Enslaving the Renegade

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Aug 14, 2020


Enslaving the Renegade Chapter 5: A Night with the Boys Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction. The story is based on one that appeared in a 1984 issue of the magazine First Hand. That story was only 3 pages long, but I enjoyed it so that I decided to expand it and recast it in the universe of Renegade, starring Lorenzo Lamas. The story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the actor or his character. And if you figure out who I was thinking of when I wrote certain characters back in the 90's, the same applies to them too.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The tip of the long cock was just out of his reach, just beyond his nose. Reno strained, sticking out his tongue as far as he could, but try as he might, he couldn't quite reach the swollen head that taunted him. After another attempt, he unrolled himself and lay back on the bed, dejected. Try as he might, he just wasn't limber enough to suck his own cock. Applause sounded from the doorway, and Reno rolled over to see Malik watching him. The Black butler's right hand was rubbing at the tented crotch of his wool trousers.

"Damn, Vince," he said, "Any more of that and I'd have had to fuck the life out of you, and then we'd both have been in trouble."

"Trouble?" Reno leered, stroking his meat invitingly, "I like trouble."

Malik shook his head.

"Don't do it, Vince. Mr. Torres wants to see you down in his office right now, but," Malik said as he leered at Reno's naked flesh, "You'd better put on some clothes first."

Reno rolled off the bed and as he stood up he grabbed the pair of running shorts he'd thrown on the floor earlier.

"If you say so, sir," he said.

Reno adjusted himself inside the nylon and then smiled at Malik as he brushed past him. He reached out and grabbed hold of the big cock that was doing its best to burst out of Malik's pants.

"I'll be back after I see Mr. Torres," he said.

Malik's cock leapt under Reno's fingers, and the Black stud gasped, "Oh yeah. I'll be here."

"Good," Reno told him, "I can hardly wait to have you crouching over me, my legs up in the air, your sweaty, naked body dripping down onto me, and you drilling me fuck-happy with your big dick. God, I can already see the look on your face when you shoot your load into my ass. Get that meat ready for me, sir."

And with that Reno wandered off to find Torres.

Downstairs, Reno knocked at the door of Torres' office. Torres, cell phone in hand, opened the door and motioned Reno to a chair facing the desk.

"Yes, my friend," Torres said into the phone, it was invariably a man on the other end of these calls, "Enthusiastic bottom, burgeoning top. I have every faith that he'll suit your needs. Would you like to set up a time to see him in action?"

Torres listened to the phone, and then said, "Yes, I think that will work out perfectly. Let me make the arrangements and get back to you. Ciao."

He put the phone down and looked at Reno.

"Vince," he said, "I have to be in town on business tomorrow, and I have some guests coming in to see the new boys."

Reno thought of the three hot, muscular, young men sunning themselves by the pool—Mario, the Latin heartthrob; Ernie, the Filipino powerhouse; and Joey, the all-American stud-muffin—and his rising cock started to fill out his shorts. Torres had decided to train this trio of hunks as a unit for novelty's sake, and under his tutelage, with the avid assistance of Malik and Reno, the boys were turning out to be some damned fine cocksuckers.

"Normally," Torres said, interrupting Reno's reverie, "I'd leave Malik in charge for the evening, but this time I need him to come with me. So, what I'm asking is if you think you're up to acting as host tomorrow evening, for dinner and then for the entertainment after that?"

Reno remembered the time that he had been the after-dinner entertainment and asked, "Will you want the boys broken in to getting fucked in the ass too? After all, they're still cherry, aren't they?"

"Yeah," said Torres, "I know you can handle that part of it. By the way, Esai called last week he let me know that he's never had a fuck-boy as enthusiastic as Jeremy's turned out to be. I don't think he'd ever actually seen a boy fucked into submission before. You really impressed him with your professionalism."

Reno smiled and said, "Sir, leave everything to me. I'll see that the guests have no complaints, not about dinner and not about the entertainment."

Torres smiled and dismissed him, and Reno jogged back upstairs where Malik was waiting for his ass. The biker had been Torres sex slave long enough that the idea of running away never even entered his head. He belonged here.

