Elias of Eradal

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Jan 13, 2022


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Thanks for reading! <3 PurpleJubilee

Elias of Eradal

Chapter 15

"So, you have been travelling with Tybalt?" The young knight asked curiously. Sir Triston had run into them wandering the halls of the keep after they left Master Lavelle. Elias had gotten rather turned around and Triston offered to guide them back to their chambers.

"We met in Erania." Elias confirmed. "I contracted with him to act as our guide."

"Only `e weren't called Tibbelt then." Avi muttered.

Elias nodded his agreement. "We all only knew him as Kole. None of us had any idea he was nobility. Though now that I think about it, I might have figured it out sooner."

With a frown, Triston scratched his chin. "Well... technically, he isn't."

Puzzled, Elias gave the young knight a confused look. "He's the son of the Lord Imperator, isn't he?"

"Yes." Triston confirmed. "But Calonian nobility is funny in that, to be considered of noble birth, both parents must come from noble families. Tybalt's mother was... technically a commoner."

"Oi!" Avi piped up indignantly. "Wos wrong wiv'vat?" He demanded, giving the knight an irritated look.

"Oh, nothing." Triston assured quickly. "At least, not in my opinion. I never met her, but I've heard that Lady Rene, Tybalt's mother, was as kind and fair a woman as the Five Kingdoms could offer. The tradition of Calonia sees blood as what matters though."

Elias rolled his eyes at this tradition but did not comment on it. Nobility in Eradal was determined entirely by how much money one made, not by the family they were born into. It was not a perfect system either, but it seemed slightly less arbitrary. "Lord Titus married a woman whose children would not be recognized as his heirs?" He had gotten the distinct impression from the Lord Imperator that he cared a great deal about House Colgaren and its legacy.

"My father had an older brother." Triston informed them. "Tristus II was supposed to take over house Colgaren after their father's death. My father believed that the duty to continue the lineage would be satisfied by his older brother and so he married Lady Rene against the wishes of his father. However, Tristus II never produced an heir, and died when Lade Rene was pregnant with Tybalt."

Triston paused for a breath but already Elias could see how the story was unfolding. "Even though he was not the heir to House Colgaren, my father would not divorce his wife to marry a noblewoman, and he raised Tybalt as though he intended to force the noble houses to accept him as a legitimate heir."

Nodding, Elias opted to cut to the chase. "But then, Lady Rene died. And you came along. Presumably Lord Titus's second wife was in fact of noble blood? Making you the proper heir by your laws."

The young knight bit his lip and looked at the ground awkwardly. "Well, yes... but Tybalt never cared about that part of it. He was never resentful or cruel toward me. In fact, he told me when I was young that he was glad that the house was my responsibility and not his. Father made him a knight, and he was happy. Or, I thought that he was."

"I'm guessing." Elias pressed. "That it was not an entirely happy household."

Triston sighed and gave a sad frown at the memory. "No. My mother, Lady Sonea, never liked Tybalt." The boy spoke haltingly now as he tried to word things delicately. "She was always... intense. And you have spent time with Balt, you know that he can sometimes be... abrasive. She thought that Tybalt intended to try to undermine me as the heir to the house. And I think that Tybalt willingly allowed her to think that in order to bother her. As he got older, their animosity grew, and she began asking my father to send him to serve as a knight under one of the other noble houses. And I think... that this is why he and Sir Callum left Calon-Ken."

Elias also gave a sigh. The more he thought about Kole, the more the history made sense. He liked to think that he was beginning to understand the tall warrior's moods and personality to some degree, and this reaction felt very much like the Kole that he thought he knew.

"Who was Sir Callum?" Elias eventually asked after a moment of thoughtful silence.

This time, Triston shook his head. "He was another knight. It is not my place to say beyond that since I did not know him well. I'm afraid I might have already overstepped in telling you all of this." Triston came to a halt. "Here we are once more." He gestured to the hall of rooms before them. "I believe that dinner will be held soon. If you have more questions, please talk to Tybalt. I do not feel right sharing any more, I apologize." Triston shuffled awkwardly.

"Talk to me about what?" The door to the closest room abruptly opened and Kole stepped out.

"Cor..." Avi gasped in surprise, and Elias's eyes widened.

Kole's increasingly shaggy hair had been trimmed short on the sides but left longer on the top. The five o'clock shadow he had accrued in recent days had been shaved off of his defined jawline. His dingy traveling clothes had been for an embroidered doublet of purple and silver that had a high collar but dipped low at the neck. Close-fitting trousers and high boots completed the ensemble, giving Kole the appearance of the highest of nobility.

