Ellen and Me

By Dave Elliott

Published on Nov 24, 2004



Please note. The material in this document is intended for adult reading only If explicit homosexual sexual acts and coarse language offends, continue no further, you have been warned.

Dave Elliott.

The plane had been dropping in altitude for the last hour as the right wing dipped the plane turned to make its final approach into Sydney airport. I could see the coastline and Sydney harbour as we closed in toward it.

I'd been to other cities in Australia but this was my first time to Sydney. If I'd had any concerns about the place and its people. I need not have worried. I'd always found the Aussies friendly and hospitable. Sydney did not let them down. It had its own individuality and character a great place to visit.

Another half hour or so and we'd be on the ground. It had been an uneventful flight and I settled back in the seat, my thoughts going over the reason Ellen and I were taking the trip. We were to meet a friend, Tony Springer, a friend who we had not seen for a few years. I first met Tony when he like me had become an apprentice. He was a couple of months behind me but we had become firm friends from then on. I'd known Ellen a little longer and together with other young people had formed a friendship group that seemed inseparable. We went every where together. All for one, one for all, as it were

My thoughts drifted back in time. I wondered if Tony had or was giving any thought to what he and I did together prior to our completing our apprenticeship and going to sea.

I'd had a pretty good idea very early on as to my position in regard to my sexual preferences. I had thoughts and fantasies when I was a child. That big bad witch who would turn me into a girl and the men who would take great delight in inserting their penises inside me. I was easy prey for any male wanting the services of a young male. A teacher at one of my schools recognised this and grabbed the opportunity to educate me and enhance my feelings in the field of homosexuality telling me I was to see myself as being privileged that I had been selected to service the men of the world who indulged in that sort of lifestyle. Like most young males I'd experimented with my feelings. Mostly with a friend by the name of Norman. It was Norman that I would stay with when my parents went away. In those early days we would play and fondle each others cocks. I think I got more enjoyment from our encounters than he did. I would suck him off, which he would not reciprocate and I tried hard to get him to fuck me, but he refused to do so in the early days. As we grew our experimenting became more intense. At fourteen or fifteen I managed to persuade him that he should give it a go. (My own experiences with men had been quite considerable by this time). He found the experience to his liking, but was unsure whether he wanted to carry on doing it as he thought it was for queers and that he had made me a poofta by having fucked me. Our relationship started to dwindle from then on and he made a career in the air-force whilst I went to an apprenticeship for marine engineering, thus meeting up with Tony.

I had to wonder if working in a shipyard was my cup of tea. The workers were rough and tough, but on the whole good people. Like all walks of life there were men who were very partial to a nice piece of ass, who would hotly deny they were or that they had any connection to being queer. The receiver of cock was the queer, the poofta, not the doer. They were only doing what any true blooded male was entitled to do and that was fuck There was within, a network that knew each other, knew their likes and preferences and once in the network you were "marked" I became "marked"

So this is a very much abridged version of where I was sexually when I started work and when for the first time Tony came into my life.

Like all apprentices before us we started in the stores, becoming accustomed to the nuts and bolts of the industry. The building was old, very old I would think it had been built late eighteen hundreds to early nineteen hundreds and added to over the years. It was cold and dank in winter and not much better in summer. The smell of shipping permeated the building. A mixture of oil, tallow, grease and leather plus other goods that had been stored there over the period of time was ingrained into its very depths. It was like a dudgeon with dark hidden away corners. light came from low wattage bulbs that cast eerie shadows.

The store boss by the name of Bobbie was in charge and I was aware from day one that he wanted something that I had. My ass.

It was very subtle at first, just probing as to whether I would or wouldn't be a starter for his games. Making sure he brushed past me very close slowly pressing himself against my hind end. The hand that gently brushed my buttocks with "Oh sorry Dave". As time went by he brushed past slower, and slower. Pushing harder and harder each time. The hand dwelt a little while longer each time his hand brushed my bum, eventually the apologising stopped coming, until the day he decided that what he was doing was not meeting with any resistance and he was prepared to put it to the test. "Bring a clipboard and paper with you; we're going to count the bolts in the number four lockers." He said.

I should have realised when he said number four lockers that I'd been targeted for other things. It was dimly lit and out of the way of prying eyes. We managed the first locker without incident. Then I felt the softest of touches on my left buttock. I took no notice of it at first. The next touch was more definite in its application. When it met with no resistance his hand then ran with more meaning in it. Squeezing, delving. There was no accident in what he was doing. I took a sideways glance at him, but he was taking no notice just whistling and humming quietly to himself, whilst his hand squeezed and massaged my eager and willing buttock. I heard the quiet purr of the zip on his jeans and glanced down to see him take out his hardened penis. His hand continuing to stroke and squeeze my hind end. Staring nonchalantly straight ahead counting the bolts, leaving his hard erection to protrude from his trousers. I just stood and gawked at it mouth open. It was just standing there, upright, looking big and inviting. Mind you compared to mine every cock was big. There never seemed to be any the same size or smaller, I guess all men's cocks started from my size and went up accordingly. I'd been told many times that as a man I would be any use to a woman. Over the years I'd come to accept what my teacher had said. That fate had given me the privilege to service my male counterparts. Whenever a man made a pass at me I had always complied with his wishes.

"You will find David that the enjoyment and pleasure he gets from you...you will receive enjoyment and pleasure from him...it's a two way thing" He said. So far he had been correct. I loved bending over and receiving their warm throbbing penises.

I could resist no longer, my hand reached down; my palm closed around the hard clammy shaft and started jerking up and down. His whistling stopped he sucked air through clenched teeth and murmured. "Ohhh fuck that feels soooo good!" We stood there facing the lockers my hand jerking him off him sighing and telling me how good it felt. His hand squeezing my ass and buttocks harder.

"Ohhh, ohhhh...would you like me to fuck you" He whispered.

My mouth was dry, parched. I nodded my voice barely audible. "Yes, yes please"

Tucking his cock back in his jeans he said "Let's go where we won't be disturbed" I knew where he meant. I'd been down the back before and seen the place he must have set up for such an occasion. Cotton waist bales had been stacked high, forming a wall. Two other separate bales. I'd worked out what they were for. A bed.

"Go on...down the back...I'm right behind you" He pushed me forward following close behind. As we went, we had to pass Tony, as we passed I blushed, the way he looked it was as if he knew where we were going and what we were going to do. I felt so guilty; I didn't want him to know. Head down I headed for the back of the store room.

We squeezed behind the wall of waste bales; I stood facing him as I awaited instructions. "Hoooo! Boy you're going to enjoy this" He said. His hands eagerly undoing the buttons on my overalls and shirt. I started to tremble not with the cold but with excitement as I felt his eager hand and fingers working urgently to get me undressed Those fingers were now undoing my belt. I could feel them trembling with equal excitement as they undid the zip on my trousers. My overalls were being removed first then my shirt revealing my naked torso. Eager hungry hands tore at my rousers pulling them down around my ankles. I stood before him eager and trembling, pulse racing adrenalin pumping waiting for the next instructions. He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around to face the square bale of waste cotton. I hear the purr of the zip as he unfastens the fly on his trousers unleashing his hard erection. He presses close. I feel the hard contour of his cock rubbing against my bare ass. Hot breath on my neck kissing it. Hands now grasping my breast, fingers squeeze my nipples. Oh god it's more than I can stand. Now his ass and hips twist and gyrate exciting me even more, filling me with keen anticipation.

More kisses on my neck and ear. The whispered command. "Bend over the waste bale boy" My knees bend I stretch out reaching for the other side, fingers digging into the soft bale.

"Spread your legs lad" I try as best I can but trousers and overalls cause some restriction. "Just relax ...won't be long now" He tells me. Reaching into the grease bin near by he coats a finger liberally with the substance.

"Ohhh! Ahhhh!" I exclaim as I feel his finger inserted into my rectum. The grease feels cold but soon warms inside my love tunnel. Another dollop of grease this time two fingers working opening my anal, preparing it for the main event.

"Patience lad, patience almost there" I hear him saying as he spreads his hard shaft with grease, and then turning his attention back to me. I feel it's warmth as it touches my anal entrance. "Relax lad just relax" As I feel him pushing inward.

My ass is being forced open. The bulbous end being driven inside. My anus slowly opening to accommodate his large throbbing erection. Oh god it feels good as inch by inch my ass slowly devours his large hard penis. I feel the warmth of his thighs pressed hard against my buttocks as now my anus completely encases the throbbing monster. His balls heavy with sperm hang beneath the torpedo that is now embedded inside me.

