet and the electric pulses that drove my orgasm from inside me. I was sobbing as I punched the OFF button on the unit, and we shuddered together as our final loads of sperm poured from our pricks.

We lay still, unable to speak, stunned into silence by the fury of our orgasms. Our pricks were still dribbling, punctuated by twitches deep inside us, as we sank into the delicious bliss of the afterglow. We were almost comatose for minutes, enjoying the physical relief and the intimacy, until Tim gathered enough strength to speak:

"Ohhhh, Jack, that was like nothing I've ever felt before." I suddenly remembered that I'd been so enraptured by my sensations, I'd forgotten to rub his frenulum during his orgasm.

"I forgot to put my finger down there to press against your gee-string while I was coming."

"I guess you didn't. I didn't even notice because I was just shooting my load so hard. Between handling your uncut cock and the electro, I was in seventh heaven."

"Oh, then you know how I was caught up in it," I said.

"I know, Tim. It was super hot for me, too." As I spoke, I felt Tim's strong fingers pulling my foreskin forward to cover my glans. "I've got to pull you skin up to protect the precious head," he commented.

"Thanks, Tim. Feel like getting up now?"

"No, let's just lay here for a few minutes, Jack. I feel so close to you." I felt him kiss the back of my neck in a moment of tenderness. On impulse, I wrestled free, feeling his penis slip from between my thighs as I turned to face him. I hugged him to me, in a tangle of arms, legs, electrodes, and wires. His arms closed around me. I felt his heartbeat against my chest as I kissed him on the lips, and I pushed my tongue into him. We held the clinch for several romantic minutes, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies, silently sharing the closeness.

We relaxed and our clinch loosened. I began removing the wires and electrodes that had brought us so much bliss. The towel beneath us was soaked with our sperm. I gathered it up and used it to wipe our groins. Slowly we got to our feet and headed for the shower, silently, as we didn't need to speak. There was nothing to say. Our silent intimacy said it all.

Again, we had to relieve our straining bladders, and Tim played with my foreskin as I let my fluid gush into the drain, pinching and releasing it, fascinated by the distention of my foreskin each time. Tim pulled my foreskin back behind the rim to give the head a thorough rinse, and then replaced it.

We enjoyed the sensation of the hot water coursing over our bodies, and the feeling of sensual intimacy that sharing the shower brought us. We stood hugging wordlessly for a minute, kissing each other on the neck, cheek, and lips, until we spontaneously decided to rinse off and get dried.

"You are so sexy, Tim," I said as we dried each other.

"Same goes for you," he replied. "Being together with you made this weekend for me. Too bad it has to end so soon." Tim had to be back at work on Monday, and this meant he'd have to leave the next day.

"I'm sorry we won't get an entire weekend together like last time," I said wistfully.

"Yeah, I can't take Monday off the way I did last time. It's a day's drive home for me, just like it is for you. I won't leave early, because it doesn't matter if I get home late at night." As we walked back to the bed, I said:

"We have so much in common, despite the age difference."

"We were both circumcised as babies, we were both only children..." He trailed off.

"We can still enjoy sex a lot," I said. "I got my foreskin back through plastic surgery, and you're stretching your shaft-skin to cover your glans. Keep at it, and you'll have a better foreskin than I do, for sure."

"You told me that stretching won't leave any scars the way the surgery left on you."

"That's true. It just takes patience, a lot of it," I said. As I was speaking I fingered his penis, which was again swelling.

"This talking about sex is getting my cock hard again," he said. "Also, feeling you touch me helps a lot."

"Well, your sex drive is higher than mine," I replied.

"I guess it is, Jack. Mind if I play with your foreskin? That excites me a lot."

"Go ahead, but don't be surprised if I don't get hard right away. Anyway, I want this part to be just for you. Remember you e-mailed me those pages on genital massage? They were really interesting, and I'd like to try those techniques on you now."

"Go ahead, but can you use the Albolene? That's my favorite lubricant because it doesn't dry out." I let go of his penis and reached for the jar n the bedside table.

"Okay, Tim. I've got some of it on my fingers now. I'll warm it up so it doesn't feel cold when I touch you." I rubbed the cream between the fingers of my right hand, feeling it liquefy and become less viscous.

"Now I'll start by running my fingertip up the underside of your penis, from the base to the tip." I began where his shaft melted almost imperceptibly into his scrotum, probing for the urethral tube, and pressed in lightly. Now I brought my finger up the underside right into the vee-groove under his helmet, pressing in on his gee-string, and then starting at the bottom again.

"Oh, Jack, that feels good, especially when you hit my hot spot right on the underside of the helmet."

"Okay, Tim, just concentrate on that feeling, how my finger feels as slides up the underside of your prick. You'll get a feeling of anticipation as you feel it slide toward your gee-string."

"That is so sexy, Jack..." he trailed off.

"Okay, now for a change of pace. I'll work up your shaft, but then circle the corona." My finger slid up the elongated bulge of his urethra, and at the vee-groove it went around the groove, to the top and back down the other side, massaging the many nerve endings in his rim. I circled his corona several times and then resumed stroking at the base of his shaft.

"Now I'm gonna work on your rim with all five fingers when I get there," I explained, sliding my finger up his shaft again. When I reached the vee-groove, I cupped my hand over his glans, using only my fingertips to massage his rim with a twisting motion and feeling it harden even more under my fingers.

"I can feel my helmet swelling more now," he whispered.

"It's getting darker, too. I think you'll come if I keep this up, and I don't want you to come yet because I know how much you enjoy edging." I dropped my hand to his scrotum, gently tugging at the thick wrinkled skin, which had already drawn up tightly against his body.

"Yeah, you're right, Jack. It would have been over too fast for me. I just love what you're doing to my cock." Now I blew on his glans.

