Elias of Eradal

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Feb 19, 2022


Hey all, here's the next chapter! Let me know what you think at purplejubilee17@gmail.com. I've got a mailing list there you could sign up for if you want.

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<3 PurpleJubilee

Elias of Eradal

Chapter 16

Elias was alone when he woke. The blankets had slipped off during the night, leaving him completely exposed. A chill morning breeze touched him through the open window. He was relieved that no one had decided to enter the room unannounced while he slept.

Quickly, Elias gathered up his clothing from where it had been strewn the night before and got dressed. As he sat to pull his boots on, his mind wandered to the nocturnal activities he and Kole had shared. He wondered what it meant. Kole's words had suggested that the intimacy was more than just physical, but Elias wouldn't have been surprised if Kole used lines like those on all the women and men that he took to bed.

Was this more than that? And did Elias want it to be more than that? Last night he had felt a powerful connection, but last night he had been quite vulnerable and unprepared. By the light of day, his logical brain took the reigns and he wondered if cultivating an intimate relationship like that was wise while they were on a mission where one or both of them could very well die.

Standing up, Elias shook his head. There would be plenty of thinking time when they got back on the road. Part of him was eager to be off again, while his other half wished that they could stay in Calon-Ken indefinitely. Being back in the city had filled him with nostalgia and he would be sad to see it behind them. Now he had new pleasant memories here on top of the old ones.

Elias poked his head out into the hallway before making his exit. He hoped to avoid anyone seeing him emerge from Kole's room. The hall was empty as he stepped out, but before he could shut the door behind him, a young boy came tearing around the corning, almost bowling into him at full speed.

The youth wore high leather riding boots and dark trousers, with a forest-green tunic under a fancy but practical traveling jerkin. His elegantly combed dark-blonde hair practically shone in the light of the morning and was plaited in one braid from the top into a short straight tail at the back. He skidded nimbly to a halt just before the collision and looked up at Elias with big eyes and a wide grin that was missing a tooth on the upper right side.

"Mornin' El!" Avi greeted enthusiastically just as Dain rounded the bend behind him. "Whad'ya fink?" He gestured down at himself proudly. "I look right posh now!" So pleased with himself was he, that Avi executed a spin on one heel to give Elias the full view, laughing gleefully the whole time.

Avi's grin was so genuine and infectious that Elias couldn't help but return it, nearly laughing along with the young boy. "You could pass for a young lord." He replied, impressed. "At least until you open your mouth."

Giving him a feigned scowl Avi couldn't hold it for long and almost immediately broke into a smile again. "'Ey I can sound posh too if I want." He made a show of straightening his back and sticking his nose in the air. "'ow do you do? Good day. Le's `ave a feast!"

This time, Elias did laugh. It was the first laugh of genuine amusement that Avi had ever heard from Elias. The young boy's eyebrows raised and his eyes sparkled as his grin threatened to split his face in two, then he quickly fell into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"So where did the new outfit come from?" Elias asked when the boy had gotten himself under control.

"Sir Triston found it fer me." Avi explained, still smiling happily. "'e ad one fer Dain too but e didn't want it. Then Dain elped me wiv me air."

Elias nodded his approval. "It suits you." He said sincerely. "Looks sturdy enough for travel too."

Beaming, Avi nodded excitedly. "Tha's wot Sir Triston said too." He looked past Elias to the door that still hung partly open. "Did ya sleep in Kole's room?"

Elias's smile dropped off his face and he looked away. "I... yeah. We had a drink and I... fell asleep in the chair."

This explanation seemed to satisfy Avi, but Elias thought he saw Dain blush as he turned to intently study a painting on the wall.

"'e's outside wiv Sir Triston now I fink." Avi told him. "'e said to get our fings so we can leave."

Elias nodded. "Good idea. It's well after dawn. We should be on our way."

It did not take them long to gather their meager belongings. Elias noticed that Kole's things were already missing and must have been taken before he awoke. As he packed, Elias's desire to be back on the road grew. Even though it had only been two nights in Calon-Ken, it felt like they had delayed their mission long enough.

The three of them found Kole out in the training yard, locked in a duel with his brother surrounded by a small group of soldiers looking on eagerly. He had given up the fine clothing he had found last night for much more practical traveling garments. They were still much nicer than what he had worn before arriving at the keep but were obviously meant to hold up under harsher conditions.

"Keep your feet moving." Kole ordered, whirling into a swipe with his practice sword that just barely missed as Triston was forced to take a large step backward. "And stay loose. You're stomping around like a mule."

