Enslave Boss After the Apocalypse

By Clay Bottom

Published on Apr 17, 2022


I Enslave My Boss after the Apocalypse (6)

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of coerced consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

I love to hear from men who read my stories. Story ideas and suggestions are welcome. Please consider donating to Nifty. It is a great free site and needs support

The next six weeks in the city was a calm routine. The men in my department worked harder and smarter than ever to earn the tech of the week prize. Sure some bragging rights went with the prize, but the real prize was joining Clark and me when we gangbang and torture Paul. Guys who have felt powerless for months on end are eager to release their sexual and personal frustrations on a punching bag and fag, Paul. Paul was not permanently damaged, well not his body anyway. I have no idea what it does to a man mind when random strangers whip his buns red and blue then fuck it. But his body aches and pains were always healed in time for the next rest-day whipping and gang bang.

The two human fleshlites/sex dolls continued to be fucked at both ends for hours each day. Since they can't talk or complain, I don't know if they have come to terms with it or maybe even started to enjoy all the attention. How many cocks and loads does a man have to take before he just accepts the unstoppable train and enjoys it? I thought that maybe two of them were all the Blue Aliens thought the city needed, but I was wrong. The Blue Skin's latest living sex toy project just needed weeks to heal before his debut.

I didn't remember him, but I'm told his name was Donnie. He was now the best sex toy imaginable, but they mutilated him to remake him. He had the same breathing port in his chest like the other two, so he would not suffocate with dick in his throat continuously. The worst was what they did to his junk. His scrotum had been cut down the middle and his balls removed, so no testosterone for the new bitch. They fileted his cock. His cock was literally cored out leaving just the skin, nerves, and a small amount of spongy tissue. What was left of his cock and scrotum was stuffed up his ass to line it. The Aliens made an already tight hole even tighter, but that was not the main purpose. They said it was for humanitarian purposes (what the fuck?). Donnie's hole would now give him immense pleasure and even orgasms every time he was fucked up the ass. The Blue Skins had been observing us for months if not years, so how could they not see the horror of what they had done. Maybe they are just that alien and thought they had done Donnie a favor. One of them told me that although it was not obvious, they had cloned some of Donnie's nerve cells and lined his throat with pleasure cells.

Sure, I abused Paul, but he deserved it. Bradley and Kevin were lazy fuck-ups who would have been put out of the Domed City to die if they had not been put to use as sex toys, so I did not feel sorry for them either, but what they did to Donnie was more than any man deserved. I started to suggest they lobotomized him, but I had no idea how they would react. I sure as hell did not want to be on their bad side. Keeping on their good side was the reason I did not object when they said I would be the first to try out his enhanced holes on my next rest day.

Donnie wasn't tied into a sling on his back like the other two living sex dolls. The Aliens had Donnie tied to a padded bench with his legs spread wide and hands strapped to the base of the bench. I wondered if the Blue Skins had found some BDSM porn and liked it. An advantage of this setup was Donnie could move his head, or rather I could move his head up and down my cock. That is how I started, fucking Donnie's throat like I was in a gag-the-fag video, but I could not make him gag no matter how hard I rammed my 10" down his throat. Spit, and throat slime covered my cock and poured out of his pussy gag. I was into this great throat fuck and forgot about the men watching me and forgot about Donnie. The only thing that mattered was my cock and getting off. Donnie got off first. I could tell by the way his throat seemed to tighten and he made a low whimper. I have no idea how he could make a sound with his air directed away from his throat and vocal cords, but I know I heard it. My cock was probably the first he had inside him, and the whole Domed City saw him orgasm from my throat fucking him. A couple of minutes later and I was giving him the first of many loads his cunt throat would be coated with. I rested with my cock buried balls deep. I never went completely soft. Looking down at the slimy mess of Donnie's face and my cock in his mouth, I was rock hard again soon. I had another reengineered virgin hole to bust open.