"What?" Kole snapped in response to their stares. "It's all they had at the ready that would fit."

A smile formed on Triston's face. "Looks quite dashing, Balt." It was difficult to tell if he was serious or teasing. Elias had to admit though that Triston was right, Kole cleaned up nicely. By comparison, he felt unwashed and out of place.

"It does... suit you." Elias forced out awkwardly. "Perhaps I should wash before dinner as well."

"I will have water brought for you all." Triston informed. "I must leave you though. I will see you all when dinner is called." He executed a graceful half-bow then took his leave.

"You look a right prick." Avi commented sourly, earning a quickly stifled chuckle from Dain.

Kole sighed. "Avi..." He looked down sadly at the little thief. "Maybe we should talk. Would you come in?"

With a suspicious look, Avi shrugged, but Dain gave him a gentle and encouraging nudge forward. Avi looked over his shoulder at the other boy, then back to Kole and eventually nodded. "Right. Fine."

Kole closed the door behind Avi, and Elias gave Dain a helpless shrug. "They'll be alright." He assured. "I think."

With a smile, Dain nodded. "They seem close. I don't think they will let this come between them for long."

Elias agreed. Excusing himself, he gave Dain a nod before returning to his own room. It was not long before a servant began to bring hot water for a bath. Elias assured the young woman that she could save the hot water for the others and simply bring him water from the well. He could heat it himself much easier than they could. It was very pleasant to be clean again. Elias also washed his clothing in the water, using a gentle magical heat from his hand to dry it before dressing once more. His long coat and traveling clothes were not the raged or simple clothing that Avi or Dain usually wore, but they certainly paled in comparison to the finery that Kole had adopted. Nevertheless, he decided, they would have to do since the call for dinner came shortly after he had dressed himself.

The dining hall they were led to was large but not massive. Elias guessed that it was a venue for more intimate gatherings and not the grand feasts that a lord was wont to hold on occasion. Even so, as the food was brought out, it became clear that Titus Colgaren had held nothing back.

Avi and Kole had walked down to the hall together and it seemed that their conversation had calmed Avi's mistrust. The little thief stuck close to Kole as usual and sat between him and Dain at the long table. Elias sat across from Avi between Sir Triston and Master Lavelle. Lord Titus of course sat at the head of the table, with Triston on his right and Kole on his left.

"Blimey..." Avi's eyes went as wide as the plate in front of him as the dishes came out. There was roast pheasant, red currants, several types of cheese, smoked fishes, fresh loaves of bread, a rich stew, and sugared almonds. Servants supplied them with goblets of spiced wine that Elias found quite pleasant. It had been a very long time since he had eaten so well.

Kole, dressed in his finery, surprised Elias once more as he demonstrated perfect etiquette with his cutlery. Cutting his food with his knife in the right hand, Kole then set down the knife and switched his fork over before eating each bite. Avi tore in ravenously with his hands, quickly putting away more food than Elias thought possible. Watching the others eat, Dain made an attempt to use the fork and knife but had difficulty. Elias shook his head as he saw the young Verduin pick up a piece of meat and stick it to the end of his fork with his hand before eating it.

"You must have some fantastic stories to tell." Triston prompted his brother, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over the table. "From your travels these past years."

With a shrug, Kole gave the young knight a half-smile. "Mostly just wandering. Some mercenary work." Lord Titus's face darkened at this, but he did not interrupt. "Fought some treggans, and a sorcerer."

Triston marveled at this. "I've never seen a treggan before."

"You should hope you don't have to." Kole remarked. "But I think they're going to be a lot more common very soon."

Avi spoke up without finishing the bite he was chewing first. "Kole killed a whole load of `em!" He slapped his hand down on the table excitedly. "An then El got the rest."

The young knight smiled at the boy's outburst. "Seems like you make up a dangerous company." He lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Did you know that Tybalt, or Kole, used to dominate every tournament he competed in? It didn't matter what the event was. I used to love watching him knock everyone else on their asses."

Lord Titus cleared his throat pointedly and Triston bit his lip in embarrassment, hiding his smile. Avi giggled though, crunching loudly on a crust of bread. "We eard about im but we didn't know it was `im, did we El?"

Shaking his head, Elias thought back to the encounter with the treggans. It was, he now realized, the only time he had really seen Kole in action. He remembered being quite impressed even though he had been distracted at the time by his spellwork.

"I believe," Lord Titus spoke up at this point. "That you have some deeper purpose for going to Verduin than to simply seek their aid in the coming battle. Correct?"

