Erin and Mandy

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 16, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

Erin and Mandy Five Years Later By Chris

"You know we will have to say something soon, we can't let this go on much longer." Erin told Mandy after the latest tenant had come to them with an error that Brenda had made on their rent.

"I know, but are you willing to tell Brenda that she is just not able to keep up with the books anymore? It will kill her to be told that she is getting too old and forgetful." Mandy's replied.

"I was kind of hoping to pawn it off on you."

"Yea, make me the bad guy why don't you."

"Better you than me."


"No, this is something we both will have to do together. I just don't like having to do it, you know."

"I know but we have to or they will start to lose their tenants."

"Okay, when do we do it?"

"Now is as good as any."

"I was afraid that you would say that."

So they each took a deep breath and headed toward Sam and Brenda's. When they got there, they took another deep breath and opened the door. Sam was in the living room watching a talk show and Brenda was at her desk.

"There are our rays of sunshine. What do we owe this visit too?" Sam said as they entered the door. This comment made Erin feel like a shit and she knew Mandy was probably feeling the same thing.

"Well..." Mandy started to say but then she stopped and she looked at Erin who knew it was all up to her now.

"We need to talk to you both about something."

"Well spill it Erin. It can't be that bad can it?"

"We have been having tenants coming to us with problems with their rent payments. They keep saying they are paid up but we are showing them not paid." Erin said putting the "we" in there to keep from putting all the blame on Brenda.

"I don't know what is going on. I mark everything down when they pay. I know I do."

"I am sure that you do, but I have a suggestion. Maybe we could get a computer to keep track of everything."

"Sugar, I am much too old to learn how to use a computer."

"It's not that hard, Mandy and I can help you. In no time we will have you a computer genus."

"Sugar, that is sweet to say but we all know I can't learn anything like that."

"Well think about it anyway." Erin said then she quickly changed the subject to something more pleasant. They then ended up staying the evening. They fixed supper for them as they were now doing a few times a week.

"That didn't go to bad." Erin said as they lay in bed later that night.

"Yea, we handled that pretty good."

"We, what's this we thing? You chickened out on me."

"I'm sorry but I took one look at Brenda and I just could not break her heart."

"So you left it to me to do, you little shit."

"Sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you." Mandy said as she moved on top of Erin and kissed her. It was a light kiss as Mandy just used her lips. Mandy then kissed the tip of Erin's nose and each of her cheeks. From there she went to Erin's forehead and on to her ears. There she nibbled on the right ear lob and on to the left. Erin felt the juices start to flow and she let out a light moan. Mandy always knew just how to get her motor running. Mandy went back to Erin's lips; this time she pressed down a little harder and she opened her mouth. Erin felt Mandy's

tongue enter her mouth and she welcomed it. Erin closed her lips on Mandy's tongue and she sucked it into her mouth. The kiss went on for minutes as their tongues moved from Erin's mouth to Mandy's and then back to Erin's. The kissing only stopped when they needed to take a breath then they would lock their lips back together. Erin opened her legs allowing Mandy's mound press against hers. Erin had her arms around Mandy and she ran her fingers up and down her back. After a few minutes, Erin put her hands to Mandy's waist and she began to pull Mandy's tee shirt up. They broke off the kissing only long enough for Erin to slip Mandy's shirt over her head and for Mandy to pull Erin's tee shirt off. This left them in only their panties.

Mandy lay back down and Erin could feel Mandy's breasts press against her own. Erin put her hand to the back of Mandy's neck and pulled her head back down so that they could kiss. Their lips touched and then Mandy lifted her head up slightly breaking the contact. She then brought them back together only to raise back up again. Mandy kissed her like this over and over again making Erin want more and more. Erin knew that Mandy was teasing her and she loved it. Mandy

continued to kiss her this way turning her head one way then the other but never letting their lips touch for more than a few seconds. Then suddenly Mandy came back down and pressed her lips down hard. Erin opened her lips and Mandy slipped her tongue into her mouth. Erin pressed her tongue against Mandy's and their

tongues danced together with all the passion that they had. When the kiss ended, Mandy moved down in the bed until she was over Erin's breasts. She kissed each nipple delicately and then she used her teeth to gently bite them. Erin let out a moan feeling the slight pain that was translated by her brain to pleasure. Mandy sucked and bit on Erin's breasts and nipples causing Erin to moan and groan. She was getting to the point that she need to cum. Mandy seem to sense this as she rose up and took off her panties and then she took Erin's off of her. Mandy then positioned Erin on the bed with her legs separated and she sat on top of her so that she had one knee on one side of Erin's hip and the other one between Erin's legs. Mandy

lowered her hips down until her pussy came into contact with Erin's. Mandy turned her upper body so that she was facing Erin. Mandy began to grind her pussy against Erin's and Erin had to moan. The feel of Mandy's pussy pressed against hers and knowing that their juices were mixing together made Erin feel like she and Mandy were one and the same. Erin pushed her hips up putting more fiction on

their pussies. Erin could feel Mandy's clit rub across her lips and her own engorged clit rub across Mandy's lips. Erin took Mandy's breasts into her hands squeezing them and pulling on the nipples. Mandy moaned and she started to work her hips faster. Both of them were overflowing with juices and Erin could hear lots of squishy sounds coming from their joining and it aroused her all the more. Erin felt the need to cum so she pulled on Mandy's nipples getting her to groan and she started to push even harder against Mandy. Soon they were both groaning and moaning as they felt their orgasm approaching. Erin held hers off until she felt Mandy begin to shake and she let her orgasm overcome her. She cried out to Mandy "I love you, baby." Mandy cried out "I love you too." and she fell on top of Erin panting as hard as Erin was. When Mandy was able to, she slid off of Erin and cuddled up against her. They kissed and tenderly touched each other. Their hands roamed all across each other's body until they kissed and fell asleep.

It was the following week that Mandy and Erin found a note on their door when they got home from work. The note simple said "We need to talk to you both. Sam".

"I wonder what this is about." Mandy inquired as she took the note from the door.

"I don't know. But for some reason I'm not getting a good feeling about it."

"I know."

They went inside and changed into fresh clothes and then as they were walking toward Sam and Brenda's, Mandy took Erin's hand in hers. This made Erin feel a little better. When they walked into the trailer, Sam and Brenda were sitting at the kitchen but they were not alone. There was an older gentleman in a gray suit sitting with them and there was a briefcase sitting on the floor beside him.

"There are our girls, we can get started now. I want to introduce you to our lawyer, Mr. Brian Overteen." Sam said.

Erin looked at Mandy and she saw that Mandy had a worried frown across her face.

"You are probably wondering why I am here so lets get down to business. Sam and Brenda have decided it is time to retire and sell their business to...."

"You can't. I am sorry for what I said the other day. We don't want you to sell this place. We will do anything to help you both but we don't want you to sell and move away." Erin interrupted.

Sam raised his hands and said, "Calm down, just listen to what Brian has to say."

Erin returned her attention to Mr. Overteen but she was almost in tears, so afraid about what would happen to her and Mandy but also what would happen to Sam and Brenda.

"As I was about to say, was that they want to sell their business to the two of you." Mr. Overteen said.

"But we don't have enough money to buy this place and no bank would ever loan us the money." Mandy replied.

"How much money do you have?" Mr. Overteen asked.

Mandy thought a minute, "I guess about four thousand total."

"I don't know how much this park is worth but I do know it is a lot more than four thousand." Erin piped in.

Mr. Overteen looked at Sam and Brenda and they both nodded their heads. He then pulled two stacks of papers from his briefcase and set them on the table. He wrote on each one and gave them both to Sam and he signed them and then Brenda signed them. Mr. Overteen took the papers and put a "X" mark on two places on each stack of papers. He then slid a set to Mandy and a set to Erin. Erin looked over the paper in from of her and saw that it was a Bill of Sell and it had four thousand written in the selling price and it had a place for her to sign. Erin looked over at Mandy who was looking at her. They both nodded to each other and Erin signed her paper and gave it to Mandy. Erin then signed the paper that Mandy had and gave it to Mr. Overteen. Erin realized that she felt happy and sad at the same time. Happy that they were now the owners of a trailer park but sad for Sam and Brenda. Erin got up and came over to where Brenda was sitting and she hugged her. As she held on to Brenda, she realized that she was crying which caused Brenda to start crying. Soon everyone was crying except Mr. Overteen but he was wiping his eyes.

Mr. Overteen cleared his throat which got all of their attention, "I will make my exit now. If you girls will meet me at nine in the morning at United Southern Bank and we will wrap up this deal." He then quietly made his exit.

When the crying ended and they had settled back in their seats a silence seem to hang over them all and no one seemed to know what to say. Finally Erin spoke up.

"Why do you want to sell this place? And why sell it to us? I hope it was not because of what I said the other day."

"We had been thinking of retiring for a while now. We are getting too old and tired to run this place properly and we know it. What you said only made us realize that the time had come. As to why you, well you both have become like daughters to us. You came along when we needed you and you have helped us out more than you both know. We love you both and we wanted to give you something to build on. You will never get anywhere at that factory and this gives you a way to make something of yourselves. And we both know that you will do us proud." Brenda said in answer to Erin's question.

This caused both Erin and Mandy to start crying again. Brenda reached out and put her wrinkled and age spotted hand on top of their hands. "Now stop all the crying. This is a happy time not one for crying."

Mandy got herself back together first and spoke. "You know we won't let you leave here. I don't know if you were planning to move to Florida or somewhere but your not. You are going to stay here and let Erin and I take care of you. We will be the best daughters you ever could hope for."

"You already are." Sam said. "Now let's go out and get something to eat. I am starving to death."