It was fascinating to watch as the two talented swordsmen danced with one another. Even with his small knowledge however, Elias could tell that Kole was the better of the two. For a man of his size he balanced almost impossibly lightly on the balls of his feet, easily executing twists, dodges, and thrusts that were hard to follow with the eye.

"Ah!" Triston cried out, sucking air through his teeth as Kole rapped him on the knuckles.

"Keep that guard up. Getting tired?" Kole asked teasingly.

Triston glared at his older brother. "You wish." The teen launched into a counterattack which was admittedly quite impressive. A lesser swordsman would have likely taken the full blow of Sir Triston's blunt sword to the head, but Kole simply shifted his weight and ducked under the swing then leapt to one side the evade the quick reverse cut.

In a lightning-fast motion, Kole switched his sword hand and his stance, catching his brother off guard. Striking high, Triston was just barely able to get his own sword up in time to deflect the blow. Immediately though, Kole changed hands again and brought the practice blade spinning round, whistling through the air. The broad side of the sword smacked Triston just below the ribs with a loud thud.

The young knight gasped as the wind was pushed out of him and he fell to his knees. Several of the guards that had been watching cheered. Others simply winced.

Kole placed his sword on Triston's shoulder. "Well fought. You have earned an honorable death." He then proceeded to poke Sir Triston very gently on the forehead with the tip of the sword.

"Ass..." Triston rasped as he got his breath back. He accepted Kole's hand though and got back to his feet. Kole pulled him into a firm embrace.

"Don't doubt yourself." Kole encouraged. "You've got all the skill you need, you just have to remember it when the time comes."

Triston scoffed. "That's easy for you to say. It doesn't come quite so naturally to the rest of us."

Punching his brother gently on the shoulder Kole shook his head. "You've got every bit of the talent I had when I was your age. Don't think you need to impress anyone. The only goal is to kill the other guy before he kills you."

Sir Triston offered a small smile and a nod. "Just make sure you get back here before the real fighting starts. We could use you."

Kole laughed. "I'll do my best." He turned toward Elias and the others. "Looks like it's time to go."

"Wait." Triston insisted. "Father was going to see you off."

With a shrug, Kole picked up his pack which was laying off to one side of the sparing field. "He's busy, I'm sure."

"Not too busy though." The deep voice of Lord Titus interrupted. The Lord Imperator appeared from the other end of the yard. Behind him came two stable hands leading four horses with them. There were the three they had purchased in Calon-Ken the morning before as well as a fourth. This new animal was a noble beast even at first glance; a black charger, tall and strong with its coat brushed until it shone. "I hope," Titus continued. "That you have time for one more reunion."

A genuine smile broke across Kole's face. "Lero!" He cried happily. The great black horse responded by tossing its head and tugging gently on the reins. Striding forward, Kole crossed the yard quickly and took the reins from the stable hand. Putting one hand to the side of the warhorse's face, he chuckled as the large creature gently headbutted him. Turning back to his father, Kole inclined his head gratefully. "I... never expected to see him again. Thank you."

Lord Titus offered a soft smile in return. "He responds poorly to anyone that rides him. I think he was too attached to you."

Kole couldn't keep the warm light from his face as he turned back to his horse and gave it a vigorous scratching under its chin and down its neck. The animal snorted affectionately and pushed it's head into Kole's shoulder.

"Hopefully he will serve you well." Titus went on. "He is too fine a horse to sit idle."

Facing Lord Titus once again Kole bowed formally, acknowledging his father's status, then extended a hand. "I am... very grateful. For this," He gestured toward his horse. "And for you heeding our warning. It is more than I could have hoped for."

Titus stood motionless for a moment, then accepted the handshake and gave a firm nod. "You are my son, Tybalt. Despite our differences, I can think of no one better to undertake this mission. You are one of the most capable warriors I have known." A wry smile touched the Lord Imperator's lips. "You will excuse a father's need to say that you still have some growing to do in order to reach your potential as a great leader as well."

At this, Kole raised an eyebrow but did not comment. It seemed to Elias though that the gesture came more from habit than from true offense. After a moment Kole snorted a chuckle breaking off the handshake. "Maybe I'll live that long."

Lord Titus gave an affirming nod. "I hope so. May luck, or the gods, or fate go with you. Perhaps when we meet again, we will have more time."

Nodding, Kole took the reins of one of the other horses and began leading them across the yard. One of the stable hands followed, leading the other two horses. "Maybe so." Kole agreed, then he paused. "Be careful out there." He glanced at Triston. "Both of you. Please."

