
By Michael J Daly

Published on Feb 7, 2001



Disclaimer: Yeah, like you read these things. < 18, I won't ask, you won't tell. I would tell you to leave, but you won't listen *N Sync, I don't know nothin' 'bout em. Fiction, people! FIC. TION. Chapter Titles are taken from lyrics from Jonathan Larson's Rent Not just a sex show! I'm one for true romance - looking for a quickie? Look elsewhere. Thanks again for the responses! Comments are always welcome. Good & Bad. Special thanks to Ryann and Scott for motivating me enough to write this chapter. I was going to write it eventually, it's just they kept asking for it and got me to write it sooner. Procrastination is my friend. Thanks again, guys. I'm not proofing this one. Sorry about that. I'm not in the mood.

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Three: No Day But Today

"So, there I was, passed out at the feet of three members of *Nsync. Not my one moment of glory, so to speak. Oh well, right? I didn't feel too bad about it. I mean, I met James when he was passed out, so I think fair is fair, right? Tit for tat? I'm not sure how Justin and JC reacted to it; we were never close so I never asked about my first impression. Anyway. We got to my apartment in the East Village and Rachel carried me up to my apartment. A big feat, considering she was half drunk and about a foot and a half shorter than I am. She tucked me in and fell asleep on the couch, no doubt waiting for me to wake up so she could rag on me about not being able to hold my liquor and stuff.

"But, thankfully, fortune had another plan for that morning."

My head was screaming for mercy. I'm surprised I'm still alive. Who knew I would know such pain? Never again, never again. Alcohol bad. After a few minutes, I realized that there was an external source of the pain. Someone was at my door. I wearily got off the futon and stumbled to the door, opened it, turned around and stumbled back to the futon. I could hear James laughing.

"Wow, now I know where they came up with the phrase 'sight for sore eyes.' Remind me never to be around when you're hung over. And you won't stub your toes like that if you would open your eyes."

I grunted. "Don't worry, it will never happen again." I collapsed on the futon with a thud. "Last night was a one time thing." A thought hit. "James, Lance, David, whatever your name is today - what are you doing here?"

"Just checking to see how you're doing. You were pretty so wasted in the limo last night."

I smiled in spite of the pain it caused. "Ah, I found a man who cares. Too bad he's straight and lives in swampland."

He protested. "Hey, there is nothing wrong with Florida! It's better than the neon lights and gray buildings of the Big Apple." I grunted. And then I heard something that my badly damaged brain could not, no, WOULD not process. "And who says I was straight?" he whispered. I decided to ignore the comment.

"Let me give you the grand tour, if you don't mind me not getting up." I pointed to my right. "That's the living room. I would invited you to sit down, but Rachel is probably dead on the couch." A very un-ladylike snore confirmed my suspicion. I pointed toward the back of the futon. "Back there is the kitchen. I would offer you something to drink, but I have nothing but brown water. Very nutritious, brown water is." I heard James stifle a laugh. I continued my tour. "Behind the curtain there by the stove is the shower and the toilet is behind that door in the back. So, how do you like it."

"It's charming. Cozy."

I sighed. Well, he can't be perfect, right? "James, sarcasm is not your best suite."

James laughed. "So I've been told. But I think it's cool. Every thing within reach and I could give tours in bed still in my pjs."

What? I don't wear pjs to bed. I can't wear anything to. . . oh my GOD! I quickly pulled the covers over my body as James burst into hysterics. I could feel my face begin to burn.

After a long while, he could speak again. "Don't worry, I didn't see much." My face went nuclear. I tentatively opened my eyes for the first time that morning. The filtered sunlight didn't register anything. I looked at my guest. God, how can anyone be so perky this early in the morning? Yeah I usually get up at the butt crack of dawn, but I'm never perky. But James was all smiles.

"Could you hand me my boxers? Top drawer of the thing you're leaning on. No, the left one. Your other left. That's it, he can be taught!" With that I got hit in the head with a pair of flying boxers. I giggled. "Now I can sue for assault and battery." Quickly slipping the boxers on, I jumped out of my futon and started getting dressed. James stood there, watching.

"So you and your friend . . ."


"Thanks. You and Rachel had a little fun last night after the limo ride?"