The guests began arriving the next day, not long after Torres and Malik drove off. Some arrived together, some alone. Reno met them at the door boasting a broad smile and wearing a black T-shirt and tight black jeans that showed off his free-hanging cock and balls to advantage. Just as at the last dinner party of Torres' that Reno had attended, no last names were exchanged.

Harold and Shemar were both Black. Harold's skin was a rich chocolate brown and Shemar's several shades lighter, and they arrived together. Both were drop-dead, movie star handsome, with deep brown eyes and refined demeanors. Harold had his hair in dreadlocks while Shemar's was cut close, but both had goatees that framed the full lips of their sensuous mouths. Reno decided that he really liked that look on Black men.

Chris and Ian arrove together as well. Chris had longish blond hair which contrasted with his darker beard and mustache. There was a manic intensity lurking behind his blue eyes, and Reno wondered how wild this man would be in bed. Ian obviously had dyed his hair blond, and he wore it long, with a topknot. He sported a goatee as well, and he had the look of a fellow martial artist. His muscles gave the clothes he had on a run for their money to hold them in whereas Chris was thin and wiry.

Mark's face was clean-shaven. Reno wasn't sure what his ethnic background was, but there was some Asian at least. He had long black hair that he wore loose down his back, and he also had the developed body of a martial artist. When Reno met his black eyes while shaking his hand, he felt that he could easily lose himself in their depths.

Robin was pure Chinese with a mane of thick black hair that brushed his shoulders. He wore a black muscle shirt under his silk coat, and Reno appreciated the upper body development he had achieved. The rest of his body had to be just as impressive, and Reno could barely wait to find out.

Alan was a tall, Southern stud, a little older than the other men were, but still in the prime of his good looks. He wore what Reno called Nashville Casual, and long blond hair hung down his neck from behind his hat. His blue eyes sitting above a thick blond mustache were the sort that could lure a man into any indiscretion.

Alexi was quite tall, and he had red hair that hung to his shoulders and a long beard, not at all the fashion. He was very long in the body, and the hair just made him look longer, a look that Reno usually didn't like. On this lanky stud, however, he was willing to forgive anything. Alexi's thick, muscular thighs hinted at the power to fuck like a god, and Reno could hardly wait to see this stud in action.

Since this dinner party was going to be twice the size of the last one Reno had attended, he detailed the boys into helping Luis in the kitchen until late afternoon. Then he had them put on a sort of show for the guests by swimming and sunning naked for about an hour before coming in and getting showered and dressed for the evening. They were to wear what he had for his first outing: black wool pants and vest, and silk shirt.

Just before cocktails, one final guest arrived. Marcelo was Latino, but with strong Indian features. Andean, Reno thought. South American, at least. Black eyes sat in a round face, and the high cheekbones made his beard seem to ride lower on his face than it actually did. He was smaller than most of the other guests, but Reno had an impression that the explosive energy contained in this body could outlast many of them.

Reno showed Marcelo to his room, told him where the lounge was, excused himself, and went to dress and then to the kitchen to check on the boys. Luis had them in hand, telling them exactly how to handle the food. Reno smiled his thanks at Luis, and then called the three together.

"Boys," he said, "These guests tonight are special friends of Mr. Torres, and I want you to do more than just give them their food. Anything they want during the meal, you do for them."

The boys looked a little dubious, which Reno noticed.

"No, they are not going to have you go down on them during the meal," he said, and the boys relaxed.

"That would be gauche," he continued, "So you can be as scenic as you want, and in fact I want you to out of your way to look good. Now, I have to go and mingle, so you follow Luis' instructions, and the dinner will go just fine."

Reno found the guests dressed for dinner, enjoying drinks in the parlor. He made his way from one knot of men to another exchanging small talk, and when Joey's wide-eyed face appeared in the doorway, he announced, "Gentlemen, I believe dinner is ready."

The men turned and looked at all-American hottie, who blushed and disappeared. A laugh ran through the party as they filed out of the parlor and into the dining room. The boys were already waiting for them as they entered. The men sat down, and Joey and Ernie began to serve the soup while Mario filled the wineglasses.

When this was done and the boys had stood back, Reno stood and raised his glass.

