Eric's Revenge

By P H

Published on Jun 15, 2024



Chapter six

They had to escort me or I would have probably collapsed on the way down to the punishment room for my second visit of the day, either from the pain or from the fear and anticipation of what was waiting for me there. Blood oozed from my asshole and from my caged dick which was now in the torturing grip of those twenty fierce little 3-millimetre spring-loaded spikes. Eric and the blond guard marched me through a recreation hall full of inmates who laughed and jeered, slapped me and punched me. They also grabbed at my cage, ringing my heavy little bell heartily, which made my spiked dick hurt more than ever. Everyone had been told what I did to boys in the most lurid possible way and they enjoyed watching me suffer.

Eric had explained in my cell why I was to be taken to the punishment room: `The boys complained that you screamed too much when they fucked you. Also, they all said that you didn't make them feel as good with your anus as you could have done - you'll have to learn, shitface, the technique of using your anal muscles to make a cock feel welcome up your asshole. Same when they fucked your mouth -- in future, you'll have to encourage a cock to explore deep into your throat -- massage it with your throat muscles -- and control your gag reflex. Remember cunt, that your holes are for satisfying other men's dicks in this place. That's their only important role. So learn!'.

Eric continued: `They loved it when you activated the spikes, but of course you don't get any credit for that because you didn't actually intend to impale your dick on 20 spikes. I'm pleased that those few seconds of pleasure resulted quickly in extreme pain. The spikes remind you that you're here to suffer. But I don't want you even to have a few seconds of pleasure from now on, so I'm going to tighten your cage when I re-set the spring in the punishment room. From now on, if your nasty little dick swells at all, the spikes will be released immediately. The tighter cage will make them dig in a bit deeper too, punishing you sooner and even harder than just now.

`The boys said that, after your dick had been pierced by the spikes, you thought too much about your pain and not about them. You didn't please them as much and didn't beg them and thank them enough.

`Overall, they gave you only 5 out of 10, so that's why we're taking you back to the punishment room.

Eric then told me the about the punishments he'd decided to give me for my failures as a whore. `You'll receive 12 more with the cane and 12 with the prison strap. You haven't had the prison strap yet, so it'll be a nasty new experience for you. Then we're going to leave you tied to our little wooden horse for an hour or two -- you won't enjoy it. When you straddle the horse, you'll find it's back, where you have to sit, is jagged and splintery, so it'll be pretty hard on your asshole given the violent way that it's just lost its virginity. You'll hate it but you deserve it. Oh and the other really nasty thing you need to know about the horse is that you'll be cuffed and there's nowhere to put your feet -- so your ass-crack, along with your cock and balls, will support all your weight.

I'll tighten the cage and re-set the spring while you're on the horse'. The horse-punishment is more effective on an unprotected dick. We'll clean you up with the peppery antiseptic too - I don't want you to get an infection in your dick yet -- I want to make sure your dick rots slowly and drops off after 5 long years in this place under my supervision', said Eric.

Eric and the blond guard were all business as they secured me to the spanking bench. Once again my buttocks stuck up into the air at just the convenient height for striking with whatever implement was chosen to strike them. The big difference from the morning was my exposed buttock were now sore, swollen and welted. Once again, Eric and the guard selected tough, thick and bendy prison canes. Eric said Explain to us why you deserve a caning followed by a strapping, bitch, and explain why this part of your punishment should be severe, merciless even. I hesitated a few seconds You're keeping us waiting -- that's two extra with the cane already', said the blond guard, and burst out laughing. Sorry, Sirs, for keeping you waiting. Please cane me very severely, Sirs, mercilessly in fact. Please enjoy my screams -- hit me even harder when I scream because it means you're getting through to me. I'm sorry I messed up with the three boys and deserve to be caned severely.' What about the prison-strap?' asked Eric -- two extra with the strap for forgetting about it - carry on: `Please, Sirs, I beg you - follow the caning with a dozen with the prison-strap, also really hard. Please keep in mind, Sirs, that I need the strapping because of the bad things I've done and because I was a bad whore.'

This finally satisfied them and I noticed I had teared up -- I cried even before they started caning me. Then, the first stroke took my breath away.

I suppose a caning over my other caning, and the over paddling I'd received that afternoon during the hard labour, was bound to be painful. But this seemed to hit a new level of pain and I screeched dementedly as the strokes rained down mercilessly criss-crossing all that had gone before.

When the caning was over, the blond guard fetched the prison-strap. He held it in front of my eyes so I could easily see its full sadistic construction. It was almost half a metre long including a leather-covered handle. It was about 5 centimetres wide and had about ten holes drilled through it. The whole thing looked less flexible than the canes -- the leather was hard and very thick. A dozen (now fourteen) hits with that strap would have been torture on an unbeaten ass -- over my double-caning, I thought I would pass out. Then they started, taking turns with the prison-strap, lifting it high above their shoulders and smashing it down on to my unprotected buttocks. I didn't pass out, but I could no longer even scream after the first few hits with that prison-strap. I have no idea how I endured the pain of the strap crushing the cane welts. The prison strap, I learned that evening, was torture pure and simple.

