Electro With Bud

By Jack Santoro

Published on Mar 29, 2005



Electro With Bud By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Ken, Bud, and I had had two days of very satisfying sex, and when we awoke on the third day the subject of electro-sex came up during breakfast. Ken and I had experienced electro-sex together, and Bud told us he had once experimented with a friend. I told Bud that I had a control box and an assortment of electrodes, and as Ken had something else to do that morning, I suggested that Bud accompany me to my house for a session of experimentation. As I was driving, I put one hand in Bud's lap for a moment. "That gives me a tingle in my penis," he said. "That was the idea. I've got a tingle even without your touching me." Bud took the cue, and as I put my hand back on the wheel, he gently caressed the bulge in my pants. It didn't take long for him to get me half-hard, but then we pulled up into my driveway. Inside, we went to my bedroom and within a minute we'd stripped off our clothes. Bud was about 50, a few years older than Ken and me, and standing five-six, he was also shorter than our six feet. However, his erection was close to seven inches, Ken's was somewhat shorter, while mine was an even six from pubic bone to the end of the glans. Our tips were all helmets, with high flaring rims, but while mine and Ken's were purple, bud's was pink. The big difference between us was that Ken and I had long foreskins that covered the heads even with erections, but Bud's helmet was always bare, with a thick circular scar ring behind the rim. Another difference was in our ball-sacs. Mine was tighter than his low-hangers. Bud's sac would always tighten when he approached orgasm, as did Ken's. You've got low-hangers," I commented as soon as we were naked. "So does Ken, although he's a few years younger than I am." "Mine have always been tight," I said. "Ever since I was a kid. Some guys think low-hangers are very attractive." "You don't?" he asked. "I'm neutral. I don't care one way or the other. You've got the edge, though, for those who like them." "Yes, but there's a disadvantage, though. Mine were always loose inside a large sac, but as I've gotten older my scrotum's become longer, and now they look like they're sagging. The sag will increase with age. Remember I'm 50, a few years older than you and Ken." "I'd noticed yours hang lower than Ken's. Does that bother you?" "A bit," he replied. "I knew a man who had a scrotum even looser than mine. He was a couple of years older, and it really bothered him. He went to a plastic surgeon to have his scrotum tightened." "You mean like a tummy tuck?" I asked. "Exactly. The surgeon removed some scrotal skin to lift his sac. He was very happy with the result." "Thinking of getting it done to you?" "No, not at all. I don't want to undergo surgery for a purely cosmetic result. My friend had to have general anesthesia, and that's a risk in itself. I don't want to go under the knife for anything that's not important. I wouldn't even want surgery to reduce the bags under my eyes." "I don't blame you. They don't look that bad anyway. I wouldn't have noticed them except that you mentioned it." "Thanks. Now what do you have for electro-sex?" We sat on the bed facing each other, with my electro-sex equipment next to us. Bud was very interested in what I had, and I explained each item to him. The discussion proved very arousing, and before I'd finished we were both rock-hard in anticipation. Bud commented on this, in his precise English, for he was a professor of English literature at the local university: "I suspect that you can attain a really intense orgasm with this method," he said. "The one time I tried it, I was totally disoriented by my climax." "You're right," I assured him. "You don't touch your penis at all. The electronic pulses do all the work." "I've always been concerned that I don't get all the sexual feeling I would have if my foreskin were intact." Ken and I had been aware from the start that Bud envied our foreskins very much, and we'd seen that he enjoyed playing with them, stretching and twisting them, slipping his tongue inside to tickle our slits, and pumping them over our flaring helmets. "I know that although the nerve endings in my foreskin are gone forever, the nerves leading to them are intact, and last time I felt that the current stimulated them so that I received as intense an orgasm as if I hadn't been circumcised," he went on. "I'm really eager to try it with you." I clasped his penis, pulling forward on his shaft skin but it had no slack at all. "You're very tight. Can you pull the skin up over your rim without it hurting?" I asked. "No, I was cut tightly as a baby. That was the fashion at the time, a tight cut. That's why I usually use lubricant or a vibrator for masturbation. You and Ken are lucky, not being clipped." "Yes, we really enjoy our foreskins," I said. "I heard that it's possible to get your foreskin back with plastic surgery. You ever hear of that?" "Yes, a few years ago. However badly I feel about having had my foreskin removed without my consent, I still wouldn't take the risk of surgery. In any case, even if you survive the surgery without any complications, the results aren't all that good. I saw one man who'd had that done. The surgeon had grafted scrotal skin to form a new foreskin, and it was much darker