Triston stepped forward to give Kole another long hug. "You, too. Bring us the help we need."

"I will." Kole assured. "No one beats on you besides me."

Laughing, Triston gave Kole a shove. "I'll try to save some for you."

Messing up his little brother's hair with one hand, Kole disengaged himself and handed Elias the bridle to his horse. "You'd better."

"We'll only need three." Elias informed the stable hand who gave over the reins of one of their other horses to Dain. "Return the other to Master Lavelle, with my thanks."

The servant nodded, leading the horse that had been Kole's away. Elias and Dain mounted up and Dain helped Avi up onto the back of his horse. Kole swung himself into Lero's saddle and the noble creature bore his weight easily, tossing its head.

"I am glad, Sir Tybalt," Lord Titus called. "To know that you are alive. Do try to keep it that way."

Kole sat straight in the saddle put a fist to his chest in a salute. Tightening the straps of his pack he leaned down to clasp hands with Triston one last time before leading the way out of the raised gate of the keep. Elias followed close behind with Dain and Avi taking up the rear.

Elias did not speak. He could tell, even by Kole's posture, that he was wrestling with conflicting emotions. It was not the sort of disturbance that Elias could help him with, at least not for the time being.

This time, as they passed through town, people took more notice of them. Kole's fine horse drew some attention, and many of the citizens that gave a closer look had to pause for a moment to peer at Kole with curiosity. One person even called out for Sir Tybalt, to which Kole responded instinctively with an incline of his head in the direction of the cry.

At some point, Elias noticed that Avi had slipped off of Dain's horse and disappeared. He began to call a halt but Dain assured that the younger boy would catch up with them before they left the city. Grinding his teeth in frustration, Elias scouted around the crowd to see if he could pick out the little thief before he got into trouble, but even in his new finery, Avi could melt into the streets at will. With a shake of his head, Elias urged his horse onward, hoping that Dain was right.

By the time they had reached the gate however, Elias was surprised to see that they had attracted something of a following. As they passed, people would stop what they were doing to look up at their group, then some would follow after them curiously. Elias could hear murmurings of Sir Tybalt's name among them, whispered in disbelief. Now, as he noticed the gathering crowd as well, Kole kept his head down as best he could, but riding atop his sleek and powerful stallion it was hard to keep a low profile. Elias realized that he must have been very well known indeed to draw so much attention and recognition simply by riding through the street.

Turning on his horse once more, Elias saw that Avi had reappeared at some point and slid back into the saddle with Dain without even being noticed. Sighing, Elias wondered what the boy had been up to but decided it was probably best not to ask. They exited the city with a smaller group of people still trailing them out of curiosity. Once the roads cleared a little though, Kole urged his horse to a gentle trot, making it difficult for their hangers-on to keep up.

They made good time and spoke little as they rode. Their packs were well stocked and full of travelling rations, so they did not stop to take a meal. The horses began to tire as dusk started to fall. After leaving Calon Ken they had traveled south for a short time before taking the road west that would lead them back through Eradal and to the coast. The main roads were fairly well traveled but the four of them kept mostly to themselves and held a brisk pace. Kole would offer a brief nod to anyone that passed them by but did not stop to talk.

Finally, they broke for the evening and moved off the road into a small copse of trees that shielded them from view. Elias slid off his horse, stretching his aching legs. It had been a long time since he had ridden for an extended period like that. He patted his horse's neck idly as he worked the stiffness out. Poor Avi's legs gave out underneath him as soon as he hit the ground and he lay in the grass moaning in discomfort. Dain jumped lightly down and knelt next to his companion.

"Should we tie the horses?" Elias asked as Kole dismounted as well.

Kole shook his head. "Lero won't let them go far." He looked down at Avi with pity. "I probably shouldn't have pushed us that hard. I didn't want to waste the daylight though."

Internally, Elias suspected that it also had something to do with Kole wanting to get away from Calon Ken and the people that recognized him, but he kept that thought to himself. "Is it safe to light a fire?"

Kole shrugged. "I don't see why not. We're well inside friendly territory. And no one is looking for us."

Nodding, Elias chided himself for asking silly questions. The two of them turned as Dain approached, helping a hobbling Avi along with him. Dain wore a worried look.

"Is he alright?" Kole immediately asked, noting Dain's concern.

"I'm awlright." Avi grumbled in stubborn embarrassment.

