Erin and Mandy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 9, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

Erin and Mandy

By Chris

Erin saw Dee, her supervisor, walking toward her with a girl in tow. This could only mean only one thing; she would be training another new hire. She also knew her day just got a little longer. In a way it was an honor to always be the one to train the new people but they always slowed her down. She prided herself as being the fastest worker in the plant. And not only was she the fastest but little if any of her work came back to her as defects. These two things made her far and above the best worker there. But today she knew her speed would go down and the errors up and there were nothing she could do about it. This was the price she paid for being the best.

"Erin, this is Mandy. She is the newest addition to our little family and I need for you to train her. Mandy, listen to everything Erin tells you and you won't have any problems." Dee then turned and left Mandy in Erin's care.

"Nice to meet you, Mandy," Erin said as she held out her hand for Mandy to shake.

"Nice to meet you too," Mandy said somewhat quietly.

"What we do here is pretty simple and the main thing they want us to do is to build these suction canisters quickly but most importantly correctly. You have seen these on the walls in hospital rooms haven't you?" Mandy nodded her head but did not say anything. "Well let's get at it then."

Erin then brought Mandy over to the line and showed her that they were currently assembling some lids that fit on top of the canisters. Erin showed her how the whole lid was assembled. Then she showed her that she would start the process by placing all the caps and elbows on the lid and then pass it to her where she would place the tubing with the lid and place a rubber band around them. She would then have to pass it on to the boxers who would bag the lids then place them with the rest of the canister. From there the boxers would place everything in a box and seal it up. Erin started slowly placing the caps and elbows on the lids and giving them to Mandy. She watch carefully as Mandy worked. Mandy worked slowly at first making sure she was doing it right and getting comfortable. After about an hour, Erin realized that Mandy was waiting on her so she picked up her speed. And after a moment or two Mandy caught up with her again so she picked up her speed a little bit more. They worked at this pace until lunch.

Erin got her lunch and went out to the smokers table which of course was placed outside. She noticed that Mandy was following along. Once outside, Erin introduced Mandy to everyone then went about eating and talking. There were three or four conversations going at any one time so if you wanted to say something you had to speak right up but Mandy kept quite. Once Erin finished her lunch, she lit up one of her cheap cigarettes, which was all that she could afford. When she got out of high school a year before, this was the only place that would hire someone with no experience and they only paid their workers the minimum wage. She may have been the plants best worker but they paid her like shit just like they did everyone else. She offered Mandy a cigarette and Mandy surprised her by taking it. She lit it for Mandy and after an initial cough Mandy smoked the cigarette liked she had smoked for years. As the lunch went along Erin would glance at Mandy from time to time. She noticed that Mandy never said anything but she was taking everything in. Erin began to see that there was intelligence in Mandy's eyes.

The half hour lunch was over much too soon and they made their way back to work. As the afternoon went along, Erin picked up speed and each time she did so Mandy soon caught back up. By the end of the day, Erin was almost at her usual speed. She had to admit that Mandy might not be to bad a

worker after all. The next day she and Mandy started a different type of canister. Erin told her how this one was built and they were back at work. Again Mandy took no time in learning this canister and soon they were working at about full speed. Just before break, Erin realized that she had to pee and it could not wait for break so she built up as many lids as she could and told Mandy that she was going to the restroom. When she came back a couple of minutes later, she found that Mandy had caught up with her and then she had taken over Erin's job and was building more lids. Erin had to give Mandy credit, she hadn't shown her how to do the part she had been doing but Mandy had obviously had picked it up on her own. Erin left Mandy where she was and she took over Mandy's old spot. Erin tried to find a lid that Mandy had build incorrectly but she couldn't find a single one. Break came soon afterwards and again Mandy went with Erin but as they went up the hall Mandy handed something to Erin.

"What is this for?" Erin asked when she saw that Mandy had given her a pack of cigarettes.

"It's for the one I borrowed from you yesterday."

"You did not have to do that, here you can smoke them." Erin said as she tried to hand them back.

"No, I got them for you."

"Well let's split them then. We will smoke out of your pack until they

are gone."

"Okay." Mandy said and she gave Erin a smile.

As they walked out to the smoking table, Erin decided that Mandy wasn't that bad. She was a good worker who could keep up with her and she really improved her standing with Erin by offering the pack of cigarettes. After break, Erin started to get Mandy to talk. They were allowed to talk while they worked but only if they could work and talk at the same time. If you talked too much and worked to little then Dee got after you but Erin never had a problem as she could out work anyone talking or not. So she began to ask Mandy some questions and then giving her own answers to the same questions. She found that Mandy was very open and liked to talk but you had to draw her out. At lunch, they had their own conversation as everyone else talked. By the end of the day, Erin found that they had a lot in common. She was a year older at nineteen with Mandy just turning eighteen. They both liked to read and were not much for partying as neither had any money. They also both wanted a place of their own but for different reasons.

Erin wanted out because her mother and step father were drunks and the house they lived in look like shit. Mandy was the oldest of four children and they were poor so they lived in a small three bedroom house. She and her two sisters had to share a room with her brother and parents getting the other two. She loved her family but she wanted a little privacy.

Over the next couple of weeks, they talked more and more getting to be fast friends. Once Erin got Mandy to start talking she couldn't shut her up but that was not such a bad thing and she didn't talk just to hear herself talk. What she had to say usually made sense. She also knew when to shut up and let the other person talk so Erin did her fair share of talking. Mandy also had an old car that her uncle had fixed up for her. It did not look great but it ran just fine. So Mandy offered to take Erin home one afternoon and from that point she started to pick her up in the mornings and take her home at night.

Slowly an idea began to develop in Erin's head; maybe they could get a place together.

"I have been thinking of something lately and I wanted to see what you think." Erin said one afternoon as they were going home.

"Sure. What?" Mandy said.

"Well we both want to get a place of our own but neither of us can afford it."

"Yes..." Mandy said with what Erin could tell was more than just idle interest.

"How about us getting a place together? We could split the expenses down the middle and maybe then we could find something we could afford."

"I don't know if you will believe me or not but I was thinking of the same thing but was afraid to bring up the subject."

"Hell, Mandy you can say anything to me. You should know that by now." Erin said with a laugh and Mandy quickly joined her.

They stopped at a fast food restaurant and had a burger as they explored the idea further. They decided to start looking and if they found something they could afford then they would try it out. They started looking

the following afternoon but they soon found out that everything they liked they couldn't afford and what they could afford they wouldn't be caught dead in. This went on for about three weeks and they were about to give up. Then Erin found an advertisement in the Sunday paper and she brought it in to show Mandy on Monday.

"Mandy, look at this place I found." Erin said at break as she showed Mandy the paper.

"I don't know, we have looked at trailers before and they were all either in shitty trailer parks or about to fall apart." Mandy said with little interest.

"I know but I have a feeling about this place. Let's look, okay?"

"I don't know... Well we might as well." Mandy finally said.

When they got to the park, they found that it was a small trailer park

with only about twenty-five trailers. They went to the office and an elderly

man answered the door. He introduced himself as Sam and then introduced them to his heavy set wife, Brenda. Sam said they liked to get to know who would be in their trailers, so they sat down and talked to them for a while.

When they finally got to the rent, Sam told them how much and they both looked at each other knowing that this wouldn't be the one. Erin thanked the

couple and said that it was way out of their price range and they got up to leave. As they were getting in their car, Sam came out of the trailer and flagged them to stop.

"Come on; let's take a look at the trailer anyway."

"But we can't afford the rent."

"We might be able to work something out, just come and look at the trailer."

They got out of the car and followed Sam to the trailer. As they walked, Sam mentioned about how he and his wife were getting older and there was a lot of work to running a trailer park, even a small one like this one. He told them that he and his wife owned all the trailers and had to maintain them. Erin began to realize where this was going.

The trailer was located at the very end of the park and there were no trailers to either side so they would have their privacy. They were surprised at how new it was and how good it looked. When they went inside, they found that is was furnished with all the furniture that they would need to get started. The back bedroom had a double bed but the front bedroom was set up more as an office with a table and a couple of chairs. Sam said that their son use to live there but he died a few years ago in an auto accident and they just did not have the heart to rent it out until now. As they looked around Erin noticed that Mandy's eyes were getting bigger and bigger. She was touching everything with care as if she was afraid that it would disappear. Erin knew Mandy was hooked and they would be getting this trailer one way or the other.

"Okay you got our interest. What is it that you have in mind?" Erin inquired to Sam with Mandy anxiously looking on.

"I'll tell you what. I will cut the rent in half if you all will mow the grass that isn't part of each resident responsibility, keep the shrubs that surrounded the park trimmed and keep the park picked up. You will be responsible for cleaning the trailers as tenants moved out. I also need help on any minor repair work that needed to be done. I'm not as young as I use to be and it is hard for me to get under sinks and stuff."

"Let us talk it over." Erin said as she drug Mandy back to the bedroom before she could say anything.

"This is IT! We have to get this place!" Mandy said with more animation on her face than Erin had ever seen before.

"They could work us to death you know."

"I don't care. I want this place. Please...."

"Oh okay, but let me do the talking."

"Whatever, but just don't say anything that would make him change his mind."

"Don't worry, I want this place too." Erin said with a smile.

"Okay, I think we can accept your terms but you have to realize that we both work full time."

"Don't worry; I won't work you to death." Sam replied and Erin knew that he had overheard them talking. They both shook Sam's hand, sealing the deal.

At break the next morning, they discussed how to go about paying for the rent and stuff since they were splitting everything down the middle. Mandy hadn't gotten around to getting a checking account yet so she was keeping her money hid in her bedroom. Erin said that Mandy needed a checking account and they would stop Friday to set it up for her. They decided that one would write a check for the full amount and the other write

a check for her half. This was the only solution they could come up with but it would mean they both would be writing a lot of checks. As they worked that morning Erin came up with another idea but she was not sure about it but it made a lot of sense. But it would require each to really trust the other. At lunch, she started to bring up the idea twice but stopped herself. Finally Mandy got tired of her say "Oh nothing" and made her spit it out.

"Well... I already have a checking account and there's no need to be paying for two service charges that we can't afford. You can put your money into my account and I can add you to the checking account. But we would have to trust the other a great deal." Erin said

"That just might not be a bad idea. I do trust you and I assume you trust me."

"It's an idea but do we know each other well enough to trust the other

with our money."

"Let me think if I can't come up with something." Mandy replied.

Between then and last break Mandy was lost in thought. Erin couldn't get her to say much at all so they worked in silence. When they came out for

last break, Mandy stopped and got a piece of paper.

"I have come up with an idea. It would be better if we had a computer but I can do it by hand easy enough." Mandy told Erin as Erin lit them both up a cigarette. Mandy proceeded to draw out a plan where she put the total in their join account in the middle column and then each of their names on each side of that center column. She then showed Erin that each of their parts of the account would be under their names and as they paid for something she would take equal halves from under their names. If she bought something for herself it would come from her side only. That way they would both know how much money they each had and the total in their account. Erin looked it over and not being able to find reason it wouldn't work, she agreed to add Mandy to her checking account. They decided that they would stop at the bank and make the changes Friday, which was their payday.

After work, they bought some cleaning supplies and began to clean the trailer. Erin was adamant that the trailer be spotless, she would no longer live in a pigsty. It was eleven before the left and they returned the next night to clean the carpets. On Thursday, they washed the curtains and put the finishing touches to the trailer. As they left that night, Mandy turned at the door and took one last look at their new home. She then turned to Erin with a tear in her eye and hugged her. Erin was surprised at the showing of emotion

from Mandy but not so much that she did not return the hug. Her family was never one for touching so she hadn't grown up hugging but this hug that Mandy gave her made her feel good. Mandy backed off but as she did so she whispered in Erin's ear, "Thank you". Erin whispered back,"Thank you too."

When the buzzer went off on Friday afternoon, Mandy and Erin were the first to the time clock and out the door. They went first to Mandy's house where they packed up all her clothes and stuffed them into her car. They dropped that off at the trailer then returned for a second load. After that, they went to Erin's house. Erin had never let Mandy into her house as she was embarrassed by the way it looked but today she let her in as it would be the

last time either of them would ever be there. Erin had most of her stuff packed. She put her clothes in the car first then some of her personal stuff. Mandy wanted to come back for a second trip but Erin was determined to move it all in one trip. She figured that if it did not fit into the car then she didn't need it in the first place. The car ended up stuffed full and Erin had to sit with boxes in her lap and at her feet. They got to the trailer and Mandy

had to come around and get some of the boxes out so that Erin could get out.