"Gentlemen," he said, "Welcome to this house. I trust that our hospitality this evening will live up to your expectations. Will you raise your glasses and join me in toasting what will soon be spread before us?"

The glasses went up, and the toast was drunk, to cheers and laughter.

During the genial dinner that followed, the boys flitted about the company, not concentrating on any one area but making sure that all the men could get a close look at them. Reno noted with approval that each of the guests seemed to find at least one of the boys to his liking. They were very restrained with their appreciative glances during the meal though, keeping their hands to themselves, and the boys seemed to have no inkling of what was coming later. When the coffee was finally served and disposed of, Reno stood and called the boys to the head of the table. They took their places to his left, and he turned to address the guests.

"Gentlemen," he said, stepping behind the boys, "I believe that it is high time for us to retire to the workroom."

He clasped Joey, the largest of the boys, by his shoulders and said, "Shall we?"

The boys got a startled look at one another as the guests moved in on them, and, struggling slightly in the grasps of the ten men, the boys were taken downstairs to the playroom in the basement. Unlike Reno's debut night, there was no striptease in the darkened room. To break all three boys in at once, Reno had decided to go straight to the heart of the matter.

"Gentlemen," he said, "Could you do me the favor of stripping these boys naked and warming them up while I slip into something more comfortable? Take your time and enjoy it. I'll be back in just a few minutes."

Reno stepped into the dark and quickly shed his own clothes. He reached for his cock-ringed harness and boots and found them here he had left them that afternoon. While pulling them on, he watched his guests under the spotlights. The nine men had surrounded the boys and were pulling the clothing off of them, caressing the firm young flesh that was revealed, pinching nipples, fisting cocks, cupping balls, and fingering assholes. Alexi and Ian were french-kissing the struggling Mario and Joey when Reno pulled a leather cap onto his head. He checked quickly to make sure that everything was adjusted just right and then stepped back into the light.

The action stopped with his entrance, and Reno pointed at the wide-eyed boys and said, "Bring them."

The boys were hustled to a new pool of light where a leather sling hung from the ceiling. Reno made of show of carefully considering the naked young men before deliberately pulling Joey out. He backed the young stud up to the sling, stood up to him, reached behind to grasp his ass cheeks and lifted him into the air. Joey grabbed around Reno's shoulders as the leather-clad stud deposited his tasty, young ass onto the sling.

"Let go, lean back, and enjoy the ride," Reno told him.

Joey lay back into the webbing, and Reno pulled the boy's ankles up, fixing them with cuffs to the chains. When he was done, he pointed at the other two boys and said, "You two, on your knees and get your faces over here."

With some help from the guests the boys went to their knees and began to crawl towards Reno. The crowd of men murmured their approval, and evening clothes began to come off. All three boys noticed this, and if Reno's appearance in leather harness and codpiece hadn't alarmed them then the sight of these men stripping down did..

Reno grabbed both the kneeling boys by the hair and looked down at them. He took Ernie's face and forced it into the crack of Joey's ass.

"Eat that ass clean, boy," he growled at Ernie's muffled protests, "Use that tongue and loosen his ass up for my dick."

Joey started to say something, but the effect of Ernie eating him out put an end to that.

"Eungh," he moaned as the talented tongue teased his virgin hole.

"Fuck," he thought, "This is like nothing I ever felt!"

Meanwhile Reno pulled Mario's face to his own crotch.

"Open your mouth and suck me hard, boy," he commanded as he tore away his codpiece.

Mario pulled his lips apart and sucked Reno's dick down into his throat. This at least was something he understood, something he'd done, something he was damned good at. Reno drove Ernie's face around Joey's ass while he pumped in and out of Mario's sweet mouth. After a few minutes he switched them over, letting Joey have a Mexican tongue lashing while he had a go at fucking Filipino face. By now, all the guests were naked, standing around Joey's suspended body, stroking and massaging the young man's lightly furred muscles. Harold and Robin had stepped up to his head and were presenting him with their meaty cocks. Joey didn't even look to Reno for permission but went ahead and started servicing the two men standing over him, licking and sucking whatever dangled where he could get at it. Ian and Shemar had taken Joey's hands and had the boy stroking their shafts while he sucked cock and got rimmed out. Chris and Marcelo on the other hand gravitated towards Reno and his two mouthing fuck-boys. They fell to their knees behind the boys and took over the directing of their ministrations from Reno. Reno leaned back and let whichever young mouth was directed to work over his mean dick. The guests were enjoying the show, and the two boys were falling into their roles perfectly as they went from rimming to blowjob. Joey writhed in the sling, his dick slick with precum, and he was tongue-lashing cock like it was candy. Eventually, Reno decided that he had had enough of all this sucking. He pulled Ernie's head off his dick and pushed the boys aside into the keeping of their handlers.