"Feel that?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I did. That's just heavenly." Now I kneaded his sac gently, feeling each testicle sliding around inside as I massaged it.

"Now I'm gonna change again. I know your scar is sensitive, and I'm gonna work on that." I rubbed one fingertip around the thick brown ring where his foreskin had been removed, feeling the slightly raised ridge of scar tissue that encircled his shaft, caressing the nerve endings in the delicate tissues.

"Tim, I can see your helmet really standing out from the neck of your shaft. That rim is flaring, and the whole head's very shiny."

"That's because you've got me so excited, Jack." As he spoke, I felt his fingers squeezing my glans through the covering foreskin, compressing the nerve endings and sending messages of pleasure down my shaft.

"It's a good thing you've got a big helmet head," I commented. "You've got a lot of surface area to touch, with lots of nerve endings." I shifted to his glans again, and now massaged the broad upper surface with my thumb while sliding two fingertips along the thick gee-string under the head. I felt his fingers tighten around my shaft, which was now fully hard.

"Your slit's leaking a little," I said. "That gives me something else to work on." I pressed the tip of my little finger into the long slit, parting the lips and caressing the inside of his hole. "You've got a long slit," I continued. "I can get the tip of my finger inside it." I felt him shudder, although he didn't say a word.

"Now I'll pull your skin up with my other hand," I said as I grasped his shaft well behind the head and dragged the shaft-skin up over the corona to compress its nerve endings while I continued to massage the inside of his slit.

"Now something else," I said as I held his shaft-skin over his crown and began tracing small circles around his slit, spreading the thick tears that oozed from his prick-eye.

"I'm doing the dome of your helmet, Tim. Can you feel my fingertip circling your slit?"

"Ooooohhh, that's so sensitive," he said. "You're really turning me on. His balls remained tight against his body, contracted by the excitement. Now I let go of his penis.

"I'm going to use the ring technique now," I explained. My thumb and index finger closed around the neck of his penis, and I moved the ring up and over his corona lightly, just applying delicate friction against the well-lubricated crown without compressing the nerve endings.

"I'm doing this very lightly," I said. I don't want to squeeze because you'd shoot your load in a minute." As I spoke I saw the ooze from his slit become a steady trickle, running down to further lubricate my fingers encircling his flange.

"With this light pressure, I can feel how your rim's fully expanded," I said. "Now I'll give it a couple of twists."

"OH! OH!" he exclaimed as the twisting motion inflamed his nerve endings. "OH! OH!" The steady drool of lubricant from his slit ran down between my fingers and the tender flesh, softening the friction and masking the sensations. Nevertheless, he would have lost his load right then if I'd continued.

"I'll stop now to let you relax, Tim. I'll just hold your shaft to keep your prick standing up."

"Oooooh, that felt wonderful, Jack. You would have pulled the load from me if you'd kept it up." I felt his fingers working my foreskin around my swollen glans in a twisting motion, slowly and sensually, keeping me hard and excited without pushing me toward the brink.

"Take a few deep breaths and relax, Tim. I want you to back off a little so that I can build you up again." I leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "I really love massaging your handsome penis. It's one of the nicest looking ones I've ever seen."

"Now I'll do a scissors on you." I grasped his shaft at mid-point between my index and third finger, holding them straight out, and brought them up to his rim, and then back down, repeating the stroke several times.

"While I'm doing this, Tim, I'll work my fingertip into your slit again." I probed between the long lips with the little finger of my other hand, pushing the tip in for at least a quarter-inch and twisting it inside his hole. Tim shuddered hard at this new and exciting sensation.

"Your prick is so hard, Tim. I can feel how excited you are."

"I'm glad you bite your fingernails, Jack. If you had long fingernails you wouldn't be able to do this to me."

"I'm gonna shift my grip now," I explained. I grasped his shaft with my full hand and began stroking it up and down, avoiding the glans but pressing my fingertip into his frenulum. This was his seat of sensation, and the friction on this sensitive spot fueled his fire.

"I'm gonna come, Jack, I'm gonna come!" I stopped immediately, not wanting him to lode his load yet.

"Okay, now I'm just gonna clamp your shaft hard," I said, closing my thumb and index finger around the base and squeezing hard. "This won't drive you over the edge but it's gonna compress the veins to make your shaft swell more and the head really stand out." His glorious purple helmet glistened wetly in the soft light, and I admired the beauty of its compound curves. I felt Tim's fingers gently easing back my foreskin until it rode over the rim and snapped down into the groove behind it.

"I just wanted to see your helmet too, Jack. Playing with your skin gets me hot, but seeing your helmet's even more exciting. It's so wet and shiny."

"Glad you like it, Tim. Just be careful. Don't make me pop."

"No, I wouldn't want you to lose your hard-on right now. I like to see and feel your cock when it's hard."

"Okay, now for something that's gonna drive you over the edge unless I'm careful. I'm gonna strum your frenulum." I let his penis down onto my hand, which was on his abdomen. The underside of his shaft and glans were facing up, the precious frenulum totally exposed to my touch. I began stroking lightly across it, kissing the nerve endings with a delicate touch, watching Tim carefully for any sign of impending orgasm. I saw his body tense, and then shudder several times, while the flow from his slit distended the lips. This was the point at which to stop.

"Okay, Tim, relax now," I coached him. "You have to come down a little. Take several deep breaths." He did as I told him, and I removed my hands from him. I felt Tim's fingers lightly touching my glans, exploring its contours, and then clasping my foreskin where it bunched behind the rim and jiggling it gently.

`Want me to polish your apple now?" I asked. I knew that he knew exactly what I meant, as he'd given me the instructions regarding genital massage.

"Oh, that would be different," he replied. I picked up his penis with my left hand to steady it as I placed the palm of my well-lubricated right hand n to of his helmet and began rubbing it against the bulky front dome.

