
By Peanut Shields

Published on Jun 8, 2011


Kyle- I woke up around 9 on Sunday, My parents usually go out on Sundays and my brother still wasn't home. When I walked downstairs, I was surprised to see Brent at the table.

"Morning babe"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to see you"


"Come here"

I walked over to him and he kissed me on the cheek


My sister scared the shit out of me, she was right behind me.

"Wanna go up stairs?"

"Are you sure?"


We went up to my room, and shut the door so my sister wouldn't bug us. "You better not be having sex in there" me and Brent started laughing.

"Why don't you play me something on your piano"

"Ok, are you going to strip to the music"

"Hahahaha no"

"Pick a piece and I'll play it"

He shuffled through a lot of my music, till he found a piece that I adore.

"Whats this one"

"One of my favorites, actually, you have heard it before since it's our field show. It's from the musical wicked, Dancing Through Life"

"I like the title, I always wanted to dance"

"Tyler, Bailey and I danced, but Tyler quit, and me and Bailey stuck in till last year" I started to play the piece

He started to grind into my back and I can feel him poking me.

"Can you not do that"


"Your like... humping me"


He stopped and lied down on my bed, he was looking at the celing while I continued playing the song he wanted.

"That sounds beautiful"

"You should hear someone sing along with it"

"Why don't you?"


"That's not an excuse."


I started to sing to him and he fell asleep in my bed. I decided to join him, he put his arms around me, and we cuddled up to each other. An hour past when my sister banged on the door screaming Tyler was home. Brent Jumped 4 ft in the air and rushed into the bathroom trying to hide his obvious hard self.

"Hey butters have you seen Brent? His car is in the lot"

"Umm I think he went to the bathroom"

"What are you doing sleeping in like this usually you're a busy beaver"

"I like sleep"

"well when you see him tell him to go in my room"


As soon as tyler walked away the door of the bathroom opened, Brent walked out and my sister looked at him and laughed. He was blushing.

"that was close"


"hey can I ask you something?"

"a question for a question?"


"you start"

"how would you feel about me gaining more weight?"

"umm I don't mind, but that's sweet of you to ask me, how much more are you gaining?"

"15 more its for wrestling season"

"oh I see"

"your turn"

"what do you and my brother do?....in his room?"

"well we usually play x box, if not we'd look up porn and you know"


"jack off"

"so you jack off to naked women"

"no! god no, I'd secretly watch your brother, or the guy fucking the girl"

"you had the hotts for my brother?"

"eww now i...I would always pretend he was you"

"Awww...you're a horny one aren't ya now"

"no haha"

"Well you spend an awful amount of time in my brothers room"

"Well I don't want to"

"Tell him you wanna learn to play piano"

"good Idea"

He left my room, god he was so hot. Brent just got a buzz cut, his hair is such a nice blonde, him and my brother have this thing going on. It looks so good on him. The way he walks, talks, even says my name gives me butterflies. When he bats his eyes if he really wants something or pouts his lips. He drives me crazy, a week from Friday is his birthday....and homecoming. I wonder who he will take. I also wonder what he looks like naked.

He finally walked back in and sat by my piano "lets get started shall we."

I stood up and I was hard, he looked at me then looked down again I started to blush.

"um yeah lets get started"

"seems like your already rising up to the occasion"

I really turned red now, "ok the black keys are sharps and flats" my voice kept cracking .

"let me lock your door"



He got up and shut my door and locked it, he came back and picked me up. I sat in his arms and he started kissing me. I saw something in the corner of my eye near the window, I jumped a little but then felt safe cause I was with brent.

"there feel better?"

"why did you stop"

"cause If I go to far with you I won't want to stop"

"take off your pants."

He did as I said

"So what do you want me to do now?"

"I just want to look at you..."he started turning red now "Umm ok" I stood there for a good 3 minutes looking at his body. Then my phone rang and it scared us both. It was my mom calling to check in. She said that her and dad were visiting gram because grandpa wasn't doing too well. After I hung up, Brent looked at me like a tiger would its prey. He tackled me to my bed and started kissing me. "I don't believe you do this on the field Mr. Rushowski" "Only to the players I like" He started to grind in me again this time I could feel him because he was only in his underwear.

"We..need..to....stop" He sat up on top of me "why?"

"My brother is home"

"Fine" he got off me and started to pick up his cloths, bending over seductively just to make my juices flow. Apparently I was drooling because he walked up to me and wiped the corner of my mouth.