"Harold, Robin," he said," I'm about to slide into Joey's ass, and since he's a cherry to ass-fucking, you might want to pull out of his mouth."

The two men smiled their thanks and fell to their knees on either side of Joey's head.

"Are you ready for that cock, boy?" Harold whispered in his ear.

"Yeah," Robin whispered into his other ear, "Are you ready to become a man-sex toy? Ready to have your ass fucked and to live for that fucking for the rest of your life?"

Joey, with a worried look on his face, turned his head from one man to the other when Reno took advantage of the distraction, started to feed his dick into the young man's butt. Joey howled, but Harold and Robin were all over his face with deep kisses, muffling his cries as he thrashed in the sling. He began to swing his hands, but Ian and Shemar caught them and cuffed his wrists to the chains as well, spread-eagling him. Reno took a moment to let the writhing Joey adjust to the size of his dick, before pulling out an inch and then feeding more of his cock into the boy's ass. When he pulled out, Chris and Marcelo pushed their boys' faces in close, where they drooled and licked his fuck tool slick. Each time he withdrew, they went in again. As Joey adjusted to the cock in his ass, Harold and Robin stood up and fed him their pricks again. Their contrasting brown poles of meat slid over his pink lips, and his tongue snaked out to tease their shafts. The boy was grunting in time to Reno's thrusts, just like a pig in slops.

Reno half-closed his eyes and applied himself to the sweet ass he was taking. One of Marcelo's hands snaked around behind him and took control of one of his ass cheeks, directing Reno's fucking the same way that he directed Mario's oral ministrations. Eventually, though, the other four men came up behind Chris and Marcelo and demanded they share the wealth. Ernie got passed to Alan and Ian who made much of his long black hair and his muscular physique while hauling him around to one side of Joey's dangling body. Alexi and Shemar took Mario in hand. They bent the boys over Joey's stomach and fastened their wrists to cuffs attached to an iron bar that dangled from chains over the sling. Ian took some time greasing up Alan's long, blond-haired dick and then directed it towards the Asian bubble butt that was spread before him while Shemar did the same honors to the lanky cock that stuck up from Alexi's nest of red pubic hair, finger-fucking Mario open at the same time. The two men bent their knees a little and rose up into the two golden boys' virgin assholes with resolution and determination They ignored the howls as the boys took their first cocks up their asses and set to work screwing their cherries into history.

"Gentlemen," Reno said, forcing himself to focus on something other than Joey's asshole, "Take it slow and deep. We want to make sure that the boys remember every inch of the first cocks to fuck their hot holes."

Chris and Marcelo rose to their feet and joined Reno, caressing his body and kissing and licking his sweaty face. Ian and Shemar stood behind their buddies and, wrapping their arms around their chests, whispered encouragement into their ears. Mark came up between Harold and Robin and kissed one man and then the other, slowly fisting his thick meat as he did so. Eventually Reno signaled for the fuckers to change over. Robin and Harold pulled out of Joey's overstuffed mouth, and Mark bent the boy's head back so that he could long-dick Joey's willing, open throat. Ian and Shemar rammed their dicks up their fuck-boys' asses, and Chris took Reno's place in Joey's hungry asshole. Every few minutes after that, Reno signaled for the fucking to switch off. Some men changed partners, and everybody had a go at taking the boys one way or another, except for Marcelo. Reno could not convince him to use any of the boys, although he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying watching the activities and the sounds of three fuck-boys being. Dicked into submission.

"Oh well," Reno thought, as his cock plowed into Ernie's tight ass, "His loss. Mr. Torres can't say I didn't try."