They began to unpack and put things away. The clothes went into the closets with them both getting half of the closet in the back bedroom and half on the closet in the front bedroom. When they got to the dresser they realized that they did not have room to share the six drawers. Erin looked Mandy over as Mandy stared back at her wondering what she was thinking. Erin began to inquire what size bra and panties she wore and Mandy told her still wondering where this conversation was going. Erin said she wore about the same so she took the panties and bras from Mandy's arms and put them in the same drawer as hers. The rest of their clothes were mixed from there on. Once the clothes were put up, they went to the pictures and other nick knacks that they brought from their respective bedrooms. They each had to agree where something went before it was placed there. It was about midnight before they got everything put away. They sat and looked over the trailer as they sat and rested.

"I don't know about you but I am starving to death." Erin said as she felt her stomach growl."

"Me too." Mandy answered as she got up to go to the refrigerator. "Ahhhh... I think we have forgotten something."

"Let me guess, food."


"Well get your purse and we'll make a grocery run."

"It's midnight, is there any stores open."

"Yea, there's one off Main Street that stays open all night. Let s get

going and get back before I starve to death."

"Don't get your panties in a wad. I'm coming." Mandy said as she followed Erin out the door.

This was the first challenge of rooming together. Trying to find something they both would like to eat. But they were both so tired that they

did not care what the other wanted so the first trip to the grocery store went fine. When they got back and had the food put away Mandy told Erin to go take a shower as she put some water on to boil as they both decided on having some spaghetti even the time was closer to breakfast than supper.

The shower felt so nice to Erin as she stood under the water. Her muscles were sore but it felt good. She was taking a shower in her own home and it was spotless. Once she got out and dried, she put on a pair of panties and a long tee shirt that she always slept in. It was old and thin but very comfortable. She stepped into the kitchen just as Mandy was putting the

spaghetti into the water and was heating up the sauce. When Mandy turned toward her Erin noticed that Mandy stopped what she was doing and stared. Erin looked down and realized that her breasts could clearly be seen under her tee shirt and her nipples were poking against the thin cotton material. Erin felt a little self conscious at having Mandy stare at her but in a way it made her feel good. Mandy then realized what she was doing and muttered something before heading off to the shower. Hunger made Erin quickly forget the incident and she went to put some garlic bread in the oven. Mandy

walked into the kitchen just as Erin was putting the food on the table. Erin

noticed that Mandy was also dressed in a tee shirt and panties but while her

tee shirt was thicker it was also a lot shorter. It came down to mid hip and

when Mandy bent over to put the plates on the table the tee shirt rose up and Erin got a good view of Mandy's panty covered rear. Erin thought to herself that Mandy had a really nice butt and then wondered why she was staring at it so hard at it. She had never been interested in women. Actually she had never been interested in anyone. For some unknown reason she had never been interested in sex but now she was feeling something. Why now she wondered to herself.

As they were putting the dishes away Mandy felt a big yawn come over her and she realized that she was bone tired.

"I think it is time that we hit the bed, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, you know." Erin told Mandy who was also in the middle of a yawn.

"You're right; I don't think I can move another inch."

They both turned toward the bedroom and stopped in their tracks as it came to both of them that there was only one bed in the trailer. They looked

at each other and then back to the bedroom.

"I can sleep on the couch until we can afford another bed." Mandy offered.

Erin thought for a second that was not a bad idea for one of them to sleep on the couch, maybe they could switch off. But then she knew how tired and sore she was and she wouldn't want to sleep on the couch so she could not ask Mandy to do that.

"No we can share the bed. It is big enough for both of us. It isn't like either of us is going to attack the other one." Erin said with a laugh but wondered deep inside herself just why she said that last part.

"Okay" Mandy said much too quickly for Erin's comfort.

They headed back toward the bedroom with Mandy in front and Erin finding her eyes drawn again to Mandy's butt. She forced herself to look up before they got in the bedroom. Mandy stepped aside and let Erin pick her side of the bed. Once they got in bed, Erin turned out the light and turned on her side away from Mandy. She had never shared a bed with anyone before being an only child so having someone in the bed with her felt funny. She knew that Mandy had two younger sisters so she probably had been in this situation many times before. Erin felt Mandy's presence beside her but as she grew sleepier the fact that Mandy was in the same bed bothered her less and less. Then everything went black as sleep overtook her.

The next morning Erin woke up to the smell of coffee. She looked over and found that the bed was empty so she got up and made a visit to the bathroom. When she came into the kitchen, she found that Mandy was cooking some eggs and bacon and when the aroma hit her nose she felt a hunger deep inside of her. She greeted Mandy with a good morning and got one in return. They ate their breakfast then got ready for their first day working at the trailer part. They both put on shorts and tee shirts and went to find Sam.

Sam gave them the key to the shed for the mowers and showed them how to start and drive the riding mower. Mandy started with that mower and Erin did the trim work with the push mower. The lawn had grown out a great deal and they spent most of the afternoon just mowing. It was a hot day so they took a number of breaks to drink water and cool off. It was late afternoon before all the mowing and weed eating was done and they both were drained. They were use to working in a hot warehouse but working out in the hot sun was something different. They put the mowers away and headed back to the trailer. Once inside, they both hit the refrigerator for some cold water. They both took a long drink and then splashed some of the water on their face and necks. Erin then watched as Mandy pulled off her tee

shirt and dropped her shorts leaving her in only her panties and sport bra. Both were soaked in sweat and Erin saw Mandy's nipples and when she looked down she saw that Mandy's panties were soaked in her sweat and she could see the dark pubic hair behind the white cotton panties. Mandy walked in to the living room and lay on the floor under the ceiling fan. Erin felt her own soaked tee shirt sticking to her skin and she decided there was nothing wrong going around in her bra and panties. She quickly stripped out of her shirt and shorts and joined Mandy on the living room floor. The cool floor felt good against her skin and the hard floor felt good against her tired back.

Mandy laid there until she got her energy back then she got up and went to take a shower to get the sweat off. When she got out of the shower, she was stuck trying to decide what to put back on. It was only about six and much too early to put her bed clothes on but then she decided that she wasn't going anywhere this evening so she opted for the bed clothes in the end. When she got out she found Mandy reheating the spaghetti so she took over and let Mandy take a shower. Erin saw that Mandy too opted for her bed clothes when she came back into the kitchen. They had their supper and cleaned up the kitchen then retired to the living room. They had no TV so they sat on the couch and talked as they listened to the radio. At one point

Erin turned in the couch to face Mandy who was sitting facing her with her legs folded up under her butt. Erin put her feet up on the couch and hugged her knees to her body. A couple of minutes later, Erin began to notice that Mandy kept looking not at her eyes but much lower. When Mandy looked away Erin looked down and she realized that sitting in this position she was

exposing her panties and thus her pussy to Mandy. She wanted to immediately change her position but then she didn't want to make it obvious to Mandy that she knew what Mandy was looking at. So she kept her legs where they were and she saw that Mandy would occasionally look down toward her pussy. Erin then began to feel something that she had never felt

before. There was a stirring inside her and it felt good. Eventually her legs got tired of being in this position so she folded her legs to the side and Mandy went back to just looking at her but every once in a while did look at

her legs.

They went to bed a little earlier that night and while Erin was tired she was not as tired as she was the night before. As she lay there, she could feel when Mandy moved and also the change in her breathing when Mandy went to sleep. Once she knew that Mandy was sleeping soundly, Erin gently turned over so that she could see Mandy sleeping beside her. It was dark in the bedroom but the security light that was outside their bedroom window gave her enough light to make out Mandy's face. She looked so peaceful and sweet and Erin could not help but to feel something special for her new friend.

Sunday they rested in the morning doing their laundry and straightening up the trailer before heading out to finish what they did not get done on Saturday. They were trimming the shrubs when Sam came out to tell them that they did not need to work on Sunday but Erin told him that they wanted to get some of the hard stuff done during the weekends so that during the evenings after work, they would have less to do. Sam smiled and let them get to work but as he was leaving he invited them to supper, which Mandy accepted. They stopped in time to take a shower and change clothes before going to Sam and Brenda's for supper. When they got there Brenda was still cooking so Mandy and Erin stepped in and helped her out. Brenda was fixing green beans, fried chicken, potatoes, and corn on the cob. As Erin helped her with these things, Mandy cut up the cucumbers, tomatoes and then mashed the potatoes when they were done. When everything was ready, they sat down to eat. At one point Erin sat back and watched as Mandy, Brenda and Sam talked and realized that this was what she missed out on growing up, everyone sitting around the table eating and talking. Erin almost felt a tear come to her eyes when she felt Mandy squeeze her arm. She looked over at Mandy and it was if Mandy was reading her mind and telling her that she understood what she was feeling. Erin went back to eating until she could eat no more. They talked for a while longer with Sam entertaining them with one story after another. He was a talker and could tell a story very well. Finally Brenda got up to clean the table but Erin made her sit back down and she got Mandy to help her clean the table and wash the dishes. They put the food away as this they knew was what Sam and Brenda would probably eat on for most of the coming week. Once the dishes and food was put away, Erin and Mandy joined Sam and Brenda in the living room and visited with them as they watched a little TV. As the talked Mandy mentioned that she and Mandy were going to save up and buy a small TV as they missed watching their favorite shows. They stayed until about nine when they made their exit and accepting a dinner invitation for next Sunday night.

When they got back to the trailer, they changed into their tee shirts and talked about an hour before hitting the sack. They were tired but not really sleepy so they both lay on their backs and talked for a few minutes. Erin was getting more use to Mandy being in bed with her and she had to admit it was nice to have someone to talk to when she couldn't sleep. The next morning they got up early and took their time getting ready for work. There was a half bath in the front room so Mandy used that bathroom as Erin took the other one. Work was about normal for a Monday meaning that everything went wrong and most of the women were in a bad mood but they made it through the day.

As Mandy drove into the parking place in front of the trailer Erin noticed a large box on the porch.

"Did you order something?" Erin inquired.

"No, did you?"


They walked up to the porch and found that it was a table model 27" TV.

"I wonder where this came from." Erin said with a knowing smile.

"I wonder if it was that older couple that lives in the first trailer?"

"I suspect so."

"Well let's get it inside and then pay a visit to that couple." Mandy said as she opened the door. They got the TV inside and cleaned off a table to put it on. Erin hooked up the cable line to the back just to see if they got anything and to her and Mandy's surprise they got a channel. They went through all the channels and found that they had everything but the pay channels. They turned the TV off and put the box into the trash can at the back of the trailer. They then went up the street.

"We just came up and wanted to ask if either of you might know where the new TV that was one our porch came from." Erin inquired.

"We don't know do we Brenda. Maybe the TV fairy brought it." Sam replied with a straight face but when Erin looked over at Brenda she had a big smile on her face.

"Well if you should see this TV fairy, would you give him this." Erin said as she went over to Sam and gave him a hug. She then went over to Brenda who whispered in her ear "He went out first thing this morning to get

you both that TV. I think you both have made his day coming here to help him."

Mandy followed Erin and gave both Sam and Brenda a hug and a kiss and Erin noticed that Brenda also whispered in her ear. They stayed and visited and asked Sam if there was anything that needed to be done but there

was nothing. On the way back to the trailer, Erin and Mandy picked up any trash they saw and checked to see if anything needed attended to. Once in the trailer, the TV went on and they took turns taking a shower getting the sweat and grime of the days work off their bodies. They had gotten use to running around in a tee shirt and panties so that is what they both put on. They then put on a frozen pizza in the oven. This was the first day in over a week that they had nothing to do so they ate the pizza and vegged out in front of the TV. Mandy clicked through the channels and when she came upon a station that showed old movies she stopped.

"I love this movie!" Mandy squealed when she saw that "An Affair to Remember" was on. Erin looked at her, not believing that Mandy loved this movie too.

"What?" Mandy questioned.

"I didn't know you like old movies."

"Well I do, I don't know why but I do. Do you want to watch something else?"

"No, I love this movie too. I like the old movies."


"Yes seriously."

"Well that is one argument we can avoid, what to watch."

They both settled down and watched their favorite movie and then the one after that before making it to bed much later than they meant too. When they got home the next afternoon, there was a note on their door from Sam saying that he needed their help on replacing a facet in one of the trailers. They went on in and grabbed a snack then went to find Sam. As they walked to the trailer Sam explained that he just could not get up and down as easy as he use to. Then he said with a laugh "Well to be exact the getting down is not too hard it's the getting up that is the hard part." They both cleaned out under the sink and then each went under each side. Sam told them what to do and between them they were able to get the old facet off and the new one on. They gave Sam the honor of turning on the water and to Erin's relief it worked with no leaks. She looked at Mandy and then gave her a high five to celebrate their first successful repair job.

