Entering the Chapel

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Feb 8, 2018


Entering the Chapel


Ok, if you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of fiction containing gay sexual activity. If this offends you crawl back under your rock. It is the sole property of the author and may not be used without his written permission. If you enjoy stories on this site think about an ongoing monthly contribution - nifty.org/donate.

Comments are welcomed- jaskejr@Hotmail.com

Entering the Chapel


I sat in my new home, my new project. I'd bought the old palace from the municipal authorities. Under the fallen communist regime it had been a senior home for select officials and their families. But the history had been far more ancient. Generations of owners going back many centuries had built on top of previous buildings. Dukes, before them Archbishops, before them abbots, and even older generations had owned the property. Each one putting his own touch on the property. Now it was mine. It had been my original intention to turn it into a conference center. But things changed.

Perhaps a little background on myself is needed. At 35 and facing the dawn of another century I had sold my tech business to a large American firm. This left me with a profit of half a billion American dollars. My grandparents had left this part of the world to seek their future in the US. They'd been moderately successful leaving my parents to increase their inherited wealth. Being the scion of a well off family I was gifted with a good education and the freedom to live as I pleased. But I was caught with the tech bug that accompanied the era. My small developmental company of just 30 workers, each with a stake in the company, soon took the lead in one of the most needed parts of the field. We were offered a large sum for the company. So the 30 of us went on a retreat in the mountains of Colorado. Over a long weekend my people worked out an even bigger picture of the company's worth. Hiring a well known firm to handle the sale we soon reaped a fortune for each of us. We had one final fare well dinner and each went his or her own way.

I invested in a group of companies with a steady record of returns. My annual income was more than I could ever spend. So I decided to go back to the "old" country. I looked at a number of the many properties that had been held by the old regime. Many were in terrible shape. I lucked out on this one. It was a 17th century palace on 400 acres of forested land. The basic fabric of the building with its 36 rooms was in pretty good condition. But it was far from any major tourist attractions. The new national government, despairing of ever selling the lot, turned it over to the local authorities who soon realized that the upkeep of the property far exceeded their annual budget. They were eager to get rid of it. I made a low offer never really thinking I could buy it. It was a total surprise when I received a registered letter accepting my offer -for an all cash sale.

At the closing two months later the local officials handed me an old wooden box along with all the keys to the place. When I asked about the box, they simply told me that it had been handed down from one owner to the next. No one ever tried to find out what it contained. They were a superstitious lot and had dared not tempt fate by exploring the buildings. I pried open the box later when I moved in. There was a single iron key and a hand written parchment in Latin. It took me a while using my junior school Latin textbook to translate it. "Those who seek eternal pleasure will be wise to venture in with care." It intrigued me. I put it aside until a later time.

My initial exploration of the main building showed each successive stage in the development of the palace. Each level down represented the past ownership. I did some research in the old village archives. It seemed that the building has a series of very strange owners. Some were raving lunatics, others eccentrics, others just plain hermits. There were the usual rumors of ghosts, tragic events befalling various owners. In the long locked library I found hidden spaces with diaries written centuries ago.

I searched for translators in these ancient tongues at the universities. Finally, I found the right person. He was Gregoire, a young 29 year old scholar of ancient local languages. i emailed him at the university and arranged for him to come for an interview. On the appointed day, he arrived and I beheld a bookish, young man, about 26, dark brown hair with crystal blue yes. He was a bit shorter, about 5'11. He seemed eager. I offered him what he considered an exorbitant salary to move into the palace and to help me with the history of the place. It would help him to complete his doctoral work. He proved worth every cent.

He arrived just as I was beginning the process of staffing and renovating the place. He settled in quickly. But before he began to work on the diaries he offered to help be arrange for a staff and local workers. The first hire was a local man as the estate manager, Jan. He was another university graduate seeking a job in a poor economy. Now he was totally the opposite of Greg. He was a tall, 29 year old athletic blond with hazel eyes that commanded respect. He took over the renovations and furnishing of the palace. I soon discarded my original intention of opening a conference center in favor of a more exclusive resort for discrete, selected clients. My new manager was computer savvy and we went about the task to build a very polished web site. Our opening was set for the next summer, 2000. Almost immediately requests for information started pouring in. It looked like that it would take off. Working with a few local universities and training schools we soon had a grasp of the kind of staff we'd need to run an exclusive operation.

