Endangered Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 24, 2012


Endangered Love Chapter 1: Escaped From Hell By: Mirron Tenshi

It is mid-night. A small puddle splashed as a foot punched in it. A figure panted and grunted as he ran with whatever strength he had left. His chest stung as his lungs tried to supply the pace the fur needed to keep moving at a consistent rapid pace.

The fur jerked into an ally and crouched right next to a dumpster. He covered his muzzle as he heard his chasers approaching, trying to stifle his muffed panting.

"He went this way!"

"Don't let him get away, bitches!" A small group dashed in front of the fur as he hid in the shadow cast by the dumpster and the lamppost. After the perpetrators had gone a fair distance, the one who was hiding let out a sore sigh of relief. Tears trickled down his face.

"I-I did it . . ." Was all he could mutter in his hoarse voice. He was cold, but mostly exhausted from the run. He had finally escaped from that hell. A 17-year-old German Shepard shivered in his uniform -- which was blue overalls, cheap boots, and a dirty blue button-up shirt -- as he curled up in the damp corner and tried to fall asleep . . .


+7 Months Ago+

A teenage German Shepard groaned as his head swam in a painful haze. He was about to feel his head when he found he couldn't. He jerked his limbs until he came to the conclusion that his arms and legs were bound tight. He tried to look around, only to find that he was surrounded in darkness. The canine strained his eyes and ears to try and catch something.

"Hehehehe . . . !" The Shepard gasped as he heard a very creepy giggle a few feet away from him. "Finally awake, are we, Maddy Matt?"

"Wh-Who's there?! What's going on?!"

"Now, we've been very naughty, haven't we? First killing almost ALL my men in Happy Pike, and then running away from your home?? Tsk tsk, Matty!"

"Happy Pike . . . You're the leader of the Zanez?!"

"Maaaybe! The name's Crow! But lets not make this all about me! This is about your punishment!"

"M-My what??"

"He's yours Starkerse!" There was swooping sound, and then a light flashed on in front of the Shepard. He squinted and blinked as his eyes adjusted to light in the darkness, soon seeing that the source of the light was coming from a TV set.

"Ah, Mr. Matthew Fallman." The young canine growled as he heard a sickingly familiar sneer. He looked and saw the shadowy outline.

"Starkerse!" He snarled out.

"Now now. Don't give me no lip, young man. I told you not to run away-"

"I told you, Starkerse, I'm through!" Matthew barked, "I'm through killing! I'm through entertaining you! I'm done going to place-to-place and dropping animals when you feel like it! I'M THROUGH WORKING FOR YOU!!!" There was a short pause, and then the man in the TV chuckled.

"Boy, you really set it in your mind that you actually have a choice. Did you not forget that hefty price you mommy and daddy paid the last time you decided to act upon teen rebellion?"

"Just let my the fuck go, Starkerse! What do you need with me anyway?!"

"Oh, it's not like that at all, my dear boy. It's just the principle of the matter. You don't go against your superiors. Or else-"

"Like I care! Let me go, or I'll-"

"SILENCE! Perhaps you need another attitude adjustment . . ." Starkerse stepped aside. Matthew gasped as he saw a German Shepard pup on some torture-looking device. His arms and legs were bound outwards of his small body. He was blindfolded and sobbing a little as he struggled.

"Mike!" The little canine's ears jolted as he writhed.

"Matthew!! Help me! Where are you?! I'm scared, Matthew! Where are we?! Please help me!!" Matthew's eyes instantly watered at the sight of his little brother sobbing uncontrollably.

"He was hidden! Where did you find him?!" He demanded.

"That is not what you need to know. What IS important is that you know your place, by a similar price that your parents had to pay." Matthew's blood went cold at Starkerse's last words.

"N-No . . . Please no! Not him! Please not him!" He cried out.

"Oh yes, him. What better way to discipline someone by taking away something they like?" A noise sounded and the device Mike was on started to move. The pup started to grunt and yelp as he felt his limbs were pulled.

"O-Ow! Matt-hew! Heeeeellllpp!" Matthew struggled vigorously in his spot, but was alas, unable to move.

"PLEASE NO! LET HIM GO! I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE STOP!" The canine cried out loud. Starkerse merely laughed as the two brothers suffered. As the machine progressed, Mike started screaming as inner noises were beginning to be heard from the pup's body as his arms, legs, head, and tail were being pulled apart. The restraints started to graze at Matthew's wrists and ankles, but he didn't care. "MIIIIIIIIKE!!!"