I feel his hips start to sway his cock withdraws but only for a moment before the foreword stroke drives it back inside. "Oh my god that feels so good boy...such a nice tight little ass" The pace picking up as his cock flashes back and forth. Thrust, thrust, and thrust. One after another.

"Would you like to be a "bum boy" David" He asks.

My fingers dig into the hessian covering the waist. The warmth of his body on top of mine, the pounding of his ass against mine, right then it's all I wanted "Oh yes, yes please, very much so Mr Wilkes" I stammer and moan excitedly.

"How would you like to be my personal "bum boy David" He said

"Oh yes, yes Mr Wilkes I'd love to be your "bum boy"

I hear his satisfied laugh. "Then it's agreed from now on you're my bum boy" His arse continuing to slam back and forth, his body pressed tight to mine. Fingers were squeezing my nipples. Thrust, thrust, thrust, goes his ass back a forth. I can hear the grease in my love tunnel squelching with each exciting stroke of his shaft, but time is running out. The feel of my perfectly rounded soft buttocks against his thighs with every inward stroke is getting him more and more excited. He can feel his semen starting to percolate deep inside, each excited stroke making it worse. His breath is coming in shorter breaths panting hotly on the back of my neck "Uh, uh, uh, uh" With every inward thrust. Again and again and again until I hear him shout

"Ohhh, ahhhhhh!" as his sperm comes to full boiling and erupts up the hard shaft spewing deep inside my anal

He collapses on top of me. His hips and ass at a complete standstill. His warm sticky fluid pumping the last few drops.

"Oh god that was good my boy...I'm sure you're going to enjoy being my bum boy...just you wait and see" His hardness inside me losing its intensity, finally fades altogether and slides free.

Pulling up my trousers I wait until he makes his way back to the front of the store. I hear him whistling and humming to himself as he goes, now happy that one; he has just fucked me and two; I have conceded to be his bum boy.

Now I will be introduced to other men that Bob knows enjoy fucking young males like myself. I take my time as I ponder and view my surroundings. This is the place I will be brought to; the bail of waist will be the bail I will be asked to bend over as my partners with excited throbbing cocks insert them into my anal a sudden thrill runs through my body at the thought of it.

On my own return to the store front I try to avert Tony's eyes as I pass him. At the last moment I take a sideways glance, his look tells me he knows what went on down the back of the store. I say nothing and continue as if nothing had happened.

Being the storemans bum boy will mean I now run his messages to the local store for his paper or cigarettes, or any little chore that he wishes, it's all part of my job. As my time in the store passes, true to form I visit the little space for the purpose that it was created for, with different men, different sizes and different approaches. Bob had devised a system. He would whistle a certain tune when my services were required down the back. I would look in his direction and a sideways nod of the head indicated I should make my way to the hideaway. Every time I returned to the front I felt guilty when I looked at Tony and saw that knowing look in his eyes. He never questioned me about it, we continued to be the very best of friends and he Ellen and I were still the firmest of friends in the group. Eventually my time in the store room came to an end and it was time to move onward and upward. Whilst I was not Bobs' personal bum boy anymore (that would fall to some other young lad but not for another 10 months) I was still marked as a bum boy and was hit on from time to time not least of all by Bob, he always walked away whistling and humming. Tony and I were growing and maturing as the months passed. It was always the three of us who hung around with each other most in the group. Ellen and I got on real well and I took every opportunity to take her home. Whilst I'd had plenty of experience with men I still wanted to see what it would be like to be with a woman. I'd heard the men at work talk about it often and wondered if it was as good as they described it.

It was Tony who wanted to fuck her the most; he never stopped talking about it. He kept asking me "Have you fucked her yet, you lucky bastard"

"No not yet. I keep trying but never succeeding" I told him. Which was true, I'd managed to play with her breast which in itself was a big success, but when I tried for the warm moist entrance, my hand would get under the elastic around the waist, edge slowly down toward the golden target, I'd feel the coarse pubic hair almost get to feel the slit when her hand would pull mine away. That was as far as I could go. "Oh god I'd love to fuck her" He would moan.

At first she never seemed to go for him; always turning him down it was only when she and I had a falling out that she went out with him for a while until we made it up and got back together again, our romance was like that though on, off. During the off period I had pleasurable sexual experiences with other men. I won't take the story down that track at this stage. I will keep those experiences for other times

The next phase came some time later in our apprenticeship and friendship. He'd continued to badger me regard's had I fucked her yet and how much he wanted her.

One weekend his parents were going away taking his sister with them. The house was his to look after.

"Hey why don't you stay at our place whilst they are away, get some booze in and get some chicks for a party, maybe invite Ellen"

"Ok...sounds good to me" I replied

The Friday night we had not organised anything and it was just the two of us and a few cans of beer.

After we had consumed the beer and the pizza and I'd heard all there was to hear about Ellen and his thoughts on what he had in mind for her in the future we retired to bed. The bed was his bed and it was not a full size one, probably more in keeping for a single person rather than two. We both just had our under wear on, mine very revealing and little of them. We lay close together and I could feel the warmth of his body close to mine. There was a stirring in my loins and sexual thoughts in my mind. The curtains held out some of the light coming from the street lighting leaving the room in semi darkness and shadows. As we lay there in the darkened room his conversation was once again about Ellen. "Just image putting your hand....da de da de da" He went on and on into great detail how he would get to fuck her. I now had a real stiff erection.

Suddenly a warm hand slid down my thigh and slowly crabbed across, then under the top of my underwear grabbing my stiff cock.

"Ohhh" I murmured as his hand slowly started to jerk me off. I was taken by complete surprise but wallowed in the sheer pleasure it was giving me. There was no conversation, just his hand firm around my stiff shaft moving up and down. My own hand slid over to his stomach and moved down toward his cock. I was shocked when I made contact with it. He was enormous. It was well clear of the top of his underwear and the girth was far greater than mine, every thing about it was far greater than mine. I'd yet to meet any bloke with a cock the same as or less than mine. I broke the silence that had been between us.

"Oh Tony man your huge" I said as my fingers curled around the hard shaft.

"Mmm you like that Dave?" He asked.

"Oh god yes it's just magnificent" My hand slowly working the firm shaft.

"Do you think Ellen would like that" He asked.

"Yes...yes I think she would" I jealously replied. I was sure Ellen would like it between those beautiful thighs of hers.

"Why don't you pretend to be Ellen and let me fuck you" He asked. The request took me aback somewhat; it was the last thing I'd been expecting from him.

I lay next to him both our hands massaging each others cocks.

He turned on his side toward me and came closer. I felt his warm breath on my ear.

Come on Dave be Ellen for me, let me pretend I'm fucking Ellen...it's not as if you haven't done it before...what about you and store man Bob and all the others...that's what you used to do down the back wasn't it"

"Well...I..." I started to stammer. It was the first time he'd ever mentioned it.

His lips were gently kissing my ear, then licking it. A wave of passion ran through my body. His hand gently working my cock up and down. Oh god I loved it as his lips gently kissed my ear again. "Come on be Ellen for me" He asked again I pressed my body close to his and replied with eagerness in my voice. "Oh yes, yes please I'm Ellen" He stopped wanking me; throwing the blanket off the bed revealing our semi naked bodies. I could make out the dull outline of his stiff penis showing above his underpants. He quickly removes them letting me see his proud cock in its entire enormity. Turning his attention to me his fingers curl around the elastic of my undies pulling downward, I arch my back and lift my buttocks allowing the briefs to be pulled down and discarded along with his. I stare at the shadowy outline of his cock; it looks enormous in the dark. I want it so much. His arms fully embrace me, pulling my body close to his.

"Oh Ellen, Ellen I love you" He declared and before I could answer his lips were on mine warm and passionate our tongues were fighting each other for possession of our mouths. The kiss was long full of passion in every moment that it lasted, his hand moved over every part of my body making me want more of him. We broke gasping for air.

"Oh Ellen I love, I've wanted to do this for so long my darling"

I spread my legs apart and bent my knees as he moved on top of me; he was cradled securely between them. His hard cock was now rubbing along side my hard cock as he made his pelvis squirm as if he were fucking me.

His mouth was warm on my nipple as he sucked and bit it sending me into an excited state.

The more we kissed the more our passions increased. I could feel his hard firm shaft pressing into me as he worked it against my stomach.

I was moaning and crying out just as Ellen surely would have had it been her lying under Tony with her legs spread apart.

He let the bulbous end touch and explore the crease between my ass tracing a line along its length. Suddenly I passionately wanted him to enter me the shaft felt warm and desirable there and then. He continued to tease and taunt me. His warm hands grabbed and squeezed my buttocks as I squirmed with desire. I tried to push myself onto the hard shaft almost whimpering. His warm mouth bit into my neck and I shout out as the tingling sensation rushes through my body. The love bight is large and there for all to see.