"I'll do it up and down first, Tim. After that I'll do it side to side." I moved my palm vertically along his slit, caressing it and the surrounding area as I watched the tension begin to build again in his athletic body. After about 20 strokes I changed my technique and began moving my palm from side to side, knowing that I'd be parting the lips of his slit. When I stroked to the right, my palm rubbed against the right lip, dragging it sideways, and when I changed directly I spread the left lip out, my palm just caressing the delicate tissue of the inside of the lip.

Tim was gasping now, and his hand had tightened convulsively around my penis. We were both going to come unless I stopped, and I did, releasing his shaft to let it drop against his stomach.

"Jack, I need to come, I really need it," he pleaded. I leaned down and kissed his lips before speaking:

"Okay, Tim, I'll make you come now. Just let me press a couple of fingers into your urethra behind your balls. I want to keep the cream inside you, to build up pressure and make it more intense for you." I slid my left hand between his thighs, probing for the long bulge of the tube. When I found it, I pressed inward lightly.

"Feel that?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're right on it. Now let me unload, please!" I grasped his shaft just behind the rim with my whole right hand, making sure I was squeezing tightly enough to give him deep and satisfying friction, and began stroking. As I brought my fist over his bulging, straining helmet, I gave it a sharp twist, provoking a cry from him. I quickly twisted the other way as I brought my fist down to clear his corona.

"Now I'll make you come, Tim. I want to feel your prick throb." I stroked up again in a heavy twisting stroke, knowing that this was inflaming the nerve endings of his ridge and frenulum, which I could feel with my fingertip.

Tim's entire body shuddered and then he tensed, right on the brink, unable to control himself as his reflexes took over. His rock-hard shaft throbbed in my hand and I pressed my fingertips hard into his perineum, blocking the spurt of semen I knew was filling his tube. I heard him cry out: "Jack, Jack, Jack," as the full force of his orgasm hit him, sending him spiraling downward in the free fall of climax.

He was convulsing mindlessly now as spasm after spasm wracked his body, mind-numbing sensations quelling conscious thought. I felt the heavy thud-thud-thud in his perineum, and I kept pressing to trap the sperm and build up back-pressure in his tube. Tim was crying out helplessly now, enraptured by the waves of sensation flooding his body, and I felt his penis throb again and again as he pumped his sperm into his distended urethra.

His cries increased sharply in pitch, and I knew that his penis had just become super-sensitive. I stopped stroking him, but kept up the pressure on his urethra as his convulsions gradually died down. When he was still, I lay down beside him, aware of the stunning effect of the after-shock on him, and waited for him to recover. When he opened his eyes, I spoke:

"Look down at your prick, Tim. I'm going to release the pressure now." I removed my fingers and we watched a long stream of thick creamy liquid flow from his distended slit, pouring out onto his stomach.

"I think some of it might have gone into my bladder," he commented.

"Some probably did, but you'll flush that out when you pee." I took his hand and led him to the shower. As the hot water coursed over us, we watched his stream begin, stuttering out, impeded by gobs of white cream that had seeped back into his bladder when I'd blocked his ejaculations. My erection had gone down and Tim peeled back my foreskin to let the water flow over my glans.

"That hot water on your helmet's going to make you pee, too," he said. He was right, because only seconds later I felt the urgency deep in my groin and my sphincter let go, releasing the thick stream that poured between us, mixing with his.

"I know your sex drive's less than mine, so maybe we ought to go for dinner right now and give your batteries time to recharge," he suggested. We decided to go to the same steak house where we'd eaten the previous evening, and because we'd enjoyed the meal so much, we ordered the same things.

"When we get back I'd like to give you a massage," he said. "I really don't think you'll be too tired, but if you are, we can try again in the morning."

"That sounds like a good idea," I said. "I can guess how eager you are to play with my foreskin, and I know I'll enjoy it too, even if I don't come."

"Oh, I'll make sure you come," he said with a gleam in his eyes. I believed him.

We finished our meal and drove back, relaxed and satisfied. Once inside our room, we quickly stripped down to our shorts.

"Let me take your shorts off you," I said, and knelt before him. Easing his boxers down to reveal his prick, I kissed the broad upper surface of his glans. "I love your big helmet," I said.

"I love yours too, and the foreskin that's protecting it," he said as he pulled me up and knelt before me. His shorts had dropped to the floor and now he gently pushed my waistband down, slowly baring my penis. He clasped it in his hand and lifted it, and I felt his soft lips on the end of my foreskin. He moved his head slightly and kissed it on top, around the corona outlined in the foreskin.

"Come on to the bed, Jack. Let me work on your cock and foreskin," he said as he took me by the hand. I lay flat on the bed with my legs spread.

"Now you just relax and leave the driving to us," he said as I felt his hand creeping between my thighs, tickling the hairs on my scrotum. He teased the hairs, sending rippled of sensation into my body, and I felt my penis begin to respond.

"I like the way your foreskin overhangs your helmet," he said. "That long nipple looks so sexy." He clasped the end of my foreskin, rolling it between thumb and forefinger, alternately rolling it and pulling on it, stretching the skin.

"When I stretch the skin out, I can really see the outline of your helmet," he commented. "I can see how it's getting big now. You're not too tired." My penis was up along my abdomen, pointing toward my navel, filling the fleshy tube of skin while his other hand continued to tease my scrotal hairs.

"Now I'll stroke the underside of your cock, like you did to me." I felt him stop touching my scrotal hairs and a moment later I felt the pressure of his fingertip on the underside of my shaft at the base. He stroked the tube lightly, working toward the tip, and then began again at the base. Each time he came to the end, he pressed down to compress the tissues in my vee-groove.