Over the next few weeks, they learned many more jobs and each time they became more confident in what they were doing. When they came upon a job that they had done before, Sam left them on their own only coming if they ran into a problem. At the end of the month, when they went to pay their rent, Brenda made a show of checking the books and said that they had already paid. They tried to pay her anyway but she wouldn't have any of it. After they left Sam's and Brenda's they talked about what they were going to do with the 200 dollars of rent money that was just dropped into their lap. They discussed saving it but then decided that they would put the money toward the trailer. They took a shower and then headed toward the mall. As they passed a bed store, Erin thought about suggesting buying a bed so that each would have a room to themselves but just when she started to mention it, she changed her mine and said nothing. They went on to the local discount store and bought some curtains that were more suited to a woman's taste and also some extra towels so that wouldn't spend so much time washing them.

That night after Mandy had fallen asleep, Erin turned toward her. She saw that Mandy's hair had fallen onto her face, so she gently reached over and brushed it away. Mandy's hair felt so fine in Erin's fingers and she put

her fingers against Mandy's cheek. It felt so warm and soft. She left her fingers there for a second but then Mandy stirred and Erin quickly moved her fingers away. Erin then lay there wondering why she just had to touch Mandy's cheek and why it felt so good. Also her thoughts went back to the bed store that they passed. Why did she bite her tongue and not say anything? She did have to admit that she had gotten use to Mandy being in the same bed with her and it did give her some comfort having her that close. But she fell asleep before she could come up with a good answer to any of her questions.

As the next couple of weeks went along, Erin started to pay more attention to Mandy. She watched her more than she watched the TV. She noticed Mandy's breasts hidden by her tee shirt and she paid more attention when Mandy bent over to pick something up. Just watching the tee shirt ride up and expose Mandy's panties made something stir within her. She was feeling things she had never felt before and while they scared her they also

made her feel warm inside. When they did not work together during the day Erin found herself watching the clock until it was time to go home so that she could have some time alone with Mandy. At night, she found that she was fighting off sleep just so she could watch Mandy sleep. She just loved watching her friend sleep. At times, she just wanted to draw her up against her body.

Another Friday rolled around and after going to the bank, they stopped at the grocery store to stock up on food. They decided to fix a real

nice meal for supper so they got the makings for a first class dinner. They decided on home made lasagna. Erin did not have a clue as to how to make it but Mandy assured her that she knew. After they got home and put the groceries away and took their showers, they met at the kitchen. Mandy made Erin put the dish together as she told her what to do. Mandy told her that she was determined to make a first class cook out of her. Once the ingredients were put together, they placed it in the oven. They relaxed a few minutes then made a salad and some garlic bread. When everything was done Mandy put a CD into her portable CD/Radio player. They ate and talked quietly, not

about anything important but just talked. After dinner, they put the food away, and then Erin washed the dishes as Mandy dried and put them away. >From time to time their fingers would touch and Erin felt a tingle every time this happened.

When they were about done, Mandy went to put the spatula away, it fell from her fingers. She bent over to retrieve it and Erin watched as her ass come into view. Before she knew what she was doing she had the wet dish rag cocked back and she snapped it toward Mandy's ass. The rag went toward Mandy's ass and as Erin jerked her hand back it popped Mandy's right cheek with a loud "Pop". Mandy dropped the spatula, screamed, and then grabbed her ass.

"Ooooooo, you are asking for it now!" Mandy said as she rose up and turned toward Erin who after getting over her shock of popping Mandy in the ass in the first place then she started to laugh.

"You think that was funny, missy." Mandy said as she went to the sink and got a cup full of rinse water.

"You wouldn't dare!" Erin cried just as the cold water hit her face and chest.

"Now we're even." Mandy said to the dripping wet Erin.

"Yea right." Erin replied as she went to the sink and got a cup of water. But just as she was bringing it up she felt Mandy's hand on her wrist. The move surprised her and she dropped the glass back into the sink. But Mandy did not let go of her wrist. Erin reached for and found Mandy's other wrist and they struggled trying to get the better of the other. They moved around the kitchen laughing and giggling as they wrestled. Each was trying to get the other to loose her grip and thus gain the advantage. But both were equally strong and neither was getting the advantage. Erin eventually found herself pushed back against the refrigerator and her arms pinned above her head. She looked at Mandy and found that Mandy was looking down at her chest. Erin looked down and saw that her breasts and nipples were showing through her wet tee shirt. Mandy's eyes came back up and Erin followed them until they were looking at each other.

The laughing stopped, and for Erin time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Mandy's eyes showed an innocence and longing that Erin had not seen before. It was like she had opened her soul to Erin and Erin felt something inside her own body opening up. Erin felt Mandy loosen her grip on her wrists but Erin did not move, she left her arms in place above her head. Mandy began to move toward her and then Erin saw that she was closing her eyes. Erin then knew what Mandy was about to do and as she closed her own eyes as she knew she wanted to kiss Mandy. When Mandy's lips hesitantly touched hers, Erin felt her body come alive for the first time. Erin pressed back giving into the kiss. Their mouths opened and the kiss became even more passionate. Mandy released her wrists and moved her hands to Erin's shoulders, gripping then. Erin lowered her arms and wrapped them around Mandy drawing her in against her body. The kiss continued on and Erin felt Mandy's tongue enter her mouth. Erin pressed her own tongue against Mandy's. Their tongues played a game within their mouths until finally Mandy ended the kiss. They were both were breathing hard and Erin looked back into Mandy's eyes seeing a questioning look asking if what she had just done was okay. Erin answered her by pulling Mandy back in close and kissing her. Their lips touched and they kissed softly for a minute or two, letting their lips come together and then part. Erin pulled Mandy in close again. The feel of her body pressed against her own was feeling so good. When the kissing ended Mandy wrapped her arms around Erin's waist and put her head against her shoulder. Erin squeezed Mandy hugging her tight. Holding Mandy close felt so good and having her hugging back felt even better. They stayed in place for a long time but then the coolness of the refrigerator pressed against her back caused Erin to shiver. Mandy slowly let go and pulled back. Erin looked at Mandy's sweet face and then her eyes went lower and she saw that the water from her wet tee shirt had wet Mandy's. She could see that Mandy's nipples were hard and pressed against her now wet shirt. Erin felt her pussy go wet and the desire that had been growing got an added boost. Mandy smiled and took her hand. Erin felt herself being led out of the kitchen and back toward the bedroom. She knew what they were about to do and the thought scared her but not enough to stop

following Mandy.

When they got to the bedroom, Mandy turned her around so that she was facing Erin. Mandy reached down to the bottom of her tee shirt and began to pull it up. Erin raised her arms and allowed Mandy to pull the tee shirt off. She was now standing there facing Mandy in only her panties. Erin

knew that there was a wet place on her panties and she hoped that Mandy wouldn't notice but then Mandy went down on her knees in front of her. Erin watched as Mandy placed her hands at the top of her panties and began to pull them down. Erin felt her panties slip off her hips and her pubic hair being exposed. Then she felt the panties slip over her ass and her pussy being exposed to the air. Erin watched as Mandy leaned in and took a deep breath and sighed as she took in her arousal. Erin felt her panties go down her thighs, over her knees and on to her ankles. She stepped out of them and

she was now totally naked. Mandy stood up and looked at her closely. Erin felt very exposed until she saw Mandy smile then she was able to relax a little. Mandy then went to her own tee shirt and pulled it over her head. Erin got her first view of Mandy's bare breasts. They were the same size as her own but her areoles were a little larger and her nipples stuck out a little farther. Mandy then put her hands at her sides and began to push her panties

down. Erin watched as Mandy's uncovered her full bush then her view was blocked as Mandy bend on down. She finished taking her panties off then stood back up straight. Erin looked Mandy over beginning at her face then going down to her breasts and on to her pussy where she saw that there was dew sticking to the pubic hair that surrounded the pink lips of her pussy. Erin felt like her body was on fire with desire. She had never felt anything

like this before. She suddenly wanted to touch Mandy and be touched by her.

Mandy started to walk toward Erin holding her arms open. Erin walked forward and allowed Mandy to wrap her arms around her. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. Erin felt Mandy's breasts press against her own breasts. She felt Mandy's hard nipples press into her nipples. She also felt

Mandy's pubic bone press against her pubic bone. Erin moved her hands down to that perfect ass that she had been watching so intently since they moved into the trailer. She cupped a cheek in each hand and squeezed. This caused Mandy to moan into her mouth as they continued to kiss. Erin felt Mandy's hands move down to her ass and she began to caress and squeeze each cheek. They stood there kissing for a few minutes as their bodies were pressed together and their hands roaming around each others backs and asses.

Then Mandy slipped from Erin's arms and went to the bed. She lay down and Erin took a deep breath before joining her. They lay on their sides

facing each other. Mandy leaned in to kiss Erin but as she did so she brought up her hand and Erin felt Mandy's fingers lightly brush her nipple. Erin moaned from the contact and she felt her nipple get a little harder. Erin had trouble kissing Mandy with Mandy's finger circling her areola and nipple. Finally Erin gave up and she watched a moment as Mandy continued to play with her nipple. It took another moment for Erin to get her courage up to touch Mandy in return. She moved her finger up and Mandy stopped what she was doing. Erin took her index finger and lightly touched Mandy's nipple and felt it respond to her touch. She also heard Mandy moan lightly. This encouraged Erin to press harder. She circled the nipple then she took the breast into her hand squeezing the soft flesh. Mandy moaned again and then she put her hand on Erin's breast gently squeezing it. They played this

way for a few more minutes then Mandy pushed Erin onto her back. Mandy moved on top of her. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment then Mandy lowered her head to kiss her. She kissed her lips then went to her neck. Erin raised her chin exposing more of her neck to Mandy. As Mandy kissed and sucked on her neck, she ground her pubic bone against Erin's and Erin felt the friction against her clit. Erin wrapped her legs around Mandy and pushed back. They ground against each other and Erin felt something happening to her body. It would tense up and relax only to tense up again. Finally it hit a crest and she felt a rush start at her pussy and move through out her body. She let out a loud moan as she had the first orgasm of her life. Mandy continue to ground against Erin until Erin felt her tense up and she moaned loudly. Erin knew that Mandy just had an orgasm of her own.

They rested a while, then Mandy moved on down Erin's body until her head was over Erin's breasts. She slowly lowered her head until Erin felt Mandy's mouth encompass her right nipple. Mandy sucked softly then she gently bit down on the nipple. Erin let out a moan as a shiver went through her body. As she sucked on this nipple, Mandy cupped the other breast in her hand. Erin pushed up her chest wanting more and more of Mandy's touch. Mandy went to the other breast with her mouth and kissed it. She then

sucked as much of the breast into her mouth and sucked hard. Erin was moaning and moaning and she felt her desire and arousal increase with every touch of Mandy's mouth and hands. Mandy moved back and forth kissing, sucking and biting Erin's nipples, but eventually she gave a last kiss to each nipple and slid on down Erin's body. Erin knew what was going to happen next as she opened her legs. When Mandy was in place, she put a hand on each of Erin's thighs and opened them even further. She bent down and kissed Erin's clit. Erin thought a bolt of electricity had hit her pussy and she cried out. Nothing in her life could have prepared her for what was happening to her body. Erin then felt Mandy's tongue on her outer labia. It cover all of the surface teasing her then she felt it go into her slit and move up to her clit giving it another lick. Erin moaned when Mandy's tongue again made contact with her clit. She then felt Mandy open up her pussy with her fingers and she felt Mandy's tongue go deep inside her. It swirled around and Erin found that she was pushing her hips off the bed to get more of Mandy's tongue into her pussy. Mandy licked and licked and Erin could hear the sucking noises that Mandy was making. Soon Mandy found her way back to Erin's clit. There she used short strokes to tease the clit from its

hood. Erin thought she was going to die when Mandy sucked her clit into her mouth. Mandy's licking and sucking quickly brought her to another climax, this one stronger than the first.

As she calmed down, Erin felt something enter her pussy and she knew Mandy was putting a finger into her. Like every thing else Mandy had done so far this felt extremely pleasurable. Mandy moved the finger in and out of her and Erin found that she was pushing back against that finger. As Mandy began to lick her clit again Erin felt Mandy remove her finger and replace it with two fingers. This really filled her up and felt even better.

Mandy pushed a little harder and faster now. When Mandy sucked her clit into her mouth again, Erin screamed and gripped the sheets in her hands. Mandy was working both her pussy and clit in unison. Erin knew she could not take this for long. The orgasm came fast and hit her hard. It road over her body wave after wave until she could take no more and she had to push Mandy's mouth away from her clit. When she came back around, she found that Mandy was gently licking her juices. She pulled Mandy up and kissed her hard tasting her own juices on Mandy's mouth and not caring.

They kissed a minute or two then Mandy moved to the side and Erin felt Mandy pull her over on top so that her head was resting on Mandy's chest. As Erin laid there she felt Mandy caress her hair. Erin felt so relaxed from what Mandy had just done to her that soon she felt herself going to sleep.