"Oh Tony, Tony I love you, I love you" I sighed. The comment was not as Ellen but from me as Dave. I suddenly realised I did love him; I wanted him more than anything else at that stage. He on the other hand was totally absorbed in the idea that I was Ellen.

There is a brief moment in our love making whilst he opens the draw next to the bed, removing a tube of gel.

"It's time my darling...I want you to feel my warm throbbing cock between those beautiful thighs and legs of yours my love" He declares

The gel on his finger feels cold as he pushes inside my anal, working it back and forth. I have a feeling of excited anticipation knowing that in a moment or so that monster I was staring at would be inside me. He gently finger fucks me, first one finger then enlarging my anal ring with two fingers. My heart races, adrenalin pumps.

I hear someone whimpering "Oh, oh, oh Tony...I...I...I want it so much my love" The sobbing and whimpering is from me, unable to control it.

"That's alright my darling we'll have it in soon my love" He says. I see in the dim light the hard shaft and his hand spreading gel over the firm surface giving it a glossy sheen.

Taking up his position between the vee of my wide spread legs and supported by his outstretched arms, he places the hard throbbing shaft at my entrance.

"Now darling just guide it in as I push"

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" I'm whimpering as my hand guides the monster between my thighs. I feel it warm and hard at my entrance. I hold it firmly in place as he pushes inward.

"Ohhhh! Ahhhhhh!" I exclaim feeling my anal entrance being enlarged.

He stares down smiling, watching the delighted expression on my face as inch by inch the shaft sinks deeper and deeper inside.

My eyes are transfixed to the shaft as I watch it get smaller and smaller slowly vanishing from sight. His large sperm filled balls get nearer and nearer to my ass.

My whimpering continues as I watch and feel it securing itself deep inside.

"Oh my love that feels great" He says with eyes closed savouring the moment. My anal is now expanded to meet the diameter of his hard cock.

Now fully in he collapses on top of my body with a sigh "Awwww fuck" His mouth makes another bight on my neck leaving a second large mark to go with the first. My body trembles from the effect.

His arse starts to rise and fall, rise and fall setting up an easy steady motion. I feel the effects as the shaft moves in and out. Oh god I'm being fucked, it feels so good. Thrust, thrust, thrust goes his hard throbbing cock as his hips and ass rise up and down on top of my eager arse.

"Ohhhhh Ellen you have no idea how much I have wanted to fuck you like this" He says as he carries out his fantasy.

I grab his smooth firm round buttocks. My fingers squeeze and pull them toward me, wanting every inch of that wonderful cock and it slams back and forth. I feel those big balls of his slap against my bum as he pounds into me. Thrust, thrust, thrust. Slam, slam, and slam. Cock and balls in perfect unison with one another.

"Ohhhh, mmmmm" As our mouths and lips come together once again. Hump, hump, hump, he continues driving his cock into me again and again. I'm aware of the bedsprings and the bed moving in time with every inward thrust. His own efforts "Uh, uh, uh, uh" as his breath escapes at the end of every hump.

"Oh my darling I'm going to make you pregnant" He says

"Oh yes, yes, yes I want your baby" I reply wishing it could be so.

"Mmmmmoohhhahhhh" He screams his balls unable to contain his sperm any longer. It rushes up the hard shaft spewing its warm sticky content deep inside, the load is large as it throbs and squirts, throbs and squirts time and again, until it is eventually spent. My own cock erupting simultaneously spreading warm sticky fluid between us. All motion stops as he collapses on top of me both of us completely spent.

"Oh fuck, Ellen that was marvellous" He sighs still thinking of me as Ellen.

"Oh yes my love you can fuck me any time you wish" I replied

"Mmmmm I'm sure I will be fucking you regularly" He said. "You happy to be Ellen" He asked

"Yes, yes I'd love to be" I said. What I did not envisage was that he would continue to call me Ellen whenever we were alone, it became a habit with him and he would on many occasions slip up when we were with our friends

We lay there continuing to talk, still holding each other, he confessed to me it was the first time he'd had a fuck and liked it. I was about to find out he had an insatiable appetite for sex. His lips were once again at my ear kissing, his hands starting to roam and caress, as his passions started once more to swell within. "Oh Ellen I can't help it I'm ready to fuck you again" He announced "Turn over on your stomach"

I did as requested, pushing my buttocks upward eager to meet and feel his once again hard throbbing shaft, pulling my cheeks apart I felt the smooth torpedo slide effortlessly inside. The party we had envisaged never took place, we never left the house. We gave up dressing and remained naked. I recall bending over the kitchen table and holding on to the far side one lunch time whilst preparing a meal, once more I became Ellen.

It brought me closer to Tony that weekend. I thought perhaps he and I could be an item. I was to be disappointed. I told him that I was in love with him thinking he may reciprocate but he told me he could never love like that. What was between us was purely physical. His ambition was to fuck Ellen get her pregnant and marry her. All he and I were doing was carrying out his fantasy. I'm not sure if it was his continued talk about him fucking Ellen and eventually marrying her that brought about first long split between Ellen and I. So far I'd had Tony to myself physically. I had not been able to get him to love me as David; I was always Ellen to him.

Ellen had not shown any interest in him at this stage even though it was quite clear he had an interest in her, anyhow we had an argument and decided to stop seeing each other as a couple for a while. I was devastated, we still went out as a group but it hurt that I was unable to take her home or be alone with her. She herself started to date other boy friends and I took this pretty hard. I was vulnerable and easy prey for men at this stage and had invitations from older men who were looking for a young good looking male to fuck.

Bob from the stores capitalised on the situation. I had confided in him what had happened between Ellen and me. "Ah well that's the thing women will do to a guy...you're much better off with another bloke...just enjoy the sex part, no involvement" He said and I started going to his house on a regular basis.

"How would you like to earn some extra cash David" He asked me one evening.

"How do you mean earn extra cash?" I replied

"Well the thing is what we do together... I know I could get some guys who would pay you for the privilege" He said

"You mean like prostitution"

"Well er yes I guess so...but so what, might as well get something from it eh" He said

"Hell I don't know about that. I mean if I got caught it could be jail for me"

"It won't happen...we have it well covered every one is well screened before hand and we have been doing it for some time...any how just think of all those guys in jail...you could have a great time" He said with a grin. "Look it will be ok...trust me I've talked to the others and said I'd approach you...I know you can be trusted and you won't say anything about our operation even if you don't come in"

"Well what will I have to do...where will I meet them" I asked

"Some will come here others at their homes...it depends on each persons circumstances"

I was deep in thought wondering if it was the thing to do or not, he knew he had me when I asked "How much would I get"

With a sly smile he replied "Eighteen quid a cock"

I was thinking it over when he said "Let's make it twenty quid a cock...I'll guarantee at least four guys a week...that's eighty quid a week...how much do you make as an apprentice"

God that was good money compared to my meagre wages as an apprentice.

"Just try going with a couple of guys to see how it pans out, we can arrange for them to come here and use the spare bedroom...all you have to do is what we do now and at the end of it get paid for it...I'll arrange for someone tomorrow night eh...be here at eight...there's nothing to worry about you'll see after your first half dozen or so it will be old hat"

I was about to respond, he held up his hand and said "Tomorrow at eight...trust me" and so it was, after the first few it became easier and it was great having the extra cash.

The bump as the planes wheels made contact with the ground brought my thoughts back to the present. We had landed at Sydney Airport. It was busy as, a concert was playing that night and it took what seemed a lifetime to grab a taxi. I was glad I did not have to drive, as we threaded our way weaving from one traffic lane to another.

As luck would have it we arrived at the same time as Tony and his wife Sonia. We had not met Sonia before, an attractive female with a friendly face and smile.

Tony looked as god as ever, perhaps a little more weight but it suited him. Our handshake was firm and warm; it was always good to catch up with friends from the past. I could see Ellen was pleased to see him and the hug and kiss was extremely warm and friendly.

After an hour or so it was as if we had never been apart as we caught up with the past. Our other friends arrived the next day and our reunion continued over the weekend in Sydney. Tony had organised the rental and the itinerary and early on the Monday morning we were on our way. I had no idea where we were heading and I did not care, it was just good to be together again. My thoughts kept returning to Tony and how good his cock would look. Ellen was still on a high at seeing him and there was a bit of a flirtation between the two of them.

On the Tuesday morning an opportunity presented itself. Tony and I took the van and went into the city to tank up and to do some searching for parts that he was looking for in his model making. We never got there.

