Embrace the Enemy

By Nate House

Published on Jan 5, 2012


Welcome back after a nice holiday off. I hope all was safe and well with everyone. I know I'm going to try and make 2012 better than 2011. And it all starts with enjoying the little things first; make better decisions about every situation and try to have more fun than last year. So many people underestimate the simple joys in life and that ultimately leads to larger issues that the cure for which can never be found. Start small, but dream big. That's my message to my family, friends, fans, and myself.

Though inspired by true events, the following story is a work of fiction borne of my own imagination. Any resemblance to any actual person, real or fictional, living or dead, and/or real event, either past or present, is entire coincidental. This story contains graphic imagery of sexual acts between two female characters, among others, as well as graphic depictions of bloody and gory sequences, including but not limited to rape, bodily mutilation/dismemberment, psychological and physical torture and abuse. If these sort of things offend your delicate sensibilities, then please do us all a favor and leave now. This work is copyrighted to author and thus is property thereto. If it is illegal to view this content in your area, or if you are underage, the author and hosting site are not responsible for whatever harms befall upon you. If you would like a downloaded copy of this work, please send me an email with this specific request; don't steal it.

There, that enough of the legal crap, and it's unfortunate that I have to include it. I'll never understand people.

If you'd like to send me your concerns, questions, compliments, and/or critiques, please do so. I enjoying reading from people who enjoy/read my work. I spend many hours on these stories/chapters, so it's good to hear my work is appreciated.

So, sit back, curl up with your partner, and enjoy Part 3 of Embrace The Enemy.

Chapter 3

Nadia dug through her closet as though she had nothing to wear. Yeah, that'll be the day. That woman has more clothes than Macy's, with just as high of price tags. I sat on the stripped bed in my underwear waiting for her to finish rummaging. I've yet to figure out why she felt the need to dress me. I managed just fine for fifteen years before I met her--the years of my mom doing it don't count.

I giggled as I watched her ass wiggle. That thong of hers accentuated her butt so beautifully I doubt even a gay guy couldn't help but admire it. Garment after after garment flew over her shoulder. Then the hangers on the hooks would squeak. I knew she could hear me laughing, and that wasn't helping with her rising anger.

"You know, Nadia," I said softly, "I can dress myself."

She didn't even look at me. "I know," she answered with another shirt being tossed halfway across the room.

"So why not let me?"

She paused. "After all this time you still don't understand the ritual, do you?"

My turn to pause. "Is it bad if I didn't know it was a ritual?" I didn't need her to tell me that it was, I felt it in her aura. "Sorry," I mumbled. "I know how important the old traditions are to you and all, but I like picking things for myself, doing things for myself."

"And look where that's gotten you," she almost snapped. I knew she didn't mean that to be bitchy; the truth hurts when you hear it so bluntly. I knew my decision making wasn't the best, but it was still something I could call my own.

I decided that we had our fight for the day. So I just smiled and said, "And don't you forget it. That's the only reason why I'm here with you now."

My vampire stepped back into my line of sight. Her tight expression softened when she saw my face against my raised knees wearing a big smile. I felt a shift in her aura as well. I couldn't tell exactly what she was thinking, but I knew what she wasn't: That I wan't to make this harder on her than she made it for herself. Ever since I met this woman I knew she was a stickler for tradition and traditional values. Hell, she made a point of getting dressed up in a gothic style wedding gown when she first sunk her teeth into me. She showers me with gifts every chance she gets just because vampire tradition--as fragile as it may be--says to. She offered me not just a home, but the one she built with her former Watcher. And when she killed my parents, I've never looked back. It was a heat of the moment thing when my dad snapped, but what she did, she did because she loved me. As weird as that might sound, that's how vampire's think.

Nadia, in all her topless glory, came out of the closet with a twin set of plastic bags draped over her folded arms. I loved the way her ample breasts moved when she walked, especially when she was hungry. She laid the oversized bags at my feet, looked me square in the eye and said, "Would you like to take your bra off, or would rather have me do it?"

It came out more as a whisper. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the pheromones. My skin rose in goosebumps, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I jumped a little when my vampire's fingernails ran between my shoulders. She slipped a digit underneath each of the straps and repeated the question, this time with a much more sultry lilt and right into my ear.

"You do it," I breathed. She could do anything with me that she wanted. It didn't matter how many orgasms I've already had, or how many times I've come already, when she does stuff like this to me my body responds like none of it has happened. Have I ever said how much I love my vampire?