"Well we are treating, anywhere you want to go." Mandy said with a force that even Sam and Brenda knew not to argue with. They went out that night and talked about what they wanted to do with the park and Sam and Brenda listened on smiling at their youthful enthusiasm. But when they got home that night and they were laying in their beds the reality set in on them.

"How are we going to pull this off? We've never run a business before." Mandy said.

"I know but we will figure out a way. We can't fail Sam and Brenda and we can't fail ourselves."

"I am scared. We will have no money after we give Sam and Brenda all of our money."

"Well we will borrow some if we have to but I promise you we'll make this work." Erin said as she pulled Mandy in close and kissed her forehead. Neither of them slept that night. They tossed and turned and at three am they gave up and went out on the porch for a cigarette. Spring was just arriving and the night air was cold. They clung to each other as they shared a cigarette. When morning finally arrived, they both called in to work saying that they had a stomach virus.

At nine they were at the bank and were directed to the president's office of the small local bank. Mr. Overteen was there and he introduced them to Ms. Reed.

"Welcome to our bank. I hope that you will continue to bank with us. Sam and Brenda have been excellent customers and we will do all we can to make this endeavor profitable for the both of you. Would you both like a cup of coffee and a roll before we get started?" Ms. Reed said in a way of an introduction.

"Yes, thank you." Erin and Mandy said in unison.

They then got down to business and Mandy and Erin had to sign even more papers transferring the accounts from Sam and Brenda to them. Neither paid much attention to what they were signing, trusting that Ms. Reed and Mr. Overteen were doing right by them. When the papers were all signed, Mandy wrote a check for four thousand dollars and gave it to Mr. Overteen. Ms. Reed then began to go over their accounts.

"As you can see here you have $513,681.46 in the company's saving's account and $45, 362.01 in the checking account."

Erin choked on the coffee she was sipping as Ms. Reed stated the amount like it was ten dollars and not half a million. Mr. Overteen came over quickly and took the coffee cup from her and padded her back until Erin could breathe again. When Erin was breathing normally again, she looked at Mandy who looked like she was in a coma. For a second she thought that Mandy had crapped out on her but then she saw Mandy slowly turn to her with a look of shock on her face. They had just paid four thousand out and got half a million back. This couldn't be happening.

"We can't take all this money from Sam and Brenda. They are pretty much giving us the business but we can't take all their money on top of that."

"Just between us here, Sam and Brenda will do just fine. They have plenty left. I talked long and hard to them and this is what they wanted. So don't embarrass them by trying to give it back. Thank them when you get back, then look after them. They love you both dearly and all this comes from that love." Ms. Reed said kindly but there was forcefulness behind that kind voice that told Erin to listen to this lady. She knew what she was talking about. Erin also knew this was someone that they could trust.

"Yes Mama'." Erin said.

"Okay now that is settled, would you like us to continue to be your bank. I think that we can help you a great deal and my office will always be open to you."

"You are the bank for us." Mandy said, then she started going over the accounts again with Ms. Reed. And then she started to discuss what to do with all the money that was in the savings account. Erin's mind started to drift and she thought about all that had happened to her in the past five plus years. She then felt a tap on her shoulder that brought her back to reality.

"I don't know about you but I need a smoke." Mr. Overteen said.

"Yea, that sounds great." Erin replied. She started to say something to Mandy but she was talking a mile a minute to Ms. Reed. So Erin got up and followed Mr. Overteen out the door. Once outside, Mr. Overteen lit a cigarette then lit Erin's.

"You know I was beginning to worry about Sam and Brenda until you two came along. They had no one to look after them and they were getting too old to take care of the trailer park. At first I was not sure about you two, when Sam told me about you so I did something not nice."

"What was that?"

"I put my nephew into the trailer park and told him to keep an eye on things."

"And what did he tell you?"

"That I had nothing to worry about. That you two looked out for Sam and Brenda and if anyone gave them trouble then you and Mandy were there to set the tenant on the straight and narrow. And that you took the time to talk to them and cook and clean for them, just like good children should do for their parents."

"Did he tell you anything else about us?"



"And nothing. I don't have problem with you two being a couple. All I care about is Sam and Brenda and now I care about you two, as you are apart of Sam and Brenda's family."

"Well, you looking for two more clients?'

"Sure, call me anytime you need me. I will help you out in any way I can. I need to get back to the office. Here is my card, like I said call me anytime. Tell Mandy that I had to leave."

"No problem." Erin started to reach out and shake Mr. Overteen's hand but instead he gave her a hug and then left.

When Mandy came from the bank she was bubbling over with enthusiasm,

her eyes were sparkling and she started to talk a mile a minute. She told Erin all the ideas that Ms. Reed had given her. Erin listened and didn't say anything until Mandy stopped to catch her breath.

"Those are all good ideas but right now we need to decide just how we are going to do this. Who is going to do what? I thought about it a bit while I was waiting for you and I have some ideas about the day to day operations."

"You are right, I know. So what do you have in mind?"

"Well you are better with numbers than I am, so I think you should keep the books and collect the rent. I will keep up with the repairs and when one of us needs help then we will help the other out."

"That is okay with me but where will I work from. I don't want to set up an office in our trailer like Sam and Brenda did. I don't want people coming in and out of our home all day."

"I thought about that too. I think we should ask Sam and Brenda if we could work out of their office that they have already set up. That way we could keep an eye on them at the same time."

"You mean that I would be keeping an eye on them." Mandy said.

"I thought I would try and sneak that one in." Erin said with a laugh. Then she turned serious. "No we both would. I won't be busy all the time and I would take them off your hands or I can tell Sam I need a hand and that would get him out of the trailer."

"I think that would work as long as Sam and Brenda agree."

"I don't see why they wouldn't."

As it turned out Sam and Brenda loved the idea of Mandy and Erin using the office that they had built onto their trailer. Erin left Mandy with Brenda to start to organize it the way she wanted. Brenda showed Mandy were all the records were and Mandy began to sort them out. As Mandy worked with Brenda, Erin took Sam

with her to fix a toilet that a tenant said would not stop running. Erin worked as Sam talked, and when Erin realized that she didn't have the right parts, she talked Sam into riding into town with her. As Erin drove, Sam did say that he would miss not owning the park but that it was a greater relief that he did not have to worry about it. He knew it was in good hands and he and Brenda could just enjoy their last few years together. Erin told him that he and Brenda had a long time left but Erin had already seen the signs that their health was declining and she knew Sam was closer to the truth than she was.

"I need to get a computer if I am ever going to organize things like I want too." Mandy stated as they lay in bed that night.

"Well go tomorrow and get one but get a good one. Don't try to get something cheap to just get by. Let's do this right."

"Okay. But that leads me to my next question, what about work tomorrow?"

"What work? This is our job now. That plant never did anything for us except give us nickel raises when we deserved a hell of a lot more."

"You got that right. Then we'll call them tomorrow and tell them where they can shove their jobs, right up their fucking asses."

"You do have a way with words. I think we can put it nicer than that but we will quit all the same." Erin said as she laughed at Mandy's comment.

"Well, what can I say? I call them the way I see them."

"That you do." Erin said as she turned over and got on top of Mandy. Erin slipped her arms under Mandy's shoulders and kissed her. After a light first kiss, Erin's second kiss was much more passionate as she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Mandy's mouth. Mandy met Erin's passion with equal passion. Mandy ran her hands along Erin's back and on to her ass. She squeezed each cheek in her hands and Erin had to moan. As the kissing continued, Erin began to push her pelvic into Mandy's. Erin felt her juices begin to flow and the friction was just beginning to feel good when Mandy broke off the kissing and she put her hands to Erin's shoulder lifting her up slightly.

"You're a little horny tonight." Mandy said.

"Very horny," Erin said in a husky voice.

"Very very horny?" Mandy asked.

"Yes, what do you have in mind?"

"This." Mandy said as she rolled Erin onto her back and she sat up on her stomach. Mandy leaned over to the nightstand and pulled out their strap-on, the fake cock that went with it, and some KY jelly.

"Ooooooo..." Erin said as she put her hands under Mandy's tee shirt and grasped her breasts. Mandy almost dropped the cock that she was trying to put into the harness but she was able to catch it and moan at the same time. Mandy finally got the cock in place then she took her tee shirt off. She then slid down so that she could help Erin take hers off. That left them in their panties but those also quickly came off. Mandy put the cock on and she lay back down on top of Erin. As they kissed, Erin could feel the cock press down against her pussy lips and that made her moan. It had been a while since they had used the strap-on and Erin was a little nervous but excited as she always was when they brought toys into their lovemaking. Mandy began to move her hips up and down slightly causing the cock to slide along Erin's pussy lips. Erin felt Mandy squeeze her hands between them and she felt those hands caress and then pinch her nipples. Erin groaned as she pulled and scratched at Mandy's back. Mandy moved down and took one of Erin's breasts into her mouth. She sucked and kissed the nipple getting it hard then she went over to the other one doing the same to it. Erin ran her hands along Mandy's arms, caressing them. Mandy gave a last kiss to each nipple then she kissed her way down to Erin's pussy. There Erin felt Mandy open her lips up and then she felt Mandy blowing gently onto her pussy. Erin let out a squeal and lifted her butt off the bed to get Mandy to lick her but Mandy just continued to blow her warm breath up and down Erin's pussy. It was only when Erin said "Pleaseeeeee..." did she finally feel Mandy kiss her clit. When Mandy did that, Erin felt a small orgasm course through her body. It was very small but Erin knew that the orgasm was just a precursor of what was to come. Mandy began to gently lick Erin's pussy just to get Erin nice and wet; when that was done she took Erin's clit into her mouth and sucked hard. Erin groaned loudly and pushed her pussy into Mandy's mouth. Mandy quickly let go and gave a kiss to the clit. She then moved back up in the bed but instead of lying on top of Erin she slid to her side. She got some KY jelly and put it on the head of the cock. She then took Erin's hand and guided it down to her cock.