I pulled my shirt on and glared at him. "Gay, remember?" Then it hit me. "Oh, you mean the naked thing?" He nodded. "No, I'm guessing I did it myself, while I was sleeping. I've done it before. I can't sleep with clothes on. I'm surprised I didn't do it in the limo."

"You strip in your sleep? What were you dreaming about?" He gave me his grin again. I grinned back.

"You're on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know." I decided to change the subject. "So you're here because?"

"Told you, already. Just wanted to see how you're doing. You looked bad on the ride home last night, so I wanted to check up on you."

I gave him a skeptical look. "And the rest of *Nsync are ok with this?" "What do you mean?" "Well, they weren't particularly friendly last night. And the brunette kept on giving me the evil eye." James looked down. "Oh, I wouldn't be too concerned about Josh. He's just a little overprotective, that's all. And they left for Florida this morning. I'm here by myself 'til the 6th. All by my lonesome. I have so much planned, by New York is no fun by yourself." He looked up and flashed me a quick smile. "I was thinking that maybe I could drag a naked gay guy out of bed and hang with him for the rest of the week?" I must say that boy is contagious. Having nothing to do, I decided to take him up for his offer. At the very least, I'll forget about Deny for a bit. "Where did you want to go?" He smiled again. "Well, I have two tickets for 'Jekyll & Hyde.' I hear it's closing on the 6th and I don't want to miss my chance to see it. I hear it's a great show." "Well, it was a great show. but now David Hasselhoff is Jekyll, and that's just wrong." He gave a little laugh. "Not a fan of 'Baywatch', huh?" "No, and he's the reason why. If I wanted to watch an old guy run around half naked I wouldn't have moved away from my father." James looked crestfallen. "Well, I guess I can find someone else to watch the show with me." "Why?" Then it hit me. "Oh, the David thing? Don't worry, I'll live. I just wish Sebastian Bach was still doing it. Now he made a hot Jekyll. What time is it?" "4.p.m. Mr. Sleepyhead. You have three hours to get ready." "Well, in that case, I better get moving." I went to the closet for my one nice outfit. Turning around, I noticed James watching me. Smiling I asked "So, are you going to watch the show again, or are you going to let me shower in peace?" His face went red and he turned. "I have some books over by the couch. Sorry there's no T.V. Poisons the mind and all." He walked past the couch and paused. "What are we going to do with her?" "Who? Rachel? she'll be dead for a couple more hours at least. She's on a graveyard shift. Never wakes up before sunset." Rachel gave a content little snore to back me up. I smiled and stepped into the shower, not bringing up the fact that my guest was giving me fleeting glances. Hey, he's taking me to see a broadway show! I should ease up a little.

"I've never seen anyone get ready so fast" James said as we got out of the cab in front of the Plymouth Theatre a little after five. I laughed. "Well, when you can't pay the heating bill you learn to take fast showers. I glanced at his watch. We're a little early." "I was hoping to get something to eat first. Any suggestions?" I thought for a little. "There's a great sushi bar across the street." I noticed a grimace on James' face. "You don't like raw fish, huh?" "Well, I never tried it before. So I don't don't like it." "You'll love it. Come on." After a couple of minutes walking we entered the bar. We were shown to a pair of stools and sat down. A moving bar in front of us held several plates of sushi. I explained to James to take what he wanted and they'll add up the plates. "Interesting. This is nothing like a steakhouse." I grimaced. "Red meat. I should have known. You're from the south. Sorry about that. Next time, I'll try to feel like a man." James started choking on his fish. "What?" he asked, gagging. I smiled. "When we go out, Rachel asks if I'm feeling like a man today. If I am, me go to a steak house where I take a bite or two from the cow and then I'm done." "And how often do you feel like a man?" I had to think. "Hmmm, not since a couple years ago, actually." James was about to say something when I held up my finger. "Hold that thought, waiter's here." I looked up and swore softly. David came bearing some green tea. I quickly motioned for James to look down. Deny was in love with *Nsync and although I didn't really know David, I didn't want to risk him blabbing to his boyfriend. "Anything else that I can get you?" "Water please." David nodded and started to walk off when he had a change of heart. Looking at me, he said, "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't even want to come but Deny wanted to . . .." Trailing off, he sighed and walked away. So that's where I recognized David from. I looked at James who looked as if I was a time bomb and he were the rookie cop sent in to disarm it. "So, I guess I'm finding a new sushi bar to eat at. Or maybe I'll become a man sooner then I thought. James visibly relaxed. "Well, that," I pointed "was David. Deny's new boyfriend. I would have introduced you, but I wouldn't want word getting back to Deny that he was replaced by a boyband member." James and I started to crack up. David, back with the water, gave us a comically look which made me laugh even harder. He scurried away, not even registering James. "Come on, Mr. Man With Thousand Name. Well be late if we don't start eating."