than his shaft skin, and there was a scar ring around his penis at the juncture of the shaft skin and the graft. I thought that was a poor result." "Plus paying a doctor to do it. That must cost an arm and a leg." "You're right about the cost. This fellow had four operations, and the total was about $20,000, including the surgeon's fees and hospital bills. Add to that the time off from work, and the travel, and it's even more." "Oh, he didn't have it done locally?" I asked. "No, he had to fly to Texas. A total of four trips cost him a lot in airline fares. Considering how uncomfortable airline travel has become, the prospect doesn't appeal to me at all. I'll just make do with what I have." "Well, I think you're right. Your cock doesn't look bad, even without skin." "You've got a really handsome penis, with the straight shaft and big helmet. Yours is one of the few I've seen with the meatus pouting like mine, forming a teardrop shaped orifice." "I think yours looks nice, a lot like mine. A little bigger, though." "Most men's cocks are handsome, circumcised or otherwise," he said. "Without a foreskin, the glans is always on display, but the shapes of yours and Ken's show through the skin. In any event, I can always strip you back to see the precious head." "Okay, "I'll hook you up now," I said. "First, I think we'll begin with your penis. "I've got this custom made electrode I fabricated from conductive epoxy, and it's shaped like a little helmet. I'll tape this helmet to your helmet. I'll use Micropore tape so that it won't hurt when we peel the tape off later." The electric helmet was a round cap that fit perfectly over the round front dome of my glans, and as his was so similar to mine in size and shape, it was a perfect fit for him too. "I'll put a squirt of this conductive jelly into the helmet for good contact. Now I'll use these two strips of tape. I've got a lot of jelly under the cap, and I'm going to tape it loosely, so that when you come, there'll be room for the juice to leak out under the cap." Jelly oozed from around the rim of the cap as I taped it to his glans. "Now for the other contact I'll use this electrode that I'll place against your anus. Roll over, please." I put a few drops of jelly on the electrode and placed it deep between his cheeks. "Now I'll connect the two clips and plug the lead into the control box." "Let me do you now," he said. "I'll put the electrode against your anus first. Now a little jelly, and there it is." I felt the electrode, wet with cold jelly, slip between my cheeks until it was firmly against my anus. "I suppose this will conduct the current right through our prostates, right?" "Yes, right. Now I'm ready for the other one." "Okay, you said you like the flexible plastic loop behind your corona. First, I'll have to strip you back. I know you like to feel your foreskin stretched over your glans slowly, so here goes." He worked my foreskin back part-way, then pulled it forward again as I sighed in delight. The sensation of my foreskin's nerve endings stretching as it expanded over my glans was very arousing. "Feels good," I said. "Believe, me, I enjoy playing with your foreskin as much as you enjoy having it played with. I can imagine what it feels like to have the nerve endings stretched." He pushed my foreskin half-way back to reveal my round front dome, then engulfed my glans with it once more. "Now to stretch it farther, right until it reaches your corona." He pushed my foreskin back until it was almost dropping off my rim into the groove behind it, then pulled it forward. "Now all the way, pushing your foreskin right black, slowly, slowly, and there it goes, snapping into the groove." He picked up the tube of jelly and pulled back harder on my shaft skin. "I'll squirt a few drops into your groove, and then work it in with my finger." As he held my foreskin back with one hand, he spread the jelly around my groove with a fingertip, sending delicious sensations into my penis. "Now that you're all wet with jelly, I'll slip the loop into your sulcus." I felt the loop slip over the head and tighten in my groove, and then he let go of my foreskin and it slipped forward to cover the electrode loop, hugging the rim of my glans. "Now I'll connect the clips, and we'll be ready." "Thanks, Bud. Now I'll turn the control box on to its lowest setting. Can you feel that?" "Yes, it's a very pleasant tingle. I feel it especially at the end of my glans and in my anus. You can turn it up a bit." I did so, and he commented: "That's very nice. Can you turn the control to "pulse?" I did so, changing the current from steady to a series of evenly-spaced pulses about half a second apart. "How's that?" "That feels very good. It feels like a hand is squeezing my penis with each pulse. I know the pulses are making the autonomic muscle in my shaft skin contract. What's it doing for you?" "I feel the foreskin tightening in the neck of my penis with each pulse. It's like I'm being squeezed around the neck. Let's lie down now. We might fall over when the orgasm hits." "You're right. I'm just thrashing around during orgasm. You'd told me once that if you're standing, orgasm makes your knees buckle." "Yeah, that happened to me once when I used a vibrator. I was standing at the sink so that I'd shoot right into it, and when I started coming, my knees did buckle. I was leaning against the bathroom