They had found this way of fucking about a year before and Erin loved it. Erin put her right leg on top of Mandy's hips. She then guided the cock to her pussy. When the head was at her entrance, she used her leg to signal Mandy to begin. Erin felt the head press against her lips, first with light pressure then more. She felt her lips being pushed inward then the head popped inside her. Erin let out a moan as the cock began to fill her up. Erin let go of the cock and she let Mandy push it into her until she felt Mandy's hips press against her. The cock was now completely inside her and she felt stretched and filled. The head felt like it was against her womb but it felt good. Erin took Mandy by the back of the head and brought Mandy to her. They kissed as Mandy kept her hips still. As they kissed, Erin felt Mandy take her right breast into her hand. Mandy squeezed the breast then when the kiss ended she bend her head down to take it into her mouth. Erin moaned and she moved her hips backwards. The cock began to pull out of her and after a couple of inches Erin went back toward Mandy forcing the cock back inside her. Slowly they began to fuck with both Erin and Mandy pulling back and then forward. This way they both only had to move slightly and the cock moved twice the amount that they did. Erin went slowly enjoying the feel of the cock as it pulled out of her pussy and then pressed back in. Erin loved to fuck slowly so that she could feel every inch of the cock slid in and out. Mandy pushed Erin's right

shoulder back slightly so that she could get to the right breast. This changed the angle of the cock going into her pussy and put more pressure on her clit. Erin started to moan constantly and she began to increase the speed of their fucking. Mandy quickly followed suit and their hips came together at an increasing rate of speed. Erin could hear the slapping sound as their hips came together and feel the cock going in and out of her faster and faster. On each in stroke, the cock seemed to go a little deeper and rub a little harder on her clit. She felt the beginning of her orgasm coming from her pussy and spreading throughout her body. She hooked her right foot to the back of Mandy's thighs urging her to go faster. It only took a minute more before the orgasm hit her and she cried out. Mandy rolled Erin over onto her back keeping the cock inside of her. She began to fuck Erin in earnest so as one orgasm one orgasm ended another one began. Erin lost count of how any orgasms she had but finally she had to wrap her legs around Mandy tightly so that she would stop. At that point Erin lost her senses for a moment.

When she came around Mandy was still inside her and she was kissing her face. Erin took Mandy's face in hers and brought their lips together. They kissed a second then Mandy laid her head on Erin's shoulder. Erin held her in place. It felt so good to have Mandy's still hard cock inside her and wanted to keep it there for a few minutes longer. Erin stroked Mandy's hair and kissed her head but after a few minutes the cock began to feel uncomfortable so she pushed Mandy onto her side and she let the cock slip out of her. They rested a few minutes then Mandy got up and took the harness off. As Erin lay on her back Mandy slipped the harness on her so that when Mandy was done Erin could look down and see the cock sticking up from her body. Erin thought that it looked so weird but much less so when Mandy straddled her and sat down on the cock. Erin watched as the cock slowly disappeared inside her lover. When Mandy's butt hit her thighs, she began to slide forward and backwards. Erin kept her hips still and she watched as Mandy began to move faster and faster. Erin brought her hands up to Mandy's B cup breasts and she began to caress them. She took the nipples and pulled on them causing Mandy to groan but she made no attempt to stop Erin. She liked to have her nipples pulled and so Erin went from pulling to caressing back to pulling them. As Mandy closed in on her orgasm, Erin began to move her hips to the left and right as Mandy went forward and backward. Soon Erin heard Mandy cry out "Oh God Yes." And she knew Mandy had came. Mandy settled down for a moment, opened her eyes, and smiled down at Erin. She bent forward and Erin met Mandy's lips with hers. They kissed then Mandy raised back up. Mandy adjusted her knees so that they were

pressed against Erin's hips. Erin watched as Mandy rose up and the cock began to reappear from inside her. When only the head was inside her, Mandy slid back

down until she was once again sitting on Erin's hips and the cock was not to be seen. Mandy rose back up and on the down stroke Erin pushed up with her hips. They got into a rhythm and the sound of their hips slapping together seemed to echo off the walls. Again Erin reached up to grasp Mandy's breasts in her hands. It was much harder to caress them with Mandy moving up and down on the cock but Erin did

her best. Plus her eyes were constantly drawn to Mandy's pussy and the cock going in and out of her. The sight aroused Erin all over again and the base of the cock rubbing on her sensitive clit made Erin start to feel another orgasm begin to grow. About this time, Mandy called out to Erin "Faster baby I am getting close." Erin dug her heels into the bed and used her leg muscles to push harder against Mandy. The cock was making wet slapping noises as it moved in and out of her pussy. When Erin was about out of energy, Mandy called out, "That's it, I'm cummmmingggg..." and she sat down hard on Erin. This gave Erin the last bit of pressure that she needed to cause her own orgasm. Mandy then fell down on top of Erin and Erin

hugged her close.

They both were panting and sweating from the orgasms that they had just had. Erin kissed Mandy when they got their breathing back to normal. Mandy then got off of her and she let the cock slip out with a pop. She then collapsed down on the bed. Erin took the harness off and she turned on her side drawing Mandy to her. In no time they both were fast asleep.

Over the next year, they put their touches on the trailer park. Mandy talked the owner of the land that surrounded the park into selling it to them. This doubled the size of the park but also took about half of their savings to get the land cleared and water and electric lines put in. They decided to put in one trailer at a time and once it was rented and they were seeing some income from the rent, then they would buy another. They had three new trailers in when that got a phone call early one morning as they were getting ready for the day.

"Hello." Erin said, wondering what tenant had torn up or broken something.

"Erin, this is Sam I need you two to come over."

"Who was that and what did they want? Don't they know it is 6:30 in the morning?"

"It was Sam. He said that he needed us and then he hung up."

"I wonder what he needs."

"I don't know, but I think that something is wrong. Get your jeans on and let's get over there in a hurry."

When they got to Sam's, the door was unlocked but they did not see Sam or Brenda. Erin headed for the bedroom and Mandy followed closely behind. As Erin entered the bedroom, she saw Brenda in bed and Sam sitting on the bed beside her. Erin knew her worst fear had come true. She went to Brenda and checked her carotid artery and then to see if she was breathing. She found that Brenda was gone. Mandy looked at her and Erin shook her head no. Erin wanted to break down and cry right then but she knew now wasn't the time. She helped Mandy get Sam out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Erin made him a cup of coffee, not knowing what else to give him. He took a sip then started to talk.

"I woke up early and Brenda looked like she was still asleep so I started to put coffee on. When I went to wake her up to give her the coffee, she wouldn't wake up." Sam then started to cry. Mandy moved over to him, taking him into her arms. Erin saw that Mandy was now crying too. Erin wanted to cry too but someone had to do something but she didn't know what. "Who did you call when someone just died in the night?" She thought to herself. She decided to call the police and let them tell her. They told her that they would send a car over. As she waited on the cops, she remembered Mr. Overteen's offer of help, so she called him too. He said that he would be right over. He arrived just a few minutes after the cops had gotten there. Mr. Overteen made the calls to get Brenda to the funeral home.

Mandy and Erin both stayed with Sam that morning getting him to eat a bit and listening to him talk about Brenda. In the afternoon, Erin left Mandy with Sam and went to meet Mr. Overteen at the funeral home to make the arrangements. This was the first time she had ever done anything like this. She looked at the coffins, thinking about Brenda in one and it was almost more than she could bear. But with Mr. Overteen's help, she got the arrangements made. That night Mandy and Erin stayed with Sam to make sure that he would be alright. Late that night, Erin

realized that she was not going to be able to sleep, so she slipped out of the twin bed that she was sharing with Mandy. She went into the kitchen and after a few minutes search she found her cigarettes. She went out outside to smoke but when she tried to light her cigarette she found that her hands were shaking too badly.

"Oh Shit!" Erin said as she felt someone touch her shoulder. She turned around to find Mandy facing her. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry, I felt you get out of bed and I wanted to make sure you were alright."

Erin looked at Mandy and suddenly all the pent up emotion of the day

caught up with her. The tears that she had held off came in a fury.

"It's your turn to cry, Sam and I have been doing it all day. Let it out." Mandy whispered as she took Erin into her arms. Erin felt the warmth and love that Mandy's arms communicated to her and she let herself go. It hurt to cry and she didn't want to think about Brenda being gone but she knew she was. She didn't know how long she cried but as the tears begun to wane she felt Mandy pull back and she felt Mandy softly kiss the tears off her cheeks. Then she felt Mandy kiss her lightly on the lips. When the kiss ended, Erin looked into Mandy's eyes and she found that she wasn't crying alone.

"You know that Sam will need us more than ever now." Erin told Mandy.

"I know. We have been pretty much taking care of both of them for a while now. We will just have to concentrate even more on him."

"I'm afraid that this will be too much for him."

"Me too, baby."

They held each other for a while outside and then each smoked a cigarette. When the cigarettes were gone, Mandy pulled Erin inside and back to bed. This time Mandy caressed Erin's hair until she fell asleep before going back asleep herself. The next few days were a blur for all three of them. They decided to have the funeral as soon as possible and since Sam and Brenda didn't have any living relatives they were able to have the wake the next night. Erin stood on one side of Sam and Mandy at the other as they helped Sam to greet the other mourners, which turned out to be a lot more than Erin would have imagined. It seemed that every one of Sam and Brenda's past tenants came by. They both had touched a great many people. If it wasn't for Mandy squeezing her hand behind Sam's back Erin didn't think that she would have made it. The next day at the burial was very hard on Sam but with Erin and Mandy at his side he was able to make it though it.

