Erotic Writers Fantasy

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Feb 12, 2017


The usual disclaimer applies. This is intended for adults over the age of 18, and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission. This story is a fantasy between a man, a vampire, and a werewolf. So, if that offends you, do not read any further! Enjoy!

I'm a writer. Perhaps you've read some of my stories on the web? Maybe, read one of my published, erotic novels? As a writer, my life is nothing but fantasy. I spend my days putting words to the visions my brain has conjured. My nights are spent in near darkness, as I struggle, developing the stories that my readers and fans will soon immerse themselves in.

Sounds fun? Sounds like an easy life, huh? Well, these bright, sexually filled periods of creativity, are always followed by long spans of depression. Weeks of time, where the real-world barges in and remind's me that this fantasy world I created is just that, a fantasy. That the characters I have developed into the perfect beings are not real.

It was here, in this dark mindset, that I found myself. I hadn't written anything good, in several weeks. My third book was off at the Editor's, being proofed. I had begun writing the forth in my erotic werewolf, vampire series, but had stopped writing when the Depression had hit. Now, I was here, laying on my bed in total darkness. Sleep had not visited me in days, and I feared I was facing yet another sleepless night.

My husband, passed out and snoring like a demonic beast from hell, was at the other end of the house. We hadn't slept together in nearly ten years. Our sex life was nearly non-existent, so it just made sense to have separate rooms.

I groaned, rolling to my back, as I heard my bedroom door, creaking open;

"Do you have any idea what time it is," I groaned? "I am not in the mood, so..." I strained to see into the darkness.

"What makes you think I have come for that reason," the whispered voice asked. I recognized this voice, but, I had never heard it in real life. "Why have you shut me out? Why, when I come to you, do I find you unaware of my presence?"

I shook my head. This was a dream. It had to be. I had somehow fallen asleep and was dreaming of my vampire character, Breccan. It was his voice, the voice I heard as I wrote the words he would say, that I heard now. I shivered as I felt his cold fingers touch my leg. I tensed as he slid them along my shin. I winced, as he forcibly pinched my inner thigh;

"Ouch, fucker, that hurt."

"See," he asked softly? "You're not dreaming." He began to stroke his nails along the tender flesh of my thigh. The dim illumination from my bedside clock, finally making him appear.

I looked upon this being, standing just as I had seen him in my mind. Short, brown hair, framing his thin, handsome face. Violet eyes, sparkling brightly, as he gazed upon me. His pale completion. A billowy shirt, opened, exposing his defined chest and upper abs. Narrow waist, hips holding up his silken, Arabian style pants.

He stepped closer, his every move, graceful and fluid. His fingers, flicking open the final buttons that held his shirt closed. I watched as his shoulders twitched, the light fabric falling off, fluttering to the floor.

I shook my head again, still in disbelief that this was as real as he claimed it to be. His fingers, trailing up over my naked flesh, his eyes focused only on me.

He took my hand and lifted it to his mouth. I felt his cold breath as he sniffed my palm, his exhale, causing me to swoon. He pressed his icy lips to my wrist, kissing it gently.

"You smell, delicious," he spoke, his tongue licking my wrist.

I tipped my head back, exhaling a slow, deep breath. His touch, no, his very presence was just as I had imagined it would be. Seductive. My arm fell to the bed, as he suddenly was under me. My full body, resting on top of his. Strong, cold arms now wrapped around me, icy lips, mouthing over my right ear.

"I'm hungry," he whispered, his arms tightening around my chest. His hands feeling down over my tummy. "And see," he chuckled softly, "you thought I was here for this." His hand took hold of my cock, which I only then realized was rock hard.

Before I could react, his fangs sank deep into my fleshy neck, his lips sucking on my skin, creating a tight seal. My body tensed, pain stabbing into my neck. My eyes wide open, seeing only white, hot pain.