Dain nodded reassuringly, slowly withdrawing his support so that Avi could stand on his own. "Yes, he's fine. Just sore. But it is not him I am worried about." The Verduin boy looked around them, then looked up to the darkening sky. "It's Gwynoc. He should have joined us by now."

Elias frowned. During their time in Calon Ken he had all but forgotten Dain's giant winged companion. Now that he thought about it though, it did seem like it had been a long time.

"He wouldn't have tried to find us in the city. Gwynoc hates large groups of people." Dain explained. "I assumed he would find us on the road, but I've not seen him. These trees have no knowledge of him either."

"Hmm..." Kole pondered. "Would he have known to look for us here? There were a lot of people on the road from Calon Ken."

Dain was not comforted. "He knew where we were going. And Gwynoc has very keen eyes. If he had been watching the city, then he would have seen us leave. The only explanation is that he has not returned yet... For some reason."

Now, Kole seemed slightly worried as well. "He left us at the foot of the mountains more than four days ago. I don't know much about Verduin hawks, but if they're anything like the mainland hawks then he should have definitely been back."

Dain nodded. "He is very swift, and he would not have delayed unless it was absolutely necessary... or unless..." He trailed off.

"'e's gonna be fine." Avi assured, though he did not sound certain. "Maybe e just got mixed up about which way ta go. appens to me sometimes."

Giving a weak smile at Avi's obvious attempt to console him, Dain shook his head. "I don't think so. I fear the worst. I at least hope that he was able to complete his mission before..." The druid boy looked near tears.

"Nothing is certain yet." Kole reminded firmly. "There could be countless reasons he has not been able to meet up with us yet. We can't jump to conclusions. Keep an eye on the sky and keep up hope."

Dain took a deep breath. "You are right. I shouldn't despair so easily. Gwynoc is as strong as he is smart. He can handle himself." These affirmations seemed more like Dain was trying to convince himself than the rest of them.

Elias didn't know what to say, if anything. He had never felt the kind of connection or bond with an animal that Dain obviously had with Gwynoc. When he was younger his mother had owned a cat, but it was an aloof and surly creature that offered little affection and tolerated little in return. And Gwynoc was clearly more of a companion than a pet.

"We'll keep the fire low then." Kole amended. "At least while we're away from civilization. Or until Gwynoc comes back."

They put up their camp quickly, although they had started to feel out of the habit after several nights of sleeping in proper beds. It was then that Avi revealed the secret errand he had slipped off to as they left Calon Ken. He pulled out several long thin strips of hide and strong cord that he handed to Dain.

"Hmm..." Kole appraised with a lifted eyebrow. "Where'd all that come from?"

"Found it." Avi reported back cheekily as Dain inspected his `finds'.

"What's it for?" Elias asked curiously, glossing over the obvious theft.

Dain pulled out the forked stick that they had bought in the market and quickly stripped the weak cord and pouch off it. "When combined in the right way and treated properly over several days." He began, starting to braid the hide with the new cord. "It will be able to hold tension like a bowstring. Not as much, but enough hit hard."

Avi grinned as Dain explained the weapon and Kole nodded, impressed. "It'd be good for you to have some way to protect yourself." He agreed. "And I've seen your aim, so it does make sense."

"I'll need to forage for some ingredients while there is still light." Dain informed them. "But I will not linger out after nightfall."

"I can come wiv you." Avi offered hopefully.

Dain smiled but shook his head. "Not this time. The recipe and the spells required are... another of Verduin's many secrets." He gave Avi an apologetic look. "Maybe some day I will be able to share them with you."

With that, Dain slipped silently away into the forest and Avi trudged over to plop down next to the fire with Elias and Kole.

"Everyone's got secrets." Avi grumbled, tossing fistfuls of grass into the blaze. "'ow come I `avn't got any secrets?"

Elias hid a smile. "I don't know that you'd be able to keep them secret if you did."

Giving him an unamused look, Avi flopped backward to gaze up at the sky. "Tibbs as been gone awhile too. I ope she an Gw... an Dain's bird are ok." He opted not to attempt the foreign name.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Kole comforted, but he shared a look with Elias the betrayed his uncertainty.

Elias was also unsure. If Dain was right, then it seemed like there were only two options. Either something had gone wrong during the flight and Gwynoc had been intercepted, or something was very wrong on Verduin. It appeared that Kole shared some of his concerns, but Elias knew it was not the time or place to discuss them.

An hour or two later, Dain returned in better spirits than he had left. He showed Avi that the braid of cord and hide was now wound up in a tight ball, soaking in a foul-smelling liquid.