The gas station was on the outskirts of the city. Near by was a park and reserve containing toilets "Hey I could do with a piss" I said to Tony "Pull over to the toilets for a mo" Mo was going to be a little longer in fact quite a bit longer.

"Yeh I'll join you" He said.

The toilets were like most outer city toilets, nothing flash, obviously got their cleaning and repairs as and when. Graffiti on the walls, urinal stainless steel although they had in the past been concrete and tile. The tiles on some of the walls remained, cubicles the wooden framed type with toilet and flush in each along with toilet paper. Door was open top and bottom, just sufficient coverage for modesty.

Undoing our fly's we stood at the urinal allowing the warm liquid to escape down the drain and a feeling of relief.

I could not refrain from letting my eyes take a quick sly look to the right. Like a camera shutter's quick flash. The image that was left was Tony's cock looking as good as ever. I had to take another peek. This time for a little longer. Oh god it looked pretty good to me. I stared straight ahead at the white tiles not wanting to make it obvious that I was looking at his cock. We had both finished urinating but neither making a move to leave. I looked down to my right; he was now fondling the shaft. It took a moment before I realised my eyes were glued to what he was doing; the shaft was getting harder and enlarging at the same time. He knew I was looking at it and he turned a little to his left allowing me a better view. I suddenly realised what I was doing and looked at him, he was smiling knowing that what I was looking at excited me.

"Remember this" He asked

"God Tony I'll never forget it" I replied

"How about one for old time's sake" He said and nodded toward the cubicles.

I swallowed hard and nodded agreement. He let me lead the way, choosing a stall I entered, followed by Tony, closing the door behind him.

The walls were covered in graffiti and artwork. The drawing of a couple of guys, one bent over the other giving him a good fuck, a position I myself would be in very shortly, another of a large penis and balls slung beneath it. Writings and poems along with dates and opportunities for sex. "Meet me here on Monday at ten..." or similar dates and times

As it was a hot day I was dressed only in shorts, shirt and flip flops. It was very easy to step out of the shorts and undies, and quickly remove the tee shirt, placing my discarded cloths on the widow ledge. I was naked.

He unzipped his fly undid his belt and let his trousers fall to his waist. His cock was already for action standing proud. It was still as I remembered it. BIG. The thick bulbous end, the corona then the stiff shaft with the veins running the full length, pipelines pumping blood to give it strength.

"Oh shit David you still look as good and sexy as ever" He said putting his arms around me, grabbing my buttocks squeezing them and pulling me in. "And your ass is just as I remember it...bet you've had a cock or two in there over the years"

"Yes the odd one or two" I replied. More than one or two I thought.

It was warm, hard and throbbing as he pressed the monster against my own modest erection. His pelvis swayed, hands squeezed my buttocks hard. Eyes closed as he relished in the movement. My own emotions were percolating as his cock stroked against mine his hands massaging me.

"Oh god...oh lord" I was saying. I could stand it no longer. I dropped to my knees the great monstrous shaft only inches from my eager mouth. My tongue gently licking the slit delving inside trying to taste any pre cum. My lips kiss the bulbous end then slip around the corona. My mouth now filling with it's size as he pushes the shaft inside. He rocks back and forth letting out a hiss of air through his tight lips as my mouth is now gave pleasure to him.

"Mmmm" Was all that could be heard as my mouth sucked and tongue licked the throbbing monster.

I hear movement in the stall next to ours and I brake off a little scared of who it might be next door.

"There's someone next door" I whisper.

We stand there frozen in our motions....nothing. "No it's ok you must be hearing things" He whispers back.

"Oh god I just love sucking cocks Tony...I can't get enough of them" I confess.

"Yeh I know...you must have been in your element at sea eh!" He said

"Oh don't remind me it was marvellous" I replied

"Come on then let's give you a good fuck...for old time's sake...turn round and touch your toes" He said

I turn and bend over; I feel his warm hands gently and sensually touch and roam over my buttocks sending a delightful shudder through my body. Tony sits on the seat his hands pulling my cheeks apart.

"Let me see your pussy ass David....push it out to me...more...more" He commands

A warm mouth and tongue delves into my slit at the same time spreading saliva. A finger is next pushing the warm saliva inside. More licking and mouthing followed by more finger fucking. He stands letting his hard penis brush against my eagerly awaiting ass.

"Ohhhhhh" I gasp as I feel it, warm against my skin.

I hear him howk as he summons up more spittle, then letting it drop on the hard shaft. Strong firm fingers prise me apart "Now just relax....completely relax....I going to get it in now" He quietly and confidently announces.

I'm excited as I feel the warm bulbous end touch...seeking to enter.

"Ahhhh...ohhhhh!" I exclaim as he pushes and seeks entry.

"Shhhh...relax...just relax" I hear him saying as he forces himself further in. "It's going...it's going" He excitedly tells me. Yes I can feel its progress, the head is now in. The ring on my ass is expanded to accommodate his large cock it's just a little while longer now and it will be embedded all the way. I hear a foot shuffling next door, yes there's someone there, but Tony is past caring as he forces himself inside my ass.

"Oh god that feels sooo goood!" He exclaims allowed.

"Shhh there's someone next door" I declare. I hear the cubicle door open and shuffling feet. As I'm bent over looking at the ground I see a pair of feet appear under the door and Tony shouting to whoever it is to "Fuck off" but the feet remain not wanting to depart from the scene he's watching. I can't look up as I'm skewered on Tony's hard shaft. "Fuck off" I hear Tony say again.

"No I want to join in...I've now got a hard on...I want to fuck him when you're finished" He declares "Let's make a threesome"

Tony's ass and hips have started to sway back and forth, the hard shaft sliding in and out as he commences to fuck me. The feet are still there. I hear his raised excited voice "Come on, come on, come on, let me fuck him as well" He's now shouting.

"Come on in and shut up for gods' sake" Tony tells him.

I now have to shuffle around 180 deg, no longer facing the door but face down over the toilet bowl. They are all the same; this one is not a modern stainless steel model but one of the old porcelain type, the makers name stamped into it, the cracks like veins running through it. One wooden piece of seat on one side and as usual one that was missing. In all the times I'd been fucked over a toilet I'd yet to see one with a full seat on it.

My hands reached out to the wall for support as Tony once again began to thrust, thrust, thrust inside me, each thrust pushing me into the wall. Our new friend was along side me, his trousers around his thighs stroking a very hard cock. I try viewing the new participant but can't quite turn to see him. My only view is that of his throbbing hard shaft with its large balls slung below, hairy thighs and black pubic hair

"Here ya are mate put ya mouth around this before I fuck ya" He says, grabbing me by the hair and dragging my head toward his erection.

Tony is nonplussed by our friend's action as he rocks back and forth continuing to fuck me.

His warm sweaty hands grip my hips his eyes watching the action as he thrusts it in and out.

"Oh god, look at that" He says to our friend.

"Oh I can see it all right I can't wait to fuck him myself" He replies.

"Mmmm" Is all I can say as I suck the hard shaft of our third person. I smell his body oder and sweat. I taste pre cum on the pallet. "Oh fuck that feels so good fella...suck the bastard...suck" He says moving back and forth in time with my mouth

The heat of the day and exciting action has me sweating, salt laden perspiration falling from my body.

I stiffen at the sound of another voice "God Paul what ya got there fella?" It asks This person like our third party "Paul" peeking over the top of the toilet door.

"What does it look like Steve...he's giving me a blow job...but I'm going to fuck him when this guy is finished with him"

The guy Steve tries to push the door open. Tony stops his action for a moment as Steve squeezes inside.

"Now fuck off Steve I'm next" Paul shouts.

"Shit Dave I think you're going to be busy pal" Tony declares as he continues to hump behind me. I feel his warm body pressed close to mine. His cock once more in motion and his sperm laden balls slapping at my bum. Thrust, thrust, slap, slap with every rocking motion.

I'm aware of the other person but can not see him with my head down and mouth sucking.

"I'm gona cum Dave" I hear Tony say. Thrust, thrust and a final thrust. His sperm laden balls release the liquid as it flows up the hard shaft, erupting from the eye and squirt, squirt and a final squirt as his cum transfers inside my pussy ass. We stand coupled together until the complete transfer. I feel the void left by his withdrawal.

Now the argument begins.

"Fuck off Steve...I've told you I'm next"

I try to pull away from Paul but his hands are firmly on my head forbidding any movement. My ass is now vulnerable to this guy Steve.

"First in first served Pauly boy" He declares. Firm strong hands grip my hips. I feel the warmth and firmness of his shaft as he presses it into me. There is no resistance to it. My ass now fully opened up by Tony allows it to penetrate with the greatest of ease. His hips and pelvis begin to move and again I feel the presence of hard cock fucking me.