"I know you're still sensitive there," he said. "The doctor cut off your fren, but you're still twitching when I touch you there." He was still holding my foreskin stretched out toward my navel as he continued to stroke the underside of my shaft. I reached out to clasp his penis gently, because the feeling of his warm flesh between my fingers was exciting to me.

"Now I'm gonna loosen your skin a little," he said as I felt him clasp my foreskin around the glans with his right hand while still stroking my tube with his left. His strong fingers eased back my foreskin, until the pucker had stretched to an opening smaller than a dime.

"There, I can see your hole, Jack. Your cock's really hard now, and the helmet's all swollen. Your slit's already opened up to a teardrop shape." He moved my foreskin forward again, sealing my glans inside its fleshy shroud with its heavily wrinkled pucker.

"Now I'm going to move that skin back a little more," he said as I felt the traction of his fingers sliding my foreskin back again.

"My foreskin's tight, but it feels really good against my helmet," I said. "That tight ring of skin's pressing it, compressing it, and that's exciting."

"Your big helmet's really stretching that skin, Jack. I noticed that before. Your skin's tight at first, but then after I work it back a few times, it loosens up. Now I'll slide it back just a little more." I saw the pucker dilate to a dime-sized opening as Tim worked my foreskin back incrementally along my glans.

"Now I'll slide it forward again, Jack. I like to see how it puckers when I pull it all the way forward." I felt his strong fingers pull my unresisting hood forward over the taper of my glans to encapsulate it once more, and then he gave my penis a slight squeeze.

"I felt that, Tim. When you squeezed it, my muscles contracted inside me."

"You need a few more squeezes to get the full feeling," he said. He gave my glans a few more squeezes through the enveloping foreskin as he used the index finger of his left hand to stroke my urethra, working from base to tip. Each squeeze made my prick-root throb, and I knew that my excitement was mounting.

"Tim, I'm sure you'll make me come tonight," I said. "The way you're massaging my prick, I won't be able to hold back." He smiled warmly at me, and then leaned down to kiss me on the lips and chin.

"Just leave it to me, Jack. You'll be begging for me to make your cock shoot. I'll get your helmet so swollen you'll think it's ready to explode." Tim continued to apply his rhythmic squeezes to my engorged tip, bringing me to a higher plane of arousal.

"Okay, now I'm gonna stretch your skin back again," he explained as he began pulling back on my foreskin. It slid back more easily this time until the orifice was the size of a dime, and then he stopped.

"I'm feeling some resistance now. I'm going to pull back a little harder."

"Go ahead, Tim. It doesn't hurt. It feels really good."

"I figured it would. You told me how good it feels when that tight ring of skin squeezes your helmet. Now when I pull back, that big helmet's going to stretch your skin more." As he spoke, I felt his fingers pull my foreskin back, and now I saw that the opening was the size of a quarter, exposing part of the front dome."

"That helmet's all hard and shiny, Jack. It really looks beautiful. I'd like to see all of it, but I can wait. I'm just gonna take my time with you." He pulled my foreskin forward, and it slid easily down the taper until the end had thickened into a pucker again. Now he gave it a slight twist. I gasped, and he said:

"That's to make sure your helmet stays hard. I'm going to pull your skin back again, this time half-way down." His strong fingers tugged on my foreskin, and I felt the delicious compression of my glans as the tight hood slid up-hill, baring the entire front dome.

Ohhhh," I moaned at the acute sensations. I felt Tim slide my foreskin forward again.

"Now that I've loosened it up, I'm gonna get some Albolene so I can slip my finger inside your skin," he said, and he reached toward the bedside table. I saw him rub a gob of lubricant between his thumb and index finger, warming it to avoid the shock of cold lube on my penis.

"Now I'm going to hold it by the base to steady it," he explained. "I'll gradually work my finger into you." I felt his forefinger touch the puckered end of my foreskin, circling the thick fleshy pucker, easing it open gently, and sending a tingle through my penis. His finger probed into the long fleshy nipple, working down toward my glans. A sudden shock told me that he was touching my orifice.

"There, I can feel your hole," he said. "I can feel how it's gaping open." His fingertip began tracing small circles around my distended orifice, sending messages of joy deep into me, and I moaned again.

"I can tell that's really doing it," he said. "Your helmet feels so hard." I moaned again as his finger accelerated, working around my swollen meatus.

"I'm glad you've got a foreskin, Jack. It gives me more to play with. I can do more things with your cock than you can do with mine." His finger pushed farther into my foreskin, stretching the delicate tissues as it massaged the tender surface of my glans.

"Now I'm going to go around your rim," he said, and I felt his heavily lubricated finger press deeper into my foreskin until it touched my corona. "That flare's so sexy," he continued. "It's just like mine."

"You really know what to do with my prick," I whispered as the rush of sensations filled my glans and shaft. I ran my fingertips lightly over Tim's dry helmet, exploring its sexy contours as he was exploring me.

"I love pleasuring your cock, Jack, because I know it's making you feel so good. I want to do it for you like you did to me before supper." His fingers circled my corona, working down one side until it reached bottom.

"There, that's the vee-groove under the head," he commented. "That feels good, doesn't it?" he asked as he pressed his fingertip into the vee. I felt my penis twitch.

"I felt that, felt your cock jerk. Now I'll work up the other side." His finger slid around my corona until it reached the top, and caressed the flare. I lightly caressed his flaring ridge.

"Now I'll work your groove, Jack." As he spoke, his fingertip pushed farther in, until it settled in my sulcus and began working down one side. When he reached bottom, he pressed his fingertip into my vee-groove again, sending another jolt of joy into my glans and down my shaft.

"I like to run my finger around your helmet," he said. "It's so nice, so much like mine, and I'm enjoying this as much as you." His finger continued its travels around my glans, until he withdrew it.