The next morning as Erin began to wake up she found that her head was still on Mandy's chest. It felt like she was still in a dream world and she felt Mandy's bare breast under her head. As she woke up completely, she began to remember what had happen the night before. She had kissed Mandy and then Mandy made love to her. Suddenly it hit her full force; she had made love with another woman. A woman wasn't supposed to do that, was she? She felt her stomach start to tighten and she felt all her nerves go haywire. She felt Mandy start to stir and Erin knew she had to get out of there. She had to think this through. Erin jumped up and started to get dressed.

"Something wrong?" Erin heard Mandy say sleepily.

"No, I need to go do something. I need the car." Erin said as she ran out the bedroom. She couldn't find the keys to the car at first but just as she heard Mandy come out of the bedroom she saw them on the kitchen table. She snatched them off the table and ran out the door with Mandy calling out to her, "Erin what is wrong..."

Erin drove around at first not knowing where she was going. She was just driving. She tried to think things through but it kept getting jumbled up in her mind. She couldn't get it all straight in her mind. All she knew was that she had willingly allowed another woman to made love to her and it felt

good. No it felt great, like nothing she had ever felt before. She had driven for a couple of hours before she realized that she was low on gas. As she pumped the gas into the tank, she realized she needed to talk to someone. The problem was that the one person she knew she could talk to about something like this was Mandy and she was obviously out of the question. She was almost in tears as she got back on the road when she saw a road sign that said Greeneville ten miles ahead. She then knew who she needed to talk to, her aunt. She had not seen Aunt Kay in about ten years. She used to

spend a lot of time with her when her mother was doing drugs. When her aunt decided that Erin needed a more stable environment and she tried to get

Erin's mother to let Erin live with her full time. But her mother refused. When her mother got arrested shortly after that, Aunt Kay went to court to get Erin but Erin's mother volunteered to go to drug rehab. When she got out, she picked up Erin and never allowed her to see Aunt Kay again. Erin knew she could always talk to Aunt Kay and she knew she needed to talk to her now. She made a couple of wrong turns before she found her aunt's house. As she pulled up she saw that her Aunt and Uncle were going out the door dressed up. Erin knew she had just caught them as they were going to church. She got out of the car and she saw her aunt light up when she recognized her.

"Erin, honey. I almost did not recognize you. You have grown up on me." Aunt Kay said as she hugged Erin.

Erin felt her Aunt's arms hug her and she started to cry. She tried to

talk but nothing would come out.

"What's the matter baby?"

"I need to talk to you, please..."

"Okay just calm down and lets go inside." Aunt Kay said as she quietly motioned her husband to go on ahead.

Aunt Kay put her arm around Erin and directed her inside. She put her onto the couch and got her a glass of water to drink. As Erin drank her water, her aunt padded Erin's knee and waited patiently for Erin to calm down.

"Now tell me what is wrong honey."

"I don't know if I can, I don't want you to think I am something bad."

"I could never do that. I love you and always will. So just start from

the beginning and tell me everything."

Erin took a deep breath and deciding that she could trust her aunt. She told her about her and Mandy starting with the first day that they met and ending with Mandy making love to her the night before. She didn't go into detail about the making love but said enough so that her aunt knew what had happened.

"So how do you feel about what happened?" Her Aunt asked.

"I don't know what to think? That is why I am here. What do you think?"

"What I think is immaterial. It is what you think that is important. How do you feel about her?"

"I l...." Erin started to say but then stopped herself as she realized

what she was about to say.

"I tell you what, let's get back to that question. Is she your friend?'

"Of course."

"Is she your best friend?"

"She is the best friend I have ever had."

"Can you tell her anything and not feel like she will judge you?"


"Would you do anything you could for her?"

"Anything." Erin said as she began to see where her Aunt was going.

"Do you think she would do anything for you?"


"When you are with her do you feel better than when you are apart?"

"We work together and live together so we are very rarely apart but yes I do miss her when she is gone or working in another part of the plant."

"Do you like her? I am not asking you if you love her but do you like her?"


"Are you in love with her?"

Erin paused a second then replied, "Yes I'm in love with her."

"Then you don't have a problem do you."

"But she is a woman."

"So, what is the problem?"

"You don't mind that I may be a lesbian."

"Honey, you are a lesbian and no I don't mind. Myself I prefer men but that is me. You have to be you and be damn what anyone else thinks."

Erin felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off her shoulders and she bent over and hugged her Aunt. She started to cry again and after a minute she heard her aunt sniff a little. They held each other another minute then parted but as they did Erin whispered in her Aunts ear, "I knew you were always there for me, even when mother would not let me see you anymore." That comment caused her Aunt to break out crying and Erin hugged her. When her aunt got it back together again, she pulled back but as she did she kissed her niece on the forehead like she had done when Erin was little.

"I missed you so much little one." Her aunt told Erin.

"I missed you too. I am sorry it has taken me this long to come and see you but now I'm on my own. I will visit you so much you will be begging me to leave."

"I could never do that but be sure to bring Mandy with you next time you visit."


"Good now let me fix you something to eat and we can visit a few minutes. Then you need to go back to a young lady that you left wondering what is going on with you. I would suspect that she is feeling that she has lost you."

When Erin got back to the trailer park it was mid afternoon. She noticed that Mandy had finished doing the trimming around the park and that made her feel bad for leaving and making her do all the work. She parked and went on into the trailer. She did not see Mandy at first but as she went to the back of the trailer she heard the shower running. She started to

go on in the bathroom but then decided to wait for her in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Mandy asked as she walked into the living room with a robe on and she was drying her hair with a towel.

"I'm now. Can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure. Are you mad at me for what I did last night? Do you want me to move out?"

"No, I am not mad at you at all. I am mad at myself for leaving without telling you why and not talking to you."

"Where did you go? I was so worried. I was afraid that I had scared you away." Mandy said and then Erin saw tears come to Mandy's eyes.

Erin got up and went to Mandy, wrapping her arms around her body and holding her tight.

"Come over and let's sit and talk. I think I can alleviate all of your


Once they were seated, Erin wiped the tears from Mandy's eyes and got her calmed down. Then she tried to explain why she panicked.

"When I woke up this morning and I remembered what we did last night I kind of panicked. It was not because of you but the fact that another woman made love to me. I never thought that I was a sexual person. I mean, I had never even had an orgasm before last night. I had tried to masturbate before but was never able to make myself cum. I just thought that I was one of those people that did not need sex or there was something inside me that left me frigid. But after you moved in, I started seeing you in those cute panties and tee shirts I started to feel something. I passed it off for the most part and any feelings I started having toward you I thought was just because

you had become such a close friend. Then last night it all changed. When we were standing so close to me, I knew then that I wanted you to kiss me and I

wanted to kiss you. And then when you made love to me, I thought I was in heaven. I had never felt anything so pleasurable before. I actually had an orgasm and it was a great orgasm at that. But when I woke up this morning, it all came back to me and well you know what I did. So I left and rode around a while trying to figure out what had happened. My life had completely changed in one night and I wasn't ready for that change. Then I looked up and saw a sign to Greeneville and I knew that I was heading toward my Aunt Kay's. She made me see that it was okay to love another woman or rather be in love with another woman. And that is what I am; I am in love with you Mandy. I want to make love to you and I want you to make love to me."

Mandy did not say anything but instead moved closer to Erin who was suddenly nervous. Erin closed her eyes as she felt Mandy's lips touch hers. Last night everything was like a dream but now it was all very real. The kiss was slow and tender. Erin wanted Mandy to know how she really felt. She put her hand to the back of Mandy's neck and held her in place as the kiss continued on. Erin would slowly close her lips on Mandy's lower lip and then open her lips to start the kiss all over again. Erin moved her tongue into Mandy's mouth and she felt Mandy meet it with her own tongue. Their tongue caressed and they kissed this way for a few minutes when Erin felt Mandy's hand under her breast. Erin took that hand and pushed it away as she ended the kiss.

"Keep your hands to yourself. It is my turn to please you. I just hope I can do it as well as you did me. I have never done this before."

"Don't worry, just do what comes naturally and you will do fine. And to let you in on a secret, I had never done anything like this before last night either."

"You couldn't prove that by me." Erin said as she moved back in and kissed Mandy. This time as she kissed her, Erin moved her hand to Mandy's waist and untied her robe. She then slipped her hand inside and up to Mandy's right breast. She cupped her breast giving it a little squeeze. Erin

heard and felt Mandy moan. Erin took her fingers and ran them across Mandy's nipple and she felt Mandy shudder and the nipple harden. As they kissed, Erin continued to play and caress the right breast then she moved her hand over to the left breast opening up Mandy's robe in the process. She moved her fingers to the nipple giving it a gentle squeeze and getting another moan from Mandy. Erin felt Mandy start to kiss her more passionately as she became more aroused. Erin herself felt her own panties getting wet as she caressed Mandy's body. Erin ended the kiss and took her hands to Mandy's robe and opened it up completely. She reveled at Mandy's naked body. Her eyes took in Mandy's face with its sweet smile. Then her eyes took in Mandy's perfectly rounded breasts and then on down to where her stomach met her thighs. Mandy's legs were closed but she slowly opened them and Erin could see the lips of Mandy's pussy come into view underneath the dark pubic hair. Erin slipped the robe off of Mandy's shoulders then cupped both of her breasts in her hands. She caressed them and then pinched both nipples. Mandy groaned with lust in her voice. Erin leaned and began to kiss Mandy's face and neck. Mandy reached down and started to pull Erin's shirt up. Erin let go of Mandy's breasts and stopped the kiss as her shirt come over her head. Erin then removed her bra and stood up

and removed her jeans and panties. She let Mandy look at her a second before getting down on her knees in front of Mandy.

Erin scooted on her knees till she got to Mandy's knees. She placed a hand on each of Mandy's knees and slowly opened them. She watched as Mandy's pussy came into view. As her knees opened further, she saw the lips open up and Erin desperately wanted to dive down and start licking but she stopped herself. Instead she scooted on forward until her abdomen was against the couch. She took Mandy's face in her hands and brought her face forward until their lips touched. The kiss was hard and passionate. Erin could feel Mandy start to rub her pussy against her stomach. Erin pushed back with her stomach as she forced her tongue into Mandy's mouth. Erin knew Mandy was getting very aroused. She moved her hands to Mandy's breasts and started to caress them as she ended the kiss. She then cupped both of Mandy's breasts in her hands and she brought her mouth down to the left nipple. As she kissed the nipple, she felt her pussy flood with juices and she knew she was a lesbian just as Mandy was. She sucked hard on the nipple and she could taste the clean skin and the beginnings of sweat on Mandy's body. Erin squeezed the breasts and nibbled on the nipple before going over to the other nipple and doing the same. She went back and forth between the breasts caressing them with her hands and fingers and biting and sucking on them with her mouth. Mandy in the mean time had wrapped her legs around Erin's waist and was rubbing her wet pussy against Erin's stomach. Mandy was moaning and holding Erin's head to her breasts. After a few minutes, Erin felt Mandy squeezed her waist with her thighs and shudder and Erin knew that she just had a small orgasm. Erin wanted to give her a much bigger one, like Mandy had given her the night before. She placed kisses all around Mandy's breasts and moved up to plant a kiss on Mandy's lips.

She then unlocked Mandy's legs from around her waist and Mandy moaned from the lost of contact. Erin placed a light kiss to each of Mandy's

nipples as she sat down on her heals. Erin placed a hand behind the knee of each of Mandy's legs and pulled her forward so that her butt was at the edge

of the couch. Erin pushed Mandy's knees apart and she watched as Mandy's petals open revealing pink wet flesh. It was nicely framed by Mandy's dark pubic hair. As Erin moved her head forward, she got scared as she did not have a clue as to what to do to please Mandy, despite what Mandy had told her earlier. Erin got closer and she could smell Mandy's musky scent and that made her even more aroused herself. She got closer and stuck out her tongue giving Mandy a gentle lick. Two things happened, one Mandy moaned and that pleased Erin and secondly Erin suddenly knew what to do. She began to lightly lick Mandy's outer labia drinking in all the juices that Mandy had produced so far. As she licked, she forced her tongue deeper and deeper into Mandy's slit. She licked up and down the slit for a few minutes then went to the clit. She sucked it into her mouth and she felt Mandy cry out and she felt her body tense as an orgasm coursed through her body. Erin let the small orgasm run its course then she moved her fingers to the entrance of Mandy's pussy and she opened her up. She forced her tongue in deep scooping up the girlcum that she had just caused. Erin twisted her tongue in and around Mandy's pussy and then she began to fuck her with it. Mandy pushed her hips off the couch forcing her pussy hard against Erin's mouth. Erin fucked Mandy with her tongue for a minute then she had to feel what Mandy felt like inside. She wet her finger in Mandy's juices and she slipped it into Mandy's pussy. It was warm and tight and then she ran into a

barrier and she knew Mandy was a virgin like she was. She did not want to break it now so she just fucked Mandy with just a portion of her finger as she moved her tongue and mouth to Mandy's clit. The clit was very sensitive from all the attention her pussy was getting so Erin did not have to lick on it long before she felt Mandy grip her head and hold it in place as the massive

orgasm coursed throughout her body. Erin licked on the clit until Mandy pushed her head away then she removed her finger and replaced it with her mouth. She licked and sucked up Mandy's girlcum.

