Endangered Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Aug 9, 2012


Endangered Love Chapter 6: Healing the Nightmares By: Mirron Tenshi

After leaving the bloody mess to be cleaned up, Josh drove away in his SUV. Not 3 minutes after Matthew and Josh took off did the German Shepard's cell ring off. He fished out his phone only to find a number he didn't know. Curious, he flipped open the phone, and put it to his ear.


"Hello. Is this Matthew?" The voice sounded familiar.

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"It's your old killer pal, Brandon." Matthew's ears perked up at the fur's reply.

"Brandon?! You- You're still alive?!" The voice chuckled.

"Yeah, still here, buddy."

"Oh my god- Where are you, Brandon?"

"I gotta place in Everett, Washington. You?"

"Fuckin' A, Brandon! I'm in Everett too!"

"No kidding?? We gotta catch up, kid."

"Well, I'm out and about right now. Where are you right now? Is it a good time to meet up?"

"Sure is. I'm over at a Red Robin on Everett Mallway."

"Got it. See you in a bit, Brandon!" The shepard hung up and turned to Josh. "That was a good friend of mine back when I worked for Starkerse. Can we meet him at Red Robin, Josh? Please?" The rottie shrugged.

"Sure, uh, hun." Affectionate names was gonna be something that Josh needed to get used to now. Matthew smiled excitedly as they turned the corner towards the restaurant.

In 5 minutes, the black SUV parked at said Red Robin. The shepard hopped out, and looked around quickly.

"Hey, Matthew!" The German Shepard whipped around and then dashed to a grey husky with glasses on. He was at least a foot taller than the shepard hugging him, and the lines from the inner corners of his eyes gave a clue that indicated the he was probably just past his mid-age. Matthew hugged him tight, the husky doing the same. "Glad you made it out alive, kid." The younger canine backed and took in his companion.

"Same here, Brandon." Josh then walked besides Matthew. The husky saw him tilted his head curiously.

"And who're you?"

"Oh, sorry, Brandon. This is Josh, my boyfriend." He said as he wrapped his arm around Josh's muscled arm. Brandon quirked his left brow when Matthew introduced the rottweiler as his boyfriend.

"'Boyfriend'? I didn't know you were gay, Matthew."

"Well, technically, I'm bisexual. But yeah, we became an official couple since last night."

"Hm, I see." Josh then held out his paw.

"Nice to meet you, Brandon." The husky smiled and shook the other's paw.

"Same here, kid. I'm Dr. Brandon Kingsley. So lets go in, shall we?" The three then entered the establishment and were seated promptly. After they made their orders for breakfast, they continued.

"So, Brandon, how do you know Matthew?" Josh asked. Brandon sighed before answering.

"Matthew. Have you told him? About Starkerse, I mean." The shepard nodded.

"Yes, I told him. Everything."

"Good. That'll save time." He said semi sarcastically. "Well, I was one of Starkerse's `employees' . . ."

So Brandon told Josh about how Starkerse purposely bankrupted him, had his wife and his son, making it look like it was Brandon did it all. The husky ended up in an insane asylum for 3 years, slowing going mad. He was an experiment Starkerse was conducting involving mental stability-altering wavelengths. To put it simply, these wavelengths are designed to erase one's sanity. Starkerse wanted that madness to become Brandon, but it only half worked. Brandon developed something dangerous deep in his psyche -- another side of him. Starkerse tried to exploit that side in a way to carry out his murdering quota. Brandon met Matthew made his acquaintance with one other fur. When it proved it wasn't enough, Starkerse had Brandon killed . . . Or at least he thought.

"I've been tracking him for the past couple of years now," The husky then dug in his pocket and took out a small orange-colored container full of pills, "These pills were made specifically to keep my crazy down. Otherwise it's a random roulette. Speaking of which . . ." He popped the cap open, and took two of the black tablets into his mouth and swallowed.

"No kidding. With me it's just the opposite. Starkerse is trying to kill me."

"Figures. You probably know too much so he's trying to tie up loose ends."

"Yeah. Probably . . ."

Josh lost his appetite in the process of the explanation. Just how many lives has Starkerse ruined? And for what?? And the way that Brandon explained it, as casual as he sounded, it was like it was no big deal at all.

Later on, Josh and Matthew were walking into Brandon's home for a visit. It was a small house, nothing special; two bedroom, one story building, small kitchen.