"I saw how excited you were getting, and I didn't want you to shoot too soon," he explained. He resumed pulling and twisting my foreskin, producing a gentler sensation that didn't threaten to propel me into orgasm.

"Now let's do something different," he said as he began stroking my perineum, caressing from just forward of my anus to my tight sac. "Your balls are always tight, but right now they feel a little tighter than usual. I know you're excited." My excitement began to subside somewhat.

"I like to run my fingers around your helmet too, Tim. I think it's really sexy, with those compound curves and that long slit." Now I gently caressed his frenulum, and I felt his penis twitch slightly. Tim changed his stroke and explained:

"Right now, though, I'll just squeeze the base of your cock until you calm down. I want to make this last just as much as you do because I really enjoy playing with your stiff cock and all the skin." His fingers closed around my shaft, gently stroking the skin up and down slightly, at a pace calculated not to inflame my passion further. His other hand was still stroking between my legs.

"You've got a drop of lube at your tip," I said to him. "I hope I haven't got you too worked up." I swiped my index finger across the lips of his slit and then brought it to my mouth to taste its salty viscosity.

"No, I'm doin' fine, Jack. You won't make me come yet." His strong fingers continued their gentle stroking around my shaft and along my tube behind my sac.

"I feel really good, Tim. Do what you want now."

"How about letting me polish your apple?" he asked.

"Go ahead, Tim. I know you've been wanting to pull my foreskin back since we started." He brought the fingers of his left hand up my shaft and began tugging in short pulls, gradually exposing my glans.

"Now I've got it stretched to the size of a dime," he said as he pulled my foreskin forward again to create a pucker. Now he slid it back again.

"Now it's stretched a bit more, like a quarter." He enjoyed this slow and teasing approach to uncovering my glans. He pulled my foreskin forward again, and then slowly eased it back until my tip was half uncovered. "Now I've got those two bumps at the bottom of your helmet uncovered." He ran the index finger of his left hand into the vee-groove.

"You like it when I put my finger into that groove, don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's very sensitive, Tim." He continued gently caressing the nerve endings in the bottom of my groove.

"Even though the doctor cut off your frenulum, you're still pretty sensitive there. Each time I touch it, I feel your cock twitch." I had my thumb and index finger encircling the neck of his shaft, and gently bumping his rim with light, delicate strokes.

"Now I'll skin it back all the way," he said. I felt his fingers tighten around my penis and tug on my foreskin, stretching it to its maximum as it rode over my corona.

"Now I've got it down into your groove, Jack. Man, you've got lots of skin. That foreskin ring's even wider than your helmet." I felt him trace the thick fleshy ring surrounding my rim, working around the top flare and then down to the groove underneath.

"That's nice, really nice," I murmured, relishing the attention he was giving my engorged penis.

"I'm going to use a little Albolene, Jack, to make sure your helmet doesn't get dry." I felt his fingertip apply the slippery substance to my glans, working it around the rim and then across the broad upper surface before descending to massage the lubricant into the twin lobes underneath and the vee-groove between them.

"Now I'm going to pull back hard on your skin because I want to see how the helmet stands out from your shaft," he said, and I felt the tension in the skin increase as he bared the groove behind my glans.

"Now I can see it all," he commented. "Your helmet's sort of pinkish-purple around the eye, and gets darker farther back. The back face of your rim's almost black. As he spoke, I felt his lubricated fingertip probing the groove all around my rim, once more pressing into my hot spot under the glans and returning to the top.

"Oooooohhhh," I moaned, as the delicate sensations filled my glans and caused my Kegel muscles to throb.

"Now I'll polish your apple," he said as he flattened his right hand and began moving his palm in small circles over my sensitive front dome.

That's nice, oooohhhh," I whispered, awash in sensations as his palm caressed my nerve endings.

"Your helmet's so hard and shiny now," he said. "This is gonna bring you close, very close." He continued the delicious wet friction, driving my excitement higher.

"Now I'll stroke your skin too, and bump your rim the way you do when you jack yourself." His fingers began a slow pumping motion on my foreskin, and I felt it kiss my corona on the up-stroke. When his fingers moved down, stretching the skin and its many nerve endings, a hard contraction gripped my Kegel muscles and I moaned loudly.

"I'm gonna make you come now, because your helmet's so hard and swollen, and you need relief." He stpped up the pace and my awareness of the outside world dimmed as all my attention became focused on my penis, and especially the engorged glans that he was massaging. A tightness gripped me, and although I tried to remain relaxed, I felt myself slipping closer to the brink.

"Your hole's really leaking now, Jack. I'm gonna stop polishing your apple and just stroke your skin to get you closer." He removed his palm from my glans and now there was only the rhythmic tensing of my foreskin as he pulled it back hard and then pushed it up to bump my corona. My eyes closed, and I was so tightly focused on my sensations that I barely heard him as he spoke:

"You're right on the edge now." I felt my crotch muscles contract and the first drop shot up my tube.

"You just started coming," he said as he stopped stroking. "Let's keep you there, right on the edge." My straining glans craved more sensations, which were not forthcoming because he held my foreskin tightly back, and now my orgasm aborted, with only a single drop oozing through the lips of my meatus.

"I'm gonna pump you again, see if we can get another drop out," I heard him say as his strong fingers pumped my foreskin to bump against my rim.

"A couple of strokes against your flare are gonna do it, I think," he said as I felt a rush of sensation building up deep inside me, and a second later a powerful contraction seized me, sending a stream of hot lava pouring up my urethra.

"AAAAHHHH!" I cried out helplessly as the full force of the orgasm hit me. I felt his fist flying over my penis, bringing the foreskin up over my glans, pumping the orgasm out of me. His fingers pulled back hard on my foreskin before pushing it up in a long stroke that enveloped my glans, rubbing it powerfully to provoke another spasm. I cried out again, helpless in his hands, as another hot torrent shot up my urethra and erupted from my hole.