His arm around my chest, tightened, pulling me tighter to him. The hand on my cock, stroking my length. The pain, shooting through me, disappearing, replaced by the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt. I could see his life in my mind. Both the parts I'd written and all the unseen parts I had only assumed he'd lived.

I could feel his vampiric cock hardening against my ass. Each swallow of my blood causing it to pulse and grow harder. His pants, gone. Only his warming, naked flesh now pressed to me.

His thoughts were in my mind, one of the unique traits I had given my vampires, speaking to me as he drank my blood.

"You are my father, for your words created me. Now, it is your desperation, that gives me life." I felt his fangs slide from my neck, his tongue pushing his saliva into the wounds, healing the damage they had caused, another trait of my vampires. "As you wrote about me, I felt your desire to have me at your neck. Each time I fed, I felt your thoughts as you dreamt of it being you that nourished my life." He pulled from my neck, his head back, hissing as I had always written he did.

His cock throbbed against my taint, his massive head pushing up, under my balls. My body was weak, but my mind was so alive. My thoughts raced to each of the sexual encounters I had written about him. His passion and dominance over all he bedded, even his life mate, the werewolf, Abaddon. He chuckled softly under me.

"Your thoughts betray you, my father." He moved again, his speed, instant. He was now between my legs, his warm hands spreading my cheeks. His fingers glided over my tight hole.

"Oh, so tight. I will need to ease into you."

"No," I commanded weakly. "You will fuck me as you have fucked all the others."

Breccan was suddenly on my face. His fat cock head, pushing hard against my hole. His hands pinning my wrists to the bed, as his bloody lips moved over mine.

"No, you are not in control here as you are in your books." He chuckled, his tongue swirling around his gleaming fangs. "This is not your story. This is real. I have come to banish your depression and quench my desires." He licked his still bloody tongue over my lips. "I will make love to you as I desire too." He again pressed his lips to my ear. "And now, the creator becomes the created."

"Then get on with it, will you?" A gruff voice growled from the darkness. I saw him smile and look behind himself, into the darkness. My eyes strained to see who was there, but already knowing who this deep voice belonged too. Never far from each other, I knew my werewolf, Abaddon, was lurking not far from my bed. "Do what you always talk to me about doing. Give him what we have always dreamed of."

Breccan rose, again kneeling between my legs. I looked to see the darkness beside the bed shifting. There, slowly appearing out of the blackness of night, my werewolf stepped closer to me.

His black fur shined, as I had always imagined it would. He stood hunched, his enormous height of nine feet, too tall for my room. His virile body, rippled with muscles, now actually gracing my sight. He extended his arm, his giant paw touching my face.

"And so, it is, that I am finally able to look upon you." Abaddon's voice still gruff, but softer, a catch in his throat. "Am I to share your bed as you have always dreamed? All those nights you lay here alone. Your mind filled with only thoughts of me. Your hand stroking your cock as you imagined my touch." His paw moved down my cheek, surrounding my neck. "Does it now give you the pleasure you always thought it would?"

He lifted my head and upper body with ease, my body limp and speechless. He moved, sitting at the head of my bed, laying me back, his huge, furry balls, hot to my forehead.

I took his strong arms in my hands, his silky fur causing my cock to throb and leak pre. His scent was musky and strong, my head acting on its own, pushing back, so his balls dragged over my eyes, now resting over my nose. He cupped my chin and lifted my head gently.

"That's it, breathe deep, and take my scent in. Breath in and enjoy the smell you have only held in your mind, as you came to dreams of us."

Breccan thrust his cock forward, searing pain gripping my ass as he slid nearly half way in. The force of his thrust pushed my head further under Abaddon, his large, furry balls now over my open mouth.

I moaned deeply as my tongue tentatively licked his hot, furry sack. His heavy orbs barely moving at my tongues manipulation. His taste was strong, but not unpleasant. I pursed my lips, sucking on one and then the other. Their mass filling my mouth completely. His body, shuddering with pleasure, my head trapped between his powerful thighs.