"Oh yeah! The hypnotist," The rottie suddenly remembered. He whipped out his phone and dialed a number. He held it up to his ear and waited for the other person to pick up. "Hello, Ashley? It's Josh. Oh I'm fine. So listen, is that hypnotist friend of yours still in town? . . . He is? Cool . . . Yeah, I need a favor from him so do you think he can come over where I am? Cool, thanks." He hung up and pocketed his cell. Only less than 5 minutes later, there was a ring at the doorbell.

"I'll get it." Brandon said, "Weird, I didn't think the doorbell still worked." The older canine went to the door, and opened to find an eerie . . . Sort of presence. The Shadow Mirage, a black panther in black satin clothing, was standing right there on the doorstep. "Um, hi . . . Can I help you?"

"Good day, sir," He said in a lilting tone, "I am the Shadow Mirage. You may call me Shadow. I am here to assist a Matthew Fallman." The feline said as he was welcomed inside.

"I um . . . Right here . . ." Matthew said as he somewhat hesitantly raised his paw. He stared in awe at the black panther; he had a mystical air about him, which was reflected in how he dressed, what with that black satin suit.

Shadow looked to him. "Aw yes. Indeed, I sense a manifestation of anxiety and anguish that would be better off cleaned away." Josh got up and shook Shadow's paw.

"Hi Shadow. How's Simon doing?" The feline grinned shook his paw.

"As eager to please me as ever, whenever time will allow it that is. Now." The panther then sat down across from German Shepard. "How may I be of service to you?"

Matthew nodded and spoke, "I keep having a really bad dream. It's of my parents and little brother being slaughtered right in front of me . . . Please, help me get this dream gone. I don't wanna see those bastards in my dreams."

"Of course I can," He then took out a platinum chain attached to an amethyst pendulum and held it up in front of both himself and Matthew. "Not once are you to take your eyes from this crystal." When Matthew nodded, the pendulum started swinging on it's own accord with the panther standing absolutely still. The younger canine followed the pendulum, not taking his eyes off of it. He started to feel tired as his eyes drooped, but he kept watching it. Then his eyes closed, his mind opening itself to Shadow's power.

". . . You are now completely under my power . . . The dreams that disturbs your state of being . . . As you fall into slumber, these horrid memories will vanish . . . In your subconscious mind, they are non-existent . . . They shall remain as they currently are while you are awake, but are to be no more when your dreams begin . . . These men who have torn you apart . . . They have no place in your sleep . . ."

Beneath those closed eyelids, the pup on the death device vanished in wisps. The screams and the laughs that haunted the shepard where soon barricaded and then sealed in a limiting lock. Long strips wrapped and latched on all around the sleep-activated cage inside of Matthew's mind.

". . . Now your darkest hatred has been banished from sleep . . . The only key will be your routine awakening . . . Wake now from my power . . ."

Matthew's mind was then closed from outside influences. His eyes blinked open as the panther's hypnosis faded from him. After a few seconds, Matthew began to feel as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders as he awoken. In seconds, he came to the conclusion that the hypnosis worked. "My god . . . Thank you . . . Thank you so much!" Matthew felt happier now than he's ever been in a long time as he excitedly kissed Josh. The rottie laughed happily as Matthew jumped on him kissed him. He wrapped his arms around the shepard as his heart soared at Matthew's happiness. Just seeing his boyfriend happy, seeing him in complete bliss, made him feel as if riding on a roller coaster.

'Is this what being in a relationship is like? What the fuck have I been missing?!' Josh thought to himself as he kissed Matthew. The younger canine smiled happily as the two hugged and murred affectionately.Â

After a while the German Shepard "Let's go, Josh. It's about time for work.?" Matthew said as he nuzzeled the other happily.

The rottweiler chuckled as he then licked Matthew's muzzle. "Ok, sweetie. Lets go." He then took Matt's hand and led him. "Thanks again Shadow, And give my regards to Simon, not that he would remember."

"Your very welcome, Joshua. And I will all the same."Â

As they drove towards the club, Matthew went ahead and asked Josh something. "Say Josh, who's Simon anyway?" The rottweiler smirked before answering.

"Oh, Simon's my cousin. He was a total homophobe until he became Shadow's. Now he's his eager cock slave whenever his schedule allows it."Â Matthew laughed out loud.Â

"Ah, geez! Wow, that's funny!" Matthew said. When they arrived, the shepard held his mate's paw, and started walking towards the club.

