Erotic Writers Fantasy

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Feb 19, 2017


The usual disclaimer applies. This is intended for adults over the age of 18, and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission. This story is a fantasy between a man, a vampire, and a werewolf. So, if that offends you, do not read any further! Enjoy!

**** "Yes," I breathed into his muzzle. "Take me as you have taken all the one's I have written about." I licked his teeth and bit his lip, pulling back. "You are my Alpha; do as you wish."

Chapter 2

After our morning tryst, I left my Werewolf softly snoring in my room. I was standing in the kitchen, my coffee doing its job, waking my senses. I knew my looks were disheveled, but I could care less. For once in my life, my sexual needs were completely seen too.

My mind raced with the thought of what had happened. Wrestling with the ages old question, was it real? Had two fictional characters come to life? Had I really fed a Vampire? Had a werewolf really made love to me?

I closed my eyes, breathing in the aroma of my coffee when a voice startled me back to reality.

"Good morning sleepy head." I opened my eyes, seeing David, my husband, entering the kitchen. I knew I looked like total crap, but he looked no better. I suddenly worried that I was now to face his wrath for what had happened to me the previous night. His comments on my nakedness and how it was low class. My fears compounded when Gryf, the human side of my werewolf, strode into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Morning guys," he spoke cheerfully, as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "I think I used the last of the shampoo, sorry." My teeth bit the rim of my mug, as I avoided looking at David.

"There's more in the cabinet, top shelf," David told him, seemingly without a care. "You got in super late," he continued, "any trouble finding the house?" He paused for a second and shook his finger at us. "I must have knocked a hole in it when it fell yesterday because I just opened that bottle."

"Nah you know me, mister hairy," Gryf chuckled.

"Oh hush," David said smacking Gryf's shoulder. "The only hair on you I see is here," he ruffled Gryf's head.

I choked on the swallow of coffee I had just taken, hearing this comment. My mind quickly envisioned my werewolf lover, hunched over in our shower, lathering his head to toe fur.

"Holy crap, lookie at you," Gryf said, leaning beside me on the counter, his strong shoulder nudging me. "Never knew you for one of them nudist types." I blushed as his nudge remained a complete lean against me.

"Oh, get used to it," David grumbled, "He's naked every morning. You need to get dressed since we have company." I nodded and headed out of the room, thankful for the easy chance to escape.

"I should get something on too," I heard Gryf say. "Since they lost my luggage, all I have is what I was wearing." I ran right into the door frame of my room hearing this. All he wore was his fur! What was he going to wear?

I was standing at the foot of my bed rubbing my head when Gryf walked in. I turned to him, my face grim.

"Well that was smart, wasn't it," I muttered softly.

"What," he chuckled?

"Coming out with David there. How do I explain you? Just thank god you shifted, is all I can say." Gryf touched his hand to my cheek and looked at me with a smile.

"You forget, we have the best vampire working on our side." He gave me a wink. "All David knows is, I am a friend you guys have known for years. I got in late last night, and he is very happy to have me here." Gryf gave me a playful shove, knocking me back, onto the bed. He pounced on me, pinning my hands to the bed, over my head. His towel had slipped free of his hips, as he jumped up, his crotch now pressing to my ass.

"Hey," I cautioned, averting his seductive gaze, looking to the hallway. "What if David comes in and sees?"

"He will see this, but only think we are wrestling." He turned my head and kissed me with his human lips. "I could have walked into the kitchen and bent you over the counter, ramming my cock up your sexy ass, and all he would have seen is me giving you a back rub. So, relax." He pressed his forehead to mine, his reddish, brown eyes looking deeply into mine. "I will not allow anything to interrupt our visit."

"How long can you stay," I asked blushing.

"For as long, as you want us too. Say the word, and we are gone. Back into that amazing mind of yours." I pulled one of my hands free and touched his face. I think I still needed convincing he was as real as my eyes told me he was.

"Then you will never leave."

The day progressed as normally as it could have. David's charmed state remained, his mind convincing him that Gryf was a long-time friend. This made no sense, as David and I were very much older than Gryf's age of twenty.