Part of me was convinced this was nothing more than a very vivid dream. The other part of me knew it wasn't. That somehow, by some weird twist of magic, my two main characters had come to life.

That my tight ass was right this moment, being plowed by my sexy vampire, and my stud werewolf, Abaddon, was teabagging me. I was lost in the moment. My wildest dreams had come true. I held my hands up and slapped them on my chest. I had to wake up if I was sleeping. I prepared to slap myself again, but my hands were taken by the paws of my werewolf. He pulled them back to his chest, pushing them, so my fingers combed through his chest fur.

"Stop. You are not dreaming, nor having some sort of vivid fantasy." Abaddon leaned forward a bit, the ball in my mouth sinking lower, almost to my throat. "Fuck him good, Brec. Pump him full of your bloody, demon seed."

I could hear the vampire grunting as he fucked my ass hard. I felt his blood sweat dripping from him onto my chest and belly. My hands slid down Abaddon's ripped abs, finding his furry sheath and the hardness it contained. His paws quickly took my hands, pulling them away.

"Easy father, let's not get too carried away just yet." I groaned at his scolding. My cock throbbing like crazy.

"Look, unh, unh, at his cock Abbs," Brec grunted, his cock buried completely in my ass. "Awe fuck, this boy is gonna nut without touching it." I heard him suck in a breath, his body lifting slightly. "Yeah, that'll make him cum for sure. Do it!"

Abaddon pulled his ball from my mouth with a pop. As he slid back a bit, I could see his sack, dripping with my saliva. He leaned over me, his long hot tongue, snaking down my body. As he did this, his sheath slid over my face, the moist opening now at my mouth.

I reached up and grabbed his massive hips, in hopes of holding him there, but knowing I had no chance if he decided differently. My tongue attacked the tip of his sheath, tasting his wetness for the first time. No longer was this the fantasy I dreamed of to get off. My tongue was actually tasting my stud wolf, his hot drools of pre, oozing out into my hungry mouth.

I pursed my lips to the opening and sucked hard. I wanted his pointy cock to slide free so I could suck his mammoth cock. He somehow resisted my pleasures, and his cock remained in its hot fleshy tunnel. I was able, to work my tongue inside, and swirled it hungrily around his rock-hard tip.

I heard Breccan groan loudly when I felt a hot, long tongue wrap around my cock, I knew he was getting off on seeing his mate sucking my cock.

"That's it," Breccan groaned. "Gonna nut." He gave one final thrust and I could feel his lava hot seed, shooting deep inside me. True to my writings, he started thrusting again. Making sure every inch of my insides was coated in his vampiric blood cum.

I was next. I was on sensory overload. My cock throbbed in Abaddon's maw, his K-9 teeth, trapping my shaft, cum pulsing down his throat. His tongue continued licking under my shaft, slipping from his mouth and working over my sensitive balls.

I was overjoyed when suddenly his cock slid from his sheath and pushed roughly into my mouth. He adjusted how he was and made sure his cock easily went down into my throat.

I struggled to move, wanting to have him cum in my mouth. I wanted to taste him, no I needed too. I wanted his balls to fully drain into my mouth, and drown me in his juice.

My wish was granted when he pulled free of my oozing cock and flipped his large frame, so he was squatting over my chest. His massive paws grabbed my head as he roughly fed me his cock.

His hips fucked the first few inches in and out of my mouth, his paws holding my head steady. He grunted loudly, long drools of his saliva dripping onto my head and face.

He came with more force than I ever imagined. His cum blasted out and ran right down my throat. His taste was out of this world. Musky, yet sweet. He dropped my head, his paws holding himself up, his cock still pumping in and out of my mouth.

As incredible as this whole scene had been, I found myself in total heaven when my boys, as exhausted as I was, lay on each side of me.

Abaddon wasted no time and began to hotly kiss me. His tongue licking every part of my mouth and throat. His paws, one under me and one on top, held and caressed me. His silky fur, tickled against my skin, his powerful legs wrapping me in their hot strength.