Nadia's fingers traced the black straps down my shoulder blades ever so slowly. Her tongue flicked out just long enough to hit my earlobe. I gasped at the contact, and how wet I was getting because of all this attention. She twirled my bra straps around her fingers and pulled me back into her. I could feel her hardened nipples against my back. In one motion she somehow lifted me up and planted a deep kiss against my lips. I don't know how, but she managed to untangle her fingers and reach around to my front to cup my breasts.

She rolled my nipples between her forefinger and thumb, her magic tongue doing its marvelous job inside my mouth. The pleasure and slight pain had my new orgasm building. Her remaining fingers dug into my tit-flesh adding to the overload in my brain. I could hardly breathe, I could hardly think, and to be honest I didn't want to. I love the way she takes me like she owns me like this. She knew I was like butter in her wonderful hands.

I knew I was going to cum soon, not as big of an orgasm that made us wash the sheets, but a nice one nonetheless. My pussy ached for attention, my tits were on fire. Instead of reaching between my open legs, Nadia sucked my tongue into her mouth. And I loved it. That wet sensation, the power of her mouth, the pain from my chest and pussy. I covered my hands with my own, encouraging her to further punish me. I pressed my legs together in a vain attempt to get some kind of friction going.

I whimpered into her mouth, my tongue held hostage by her lips. "Need to get off," she teased after releasing me.

"Yes!" I exhaled. "I'm so close."

Her grip on my tits tightened. "Haven't you had enough for one day?"

I shook my head. "No."

"How wet are you?"

"Please, Nadia, I'm drenched. Fuck me."

My breaths were coming in submissive pants, like my lungs were controlled by my vampire. "I like to watch you fuck yourself." Her accent made that sound so much hotter.

My eyes opened, and only then did I notice that my bra was laying at my feet. And that's why I like her doing it more than me. Nadia resumed her assault on my mouth and tits while one of my hands dove underneath my panties. I rubbed my lit with as much vigor as my vampire squeezed my breasts and tongue-fucked my mouth. I could practically smell the heat coming from between my legs; my fingers were absolutely drenched before even the first knuckle was inside.

Nadia released my mouth again. "Show me how you fuck yourself," she commanded.

My eyes were still closed but I knew she was watching my hand. I already had three fingers fucking into my pussy, my palm was grinding into my lit. The fact that I knew she was watching just made my orgasm that much more intense. It came out of my like a torrent flood of release. Her magical fingers and tongue doing their best to keep the rapids flowing. I don't know how long my hand was moving, all I know is when I stopped my whole body was drenched in sweat, my wrist was on fire, and Nadia's hands had moved to my stomach.

I panted as I willed my heart to slow down. "Wow," I breathed. "I've never done that before."

"I know," she whispered, nearly panting herself. "I think I came with you."

I smiled at that. I didn't know what else to say so I just relaxed back into her. I've always love the feeling of Nadia holding me. It made me feel so, so safe. I knew nothing could harm me as long as she was with me. And the funny part is, if history was any indication, that would always be true. She's saved me and all of my parts more times than I care to remember.

"It ink you need to get changed," my vampire said after a short while. I think I might have dozed off, because the next thing I knew I was being carried in Nadia's arms to the study.

"Why are you taking me out of the bedroom?" I asked, completely puzzled. She didn't answer me. Instead she just kept walking at an alarmingly slow speed. It wasn't like her to move with this sultry saunter after she just had an orgasm. "Nadia?"

Nadia made a shushing sound, the corner of her lip curling slightly upward. When we emerged from the hall, I saw exactly what this new surprise was. A mannequin, that looked scarily like me, was posed in the middle of the room with a gown right out of Gothic Beauty magazine. It was absolutely gorgeous, and all of the beaded neckwear, gothic-style jewelry, and gilded accessories only added to it's slender. I couldn't tell what fabric it was made from, and, to be honest, I really didn't care.

"Oh my God, Nadia," I said, covering my mouth and trying still to take it all in. The next bit of words that came out my mouth didn't make sense even to me. "How... When… did... who..."

Nadia only smiled at my befuddlement. "I take it you like it?" I just opened my mouth as if say "duh" and nodded. "I had that ordered about a week ago. It came in while you and Amber were in Lexington."

"How did you know we were in Lexington?"

"Amber told me," she said bluntly.