"I mean, it's not like he's a permanent slave or something, just when both of them are free for the while . . ." They entered the club to the usual talkative chatter, the males all conversing with each other, having drinks, hitting on each other, a few or so going into the SD (Sex Dungeon). Josh checked his phone. "I'm going to be in my dressing room, Matt." The other male nodded.

"Ok, babe. I'm going to go see if there's anything that needs to get done." Josh and Matthew kissed each other before going their separate ways. The Shepard walked over to the bar. Dexter, who was one of the bartenders was just walking in behind the counter before the raccoon spotted Matthew. "Oh Matty, perfect timing. We just got a delivery. C'mon."

"Alright." The canine followed the raccoon to behind the big club, where a large truck had just parked. There were several large to medium boxes waiting to be carried out. Dexter took one of the trolleys and walked up the ramp on the truck. Matthew scoffed at all the boxes. "Jeez, how much does a strip club need, Dix?" Dix was, of course, Dexter's nickname, "I mean just a bunch of condoms, booze, and lube, right?" The raccoon chuckled.

"You never worked for an establishment like this before, have you?"

"Not really. The biggest job I've ever had was a paintjob on a house or two." He said as they two began to stack the boxes on the trolleys.

"Hun, he get like a hundred customers a day here, and they take up a lot of the stuff they need for sex. We need to keep stock on condoms and lube here. Besides there's also, like you said, the drinks, ingredients, and construction goods for repairs." The raccoon and shepard were taking turns walking up the ramp, loading up the trolley, and unloading on the ground.

"Wow. I can only imagine how much of that is actually in these boxes." Matthew said with a smirk.

"Not only that, eventually, the performers' costumes get worn out, stained, or inefficient. When that happens, Sarah needs to order new outfits to replace any faulty ones. Plus, once in a while, one of the strippers here places a request for a certain type of costume."

"Really? What about skimpy stuff like thongs or jockstraps?" Matthew asked with a grin, about half serious about that.

"Oh, that's the performer's responsibility; when it comes to teasing a crowd full of horny guys and/or chicks, the audience is rarely picky on what the dancers are packing their stuff in."

"I see. So even if a stripper doesn't have anything skimpy or revealing available, would pair of boxers do?" Dix shrugged as he loaded up the last boxes.

"Pretty much, but I wouldn't set my eyes on boxer-shorts." The canine looked at the slightly effeminate raccoon.

"What do you mean?" The raccoon gave him a smirk.

"Well, come on -- boxers? It's a dance club, not a sleep over, hun. Besides, when the dancers don't have any sexy bottom wear to put on, that's no problem. Having a stripper throw his pants off to show he's buck naked right there is like getting an extra gumball from a 25cent dispenser."

The raccoon and german shepard took the boxes into the building. When they were loaded into the building, a large brown bear came and took one of the boxes. "Matty, this is Greg. He's our heavy lifter." Dix said as he put his paw on the bulging, muscled arm holding up the box. The tall ursine had a muscle gut, thick arms and legs, and a thick fur coat as well; he was certainly the rugged type. He looked down to the canine before jerking his head to the side. "Pick up something and help me, pup." Matthew couldn't help but feel intimidated by the bear's size and tone of voice. He nodded and picked up a hefty box and followed the big bear. "We're going to refill the condom bowls and lube dispensers."


"And speaking of which, a they need to be looked at for any damages. That'll be your job."

"Yessir . . . Wait, where are we going."

"To the SD, where do you think?" Greg said impatiently.

"SD? What's that?" Matthew asked. The bear smirked as they approached the big white neon SD letters above a pair of heavy velvet curtains.

"It's short for the Sex Dungeon, the best part about this place."

"Dungeon? You mean like chains and stuff?" The ursine chuckled.

"When they feel like it. See, the SD's for furs who want sex and want it now, simple as that."

"Hm . . . How much does it cost?"

"Very reasonable: One night's session is $20, or an all nighter is $40, and $65 if you want to have one of the guys who work here with you. Employees here get in free, of course."

"All nighter? You mean for guys who stay in the SD all night? But wouldn't that make this place open 24/7?"

"In a way, yeah. The SD is also a sort of hotel type of thing. While our boss, Sarah owns the place, there's one other guy who actually lives here. He's second in charge." They two had moved past the curtains and into the SD. Inside the place was purple velvet carpet, at least ten king sized beds with silk sheets, veil straps and rings on the walls for bondage, and what looked like soap dispensers and round glass bowls that were empty.