No one responded. The Lord Imperator was certainly perceptive. Dain was the first one to answer.

"That is true." He paused. "I believe that there maybe be power in the Isles that can help us. I hope it is the case because I do not think that armies alone will be enough."

"I see." Titus spoke grimly. "It is likely then, that my troops will be marching to their death."

Kole spoke up now. "Send your men to evacuate the towns then hold the keeps." He urged. "Burn anything you can't take with you. Meeting Kordiith's forces in open combat would be suicide."

A deep frown settled over the Lord Imperator's face. "Let them invade Calonia." He summarized, shaking his head in disapproval. No army has been able to invade our soil in centuries."

"I believe you told me before that sometimes the bravest thing to do is not to fight." Kole replied gently. "This war will be long and bloody, and Calonia will likely bear the brunt of it. Save your strength, save your people, and hold out until help arrives, in whatever form it takes."

Lord Titus gave a long sigh. "Of course, the reputation of house Colgaren must be set aside to keep Calonia safe. Our country may never be the same. I can only pray that you hurry and that the other Kingdoms will heed Master Lavelle's message."

"I believe they will, my lord." Lavelle offered. "King Hagen of Falheim and his Jarls will recognize a threat to you as a threat to them as well. Their forces will take more time to gather than yours, but they are fierce warriors. Especially with the winter approaching they will be invaluable."

"I am on good terms with King Aleric of Eradal also." Lord Titus mused. "I do not think he will leave us to fend for ourselves."

Elias nodded his agreement. "I've never met the king, but he is well respected in Eradal and keeps the soldiers active even during peace time. I cannot speak for Trovius however, and certainly not for Savajo."

As dinner continued so did the discussion of plans and tactics. Mostly it was carried on by Lord Titus, Kole, Sir Triston, and Master Lavelle, but occasionally Elias or Dain had something to interject. Avi was more than happy to focus his attention on the food.

Although Kole was obviously still tense and uncomfortable being back in his family home, Elias could tell that he was beginning to relax a little. Occasionally he would make a teasing remark to his younger brother who would often respond in kind. Elias was starting to see how it was that Kole had been so good with Avi from the beginning. From what he could gather, Sir Triston had been about Avi's age when Kole left.

"Get a good night's rest." Titus instructed as the meal concluded. "It seems like our fate may well rest on the success of your journey."

Elias and Dain once again offered the Lord Imperator their most sincere thanks. Even Avi gave a quick shy bow as he stood from the table.

"I have the utmost faith in you, my lad." Master Lavelle looked down at Elias with a serious expression. "There is no one I think better suited to this task. I will help to raise Calonia's wizards. We will need spellcasters as well as soldiers to hold the keeps."

Giving his former teacher a firm handshake, Elias hardened his face to keep the emotion from his eyes. He wondered as the old wizard took his leave if he would ever see his favorite mentor again.

They did not need servants this time to guide them back to the guest rooms. Kole, in a better mood after getting used to his surroundings and a cup or two of spiced wine, led the way. They paused in the hallway where their rooms were next to one another.

"We should take this chance to rest." Kole agreed with what Titus had said. "But do not sleep too late. Time isn't our friend."

Avi nodded sleepily and sauntered away with Dain. Elias smiled to himself as he saw both of the younger two slip into Dain's room, leaving Avi's room empty. He was about to adjourn to his own quarters when he felt a strong hand gently touch his shoulder.

"Could we... talk for a moment?" Kole tentatively asked. "I feel like I owe you that. And I won't keep you long."

Even though Elias was pretty sure he had pieced most of the story together between what Triston had told them and what he had already known, hearing it directly from Kole did sound better, and he was not overly tired yet. He nodded. "Sure. I'd like that."

Kole gave a quick smile, some of the mischievous energy returning to his eyes, then led the way into his room. There was a small fire in the hearth, but it burned low and did not give off much light. Kole lit a couple of lamps before taking a seat one of the plush chairs across from the fireplace.

Removing his jacket and hanging it on a hook by the door, Elias waited for Kole to finish with the lamps.

"Hmph." Kole chuckled quietly as he sat down. "It's easy to forget how young you are." He remarked teasingly while gesturing to the chair next to him. "And how skinny you are. That jacket makes you seem... sturdier."

Elias raised his eyebrows in feigned indignance. "If you invited me in to mock me, Sir Tybalt" He emphasized the name as he took his seat. "Then I don't think I will stay."

Kole winced. "I never cared for that name, definitely not coming from any of you."