Breccan was to my other side, his mouth dragging over my chest. I could feel his fangs as they lightly scratched my skin, his tongue licking up the blood left behind. When he got over my nipple, I pushed his head down, his razor-sharp fangs stabbing into my fleshy pec.

He drank from me with hunger. He moaned and writhed against me as he savored my life force. I had always written about how talented he was. How he could drink you right down to the point of death and stop. He would do this only with Abaddon. Drinking him nearly dry then stopping.

Now, here I was. My vampire was doing just this to me. The only worry was, could he really stop? With Abaddon, he was safe. As long as one drop of blood remained, Abaddon would live. But, Abaddon was a werewolf. I am mortal. If he drank me that low, I would die.

My fears abated when he pulled from my mangled pec with a loud, evil hiss, my blood drooling from his mouth. I was woozy, fading in and out of consciousness. Everything I saw appeared in slow motion. I saw as he shoved Abaddon from my mouth.

"Move dog breath, I have to feed him. I took him too low." I faded out again, my sight blurring. I could barely see Breccan, biting his wrist, an explosion of his blood, splattering down onto my face.

The next thing I knew, he was shoving his sliced-up wrist into my mouth.

"DRINK," he ordered me, as his thick, hot blood filled my mouth. "Don't worry, it'll take more than I give to turn you." I grabbed his wrist and started sucking his acrid blood, now fully understanding what I had only been writing about.

I felt strangely good. My cock hardened, and I felt my balls filling. I felt stronger and more alive than I have ever felt. I could feel his blood mixing with mine. Healing me. Filling me with desires for new things.

"Enough," Breccan groaned weakly as he ripped his wrist from my mouth. I tried to go after it. I wanted more of his delicious nectar, but Abaddon's mighty paw slammed into my chest, knocking me back, prevented me from doing so.

I looked back at the large werewolf I was laying against. His red eyes narrowed, as his lip curled. A low growl vibrated from deep within him, a warning to mind myself. Although I was his creator, his father, he remained the Alpha, even to me. I returned my eyes to Breccan, his wound healed, his tongue licking up the blood trails on his forearm. I hate to say it, but I was jealous of him at that moment.

Breccan finally stood, and stepped, standing over me. I took a long, lingering, gaze from his feet to his head. My eyes drinking in his naked beauty.

"I don't have a clue what you are staring at, I am exactly as you created me." He gave a lite chuckle. "We both are."

"I know, but you have to understand. I made you as my total fantasy. Everything about you is my idea of perfection. Strong legs, narrow waist, smooth defined chest. Angelic face, and a killer personality." I lifted my hands, gesturing to him. "And here you are."

"Then I am the dreamy werewolf that fills your fantasies," Abaddon spoke softly behind me. "Can you also say that about me? That here I am?" I answered him by pressing back against him, drawing his powerful legs and arms around me.

Breccan knelt over me, his fat, flaccid cock, laying heavy on mine. He placed his hand on my forehead and wiped it down over my face, an act I wrote he did to show affection to his victims.

"Pleasant dreams, my darling." My eyes shut, and I was fast asleep.

My rest was dreamless, yet I knew, somehow, that I was safe. As I woke, I wondered, for a brief moment, if it had really happened at all. Then I felt the furry legs entangled with mine. The strong arms that hugged my chest. That my mattress for this night had not been my bed, but the body of an incredibly sexy werewolf.

I opened my eyes and looked around for my Vampire, then realized that it was late morning and the sun was shining through the window, I knew he'd gone to ground.

Abaddon's hot breath washed over my head. His arms and legs holding me tight. While I slept, I had rolled and now lay chest to chest with him. His body was amazing. His fur, warm yet cool at the same time. His warm sheath pressed between my cheeks, the opening kissing my hole.

His chest rose and fell with his breathing, a soft growl, his snore. I pressed my face to his neck, my hand snaking up through the fur on the other side of his head. My fingers found his ears. My all-powerful werewolf's Achille's heal. Touch his ear's, and he became powerless.