Donnie should have been pre-lubed, but he wasn't (Aliens did not think of everything). I showed him the last mercy he will probably ever get when I hocked up two wads of spit onto his cunt. That was what it was now. He got off on his first throat rape. It didn't matter that he didn't want to be a cunt; he was a cunt now and made for only one thing. That is what I was thinking when I slammed my cock up his hole in one brutal assault. I could tell by the feeble useless attempts he made to get away from my dick, he was hurting. A hard dick has no conscience, mine sure didn't. I grunted like a bear and enjoyed the tightest pussy I have ever fucked. But it got even better, as Donnie's pleasure nerves started to fire, he got even tighter. What was left of his dick responded and tried to get hard, but all it could do was wrap my cock tighter. The pussy was so good nothing else mattered. Donnie whimpered with pleasure again, but I didn't care about anything but my pleasure. Less than five minutes into the fuck, Donnie made me notice him when he came for the first time. Just like Paul, Donnie's prostate was plumbed to dump his spermless cum into his own twat. So fucking warm and slick. His hallowed out dick tried to do what was natural and contract and pump his cum out his dick, but his contractions only milked my cock. Donnie came three more times before I was done using him. His fag juice overflowed his hole and soaked my hairy nuts and thighs. His prostate would need to grow as big as a grapefruit to keep pumping out natural lube at this rate. I timed my open second orgasm. Donnie's cunt literally sucked the cum out of me while I pumped it into him. It was the strongest orgasm of my life and it seemed to last forever. Fuck what Donnie did or didn't want. He was a nympho fag now, and the Blue Skins are geneses. I stayed in him even when my balls were empty. I knew this pussy would keep me hard till I was ready to go again. One of the Blue Skins gently pulled me away. It was time to give another lucky man a turn on the new human sex toy.

I forced Paul to lick clean my sticky cock, balls and thighs. He hates being humiliated like this in front of a group and hates eating cum other than mine, but he did it. It was a side show of the main event, Donnie's rape and orgasms. Not the main event, but it added to my already brutal reputation. My reputation had already scared Cody into giving me his holes, but this new performance had him terrified, Cody was waiting for me in my room. He was my work side piece, not my at home toy, so I was surprised to see him there. I sent Paul to take a walk while the men talked.

"I saw, we all saw on the monitors. What ya'll did to Donnie.... Unbelievable ! You made him cum so many times. You made him a freak, a nymfo....What I mean is, are we OK? Is there anything else you want? Anything else I can do for you, please !!??"

What the fuck did he meant "What ya'll did to Donnie" Coring his cock like a pineapple wasn't my idea and I don't know what the Aliens will do next much less work with them to make fuck freaks. I was pissed. How could anyone think I was somehow responsible? Sure I fucked Donnie hard, but what man wouldn't? I was just about to tell Cody that my nasty ass hole was itchy and the tip of his tongue could scratch my itch if he wanted to do more. The look on his face, in his eyes, stopped me. A mixture of affection, fear and hope, I could not, would not crush him, but I did take him in a new way.

He tried to pull back when I pulled his face towards mine. He was smaller and weaker than me, so he couldn't win, but he didn't put up much resistance. His lips offered no resistance as I pushed my tongue in his mouth. This was my first kiss since the plague started and the only time I had kissed a man. I didn't just like it, I fucking loved it. Cody was giving me another piece of himself and his hard cock said he loved my invading tongue. His tongue meets mine like a long lost lover. I broke the lip lock long enough to whisper in his ear

"You've done perfect. Doing just what I want and tell you to. Good obedient boy. Just keep doing it, and I'll take good care of you"

I fucked him on my bunk on his back. I tongue fucked his mouth as my cock fucked his ass. I'd already cum twice this morning, so I had staying power. The friction of my hairy hard abs massaged his hard cock, and soon his precum lubed his cock. He did not waste his time telling me he was not gay this time, but he wrapped his legs around my waist just like my ex used to do. This wasn't a quick pump and go, this was real mating. Cody moaned every time I bit his ears and licked them. It was the best I had in years in some ways. Cody didn't have a magic hole, but he wanted me inside him and that was hot. Cody came before I did. His cock was sensitive but I did not slow down. He could endure the oversensitive pleasure of my grinding long enough for me to cum in his ass. I stayed on top of him and in him for a few minutes afer I bred him, I think this is what BDSM calls after care. I liked it, but it had to end too soon, Paul would be back soon. I thought about having Cody stay , so Paul could eat my load out of his ass, but that would be uncomfortable for Cody. I cleaned up the mess on me and him with a dirty sock. I wiped my cum out of his ass crack too. Give Paul a treat since he is probably going through cum withdrawals by now.

Over the next week, several other men did the same mental math that Cody had done. Over the week 13 men offered to do "extra work" to get on my good side and indirectly on the Blue Skin's good side. I told each of them the honest truth. I had nothing to offer them and they had nothing to fear if they made sure they did their jobs and were worth keeping. Not one of them believed me. Even I could not use 15 sex slaves. The ever present surveillance meant that sooner or later, all this would come to the Aliens attention. So I came clean with them before they asked.