I was in another world, floating on a cloud of sensation, as Tim's strong fingers sustained my orgasm with long and satisfying strokes. I shot again, and suddenly had a feeling of tenderness in my glans as it became too sensitive. I cried out loudly and felt his stroking cease as he pulled my foreskin back hard and held it.

I cried out again as another load pumped out of my root and pushed up my tube. The next was weaker, and the next weaker yet, as my orgasm exhausted itself. I lay stunned, my heart racing, sinking into the daze that follows orgasm. After a couple of minutes he spoke:

"Man, it was beautiful, just beautiful, watching your big helmet shooting those loads. I felt every throb, and watched every drop. You really came a lot because of the long build-up. I had you going for an hour this time." I'd lost track of time, and had not noticed him watching the clock. Now I opened my eyes.

"Tim, your helmet's shiny now, and it's not even lubed."

"I know. It gets that way when I'm hot, and doing you was one of the hottest scenes I've seen."

"That shiny helmet tells me that you're ready to pop. I'm gonna give you relief right now." I scooped up some Albolene between the fingers of my right hand and turned to face Tim, grasping his hot hard prick with my left hand to steady it and working the Albolene into the engorged glans with my right. He responded immediately, sucking in his breath, and I began a twisting stroke that I knew would trigger his orgasm quickly. He lay back on the bed and I sat next to him, working at his hot engorged prick, eager to watch the lips of his long slit distend with his cream.

"Ohhh, I can't hold off," he moaned, and I felt the first hard throb in his shaft. His eyes stared at his straining glans as my twisting fist covered and uncovered it, and the first hot jet erupted from his meatus, shooting high into the air. His hips bucked and his helmet once more throbbed against my encircling fingers as he shot another white stream. His penis pulsed again, sending yet another jet hurtling from his long slit.

Tim was moaning and crying out helplessly as the frenzy of his long-delayed orgasm shook his body. The release seemed to relax him, because now he lay still and silent as two more jets erupted from his straining helmet, and then he was merely dribbling, oozing his residual fluid, coming down off the high. I gave his glans a couple of hard twists to make him release his last drops, and then began milking his urethra.

"Well, some of that cream went on the sheets," I said.

"Part of that's yours," he replied. I sank down next to him and he turned his head to kiss me tenderly on the lips.

"Thanks, I needed that," he said, parroting the cliché.

"You're welcome, Tim. You really drained me, and I could see that you needed draining too."

"My cock's still tingling," he said. "Hell, my entire groin is."

"I can still feel a tingle down there," I answered.

"That was terrific, Jack. What a great way to spend our last night together."

"Wait until morning. I've got something special planned for you before we check out." I clasped his prick and he clasped mine. Our eyes closed, and we fell asleep that way, our semen congealing on the sheets and on our bodies.

Tim awoke before I did, and when I opened my eyes I saw him smiling down at me before he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I hugged him to me, and we stayed that way for a few minutes, our hard pricks squeezed between our stomachs.

"Remember I promised you something special for this morning?" I asked. He nodded and I continued: "Let me get into the bathroom first so that I can set things up while you're in there." I got up and left him lying there, anticipating my surprise. I finished in the bathroom quickly, including a hurried shower, and waved him in as I came out the doorway. While he was in the bathroom I took the electro-stimulation gear out of the box. When he returned I pointed to it and said:

"That genital massage we did yesterday was terrific, but I was wondering how it would work on you combined with electro." His eyes lit up, and he lay down quickly on the bed.

"Here, put this electrode by your anus like before, and this blue band around the base of your prick. I'll connect the wires." It didn't take long to plug in the wires, and I then explained the set-up to him:

Okay, the "B" channel runs from the base of your prick to your anus. The "A" Channel runs from the base of your prick to this." I held up the custom electro glans cup that I'd made for myself.

"You sent me one of those and it was a perfect fit on my helmet," he remarked.

"Yes, and I think this one should also fit your helmet perfectly. Just let me squirt a little lube inside the cup and on the blue band." Next, I put a latex glove on my left hand.

"I'll keep this glove on because I'll be handling the cup with my left hand, and use my right to massage you." I placed the cup over the bulky front dome of his glans and turned on the power, adjusting the level to 30.

"I've got it on Waves now. That should get you started, and keep you aroused, while I massage you with my right hand. I didn't know if it was anticipation or the effect of the pulses, but his penis quickly swelled.

"I can feel those tingles right through me," he said happily.

"Okay, Tim, while your prick's tingling, I'll start with your balls." I delicately tickled the hairs on his sac, lightly fingering them to produce a light sensation to enhance the effect of the pulses.

"That feels good, really good, Jack."

"Your prick's twitching a little. Is it the pulses or my finger?"

"I don't know, but everything sure feels nice," he replied. Now I moved my finger between his thighs, probing for his perineum, where I began stroking his urethra, from anus to scrotum. I felt a couple of contractions in the root of his penis.

"I don't know what your plan is, but I'll tell you: You'll make me come this way for sure when you get to my helmet." I continued massaging his urethra through the thick skin, in long milking strokes that soon brought a drop of dew to his slit.

"You're already secreting," I said. "That's pretty good." Now I switched to the insides of his thighs, gently caressing the skin, alternating between right and left thigh. I felt his fingers close around my penis, fingering the foreskin.

"You don't mind this, do you? It gets me excited to touch your cock, especially that thick skin over the helmet."

"No, Tim, you know how my prick just loves the attention. Do it as much as you want." Meanwhile I switched to the underside of his penis, stroking his urethra from the blue band all the way forward to his vee-groove and the sensitive frenulum.