Soon Mandy came to her senses and she pulled Erin up to her. Mandy took Erin's head in her hands and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I told you that you would do just fine. That was great; you are a very good lover."

"You are not so bad yourself, you know." Erin said as she slid in beside of Mandy and they began to gently kiss. Just lips at first but as both of their arousals began to emerge again the kissing became more passionate. Erin moved her right hand around Mandy's body touching her shoulders, sides and then breasts. Mandy did the same thing as they were kissing. Erin was more than a little worked up by this time and Mandy's hands were doing wonders to her body. Erin felt Mandy's hand move down to her pussy and she opened her legs for her. Mandy began by lightly stroking Erin's labia. Erin was so aroused and ready for an orgasm she couldn't continue to kiss Mandy. Instead she lay back on the couch and let Mandy's fingers stroke her pussy. The fingers moved up and down on Erin's pussy, slipping just inside every once in a while. But soon they went to Erin's clit which was poking outside its hood. Mandy lightly caressed it then slowly began to put more and more pressure against it. Erin gripped Mandy's thigh squeezing it as she got closer and closer to a climax. Mandy eased off about

this time and went back to Erin's pussy sliding the tips of a couple of fingers inside her. Erin groaned loudly as she wanted to cum so bad. Mandy was nice and came quickly back to Erin's clit. She caressed it harder and she moved in circles around the little nub until Erin cried out as she felt the massive orgasm hit her. She bucked and jerked for a couple of minutes then settled down.

Erin was still breathing hard when she heard the phone ring though the fog that was in her head. She heard Mandy say that no they didn't forget

and that they would be over there at 6. Erin tried to figure out where they were supposed to be at 6 when she felt Mandy shaking her.

"Get up girl. We have to be over at Sam's in a half hour. This is Sunday night and we have a standing dinner invitation, remember."

"Oh god, I forgot. I need a shower before we go."

"We both do honey. We can't go over there smelling like sex."

Erin got up and ran with Mandy to the shower. They both climbed in and began to soap up. This was their first shower together but they couldn't

enjoy it as they both knew there would many more later. They got washed making sure that their pussies were clean and fresh. They got out and dried and then ran to Sam's where dinner was waiting for them. As Erin was about to put a bite into her mouth, she felt Mandy's foot rub up against her foot.

She almost choked on her bite and Mandy hit her on the back asking if she was okay. When Erin got her breath back, she gave Mandy a dirty look and got a sweet smile in return which made her smile in spite of herself. For the rest of the dinner Mandy continued to rub her foot and calf and Erin now more ready for it began to enjoy the feeling of the caresses. They did the dishes as they normally did, then sat and talked.

When they got home, they got undressed and slipped under the covers naked. They talked quietly as their hands roamed over the other's bodies. This time they were not trying to arouse the other but just wanted to touch and be touched. Their fingers lightly traced over the other's skin. Then they began to lightly kiss before they settled down for sleep with Mandy lying with her head on Erin's chest. Erin caressed her hair as Mandy ran her fingers up and down Erin's arm.

The next morning Erin awoke to find Mandy staring at her. Erin smiled as Mandy rose up and kissed her. As the kiss got more passionate, the

alarm went off and they both groaned. Neither wanted to leave the nice warm bed and go to work but the buzzing of the alarm got to Erin and she ended the kiss. She turned the alarm off and got up out of bed. She pulled Mandy up and after a short kiss they went into the kitchen to start breakfast. Once it was eaten and they got dressed they headed out for work. About half way there, a thought came to Erin.

"What will everybody think about us now?"

"I don't know, I guess that depends on how obvious we are. I'm sure at first no one will say anything but this is a small town and eventually we

will be found out. Does it bother you if they do?"

Erin thought a minute as she took a long look at Mandy.

"No I don't think so. They can say whatever they want to, it won't change how I feel."

"Me either." Mandy said as she pulled up to a red light and then she turned to Erin and pulled her over and kissed her. The kiss ended and Erin looked out Mandy's window to see the biggest gossip at the plant sitting in her car beside them. Erin did the only thing that came to her mind and that was to wave at her. After the initial shock of being caught, they both began

to laugh.

"Well that did not take long." Mandy said with a slight resignation in

her voice. Erin had the same feeling that Mandy was having. It would make both of their lives easier if no one knew about them but that was not possible now. She decided that they could feel bad and dread going to work or just accept that they were found out. After this weekend, she had gotten used to change and she decided that this wouldn't be any different. She took Mandy's hand in hers and kissed it. Mandy looked at her and Erin tried to give her the most encouraging smile that she could and slowly she saw Mandy begin to smile. "Fuck them if they can't take a joke." Erin said as Mandy pulled into a parking space at the plant. They both giggled at Erin's remark then after a squeeze of their hands they got out to face the day.

Erin started to work nervous that everyone would start talking about her but everything seemed normal so she got on with her work. Mandy was working in another part of the plant that day so Erin did not see her until break. When she got outside to where the smoking tables were, she saw that Mandy was sitting alone at one of the tables. Erin sat beside Mandy and got out a cigarette. Normally she would have given it to Mandy and then got one for herself. But today she went ahead and lit the cigarette before giving it to Mandy. All the conversations at the tables around then were held in whispers. Erin knew that she and Mandy were the hot topic of the day. Erin began to talk to Mandy about work. Mandy looked at her with a question on her face saying "Don't you realize that they are talking about us?" Erin kept talking and then she saw that Mandy realized what she was doing. They weren't going to let what was being said bother them. Or at least not let the other women see that it did. Lunch and last break was the same way and they ignored what was happening. At least they did until they got to the time clock. After they had clocked out, they were walking past the other woman when they heard "Lesbian Dykes" come from one of the younger girls. Before Erin knew what was happening Mandy turned and was in the girl's face. Every muscle in Mandy's face and neck was as tight as a guitar string and you could see the blood vessels on her forehead and neck popping out. What scared Erin the most was the fire that was in Mandy's eyes.

"You got a problem!" Mandy demanded and when the girl didn't respond she said "I didn't think so. Well if you do you just come to me and I will straighten it out." Mandy didn't say how she would straighten it out but everyone knew what she meant. Erin decided it was a good time to get Mandy out of there before something happened so she grabbed Mandy by the arm and pulled her away from the girl. They both walked out the door with their heads held high. Mandy got in and started the car and Erin had to

rush to get in before Mandy took off. Mandy didn't say a word as she drove and Erin wasn't about to say something until Mandy calmed down. They got out of town then Mandy pulled off into the parking lot of a dollar store. She didn't pull in front but instead drove on around to the back of the building. Once Mandy turned off the engine, she eased the death grip she had on the steering wheel. Erin watched as Mandy's shoulders slowly relaxed and then she saw that Mandy was crying. Erin quickly unhooked her safety belt and slid beside Mandy and pulled her in close. She let Mandy cry it out as she hugged her tight and told her that it would be alright.

"I am sorry that I made a scene but that bitch's comment just caught me wrong. I just lost it."

"That is okay. Just remind me not to piss you off. You had a look in your eyes that could have killed. I was about to piss my pants and you were not even talking to me."

Mandy looked at Erin then she began to laugh. Erin hugged her tight as they both laughed at the incident. When they both stopped laughing and Mandy got herself back in shape, they started for home. Erin was hoping that

they could slip into the shower and have some fun that evening but when they got inside the trailer, they found that they had a message. It was from

Sam saying that one of the tenets had up and moved out that day and the trailer needed cleaning. Erin looked at Mandy and saw that she was just as disappointed. They grabbed a sandwich then headed over to the trailer. They took one look inside the trailer and they knew that they had their work cut out for them. It was ten that night before they stopped and they still had a lot of work to do. When they got home, they took a shower together and then hit the bed. They were both too tired to do more than kiss and cuddle up next to

each other.

The next morning Erin felt a little anxious about work and from the look on Mandy's face Erin could tell that she was also feeling the same anxiousness. But when they got to work nothing was said. At first break, one

of the girls that use to sit with them was back. At lunch a couple more joined them and by last break everything was back to normal. The girl that made the comment the day before must have decided to make herself scarce as they didn't see her all day long. Erin kidded with Mandy that everyone was now afraid of her. Mandy punched her in the arm and Erin acted like she was mortally injured.

The rest of the week, they spent every evening cleaning the trailer that the tenets had moved out of and it was Saturday before they put the finishing touches. Sam came over just as they were finishing and he told them that he had never seen a trailer cleaned that well. It was a better cleaning than when he used professional cleaners. He then told them to clean themselves up and meet him at his trailer with their car. Mandy drove up to where Sam and Brenda were waiting. They got in the back seat and they told her to drive to

The Tea House which was the best restaurant in the area. Sam and Brenda treated them to a nice lunch and after coffee, Sam directed them to new car lot. Erin looked at Mandy and found that Mandy was looking back at her with the same look in her face. A salesman came over to meet them and directed them over to a shinny new car. It was not the most expensive car on

the lot and was not loaded with all the extras but still more than they could afford.

"How do you like your new car?" Sam said with a big smile on his face.

"We can't accept this. It is much too expensive. A TV is one thing but

this is too much." Erin finally said.

"Since Sam Jr. passed Sam has had to do everything. You have taken a great load off of him and off of me. Now I don't have to worry about him doing too much. Beside I always wanted to have a daughter and now I have two. So we are getting this car for you all whether you like it or not." Brenda told them.

Erin felt tears come to her eyes as she went over to Brenda and gave her a big hug. When she let go, she saw that Mandy was hugging Sam. As they switched places Erin saw that Mandy too had tears in her eyes. When the hugging was done, Sam escorted them inside to sign the paper work. Once they were back outside Mandy insisted that Sam take the first drive. So

they all plied in and Sam drove them around town. Then he drove them back and told them to take their car out for a drive and he and Brenda would take

their old car home. They gave each of them another big hug them before Mandy threw Erin the keys and they took off in their new car. Erin headed out of town as dusk began to fall over the country side. Erin drove up into the mountains until she found the cut off that she was looking for. She drove a short distance before they came out into a clearing. Erin cut off the engine and got out. She met Mandy at the front of the car. Erin sat back against the hood and Mandy slipped in beside her. Erin put her arm around Mandy's shoulders and Mandy slipped her arm around Erin's waist. Mandy put her head on Erin's shoulder and they watched the sun pass behind the mountain tops. After the sun went down Erin turned to Mandy and she put her hand behind Mandy's neck. She brought her head in close and they kissed. The first thing that passed through Erin's head was that this was the perfect ending to a very hard week. Erin kissed her with only her lips at first. It was a long slow kiss that Erin did not want to hurry or end. But it eventually it did. They stood there a second then Mandy moved in front of Erin and she leaned in and their lips met again. This time the kiss became more passionate. Erin felt Mandy open her mouth and she felt Mandy's tongue enter her mouth. Erin closed her lips around Mandy's tongue and sucked on it. She then opened her mouth and pushed her tongue against Mandy's. They hugged and kissed and Erin felt Mandy's body rub up against her body and she began to get aroused. They had been too tired every night this week to make love and Erin felt her passions coming alive. Erin felt Mandy grip her hips and she felt Mandy push her hips against her. Erin ground her pelvis back against Mandy's and their breathing began to quicken. Finally it got to

the point that they had to break off kissing to breath.

"Let's get home quick." Erin said in a lusty voice.

"No time." Mandy said in an equally lusty voice.

"What?" Erin said as Mandy grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back door of the car. Erin watched as Mandy opened the door and climbed onto the back seat. Erin was in shock as Mandy proceeded to start to take off her blouse.

"You can't be serious; we can't make love out here out in the open, in

the back seat of our new car."

"The hell we can't. What better way to break in our new car. Now get your clothes off and get your ass in here."

Erin looked around to see if anyone was around but she knew this was her secret place and no one ever came by. By this time, Mandy had her blouse and bra off and was in the process of pulling her jeans and panties off. Erin took one look at Mandy breasts and her now uncovered pussy and began to throw her clothes in every direction as she stripped. Once Mandy was naked, she lay down in the back seat and Erin crawled in on top of her. The scent of the new car and Mandy's arousal got Erin to the boiling point. She lowered her head and she kissed Mandy as Mandy wrapped her arms around Erin's back. As they kissed, Erin caressed Mandy's face and ran her fingers through her fine hair. Erin could feel Mandy caress her back, running her fingers lightly up and down her spine. Erin pressed her mons down against Mandy's and began to flex her hips. Mandy quickly joined in and Erin could feel their pussies rub. Erin was so horny by this time that it did not take her long before she felt the beginnings of an orgasm. She pressed harder and she heard Mandy groan into her mouth as she came. Erin was not far behind as she orgasm hit her and she moaned. They stopped kissing as they recovered from their orgasms.