For your final punishment of the day, well-deserved but excruciating', laughed Eric, I'm going to remove your cage'. He then walked behind me and reached inside the cage and flicked a little button. I felt the spikes spring pull back out of my dick causing a further sudden burst of pain and making me yelp. After about about two seconds of relief, Eric reached out for the spray-can and sprayed the tortured area of my dick with the strong burning mix of antiseptic and pepper-spray, which he had specially made or me, and I started struggling uselessly and screaming. Did you deserve the spikes?' asked Eric quietly. Yes, Sirs, I deserved the spikes in my penis. Thank you, Sirs'.

They left me on the spanking bench while they prepared -- in front of me -- my last punishment of the day, which Eric had promised would be excruciating'. They went into a cupboard and came out with the heavy horse'. It was made of sturdy planks of wood and the top was about five feet off the ground. The bottom half was a kind of rectangle. Resting on top of it, the top half was shaped like back but like a steep house-roof. Big smooth planks of wood came together at the top to form a sharp ridge, which was where I was going to made to sit for the next hour or more.

The horse' was obviously very heavy because Eric and the blond guard were panting when they set it out in front of me. Next time, we should make the cunt pull it out with his balls', said the blond guard.

I couldn't see how I could spend five minutes, let alone more than an hour, straddling that ridge. But then Eric showed me the piece of wood which was to go over the whole length of the ridge. He attached a new ridge on top of the original ridge, and and I saw where I was really going to sit. The new ridge had a horribly jagged and splintered edge which faced directly upwards to where my ass-crack would soon be. I decided that the normal punishment horse wasn't severe enough for your punishment, cunt, so I made this extra ridge for you to sit on. Look at the jagged edges and the hard splinters -- specially designed them to hurt you as much as possible. They'll penetrate and tear your nasty ass-flesh. Look at these little edges I've sharpened to points. Your ass-crack, dick and balls will all be tortured there for as long as I decide. I'm just going to sit and enjoy myself watching you writhe as your skin tears open nice and slowly'. I was to spend at least an hour, but really as much time as Eric wanted me to, sitting astride that jagged and splintered ridge of of wood. This was what Eric had meant about the excruciating' punishment of sitting on the `horse'.

When they were ready, Eric and the blond guard untied me from the spanking bench and cuffed my hands so I couldn't use them to support myself when I was straddling the horse'. Then they used the hoist to lift me and then lower me on to Eric's sadistic contraption. Open your legs' instructed the blond guard. Down you go' laughed Eric. Gee up' giggled the blond guard and `playfully' whacked me across my naked shoulders with the prison-strap.

The sharp ridge bit immediately deep into my ass-crack. My legs and cuffed hands flailed around trying to find some purchase but there was nothing for them to rest on. My entire weight therefore pushed down on my ass-crack and, in turn, my ass-crack pushed down on to the unforgiving sharp and splintered wooden ridge. I felt once again that I was being split in two, perhaps this time more literally. After a few minutes, I saw that blood from my crack had started to trickle down the sides of the horse'. The only movement I could make was to lean forwards which put all my weight on to my balls - Eric had helpfully placed one ball on each side of the ridge, so you can choose which ball you want to crush, shitface' depending on whether I lent slightly left or slightly right). If lent even further forward, it was my agonised dick which had to take my weight. If I lent slightly backwards, my injured asshole scrunched on to one of the worst parts of the sharp ridge.

There was no way out of this utter misery. You're spending at least an hour there, so get used to it', said Eric when I whimpered, and he settled down on a sofa at the end of the room and just watched me writhing with a look on his face of complete satisfaction. What do you say?', smiled the blond guard as he stood at my side, still holding the prison-strap and threatening to hit me with it. `Thank you, Sirs, for making me ride this horse. I deserve this punishment, Sirs', I said.

I could only just walk when they eventually released me. I was in so much pain. Eric quickly sprayed my ass-crack, which was bleeding in quite a few places, with the antiseptic and pepper spray mix. I collapsed on to the floor from the additional pain. They ordered me up at once. I don't know how I did it but I stood again quite quickly, and Eric reattached my cage, reminding me, with his dimpled smile, about the more easily activated spikes. They walked me back through the communal area, but this time there were only a few prisoners to mock me, and back to my cell.

This will be your routine', said Eric when we arrived. A breakfast of healthy gruel -- I'm not sure what they put in it but it'll keep you going, even if it doesn't taste pleasant -- kind of sour, I'm told; I'll probably piss in it most mornings too. Then a visit to the punishment room, including any toilet duty I choose for you, followed by a day's labouring with a pig-food lunch. In the evening, you'll get more pig food and be whored out. No let-up. No variation. No hope. You will pay for your crimes in the hardest way you can imagine -- I've devised for you the vilest and harshest regime ever. At the end of 5 years, your sexual organs will have been destroyed and your life will pretty much be over. I want you to hate every single minute of your time here.'

`Lights out' said the blond guard, and flicked a switch somewhere outside my cell. I groped my way to my dirty damp mattress, which now smelt of other men's sperm, and gingerly lay down in pain. I pulled a crumpled thin blanket over my beaten body.

Next: Chapter 7

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