Only a few switches later, Reno found himself once more in Joey's ass, and he began to increase the pace of the fucking, long-dicking the fuck-crazed boy with lightning fast strokes. Joey's eyes closed all the way and his lips pulled back in a grin that screamed "I'm going to cum!" The other men in the saddle at that moment, Mark in Ernie, Chris in Mario, and Harold in Joey's throat, picked up his cue and increased their own paces. Soon they had the boys riding close to the crest. Joey shot first, his body bucking in the sling, and the long streams of his thick cum sprayed up onto Mario and Ernie's stomachs to drip back down onto his own sun-browned flesh. Harold pulled his cock out of Joey's mouth when he saw what was about to happen, so the men were treated to the desperate animal grunts that went with Joey's orgasm. Later shots oozed down the boy's deflating meat and puddled in his pubic hair where they shown like pearls.

Mark and Chris then fucked the loads out of their boys, who shot all over one another to the accompaniment of their own cries of passion. The combination of the three boy loads ran down their abdominals to drip onto Joey's six-pack. All the men pulled back then and looked at their handiwork slumped in the chains. Reno smiled.

"Gentlemen, thank you," he said, "If these boys aren't broken in to ass-fucking now, then I don't know what that means."

He looked across the room where a new light came on and said, "Let's have some fun."

Reno began to unfasten Joey's ankles from their restraints while Mark and Chris did the same with Ernie and Mario's wrists and Harold with Joey's wrists. Reno pulled Joey up out of the sling and, with Harold's help, drug the exhausted, cum-slick young man across the room to where three padded benches stood. The other boys were brought along as well, and they were all thrown over the benches entirely unrestrained. Cocks were fed into their assholes and down their throats, and before too long there was cum leaking from those asses and cum painted over those faces as the guests fucked themselves into exhaustion.

In the course of this, Reno finally convinced Marcelo to have a go at fucking Joey's ass, but the smaller man insisted that he would only fuck the boy if he had Reno's cock up his own ass at the same time. Joey was helped to his feet, and the other men shouted encouragement as Marcelo backed onto Reno's long cock before feeding his dark brown fuck-meat into Joey's fleshy ass-cheeks. The three standing men rocked back and forth in a ballet of lust for several minutes until Marcelo's face went slack, and he looked down in wonder at Joey's ass where his buried dick was unloosing his load. Then he closed his eyes and lay back against Reno's chest. In front of the three men, Shemar fell to his knees and began to rub Joey's dick up and down. The young stud reached behind him to hold onto Marcelo for support and every muscle in his body spasmed as his cock shot its creamy load into Shemar's outstretched hand. Joey's own hands fell to his sides, and Reno wrapped his arms around Marcelo's all-but-limp body as Harold came up and pulled Joey off the still-hard, brown dick. Reno looked over at the guests who were examining Joey's cum like they were at a wine tasting and smiled.

"Gentlemen," he said, "I don't know about you, but I think that this would be a lot more comfortable if we moved upstairs to the bedrooms."

The guests cheered and picked up the boys to haul them out of the dark into the moonlight-filled guest bedrooms. Reno carried Marcelo upstairs and left him in an easy chair in the bedroom where Alan and Alexi used Ernie's hot, hard body, Alan kneeling behind, plowing his hot ass like a dog fucking his bitch, and Alexi lying underneath in a sixty-nine with the hot Filipino stud. Marcelo just sat there watching the three of them go at it, his hand wrapped around his cock and a contented look glazing his eyes, as Reno quietly slipped out of the room.

Reno wandered back down the hallway and glanced into an open door to watch Harold almost tenderly fucking Joey face to face while Chris knelt behind and licked Harold's big Black balls from behind. Mark lay alongside Joey and nuzzled his ear while the boy wrapped a hand around the Asian hunk's cock and pumped away. Reno didn't see the other guests, but noises from behind a closed door told him that those three had Mario well in hand. As he walked downstairs, Reno thought that he could count the evening as a success.