The Blue Skins automatically assumed that the volunteers were offering their holes to worthy men either during their work shift or on their rest day. They were more than onboard with that, but saw obvious problems. A man can't suck off his coworkers for hours then go back to the bunk room to sleep. If a man was known to be broken, if he was a known cock sucker or bitch, nothing could stop the men in the bunk room from pulling a train on his holes all night.

I'm not sure how much the Aliens know about pre-pandemic human sexuality, so I explained that it was not uncommon for horny gay and straight men to use a whore anonymously. The Blue Skins did not see how that would work and said so. I was in for a penny, so might as well be in for a pound, so I tried to explain, whore houses with darkened rooms, bath houses, head-down-ass-up blindfolded fags, night clubs with VIP dark rooms, and glory holes. Glory holes picked their interest. Can you imagine trying to explain what a glory hole is to a little green man from Mars. Whatever you imagined, it was worse than that. It was not embarrassing, it was humiliating when they forced me to admit that in high school I let chicks or dudes (probably dudes) suck the cum out of my balls through glory holes. I never knew their name or saw them, but I was intimately familiar with how their tongue and throat felt on Mr. Happy.

The questions seem to go on for hours, but finally the Aliens decided to set up a VIP dark room with glory holes, and the volunteers would suck any and all cock presented to them. The volunteers would get a hell of a lot more than they bargained for. They all tried to backout. Good luck with that. This kind of shit seems to always happen to men who try to make a deal with the devil, blue skinned devils in this case.

I had been lucky in that meeting with the Aliens, and it went as good as could be hoped for. As I have said before, I don't have a clue how their mind works and they are unpredictable. One innocent slip up and I could be turned into a living sex doll or forced to join the new "volunteer" cock suckers. Still I pushed my luck.

"Men used to paid good money for whores and to get into VIP rooms, and that was when cumdumps were giving their holes away for free. You have a captive customer base and the only sexual release available other than their own hand. You could make the men really work hard to get their cocks into real warm wet holes."

The Aliens must have had some idea of currency and capitalism, but I had to explain that to them anyway. This discussion was even longer than the one about glory holes. Were the Aliens communal, hive minds, or something stranger? Whatever they are, the virtues of free market capitalism was a hard sell. I eventually convinced them to temporarily try paying men each week with virtual currency and tying the amount of pay to productivity. I have know idea how they measured productivity, but they did. The men were paid enough that a good worker could save up and get a turn on Bradley's holes or one of the other living sex toys, or they could blow a weeks wages on an hour in a dark room with armature but motivated cock suckers. The Blue Skins paid the cocksuckers too, and encouraged them with the threat of body modifications. Soon the "volunteers" were working every day as professional cock suckers and half their rest days too. At least they had a nice comfortable seat inside the glory hole boxes. I felt sorry for them. At least I did at first. I lost sympathy for them when I noticed that they were spending their pay to rape another man's throat too. Most of the men didn't know that the mouths they fucked were unwilling suck slaves, but the volunteers did know and used each other anyway.

The first week was not a huge success. Everyone was wrapping their heads around the new system. By the second week, the Aliens said efficiency was up, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Within a month it was not just productivity improvements. The men got creative and inventive to earn more cash to buy more gash. And I do mean gash. Demand for blow jobs out stripped supply, so the Blue Skins doubled the supply of holes by selling the "volunteers" ass too. Well not really an ass anymore. When your ass is almost always wet with cum and is filled with cock more often than not, the hole is a cunt. The VIP dark room glory holes were replaced with fags-in-a-box. The "volunteers" were bound to a padded bench inside a box. Both holes were completely defenseless and available to every man who paid the cover charge. The "volunteers" became just holes. Extremely useful holes. The Domed City's whole economy was based on selling those holes.

After the first year of the new system, everyone's life was better (except for the men turned into miracle pussy cum dumps and the "volunteers" who had their unmodified holes fucked repeatedly). Food was more plentiful, varied, and just tasted better. Recreation rooms (pool tables, cards, video games, but not fuck boys) were squeezed in where space was already tight. The air was cleaner. We even got beer for a price. The Blue Skins caught on fast and sold anything that was a vice. Last but not least, men had something to fuck. Could be a gentle fuck imagining a lost love or a violent grudge fuck, what evet a man needed. Aggression and sexual tension was way down and cooperation was great. None of us were here because we wanted to live in a utopia, but it kind of was a utopia.