"I'm just using a very light stroke on your fren right now. That's why I'm doing it dry. It won't irritate your tissues. Later, I'll lube your prick with Albolene." I continued the light, almost teasing strokes, along the underside of his penis, working forward to his frenulum and the cup electrode that covered his dome. I heard his breathing deepen, and I knew that I was having a profound effect on him.

"Are you gonna increase the power?" he asked.

"No, I think I'll leave it right where it is. I just want you to feel the waves going through your prick and groin, and when I want you to come I'll do it with my hand."

"Pump my shaft-skin, okay? That always feels good, when you hit the back of my helmet with it." I closed my fingers around the middle of his shaft and began lightly stroking the skin, pulling it up to deliver light bumps against his flaring corona.

"This is getting you hot, Tim," I said. "I can see your helmet's so swollen it's getting glossy. I'd better switch to something else, so you don't come too soon." I dropped my hand and lightly cupped his sac, which had drawn up tightly against his body. I used a gentle kneading action, feeling the orbs sliding inside the thick skin of his scrotum.

"That's nice too, and it won't make me come," he said. His fingers continued exploring my penis, feeling it as it swelled in response to his caresses. I kept cupping and kneading his scrotum.

"You're getting me hard, and you're not even using electro," I remarked.

"Yeah, Jack, I like to feel that big helmet swelling inside that skin, sliding the skin over it, and stretching the skin out. It's almost like touching mine, because your helmet's a twin of mine." I returned to caressing his thighs, feeling that he was becoming accustomed to my kneading his scrotum and wanting to keep the sensations fresh for him.

"That really excites me, when you roll the end of my foreskin between your fingers."

"I love the way it feels, and because your helmet's just like mine, I imagine I'm doing it to my cock and I've got skin like you."

"It is yours, Tim," I said tenderly. "As long as we're together like this, you can feel it and play with it all you want."

"Remember when we put our helmets together the other day? I was really in heaven, feeling your smooth helmet against mine."

"I remember, Tim. I remember how warm your helmet was, and how you slid it against mine, up and down, side to side." Now I resumed tracing the outline of his urethra, under his penis, and giving his frenulum a light press each time I reached it.

"It was great when we were tip to tip and we shot together, Jack. I felt every throb of your hot cock while we were coming together." Now I began tracing his scar line, half an inch behind his rim, holding his penis up by lifting the cup that encapsulated the front of his glans.

"You're sensitive there, I know," I said, as I worked my fingertip lightly around the scar.

"Oh, yeah, I am, Jack. That's getting me hotter. So's touching your cock and that skin."

"I know it is, Tim. I can see your helmet getting shiny again. I'd better be careful now. With the pulses going through your prick, you just might come too soon." I returned to caressing his scrotum, cupping it carefully and feeling his balls sliding inside his sac.

"I like the way you touch my balls, Jack. You never squeeze too hard: you do it just right."

"Remember, I've got balls of my own. I know what to do." I gave his sac a few gentle tugs, stretching the thick skin and the cremaster muscle inside it.

"My wife would always squeeze them too hard. That would really stop things right there."

"I know how it is, Tim. My wife didn't know how to handle my balls either. She wasn't so hot with my prick, as well."

"I'm glad I'm with you," he said. "You know just what to do." Now I changed my technique, moving up to his glans and caressing his corona with a light dry touch.

"Oh, yeah, Jack, work on that rim. That's really sensitive now." I felt the corona flare under my finger, swelling to maximum size. Meanwhile, Tim had my erection firmly established, although all he was doing was rolling my foreskin nipple and occasionally jiggling it over my swollen glans.

"Now I'm gonna use the Albolene, Tim. When I do it, try hard to relax. Make it last longer that way." I dipped a fingertip into the jar and rubbed the lubricant between thumb and forefinger to liquefy and warm it before anointing his flaring corona. I ran my fingertip around its contours, stimulating the little bumps that contained the nerve endings. His penis began to twitch again, and I moved back to the brown scar ring, circling around it repeatedly.

"Oh, damn, I'm not gonna be able to hold off for long this way," he said plaintively.

"I know this is very stimulating, Tim. Just do your best." I picked up more Albolene and began working on his glans and frenulum, resigned that this session would not last as long as the previous one without the electro.

"Those pulses are really adding to my sensations," he said, confirming my supposition.

"Then let's go for it, Tim. I want your to have a really hot come, one that you'll remember the rest of your life. I'll switch to Toggle now, and increase the power." I pushed the buttons on the electro unit and now Tim's penis began jerking rhythmically. I resumed massaging his glans and frenulum, circling around the rim, and then his scar, feeling him respond. Tim's body tensed, and his eyes closed. Now I grasped his penis full-fisted, and began a twisting up and down stroke, designed to bring on climax.

"OH-OH-OH!" he cried as the rush of intense sensations flowed into his penis and groin, for I had turned up the power to 50 as well. I kept the electro cup pressed against his straining glans, to ensure that he'd receive the full power of the pulses, as I maintained the hot twisting stroke. His penis glistened in the soft room light, and it jerked with every toggle as his Kegel muscles tightened. I felt him let go of my penis as he became caught up in the fury of his orgasm.

"HAH! HAH! HAH!" he cried as the orgasm enveloped him, and his penis pulsed powerfully in my clasping fingers. A thick gush poured from under the glans cup as his first ejaculation shattered his consciousness, and now he was a mindless mass of sensations and reflexes.

He cried out again, and his penis throbbed, sending another torrent of cream squirting into the cup and out from beneath it, bathing his throbbing helmet and my fingers with its slippery warmth. I worked the thick cream into his corona, mixing it with the Albolene, causing him to cry out and gush again.