I felt their softness, each one twitching as I continued rubbing them. I felt him huff, his breath hot, washing over my back. Felt as his pointed cock began to emerge from his sheath, the tip pressing against my still sore pucker.

"Abby, no," I spoke into his neck. "I am still so sore from Breccan last night."

"Let me just have my tip in you," he whispered.

"Yes, OK, just the tip." I continue to manipulate his ears, as he pushed his tip into my hole.

I groaned as his pointed head continued to slowly ease into me. I grabbed his ears roughly, his massive body tensing under me.

"Keep that up, and I will lose my control." He huffed again, his head stretching me open, quivering, halfway in me. His huge paws rubbed my lower back, forcing my hips tighter to him. He panted. "Please let me just have my head inside you. Let me feel your tail hole take the only cock you truly desire. I promise, just my head." I felt my passion overpowering me.

"Yes," I moaned, "your head, but no more," I remembered his cock from last night. Thicker than a beer can. His length, far greater than any cock I had ever seen. His knot, like a tennis ball, swelled at the base of his length. Now I worried what his massive werewolf cock would do to me. Yes, I had always dreamed of him fucking me, and yes, I did know how big he really was. Hell, I created him.

I dropped my hands to his broad shoulders, my fingers pulling at his fur;

"Just your head," I moaned again. "I can't take any more than that." I bit his neck, much like Breccan would do when he drank his blood. Abby's cock pushing deeper into me, my ass lips, sliding over the flared head, slowly stretching to accept his huge flared knob.

His head pushed in, and my hole closed around its base, trapping him in me. I moaned loudly as this happened. Surprised that there was no pain to his size. His paws pressed to my back and pushed me up. His action caused his head to pull against my hole, making me moan again.

He repeated this action, this time his head pulling free of me, my hole sucking hard on his pointed tip. Abby grunted, free of my ass, his tip stroking up and down against my kissing pucker.

He released his upward pressure, and I sank back down, his head quickly pushing into me. I gasped as I sank lower onto his thick shaft.

"Oh God, yes, you feel amazing in me." Abby's paws pushed down on my lower back, forcing me to take more of his mighty cock.

I took a bit more, my hole squeezing his cock hard. I needed him to stop. His cock was far too big for me to take. His pointed head was fine, my ass relaxing, as the thickness diminished behind it. His shaft was not a perfect tube, swelling slightly as it moved back from his head. It then shrank a bit as it progressed into where his knot began. The knot that all those he had fucked had hung from as he howled, seeding them with his Alpha cum. This was something I now knew I could not do. There was no way I could take his shaft, not to mention his knot.

Abaddon's paws took my ass cheeks and pulled me slowly off his cock. I felt my hole become vacant as his huge organ pulled free, my ass lips kissing the air, wanting him back inside me.

"Put it back in me please," I begged him, my mouth chewing on his neck. I growled as I heard him chuckle, his tip teasing me again.

"I will give you what you want, but I will give you more than I did just now. If you want me back in you, you will take my shaft as well." Abby pushed against my ass, his claws digging into my fleshy cheeks. His cock entered me with ease, his shaft disappearing into my hungry hole.

I arched my back, lifting off his upper body, as his entire shaft pushed into my ass, his knot tight to my hole. I felt my weight pushing me hard against his fat knot of werewolf cock flesh. My tiny pucker refusing to take any more.

"No more, Abaddon. I can't take the knot."

"There is no need," he growled as his paws lifted me up, and let me sink back down, his head and shaft rubbing that special spot we all have within us.

My stretched hole again fought against his knot, preventing it from entering me. Again, he lifted me up and let me sink back down. I cried out in pleasure as his knot began to slide in, his paws preventing it from going far.

He lifted me again and used his legs to thrust just his fat shaft and head back and forth. I could feel my hole loosening, becoming more receptive to the massive werewolf cock that I had so long dreamed of.