Erin and Mandy stayed with Sam at his trailer for a week or so before he finally made them go home. From then on Mandy or Erin kept an eye on him during the day. He would make his own breakfast but lunch and dinner he ate with Mandy and Erin. As the weeks passed, it got harder and harder for them to get him out of the trailer but for the most part they were able to at least keep him doing something. For Mandy and Erin, Sam just became a part of their lives. He was

someone for them to take care of. They took him to his doctor's appointments and out to eat at least once a week (More if they could.) as he did love to eat out.

The following two years went on without much more changing except for one thing that they both didn't notice until one fateful day. Mandy was doing the end of the month's accounts, making sure that she got their tax payment right. That day was also the day that almost everyone came in to pay their rent. They had thirty trailers now and were in the process of setting up another one. That was where Erin was, making sure the movers got it set up right. Sam was with Mandy watching TV which he did most of the time. When the end of the day got there, Mandy went in to see what Sam wanted for supper. But when she got to the living room the TV was on but no Sam. Mandy figured that he was with Erin so she went to where the new

trailer was being set up but she didn't see Sam right off.

"Erin, Sam with you?"

"No. I haven't seen him all day. He's with you isn't he."

"I fed him lunch but I have been so busy all afternoon that I didn't have a chance to look in on him. He usually falls asleep after lunch anyway."

"Well, you're supposed to keep an eye on him!" Erin came back with more than a little anger and fear.

"I am..." Mandy started to say but Erin interrupted her in mid sentence.

"Let's go find him before he gets hurt or something worst." Erin said as she started toward the office.

They looked on the way back but Sam was nowhere to be found. When they got back to Sam's trailer, Erin was hoping to find Sam there but he wasn't there.

"What do we do now?" Mandy asked as tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"Call the police I guess." Erin said as she went to the phone. But just as she was about to pick it up, the phone rang.

"Hello, yes this is she.... I see... well I appreciate you calling us. We'll be right down."

"Who was that?" Mandy asked.

"It was the police. Some man saw an old man walking down the main road and when he stopped the man told them that he was going home but he couldn't tell the man where home was. So the man called the police. Sam is at the police station."

One the way down to the police station, Erin thought about Sam walking down the main road and she knew it was a wonder that he did not get killed. The more she thought about it the more angry she got and this emotion began to get to her. Unfortunately Mandy was sitting right beside her.

"You know he could have been killed walking out there. You should have been keeping a better eye on him."

"I got busy..."

"I don't care if you were busy. You still should've kept an eye on him. He is our responsibility. He is old and we are all he has. He depends on us and we let him down. No you let him down; you were the one he was with today. You should have checked on him. You couldn't have been too busy to get off your ass to see to an old man ..." Erin continued her raging until they got to the police station.

Once there, they found Sam sitting with a police woman sipping on a cup of coffee. When Erin locked eyes with him ,she first saw confusion in his eyes then she saw that he slowly began to recognize her. That scared her even worse. Mandy went to him as Erin talked to the Sergeant on duty. He told her that his father was like Sam and that they needed to have a doctor look at him. He may have Alzheimer or some type of dementia. Erin thanked him and they collected Sam. On the trip back, all of them were quite and Erin drove them back to their trailer. When they got into the trailer, Erin put Sam on the couch and she saw Mandy heading back to the


"Where are you going? We need to talk about Sam."

"To bed!"

"What about Sam?"

"You take care of him. Obviously I am no fucking good at taking care of him as you very clearly pointed out to me. You just do it all. I am just a fucking idiot who can't do any fucking thing right!" Mandy said, and then she let out a sob. She ran to the bedroom slamming the door behind her. Erin ran after her but when she got to the bedroom door she found it locked.

"Mandy open the door!"

"No, go away. I don't want to talk to you ever again. You fucking bitch!" Mandy hollered back and then Erin heard her sobbing. Erin knew she had just fucked up but she also knew Mandy wasn't going to listen to her now. When Mandy cussed, then she wasn't in the mood to listen to anyone. Erin felt like the world was just placed on her shoulders. Sam was in the living room obviously with something very wrong with him and she had just pissed Mandy off. Erin went back to look in on Sam who was sitting patiently on the couch.

"I want to go home." Sam told her.

"I will take you there tomorrow. I need for you to stay here tonight, okay." Sam nodded his head. Erin got some sheets and made up the couch for Sam. She got him settled down and stayed with him until she heard him snoring. She then went back to the bedroom where she found the door still locked. She put her ear to the door and could not hear anything. Not knowing what else to do she sat down and leaned against the door. That way Mandy would have to talk to her when she came out of the bedroom. She tried to forget the day and was almost asleep when she felt the door give and she fell back into the bedroom.

"Comfortable?" Mandy said with venom in her voice.

"Mandy, we need to talk."

"Where is Sam?"

"On the couch."

"You sure?'

"Yes I am sure. I put him there about an hour ago and I stayed there until he fell asleep."

"And he is still there. He didn't get up and leave did he?"

"No he didn't get up and leave." But as Erin said that, a wee bit of doubt edged into her mind.

"Okay, if you say so." Mandy replied back as she raised her eyebrows

making Erin even less sure. As much as she hated to, she knew she had to go in and check. "Don't go anywhere." Erin told Mandy as she went back into the living room where she found Sam still sleeping. It was then that Erin really realized just how badly she had fucked up. The more she thought about it the more she knew it was not Mandy's fault that Sam got lost. She knew that she had blamed Mandy for something that she had no control over. He had never done anything like this before and there was no reason to think he would. She knew they both were equally at fault if anyone was at fault. What she had said to Mandy earlier in the day came from fear and anger but she could not take those words back. She wanted to blame someone and Mandy was available. She knew now that she was in deep shit with

Mandy. About this time Erin heard the bedroom door slam shut and she began to cry.

The next morning Erin was awaken by a noise coming from the kitchen. As she got up from the floor in front of the couch where Sam was sleeping, she saw Mandy turn to leave the kitchen.

"Mandy we need to ta..."

"Fuck off."

"Talk." Erin finished to no one in particular. Erin fixed a cup of coffee for Sam and herself as he was getting up. She sat with Sam drinking coffee until she heard Mandy come from the bedroom. As Mandy came through Erin made another attempt to talk to her.

"I know you are mad at me but can we at least talk about what to do with Sam. We need to take him to the Doctor."

"No, you need to take him to the doctor. You made it very clear yesterday that I'm incapable of taking care of him so he is now your responsibility." Mandy then walked out the door again slamming it shut.

"Shit!" Erin said under her breath. Mandy was still mad at her and it looked like she planned on staying that way. Well she couldn't worry about that right now. First she had to get Sam a doctor's appointment. She was on the phone with his doctor's nurse as soon as they opened. She was able to talk her way in first thing. She got Sam up and out the door. The doctor gave him a physical and then asked him some questions. Erin was able to come back into the exam room during this part. The more the Doctor probed the more Erin realized that Sam really had a problem. The doctor then had Sam go out and he talked to Erin alone.

"I am sorry to say this and I cannot be certain but I think Sam is probably into the second stage of Alzheimer or maybe dementia. You need to take him to a neurologist. I will have my nurse get you an appointment. You can wait out with Sam and we'll get back with you."

"Thank you for seeing us so quickly. He really gave us a scare yesterday."

"I'm sure that he did. I would like to tell you it will get better but it won't. It will only get worse."

"I was afraid of that." Erin said and she felt a pain in her heart. It joined the pain she was already feeling for Mandy.

They waited for about a half hour before the nurse came out. She was able to get them in that day to see a neurologist. He was starting a new practice and thus he had openings. He also specialized in degenerative diseases like Sam's. Erin settled the bill and they took off for the city where the neurologist's office was. They got there just in time and they were taken right in. Again there were a number of questions that Sam for the most part answered patiently. He only got irritated when he got to a question he knew he should know but it wasn't there anymore. Again once the exam was over Sam was sent out and Erin was left to face the bad news alone. "God I wish Mandy was here with me, I can't face this alone." Erin thought to herself as the doctor began.

"I have to agree with Dr. Brown, I think Sam has Alzheimer's and it has progressed pretty far. I'll put him on some medications that will slow it down but I must warn you that these meds will not stop the progression. I can run a bunch of test that will tell me some things but I really don't think they are really necessary. It is up to you. We can do a CAT scan to rule out a brain tumor but in my honest opinion he doesn't have a tumor."

"That is okay you are the third person that has told me the same thing so I'm convinced. What can we do for him?"

"I am not trying to be funny but the best thing you can do is to develop a lot of patience, because he will try your patience from here on out. I will have my nurse give you some information and some support groups that you can contact. And one other thing I have learned from both patients and their family members. Don't argue with him, you can't win. Find a way to answer his questions without arguing. I don't know how to tell you to do that, you will have to learn that on your own. Do you have someone that will be helping you?"

Erin thought to herself "Do I have anyone who would be helping me? I wish to God that I knew." Finally she answered "Yes, I have a friend."

"Good, you may also want to look into getting someone to come in and look after him from time to time to give you both a break."

He then took his leave and a few minutes later the nurse came in carrying a few prescriptions and a bunch of pamphlets. Erin took them and talked with the nurse a minute then she collected Sam. They stopped on the way home for a late lunch. While they were eating Sam popped up with a question that Erin would hear from then on.