"I know." Elias confirmed. When the revelation of Kole's heritage had first come out, Elias had felt a range of confused and conflicting emotions, but the more he learned the more he had come to understand Kole's desire to not face that part of his life. He broke his deadpan look with a thin half-smile to show Kole that he meant no offence. "Avi seems to have forgiven you."

With a helpless sigh, Kole let his shoulder's sag. "I hope so. He's more complicated than people give him credit for though. There isn't a vengeful bone in his body, he trusts easily, and he doesn't hold grudges. But re-earning that trust once it's been broken... It's easier said than done."

"Though, technically you haven't lied to him, have you? You were going by the name Kole before you met him, I assume."

Kole nodded. "I may not have directly told him any lies, but I still misled him. And you for that matter. And that is what matters in his eyes." Abruptly he stood up as if remembering something.

Giving a shrug, Elias relaxed into his chair. "I did not understand at first. But I think I do now, at least a little bit. It is part of your life that you wanted to keep to yourself. I think Avi will understand with time that you did not keep it from him to hurt him but to avoid uncomfortable memories."

Smiling over his shoulder, Kole pulled something out of a cabinet. "I can only hope. You know, you can be surprisingly empathetic for someone who is remarkably non-empathetic." Elias rolled his eyes as Kole turned back around holding a bottle and two glasses. "I seem to remember you saying that you enjoyed Trovian reds."

Elias scoffed in disbelief. "And I seem to remember you making fun of me for enjoying good wine."

"No, no." Kole corrected while uncorking the bottle. "I was making fun of you for wanting good wine in a shithole tavern. Not the same thing."

Elias grunted as he accepted the glass. Although he was no true connoisseur, he could tell from the first taste that it was a quality vintage. He nodded appreciatively.

"I've been drinking piss-water ale for too long." Kole winced as he sipped the wine. "This is too good for me."

"So why `Kole'?" Elias asked. "Where did that come from?"

"It started as a shortened version of the family name, Colgaren." Kole informed him. "It was first given to me by my friend, the one I've mentioned before, Sir Callum. We grew up together, Col and Cal." He gave a silent chuckle, staring into the fire.

Elias carefully fingered the delicate stem of his wine glass as he took another sip, debating whether or not to test his theory. "Only..." He finally spoke again. "Callum was not just a friend. Was he?"

If Elias's guess surprised him Kole did not show it. It was a long time before he responded though. "Cal was from the noble house called Riance. They're one my father's strongest bannermen and have a keep a little way south of here. He and his family would spend weeks at a time here in Calon-Ken when we were boys. We were..." He paused thoughtfully. "A little younger than Avi is now when we realized that friends' or even best friends' did not quite satisfy the way that we felt about each other."

Nodding patiently, Elias listened politely. This was mostly just confirming what he had begun to suspect from the way Kole had spoken about Callum in the past. Elias noticed though that as was listening, his heart rate seemed to become elevated for some reason.

"Calonia," Kole continued. "Does not shun those kind of relations the way some places do, but they are not looked on favorably, especially among nobles. So, we did our best to hide it. Within a few years however, it was something of an open secret here in the keep." Kole gave a quiet laugh at fond memories. "We would be caught sneaking in or out of each other's chambers after curfew. One time, Cal's father even posted a guard at his door to keep me out, so Cal let a rope out the window and I climbed up from the courtyard. I was barely fourteen at the time and didn't realize how terrifying and tiring climbing the tower might be. By the time I reached his window I decided that I would face my punishment in the morning rather than try to climb back down again."

The little smile that had formed on Kole's face faded away again. "My father did not approve, and naturally neither did his father. Eventually, Cal's father stopped bringing him along when he came to my father's court. By then though, we were both knights. We would attend the same tournaments and were able to get away to see each other."

It seemed strangely warm in the room. Elias chalked it up to their proximity to the embers of the fire and to each other. "Eradal has always accepted people's choices in who they involve themselves with."

Kole nodded. "As we got a little older, nearly your age, we talked about running away together. You talked to Triston, so I assume you know most of why I left. But my stepmother used my relationship with Callum to try to convince my father to send me away to serve under one of the other lords of Calonia." He heaved a sigh. "So, we decided we'd rather leave together than be separated by hundreds of miles. Cal met me in the city, and we slipped away, off to find some storybook idea of fame and adventure together." He gave a bitter humorless laugh.

"And that..." Elias continued gently. "Led you to the swamps, and to Amarack's hut."

Kole closed his eyes for a long time before inhaling deeply and opening them again. It was dark but Elias thought he saw a trace of glistening moisture in those golden eyes. "I hope that Dain's arrow finished him, but my gut tells me that that bastard is still out there." He fell silent again for a while. Elias didn't know what to say, so he did not speak either.