"You bastard Steve I should smash you're fucking face in for that" Paul declares.

"You can always try fella" He retorts, his hips swaying causing the hard shaft to move in and out of my love tunnel. "Oh god he feels good...a great fuck as well" He says taunting Paul even further. I look for Tony but he seems to have left. I'm now the full attention of Steve and Paul. The toilet door is fully open.

"Get him out of the cubicle" Steve declares.

"God no, no please not out there" I plead

"Shad up and keep sucking, cunt" I feel Steve pulling on my hips dragging me back into the open. With small shuffling steps we make our way out of the confined area of the cubicle. I'm pushed and manoeuvred toward the hand basins and mirrors. As we manoeuvre I can see the concrete floor passing under my bare feet. Stubbed out cigarette ends litter the ground, a dropped coin, the now rusted screws holding the cubicle stanchions in place. We slowly shuffle toward the hand basins. The taps look worn and well used, one leaky tap emitting a slow steady tickle leaving a water stained mark where it had travelled over a period of time, cracks in the porcelain. A mirror above each hand basin also old and worn through time. Paul comes to rest against one of them declaring "Start sucking again cunt" and with Steve still firmly behind me the action begins once more. My mouth starts to ache from the sucking. My ass continues to enjoy being fucked.

I take a brief brake from sucking on the hard cock and declare my concern on doing it out here in the open "Oh god please not out here...it's too easy to be seen"

"Hey ya got nothing to worry about mate...there's only one reason anybody comes in here and it ain't ta take a piss...it's for a bit of cock fun...it's known to be the best little whore house in town" He sniggers at his little joke. With that his hand grabs my hair and forces my mouth back to his hard cock.

We continue as before I can feel Steve's hips swaying back and forth and the thrust, thrust, thrust that is making his cock move like a well oiled piston and shaft on an engine. His sperm filled balls slapping with each thrust.

His own little moans of ecstasy as he watches each stroke of his erection as it slides in and out.

"Ohhhh, mmmmmm" or "Oh fuck yes, that's sooo goood"

Paul's own expressions of satisfaction, eyes turned to the ceiling air hissing through tight lips "Oh fuck yeh...that's it cunt, suck it, suck it". My own contribution "Mmmmm!"

"Dya like hot cum in ya mouth fella" Paul asks.

"Mmmmm" I try to indicate that yes I do but it was only academic. "Ohhhhhh fuuuuck" Is all I hear, at the same time I feel and taste warm sticky fluid spreading over my tongue.

"Don't you dare spit it out fella...swallow it dya hear" He says. My mouth now full I nod agreement and mix the harsh salty tasting fluid with my own spittle to dilute before gulping it down.

Steve continues to fuck; the sounds emerging from his tight lips are of sheer pleasure.

"Oh, oh, oh, uh, uh, uh" Those sperm laden balls slapping at my hind end getting ready to explode.

For the first time I get to look at Paul. He has a smile on his face as he watches the expression on my face. One of sheer pleasure, pleasure I'm deriving from Steve fucking away. His shaft, thumping back and forth.

"Oh you love just that don't you, you slut" Paul asks

I nod agreement "Yes, yes oh yes" I reply relishing in Steve's cock fucking away at my hind end.

Paul now having been relieved of his frustrations moves away to the side to watch Steve.

I now cling to the hand basin for support. Steve's action is causing me to sway in time with each of his thrusts.

For the first time I see what Steve looks like he was older than I'd imagined he was dressed similar to Paul black jeans, black T shirt hair that needed cutting and looking somewhat untidy and facial stubble. Tattoo's on both arms. Paul was the younger of the two dressed the same but hair cropped short.

I view my naked body in the mirror, watch and feel the guy at my hind end as he sways back and forth. I always find watching myself being fucked gives me a great thrill. It did today. Steve seeing me watching him smiles back as if knowing my thoughts.

Another person a young guy enters the toilet, heading for the urinal. He sees the action unfolding and hesitates as to whether to proceed or get out.

"What ya looking at fella" Paul asks

"Er...Nothing! Really...I just want a piss" He replies

"Well go on get on with it" Paul says

He hesitantly makes his way to the urinal. I hear the soft purr of his zip being undone. I hear his water splashing into the gutter. He cannot resist taking a quick look over his shoulder to see the action, then reverts to pissing only he can't resist taking another look at the action. He sees a naked man and another with his trousers down to his thighs hard up against my arse humping away, the third guy with his fly and pants undone leaning back against the hand basin not taking any part of the action, now just part of the scene.

He's intrigued his eyes glued to the scene

"What is it fella...you getting a hard on...wana fuck him dya?" Paul asks.

The guy turns away from the urinal and faces toward us, having finished pissing, his cock now hard and ready for action, turned on from what he'd been watching.

"Ho, ho you do want to fuck him"

"No, no I've got to go" I protest.

"You go when we say you can go" Paul replies.

"Uh, uh, uh" As Steve's cock continues to hammer away.

Oh lord I've got to go. I can't stay here much longer I think to myself.

"Come here fella" Paul instructs the new guy "What's ya name"


"Well Andrew our friend here is very keen to have you fuck him aren't you pal"

"Well I..." A smack on my head tells me to answer in the affirmative "Yes...yes I want you to fuck me" I reply

"See it's what he wants" Says Paul

The end is near for Steve the grunts are louder the strokes getting quicker, ejaculation was near.

"Oh, oh, oh ahhhhhhhh" He yells as his sperm percolates and rushes up the hard shaft spewing into my love tunnel adding more semen to the semen deposited by Tony.

"Heh looks like you're turn buster" Paul remarks

I see his reflection in the mirror he's around eighteen or nineteen, a thin smile of anticipation on his face as he walks toward us gearing himself up. God why do all these guys have such good looking cocks. Again my ass feels the void left by the departing cock but only briefly. I watch as Andrew cock in hand and giving full attention as to where he is placing it manoeuvres behind me. I feel the hard bulbous end as it makes contact. Watching and concentrating on what he's doing, he is unaware of my watchful eye. I'm well and truly opened up now and with little effort the hard shaft slides easily inside.

I see Andrew's facial expression change form concentration to a smile of satisfaction as he presses himself deep inside me. His hands are warm and sweaty as he grips my hips and pulls me onto the shaft "Ohhh fuuuuck!" I hear him declare as my warm velvet love tunnel encases his hard shaft.

Paul and Steve are now satisfied, Steve says with a snigger "Heh come on let's go to the pub...we can tell the guys there's a willing eager poofta wanting a bit eh?"

"Yeh...hang around fella we'll get you some more"

I made no reply I just did not want to be here for too much longer. I had to get out.

I hear their laughing and chatter as they make their way out. I'm alone with Andrew

"How many guys have fucked you" The he asks

"Only two...I gave the other guy a blow job" I replied "You make three"

"Where are your clothes?" He asks looking around the building

"In one of the cubicles" I reply.

His ass starts to sway back and forth I feel his warm young body pressing hard against mine as he starts to fuck away at my hind end. The shaft hard, smooth and torpedo like sliding back and forth giving both of us satisfaction from its motion.

"Ohhh god that's sooo gooood!" I declare. "You like being fucked up the ass eh" He asks.

"Oh fuck yeh can't beat It....I just love it" I reply

"I'm new to all this but I do like fucking a nice ass...don't think I'd like it up though"

"This is a great place to come for some action though....guaranteed every time" He tells me.

Oh god, please hurry up I think to myself not wanting to be here if Paul and Steve bring their mates back. Normally it would not worry me and I'd enjoy the experience but not today.

I watch his actions in the mirror; he has obviously done this before. The expressions on his face changing moment from moment "Oh, oh, oh" "Huh, huh, huh" "Fuck yes, fuck yes" He says. Vigorously thrusting, pushing the hard shaft into me. Fingers digging into the flesh and skin on my hips

His hands around my waist to grip and squeeze my nipples. I feel his body warmth on my back.

His fingers grip my breast squeezing hard as he exclaims "Ohhhh fuck" Thrust stop a squirt of warm sticky fluid. He pulls back, another forward thrust, stop, one more squirt of fluid and then a final thrust and a final squirt of warm sperm leaves his hard cock to flow deep inside my love tunnel.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" He declares feeling and panting like he has just run a marathon.

"Did you enjoy that" I asked

"Fuck yeh...as I said I do like to fuck a nice ass"

I felt his withdrawal and I thanked him, now making for the cubicle where my clothes were stored, then returning to the hand basins I hear his footsteps as he leaves and his cheery "Thanks seeya" As he left

Now it was a race to get ready and leave. A quick wash in the basin and stuffing some toilet paper between my legs to absorb the seepage that would occur from the slowly escaping sperm. What I did not want was to be sitting in wet underwear. Perhaps I should be carrying some women's sanity pads.