"I want to go home."

"We are going home; we just need to stop at the pharmacy to fill your prescriptions first, and then home."


As they were going into Sam's trailer, Erin turned to look in the office. She watched as Mandy got up from behind the desk and went to the door separating the office from the rest of the trailer. Just about the time Erin was about to say something, Mandy gave her a look that seem to go right through her and she shut the door.

"Well, at least she did not slam it." Erin said under her breath.

"I want to go home." Sam said breaking Erin away from her thoughts.

"You are home. This is your home." Erin replied wondering what the hell Sam was talking about.

"No, I want to go to my home."

"This is your home; you have lived here for twenty years."

"No this is not my home!" Sam said angrily.

Erin was frustrated and confused about Sam's comments then she remembered what the Doctor saying about not arguing.

"Let me get you some clothes and we will go to Mandy's and my place. Then we will see about going home. Okay?"

"Okay." Sam said with a sigh.

Erin got him some clothes and got him to their trailer. She put him on the couch and he laid down. Soon he was fast asleep. Erin went to the kitchen and started to read the pamphlets. The more she read the more depressed she got. When she could read no more without crying she got up and started supper. Mandy came in at about five; not saying a word to Sam or her as she went back to the bedroom and closed the door. When supper was ready, she got Sam up and fed him and she nibbled a bit but she had no appetite. As they were eating, Erin heard Mandy go to the bathroom and then she heard the shower running. A few minutes later, she

heard the bedroom door shut again.

Erin didn't see Mandy again until about nine when she brought out a few blankets and pillows for her and Sam. She also had a set of pajamas for Erin lying on top. Again Mandy did not say a word and when Erin started to say something Mandy just held up her hand which Erin correctly construed as saying that Mandy did not want to hear it.

Erin got Sam settled on the couch again. This wasn't the best place for him but she didn't know what else to do. His own bed would be better but then she and Mandy would be living in separate trailers. Right now she wanted to be around when Mandy decided she wanted to talk. So this would have to do for now. Plus she did not want to make any more decisions than she had too about Sam without Mandy's input. Erin also knew she should tell Mandy what the doctors said so she went to the kitchen table and started a letter.


I know you are very angry with me and you have every right to be. I was wrong, wrong as wrong can be. You don't know how sorry that I am.

She then went on to tell Mandy what the doctors said but she ended the letter with "I am sorry. Please forgive me. Love Erin." She folded the letter and slipped it under the bedroom door.

The next day was pretty much the same as far as she and Mandy went. Mandy left early and secluded herself in the office leaving Sam to Erin. Again she made it clear by her stiff body language that she did not want to hear anything Erin might have to say. But after Mandy left Erin did go back into the bedroom and she saw her letter on the nightstand. It had been opened so she knew that at least Mandy had read what she had written. That gave Erin some hope but not much. Erin took Sam to the new trailer and she saw that it had been set up. The men she hired to underpin it and build a porch were already at work. They stayed there for an hour or so but then Sam started to get tired so she took him back to the trailer to let him take a nap. That afternoon, she helped Sam to take a shower, getting him undressed and seeing a real penis for the first time. It was an old and wrinkled penis but a penis all the same. Sam did not seem to mind that Erin was seeing him naked but he also seemed to be in his own little world. Erin was now noticing things that she had never noticed before. She thought back and she realized that when she had thought Sam was just being quite, he was actually lost in his own little world, a world that was getting ever smaller. After the shower, he seemed more refreshed and more like his own self but later that night he was back to wanting to go home.

Mandy didn't come in until about six that night. Erin and Sam were sitting on opposite ends of the couch watching the news. Mandy went over to where Sam was sitting and she bent down and kissed him on the forehead. She then turned to where Erin was sitting. Erin's felt her heart speed up thinking that maybe Mandy was finally warming up but instead she got another stare that seemed to bore

through her and she felt heart break. Erin watched as Mandy got a hamburger that she had made for supper and she headed back to the bedroom where again she shut the door. If Sam hadn't been sitting there, Erin knew she would have broken down right then and there. She couldn't handle this silent treatment for much longer. She knew she was about at her breaking point. Later that night Erin sat at the table and drafted another letter.


I know you hate me right now and I would do anything to change that. If you would only sit down and let me talk to you. I won't make any excuses for what I said, there is no excuse. I can only beg for forgiveness.

I don't know if you still love me or not but I want you to know that I love you with all my soul.


That night Erin cried herself to sleep on the hard floor. Erin began to think that sleeping on the floor was what she deserved for what she had done to Mandy. The following day Erin got Sam up and going early and they went to an electric supply store. There she got one of the electricians to help her rig up an alarm for the doors. When she got home she put them on the front and rear doors so that when it was turned on and someone opened the door a buzzer would go off. After lunch and after Sam had taken a nap they toured the park and she saw all the work that she wasn't getting done. She was going to have to do something soon or she would never catch up. The grass needed to be mowed and she had some repairs that needed to be done but she couldn't do them and look after Sam. They were just going to have to find someone to look after him during the day. That was all there was to it. But again Erin was not going to make that decision alone. That night was the same with Mandy and Erin drafted yet another letter. This time since Mandy wasn't going to talk to her she decided to apologize to her in the letter. It wasn't the way she wanted to do but what else could she do.


I am sorry that I said that you were responsible for Sam getting out. I know it was not your fault. I was just scared for him and angry at both of us for letting it happen. So instead of accepting any blame I put it all on you. I was wrong to do that. To be honest I knew that it wasn't your fault when I said those things but that didn't stop me from being stupid. Again I was wrong. I never thought that he would do anything like that. I didn't notice all the things that were going on with Sam but I'm noticing them now. So it was just as much my fault as anyone's. But the main thing I want you to know is that if was not your fault!

Please forgive me. I cannot take you not talking to me. I need you and I need to know that you still love me. I don't want to lose you over some stupid thing that I did.

I love you


Erin woke up the following morning when she heard Mandy in the kitchen. She was hoping that Mandy had read the letter and would forgive her but that was not to be the case. Mandy left without a word being spoken. When Mandy left Erin started to cry. This was it; she couldn't take it any longer. A minute later she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't cry Erin." Sam told her.

"I am sorry Sam but I just can't help it. I don't think that Mandy will ever love me again." Erin said then realizing that she had told Sam that she loved Mandy. They had never talked to Sam and Brenda about their relationship but Erin was sure that both Sam and Brenda knew.

"She hasn't stopped loving you. She is still mad; you know how women can be when you do something you shouldn't have. She will forgive you, just give her time."

Erin looked at Sam and saw that his eyes were clear, he was having a good day. "I hope so." Erin said but she felt her depression deepen. It was like she was in a hole that no matter how hard she clawed at the dirt walls, she would never be able to climb out. Erin didn't leave the trailer that day. She tried to keep Sam entertained and when he took a nap she went into the bedroom. She lay on the bed and took Mandy's pillow in her arms. She squeezed it tight and inhaled deeply smelling Mandy's perfume. She thought that she would gladly die just to hold

Mandy one more time. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep and when she woke up a couple of hours later she knew she had dreamed about Mandy but she couldn't remember just what the dream was.

She got up and got Sam cleaned up then she started supper. She and Sam ate and she got the kitchen cleaned up. At six, Mandy was still not home and at seven again she wasn't home. Erin was getting scared that she wasn't going to come home at all when Mandy walked in at about eight. Sam had already fallen asleep so

Mandy went to him and kissed his forehead. Erin watched her and when Mandy faced her the stare was gone, it was replaced by a face that was more like the one she knew, the one she loved so much. Mandy then glanced away and went back to the bedroom. Erin waited for the door to shut but after a couple of minutes she realized that she never heard it shut. Erin was afraid to get her hopes up but she stood and went to the corner of the kitchen, looking down the hall. The bedroom door was still open. Erin felt her heart start to beat faster and faster as she got closer to the door. When she got there she peeked inside and she found Mandy sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her. Erin made a tentative step into the room waiting for Mandy to tell her to leave but she didn't.

"Does this mean you are willing to talk to me?"

"Yes." Mandy said so softly that Erin barely heard her.

Erin tried to take a step forward but it seemed like her body was frozen. There was so much she needed and wanted to say to Mandy that it all got mixed up in her head and she couldn't say a word. Then all the emotions of the past few days suddenly poured out of her. She started to cry; not gentle tears but gut wrenching sobs. She felt her body convulsing and she heard the loud sobs coming from her mouth. Then somewhere in the fog she felt Mandy's arms encircling her and she flung her arms around Mandy holding on for dear life. Erin tried to stop crying and say what she wanted to say but she couldn't stop the tears. They kept coming and she had no control over them. She hated to be this out of control of her emotions but she had no control over her body. She did not know how long she cried but eventually she felt Mandy stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. She also felt wetness on her forehead that did not come from Mandy's kisses. Erin felt a couple of more sobs rack her body then she was able to finally stop crying. She held on to Mandy feeling her body pressed against her own and it felt so great to be back in Mandy's arms. She didn't want to let go but she still had things to say and she needed to say them now. Erin eased back and she looked into Mandy's eyes. They were wet and red and she knew that Mandy had been crying with her. Erin stared into Mandy's brown eyes and she could see that Mandy was staring back at her; she was no longer staring through her but at her. Mandy started to lean forward but Erin stopped her by placing a finger on Mandy's lips.

"I need to say something while I can."

Mandy return the gesture and she put her finger on Erin's lips. "No you don't. Your letters told me what I needed to hear. I know you didn't mean what you said, it just took me a while to get over my mad spell and forgive you and I do. So let's just forget about it and go forward." As Mandy removed her finger from

Erin's lips, Erin kissed the finger then she told Mandy, "I'm sorry, I was so wrong." She then kissed Mandy before Mandy could say anything. It was a soft kiss, a kiss that said more than either of them could verbalize at the moment.