"I think Avi might have saved my life, actually." Kole shook his head as he laughed at the absurdity of it. "I was taking the most dangerous jobs I could find, and barely spent a minute sober. Then he showed up, all puppy-eyed and clueless. No idea where he came from or how he lasted as long as he did. For some reason though, keeping half an eye on him kept me from dwelling on the dark. Even so I never thought I'd ever feel about anyone else the way I did for Cal."

Elias's heart skipped a beat. "Never thought?" He caught Kole's use of the past tense.

For the first time since he began his history Kole lifted his head and looked at Elias, holding eye contact. "Recently..." He spoke quietly. "I've started to wonder again..."

Dropping his gaze, Elias felt his face heating up. He was unsure if Kole could see his change in color by the dim light. They were sitting very close, and when Kole moved forward to the edge of his seat, their knees were almost touching.

Elias continually flicked his eyes upward to meet Kole's but then down again, unable to hold the intense contact for long. As he looked up once more, he saw that Kole's hand had begun to reach out toward him. He flinched slightly in surprise and the hand stopped in its tracks, but Elias forced himself to hold the eye contact then until Kole began to move his hand forward once more. It came to rest gently on the side of Elias's face.

Closing his eyes, Elias let out the shaky breath that he didn't know he had been holding in. He felt Kole's hand slowly move down to the side of his neck. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Kole was moving his head in slowly, their faces getting closer and closer. Unsure of what to do, Elias closed his eyes again and waited for what he knew was coming.

Kole's lips touched his and Elias shivered from head to toe. He had never kissed anyone before. Fortunately, Kole knew what to do and quickly took the lead. Standing up, Kole drew Elias to his feet as well without breaking off the kiss. On their feet, Kole had to lean down to keep their lips locked. Elias nearly swooned but one strong arm wrapped around his waist and Kole's other hand moved through his hair, pushing him into the kiss. Elias placed his hands on Kole's broad shoulders as his whole world spun.

Then Kole began to pull away. In protest, Elias pushed himself up onto his toes but eventually the connection was broken, and Elias settled his feet back onto the floor, looking breathlessly up at Kole with wide eyes. Kole still held him tightly, and he gently laid Elias's head on his chest holding it there with one powerful hand. Elias tried to catch his breath, unable to put a single thought together.

"Stay with me tonight..." Kole whispered in his ear, sending chills down Elias's spine.

Desire began to well up inside of him, but with it came uncertainty and even fear. Elias leaned back to look up at Kole. "I... don't..." He wasn't sure how to admit what he wanted to say. "I've never..."

Kole ran a hand through Elias's hair again and pushed his head back to his chest. "Shh... I know. I'll teach you."

That confident assertion made Elias tremble with anticipation but also with anxiety. Was this really about to happen? It seemed so sudden. And yet, as he thought back to all their time together on the road, it felt like it was a long time coming. It might be days or weeks before they had privacy like this again.

He looked up at Kole and raised himself up again to initiate another kiss. This time, Kole leaned down to meet him and Elias's arms wrapped around Kole's shoulders. The arm around Elias's waist traveled downward and firmly grabbed his backside, causing Elias to gasp in surprise. Kole took advantage of this and gently invaded Elias's mouth with his tongue. It was all Elias could do to prevent his knees from buckling under him, but even if they had, he was sure that Kole would have supported him easily.

Suddenly however, Kole held him back at arms-length, breaking off the kiss abruptly. Elias barely had time to wonder why when Kole began to undo the buttons of his fancy doublet before discarding it on the floor. Even though Elias had seen Kole's body before, it had always felt off-limits somehow. Now he was being given an open invitation and he wanted to press himself against the firm muscles of Kole's torso.

As he came closer again though, one of Kole's hand's stopped him, while the other found the buttons on Elias's shirt as well. Catching on, Elias helped Kole undo the buttons as quickly as he could and soon his shirt joined Kole's doublet on the floor. Then they were kissing again, even deeper now if possible. Elias's hands explored Kole's abs and chest and arms, while Kole ran a teasing finger down the curve of Elias's spine, making him shiver once more.

Gradually, Kole walked them backward before falling onto the bed and pulling Elias down with him. On the next journey that Kole's hand took down Elias's back, it did not stop but slid right into Elias's trousers coming to rest on one of the round globes within and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Elias gasped as fresh lust assailed him, built up over years of neglect. Noble modesty forgotten, he struggled to push his trousers down and off, suddenly eager to give Kole unrestricted access to his body. Obviously, Kole was only too happy to help in this mission, quickly taking charge and stripping the last pieces of clothing from Elias's pale body.