He lifted me free of his cock and then nearly dropped me back onto his pole. I ass sunk slowly over him, his knot now nearly three-quarters of the way inside me. My own cock throbbed wildly between us, spewing my pre, between our bodies.

"I'm going to cum," I groaned, as Abby pressed his lips to mine.

"You will cum only when your Alpha commands you too." He raised me up again, letting me slide back down, his knot forcibly entering my ass, my hole closing after it, trapping him in me.

I grunted in sheer pleasure as his massive cock filled me more than any other cock I had ever taken. My body shuddered as I felt him throbbing within me. My hands griped his strong chest, fingers pulling at his fur. I was just like all the others he had fucked in my books. I was impaled on his Alpha cock. 'Stand up,' I screamed in my mind. 'Stand so I may hang from your massive cock, your dominance over me, willingly taken.'

He hooked one of his large claws under my chin, forcing me to look at his red eyes.

"I command you to cum." His voice was of the Alpha I had created. "Cum now and cover me with your seed."

I couldn't pull from him. His cock was held captive in my tight hole. He exerted no power to hold me on him, my desire, no my need to have him fully in me completely of my own doing. My cock throbbed, and I began to shoot long shots of cum up, onto his furry chest.

My legs lifted me up, pulling me against his knot. There was about an inch of sub-shaft on the other side of his swollen appendage, and this was enough to allow me to fuck myself with his entire length.

I cried out in total pleasure, as I continued to cum, his knot beating against my prostrate. He pushed on my chest, forcing me back, his knot pulling hard on my hole, yet not enough to pull it free.

I could feel him throbbing inside me, his hot, werewolf cum, filling me. He was panting and growling as he arched his body, my own, laying back on his powerful legs. His hips bucked wildly, fucking his cock back and forth. My cum covered cock, still rock hard, flailing around as he did.

With a final thrust, he collapsed beneath me. I was spent, yet my cock remained erect, my balls having that heavy, need to cum feeling. I slowly came to a more aware state, Abby's cock giving no signs of freeing me.

"Look at your balls," He growled. "I often wondered what you looked like. Dreamed of the day when I would see you on my cock." Abby pressed his mighty paw to my crotch. Hooking his thumb under my swollen sack, his pawed fingers encircled my hardness. He gave me just a slight squeeze, and my cock again erupted. My cum drenching his large paw, soaking into his silky fur.

I found myself in my kitchen, my arms shakily holding me up against the counter. My coffee mug set between my hands, the dark liquid emitting a slight steam.

"Oh, my God, what a dream," I whispered, as my nose took in the erotic scent of my coffee. "But..." My mind thought back to what had happened. It wrestled with the ideas of how could this have really happened. These beings that had come to me were nothing more that the work of my imagination. Yet the empty feeling in my ass was telling me differently.

I felt empty. Once again alone with my thoughts. How would I ever be able to bring them back to me? How could I breathe life into them once again?

I shivered, my mind thinking of how I had felt no pain while Abaddon had fucked, no, while he made love to me. How his huge cock had so easily taken my nearly virgin ass and made it his.

I froze, as large furry arms hugged me from behind. Massive paws, pulling me back against a strong body. I lifted my head to see my Abaddon looking down at me.

"Why do you think what we shared was nothing but a fantasy?" His paw gripped my throat, holding my head back. I felt his cock emerge from his sheath, pushing up between my cheeks. "Shall I take you again? Prove to you I am here as you need me to be? Fuck you as I have others? Dominate you and let you hang from me, as I howl to all that you are mine?"

I reached up and grabbed the sides of his head. I pulled his fur, bringing his head lower to mine.

"Yes," I breathed into his muzzle. "Take me as you have taken all the one's I have written about." I licked his teeth, and bit his lip, pulling back. "You are my Alpha, do as you wish."

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed this little fantasy of mine, between me and the characters of my Erotic novel series - Bark at the Moon -. As always, I enjoy getting your emails. I hope you will send me a note and tell me how you enjoyed this story.


Little Wolf

Next: Chapter 2

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