"Now I see why you wanted to keep me out of here so badly." I turned back to my gift, almost afraid to touch it, let alone wear it. "What is this for?"

Nadia stepped up behind me and wrapped those small but strong arms around my waist. "Our date tonight."

"Then why did you take those two bags out of the closet?"

"I was debating which one to choose from." I covered her arms with my own. "I wanted to see your reaction to this first."

"Is that why you were making such a fuss out your clothes?" I felt her nod against my shoulder. "Damn, girl, you worry w-a-a-ay too much. Have I ever not fallen in love with whatever gift you've given me?"

"No and worrying about you is in my nature--I can't help it."

I patted her arm. "I know, honey. But when it comes to stuff like this, I don't think you ever have to worry." My thoughts drifted to what I got for her for her Christmas. If she freaked out this much about how I'll react to such a beautiful gift, then I have no idea how to handle myself about her liking her gift. In the few months we've been dating-slash-living together I've never given her a gift like this. It was always her showering me.

"Why don't I leave so you can try it on?" Nadia suggested, relaxing her grip.

"I think I need new panties for that," I said, nudging her with my good shoulder.

"It's all part of the outfit. Everything you need is right in front of you."

And with that she was gone. That vampire-speed-thing of hers will never fail to make me uncomfortable. And that only made me wonder what she was so worried about this time? Did she get the wrong sizes? Will it tear if I looked at it too hard? Either way, I wasn't about to turn down the chance to play dress-up.

I peeled everything off the mannequin as gently as I could. The corseted bodice was easy enough to undo (is that a hint, Nadia?) and the sleeves rolled up nicely over the arms without wrinkling them. The shoes, which were completely concealed by the skirt, would fit like a glove around my tiny feet. The necklace wasn't as much of a choker as I initially thought, but would be snug enough to give the effect. The ruby-filled-obsidian-beaded bracelet stood out in stark contrast to my paler skin. As did the intricately carved ebony rings. Weird that she would have rings carved from wood with this, but they worked with it. The lingerie that accompanied the outfit didn't disappoint either. If the designer's goal was to have you feeling like sexy personified, then mission accomplished.

I slipped into every piece but knew that Nadia would have to finish tying me up in the back--kinky. I kept the shoes off, I already knew that three-inch heels would not bode well for me on this carpet. When I reentered the bedroom, I was struck speechless. Nadia was at her vanity, putting the finishing touches on her hair, dressed in something that I've never seen her in before. A form-fitting-almost-pencil-skirt cocktail dress. It showed off her lean legs as if they came as an accessory to the dress. Around her neck was a necklace much like mine, but came about an inch higher, making her neck look that much longer and thinner.

She turned to me and nearly panicked. "What?" she snapped.

"Holy crap, you look spectacular!" I said. She beamed at that, showing off her perfect, pearly white teeth. I still couldn't get my head wrapped around how much longer her fangs looked.

"Thank you," my girl answered, blushing a little. "So do you."

I smiled and turned around. "Think you can finish me?"

"I've never had that problem before." My turn to blush. No, she certainly has not.

I felt her pull and tug on the delicate ribbons that criss-crossed up my back. I knew that this was made with whale bones, which was a discomfort until my sides adjusted to it. I could feel Nadia's aura behind me absolutely glowing. It was like she's never done this before, kinda like those first date jitters.

"So where are we going?" I asked to break the ice.

"Someplace very special to me," she answered. "And no, there are no vampires there, well, until we arrive." We both giggled a little. "I think you'll like it. I hope you'll like it."

"Relax, honey," I said softly, "It'll be fine. You don't always have to be so nervous."

"I'm always nervous when I do something I've never done before," she said, I think before she realized it.

"What's that?" Yeah, if she was going to offer, I was going to pry.

I felt her smile it off. "You'll see when we get there, now won't you?"

I matched her smile. "I guess I will."

Nadia drove us around town for a little while. I appreciated the fact that we were out of the "vampire community" and back among the better half of my species. Yeah, I totally said that. The funny part about dhampirs is I don't know if I'm both, or neither human and vampire. My abilities are beyond human reckoning, but well short of those of vampires. I don't need blood to stay sane, but the daylight is more intense than before the condition manifested. Thank you again, Nadia. My body reacts and heals faster than normal humans, but I'm not as impervious as people like Nadia.