As he lay naked, letting Kole's big hands touch him in places no one had dared to before, Elias realized he had never felt so small or so powerless in this way. This was a kind of magic he knew nothing about, but Kole was apparently a master. Kole brought their lips together once more and then rolled them over on the bed, bringing himself up on top of Elias but partially supporting himself. Even so, Elias could feel his weight pinning him down.

One of Kole's hands traced gently down Elias's front, softly stoking a nipple as it went and causing Elias to whine against Kole's mouth. As the roaming hand traveled farther down, Elias twitched with anticipation. It soon reached it's destination between his legs and Kole began to massage the hardened tool that he found there.

Elias had touched himself in that way before, but it was mainly a practical and even mechanical practice. Simply satisfying his own needs so that he could focus his attention elsewhere. This touch was much different. Soft and tender in a way that seemed unlikely for someone like Kole, driving waves of pleasure through Elias's fogged brain.

Holding on to Kole's shoulders to avoid being swept away, Elias's eyes fluttered as the unprecedented eroticism almost overwhelmed him then and there at the very first touch. He held it back though, partly wanting to make the moment last as long as he could stand it, and partly out of curiosity of his own that he needed to satisfy.

Daring to remove one hand from its anchored position, he ran it again down Kole's chest and abs, appreciating the sleek, toned definition once more. His goal now though was lower. Elias's hand pushed its way into Kole's trousers and quickly found even more than he had expected. The manhood within made his hand seem small by comparison. He ran his fingertips along its hardened length, and it seemed unending.

He let out an involuntary gasp of surprise and desire that must have given away what he was thinking, because Kole responded with a quiet growl of laughter.

"Like it?" He teased as he continued to rub Elias slowly.

"Mmm..." Was the only response that Elias could manage.

Kole chuckled softly again, stroking his other hand across Elias's hair and forehead, and staring deep into his eyes. "Let me take care of you tonight." He whispered. "We can worry about that..." He gave a knowing and cheeky glance downward. "... next time."

Not waiting for a response, Kole kissed him again, then began to move his way downward. He kissed Elias's neck tenderly for a moment before continuing to his collarbone. Elias arched his back as yet again, feeling Kole's lips on his body almost pushed him over the edge. He did his best to suppress his moans.

Kole planted kisses down to Elias's nipple, then to his navel, then tracing the line of his hip. Even though Elias had guessed what Kole had in mind, when he kissed the tip of Elias's straining manhood it sent a spike of pleasure shooting up through him that he could not have prepared for. Kole was not finished though. Putting a finger into his mouth and sucking on it for a moment, Kole's hand continued down between Elias's legs, while Kole's lips continued to plant gentle kisses along the shaft and the tip.

Gasping and whimpering, Elias could feel the hand pressing onward toward... The moistened fingerer rubbed against his sensitive hole, practically making him jump. Kole's other hand held him in place though as the finger began to run soft circles around it.

"Ohhh..." Elias moaned loudly, unable to contain himself. "Ohhh godss..."

In one motion, Kole slipped Elias's tip into his mouth, while pushing the end of his finger gently inside Elias's hole. Blinding ecstasy exploded behind Elias's eyes and he curled his toes as his body started to shake.

"Ahhhhhh!" His voice cracked as his climax washed over him, shooting his seed into Kole's mouth who swallowed it easily. The intensity left him trembling and practically sightless for several long rapturous seconds. The pleasure he had experienced before while doing it on his own seemed laughable compared to this.

Even has he started to come down, he could see Kole moving slowly back up the bed to lie next to him. Panting, Elias lay back into him and Kole put an arm around his waist, holding him tight.

"I don't..." Elias gasped weakly, his voice shaking and plaintive. "That was..."

"Shut up..." Kole laughed quietly in his ear, giving him a squeeze. "Don't ruin it. You've got a lot to learn, wizard boy."

A contented smile formed on Elias's face. All the hardship they had faced and all the trouble they were heading into didn't matter to him at all right then. Just feeling Kole's breath on the back of his neck and the heavy rise and fall of Kole's chest that displaced him slightly every time, the strong arm locked around his waist keeping his back pressed against Kole's muscular body, all that was enough. Maybe the world outside could sort itself out. Maybe this was all he needed after all.

Elias woke some hours later in a cold sweat. Kole had turned onto his back but still lay close enough for Elias to feel his warmth on his still naked body. A dream had roused him, but it faded from memory even as he looked round the room and his eyes adjusted. There had been a man, and he had been saying something. Something important. Try as he might though, Elias could not force himself to remember what the man had said, or even what he had looked like.