Now dressed I headed for the exit.

I see the van with Tony sitting in the driver's seat reading the paper. I also see Steve, Paul and some of their friends making toward the toilet. They are all dressed in a similar manner, black or dark colouring being their favoured choice, there were six of them in all. Oh god no, no. I think to myself. It could be quite conceivable that Paul and Steve would by now be quite capable of being aroused again. Hell I only went in for a piss.

I run toward the van. Steve and Paul see me. "Hey ya cunt, stop there...we want a word with ya" Paul shouts, starting to run, his pals close behind. It's more than talk I think.

The van is close now, and then I trip sprawling forward. They are closing in on me. I'm on my feet running hard. I grab the door handle frantically pulling the door open.

I can hear them shouting for me to stop. I clamber into the passengers' seat shouting "Start the van for fuck sake start the van and go" Tony realises what is happening and fumbles with the keys trying to start the vehicle. They are almost upon us. I see Paul's face angry that I should be trying to leave. The engine bursts into life. Tony selects first gear and we lurch forward. Steve plants himself in front of the van and Tony stops not wanting to run into him. I slam the lock down on my side forbidding entry.

"For god sake go Tony...if they get me they are going to drag me back to the toilet and systematically fuck me" I tell him

He gives a nervous laugh and says "I thought you'd like that Dave me boy"

"Yes normally I would but not today thank you" I reply

A hand is on the door handle trying to get to me. I see a smile on Steve's face sensing victory. His lips form a kiss blowing it in my direction, his hand squeezing his crotch letting me know what he intends to do with me. I ready myself to leave the van and return with them to the toilet. I take in all the faces that are now close.

"You'd better make my apologies to them all...looks like I'll not be joining you for a while" I tell Tony.

"No hang on mate" He tells me. The engine revs rise he releases the clutch a hard swing to the right and we pass through the only gap that is available. They realise what Tony is doing and try to cover the spot. Too late. We clip one person sending him spinning but do not stop. The abuse is flowing as we speed up and head for the park gates and the open highway. I look back and see arms and gesturing finger signs as we do so.

"Oh shit, that was close" I say

"Yeh just think what you're missing out on eh?"

We head back to the motel and the others.

Ellen continued to flirt with Tony; there were always little moments where they found themselves having a quiet conversation. That evening, after we had dined at the motel. I was outside in the garden next to the pool getting some fresh air and having a quiet drink. My thoughts now with what had happened that morning. I now wished I'd gone back with them all to the toilet. I would have enjoyed taking each and everyone of them on. I now contemplated getting Tony to drop me off again tomorrow, perhaps they might be there. If I apologised to them I could make it all right again.

My thoughts were shattered with the arrival of Tony, glass of beer in hand.

"Hi getting a breath of fresh eh" He asked.

"Yeh away from the crowd" I reply

"Thinking about those guys were you" He asked as if he'd been reading my mind.

"Funny you should mention them actually...thought you might like to take me back tomorrow" I said

"He smiled, then laughed quietly "Heh if that's what you want I'd be glad to mate...but I ain't stopping"

I let the thought linger in my mind staring into the pale blue water of the pool.

"Anyway I wanted to talk to you about something else...a confession actually....I've carried it around for years...how do you and Ellen get on as regards sex?" He asked

I looked at him wondering what it was that was on his mind.

"Well it's pretty much non existent actually apart from a mouth full of her cunt from time to time"

"Did you know about her and me all those years ago" He asked

My curiosity pricked up. What did he mean him and her?

I asked the question.

"Well you weren't the first to fuck her you know" He said.

I looked at him, a shocked look on my face.

"What do you mean I wasn't the first...I always thought I was...she even told me that" I said.

He shook his head mouthing "No, no you weren't" He took a long pause then confided "I was"

The shocked look on my face was obvious. God I'd tried so hard to get into her pants. She was the only female that I'd really wanted to fuck.

"I don't have to tell you how much I'd always wanted to fuck her do I?" He asked No he didn't, it was the same with most males they were all keen to fuck her.

"No, no you made it quite obvious; I don't know how many times you told me"

"Yeh well...it was during that time you and she had the first big split up. I think you started visiting Bob the storemans place. He was fucking the ass of you wasn't he...so you can't complain about Ellen can you" He said.

He was right I'd been doing some prostitution work for him. Well quite a bit actually.

"Yeh, yeh...go on"

"I'd asked her out a couple of times...at first she said no. Then I got my first break...she accepted. Nothing happened at first, I tried real hard to get her knickers off but all my efforts came to no avail. We would stand at the back door necking, some times quite passionate, my hand trying to get between her beautiful slim thighs; I wanted so much to feel the warmth of her cunt. Then one night I was invited inside, her parents had gone to bed so we sat on the couch watching TV. It all started quietly and innocently. I even got to feel her firm round breasts. I was getting a hard on as we played and kissed. God it turned out to be the biggest and hardest erection I'd had in a long time. My thoughts were running wild as we slid from the couch onto the floor. My cock felt like it could rip through all the clothing protecting the Golden Glen and explode inside her. I wanted her real bad that night. My hand slid under her skirt, feeling the warmth of her thigh as I traversed up toward my target, the ultimate goal. Each time I thought I was doing well I had my hand removed and I would start again. I kept tugging at the hem of her skirt, working it upward toward her midriff, each time I would see an inch or two more of her thighs. My hands would start another assault for the Golden Glen, fingers groping the elastic around her panties, slowly pulling downward. An inch or so's progress down around her hips then bang, stop. I felt like Incy Mincy Spider climbing my own rain spout and being knocked back each time. It seemed to me each time I tried I was making some progress even if it was only a little at a time. I now had her skirt well up around her midriff. I could see the white panties down a little but still just covering what I desired most in life. Her thighs so smooth and firm, her rounded hips a little bit of pubic hair just showing. My cock grew even harder. I was desperate to get it inside her. If I succeeded I was going all the way. I was going to fill her with my seed. I wanted her pregnant; being pregnant I could marry her and secure the one thing I held dear and precious to me in life. If I didn't get to fuck her soon I was sure I would cum anyway, my balls were full and ready to deliver. I quietly unzipped my fly and gently extracted my hard throbbing cock, it was time to do something even if I could get her to wank me off I'd feel better. I could cum all over her thighs. I lay on top of her and worked my cock between her legs, pushing upward. Her panties restraining my erection from entering her. I felt her cunt lips against the hard bulbous end of my cock. I kept pushing it hard into her but could make no further progress. I let my arse rise up and down on her, just as if I were fucking her, maybe the motion would arouse her, make her more responsive. I kept up the motion I thought I might cum, the cum would explode into her panties, the panties would act like a filter as they took the full brunt of the explosion. I was about to give up. I thought well perhaps a wank. I'll place her hand on my erection and get her to masturbate it. Taking her wrist I placed her hand on the hard shaft, I felt the warmth of her palm as it made contact. Her reaction at first was to pull away; suddenly feeling for what was her first time a hard clammy cock. I held on, then felt her fingers curl around the shaft. A soft moan from her lips "Mmmm" as her hand moved up and down the shaft. I had the feeling that I'd now cracked it. Now with confidence growing inside my hand went to her thigh, then sliding upward, there was no resistance as her hand continued to shoot up and down the hard shaft. Now under the elastic and working down to the Golden Glen I feel the coarse pubic hair, the start of the slit, then my finger slipping inside her. I hear her gasp "Ohhhhh!" as I work it back and forth. She feels warm and wet; her cunt is ripe and ready for it. My fingers wrap around the elastic and start once more to pull downward, slowly inch by inch, there is no resistance. Her back arches, buttocks rise not wanting to impede the removal of her panties, down to her knees. Her legs kick and twist helping to discard them totally. Her legs spread wide. I hear her whimpers; feel her heart pounding in her breast, god I've got to hang on. I can sense and feel victory; it's going to happen. Her hand is firm around the shaft guiding me in. The hard head touches her wet lips, spreading them apart; her hand can do no more. I keep pushing inward I feel the warmth of her wet tight pussy encase the hard shaft as it vanishes inside her. "Ahhhhhh!" She gasps as my hard erection enters. I'm all the way in, pubic hair meets pubic hair. Oh god I've done it, I've done it. I tell myself, don't cum now, not yet. My arse rises and falls, rises and falls setting in motion my cock as it slides with ease in and out of her cunt I hear the slurping sound of the action its making. Music to my ears. Oh god I'm ecstatic. I'm actually fucking her, I'm fucking Ellen. This is not going to be a long fuck it has taken everything to hold back thus far. My balls are ready to burst forth. I can feel the stirring deep within. Ellen is moaning, calling my name "Oh Tony, Tony, yes, yes, yes" I cover her mouth with my hand to stifle her voice. I don't want her parents coming to see what is going on, only to find me fucking their daughter on the lounge floor. My arse is going up and down on top of her, my cock like a high revving piston. The feeling intensifying with each and every stroke. I can hold on no longer. Its coming, its coming I warn her. My sperm containing its seed is rushing up the shaft. I thrust inward, once, twice, three times, each thrust containing a squirt of sperm. Oh god I've never known so much sperm. Her back arches upward impaling herself as far as she can onto my hard throbbing cock. We collapse in each others arms exhausted by what we have just done. I leave my cock inside her. I enjoy being cocooned by her warm wet cunt. I'm enjoying the after glow. I slowly come to grips with the fact that I've just completed something that I've always wanted. I've fucked Ellen my own Everest. Oh god I love you Ellen...I've just cum inside you my love...but don't worry if you are pregnant I want to marry you I blurted out. Let's just wait and see my dear before we make wedding plans. We lay there talking and talking about love, telling me it was the first time she'd done it. I'd just taken her virginity. As time passed I felt the stirring in my loins, I held my revitalised hard shaft again, then rolling on top, I entered her. This time I was able to sustain a longer period. I fucked her then stopped for a while then continued fucking again. I kept this up for some time listening to Ellen's anguished cries and mewing until once again I felt my sperm pump inside of her I left some time in the early hours of the morning. I think they call it Cloud Nine. >From then on there was never any problem. I could fuck her whenever I wanted. The dam had broke, she's been fucked and realised she enjoyed it. Wherever and whenever, when the feeling took over I had her pants off and would be humping her. Taking her home at night it was the same, as well as a good night kiss, she expected a goodnight fuck. On arriving at the back door, she would remove her knickers, hitch up her skirt and lie back against the wall. I was always the eager willing person each and every time. I never got tired of fucking her. We had six good months together, she never got pregnant, I asked to marry her but she always turned me down, I think she was always going to marry you. In the end like you and her, we broke up; never got back together but we still managed a purely physical thing from time to time"