counter, so I didn't fall over, but it was intense." Bud lay down as I was speaking, and I joined him. We lay side by side, the control box between us and the wires over our bodies. I spread a towel over his stomach and another one over mine. "You're very fastidious," he said. "You think of everything, even towels to catch our ejaculations." "Yeah, it's hard to clean it out of the hairs, especially after it dries." I turned up the power. "See that red button next to the plug for your leads? If you want to stop the current for any reason, if it gets uncomfortable, just push that button." "I might do that," he replied. "I want to watch your ejaculations, so if we get close, I'll interrupt the power to me so that I don't go over the edge the same time you do. Just let me know when you're getting close." "I will. Now hang on. I'm going to turn it up a bit." As I twisted the power knob, I saw that our penises began to twitch. "That sensation feels really good. I can feel my penis jerking with each pulse. The c urrent's making my crotch muscles contract." "Mine too. Now for a little more power. That still okay?" "Oh, yessss..." he muttered. "That's just heavenly. Can you increase it more?" I did, and our penises jerked harder, bobbing up and down with each pulse. "Your head's turning from pink to red," I said. "This is really reaching you. Your rim's really expanding, too." "I can feel my scrotum tightening as well," he said. "Yeah, I see that. I think you're ahead of me." I turned the power knob another increment and our penises bobbed harder, the big helmets lifting with each pulse. "Maybe. Your helmet's turning darker purple." I felt my glans engorge further, filling with more blood as my excitement mounted. Each pulse brought a heavy squeeze to my shaft and neck as the skin on my penis contracted. I increased the power again. "Still with me? Everything okay?" "Oh, yessss... My penis feels so swollen, so hard..." "I think you'll be there before me. When you start to come, I'll push my red button so I can watch you." I twisted the power knob again. Bud's penis was jerking hard, as mine was, and his tip turned deep red. His helmet was so engorged with blood the surface had turned shiny. I saw his eyes closing, and I knew he was right on the edge. I turned up the power slightly and pressed my red button. My contractions stopped instantly, but his penis continued to jerk. Clear fluid oozed from beneath the edge of the electrode cap. "HAH! HAH! HAH!" he cried out as the orgasm hit him like a hurricane. His hips bucked and a gush of white cream flowed from under the cap, running down over the straining head and shaft. He cried out again and another flow of white lava poured out. His head rocked from side to side as the fury of his orgasm wracked his body, and more fluid gushed. Watching him fueled my excitement, but I forced myself to relax and I avoided coming at that moment. "HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" His cries continued as the pulses forced jet after jet from his straining cock-root. He was more than half-way through his orgasm, as I judged from having seen him come previously, and I didn't want to over-stimulate him, so I dropped the power slightly. Bud's body continued to jerk and twitch as his penis bobbed in time to the pulses, but now less fluid was flowing, and I reduced the power a bit more. When I saw him begin to relax, I dropped the power even more, leaving just enough to make his penis twitch slightly, as I knew this would prolong the pleasant feelings pervading his body. Bud finally opened his eyes, a haggard expression on his face, as a result of the intensity of the orgasm. He was still dazed, and I unplugged the lead on his side, releasing my red button and turning up the power for myself. The hot pulses stabbed my prick with their intensity, and I gasped loudly. "That was terrific, very intense," he summarized for me. "I was really carried away." "Yeah, I saw it all," I answered. "It was beautiful to watch. Your prick was throbbing hard, and the cream ran all the way down your prick." "Especially since you knew exactly what I was feeling. Now I want to watch you. You ready to go?" "Oh, yes, just let me turn up the power." "Your penis is jerking like mine did. I'm sure you feel your anus contracting as well." I nodded affirmatively and he continued: "I want to watch the beauty of your orgasm, and since your glans is unencumbered by a cap, I'll be able to see every jet." He reached down and twisted the power knob, and the sudden surge made me gasp hard as my crotch tightened sharply. "No matter how much you try to relax, the pulses will make you shoot. Your helmet is so dark now, and your penis is bobbing so hard..." Each pulse felt like a bolt of lightning, flashing down my cock and through my prostate, making my crotch muscles jerk. I felt the tension building fast and I was moments away from the peak. My eyes closed. "You just secreted a drop of lubricant. Your corona's swollen even more, and it's really dark purple. You're right there." I felt a more powerful surge of current, because Bud must have increased the power, tensing my body and dragging me towards the edge as the rhythmic squeezing around my penis intensified. I felt his fingers closing around my sac as the first hard throb hit me. "You're there," he cried excitedly as my first howl burst from my lips and my