We left the theatre a few hours later. "So, what did you think?" "I loved it. Who knew 'Jekyll & Hyde' was a love story." I laughed. "Well, it's not, really. The musical is a loose interpretation of the book. The book is actually quite dry. They just spiced it up a little." James' looked at me. "And how did you like it, Travis?" "I loved it, James. Thank you. Mr. Hasselhoff was actually quite good, considering. I just wish you could have seen Sebastian Bach." "I didn't know you were into Skid Row." "I'm not." I looked at him and smiled. "But they're better then the carp that's on the radio now." James clutched his heart and stumbled. "And Travis delivers the killing bow." Straightening up he looked at me seriously. "That's good that you don't like my music." A laughed. "And why is that, Mr. Bass?" "Because management doesn't let us date fans." I stopped. My mouth hanging open. James shut my mouth. "It's getting chilly; would you walk with me to my hotel?" "If the good lord had intended us to walk, he wouldn't have invented rollerskates." Good old mouth - working without the brain. How I remember all these movie lines, I'll never know. I ignored the look James gave me and started walking. After a few minutes, James broke the silence. "Was I presumptuous back there? I'm sorry." "No, it's not that. I just wasn't expecting that." James smiled. "So, Travis. Will you?" I looked at him, trying to read his eyes. He looked sincere but. "I'm not sure." His face dropped. "I don't like to rush into things like this, and the thing with Deny, well, bad timing." Staring intently at his shoes he spoke again. "So, I guess I'll never see you again." I stopped. He really was sincere. I was breaking his heart. Strange, being on the giving end instead of the receiving one. I didn't like it. "I didn't say that." He looked up, confusion on his face. "You have a week to win me over." The mood visibly lightened. Although we still walked in silence, we were comfortable. Too soon, we arrived at the Ritz. I stopped, not knowing what to do. "Do you want to come up?" I started to giggle. Quickly explaining, I said, "Very "Notting Hill"-ish, James. You say 'Do you want to come up', and I say 'There are a million reason why I shouldn't" and then . . .." James cut me off. "I was hoping you didn't see that movie. Oh well. Do you want to come up?" He was serious. I must have hesitated a little too long, for he started speaking again. "If I can steal your bit of taking a line from the movies?" He started to sing.

It seems crazy but you must believe There's nothing calculated, nothing planned Please forgive me if I seem naive I would never want to force your hand But please understand I'd be good for you I don't always rush in like this Twenty seconds after saying hello Telling strangers I'm too good to miss If I'm wrong, I hope you tell me so But you really should know I'd be good for you I'd be surprisingly good for you

He had a beautiful singing voice. Very deep and sensual. I wondered why he never got a solo part. I'm sure *Nsync would increase a thousand fold.

I won't go on if I'm boring you But do you understand my point of view Do you like what you hear, What you see and would you be Good for me too? I'm not talking of a hurried night A frantic tumble then a shy goodbye Creeping home before it gets too light That's not the reason that I caught your eye Which has to imply I'd be good for you I'd be surprisingly good for you

"I'm sorry James. It's too soon." I can't believe I just said that. Neither could James, I guess. "I understand. I'll call tomorrow. Thank you for coming with me." Glancing around, he noticed there was no one around. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. A million emotions rushed through me. And then it was over. He straightened up and went inside. Glancing back, he smiled and waved to me. And then, I was standing there, all alone.

Rachel looked at me, a glare piercing my soul. "How dare you leave without letting me rag on you! I was so planning . . . Trey what's wrong." I wiped the tears falling from my eyes. "Nothing's wrong." Rachel gave me her evil eye. I knew I wouldn't get away with that. "Rachel. I think I'm falling in love."

Coming Soon: Four: Seasons Of Love

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