Now those like my dead half brother, Father Darien, had complete control over their bodies and abilities, and thus adopted the name "master vampire". He was a tough son of a bitch and I have no regrets killing him, but it would be nice if someone would step up and put these peon street demons in their place instead of the entire community asking Nadia to do it. Those late night visits are getting old, I promise. Besides, Nadia's running out of places to put the bodies.

The first time I witnessed one of those "arguments", as she put it, I threw up for about ten minutes and was too scared to do much of anything. I think that's why Nadia chose to live on North Lawn Street, nobody questions it when people go missing. It's simply what happens around there. The gang-infested area, coupled with the high vampire population--as hidden as they are--makes that area of town the definition of where NOT to get lost in the middle of the night. It makes the Mall of Murder look like child's play. More like children of the night.

"Where are we going?" I asked, to get my thoughts away from how much my neighborhood freaked me out. I was learning to accept it and was almost there. Almost.

"To a restaurant uptown," she said smiling.

"Is that why we're all fancied?" I asked messing with my hair. I'll admit the sexy bun-and-bangs looked great on me, I just wasn't used to it. I'm not exactly a girly-girl.

She looked at me and smiled a little at me messing with my bun. "Yes. I wanted tonight to be special for you."

"Why not special or us?" I asked, challenging her as usual.

"Because I already know what awaits us there. You don't." And that was the end of that. At least she was direct this time; I hate it when she gives me those cryptic one-word answers. More surprises awaited me, huh? Seriously, how many times can one person be surprised and not find it boring? When you're dating a sexy hot vampire, that's how.

"Can I have a hint?"

"Sure: You've never seen this before."

"That's not much of a hint. You've already told me that."

"Then you'll just have to be surprised."

I couldn't help but notice the nervous tremor in her voice. I could smell it coming off of her. I put a hand on her leg and squeezed. "It'll be great, sweetie," I murmured when she turned to me. "You never fail to disappoint." She smiled at that, but she couldn't fool me. "Besides, how gorgeous you look, you've already won my heart over."

She grabbed my hand and bright it to her lips. "And you've won mine." It was barely above a whisper.

Nadia may be traditional with how she lives be the established rules of vampires, but this was the one exception. She fell in love with her Watcher, and I my vampire. There was a strict, albeit unwritten, code of conduct for the vampire community, loosely based on the Black Veil. One of the biggest one was to never fall in love with your Watcher. Nadia's heart--and probably countless others'--have been broken time and time again by their Watcher getting addicted to the sexual rush that the feeding brings and leave to become what the vampires call Bleeders.

Nadia shared her tale of woe about Marianna after a chance run-in with Harold and the woman herself. It didn't end well, and is still an ongoing fight to get Nadia at peace with it. She's just a softy underneath all of that fierce anger and world-hatred, and she's the type that not only falls for those close to her, but falls hard.

She refused to let go of my hand the rest of the drive. I guess she was picking up on what I was thinking about, and then, like typical Nadia, beat herself up over it. She once told me that I was her link to her sanity, just like she was my link to safety and stability. We simply could not exist without each other.

"We're here," my girl announced, pulling up to a glamorously illuminated red carpet.

My mouth about hit the floor. She let go of my hand and got out of the car. A man dressed in a white tuxedo shirt and vibrant red vest opened my door. He extended his hand and escorted me out of the vehicle. He smiled approvingly at my gown as he pulled away from the car. Nadia came over to him and gave him her key, taking my hand into hers once again. I knew something passed between them in their quick glance, but I'd ask about that later.

"Nadia, this is amazing," I said as we ascended the stairs through a set of hand-carved double doors. The chandelier above our heads looked like something out of the sixteenth century, and probably was, as did the tapestries on the walls.

"I like to think so," she said, suddenly very proud of herself. "I helped finance it."

I think my head jumped off my shoulders, spun around like Beetlejuice, then fell back into place. My heart skipped at least one beat. "What?"

"A while back, even before I met Marianna, Father Darien suggested I take the money I had and invest it in something." She said this as we came up to the maitre'd podium.

"Ah, good evening, Miss Domitrovch," the tux-clad, good looking man said with ope arms and weird accent. He made a small bow and continued, "You're table is set up for you, just as you requested. Please follow me."

I was struck dumb. I literally had nothing to say. I've never been so blown away in my life.

"Thank you, Klauss," Nadia said gracefully.