When they got it back together Mandy told Erin get up on her hands and knees and turn around. Erin did as she was told not sure what Mandy was up to until Mandy told her to back up. She felt Mandy's hands on her hips and she felt Mandy pulled them down. She then felt Mandy begin to lick her pussy. Erin moaned at the contact and enjoyed the sensation. She opened her eyes a second and realized that her head was over Mandy's pussy and the aroma was too much to resist. It was difficult in the back seat of the car but she managed to get into a position that allowed her to lick Mandy as

Mandy licked her. It was difficult for Erin to lick Mandy when Mandy clamped her lips around her clit. All Erin could do was to moan into Mandy's pussy which made Mandy moan herself. It was when Erin got to Mandy's clit and felt the vibrations of Mandy's moan on her pussy did she realize when Mandy moaned when she did. Erin licked and explored Mandy's pussy and clit only taking a break when Mandy hit a sensitive spot. With Mandy being on her back she was able to use her fingers and she did. She opened up Erin's pussy and Erin felt Mandy's tongue go deep inside her. She twisted it around then fucked her with it. Then she went up to Erin's clit and Erin lost it as she felt her orgasm hit her hard. She cried out and

flooded Mandy with her juices. Erin enjoyed the feel of the orgasm but when it ended she was determined to bring Mandy to just as good of an orgasm. She dove back into Mandy's pussy. She licked and sucked as hard and as fast as she could. She ran her tongue around and inside Mandy's pussy. Then when Mandy clamped her thighs around Erin's head Erin went to Mandy's clit. She began to lick it using short hard strokes. In no time Mandy was bucking her hips and screaming out Erin's name as she came. Erin licked up the delicious juices that Mandy was producing. Eventually Mandy could not take any more and she released Erin's head.

Erin crawled out of the car and helped Mandy out. She then brought Mandy to her and they stood out in the open air naked hugging and kissing. But soon the cool mountain air begin to give them a chill so they had one last kiss before gathering up their clothes and they got dressed. Erin drove

them home with Mandy sitting beside her, holding her hand.

When they got home, they both took a last look at their new car from the porch then went inside. Erin suggested a shower before bed and Mandy readily agreed. Erin got the water running and once it was hot they both stepped into the shower. Erin had Mandy get under the water first to get wet

then they switched places and she got wet. Erin got the bottle of body wash and put some into her palm. She started with Mandy's right hand and she washed her way up Mandy's arm. She did the same to the other hand and arm. She moved to Mandy's back. She started at her shoulders and caressed that massaged them and moved on downward, slipping she hands around to the sides getting close to Mandy's breasts but she reframed from touching them. She moved on down to Mandy's lower back and then buttocks. She got more body wash and cupped each of Mandy's cheeks in her hand. She caressed them, squeezing and pulling them apart. She then slipped her fingers down the crack till she got to Mandy's anus. She felt Mandy tense a second as she fingers went across Mandy's puckered rose. Erin moved her fingers back and left them on Mandy's asshole gently running her fingers back and forth across the rim. Soon she got a moan from Mandy and she gave a last touch before moving on down to her legs. She squatted down to wash Mandy's feet and then got up and turned Mandy around. She washed Mandy's upper chest and then she placed her hands on Mandy's breasts. The caressed them and pinched the nipples getting another moan from Mandy. She moved on down to Mandy's stomach and then to her hips. Mandy opened her legs a little and Erin washed first Mandy's pubic hair then she went to the labia. Erin could feel Mandy's juices mixing with the soap and water. She ran her fingers up and down the slit getting it nice and slippery. Erin put her thumb and forefinger to Mandy's clit and pushed the hood back exposing the little nub. She used her other finger to start to caress it and then she felt Mandy's hands on her shoulders, holding herself up. Erin ran her fingers back and forth across the nub getting more and more moans from Mandy. As she increased the pressure the moans from Mandy increased. Erin kept the pressure on Mandy's clit until she felt Mandy cry out and she watched as Mandy's cum came from her pussy. Erin slowly eased the pressure on Mandy's clit as she experienced the orgasm.

Erin got up and held onto Mandy and she pressed her body against Mandy's soapy body. Mandy always felt good but in the shower and being all soapy she felt even better. When Mandy got her feet back under her she turned Erin around and pushed her against the wall of the shower. Erin allowed Mandy to pin her hands above her head. Mandy then kissed her hard pressing her tongue into Erin's mouth. Erin welcomed Mandy's tongue and got her own tongue into the action but just as she was getting aroused Mandy ended the kiss. Mandy let go of her hands and from the look in Mandy's eyes Erin knew she wanted her to leave them where they were so she did. Mandy put some soap in her hands and she began with Erin's arms and moved down to her underarms and she used the tip of her fingers to tickle Erin there. It took all she had to keep from moving her arms down so she wiggled her body instead. Mandy moved on to her shoulders and then her breasts. She caressed them getting them good and soapy. Erin moaned and she felt the juices come to her pussy. Mandy pinched her nipples and then Erin watched as Mandy brought her mouth down and gently bit both nipples. That made Erin moan even louder. Erin was getting so aroused that she could not stand it. Mandy soaped Erin's belly and she went down to her pelvic region. Erin looked down as Mandy washed her pubic hair but kept away from her pussy. Erin was dieing to tell Erin to do something to get her

off but she let Mandy be. She went on down washing her legs and feet then she turned Erin around so that she was facing the wall. Mandy massaged the back of her legs as she moved up toward her butt. When she got there, Erin felt Mandy grasp and squeeze her cheeks. Erin pushed out her butt a bit and she felt Mandy's hands spread her cheeks open. Erin waited a second before she felt Mandy's fingers begin to soap her crack. Mandy's fingers skipped over her anus on the first pass but then she felt the first tentative touch. It excited her for Mandy to touch her there. Mandy soaped up her anus good then she used her finger to go around and around the rim. Erin then felt Mandy's finger press against the center. Mandy then pressed her finger just slightly inside. Erin moaned loudly and she felt a shiver go through her body. Mandy then went on up her back. She massaged her lower and upper back before Erin felt Mandy's hands leave her body. Erin was left wondering what Mandy was up too when she felt Mandy's hand cup her pussy from behind. Erin opened her legs and she felt Mandy caress her pussy with her hand. Erin's finger went up and down her pussy and Erin felt them keep coming into contact with her clit. Each time Erin groaned and she felt her orgasm coming ever closer. Mandy slipped a finger between her lips and Erin felt her legs go weak. Mandy ran her finger just inside her lips and she made more contact with Erin's clit. Mandy kept this going not letting her contact with Erin's clit stay for long. Erin was moaning more and more and her pussy was overflowing for juices. Erin desperately needed to cum now. She finally had to cry out "Please let me cum". She felt Mandy's fingers go to her clit and stay there. After only a minute or so, the orgasm she wanted

so bad came and it came hard. When it ended, she found that Mandy was holding her up. Erin wrapped her arms around Mandy and they kissed. By now the water was beginning to cool off so the both ducked under the water to wash the soap off and wash their hair under the last of the warm water. They got out of the shower shivering, so they dried quickly and ran to the bed. They both were under the covers in seconds, coming together to warm themselves.

As summer turned to fall their work at the trailer park lessened giving them more free time. They spent more evenings at Sam and Brenda's as they knew that Sam and Brenda's considered them now a part of their family, probably their only family. They also started to spend more of their Saturdays and Sundays going to the large city nearby. While most people at work knew that they were lovers, they still felt more comfortable going into

the city. There they could go to the malls and restaurants holding hands if they so desired. They could also go to the movies and lean against each other. They did not have a lot of extra money but they had more than they thought they would since Sam didn't charge them any rent. They did a lot of window shopping and ate out at a decent restaurant on paydays.

One day as they were in a novelty store at the mall and Erin was looking at some greeting cards when she heard Mandy giggle. Erin came over to see what Mandy was up to and she noticed that Mandy's face was flush. Erin looked to where Mandy was looking and found that Mandy had come across a section that had a few vibrators. Erin felt her own face go red like Mandy's did and it got worse when Mandy whispered that they needed one of these. They both started to giggle like two school girls and Erin grabbed Mandy's hand and pulled her out of the store before they started to attract too much attention. Once they were both far away from the store they

both went into a fit of laughter. This did bring them to the attention of everyone around them but they did not care as they were to busy wiping the tears from their eyes. Once the laughter ended, Erin realized she was about to pee on herself so they went off to find the restroom. Erin forgot about the vibrators until later that night after they had finished making love. She thought having something other than the tips of Mandy's fingers inside her and she realized that she wanted to try it. But she did not know how to bring the subject up. She studied on this that night and through most of the next day.

"What have you been thinking about all day?" Mandy asked that evening as they were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"What? Oh nothing, I was just lost in space I guess."

"All day, I don't think so. Fess up. I know you better than that."

"I don't know how, it is kind of embarrassing."

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about around me. So just say what is on your mind." Mandy said as she reached for the remote and turned off the TV.

Erin knew she was on the spot now so she took a deep breath and let it

ripped. "I have been thinking about those vibrators yesterday and maybe us trying one. I... I have never had anything inside me and I was wondering what it would be like."

Erin looked at Mandy and she saw a big grin come to Mandy's face. Erin thought she was going to laugh at her and she felt her face go red with

blood. "Don't laugh at me, I was being serious." Erin said as she started to

get up and run to the bedroom in shame. Then she felt Mandy grab her arm.

"Sit back down. I wasn't going to laugh. I was feeling relief. I was thinking the same thing. You are the first to make love to me and I want you

to break my maidenhood. Okay?"

"Okay. I feel the same way. I was just afraid you would think I wanted a man or something and I don't. I just want you."

"I only want you too." Mandy said as she pulled Erin to her and they kissed. From that kiss they quickly stripped out of their clothes and got into a sixty-nine position on the floor. They took their time and brought each other to numerous orgasms before the night was over.

That week they talked each night about what they wanted. They both knew that they did not want anything too large but not to small either. They

also discussed whether they wanted a vibrator or just a straight dildo. Neither knew much about dildos or vibrators but they knew enough to know about what they wanted. Each night after their talked they made very passionate love to each other as the talk got them extremely horny. That Friday they stopped by the bank and took out more money than they thought they would need and headed into the city. There was a large adult book store

in the city center and they quickly made their way there. Erin was shaking as she got out of the car and when she grabbed Mandy's hand she saw that Mandy was just as nervous as she was. They walked into the store hand in hand and to their surprise no one paid them any attention. There were a lot of men there but also a few women. They went first to the vibrators and were shocked at how many different types and shapes there were. This was going to be harder than they thought. Erin suggested that they look on their

own and then come back and decide on what they wanted to buy. That way one would not be too influenced by the other. Erin drifted off checking out the vibrators and she picked out a few that she liked.

"I found what we are looking for." Mandy said excitingly about an hour later as she dragged Erin over to a display. Mandy pointed to a strap-on harness and some dildos that fit it. Erin pictured Mandy on top of her with the dildo strapped on to her and she felt her pussy go wet. She knew that Mandy was right. This was what they were looking for. Erin looked at the prices and she was glad that they brought the extra money. They looked at the more expensive ones then at the cheaper ones trying to decide what to buy. They had decided on one of the less expensive ones when they heard a voice behind them.

"You are better off with the more expensive one. You know you get what you pay for and in this case that is really true."

Erin and Mandy looked around to see a middle aged lady behind them.

"I did not mean to butt in but take my word on this."

"No, go ahead. We don't really know what we are looking for."

"My name is Sandy and I have been down the road you are on. The first one my first lover and I tried was a cheap one and while it worked, it

did not give us the satisfaction that we thought it would. It wasn't until I

hooked up with my second that I found what a good strap-on could ready do."

Mandy and Erin nodded their understanding but Sandy could see that some more explaining needed to be done. So she picked up one of the cheaper ones and then an expensive one. She then called over to a younger girl that was sitting behind the counter. Sandy handed the cheaper one to the girl and had her put it on.

"See how much play this one has." Sandy said as she took the dildo that was attached to the harness and pulled on it.

"Yes." Mandy and Erin said in unison. Sandy then had the girl take that harness off and put the other one on.

"Now compare the cheaper one to this one. You can see that there is much less play and thus you have more control." Sandy showed and told them.