I'd listened to him tell me about it. I could not believe what he was telling me. I'd always been led to believe I was her first. I felt a little flat and disappointed on receiving the news although I could hardly be in a position to be complaining.

"Er...there's one other thing I would like to discuss with you mate" He said

"What's that?" I enquired

"Well...I er well I'd like to fuck her again...we've talked about it...but wondered how you would feel about it. He said

"Does it make any difference what I feel...if the pair of you really want to fuck you would anyhow?" I replied.

He studied me for a while then replied "I'm going up to your room with her in a few minutes...will you keep away" He asked

"Yeh...I'll stay down here and have a few more beers...I'll wait till your finished...ok?" I replied.

"Here...take this fifty...buy a round for me" He said as he handed me the money.

"That's a cheap fuck" I tell him.

He just smiled and left.

I eventually wandered into the bar buying a round or two of drinks. Tony eventually arrived back. A quick nod of his head confirms he's finished fucking Ellen as he takes a seat next to his wife.

I take off back to the room. Ellen's and my eyes meet as I enter. Her nakedness is hidden under a bed sheet.

"Was he as good as you remember" I ask

She continues to look at me and smiles. "Yes, yes it was...he's quite big you know"

"Yeh so I'm led to believe" I reply "Well I can certainly confirm it" She says.

I want to get angry with her, but my own guilt stops me. I don't want to be a hypocrite having had sex with the same guy that morning along with the others. She senses my feelings and flings back the bed sheet, razing her knees and spreading her legs. She knows how to play me. "How about you and her make up" She asks indicating to the gash between her legs. My clothing is quickly discarded; my mouth and tongue are delving hungrily into the warm wet crevice. Ellen's thighs tighten their grip around my head and ears.

I had a restless night. I could not find sleep. My thoughts continued with what may have happened had I gone back to the toilets. Ellen's actions of yesteryear and last night bugged me. They shouldn't have but they did. I wanted to do something to make up and console me for what she'd done. I would go back tomorrow and see if I could pick up the threads of today. I'm sure they would accept an apology.

I sought out Tony after breakfast and told him what I wanted to do.

First I wanted to find a chemist, purchase some condoms and a tube of K-Gel. Then proceed to the park.

"You're fucking mad Dave...you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Yes...yes I am...I've thought of nothing else all night" I replied.

"Phewww....well it's your neck...but I'm not hanging around for you...you understand"

"No that's ok...just drop me off I'll catch up with you all later in the day" I said

He looked at me for a moment "You hope" He said "There were at least six of them remember"

"Don't worry I can handle six no problem" I reply

"Ok...if that's what you want" He replies with a sigh.

The day is hot again, not a cloud in the sky. I dress as the previous day light shirt, my best skimpy undies, remarkable likeness to women's knickers, a pair of shorts and flip-flops. We drive in silence back to the park containing the toilet block. At the gates Tony pulls the van to a halt.

"Well what can I say...you're certain you want to go through with it?"

"Yup...I'll get out here" There's a yellow car parked over by the toilets, to distant to recognise a name or any occupants.

"Looks like there may be some one in there already...be careful" He says.

As I walk toward the block I listen as the van drives away, my contact back to the motel gone.

The toilet block and car get ever nearer, I try to see if there are any occupants, non at this stage. The car is a Toyota, seen better days. Yellow with rust appearing around the edges of the door frames. The left front wing is grey, whilst the boot is blue, panels that have been fitted but not matched for paint. I peer inside. No one. The inside matches the outside. Beer cans are strewn on the seats and floor, Macdonald bags crumpled up and left on the seats, I see a magazine with a nude male on the cover. The model displaying a very well presented penis. One door panel is missing showing the door mechanisms.

"Well, well, well looky here Paul...just see what we have" I turn to see Steve coming from the toilet closely followed by Paul.

"Hey it's the cunt who tried to kill us yesterday Stevey...our lucky day pal" He says with malice in his voice and fists clenched.

I put up my hands and say "Sorry about that guy's. I wanted to stay but yesterday was a bad day...that's why I'm here today...first to apologise and two to make it up with you"

They look at one another suspecting it all a trick.

"How do you want to make it up" Paul asks.

"What were you all coming back for yesterday" I asked.

"To give you a good fuck that's why" Steve responded.

"Well that's why I'm here now to make up for what you missed yesterday" I replied

They looked at one another. I could see they still thought this was a gag.

"So you're telling us that you show up here today offering that pretty ass of yours to us so we can fuck it...is that right?" asks Steve

"That's correct" I reply.

"Well now we may just take you up on that...what about the other guy's...they were real pissed off not getting any sex...what about them"

"Hey if they want it I'm here" I reply

There's a pause, then Paul says "Ok but not here.....Come with us to our house. It's quieter there and no prying eyes." "Er...well." I stammer.

"Come on...our place we'll get you back when we are finished with you...I promise" Steve opens the back door inviting me to get inside.

"Here...here are some condoms I've bought, the guys can use these" I declare handing them to Paul. He looks at them with disdain, seeing a nearby trash can throws them into it.

"You won't need them fella" He tells me

The smell on the dirty well-used sheets is one of beer, cigarettes, body odour and cum. The CD player has been belting out the same rhythm all day. The room is hot no air conditioning here. Clothing litters the floors among the items are my own, having been discarded some hours ago I'm completely naked. Other pieces include empty beer cans and bottles. One had been inserted into my ass to open me up for the first guy. The contents of my anus were now a mixture of cum and K-Gel as each participant greased up for heir session. The window is partially open but not a breath of air disturbs the curtain or what passes for a curtain. No one can see from the street as there is thick privet bordering the property. I'm on my stomach and being pounded into the mattress by the person on top of me. His arse rising and falling on my buttocks, each stroke driving me into the padding and making the bed to squeak and groan under his efforts. This is his third time. I'd been promised three hours ago that I could leave, that they would take me back to the motel, but here I was still being fucked. My arse was starting to feel the effects of the day's activities. The red digits on the clock next to the bed said it was three o'clock. In the chair next to the bed another guy laid sprawled feet propped on the bed he was naked apart from the cowboy boots he was wearing. A cigarette dangled from one hand whilst his other held a beer can from which he guzzled the contents from time to time. I was particularly interested in his cock, presently lying limp against his thighs. I was keeping an eye on it. I did not want to see it turning hard. If it did it meant I was going to be here a little longer. It would be his forth time. I was waiting for them to wear themselves out. Cowboy boots had already fucked me three times.