We followed the man through the dining room, which could pass for a great hall in medieval times, what with the cathedral ceiling, soft carpets, huge stained-glass windows, perfectly spaced tables, and all of the other adornments one only finds in a place like this.

We waited for Klauss to pull out our seats. Again, I was struck dumb by the set up of our table. It was large enough to fit a family of five, but only had two place settings. The small oil lamp was lit and standing on a bed of real rose petals. I'd wager a guess that the silverware was the real deal, as was the german bone china. The live orchestra added an entirely new level to the ambience, but as we took our seats, I noticed something amiss. We had everything we needed to make this a great dinner date, except for a menu.

"There you are my ladies," Klauss said properly.

"Go ahead and tell the staff to begin," Nadia said with a slight glint in her eye.

The man smiled. "Of course."

"Okay, Nadia, what's going on?" I said after our server, Samuel, opened a vintage bottle of red wine, poured our glasses, and left. "You know you don't need to impress me like this."

"I'm not trying to impress, you Charlene," she said. "I'm just trying to show you a romantic time."

I little laugh escaped. "You've certainly done that and we've only been here for ten minutes." Nadia perked back up a little at that. "Not to put this down or anything, but what's so special about tonight?"

"Do you not know?" I stopped sipping my wine and shook my head. "Tonight marks the third month we've been together." I stopped and counted on my fingers. "I guess it means more to me than to you, but this is the longest I've ever had a Watcher in a mutually loving relationship."

I was struck anew. "You're right honey," I said, taking her hand, "It has been exactly three months. I guess I just didn't realize it. Nor did I realize the other part."

"I didn't want to scare you away," she answered sullenly.

I laughed a little. "You haven't done that yet, Nadia." I kept giggling as Samuel--not Sam, as I found out earlier--brought out our cold starters. A nice, crisp chicken salad. Samuel put my napkin in my lap, then turned to Nadia. She had a very sober expression on her face. "What?"

She tried to smile it off. "Nothing. Try your salad. I had everything set-up before we left the house."

"Yeah, that much I got." It wasn't like her to be this nervous. I bit into my food and immediately felt better. "This is so good." Her smile became more genuine.

"I'm glad you like it," she said after swallowing her bite. "It's my own recipe."

"Father Darien teach you a few things in the kitchen?" I asked as lightly as possible.

"Yes he did," she answered just as lightly.

"I'm glad he did." I tried to keep my aura positive, especially about that topic. "Is the whole menu based on your own recipes?"

She shrugged. "Somewhat. The executive chef and I collaborated extensively about each dish. We wanted it to be a total European menu, but leaning towards the American pallet. I think we did a good job."

I had to put my hand to my mouth to keep the food in. "That's an understatement!"

"Thank you."

Samuel brought out our hot starters, a lovely calamari risotto. The rice and squid just melted in my mouth. The garnishing made it look even more colorful and professional. Excuse me, gourmet. Nadia and I made small talk about this and that, nothing too serious, as Samuel did his job. The wine was excellently paired with the dinner Nadia designed for us tonight. I found it funny that she ate everything on her plate, matching my speed. She says it helps her feel human, and I believe her, but I think there's more to it than she let on.

As Samuel came to clear our dishes, Nadia stopped him. "Hold our entrees, Samuel. I'm going to ask my lady for a dance."

The man nodded. "Of course, madam."

Nadia turned to me and offered her hand. I knew that the bottle of wine had a much different effect on me than it did her, but I managed to get up and follow her to the dance floor, which was well disguised behind the sea of diners. We got some weird looks as we walked, but when the owner of the place does something it usually means it's okay.

Some couples were dancing slowly. I could tell by watching that a handful of them had a bit more wine than I had, which made me not feel so self-conscious. "Wait here for a moment," Nadia said as she hugged me.

I just stood there and waited as she went up to the maestro and said something in his ear. The older man smiled and nodded emphatically while directing the band. Nadia came back to me and took me out to the floor. Again, we got some weird looks from the other patrons, but all I had to say to them was 'I'm with the owner, bitch!'

Nadia and I danced for a good five minutes until the orchestra stopped. We applauded with everyone else. The band rose and took a bow of their own. The maestro waved at a woman seated in what I assumed was the first violinist seat. She took an additional bow to the rising applause, and instead of taking her seat again, she came down to the dance floor and walked straight for us.