Sighing in frustration, Elias slipped out of bed, moving as carefully as he could. The fire had died away almost completely and the light from the moon coming in the window was the only illumination. Walking to the window, he stared out over the courtyard and the city below, taking in a breath of fresh air. It all looked so peaceful, but Elias knew it would not last. He wondered if any of them even suspected just how much their lives were about to change.

"Wow... you actually look downright pretty by moonlight." A sleepy voice commented from behind him.

Looking over his shoulder, Elias found Kole propped on one elbow giving him a teasing smile. Elias rolled his eyes while hoping the dim light hid the blush from the compliment. Despite the intimacy they had shared, some of his usual aloofness had begun to return and with it came the realization of just how exposed he actually was.

"What're you doing up?" Kole continued, still staring unashamedly. "It's still hours until dawn."

Elias shrugged, moving to sit on the edge of the bed and wrapping the sheet partly around himself. "Thinking." He replied simply. "Even if we succeed, nothing is going to be the same. So many lives are going to be ruined and... there's nothing I can do to stop it."

Sitting up, Kole put his hands on Elias's shoulders, squeezing and massaging them gently and yet again surprising Elias with how light his touch could be. "We're going to succeed." He assured confidently. "You had no control over other people's lives before all this happened either. And whatever happens now, I know that there is no path that will turn out better than the one we take. Because despite the fact that you're a bit of a prick... you're actually pretty smart." He joked, pulling Elias back to the bed with him. Elias didn't resist and allowed Kole to lay him down so they were nearly face to face. "And you've got a fine ass." He growled, cupping Elias's `fine' element with one hand.

This time, Elias was sure that his entire pale body flushed red in the moonlight as he looked away.

"Hey..." Kole caught his chin with one hand. "I'm serious, we'll figure it out."

Elias, still without making eye contact, offered a small but grateful half-smile. Leaning in, Kole planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"I can't believe it took me this long to get you into bed." Kole remarked, his humor returning. "I must be losing my touch."

Once again rolling his eyes, Elias thought about commenting that Kole's `touch' seemed just fine to him, but instead he opted to roll over and settle in wordlessly against Kole the way they had started the night. Saying nothing else, Kole took the cue and hooked his arm around Elias once more and before long the two of them had drifted off. This time, no strange dreams came to wake Elias, and he slept in a comfort that he had not felt for a long time.

Earlier that night, when the four of them had finished their dinner, Avi and Dain had bidden goodnight to Kole and Elias. Avi did not need to consult with Dain or be invited in, as Elias had, to simply follow Dain into his room. It had become something of a habit with them in recent days. Avi liked having Dain's company while he slept, and Dain never objected or seemed to mind. In fact, the older boy seemed to enjoy having Avi around as well, at least, Avi certainly hoped so.

When they entered the bedroom however, Avi giggled as he took in the state of it. All of the sheets, blankets, and pillows had been torn from the bed and bundled in a corner to form a sort of nest. The standing partition, meant to provide some privacy while changing, was being used to fence in the little nest.

"Wot's that?" Avi pointed at the comfortable-looking pile.

Dain blushed. "I think that I will sleep better there. This room is... too big but too small at the same time, just like the city."

Puzzling this out for a moment, Avi eventually shook his head. "That don't make sense."

Giving him a soft smile, the Verduin boy gestured toward the bed. "Please take it if you like. I can share some of the pillows with you, and blankets as well. I do not need them all."

Immediately Avi shook his head. "The bed's too big just fer me." He insisted. "Can I stay wiv you?"

Dain's smile broadened and he nodded. "Of course. There's plenty of space." Pulling off his leather jerkin and simple tunic, Dain crawled onto the pile of sheets and pillows. With a grin, Avi followed suit, discarding his ratty shirt to one side.

For a long time, the two boys simply lay side by side without saying anything. Dain lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling while Avi rested on his side, facing Dain but not exactly looking at him. Avi's gaze was fixed on nothing while thoughts raced around in his head.

He wondered if Dain would have agreed with what Elias had told him earlier that day. Was he actually important to their mission or was that just something Elias said to make him feel better? From what Avi knew, Elias didn't seem like the type to say things just for people's feelings.

Then there was Kole. Even though the two of them had a good long conversation about why Kole never told him about living in a castle, Avi still felt hurt by the deception. Kole was his best friend. Really his only friend until Elias came along. And then Dain of course. Even though he had told Kole that he understood why he kept the secret, deep down he didn't fully understand. Kole knew as much about Avi as Avi knew about himself. Finding out that he barely knew Kole at all had shaken the small boy deeply.