"You are right; I appreciate you telling us helping us out. Can I ask you another question?" Mandy asked

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"We... We are kind-of new at this. What kind of thing should we buy for the strap-on."

Sandy smiled at Mandy's wording.

"Well since this is new to both of you, I would go with a cock about this size." Sandy said as she held up a cock looking dildo about 6 inches long. "This will give you all the feel you need and not be too big. But I would also get the next size up while you are at it. You never know when you might want something a little bigger."

Erin felt her face turn red and she looked at Mandy and saw that she was blushing too.

"Thank you." Erin finally managed to say as she took both cocks from Sandy.

"You need any help with any thing else?" Sandy inquired.

"Well..." Erin said and then she took Sandy over to the vibrators. There Sandy showed them a couple that also looked like cocks and had a nice soft feel to them. Once these were picked out, Mandy counted out their money and she realized that they had used up all that they brought. They wandered around the store for a while longer just seeing all that was there.

Some things surprised them and others just plain ole shocked them.

They finally took their toys to the counter. The young lady there rang

up everything they had and put it into a couple of bags. She took their money and gave them a few cents back as change. As the girl gave them their bags, Erin noticed that she gave them a bag full of things that was sitting under the counter.

"I think you gave us someone else's bag." Erin told the girl.

"It is a gift from Sandy. She said to tell you to have fun and to never stop loving each other."

"Is she still here so that we can thank her, or do you have her last name so we can call her?" Mandy asked.

"No she already left. But when I see her again I will be sure to tell her."

"Thanks" they said in unison and headed out the store. Once outside Sandy came from the door behind the counter.

"You know we can't make any money if you give half of the store away." The young lady told Sandy.

"I know lover, but they looked so confused and so in love. I just had to give them a hand. So shut up and give me a kiss." The girl did as her older lover told her to do.

When Erin got out into the car, she opened the bag of stuff that Sandy

had gotten for them. She pulled out a couple of large tubes of KY jelly and showed them to Mandy. Next was something called a pocket rocket. Erin gave that to Mandy to open. She did so put in the batteries that Erin gave to her and then turned it on. It was small but had a powerful vibration. She touched it to her own breast and out popped "Oh Shit." Mandy then put it to Erin's nipple and even through her tee shirt and bra she felt the tingle and

she knew if she placed it on her clit she would cum in a second. Erin made Mandy put it down and she went back to the bag. There was another vibrator, it too a little larger than the ones they bought. There were some massage oils and scented candles. Erin then reached into the bottom of the bag and pulled out two strange looking dildos. One was slightly larger than the other. They both had a flat bottom with an area next to the base slightly smaller than the top. Erin was not sure what it was until she saw the top of

the package and it said that it was a butt plug. Erin felt herself turn red and she saw that Mandy was doing the same. Erin was not sure about trying these things but the thought of doing so excited her. They had played a little bit with anal sex before and Erin knew they would eventually try this too.

Mandy put the car into gear and they took off as Erin started to put the things that Sandy gave them back into the bag. As they went home, they talked about the toys and the strap-on. The more they talked about what they

were about to do the more they realized that they were too excited to do it right that night. Mandy told Erin that she wanted it a little more relaxed and romantic so they decided that tomorrow night would be soon enough, besides the pocket rocket was just waiting to be used. As soon as they got home, they rushed inside and started to shed their clothes. Mandy was naked first and she went to the bag to get the pocket rocket. Erin let her search for a minute and then when Mandy finally looked up Erin smiled and showed Mandy the little vibrator was in her hand.

"Cheater" Mandy said with a smile on her face as she knew that she would be the first to feel its effects. Erin came over and as she kissed Erin she eased her down to the floor. Erin lay to Mandy's side as she continued to kiss her. The kiss quickly became more passionate as their tongues met and played their own little game. Erin used her right hand to turn on the vibrator and found Mandy's right nipple. As soon as it touched the nipple, Mandy gave a loud moan. Erin moved it around the nipple for a minute or two then she felt her way over to the other breast and touched the nipple with the end of the vibrator. Again Mandy let out a loud moan and continued to moan as the vibrator teased her nipple. It was getting hard to kiss Mandy with her moaning and twisting her head around so Erin gave a last touch of the vibrator to each nipple and she moved her mouth to the left breast and sucked the nipple into her mouth. As she did this she moved the pocket rocket to Mandy's pussy. Erin used her fingers to find Mandy's clit and then

she lightly placed the vibrator against it. Mandy groaned loudly and she began to move her hips around on the floor. Erin sucked on Mandy's nipples as her hand followed Mandy's hips around. She was crying out and telling Erin not to stop. Erin almost came from just hearing Mandy say that. She knew Mandy had been aroused all evening and the things that the vibrator was doing to her would make her cum pretty fast and it did. Mandy gave a last cry out and Erin felt her body go tense and then relax. Erin held the vibrator in place as Mandy went from one orgasm to the next until Mandy finally pushed the pocket rocket away. Erin turned it off and went up to Mandy and held her tight as the last of the orgasms passed.

When Mandy had rested a second, she pushed Erin onto her back and Erin knew it was her turn. Erin closed her eyes as Mandy kissed her and then

she felt Mandy's hand touch her hand seeking the vibrator. Erin opened it letting Mandy take the small magic wand from her. Erin heard the vibrator being turned on then she felt Mandy cupped her breast. Erin tensed a second waiting for the first touch but Mandy waited her out. When she relaxed, Erin

felt the tip touch her nipple and it sent a bolt of electricity through her nipple into her breast and then it hit her brain. She moaned into Mandy's mouth. Erin could not believe what this little thing was doing to her. Mandy moved it around her breast and nipple all the while kissing her. After a couple of

minutes on this breast, Mandy broke off the kiss and sat up. Erin wondered what Mandy was up to and wondered more when Mandy placed her hand over her eyes causing Erin to close them. Erin was forced into another waiting game and finally she felt Mandy kiss her nipple then she felt the vibrator touch her nipple and another bolt of electricity went through her body. Mandy moved it around the edge and then barely touching the tip of her nipple. Mandy would stop every once in a while to kiss the nipple she had the vibrator on then she would place it back on the nipple. Erin found herself getting more and more aroused and about the time she was about to touch herself, Erin felt Mandy move downward and Erin naturally opened her legs. Erin felt Mandy open her pussy up and she felt her clit being exposed. When the pocket rocket touched her clit, Erin thought she would die. It was more intense than she anything she had ever felt. Erin jerked then settled back down as Mandy began to move the vibrator around her clit. She felt her juices leaking out of her pussy and she knew she wasn't going to be

able to take this long. Mandy moved the vibrator down to her pussy lips to give Erin a bit of a rest then she went back to the clit. Erin started to jerk and move her hips as her orgasm came closer and closer. When Mandy pressed the vibrator down on her clit she felt her orgasm come from deep within her body and explode. Erin pushed the vibrator away no longer able to stand the vibrations on her clit. When her orgasm began to fade, Erin felt Mandy's tongue licking her gently and that sent her to another orgasm. She savored that orgasm until it ended, then she pulled Mandy up to her and they kissed.

When the kiss ended they lay in each others arms falling into a deep sleep.

"Wake up honey." Erin whispered to Mandy at about 2 am.

"What?" Mandy replied more asleep than awake.

"Let's get to bed and off this hard floor." Erin said as she helped Mandy up and to bed. As soon as Mandy's head hit the pillow she was back asleep, if she woke up at all. The next morning it was Mandy who had to drag Erin out of bed to start their all important day. They had a few odd jobs to do around the trailer park. As she worked, Erin found herself thinking more about what was to come than what she was doing. She could also tell by Mandy looking off into space from time to time that she was also thinking about things other than what they were currently doing. They took a

break for lunch then finished up at about two.

"How are we going to decide who does what first?" Mandy asked as she broke the silence that had been hanging over them as they sat on the porch drinking their cold bottle water.

"I don't know, I was kind of thinking the same thing. I don't want to plan it out but I also don't want us to fumble around."

"It doesn't matter to me. I would be happy either way. Are you scared?'

"A little bit." Erin admitted.

"Good, me too. But also excited."

"So am I. In a way I want to run in there and fuck you right now."

"Erin! Be quite someone may hear you."

"Well it is true."

"That may be but still keep your voice down."

"I just wanted to see you blush."

"Well, anyway when are we going to start dinner?"

"Getting anxious are we?" Erin said as she arched her eyebrows.

"No, just wondering."

"Well let's go in and set up the bedroom and take our showers, then we will start dinner."

They went straight back to the bedroom. They set out the candles and then Mandy pulled out the harness and the smaller dildo. Erin watched as Mandy put the two together and set it on the bed. She put a tube of KY jelly on the table. Erin then went in to take a shower as Mandy started to set out

the food that they were going to prepare. Erin took her time washing herself

and running a razor over her legs and underarms. She got out and dried off her body then her hair. She then set about putting on a little make-up and fixing her hair. Once that was done she left the bathroom calling out to Mandy that the bathroom was hers. She went into the bedroom to decide what to wear. They had decided not to tell what they were going to wear and Erin had as yet decided. But now it was crunch time. She went to their bra and panty drawer and rummaged around trying to find what to put on. She pulled one set out after another until she came across a black lace set that she decided would be perfect. Next came what to place over the bra and panty. She went to the closet and looked though the clothes hanging there. She discarded anything that would be too hard to get off. She went through the closet until she came to a blouse that she had bought a few weeks ago only to get it home and find that it was mislabel and was much to large. She put it on and found that it just covered her hips. She left the top two buttons open and went over to the mirror. She found that she liked what she saw. She was covered but as she moved you could get a glimpse of her panties or bra. She stopped right there and went out to the kitchen to finish up the dinner.

"Well I love that outfit." Erin heard Mandy say as she was bending over to get the baked chicken breasts out of the oven.

"Thank you. I love your outfit too." Erin said as she looked Mandy over. Mandy was wearing a red blouse that had most of the buttons open and Erin could see the swells of her braless breasts. Mandy was also wearing a short skirt and as she spun around the skirt faired up and Erin saw that she

was not wearing any panties.

"I definitely love your outfit." Erin said and Mandy giggled as she came over and gave Erin a kiss. As they put the food on the table, they both

ogled the other. Erin turned off the lights as Mandy lit the candles. Erin then put a CD in and started it to play. They ate slowly and talked trying to keep the conversation off of sex. But with what they both were wearing that was hard. After they had eaten and they put the food away, they retired to the couch. They had left the candles lit from the kitchen table so that there was a romantic feel to the living room. Erin poured some non-alcohol champagne into their wine glasses. Erin did not drink alcohol after seeing what that had done to her mother.

"A toast is in order, I believe. To us, may we be together forever." Erin said as she first touched her glass to Mandy's then she put her arm through Mandy's and they took a sip.

"May we never have to say we are sorry." Mandy said as she made her toast and they both took another sip.

Erin put her glass down and took Mandy's from her putting it on the table beside her own. She then turned toward Mandy and took her face in her hands. She brought it in close and kissed her. It was a soft kiss just using her lips as she wanted to start the evening off slow. Their lips would touch and

they would kiss then Erin would back away, breaking off the kiss. Erin moved her hands down to Mandy's arms lightly touching them as they continued to kiss in this manner. Mandy had her hands at Erin's sides holding on to her. Every once in a while Erin would make the kissing more passionate as she used her tongue but then she would go back to just using her lips. After a few minutes of kissing this way, Mandy backed away and got up on her knees on the couch and Erin moved around and got up on her knees. They kissed as Mandy pulled her in tight against her body. The kiss soon involved both of their tongues and their hands were grasping and pulling against each other. Mandy ended the kiss and put her head on Erin's shoulder and Erin felt her start to kiss her there. Erin turned her head and she pulled Mandy's blouse down a bit so that she could kiss her shoulder. Erin felt Mandy's hands reach her butt and she felt Mandy caress both cheeks. Erin could not help but to let out a quite moan. Erin felt Mandy slide her mouth around to the front of her throat. Erin leaned back and Mandy kissed her way down until the button of her blouse stopped her. Mandy leaned back and began to unbutton Erin's blouse and then she slipped it off Erin's shoulders leaving Erin in her bra and panties. Mandy cupped both of her breasts in her hands and kissed the nipples through the lace. She then reached around and unhooked the bra and took it off. Mandy bent down and took the right nipple into her mouth. Erin put her hand to the back of Mandy's head caressing her hair as Mandy sucked on her nipple. Erin felt herself getting very aroused as Mandy went from one nipple to the other. Before she got too aroused, she gently pushed Mandy back and kissed her. When the kiss ended, Erin finished unbuttoning Mandy's blouse and slipped it off of Mandy's shoulders. She then bent down and took a nipple into her mouth. As she sucked, she used her tongue to go around the nipple. She felt Mandy's breathing quicken and she thought she heard a moan come from Mandy. She let that nipple go and went to the other one, this time she used the tip of her tongue to go around the areole. She could feel the nipple harden and then she took it into her mouth. She sucked hard a minute or two then went back to the first one and licked the areole before sucking the nipple back into her mouth.