It lasted over 100 years. I hate to say it, but it was the best years of my life. I continued to torment Paul. Paul was a perfect target for my sadistic side. He was a monster and a psychopath, so no guilt and no regret for his suffering. I had FWB with Cody and I came to love the affection as well as the sex with him. I also made good money. I spent most of my money buying access to Donnie's miracle of bioengineering cunt. I should have felt guilty, but I didn't. If I didn't use him, someone else would use him, and every time I nutted in him, I thought of him more as a willing fag and less as a raped straight man. The only sound he ever made was moaning, so maybe he had learned to love my big cock sliding inside his hollowed out cock that was stuffed inside his cunt.

What suddenly changed everything after 100 good stable years? The Aliens had a vaccine that protected against every variation and mutation. I said at the beginning of this story that I would do anything to walk on real grass, feel the sun on my face, and breathe fresh clean air. Now that I had a chance to do just that, I didn't want it anymore. There were catches to the Aliens good news. Yes the vaccine worked, but once a man left the Domed City, he would begin to age naturally if he was lucky. The earth was a wilderness and lots of things besides the virus can kill a man. Our ancient ancestors knew how to survive in the wild, and even they lived short lives. The other big catch was women. The Blue Skins said they could clone women when needed and that was true. They could clone beautiful baby girls, not grown women. The Aliens did not tell us till now, but they have 6 women in cold storage. These women will somehow have to be shared among all the men who decide to take the vaccine and leave the city. And I thought the "volunteer" cock suckers had it rough ! About half the men decided to leave the city and make a new life in the wilderness with the few women that were alive. The other half opted to stay in the city and raise the next generation of young women.

I was asked to stay at least till I could fully train a replacement. I plan to stay a lot longer than that. Being functionally immortal and having a ripped 18 year old body and all the sex I want anytime I want. Why the hell would I give that up? Having a child of my own will only make my life richer. Cody and I both knew we wanted to raise a child together. We asked and the Aliens agreed to splice some of both of our genes into our little girl. I hope she does not inherit the slut gene from me LOL.

Who stayed and who left was kind of a surprise. Clark gave up a good position and great life to risk everything in the new world outside. Clark was one of the best men in the Domed City, and he was leaving. Most of the Domed City's best were staying. Almost all the "volunteers" decided to stay. Maybe they were too afraid to leave? If their secret ever got out, who knows how long they would survive outside. Being literally fucked to death is a bad way to go. There are worse things than being a male prostitute in a VIP room. Or maybe, just maybe, getting spit-roasted and swallowing load after load of cum made them into real eager cum whores . I like to think so. The human sex doll really had no choice but to stay. They would never survive outside. Leaving would have been suicide and none of the three chose suicide.

By far the biggest surprise for me was Paul. Unbelievably he choose to stay and be my slave. He fucking begged me to stay. I used him as a punching bag, as my urinal and as my toilet paper. I made him hurt every time I fucked him and gaged him with my long cock at least once a day. I never missed a chance to humiliate him in public. I shared his holes with whoever I wanted. I made him mouth clean cocks at the daily gang bangs and fluff the men to keep them hard between fucks. The rest day punishments came almost every week. Thinking of new ways to make him hurt was a hobby. Still he begged me to stay and be my slave. I'm not sure when, but at some point I broke his mind. He deserved everything he got, and he knew it now. He was not a scheming sociopath any more, he was broken and harmless. Being my slave was all that was left of him, and I think in his own sick way, he loved me. I had done what I set out to do and had my revenge. If Paul wanted the humiliation and abuse, I wasn't interested in him anymore, He needed to go anyway. I don't want my new child seeing me piss down a fagots throat and wiping my ass on their tongue. She might get frightened of cum junky Paul begging to be skull fucked or breed. No he had to go. I turned him over to the VIP dark room. He gets all the cum a fag could want there, but it doesn't feed his addiction. Only my jizz gives him the high he craves. The Blue Skins might have been able to cure him of his addiction to me, but I didn't ask them to. Like I said at the beginning of this story, I'm not cruel, so I visit him when I think about it. He is always so happy to see me and thanks me over and over for feeding or breeding him. He begs me to come back real soon. I made him a perfect slave, so happy and grateful to be used and satisfied with whatever I give him.

What will happen to the men outside in the wilderness? I have no idea. What will happen in the Domed City? We will have about 12 unbelievable good years, and then our little girls will be young women, then things will get real interesting again.

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