He missed Tibbs. She was always a comfort in times like this, even if he couldn't physically touch her. Earlier that day she had disappeared and had not yet returned. It wasn't uncommon so Avi didn't worry about it. She always came back.

Without thinking to ask permission, Avi reached out and began toying with the long braid that hung down the side of Dain's face. His wrist crossed with the older boy's as he did so. Dain had such nice hair. Avi thought about the tight rows of dirty-blonde braids on top of his own head and made a face. Hair and appearance had never been something he had given a second thought before, but now for some reason, it seemed to matter. He wanted his hair to look nice, the way Dain's did, or Elias's, or even Kole's now that he'd had it cut. He sighed.

Obviously, Dain had noticed when Avi began playing gently with his hair, but he did not complain, he continued to stare up at the ceiling, imagining it was the open night sky, rather that cold unforgiving wood. When he heard Avi sigh, he turned to look at him, propping himself up on an elbow.

"Sorry..." Avi mumbled sheepishly, letting go of the braid and glancing down.

Dain did not answer but lay there looking at Avi for a moment, taking in the details of his face, the small nose between large curious eyes, and the expressive mouth that always broadcast exactly what the younger boy was thinking. Abruptly, he ducked his head in and gave Avi a quick peck on the lips.

Avi flinched and recoiled backward in shock, his wide eyes locked with Dain's. "Oi!" He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "What'dya do that fer?"

Blushing deeply, Dain looked away. "I... am sorry." He answered awkwardly as his lightly freckled face continued to flush red. "I just... You didn't like it?" He eventually asked, mortified.

The younger boy frowned as if he had just been asked to solve a complicated riddle. Confusion wove it's way plainly across his face. Adjusting his posture so that he was leaning on an elbow as well, Avi's mouth continued to shift into various forms as he pondered Dain's question.

"I dunno..." He eventually admitted, bewildered. "Do it again... then I'll know."

Dain's embarrassment turned slowly into a smile. At Avi's request, he leaned in once more, slower this time. Avi pulled back slightly but soon stopped himself. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable contact.

The second kiss was almost as tentative and quick as the first. Avi felt Dain's lips brush gently against his own. The slight tickle of Dain's breath on his face made him giggle. And when he opened his eyes, Dain's face was directly in front of his own, closer than it had ever been before. All in all, Avi decided, it was quite a pleasant experience. He shivered slightly as he giggled again.

"How about now?" Dain asked, although Avi's excited grin was answer enough.

Avi hid his smile, albeit poorly, as he pretended to think. "Wewl... maybe just once more? To make sure?"

This time, Dain took one hand and placed it to the side of Avi's face. Again, Avi flinched slightly at his touch but quickly relaxed into it. When they kissed again, Dain moved himself forward so their bodies were nearly touching, and the two boys held the kiss for a long time.

When they broke off again, both of them giggled, their new-found discovery titillating them in strange and unexpected ways. Avi was about to ask Dain for another when they were suddenly interrupted.

"Ohhh godss..." They heard a long, drawn-out moan from next door.

Dain's face immediately went bright red again, but Avi's ears perked up and he frowned curiously.

"That sounded like El!" Avi told Dain worriedly. "Do you fink e's in trouble? An wot's e doin over there?" He pointed in the direction the voice had come from. "Tha's Kole's room. El's room is that way."

Dain hid his giggle with a hand. "I don't think `trouble's the right word for it." He whispered.

"Ahhhhhh!" Elias's voice came again from Kole's room. Avi started to sit up in alarm, but Dain caught him gently by the shoulder and urged him back down.

"I don't think..." Dain spoke around an embarrassed smile. "... that they want to be disturbed."

Avi looked down at Dain then back in the direction the noises had come from. He didn't really understand, but Dain did not seem worried, and Dain was smart. Slowly, he lowered himself back to the pile of blankets and pillows but kept his ears open for anything else suspicious. He thought about asking Dain to kiss him again, but he didn't want to seem greedy. Instead, he snuggled up against the older boy who responded by laying their heads together on a single pillow.

Being so close to Dain and surrounded by such comfort, Avi did his best to listen for any other signs that would indicate that his friend might need him, but after a few minutes of hearing nothing, the alure of sleep became too much. Dain was already breathing evenly, his slim chest rising and falling in the dim light. It did not take long at all for Avi to follow him into the world of dreams.

Next: Chapter 16

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