Several hours later, Reno was lying naked, his leather long discarded, on the grass by the side of the pool. He was staring at the stars, hoping to catch a meteor when his attention was captured by the sight of a lone figure making his way out of the house. The sounds of the sexual excesses inside had slowly died away as the night had gone on, and Reno was intrigued that anybody could still be up. Somehow, though, he was not surprised that it turned out to be Marcelo wrapped in a flimsy robe. Marcelo sat down beside Reno and looked up at the sky.

Reno ventured, "You like to look at the stars?'

"Oh yes," Marcelo said, distracted, "I have an interest in stars."

Reno looked up at him.

"Purely professional interest, I assure you," the brown-skinned stud said.

Reno smiled, thinking, "Of course professional, we entertain lots of astronomers here at the ranch."

Marcelo looked down into Reno's eyes and said, "You don't believe me."

"Does it matter?" Reno asked, meeting Marcelo's look.

"No," Marcelo said, "I suppose not," and he dropped his head and kissed Reno on the lips.

Reno closed his eyes and let his tongue play back and forth with Marcelo's until the smaller man pulled back. His robe had come open, and the brown muscles of his body were slick with sweat.

"All those boys," Marcello said softly, "They're nice, I'm sure, but I find what I truly hunger for is a real man."

He ran his brown hand down Reno's chest to encircle the biker stud's rising cock.

Reno moaned and thrust gently against Marcelo's hand. Ever since Torres had detailed Reno to fuck Jeremy into submission, his bouts of playing the fuck-boy bottom had fallen off until now he was scarcely ever fucked unless he waylaid Malik as he had the previous day. Truth told, he missed it. Still, he had told Torres that the guests would have no complaints, and he was frankly flattered by Marcelo's admiration and definitely turned on by his sleek Latino body.

Reno spread his legs apart and growled at Marcelo, "You want to have a real man, then go for it."

Marcelo looked at him almost with surprise, but the look soon turned into one of pure joy.

"You would let me...?" he began to ask, but Reno interrupted him by reaching up to slide the robe off of Marcelo's shoulders.

Impatiently, Reno ran his hand behind Marcelo's head and pulled him down into a reprise of their first passionate kiss. While their lips slid back and forth, Reno grabbed Marcelo's ass and pulled him down onto his long, furry body. Their dicks slid back and forth between their rippling bodies, and Reno began to pull his spread legs up alongside Marcelo's chest. Marcelo rocked back onto his knees, and looked down, startled, at Reno's face.

"Take me, stud," Reno told him, "Just slide your dick into my ass and fuck a real man into tomorrow."

Marcelo lost no time in spit-lubing his cock and feeding it into Reno's asshole. Reno moaned with the penetration and sighed at the feeling of being filled with man-meat. Together they fucked their way into a state being where there was no time; only the sex existed. They fucked in more positions than Reno could count, and through it all Reno relished the sensations of a single man loving his body. They were back into missionary position when they finally shot their loads. Marcelo collapsed onto Reno's chest, and Reno managed to wrap his arms around the smaller man before he too fell into a doze.

The rising sun still found them wrapped in each other's arms on the grass, and as the warmth roused Reno, he smiled down at his partner.

"A night with the boys might be fun," he thought, "But a night with a real man, that is something special."

Author's note: This story was written back in the 90s, and I cast certain men in given roles. You may want to imagine someone else, and that's okay. The same caveats as to the sexuality of my cast of actors apply here.

Joey Lawrence (Joey): from any early episode of Brotherly Love. Mario Lopez (Mario): from the final seasons of Saved by the Bell. Ernie Reyes Jr. (Ernie): from the movie, Surf Ninjas. Harold Perrineau (Harold): from the TV series, Oz. Shemar Moore (Shemar): from the soap-opera, Christopher Atkins (Chris): from the movie, Project Shadowchaser 3. Ian Jacklin (Ian): from the movie, Kickboxer 3. Mark Dacascos (Mark): from the movie, DNA, but for the second appearance, you might want to think of how he looked in the movie, Sanctuary. Robin Shou (Robin): from the movie, Mortal Kombat. Alan Jackson (Alan): from any of his CMT music videos. Alexi Lalas (Alexi): from the soccer field. Marcelo Rios (Marcelo): from the tennis court.

Next: Chapter 6

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