That settled I returned to my quest for an history of the place. With my young, 26 year old scholar, we began to build a history of the palace and previous owners. It soon became obvious that we were in for some surprises. Little by little, the true nature of the place was revealed. In the process of our work, I pulled out the old wooden box with the key and the mysterious message. Day after day we'd spend an hour trying to open various doors on each sub level of the building. Finally, at the lowest level we came upon a thick metal encased door. The key opened the door only to reveal a set of stairs going down to another level. We each had a flash light to show the way. At the bottom there was a small wooden door with iron fixings. It had an iron chain across the front sealing it. The same seal of the abbey was affixed to the lock. The key did not work on this one. I told Greg that I'd be right back.

I raced up the stairs to the main level. Looking around I saw a crowbar, probably left by a workman. Grabbing it, I raced back down the stairs to Greg. He was kneeling examining the chain. I lifted the bar to try to break the chain. "Stop!" Greg yelled. "This chain seems to be made of silver, don't break it yet." he warned. Taking the bar and using his light he worked back to where the chain was attached to the stone wall. Greg inserted the bar into one link and pulled hard. It broke releasing the entire chain but keeping the seal intact. I pushed at the door and it creaked open. We flashed our lights around the room. In the center was a carved stone altar. It was highly polished and reflected out lights. On the wall behind the altar was an enormous carved stone phallus. Atop the altar were a number of phallic shaped candle sticks with the half burnt candles still in them. I used my lighter to light the candles. The candle light gave the room an eerie glow. There were boxes and chests piled around the was. Mosaic panels depicting various phallic rituals covered the walls and ceiling. It was obvious that the room had not been touched for many centuries. In the middle of the altar was an ornately carved wooden box. Carefully Greg opened the box. Inside was an ancient manuscript. Greg lifted the box. I looked over his shoulder. But the light was too dim to see much. I whispered "Let's take this back and seal the doors as we leave.' He nodded his agreement.

As we made our way back up I noticed another bolted door. Pushing the bolt back I pulled it open. Stone stairs led up to another wooden panel. I pushed and suddenly sunlight revealed that somehow we had returned to the library. Walking into the room I realized that the wooden panel was actually the back of an older bookcase. It was a secret door. I pushed the bookcase back and it closed.

Greg and I stood in silence for a few minutes. He spoke in a hushed but reverent tone, "I think that we need to make some decisions. It's obvious that centuries ago this place was some kind of temple. These books and the secret chapel were the center of a cult worship. I think that we might reconsider our task. First, let's order some specialized equipment that will protect the ancient books." he offered. I agreed and told him to order whatever he needed. I thought that at this point we should bring Jan in to discuss the future of the place. It had some scholarly interest and might point the way to an entirely different type of client.

Over dinner that night the three of us discussed what we'd discovered. I noticed the way that Jan looked at Greg. I saw more than a slight sexual tension rise in that look. Being a man of the world, I knew that these two young men might have another interest in common, some other needs. I decided that the matter should be out in the open. So over cognac I decided to point out the elephant in the room. "You know that the ancient phallic rites are still practiced by some people." I started out. "There are places in Europe, and indeed other locations where the penis is still worshiped." Both young men looked at me and each other. They blushed a deep pink. I continued, " I myself have been known to delve into that from time to time." I noticed that there were sure signs of bulges evident in their pants. Standing I refilled their glasses while at the same time making no effort to hide my own excitement. We talked more of our exploration of sexuality and the impact it had on our lives. I suggested that we were not that far removed from the ancients in our practices. More cognac and more open conversations had us going late into evening. We sat in front of the fire in my study on that cool evening gradually opening up to each other. The more we talked the more evident their own excitement became.