When the kiss ended, Erin brought Mandy back into her arms and hugged her tight. She knew she never wanted to fight with Mandy like this again. She vowed to herself that she would watch her tongue from here on out. They stood there for a long time with each of them having their head on the other's shoulders. Eventually Mandy pushed Erin back and asked "Would you hold me like this all night?"

"I plan on holding you like this forever."

"Good. Let me wash my face and let's go to bed."

Erin gave her a kiss and she went to the bathroom on the other end of the trailer as Mandy went to the one next to the bedroom. As Erin passed the living room she checked on Sam but he was sleeping soundly. When she looked into the mirror, she saw that her light brown hair was a mess and her blue eyes were more red than blue. There were also dark circles under her eyes. She looked a mess so she tried to make herself more presentable before going back to her lover and friend. When she got back to the bedroom, she found Mandy already in bed and Erin saw her beautiful breasts peaking from under the sheet. Erin came to the bed and

undressed. Mandy held the sheet up and Erin crawled in next to Mandy. Erin pressed her naked body against Mandy's. Erin took Mandy's face into her hands and she kissed her. It was a soft kiss not one that would lead to sex but one that Erin hope showed Mandy how much she loved her. Erin caressed Mandy's face with her fingers as she kissed her. When the kiss ended, she kissed Mandy on the tip of her nose and then she kissed her on the eyelids and on to her cheeks. She finally found her way back to Mandy's lips kissing her softly and gently. She touched their lips together and then she withdrew only to kiss her again. She did this until she felt Mandy's hand behind her head holding her in place. This kiss went on forever and both of them used their hands and fingers to caress the other's skin. As the kiss ended, Mandy rolled onto her back and brought Erin with her. Erin put her head on Mandy's chest between her breasts. Erin felt Mandy's fingers comb through her hair and she felt all the tension of the past few days beginning to ebb from her body. It was like she could finally relax, as she was back in the good graces of her partner. As that tension eased, she felt how tired she really was and she knew it would not be long before she was asleep so she told Mandy the one thing she needed to say.

"I love you sweetie."

"I love you too, baby." Mandy said and she followed it up with a kiss to the top of Erin's head. Erin then drifted off to sleep.

When Erin woke up the next morning, she found that the bed was empty and it scared her for a second. She had awakened alone too much lately and she wondered if last night had really happen. But then she was in the bed and not sleeping on the floor. About this time Mandy stuck her head inside the doorway.

"It is time to get up Lardass. We have a full day ahead of us."

Erin would normally come back with "Come here and kiss this fat ass." And she would turn her ass to where ever Mandy was. Mandy would then do one of three things; come over and kiss it, come over and slap it, or reply "In your dreams." But today Erin could only smile as Mandy's comment meant that all was back to normal. Mandy came over to the bed and sat on the edge. Erin sat up and she took Mandy in her arms. She kissed her harder than she did last night and with more passion. Mandy returned the kiss with the same passion but after a minute she broke off the kiss.

"Tonight lover, tonight." Mandy said but as she got up she gave a kiss to each of Erin's bare nipples. This sent a shiver through Erin's body. She then got up and went to the bathroom and joined Sam and Mandy in the kitchen.

After breakfast was over, they took Sam over to his trailer and let him watch TV as they sat in the office and talked about what to do about Sam. Erin went over everything she had learned about Alzheimer's. They then discussed the options that were before them. The first thing they decided was no nursing home until they absolutely had to. Next was where to put him, do they move into his trailer or move him to theirs. They ended up at theirs and they would move his bedroom into their study. Erin got on the phone and convinced the guy that she used for the heavy work to stop what he was doing and move everything that day. It cost her but that was okay. Next was getting someone to look after Sam during the day. This was going to be the hard part finding just the right person. Mandy called a couple of agencies and arraigned for some interviews. In the meantime, they would take turns looking after Sam. As they talked Erin thought about how much time they had wasted. They should have done this the day after Sam got away from them but that was her fault and she couldn't do anything about that now.

That afternoon Erin supervised the moving of Sam's stuff to their trailer then she convinced a couple of teenagers that lived at the trailer park to do the mowing. She overpaid them but again she needed it done as she was going to be limited as to what she could do until they found a sitter for Sam.

Later that night and after Sam was settled into his new bedroom, Erin was ready to give Mandy the most sensual night of her life. She made her sit in the living room as she got the bedroom and bathroom ready. She then took a quick shower

and put her and Mandy's favorite perfume on. She then walked out naked to the living room. Erin watched Mandy slowly look up and she allowed Mandy to gaze at her firm, but what Erin did not think, beautiful body. Mandy kept telling her that she was beautiful and from the way Mandy was looking at her Erin knew that Mandy really believed that she was beautiful. After a few seconds, Erin began to feel uncomfortable so she came on over to where Mandy was sitting. She bent down and kissed Mandy lightly on the lips then she took Mandy's hand and helped her up. She led her down the hall and into the bathroom where she had the bathtub filled and bubbles covered the water. She turned to Mandy and slowly began to undress her. She unbuttoned her blouse and uncovered Mandy's right shoulder. As she did this, she placed a light kiss on the lightly tanned skin that she exposed. Erin went to the left shoulder and again kissed the tanned skin as it was exposed. She went back to the right arm exposing more skin and kissing it, then went to the left doing the same. She went back and forth until the blouse was in the floor. Next she reached around Mandy and unhooked her bra. She brought her hands forward taking the bra with her. This left Mandy topless and left Erin to stare at Mandy's small but full breasts with the dark areoles. Erin felt her pussy start to get wet and she leaned in and took one of those lovely nipples into her mouth. She sucked for a second then let it go. She went to the other nipple and gave it a light kiss and she felt it harden. She put her hands on Mandy's hips and went down to her knees. She unsnapped Mandy's jeans and pulled them off of her hips. Erin could see the wet spot that was expanding on Mandy's panties and she could smell Mandy's musky aroma. She wanted to devour Mandy right then and there but she resisted. Instead she pulled the panties down and off, then she placed a light kiss on Mandy's clit. She heard Mandy moan.

Erin then stood up and she turned her head slightly as she moved her head forward to kiss Mandy. Using only her lips, Erin kissed Mandy until she felt her start to press back wanting a deeper kiss. Erin broke off the kiss and then she kissed Mandy on the tip of her nose. Erin helped Mandy step into the warm water. Erin had put mostly hot water into the tub when she first ran the water so that when she got Mandy ready the water would be just right. Once Mandy was settled, she looked up at Erin and when Erin dropped down on her knees outside the tub, Mandy asked "Aren't you going to join me?"

"No, tonight is just for you, just relax and enjoy." Erin replied as she kissed Mandy on the top of her head. Erin picked up a wash cloth and put some body

wash on it. She got it soapy then she started on Mandy's shoulders. She gently moved her hand across the skin rubbing and caressing. She went back and forth and then she moved her hand under the water to Mandy's back. She slowly washed Mandy's back using long strokes going from Mandy's shoulders to her butt. After washing Mandy a minute, Erin noticed that Mandy had her eyes closed and she was completely relaxed. Erin next washed Mandy's left arm which required her to lean over against Mandy and her breasts brushed Mandy's shoulder. Erin couldn't resist rubbing her breasts against Mandy as it was exciting her as much as it did Mandy. She felt Mandy lean back against her so she took a little more time washing this arm than was really necessary but then this bath was meant to be as much sensual as actually getting Mandy clean. But soon Erin had to move over to the other arm breaking the contact between then. Erin wasn't sure who sighed louder when this happened. Mandy washed the arm caressing and massaging the upper arm. Erin then put the wash cloth down and she soaped up her hands. She took Mandy's right hand in her hands and she began to massage her hand. She moved her fingers between and around Mandy's fingers. Then as she massaged Mandy's palm with one hand she used her other hand to take one finger at a time and caress it. When she was done with this hand, Mandy gave Erin her other hand. Obviously Mandy

liked this treatment. Erin took her time with this hand giving it as much care and love. When she was done, she picked up the wash cloth and put more body wash on the cloth. Erin took a deep breath and placed the cloth on Mandy's upper chest. She moved the cloth across Mandy's chest slowly working toward Mandy's breasts. As she got to the top swell of the breasts, she moved the cloth between the breasts. Erin felt Mandy take in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Erin went under and around each of the breasts. She heard Mandy start to breathe a little faster and she felt her own pussy get a little wetter. Erin then cupped the right breast in her washcloth covered hand. She moved the cloth around the breast washing and caressing it. She went from that breast to the other and then back again. She spent a lot of time caressing the breasts and before ending, she used her thumb and forefinger and took each nipple between them squeezing with firm pressure. That got a groan from Mandy. Erin progressed on to Mandy's stomach. She moved her hand around washing and caressing. Mandy leaned back and as her hand got close to Mandy's pubic region, she felt Mandy opening her legs. Erin had to smile but she wasn't ready to go there quite yet. Instead left the belly and she shifted to the end of the tub.