She and Nadia exchanged a look and she gave my vampire her Stradivarius violin. The woman bowed out and continued applauding with the rest of the inning room, most of whom just now started getting curious as to the goings-on. My girl gave me a quick kiss on the lips and headed off for the stage. She gave the band some quick instructions and then started playing.

I have no idea what piece she was playing, what movie or symphony it might have belong to, but it was straight up beautiful. I had no idea that she could play the violin, or any other instrument for that matter. From what I could tell, it was some kind of sonata. The power of the music overtook the entire room, I think the kitchen slowed down to get a better listen--maybe because this woman signs their paychecks every week more than anything.

People began to dance to this heart-wrenching song. All I could do is stand there and let the tears fall down my cheeks. Nadia would open her eyes and look directly at me. I could feel the love in her aura with each and every note. I turned out several offers to dance; I just wanted to listen to my girl bear her soul to me.

"I insist," retorted my latest suitor. I turned to him and about screamed. Adriel was standing two inches from my face, teeth bared and dripping red. He made a quick shushing sound and put a finger to his lips. And by the look on his face, I knew I'd better listen. "May I escort a lady to dance?"

"Sure," I answered, not knowing what else to say. In my head I did a quick count of everyone I'd seen so far since I'd been here.

"Don't worry, everyone's fine," he teased. I knew he'd never hurt me, but he disgusted me and pissed me off almost more than Father Darien. "Your girl plays a mean fiddle," he intoned as we started dancing.

"It's not a fiddle, it's a violin," I said softly. "It's in tune."

"Clever girl. Ignoring your fear of why I'm hear by making small humor."

"Why are you here?" I said, looking around. How the hell could they not see this thing dancing with me?

"Oh, my sweet morsel," he hissed. Adrenaline surged through my system. I almost stopped twirling and stared into his eyes. "That name ring any bells?"

"You know it does, asshole."

"You've got even more anger in you than I thought; you'll need it," he said with a wicked smile. I gave him a look that asked why. "Old hatred is hard to kill. Didn't Asmadeus already mention something like that?"

"Something like it," I prompted, trying in vain to keep my emotions reigned in.

"Charlie, I could take the low road and get off on all the energy you're giving off, but fortunately for you I'm better than that." The tempo of the orchestra increased. You can stop playing anytime, Nadia, I thought. "I'm here as a courtesy to you. Don't be fooled by that which you cannot see; let not the world blind you by what everything you seem to be. The hand of Death is reaches for thee."

Great, now he's back to his rhyming lines again. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Ha, I rhymed with him.

"I have no idea, that's only what I was told to pass onto you. My job is done."

"Bullshit," I accused, pushing him away from me. Seriously, how can no one be seeing this? "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Who told you that?"

He smiled those crimson daggers he calls teeth. "He's an old friend of Nadia's from the old country. is name is not for me to say. And as for what that means, I don't know. He gave me the message, requested I give it to you, and left." Why was he getting a kick out of this? "But like I said, Charlie, old hatred is hard to kill, so let your soul offer you the answers. I cannot. My hatred is both old and dead."

"Yeah, I bet." I huffed and looked around the room. The orchestra had just stopped and people were beginning to applaud. "Just get the fuck outta here before you make more than a scene than you already have."

He made a grand gesture that struck a chord deep in my gut. "I'm only seen in your head, now that older hatred isn't dead."

And just like that he disappeared into the crowd. I kept looking over the shoulders of people trying to find out where he might have gone, but gone he was. Not a trace, not even the faintest smell. I spun around to face Nadia, and my heart sank. She looked so disappointed, though she tried to hide it with a smile and wave.

'What happened, Charlene?' asked Nadia in my head. 'Why are you so sad?'

'I'll explain everything when we get home,' I answered, trying to follow her thin mental thread. That was one of my more recently discovered abilities. I still have yet to figure out how I came by it. 'Let's try to enjoy the rest of our evening.'

Nadia got down from the stage and came directly to me. She tried to be accepting of the dancers' gratitude, but she was dead set on coming to me. She linked her arm in mine and escorted me back to the table, where Samuel was waiting with out hot entrees. Red wine braised filet mignon, garnished with carrots and asparagus, with an extra side boat of the sauce.

I looked at the man and asked, "Can I get it to go?"

Thank you for reading part three. I hope you enjoyed it and are eagerly awaiting part four. Please send in your comments, questions, concerns, and critiques. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you.

Thank you again.

Next: Chapter 4

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