Soon Erin felt Mandy pulling her away from the nipple and lifting her chin up. Mandy kissed her and their hands began to roam the other's body. Erin moved her hands slowly to Mandy's butt. She lifted the skirt and she felt Mandy's bare butt. She caressed those perfect globes in her hands. Mandy's hands soon found their way to Erin's butt. They kissed this time with their tongues were fully involved as their passions were being aroused.

Erin moved her right hand to the front and found Mandy's pussy. She found Mandy's lips enlarged and she was showing signs of wetness. As she slowly began to masturbate Mandy, she felt and heard Mandy moan. Mandy followed Erin's lead and she slipped her hand around and under Erin's panties. When Mandy's fingers touched her own aroused pussy Erin had to moan. Erin slipped a finger between Mandy's pussy lips caressing her and she was rewarded with another moan from Mandy. Erin kept away from Mandy's clit as she didn't want her to cum and Mandy did the same to her. It

was getting harder to kiss and finally they broke off the kissing. Erin removed her fingers from Mandy's pussy and she moved her hands to the side of Mandy's short skirt and unzipped it. She pushed Mandy onto her back and pulled the skirt off of her. Erin then lay down on top of her and they began to kiss again. Erin felt Mandy's hands on her butt pushing her hips down. Erin ground her panty covered pussy against Mandy's keeping them both very aroused. It did not take long of doing this before Erin found

that she was heading toward a climax so she eased up. About this time, Mandy slipped from under Erin leaving her lying on her stomach. Mandy moved around and she got up on her knees. She put her hands at Erin's panties, pushing and pulling them off. Erin lifted her hips then her knees to help Mandy. Once the panties were off, Erin felt Mandy bend down and she kissed both of her ass cheeks. Mandy went all around her ass placing light kisses. Erin let out another moan but then Mandy quit and Erin felt her get off the couch. Erin turned over and saw that Mandy had her hand out for her.

Erin took it and Mandy helped her up. Mandy then led her back to the bedroom.

When they got there Erin went to the candles and lit them. When she turned around, she saw that Mandy was putting the harness on. Erin knew that she was going to be the first to lose her virginity. Erin went to the bed and she lay down on her back. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she was both scared and excited. Mandy came over to the bed and got on her hands and knees. Erin's eyes were drawn to the cock that was sticking from between Mandy's legs. Mandy reached up and took Erin's chin in her hands lifting it up. She then bent down and kissed Erin, who felt Mandy's lips touch hers then she felt the head of the cock touch her belly. Erin concentrated on the kiss but the cock and where it would be shortly was never far from her mind. Mandy kissed her passionately and then she moved her lips down Erin's body. Erin felt Mandy's lips kiss her breasts and she felt the cock make a trail down her body until she felt it go across her pussy. This sent a shock wave through her body. Erin felt Mandy's lips leave her breasts and down her belly until they found her pussy. Erin felt Mandy kiss her clit and then she started to lick her outer labia. Erin knew that she was very wet and Mandy's licking her pussy only served to make her wetter. Erin loved the way Mandy kissed and sucked on her pussy but now she wanted to feel what it felt liked to be penetrated.

"I am ready." Erin told Mandy in a horse voice.

Mandy gave a last kiss to Erin's clit and then she moved up. Erin looked down as Mandy put a little lubricant on the head of the cock that she

wore. Erin opened her legs and raised her knees. She watched as Mandy moved the head of the cock to her pussy. She felt the head slid up and down her slit and then Mandy positioned it at the entrance. Erin braced herself as the cock head parted her lips. Mandy moved her body forward and propped herself up on one of her elbows as her other hand held the cock in place. They both moved around until they both were comfortable. Erin then felt the cock begin to force itself into her pussy. She felt her pussy filling up and the cock felt much bigger than it looked. Soon she felt a little pain and she knew that the head was at her hymen.

"Stop a second." Erin told Mandy.

"You are right?"

"Yes just a second." Mandy said as she moved her hips a bit. "Okay, I am ready, push hard."

A second later Erin felt a sharp pain in her groin and she felt like she was being split in two. The pain was intense for a few seconds then it began

to ease off.

"Are you okay?" She heard Mandy say, then she felt Mandy wiping the tears that had been running down her face.

"Yes I'm fine now. It was a little intense at first but it is fine now."

"Look I am inside you."

Erin looked down as Mandy raised up a bit and she saw that the cock was buried deep inside of her. That brought a smile to both of their faces. When Erin got her breathing under control, Mandy raised her hips a couple of inches and Erin felt the cock pulling on her pussy lips as it started to slide out. Mandy then pushed it back in. It hurt at first but then it began to feel better and better. Erin had Mandy adjust her hips and then she told her to go just a little faster. Mandy's cock filled her up then she felt her pussy go empty only to be filled again and again. Erin started to push back wanting more of the cock inside her. And the feeling of it rubbing against her clit was unreal. She moved her legs around Mandy's body and she was grunting and moaning and she realized that Mandy was doing a lot of moaning too. Soon she felt an orgasm coming and she cried out to Mandy "Go faster". Mandy did as she was told and Erin could hear Mandy's hips hit hers. The cock felt

like it was going deeper and deeper inside of her then she saw a blinding light and she came. Mandy was sweating now and she kept pounding the cock into Erin so that when her first orgasm ended the second began. Just when she thought she could take no more she heard Mandy cry out and she collapsed on top of her. Erin lay there with the cock still buried deep inside her and she wrapped her arms around Mandy. It all felt so good. Once they got their breath back Mandy kissed her and then slowly rose up and Erin felt

the cock leave her pussy. When it came out she heard a slight pop and she felt empty. Mandy moved to Erin's side and lay down on her back. Erin looked at the cock sticking up from Mandy's groin and she could see her cum and just a hint of blood on it.

Erin leaned over and she began to kiss Mandy, getting her aroused. She used her hands to caress Mandy's breasts and she saw that Mandy's breathing quicken. She moved her mouth to those breasts kissing and biting on the nipples. As she did this she used her hands to begin unhooking the harness. Mandy lifted her hips to help Erin get the harness off. Once that was done Erin started to get up to wash off the dildo.

"Don't wash it off. I want a part of you inside me." Mandy said as she

grabbed Erin's arm preventing her from getting up. At first that sounded gross to Erin but after thinking a second she realized what Mandy was wanting and she almost wished she could have done the same. Erin took the harness and hooked it on herself making sure that it was tight. As she adjusted it, she felt the end of the dildo rub against her clit and then she

realized why Mandy was moaning almost as much as she was. As sensitive as she was she was not sure she could take the stimulation but she knew she would do anything for Mandy. Erin moved over Mandy and bent down and kissed her. She could tell by Mandy's trembling lips that she was scared.

"It will be fine; you will enjoy this I promise." Erin told Mandy as she ended the kiss. Mandy gave a smile back and she lifted her head for another kiss. Erin kissed her gently and lovingly making sure that she was reassured. Erin kissed her again then kissed her way down to Mandy's breasts. There she kissed the nipples drawing them into her mouth and sucking on each in turn. Not wanting Mandy to wait to long she moved on down to her pussy. She ran she tongue up and down the slit and found that she was very wet. She kissed the clit getting a moan from Mandy and she knew that Mandy was ready. Erin gave a last kiss to Mandy's clit and she moved up in the bed. She felt the head of the dildo and decided that there was more than enough lubrication, especially considering how wet Mandy already was.

Erin took the dildo into her hand and placed the head at the entrance to Mandy's pussy. She gently eased the head inside her and she heard Mandy groan. She stopped and let Mandy get use to the feeling of something that big inside her. Having just gone through the same thing she knew what Mandy was feeling. Erin felt Mandy's hands on her hip adjusting her a bit. Erin then stayed in place supported by her knees and one elbow. Erin did not

move until she heard Mandy say "I am ready". Erin released the dildo and supported her self on her knees and elbows. With a quick thrust of her hips she penetrated Mandy's pussy.

"Oh God" Mandy screamed then she went silent. At first she thought that she had really hurt Mandy but then she saw Mandy open her eyes and smile. Erin rose up to let Mandy see that she was truly inside her. Erin lowered her head and kissed Mandy. They kissed as Mandy got use to the cock being deep inside of her.

"Fuck me now, lover." Mandy said when the kiss ended. Hearing Mandy say "fuck" got to Erin and she lifted her hips and brought them down. She heard Mandy moan and she had to let out a small moan herself as the end of the dildo rubbed her clit. Erin started slow, moving her hips up and down. She could hear the sound the cock was making as it went in and out of Mandy's pussy. The sound just added to her own arousal. She had to look down to see the cock going in and out of Mandy's pussy. She saw the lips being pulled out on the up stroke and pushed in on the down stroke. Erin also found that this was a lot of work as she was using muscles that had not

been used before. When Mandy told her to go faster, she picked up a little speed on her strokes and she felt the pressure build on her clit. This made her go even faster and she found that Mandy did not mind a bit. As Erin pumped her hips, she felt Mandy move her legs around her hips and she could feel Mandy begin to push back. Mandy was moaning loudly now and Erin knew she was about to cum. Erin worked her hips up and down wanting Mandy to have the same orgasm that she had. Erin felt Mandy grip her shoulders as she cried out and Erin knew she was cumming. Erin kept her hips going and she was sweating from the effort. As she pushed harder the pressure on her clit became too much and she had an orgasm herself. At this point she could not go any further and she fell on top of Mandy.

They lay that way for a few minutes before either could move but Erin finally lifted her head and saw that Mandy's eyes were still closed. She kissed each eyelids and Mandy opened her eyes. She then kissed her and Mandy responded. They kissed for a minute then Erin slowly got off of Mandy and the dildo came out with a small pop. Erin took the harness off and put it to the side. She then lay back down beside Mandy pulling her in close to her body. They lay there silently for a long time as they recovered

from what was a very intense and emotional joining.

Erin woke up at about one in the morning and realized that they both had fallen asleep. She saw that the candles were about burnt out so she slipped from Mandy's hold and got up. She put the candles out in the bedroom and went to the kitchen and found that those candles had gone out on their own. She stopped by the bathroom to relieve her bladder then returned to bed. Erin lay down on her back and Mandy in her sleep moved over and placed her head on Erin's chest. Erin combed her fingers thought Mandy's hair as she thought about their relationship. Mandy had made her feel things she thought she would never feel. She never thought that she could love or be loved but she found both in Mandy.

When Erin woke up the next morning she found that Mandy was already up. She caught a whiff of coffee coming from the kitchen then she heard something frying. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she came into the kitchen, she was refreshed and feeling pretty good.

"Morning honey," Mandy said in a cheerful voice.

"Morning yourself," Erin replied as she came over and gave Mandy a kiss.

"You smell nice, nice enough to eat."

"I figured that you had enough last night."

"I could never have enough of you."

"I feel the same way." Erin said and she gave Mandy another kiss and a hug then they sat down for breakfast. Erin did not realize how hungry she was until she started eating. She definitely worked up an appetite last night and she had a slightly sore pussy to prove it. Erin noticed that Mandy was eating as much as she was. It was a good thing that Mandy cooked a lot of eggs and bacon because they went through it all in no time. After breakfast,

it was time to clean the trailer and do the laundry. They each went about their tasks, each doing their own thing. As they lived together they had ended up dividing up all the chores without ever really discussing it. They just started cleaning one day and from then on they did those same jobs. They were efficient and by lunch they had every thing done except the last of the laundry which was in the washing machine. They ate a sandwich for lunch then sat down on the couch to rest a second.

"Can I ask you something?" Mandy asked.

"You know you can ask me anything."

"Did you like having that dildo inside you?"

"Yes it hurt at first then it felt good. Didn't you enjoy it?"

"Yes like you, it hurt at first but then it was fun."

"Something tells me that is not what you are asking?"

"No that is it." Mandy said but Erin could tell by the look on her face that there was something more. She at first was going to wait her out but then it occurred to her what Mandy was really asking.

"Are you asking if I would rather have a man now that I have experienced what it is like being fucked?"

"I... Yes..."

"Well I will tell you that I like the cock inside me because it was attached to you. I liked it but I like it more when it is your mouth and fingers getting me off. I mean getting fucked will be nice every once in a while but

only if you are doing the fucking. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes!" Mandy said as a big smile came across her face. Mandy then moved over and gave Erin a hug and a kiss.

"Now how about you, are you going to cast me aside and go find you a hunk to fuck you silly."

"Gross... no way. You are my lover for life. I love you."

"I love you too."

They hugged again and then they lay back on the couch to kiss.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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