She reached down and she lifted Mandy's left leg from the water causing Mandy to lean back against the end of the tub. She took the foot and she washed it like she did Mandy's hands. She caressed the soul and ankle with her hands and she moved her fingers between Mandy's toes. She was careful not to tickle Mandy so that she would not break the mood. From there she went to the calf running the washcloth up and down the calf and then the shin. As she moved to the thigh, her hand disappeared back under the water. She moved around the upper and lower thigh before going to the inner thigh. As she got closer to Mandy's pussy, she heard Mandy's breathing quicken. But just before she got to Mandy's treasure she stopped and moved back down the thigh. She knew she was frustrating Mandy but it was a good frustration. Erin went to the right leg and again started at the foot. She used her fingers to caress and massage the soul and ankle then she went to the toes. She ran her fingers between them and then gave each toe individual attention. She rolled it between her fingers and pulled on them. She went from there to the calf and then the thigh. Again she washed everywhere but she then would get close to Mandy's pussy without actually touching it. Mandy's frustration was at its peak but it was a good frustration but Erin knew it was time to end that frustration.

Erin eased back up to the center of the tub. She used her right hand to tenderly squeeze Mandy's soft but firm breasts. She then used her thumb and forefinger to pinch Mandy's nipples. She then inched her hand down to Mandy's pubic region. She slid her fingers through Mandy's pubic hair and over her mons. She finally got to Mandy's pussy and she could feel that the outer lips were swollen and thick with Mandy's juices even though she was sitting in a tub full of warm water. Erin ran her fingers up and down the lips getting Mandy to moan loudly. She stroked Mandy a couple of minutes staying away from the engorged and sensitive clit. Mandy shifted her right foot to the top of the side of the tub opening up her pussy to Erin's finger and lifting her butt off the bottom of the tub. Erin moved her fingers on down past Mandy's pussy and on to her asshole. Erin ran her middle finger around the rim and she heard Mandy moan. She then placed her middle finger at the center of the bud and pressed. Her finger slipped inside up to the first knuckle. Erin then removed her finger from Mandy's ass and then pressed it back in going to the second knuckle. Mandy was groaning now so Erin pressed finger on in as far as she could. She left it still as she moved her left hand to Mandy's clit. Mandy's groans turned to moans as Erin began to masturbate Mandy's clit with a gentle circular motion. As she did this, she began to slide her finger in and out of Mandy's ass. Mandy started to move her hips and she gripped Erin's shoulder. Erin increased the pressure on Mandy's clit and soon Mandy could take no more. Mandy clawed at Erin's shoulder as her orgasm came and Erin felt Mandy's sphincter

muscle squeeze down on her finger. Erin eased off the pressure on Mandy's clit as she did not want her to cum too hard yet. There was more to come. Erin removed her finger and stopped massaging Mandy's clit as the orgasm eased off.

Erin picked up a bowl that she had placed by the side of the tub and filled it with water and she poured it over Mandy's hair. She then got some shampoo and poured a little in her palm. She rubbed her palms together and set about washing Mandy's hair. She always liked to wash Mandy's hair and Mandy always allowed

her to do so. Erin got the hair good and lathered and set about washing Mandy's hair and massaging her scalp. She took her time but not to much time. Once she was done, she rinsed Mandy's hair and pulled the plug on the tub signaling to Mandy that the bath was over. Erin got up and helped Mandy from the tub and before

Mandy could do anything Erin had a towel and she was drying Mandy's soft and

now rosy skin. Mandy looked positively radiant and Erin wanted so to take her into her arms so she did just that. She hugged Mandy's warm and sweet smelling body. She hugged her tight and then let her go only to kiss her. Mandy responded to the kiss and soon the kiss was a very passion one with their tongues moving in and out of each other's mouth.

"Now it is your turn." Mandy said with leftover lust in her voice, when the kiss ended.

"That is what you think." Erin replied and she kissed Mandy again before Mandy could say anything more. When the kiss ended, Erin pulled Mandy into the bedroom and took her over to the bed. She took Mandy in her arms and kissed her again and as she did this she eased Mandy back onto the bed. Their lips never broke contact as the moved up in the bed and Erin lay on top of Mandy. Erin moved her arms from Mandy's back to her shoulders then she used her hands to cradle Mandy's head. Erin opened her mouth and she eased her tongue into Mandy's mouth. She ran her tongue along Mandy's teeth and around her tongue. Mandy began to force her tongue against Erin's and she moved both of their tongues into Erin's mouth. As they continued to kiss, Erin began to grind her pussy into Mandy's. This felt all so good to Erin as she was so horny at this point. She had been teasing, caressing and generally getting Mandy off that her own desires were about to boil over and her pussy was almost dripping with her juices. Erin could hear the slippery sounds that their pussies were making and that just sent her to another level of excitement. Erin began to put more and more pressure on Mandy's pussy. And when Mandy wrapped her legs around Erin and locked her heels together, thus making their pussies have even more contact and her clit got more friction from Mandy's wet pussy. Erin had not meant to cum but this was just too much for her and she soon felt a small orgasm wash over her. When her orgasm passed, Erin

ended the kissing and got back to the business at hand. She slid down Mandy's body until her mouth was over Mandy's left breast. She hesitated a second making Mandy want it more then she lowered her head down and took the nipple into her mouth. She sucked gently on it at first then harder and harder until she had a mouthful of Mandy's breast in her mouth. Mandy meanwhile was still rubbing her pussy against Erin but now it was rubbing against her belly. Erin knew Mandy was ready for another orgasm so she moved to the other breast and sucked and nibbled on the breast and nipple then she went on down to Mandy's pussy. Erin stared

down at Mandy's wet and swollen lips and she knew that her own juices were mixed with Mandy's. She lowered her mouth and gave a soft kiss to Mandy's clit and she heard Mandy come out with a loud "Ohhhhhhhhh". Erin licked the outer lips drinking in both her and Mandy's left over juices then she used her fingers to open Mandy up. She dipped her tongue deep into Mandy's quim moving it around and scooping out her girlcum. Se moved her tongue around inside Mandy and then she went down to the bottom edge of Mandy's pussy and made a long lick up Mandy's slit until she got to the clit. She used short quick strokes on the clit and this time she heard Mandy say "Oh God" and then a long moan. Erin licked and licked until she felt Mandy push her hips up against Erin's mouth. Mandy shook her hips and twisted her body as an orgasm washed over her. Erin really got going now. She wet a couple fingers in Mandy's juices that were flowing from her pussy and she slipped them inside. She then began to fuck Mandy with the two fingers as she continued to lick on her clit. Mandy was crying out and moving all over the bed. As Erin fucked Mandy's pussy, she could feel the vaginal walls squeeze them as one orgasm passed into another one. Erin didn't know how many orgasm Mandy had before she finally pushed Erin's head away. Erin removed her fingers and set about licking up the juices that Mandy was producing. She loved the way Mandy tasted and she could drink those juices all day long. When she juices stopped flowing, Erin looked up and saw that Mandy was zapped out. Erin gave a last kiss to Mandy's clit and she

climbed back up in the bed. She took Mandy in her arms and fell asleep holding her lover.

Erin woke up sometime during the night and she was feeling a strange but very good sensations. It took her a few seconds to wake up and when she did she found that she was lying on her back and Mandy was tenderly sucking on her right nipple. She then felt something going on between her legs. She concentrated on that part of her body and she realized that Mandy had her palm rubbing against her clit and she had her middle finger inside her pussy. Erin put her hand against the back of Mandy's head, holding Mandy to her breast. Mandy's lips were so soft against her nipple and she was sucking so gently. It was a wonderful sensation to wake up to. Erin opened her legs and she let Mandy do her thing as she was doing it so slowly and with so much care and love. She was making sure that Erin did not come to a climax too fast but slowly work up to it. Erin felt her body relax and she just enjoyed the finger going in and out of her pussy and the palm rubbing against her clit. Then there was the tender sucking of her nipple. Slowly Erin felt her body responding to the caresses. She felt her body tighten up then relax only to tighten up again. Mandy kept her pace the same. Erin felt Mandy's finger slowly slipping into her pussy and then back out before going back in. This went on for about fifteen minutes before Erin felt the need to cum.

"Harder and faster baby." Erin whispered.

Mandy did as she was told. She pressed her palm harder against Erin's clit and her finger worked a little faster. Mandy also started to bite down on Erin's nipple just enough to give her a little pain and increase the pleasure Erin was feeling. Erin began to shift her hips and push up against Mandy's hand. Mandy removed her wet finger from Erin's pussy and she used it and her other fingers on Erin's clit pressing harder and harder. Erin felt her orgasm coming fast and then it hit her. It was a hard climax and Erin cried out "I love you Mandy!" as the orgasm hit its crest. When she came back around, she found that now Mandy had her head on her shoulder. Erin took Mandy's chin in her fingers and lifted it so that she could kiss her. It was a kiss meant to show her love for Mandy and when it ended Mandy laid her head back on Erin's shoulder and they both feel back to sleep.

The next day they started their search of a sitter for Sam. It took them two weeks before a lady in her fifties came in for an interview. The last patient that she sat for also had Alzheimer's. She spoke with a soft voice but you could see that she had a determination in her eyes. They took in to see Sam and he did not pay her much attention. She talked to him a few minutes and slowly he started to listen and then talk to her. Erin and Mandy eased out of the room and went into the office but left the door open so that they could keep an eye on them.

"Well what do you think of Molly?" Mandy asked.

"I like the fact that she has worked with someone like Sam before. That makes me feel better."

"She also charges a lot more than anyone else we have talked to."

"Yes, but she may be worth the money."

"I say we let them talk a while and if Sam does not throw a fit we hire her."

"Okay, that sounds good with me."

They left Molly with Sam for the afternoon and she seemed to do fine with him so they hired her that day and she started the next. This turned out to be the best money they ever spent. She came on time every morning and she took great care of him. She took him out for walks when he got restless and she let him be when he got stubborn as she knew sooner or later he would get over that mood and be back in a decent mood where she could then get him to do what she needed him to do. Erin and Mandy soon settled into a new routine at home now that Sam was staying with them. They did have to dress a little more conservative at night with Sam living with them.