I picked up the discarded sheet music and he smacked my ass. Not hard but more of a cup and feel.

"You have a really nice butt"


"I like it"

"Again, thankyou."

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He put on his shorts and tank top and walked out of my room. As soon as he left I got a random text <I have seen you with your all star football player, break up with him or the picture of you two will be all over every social network I can find> I messaged back asking who it was about 50 times, I called 10 times but no answer. Finally I received one message then I received a picture of us kissing.

Brent walked back in and said that we should go downstairs something was wrong. We rushed down and my sister was saying there was someone outside watching her. Tyler walked outside first followed by Brent.

"Kyle you better come see this."

I walked out and Brent's car was keyed, All over, as if shards of glass shredded every piece it could.

"what the fuck happened to my car"

"I don't know dude but we better think of something."

Bailey checked her car and Tyler's.

"not a scratch"

"are you kidding me, why me? Why my car"

His face was flushed with anger, "wait the security camera we can look at it"

I went upstairs to get the video, as soon as I got it I headed for the stairs when Bailey texted me, <kyle, there is someone behind you> I tried to turn around but I was pushed down the stairs. They all ran in. Tyler heped me up while Brent went upstairs.

"are you ok"

"yeah Tyler go help brent." They searched every room in our house but the guy was not in one. Bailey called the cops and Went to the police station with Tyler while Brent and I cleaned up the mess that was made. After we were done I remembered I had the video.

We sat down and started to watch the security tape, when a hooded guy in all black walked up to Brent's car and carved in with his key `you have been warned' then he proceeded in scratching his vehicle.

"who the fuck is this guy?"

"I don't know" but it had to be the same guy texting me. I want to tell him, its now or never.

"Brent I need to talk with you"


"it's important"

"oh jeeze what did I do?"

"nothing, I have been receiving threating messages from this guy or girl and they want us to break up by the 8th. The message he sent me was carved into your car"

"that's messed up"

"I know"

"ugh I want to hit something"

"what should we do"

"I don't know don't ask me"

"stop yelling at me I'm trying to help"

"well its not working"

"Brent you ass hole"

"stop stop stop! This is what this guy wants, he wants us to break up, we are stronger then that...right"


"well we should go take this video to the police"

We left the house making sure every door window and car door was locked.

When we arrived there they asked us a few questions, some of which we lied about because we weren't really playing piano. After the interrogated us we all left. We stopped at the garage and dropped off Brent's car.

When we finally walked in the door to my house. Tyler stated that we weren't going to school the next day, which I didn't mind it just meant another day with him.

Brent said he would sleep in the guest room. We all got ready for bed Brent was just wearing his underwear, After our goodnights I went to my room. It was a little past 12 when I heard someone walk in, at first I was scared but then I thought to myself it's definitely Brent.

"Hey babe"

"Hi" we were whispering and I felt like a fugitive on the run, trying not to get caught.

He climbed in my bed and I turned around "Holy fucking shit!" I screamed, he was wearing a mask. "You're an ass"

"I know" he took it off and kissed me"

"Guess what"

"Oh I know"


"I'm hard"

"Shut up, a week from sat is our 3 weeks haha"

"Aww presents or no presents?"

"No presents"

"Ok haha"

He started to wrap his arms around my body which felt good, I felt safe.

"I got to go"


"Back to my room"


"Cause when im around you I get really hard, and don't you think your brother will find out?"

"Oh yeah, umm can I ask you something"


"I wanna see you naked"

"I wanna see you naked"

"An eye for an eye"

"What is with your family and that saying"

We were both in our underwear, "You first"

"Why me"

"Cause I wanna see what your butt looks like if it feels that good then yeah" He growled at me

I turned around and pulled my underwear down. "Wow" he started to whistle at me "can I touch you?" I nodded "your so smooth I love it, do you shave"

"once a month?" I pulled them back up "Your turn"

Instead to pulling his underwear down he walked into my bathroom and came out with really tight whighty tighties. He started to flex, which caused the elastic to snap.

"Oh god" he looked perfect, from his chiseled chest to his but dimples. He had tan lines which were funny cause they ended right where his pubes started to grow.

"babe your drooling"

"Get your underwear on!"


"Get out"


"I love ya" I smacked his ass and he walked back to his room.

This whole control thing was getting to be too much, so that night I promised myself after home coming it will be one month so then its ok to try something...right?

Authors note: lots of drama heading our way, Who keyed Bren'ts car and pushed kyle down stairs, all will be revealed next time...maybe haha we shall see =P thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 6

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