"Uh-huh. So who's he-" Matthew grunted as he bumped into something. "Umf, sorry about tha . . . aaaat . . ." The canine was facing a perfect set of 8 pack abs. He looked up and gapped as he looked at a huge, dark chocolate colored bull. He had a thick gold ring as a nostril piercing, his pecs were huge, square cushions, his arms and legs were as thick as Matthew's own waist. One other thing Matthew took notice of was that this bovine was buck-naked. His eyes were immediately drawn the Adonis bulls' huge limb log, hanging between his bulging thighs, with a heavy set of kiwi-sized balls. Matthew could just smell the heavy musky scent this guy was giving off without even sniffing.

"Who's the boy?" The bull asked in a deep voice. He was even taller and bigger than Greg.

"Our new Go-To guy, Matthew. Matthew, this is the guy was just telling you about, Herald." The canine was speechless. The huge bull just put his large hand on the younger male's head and rubbed it back and forth, well, more like tilting it back and forth.

"Nice to meet you, boy." Herald then took his hand off, and put on a pair of red briefs that he had, and went out of the room. Matthew was still borderline dumbfounded at what he just seen. The bear chuckled as he padded the canine to wake up.

"We call him Herc, cause, you know. You haven't seen him before because he took a leave to get a piercing on his dick." Heck, the shepard didn't even notice that the bull had the classic Prince Albert piercing on his large penis. It was a barely less than half inch thick gold ring the size of the circumference of a golf ball. When he snapped out of it, he and Greg set to work.

Meanwhile, some time later, back in Josh's dressing room.

-Knock knock knock- "Joshy! You're on in 5! Hurry it up!" The rotty was already putting on his outfit for the next show.

"Ok, thanks!" He smiled as he got ready; he knew Matthew would be on break, and he was wanting it show himself in action for his new boyfriend.

5 minutes later.


Four males had started marching onto the stage as marching military sound and music boomed into the suddenly dark club, the stage then high lighted with bright stage lights. A rottweiler, a dark chocolate stallion, a Bengal tiger, and a slender squirrel marched out onto the stage in green camo uniforms with caps, sexy-themed badges, jackets, cargos, and heavy boots. The rottweiler and the tiger marched in perfect syncronation from the right, and the bull and stallion marched from the left. They had then formed a single line, turned, and stood at firm attention to face the audience. Each male had a focused, concentrated look on his face, except for the rottweiler's, whose eyes kept darting to his German Shepard.


All four males started stomping their boots onto the floor in place, like real trained army men.


Each of the soldiers then marched forward until they reached the start of the four walkways.

"ATTEN-TION!" In perfect timing, the males stopped marching. "AT EASE - UPPER SIDE."

Wild fun music started to boom off. Almost in synchronization - but in their own unique individual style - the males all ripped their coats off with a pull from both of their paws, each of their very finely defined abs and pecs revealed to the cheering crowd. In smooth movements, they each whirled their jackets around , and tossed their coats backward. Each male had a very muscular torso. Half naked the males started to undulate very smoothly.

Each male was tantalizing the audience by moving their paws as if suggesting that they are unsure if where to start taking of their baggy cargo pants. The crowd wouldn't have it. The chanted and demanded that the dancers get rid of their pants right now!

So, at the same time, the four males grabbed a certain part of his pants, and pulled firmly. The latches on their pants snapped off, and the pants flew off their bodies! The tiger was wearing a green camo thong, the stallion sported a camo speedo, the squirrel had on a camo g-string, and the rottweiler had on a camo jock-strap. The crowd went wild at the male's nudity, them starting on doggystyle and handjobs as they watched the 4 males strut in place. Besides their very skimpy bottom pieces, the males also wore their uniform caps and their large boots, which were specially designed to store the money they collect.

As Josh went to a stage, he spotted his German Shepard. "I love you Josh!" He yelled out. The rottweiler smiled as he begun to dance.

However, the more he looked at his boyfriend, and then notice all the other males around him, his movements became . . . Hesitant. Something felt wrong. All of a sudden, for the first time ever, Josh felt prohibited to be almost nude in front of all these people. His own protocol dictated for him to stay there, he was starting to feel an impulse to stop. The crowd around him started to notice his change of attitude as well . . .

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