"It won't smell like that when it is finished." Dain promised with a laugh as Avi held his nose.

Night fell and they allowed the fire to dwindle. Kole offered to take the first watch but both Elias and Dain promised that they would not be taken by surprise.

"These trees are younger and more friendly than the ones in the mountains." Dain told them. "They have agreed to keep us safe."

"I put some runes in the ground as well." Elias added. "We will not be caught off guard."

The four of them settled into their bed rolls but Elias did so with some frustration. He had hoped to get some time alone with Kole. Both to share his thoughts on the disappearance of Gwynoc and perhaps to talk a little bit about their activities last night.

Dain and Avi slept close together on one side of the fire, with Kole and Elias sleeping in a triangular formation from them around the dying embers. Elias felt like Kole wanted to speak to him as well, but the long day in the saddle had him more exhausted than he thought, and it didn't take long for him to drift off to sleep listening to the night sounds.

The same dream came to him again. Elias didn't know how he knew it was the same dream, since he couldn't remember any of it from the night before. He had no doubt though, he could see the same man, though his face was hazy. The man was speaking to him, but it was like sound muffled through water. He asked Elias a question, but Elias had no answer. He couldn't understand. The question was important though and Elias began to panic. He tried to ask the man to repeat it, but his voice would not obey him. He couldn't force his mouth to move.

The dream began to fade, and Elias tried to hold it in his mind. The more he struggled though the faster it faded. Once more he found himself sitting upright, breathing heavily.

"Bad dream?" Kole's voice made him jump halfway out of his bedroll.

"Gods!" Elias cursed irritably. "Don't you ever sleep?" He willed his heart rate to slow and tried to take even breaths.

Kole chuckled. "It's nearly dawn. I'm used to waking up before the sun."

Looking up, Elias noticed that Kole was right. The darkness overhead was just beginning to turn grey. The stars had all but disappeared from the sky. That was an unpleasant sight as Elias did not feel as though he had slept much.

"You can nap for a while longer if you like." Kole said as though reading his mind. "Avi and Dain probably won't be up for another hour at least."

Heaving a sigh, Elias sank back down to the ground. As tired as he was though, he didn't think sleep would find him easily.

"Are you worried?" He eventually asked quietly. "About Dain's bird not coming back?"

Elias couldn't see Kole from where he was lying but he could almost hear the big man thinking. "I'm not sure I'm worried." Kole eventually replied. "Not yet anyway. I have had a though, but I hope I'm wrong."

Elias bet that he could guess what Kole's thought was, because he suspected it was the same as his own. "Were you thinking that we might have guessed Kordiith's plan incorrectly?"

By the heavy sigh Elias could tell that he had gotten it right. "The Verduin tribes are the only ones that still fully believe he exists." Kole outlined the exact thing that had troubled Elias. "And they're the only ones that still communicate with the old gods. If Kordiith is smart, then he knows that. He would also probably know that they are isolated from the Five Kingdoms, and not just by the sea. If Verduin were overrun, it could take weeks or longer for anyone from the mainland to even know." Kole paused. "I'm embarrassed I didn't think of it sooner. It is definitely a strategy that he could use effectively."

"And if he has..." Elias continued for him. "Then we may be heading right into a trap."

Kole shifted his position. "Hopefully not a trap, because he couldn't know that we are coming, unless they are able to get that information from Gwynoc somehow. But it would still be very dangerous to land on Verduin without more information."

"Do you think Dain has made the connection?" Elias asked, looking over at the sleeping boy.

Kole's shrug could be heard by the soft shuffle of his shoulders. "If he hasn't yet then he likely will. I suspect that will only make him press on more quickly. We will need to be very careful."

Elias agreed silently. It would not be wise to share their concerns with Dain just yet, especially since there was no way to know if they were valid. If there had been an attack on Verduin then surely someone in the coastal towns of Eradal would have noticed something.

"I'm going to see if I can catch us some fresh breakfast." Kole announced. "No sense in using rations that will keep when there's wildlife all around."

It sounded like Kole stood up and Elias did not look back. Suddenly however, he could feel Kole practically hovering over him. He turned his eyes to find himself staring directly up into Kole's. Elias's breath caught in his throat.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you though." Kole growled, giving him a suggestive smile. He cast a quick eye in the direction of the two sleeping boys before darting down quickly to steal a peck on the lips from Elias. Then he was gone, before Elias could even respond.

Next: Chapter 17

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