crotch muscles began pounding in orgasm. The first burning jet coursed through my penis and slammed through my opening. "You're shooting," I heard him say in the distance as my penis jerked again with a hard throb, sending another gush of hot lava up my shaft. I was writhing and moaning, helpless as the orgasm swept through me, and I tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm. Time stopped for me, and my mind went on "HOLD" as the orgasm ripped through me. Hot jets as well as hot electric pulses shot through my jerking cock, and I howled at the intensity of the feelings. My cock was exploding, and I was helpless to prevent it as the sweet agony of my orgasm consumed me. Then I felt the pulses weakening, and my jets became less intense as my orgasm faded. I knew I wasn't shooting anymore, but the pulses continued through my body, making my cock and prostate twitch. He kept the stimulation at a lower level for another minute to prolong my pleasure. Finally, the pulses stopped because Bud had turned off the control box. "It was thrilling to watch your penis bobbing, and the white jets spewing from your purple glans," he said even before I opened my eyes. "I was holding your helmet in my fingertips and I felt every throb. Did you feel me holding you?" "No," I said, looking at him. "I was so out of it, I felt nothing but my orgasm." "I'm not surprised. I could tell it was very intense for you. I was watching every jet shooting from your teardrop hole and some of them landed on your chest." I felt my erection going down as he spoke, and saw that his cock was completely limp. "We drank a lot of coffee at Ken's," I said. "My bladder's full, and as soon as my hard-on goes all the way down I'm going to have to pee." "Me too," he replied. "Let's get up now and go into the bathroom." "Good idea," I said. Once inside, Bud spoke again: "You're still half-hard. It might take a couple of minutes before your erection subsides enough to unblock your bladder sphincter. Want to get into the shower and let the hot water help?" I nodded and we stepped into my shower enclosure, where I adjusted the taps to the hottest water I could stand. We stood on either side of the shower spray, letting the hot water run over the front of our bodies, dripping off our cocks. "My sphincter's relaxing," Bud said as I saw a thick yellow stream shoot from his slit. "My glans is exposed and the hot water's hitting it directly. Want me to skin you back?" My foreskin had rolled forward to cover the head as my hard-on had softened, and now Bud's skillful fingers eased it back to bare the helmet right to the rim. As soon as the hot water flowed over the head, my flow joined Bud's. "I love that flaring corona. It looks really sexy." Now Bud pulled my foreskin forward again and pinched the end, blocking the flow and making the hood swell. When it was fully ballooned, he let go to release a thick gush. "You can tell I love playing with your foreskin," he said as he pinched it again to stop the flow. My foreskin began ballooning while Bud's stream continued unimpeded down to the drain. Again, he let go, and released my flow, which joined his, swirling in a circle before pouring down the drain. When we were finished, we soaped each other thoroughly. "That was really good," he explained. "I guess we both enjoy flushing our urethras with urine after an orgasm." "Yeah, it's an extra thrill for me." "You get an extra thrill because you can flush out your foreskin," he added. The hot water rinsed the suds from our bodies and I turned off the water. "I'll share your towel if you don't mind," he said. "There's no point in wetting another towel now." We dried each other off and I pulled a squeeze bottle of Astroglide from the medicine cabinet. With Bud watching avidly, I pulled back my foreskin and squirted a couple of drops into the groove behind my helmet. "You told me you used that," he said. "I suppose you're usually dry down there." Yes I am. I've never had much smegma or pre-coital mucus, and I feel more comfortable when my tip's well lubed." "I can understand that," he said. "I know Ken's got a lot of lubrication, he seeps a lot when he's excited, and even when he's not. His glans and foreskin are always wet. We're all different, you know, and it seems you have very little natural lubrication." "That's right, Bud. Although I've got a lot of foreskin, it's usually dry, and I need to add some artificial lube to keep me comfortable." "Astroglide seems like a good choice. I read the label, and know it contains glycerin. Does that give you a warm feeling in your glans?" "Yes it does, Bud. That glycerin doesn't only make it slippery; it gives me a warm feeling in both the head and the hood." "I thought so. I've tried Astroglide for masturbation, and it makes my shaft and glans really slippery, and I always get a warm feeling in the head. That makes it more erotic for me." "I've also used it for sex," I added. I've used it to lube a condom when I've been doing "Princeton," and several times I've had a mutual masturbation session with a buddy who squirted it on my tip when he was fingering it to bring me off. It always added to the sensations. It feels better than baby oil." I slipped my hood forward to cover the head. We walked out of the bathroom and went back to bed for a well-deserved nap.

The end

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