I could feel and smell hot breath on my neck and ears as my friend humped up and down. We were fused together. Perspiration pouring from our bodies. Hump, hump, hump went his arse on top of mine pumping his hard shaft for all it's worth.

My mouth felt dry again. I'd been consuming beer from time to time helping to wash down the rancid tasting cum that had been shot into my mouth at various times.

Cowboy takes a swig of beer, a drag from the cigarette blowing the smoke into the air and stands up. Oh god I think watching his dangling cock. There is no hardening, he starts to leave and I watch his bare ass, as he walks from the room.

Grunts and groans and the sudden lack of movement tell me he has finished, another load of sperm impregnates my ass.

"Well slut how do you feel" He asks "Want some more"

"Er no not at present...I think it might be time to go" I suggest.

"If Paul or Steve says so" He puts on a pair of black jeans before leaving. The music is still blaring from the other room.

I follow him out still naked to the lounge some of the others that were still there sprawled in old chairs and settees that were placed around the room. A video was playing a porn movie; two naked males were doing what I and other partners had been doing all day. The audience were no longer interested in the content having had their fill.

"Can I go back to the motel now Paul" I asked.

"Hey we're all going to the pub for drinks...why not string along...then back here after and we can all fuck you tonight" He said with a grin on his face.

"Look Paul...My arse is feeling a little tender right now...you guys have done a good job on it...it's time I got going...but thanks for the invitation" I thought it better to keep on side with them right now.

His eyes were traversing my body "You gotta great ass fella...you want it fucked...come and see us" He said. "Trev, take our guest to his motel....and thanks for the use of your arse....David isn't it"

"Yeh that's right" I tell him

I quickly donned my clothes not wanting any of them getting a hard on before I leave.

"Here Paul wants you to have these" Trev said. Stuffing some Polaroid photos and a ten dollar note into my shirt pocket before slamming the car door and roaring off, leaving me standing outside the motel entrance.

There were two pictures. Two out of the many they had taken during the day. One was me on hands and knees like a dog and a guy well and truly into my hind end, the other with a guy propped up against the headboard of the bed, and I with his hard full manhood stuffed into my mouth. As we sat buckled into our seats I knew the holiday was over. The renewed friendships and renewed relationships. We both had more great memories to add to the treasured ones we already held dearly.

The roar of the jet engines filled the cabin as the revved, ready to launch us down the runway and into the night skies. The take off was smooth, the sound of the undercarriage as it locked into place, then the steady hum of the engines powering us on to our destination. The lights of Sydney below spreading for miles, truck and car headlights glaring, slowly diminishing as the plane gained height.

A slight turn to starboard and we settled in to the flight plan. Ellen was already in conversation with the guy sitting on her left next to the window. I had the aisle seat as I took in the other passengers, all deep in their own conversations. Directly opposite a little boy was staring at me. I gave a friendly smile and a wink. He gave a shy giggle and buried his face in his mother's generous bosom.

I eased the seat back a little and relaxed, perhaps I would read a book later, right now I just wanted to reminisce about our time in Australia.

Ellen and chummy were getting on quite well, I could tell she was flirting with him as they laughed and giggled. The wine and spirits helped to fuel the situation.

I glanced in their direction and the hand on Ellen's thigh did not go unnoticed nor did Ellen's hand on his thigh as they continued to share jokes with each other.

Their fun was brought to a halt by the meal, but quickly resumed when all was cleared away.

Eventually the cabin lights were turned off and there was just a dull glow as the flight settled down for a few hours' of rest or sleep. The little guy across the aisle was out sparko, thumb in mouth snuggled into mum. I thought about my son Jason, being looked after by his aunt.

The thigh touchy, touchy had continued and now Ellen took a blanket and covered her lap and chummy's with it. More subdued laughter and giggles. "Hey naughty boy" I heard her say and another laugh.

I heard the zip on his trousers, then Ellen's arm leading off in that direction, her hand no doubt now firmly grasping a hard shaft, slowly jerking it.

I watched his hand as it made it's way down from the waistband of her skirt searching out her warm wet cunt. His fingers slipping into it hungrily working in and out.

I could tell by her subdued soft sobs she was getting worked up. She was leaning over toward him her mouth and tongue working on his neck and ear. I could hear her whispering but could not make out what was being said.

More whispers and I heard him say ""No we couldn't not here"

"Yes we could...it would be fun" She replied. Her hand was continuing to squeeze and jerk his hard erection.

"Oh god it would be great" I heard him whisper. The thought exciting him.

"Give me a couple of minutes then follow" She said, pulling herself up. Turning to me for the first time. "Excuse me darling...must go to toilet"

Oh so that's what they are up to, going to bonk her in the toilet.

"Sure don't stain yourself sweetheart" I replied

She just smiled and with hips swaying made for the toilet. I heard the door close but no bolt; she was after all expecting the next person to be chummy. Right now she was getting his supper ready for him. Her nickers were being removed and her skirt being pulled up around her waist, sitting on the stainless steel sink, legs spread apart. Chummy took a deft look around then rose to follow her. The only problem was another guy was heading for the toilet at the same time and passed by us just a fraction before chummy. This I had to see. Turning my head toward the toilet I watched as the passenger first checked to see if the vacant sign was showing, of course it was because Ellen had neglected to lock the door hadn't' she. Light from the toilet illuminated the cabin as the door swing open, it also shone on the guys face. The look on his face was shock at the sight confronting him, for a moment or two he just stood there gaping, then his expression changed, from one of shock came a smile, then he stepped inside, the light that was illuminating the cabin being extinguished as the door closed and the sound of the bolt being put in place.

Chummy looked at me expecting some kind of comment or support, I just shrugged took a note of the time and closed my eyes.

Sorry pal but you won't be fucking her for another ten minutes or more.

The guy once inside the spiders' web thought he was dreaming. Ellen had taken charge he stood there looking and that beautiful smiling face. Her fingers were deftly undoing his belt on his trousers then the zip on his fly. He needed no instruction to pull them down around his ankles. Ellen's hand was already fondling his at present soft penis. Her warm soft hand and his own imagination had his cock up in the hard position, ready and eager to do its thing.

He watched as Ellen gentle fingers slid back and forth on the hard shaft, the feeling he was getting was ecstasy. "Oh god, oh god" He was mumbling.

He could see the wet slit only inches from his hard cock. Ellen now guiding him toward the target. He could not resist he let the hard shaft be led to that warm inviting velvet tunnel a haven of pleasure. He kept his eyes firmly glued to the action. He could see Ellen placing his enlarged manhood into her slit, the bulbous end as it parted the warm lips. He gave a whimper and sigh, as the lips parted giving no resistance to the intruder. Thrusting upward and inward "Ahhhhh" He cried out. She flinging her head back eyes closed "Ohhhhhh" As the shaft vanished quickly inside her.

His arse was quick to take up the action, hips swinging back and forth driving the excited shaft in and out. Thrust, thrust, again and again. Wanting to make it last longer but also An urgency to get it over with. The thought of being caught in here with this woman eager to offer herself. The shaft slips out, panic he quickly grabs the pulsing shaft searching to get it back in. Now fully inserted again he drives on. Thrust, thrust, thrust "Uh, uh, uh" His breath coming in time with each thrust. "Ohhhh fuuuuck" He gives a big thrust pushing as far as he can inside her warm cunt, there is a squirt of semen. He draws back gives another big thrust all but lifting her off the stainless steel sink, another squirt as more of his semen is injected into her love tract. He sighs a final "Ahhhh" Keeping pressed hard up against her as her pussy sucks and drains the final drop of sperm from his now satisfied and defunct cock. "Shit that was great...first time I've done that on a flight" Tucking his penis back into his trousers and doing up the zip.

I hear the bolt as he unlocks the door, the beam of light illuminates the cabin as he slips out, making his way back to his seat, forgetting the reason he had gone to the toilet in the first place. I check my watch, fifteen minutes, I glance at chummy who if looks could kill would have struck the interloper down dead as he walked past our seats. The smile on his face said it all.

Chummy was not going to come third. He was on his feet excusing himself as he squeezed past me and was heading for the toilet eager to execute and relieve the passion that had built up between his loins. A minute or so later and all that could be heard were "Uh, uh, uh" as his hips and arse swayed back and forth his hard shaft sliding and slurping inside her warm velvet tunnel.

As we headed for the terminal exit I said "Well you seemed to do alright on the trip back...how much did you charge them"

"Oh god not everything is about money sweetheart...sometimes I do it for love"

Well I thought it's great to be home.

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