Matthew sat in total and complete horror and shock as the blood flooded everywhere. He drooped his body forward and wept. His brother was dead . . . He's dead . . . And he was put under so much pain . . . Because of him . . . Matthew now felt like he wanted to die now that his only brother was gone.

Then, the cruel voice in the TV laughed at the mourning Shepard.

"See what happens, Matthew? I always get what I want. And all who defies me shall pay a heavy toll." Matthew said nothing, other than a few sniffles and sobs. "Take him away. He needs to be alone with his thoughts. I think a week in solitary confinement with no meals should be a proper adjustment."

Matthew's restraints were then undone and he was gripped tightly around so that he couldn't put up a fight.

Not that he would or could, his will was torn in shreds after what he had just witnessed.

A door opened, and the Shepard was thrown into a cold cell, and then a door slammed shut, pitch darkness surrounding him once more. He didn't bother moving. He just cried and cried and cried. " . . . . . . . . . . . Mikey . . . . . . . . . . . Mom . . . . . . . . . . . Dad . . . . . . . . . . . ." A lot of his loved ones have been taken away. Robbed by that one fur. ()()()

+7 Months later+

Matthew gasped as he woke with a start. As he slept, he had a very vivid nightmare about the night his brother was ripped apart limb from limb. He whimpered and shivered as tears streamed down his face, the images flooding every second of his mind.

"Mikey . . . . . I'm so sorry . . . . ."

After an hour of sobbing, he had then started to get angry. Why did Starkerse have to kill his brother? Hell, why his own family?! Why would anyone be THAT sadistic?! Why? Why? WHY?! What does someone gain from that?! Amusement?!

Matthew growled as rage flared out of his sadness like fire on a stream of gasoline.

"I swear . . . Starkerse . . . You WILL pay . . . I'm going to kill you . . . !"

+1 Year Later+

An 18-year-old German Shepard was gulping down a bottle of whisky at 6 pm in an alleyway. Not half an hour ago, he had just woken up after collapsing from sheer exhaustion from another nightmare of what Starkerse had done to his loved ones.

Matthew has been on the run from the grunts and goons of Starkerse's branches of gangs, while at the same time, trying to plot a way to kill Starkerse.

Starkerse is in the snuff film business. He films actual death scenes for his own amusement as well as sexual pleasure. He kidnaps other animals, no matter the age, and forces them to travel from trashy city to wrecked city and murder many other furs, half of which are gang members. If the animals he `hires' refuse to work for him, Starkerse uses any means of forcing them to commence with the killings that entertain him so, which includes up to torture, solitary confinement, and even going so far as to torture and kill the ones closest to them, like what happened to Matthew, for example. Starkerse BREAKS his workers.

Due to his previous workings under Starkerse, and his own impulse for survival, Matthew has turned himself into a cold-blooded, unsympathetic, and lonely killer who is driven by vengeance of that sneering Starkerse. Beneath his feel of rage and murderous agony, what Matthew truly wants now is a home.

He has never had a place to return to in 3 years. Deep inside, he wants to be loved . . . He wants to hold and be held . . . He wants someone to embrace him again . . . Matthew wants to be warm . . .

His ears went up as he looked. A group of furs wearing dark green coats with hoods hung over their faces were 20 ft from him. They are one of Starkerse's gangs known as the Hoodz. They are basically his hunt-and-bring-in hounds who are distinguished by always wearing hoods over their heads, no matter what, hence their gang name..

"There he is! Don't let him get away!"

"Fuck it all . . . !" He muttered as he chucked his half full whiskey bottle at one of the hoods and started dashing away, the group chasing after him. He was out-numbered, so he could not fight, lest he will be captured.

Matthew ran down the road. He sprinted until he saw a club up ahead. He ran straight for it, busting through the doors and yelling, "GANGWAY!" He needed to take these guys out soon so no one would get hurt. He ducked behind the bar and grabbed a bottle, hoping this would put a stop to their rampage. Matthew slowed his breathing as he waited.

Unfortunately, one of the dogs had spotted the Shepard just as he lept over the counter.


"There he is! Behind the bar!" Matthew growled as he jumped and ran some more, bumping into someone and falling back on his tail, the Hoodz not far behind at all.

Next: Chapter 2

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