Greg, not being able to stand the tension in the room, stood to place his eyeglasses on the mantel, displaying his own hardness in his pants. There in the light of the fire we could see the outline of his hard erection. Jan just stared, his mouth open. His eyes glued to Greg. Finally, I broke the tension by speaking, "It looks like we have a problem. Let's go into my bedroom and get more comfortable?" Like zombies, they both followed me into the bedroom. I started to light a fire and some candles. Jan and Greg both stood there waiting for someone to make a move. "Gentlemen, let's be open," I whispered, "All of us are excited sexually, why not be open and undress? It's very clear that we have similar needs" I pulled my shirt over my head and then stepped out of my shoes. Both followed my lead, revealing tight, well developed young bodies. I unbuttoned my jeans and then pulled the zipper down. My jeans fell to the floor. Hastily they followed my lead. I stood there in my blue boxer briefs looking at two pairs of skimpy bikini briefs that held straining erections. I knelt on the oriental rug as they both moved towards me. Standing mere inches in front of me I saw two throbbing outlines of stiff cocks. I lifted each hand to their bulges and squeezed. Both moaned as they turned to each other's lips. Their kiss was tentative at first but soon grew in passion. I reached to the waist bands of the briefs and pulled them down freeing the hard cocks into the open air. I stood letting my own briefs fall to the floor. We shared a three way kiss as we fell onto the bed. Greg, by far the least experienced, lay in the middle. Jan and I began by each taking a side. We kissed his neck, then his shoulders. We nibbled on his ears as out hands sought his tender nipples. Greg moaned with need. I responded by going to an erect nipple to tease it with my tongue. Jan was soon doing the same. This must've set off a fire in Greg. He moaned and twisted into our touch. He let out a deep moan and said only one word "More!" He surrendered to us as we worked our way down his body. Reaching his pubs, both of us licked and then separated. I went for his plump, shaved full balls. While Jan licked and sucked on the sides of his straining cock. Greg thrashed about as his desire mounted. We slowly moved back up his body, kissing his tender skin.

Greg turned his head from one to the other of us, giving each of us hungry, deep kisses. We returned those as our passions grew. I sat up, reaching for the drawer of my night stand. I pulled out a tube of lube and a small, brown bottle of poppers. I handed the lube to Jan and opened the brown bottle. I offered the bottle first to Greg. He inhaled deeply. His flushed face told me that he'd soon feel the vapors. I took a hit and noticed Jan's lubed fingers moving between Greg's legs. He was preparing Greg for our on version of the phallic ritual. I moved the bottle to Jan as I leaned into Greg for another kiss. Then Greg eagerly took another hit before surrendering himself to us. Each of us lifted a leg to expose Greg's tight, pink puckered opening. Jan's lubing had prepared him well. Each of us pushed a finger into the flowering hole. Working in tandem we were pushing Greg to accepting his fate as the object of our lust. As we opened him up more Greg's moans grew louder. His needs became more obvious. My own need was evident by the pre-cum dripping from my cock. I looked at Jan, lust in my eyes. He nodded and removed his finger. I quickly moved into place between Greg's legs. My knob end was just at Greg's puckering door to pleasure. I slowly moved forward. Greg surprised me by pushing into my advancing tool. His tightness gripped me into the soft, velvet tunnel.

Jan had moved up to offer his dripping cock to our young friend. It was eagerly accepted with an urgent moaning. As I pumped into that tunnel, Greg's cock grew stiff. It began to bounce against his stomach, dripping and spreading his pre across his muscled abs. He tried to grab it but I held his hands away knowing that the pleasure he was feeling would only increase with our combined stimulation of his senses. His body jerked with his need. Between my needs and Greg's strong anal muscles I knew that my 7 inches would erupt sooner that I wanted. After a few minutes I felt my climax racing through my body. I could not stop it! With a roar I emptied a months worth of cum deep into Greg's bowels, pushing as far as possible into his body. I fell on the young man's body, breathless.

As I regained my senses, I looked up to see Jan's 10 inches in front of my face. I gave him a quick lick before moving from the violently contracting hole I'd just filled. Jan wasted no time in replacing me. His thick, long tool soon had Greg begging for more. Now Jan was a considerate lover. He slowly pushed in and out of the opened hole. He brought our friend to another height of sexual awareness. I gave Greg another hit of the poppers knowing that the larger cock might inflict a bit of pain. It proved to be unnecessary. Jan moved the now relaxed man so that he was leaning back on his shoulders. Jan had managed to kneel and fuck straight down into the welcoming ass. Greg cried out in joy at the new position.

