
By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 6, 2001


So here I go with chapter 2. Thank you to all of you guys that e-mailed me with feedback. I really appreciate it and it always helps to keep me writing. I know some of you guys had alot of questions and I'm gonna try to answer them, hopefully, as the story progresses. And yeah... there will be and end to the story... just gonna take a while to get there. hehehehe...

Evil Disclaimer:

Any resemblance blah blah blah is coincidental... at least I think it is anyways. If you're under 18 please leave as you shouldn't be reading this anyways. If you're offended by homosexual material then you've come to the wrong place.

Endless 2


"Ah yeah! Summer school finals in like 2 days... then school can fuck itself up the ass cuz I'm not gonna do it." Ray smiled as he walked up to the bench Marc was sitting at. He noticed Marc was a little out of it.

"Yeah... can't wait." He stared off to the side.

A few more of their friends showed up and Ray talked with them casually. They looked off at Marc as he looked ahead, concentrating on something that just wasn't there.

"So um... where's Mike?" Joe asked suddenly turning to Marc.

"Um... I dunno... I'm gonna head to the library or something." Marc picked up his bag and headed off to the library rather quickly.

Ray ran to catch up with him. "Hey kuya, can you help me with my car later?"

"Um... yeah... I guess just swing by later and I'll work on it." He seemed annoyed but at the same time genuine. He shrugged Ray off. "I have to go study though or something." He continued walking off and Ray walked back to the rest of the guys.

"Whats up with him?" Joe turned to Ray confused.

"I dunno..." Ray stared off towards Marc worried.

Mike set his backpack down with the rest of them. They all stared off towards the library.

"Hey guys." Mike sounded cheery, but fake as well.

"Oh hey." They all turned around to face him. They waited for awhile to see if he would do the usual and ask where Marc was.

"So... you guys ready for finals?" They had two days to go. Mike avoided bringing up Marc, which was unusual, even for him. He knew it, the rest of the guys knew it.

"Um... so... you know what's bothering Marc?" Ray asked hesitantly.

Mike shifted his gaze from the other guys. "I dunno... maybe he's just stressing over finals or something..."

"You kidding?" Joe said surprised. "Marc never stresses on finals... he never stresses on anything school... you of all people should know that ."

Mike chuckled a little, uncomfortably. "Guess I don't really know him as good as I thought I did, huh?" He smiled nervously and wanted to leave.

"What do you think could be bothering him?" Joe looked back up at Mike.

"I dunno... I think I'm gonna go to the library." Mike told them as he lifted his bag up. He didn't feel like hearing about Marc because it just confused him more.

"Cool, maybe you can talk to him in there, see what's wrong with him. He'll talk to you, thats for sure." Ray looked up at Mike as Mike slipped the straps over his shoulders.

"Um... he's in the library?" Mike asked.

"Yeah... he headed that way like right before you joined us." Joe informed him.

"Um... actually... I'm kind of hungry... I should go eat... see what they have in the cafeteria or something." Mike changed his mind almost suddenly. He wasn't really hungry but it was the only other place to go to on campus.

"Cool... where you gonna go? I'm hungry too." Jonathon jumped in excitedly.

"Um... actually... I think I'll see what I have at home, kinda should save my money for um... stuff." Mike struggled to make his excuse believable. He didn't really want the company now.

"Awwww man... burger, fries, and a coke... sounded sooooo good right now..." Jonathon pouted.

"Maybe next time bro..." Mike smiled a little. "But I guess I'm just gonna head out..." He said his goodbyes and walked towards the parking lot.

They watched him leave. You could tell something was on his mind as he walked off. He almost bumped into several people as he made his way to the parking lot.

Marc made his way back towards the group. He sat down and didn't bother to remove his bag.

"Hey, you just missed Mike." Jonathon smiled and slung his arm over Marc's shoulder.

"Oh... I did?" Marc said plainly. He bit at his lower lip as they watched him.

"Yeah... kinda acting a little strange too." Ray added. He watched Marc intently as he tried to figure the both of them out.

"Oh well... I think I'm gonna head home..." Marc stood up, completey shrugging Jonathon off.

"You still have another class." Joe protested. Marc had rarely ditched any of classes. And on the rare occasions that he did it was with Mike.

"I'm just tired today... maybe I'm sick or something..." Marc just walked off ignoring them.

"Dude... its bugging me seeing them both like this... you think they actually had an argument or something?" Ray watched as Marc walked away.

"What... like lovers spat or something?" Jonathon joked. Ray just looked at him. "I was just kidding man!" Jonathon shot back innocently.

"Really... its bugging me..." Ray repeated.

"Same here..." Joe agreed.

Marc pulled up into an empty garage. He parked his car in the center and cleaned it out thouroughly. He reparked it on his side and made his way into the house. Neither of his room mates were home. He cleaned his room as he tried to collect his thoughts. When he was finished he sat by the phone and hesitantly dialed. He needed to talk to Mike and try to save their friendship.

"Can I speak to Mike?" Marc asked. He controlled his voice and did his best to mask that he had been crying.

"Um... he's um... hold on..." Mel, Mike's brother, placed the phone down. Marc could hear some shuffling over the phone.

"Um... he's um... he's sleeping... and stuff..." Mel came back on the phone.

"Oh... um... okay... could you just tell him that I called?" Marc asked timidly before he hung up, not bothering to wait for an answer.

"Kuya!" Mel ran and jumped on Mike's bed shaking it.

"What?" Mike pushed him away.

"So why aren't you talking to him?" Mel asked nosily.

"I'm just tired... go away..." Mike pulled the covers up over his head.

"Whatever man..." Mel walked away annoyed. Marc had been like a big brother to him and he really looked up to him. It annoyed him that Mike seemed like he was pushing him away.

Marc knew Mike was avoiding him by then. He got up and went to his room. He fished around in his dresser and pulled out a file folder. He dumped the envelops out that were contained within. He fished a few out then headed to his car.

He drove off. When he came back the house was still empty. He parked his car back in its usual spot. He was dazed. Thoughts of the past few days raced through his head. He came on to his best friend. The one guy in the world that he cared the most for. The only guy in the world that ever really mattered to him. And now he wouldn't speak to him, much less acknowledge him. He walked into the bathroom and stared hard at himself in the mirror.


Um... so before I forget... I forgot to mention that the characters were Filipino. And the term 'kuya' is like older brother in Filipino. So how are you liking it so far? I should have chapter 3 out by hopefully the middle of next week. Maybe a bit later cuz school will be starting back up and stuff too. So I'll see how that goes. sooo... just mail me vocal76@hotmail.com... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 3

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