It was about a month later that their routine changed or rather Sam's did and they found that they had to adjust to it. With Molly keeping him occupied during the day Sam began to go to bed earlier and thus they had time to themselves. Then came one night that they watched TV for a while then about eleven they headed to bed. They both were feeling a little amorous that night, so once they settled down in bed they began to kiss. Their hands began to roam and the kisses were just beginning to get passionate when Erin sensed that they were not alone. She opened her eyes to see Sam standing by the bed.

"Sam, you all right? Do you need something?" Erin said as she pushed

Mandy away and untangled her arms from Mandy's.

"Yes." Sam replied.

"What do you need?" Mandy asked as she got out of bed and started him back down the hallway.

"I don't know."

"Are you thirsty?"


"Do you feel bad?"


"Tired?" Mandy asked hopefully.


"Are you hungry?" Erin finally asked.

"Yes, it's time for breakfast." Sam said with a smile as he finally remembered what he wanted.

"Okay, we'll fix you something." Erin said wanting to tell him that it was seven or eight hours before breakfast but she knew better than to argue with him. "What do you want?"

"Eggs, bacon and toast." Sam replied

"Okay." Mandy said wearily as she went to the kitchen and got the pans out. She fixed the food as Erin talked to Sam. When the food was done, Sam tore into his food as Mandy and Erin nibbled on theirs. After Sam was full Erin was hoping that Sam would get sleepy but that was not to be the case. He was wide awake so Erin made Mandy go on to bed and she stayed up till three with Sam. When Erin got to bed, Mandy was sleeping soundly and she was much too tired to start where they had stopped off.

When Molly came in the next morning, Mandy told Molly about their night and Molly said that sometimes patients like Sam got their days and nights mixed up. That turned out to be the case as he would go to sleep early then have Mandy or Erin up for half of the night. Even when he slept through the night, Mandy and Erin were afraid to do anything for fear that Sam would walk in on them. They also knew they could not shut the door for fear that Sam would get even more confused or scared if he could not get to them. It took them about a month of this before that amorous feeling that they were feeling turned into plain old horniness. It was then that Mandy took things into her own hands.

After Molly had come in and took over Sam care, Mandy went back into the bedroom and came out with a small over night bag. She told Molly to keep Sam at their trailer until at least noon and then she grabbed Erin by the hand and drug her out the door.

"What are you up too?" Erin inquired.

"I don't know about you but I am beyond horny and I need you so bad that I can't stand it."

"Yes, me too!" Erin said as she kicked up her pace to keep up with Mandy.

When they got to Sam's trailer, Mandy put a sign up that they would open at noon then she grabbed the bag and headed toward the back bedroom. As soon as

they got to the bedroom, Mandy started to peel off her clothes and Erin was not far behind her. There would be no foreplay today as neither needed it. Once Erin

realized what Mandy had in mind, she felt her nipples tighten and her pussy moisten. When Mandy was naked she jumped on the bed and Erin jumped on top of her as the last of her clothes was still in the air. Their lips met in a hard passionate kiss. Erin felt Mandy's tongue in her mouth and she began to suck on it. She pulled it as far into her mouth as she could and she used her own tongue to go around Mandy's. Their tongues went from one mouth to the other and their heads turned back and forth and their noses rubbed as their heads crossed back and forth. Their hands were not idle either, as Erin placed her hands on Mandy's breasts and Mandy's ended up on Erin's butt. Erin ground her pussy down against Mandy's getting their juices going. When they finally stopped kissing to catch their breaths, Mandy pushed Erin up off of her. She then turned around in the bed so that her head was between Erin's legs and Erin found that she was looking down at Mandy's pussy. Erin dived down on Mandy's pussy and she started to lick. She felt Mandy pull her hips down and then she felt Mandy's tongue on her pussy. Erin licked the juices from the slit and then she opened Mandy's pussy with her fingers and she pushed her tongue deep into Mandy's entrance. She heard a moan come from Mandy and then she felt Mandy's fingers enter her pussy filling her up and she had to moan herself. Mandy would pump her fingers into Erin as she licked on her clit then she would remove her fingers and lick up the juices. Erin moaned and groaned into Mandy's pussy. It didn't take her long of this treatment for her to cum and she coated Mandy's mouth with her juices. When she recovered she took her index finger and got it slippery with Mandy's juices then she placed it at Mandy's asshole. She felt Mandy relax her muscles as she slipped it into the tight hole. She began to suck on Mandy's clit as she moved the finger in and out of Mandy's asshole. As Erin got Mandy closer and closer to a climax, she felt Mandy's licking of her pussy lessen. Soon she stopped entirely and just moaned as her orgasm hit her.

They rested a few minutes gently licking each other as they gathered they energy. Erin then felt Mandy give her a little bite on her clit causing Erin to squeal then she slipped out from under Erin and went over to the bag. Erin rolled over onto her back as she watched Mandy pull the strap-on from the bag and Erin had to smile, as Mandy was reading her mind. Erin opened up her legs and waited as

Mandy put the bigger cock into the harness and she strapped the harness on. Mandy put a little lub on the head of the cock and came over to the bed. Erin took the cock into her hand and placed the head at her entrance as Mandy laid down on top of her. Erin felt the big head start to press against her lips and she knew she would really feel this as it had been a while since they had used the strap-on. When she was ready, she let go of the cock and Mandy immediately drove the cock into her. Erin groaned loudly as she felt the cock stretch her pussy open and it filled her up completely. Mandy did not give her time to relax but started to lift her hips and drive the cock back into her. When the base of the cock hit her pussy lips, Mandy moved it back out a few inches and pushed it back. Erin wrapped her legs around Mandy's hips and she began to push back as Mandy drove the cock in and out of her pussy. Erin could feel her pussy lips being pulled out and then pushed back in as the cock fucked her pussy. When the cock hit home, Mandy would give an extra

upward thrust causing her clit to get more attention. Erin knew she was going to be sore later that day but she did not care, as it was now feeling too good. She grunted and moaned as Mandy picked up her pace if that was possible. Erin clawed Mandy's back as she was telling her to go faster and harder. Erin soon felt an orgasm coming and then it hit her and she cried out but through the fog of the orgasm she also felt that Mandy did not stop fucking her. With the juices she produced from her orgasm Erin could now hear the wet slapping sounds of Mandy's fucking of her pussy. Erin went from one orgasm to another as the cock plowed into her now sore pussy. Erin could not, nor did she want to tell Mandy to stop, but instead she road one orgasm to another until she finally passed out from all the pleasure that she was feeling.

When she came back to she found Mandy's sweat soaked body on top of hers and she was still breathing hard. Erin wanted to get up and fuck Mandy like Mandy had just fucked her but she did not think any of her muscles would work right then so instead she pulled Mandy's face to hers and kissed her. The kiss seemed to give them both energy and when it ended, Mandy started to get up. Erin felt the cock being pulled out of her and it was a little painful as her pussy lips were indeed sore but she also hated the feeling when the cock popped out of her leaving her empty. Erin started to get up but Mandy pushed her back down. Erin watched as Mandy

took off the harness and she put it on her. Once it was tighten down against her very sensitive clit, Erin looked at the cum coated cock and she knew it was her cum. Mandy did not give her much time to look as she was now straddling Erin's hips and she lowered her pussy down on the cock. The head and then shaft soon disappeared inside Mandy and Erin heard Mandy moan. Once it was completely inside of her, Mandy adjusted her knees a bit then she started to bounce up and down on the shaft. Once Mandy got into a rhythm, Erin began to push her hips up as Mandy came down. There was a definite slapping sound as their hips came together. As they fucked Erin took hold of Mandy's nipples pinching them and as Mandy went up she left her hands in place thus causing Mandy to pull her own

nipples downward. This only served to urge Mandy on. She began to fuck harder and harder but like Erin, it was not long before her orgasm hit and she fell down on Erin who quickly flipped them over so that she was on top. She began to fuck

Mandy hard and fast. She pushed the cock deep inside of Mandy and then pulled out most of its length only to push it back in hard. Mandy cried out "Oh God Yes!" and she convulsed from another orgasm but like Mandy Erin did not stop until

Mandy cried out one final time and went limp. Erin dropped on top of Mandy soaked in as much sweat as Mandy was.

They went to sleep with the cock buried deep inside of Mandy and when they awake a couple of hours later it was still there. Erin kissed Mandy and as she did that she began to move the cock inside of Mandy. Erin kept her mouth on Mandy's preventing Mandy from telling her to stop and soon Erin felt Mandy's hips push back against her hips. Mandy broke off the kiss and she bit Erin's shoulder as she urged Erin on. Erin did her best with her weak legs to fuck Mandy properly. She moved the cock in and out of Mandy's pussy. Mandy cried and moaned and twisted her body under Erin as she approached her climax. Mandy cried out one final time as her orgasm hit and she went limp once again. It did not take her as long to recover this time but when she did she pushed Erin off of her so that Erin would not get any more ideas.

Erin took the harness off and she cuddled up against Mandy. They kissed a few minutes then they got out of bed to start the day. They soon found that this arraignment worked out for everyone. So from then on Mandy and Erin would spend the morning together at Sam's place just spending some time together before they begun their day. Sometimes they made love and sometimes they just cuddled and kissed.

Time went on for all of them until one day Erin went to get Sam up and found that he had gone to be with Brenda. Erin and Mandy cried for him but they were both sad and happy tears as now Sam had his mind back and he was with the woman he had loved for over fifty years.

Erin and Mandy were alone now but they had each other and that was enough.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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