We continued for a few hours. Both Jan and I offered our bodies to Greg. Being young and with a quick recovery time they were able to have multiple orgasms. We were not selfish with our bodies. Each one was able to give and receive the offerings of the others. Finally, we drifted off to sleeps- limbs intertwined, balls drained.

I woke with the sound of the workmen at the front gate. I went to the window and saw two trucks loaded with the workmen. I waved and rushed back to my bed to wake the two sleeping beauties. The day's work was waiting for us.

Having shared the experience with Greg and Jan we refocused out project. It was no longer a simple conference center or bed and breakfast. Now we had two prime targets- gay men who might want to engage in Priapus worship and scholars of ancient religious sects. Sometimes the two overlapped though.

Jan and I set about redoing the program for the web site. Instead of refurnishing the entire 20 bedrooms of the palace we'd focus on just 8. This would allow us to redo the others at our leisure. We also decided that our season would have to be shorter- mid-April to September to avoid the coldest months of the year. This would also allow Greg to work our findings into his doctorial paper.

Since the palace would basically be a B&B, Jan made arrangements with restaurants in nearby villages to offer out guests other meals. We were able to contract with local pastry shops to supply our breakfast breads. Jan talked to some of the village women. They offered to do laundry for the shorter season. That out of the way we now could focus on staffing and the improvement of the grounds. Greg had identified small overgrown structures on the grounds. A local landscaper came in with an easy to maintain plan for gardens and an orchard. We would grow most of our own vegetables and fruits.

Now Jan began to scout out staff. We knew that with a gay client base it would be wise to hire attractive young men. But they would have to know that most of the clients would be gay. We didn't need help that might insult the paying customers. Jan went further afield for these staff. He found some gay friends at the university who might be able to guide prospective staff to us. I left Jan in charge of interviewing these since I had few Czech language skills. I did insist that the staff be multi-lingual to assist the guests.

Greg managed to interest some university faculty in joining in the exploration of the site and manuscripts. They mainly worked around our business schedule. All seemed to be falling into place. Word of Greg's research reached the government. We were offered resources and guidance in preservation of our work. The national museum sent in teams to help us explore some of the below ground sites and document the progress.

During the winter before out opening, Jan and I decided that we should visit some of the major gay cities where our web site had gotten the most responses. We spent 3 weeks touring in the US and another 3 in Europe. Some of our expenses were covered by the national tourist office. While we toured we kept up with the reservations that were coming into the website, many were referrals from the national tourist office. It looked like May would be a busy start to our first year of operations.

We kept in contact with Greg while he was at the university. He'd found a few young, gay men who would be available in April to help prepare for the opening. We'd need just a small staff to handle the first few weeks. The "interview" process was contacted at the palace by both Jan and myself. I wanted to get a feel for how the staff would interact with the clients. While not intending to hire just gay staff we ended up with a 90% gay staff. Most had some experience in the hospitality industry. I felt pretty good in our choices.

Two weeks before the grand opening, the university faculty went over the plans for the grounds and marked off areas that would be closed to guests. I was able to make some contacts with gay travel agents and arranged for a 3 day preview tour of the facilities. They offered suggestions and helpful hints on marketing.

Opening weekend arrived. The staff was dressed in uniforms that were formal but also gave a casual air. We did get a short spot on the local TV along with flowers from well wishers. The first guests arrived from Munich at around 11AM. Local restaurants had offered to provide samples of their cuisine for the arriving guests. We set out a spread in the main hall with the foods and local wines. By 2 in the afternoon all of the guests who had reserved rooms were registered and were sampling the foods and wines. It seemed to be going well. The village provided a mini-bus to take the guests on a tour of the area and to take them to the local places to eat.

By 11PM everyone had returned to the palace and settled in for the evening. Jan, Greg, and I took some of the help to my quarters for an evaluation of the day. I had ordered bottles of the local wine for this session. When most of the staff had left my quarters, except for 2 handsome young men, we settled in for a private celebration of our own.

OK, Want more from this new venture? Perhaps some of those underground rooms hold more secrets? Maybe a group of special guests will discover something about themselves?

Ok, remember to clean up your mess! Put the tool away and think about all the good stories you've read on nifty- donate a bit back.

Next: Chapter 2

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