"Jack, Jack,!" he cried as his body shuddered uncontrollably with the frenzy of his orgasm. His penis throbbed hard between my fingers as he poured another torrent into the cup covering the front dome of his straining purple helmet. Now his throbs were becoming weaker, and less viscous white fluid poured from under the cup. I reached over to turn off the electro unit, and gently held his prick by the neck as I removed the cup from his helmet.

A thick coat of semen coated the front of his glans, oozing down the sides as more thick drops seeped from between the slightly parted lips of his slit. His breathing was slowing as his body came down off the high of climax, and the shuddering had stopped as his muscles began to relax. I bent over to kiss him on the lips.

"Oh, Jack, that was the hottest orgasm of my life," he said softly.

"Even hotter than when you first jacked off?" I asked him. I remembered vividly that my first orgasm, at age 12, was intense, so hot that I cried. Although it was a dry orgasm, the rush of unfamiliar sensations had devastated me, and my penis was too sensitive to touch for a minute or two after I'd finished.

"I think so," he said. "Maybe I just don't remember my first one that well, but I'm sure I haven's come so hard in years, and you know I've had some really hot ones with you." I felt his fingers close around my hard penis as he spoke, and he began working my foreskin up and down.

"Ooooohhh, that feels nice, Tim," I whispered.

"Your cock is rock-hard, Jack."

"That's what working on you did to me. It was really arousing to watch you approaching orgasm, and then feeling your prick throbbing in my fingers."

"You need relief," he said as he pushed me flat on the bed even before disconnecting the wires. "Just lie back, relax, and close your eyes. This one's for you," he urged tenderly. I felt his other hand cup my tight balls as he pumped my foreskin up and down.

"I can feel your hard helmet through the skin, Jack. It's so big and swollen."

"Yessss," I whispered, feeling the sensations mount in my lower body.

"Your rim's really standing out. You've been hot and hard all this time, and you're really gonna gush when you let go," he said as he increased his rhythm, pouring hot sensations into my penis.

"Just let me do it," he urged. "Feel that long cock-skin sliding up and down your helmet!" I tried to remain relaxed, but the sensations in my prick and his hot description were driving me inexorably toward the brink.

"I love to watch your helmet disappear under your cock-skin, and then appear again when I pull it down. I can feel its contours when I skin it back, and it's so hot to watch the skin ride over the rim." He was pumping my prick with full strokes, providing a deep and satisfying friction that would have me hurtling into the abyss in seconds.

"Your helmet's so hard and purple now, so dark, and the rim's really flaring out," he narrated as his fingers worked their magic on my engorged penis.

"You're leaking pre-come," he said as a tickling feeling built up in my corona.

"Oooohhh," I moaned as the tickle changed to a hot tingle, and I felt myself slipping over the edge. The tingle in my glans exploded, sending a bolt of sensations down my shaft, and I felt the thud-thud-thud of orgasm begin in my root. The first torrent of hot lava poured into my tube, shooting up my shaft.

"HUNH-HUNH-HUNH!" I grunted helplessly as I felt the cream searing its way up my tube and slamming through the lips of my slit. In the split second between contractions, I felt Tim's strong fingers peeling back my foreskin hard, completely baring the glans so that he could massage it with his left hand, which he'd removed from cupping my balls. His fingertips sliding over my tender, engorged glans sent hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my helmet and shaft, triggering another pulse that squirted more juice into my tube.

I was crying and moaning, helpless in his hands, as my hard shaft and straining glans responded to his touches. I shot again, thighs spread widely, my body shuddering, as he massaged my helmet's nerve endings. His fingertips worked all around it, massaging the broad upper surface, swiping across my meatus, and then working around my hard, flaring corona.

The intensity of my contractions eased, and now I was just seeping, my ejaculatory muscles gently pouring out the last drops, and I felt myself relaxing.

"Man, you really shot, and that was without electro," he said as I opened my eyes.

"Thanks, Tim," I said as I pulled him down to me and kissed him on the lips. He tenderly kissed my cheek and then my neck, caressing my body as he did so.

"I had a real ring-side seat, watching you come," he said. I saw your helmet getting darker, and felt it getting harder, and when you shot your first load I skinned you back. I wanted to get that skin right back so I could see the entire helmet shooting. I kept your skin tight, because you told me how hot it is for you when the nerve endings are stretched. Too bad you don't have a gee-string to pull your helmet down."

"That got cut off when I was born," I answered. "I told you about that. You're lucky they didn't cut yours." I felt my penis softening now, and Tim's strong fingers milking the shaft to force out the residue. I gave his penis a couple of squeezes, but most of his residual fluid had already dripped out, so I removed the electrodes and disconnected the wires.

"I guess we'd better pack and get on our way," he said, rising and heading for the bathroom. I followed him into the shower.

"I don't think I even need to soap up," I said. "I just have to rinse the cream off me." Tim's deft fingers worked my foreskin back, and he cupped his hand to pour water over my naked glans.

"I'll miss this," he said. I hugged him to me.

"This was a good weekend, although shorter than the others," I replied.

"We can always have phone sex," he suggested as we dried each other.

"That's nice, but not at all like being with you," I said.

"No, but we live a thousand miles apart."

"How are things with you and Susan?" I asked.

"We seem pretty comfortable with each other," he said.

"I hope it works out," I said as we packed. When we'd loaded our stuff into our respective vehicles, we went back into the room for a final check to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. I grasped his hand and pulled him to me, and felt his arms wrap around me as we exchanged a long wet tongue-probing kiss. I felt him shudder against me, and when we broke he noticed that I was crying. We then checked out and drove off, he heading east and me heading west.

This was the last time I saw Tim. A few weeks later, he phoned to tell me that he Susan were getting married that weekend. He sent me photos of their honeymoon, which they spent in East Conjunction, Iowa, exploring the metropolitan area. A few weeks after that, I found a new girlfriend. Tim and I still exchange cards at Christmas.

The end

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