We spent the day running errands, picking Gryffin up, things to wear, and heading to the coffee shop for a treat.

As we exited the truck, David quickly headed off for a beer at a little Bistro next door. Gryf stood looking at the area, I could tell his mind was taking in the similarities to reality and his story world.

"So, this is where the coffee shop idea came from?" He walked to the front window and turned to smile at me. "It looks just the same as in my world." I opened the door and motioned him in.

I stood beside him as he looked around, his eyes growing wide when he saw the Barista, Sam, behind the counter.

"Scott," he whispered to me.

"No, Sam," I corrected him, pointing to yet another young man further back, grinding coffee. Gryf's hand grabbed my arm.

"Craig..." his voice dropping off. Both young men had served as inspiration for two evil characters in my Abaddon book series. I gave Gryffin a nudge and moved us to the counter.

I admit freely, Sam was a cutie, and I flirted with him each time I came in. As we stepped the counter, Sam looked up, his eyes sparkling, when he saw me. I was glad to see a slight tinge of jealousy when he noticed Gryf, close beside me. I made quick introductions, both Gryf and Sam merely nodding at the other.

"Your usual, Jim," Sam asked, already making the clear cup for my normal drink.

"Yep," I replied with a smile.

"And for you?" Sam asked Gryf, a clear tone of annoyance in his voice.

"I'll just have what he's having." Gryf gave me a nudge. "It must be good if it's your usual, right?"

We were quickly served with no further conversation. Our goodbyes were said, and we headed back out to enjoy our frappes by the truck.

By the time, we got back to the house, I was ready for a nap. I lay back on my bed and watched as Gryf tried on his new things, each piece being modeled for me with slow turns and poses, that afforded me long lingering looks.

"Now, all I need you to do is shift into Abaddon, so I can really get a good look at you." I was pleasantly surprised when Gryf carefully set his new clothes aside and lay back against me, naked.

"As easy as you make this sound," he spoke, wrapping my arms around him, "It is only easy when someone holds me." I felt him draw in a long deep breath, his body at first going limp, then completely tensing, in my hug.

He flung his head back hard against my shoulder, his face contorted in pain. I could feel his body beginning the change. His muscles bulking up, bones snapping and adjusting to what would become Abaddon.

Fur sprouted from every inch of his growing body, his face elongating into a muzzle, human ears being absorbed, wolf ears forming on his head. He grew in weight, yet this was not unpleasant to me. I held him tight in my arms, as his chest expanded. My legs, wrapped around his, as the powerful legs of Abaddon thickened under them.

I lost track of time, concentrating on this shifting beast laying on me. Yes, I knew what it was and how he would look, as I had written it. Three books, and yet here I was, transfixed by the actual process.

Finally finished, he stood and slowly turned to face me. He was magnificent. If it was possible for him to be more than I had written, he was. I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, the mighty Abaddon, standing before me.

Even though he was my creation, I was still in awe of him. I watched as he stretched and moved, seeming to adjust to his new form. I reached out a tentative hand for his leg but stopped just short of connecting the touch. He lifted his great paw and touched my hand.

"You need never fear to touch me." He placed my hand on his thigh, a soft sigh coming from his maw. "I do not know who has longed for this touch more, you or I." He slowly began to turn, my hand staying on him, following around as he now presented his backside.

Powerful legs held him aloft, becoming a well formed, perfect ass. I touched his firm cheeks, the fur covering them, somehow, perfectly groomed. I stood, my hands traveling up his 'V' shaped back, to his broad shoulders. As it was last night, his head was bent forward, do to his large height.

I turned him, his body moving as my hands directed him. I stroked down his muscled arm, bending it at the elbow so I could closely examine his large paw. Four, furred fingers and a thumb, each capped with a long, translucent claw.

"Show me the gift I gave to you, my Alpha." I held his paw up, in front of my face. I wanted to see the power of his claws. The glowing force that he controlled.

All at once, his claws began to glow with a luminescent red color. I released his paw and held my arms out. Abaddon grinned, as he took one claw and hooked it in the collar of my shirt.

Like a hot knife through butter, the claw cut cleanly through the fabric, with no harm to me. I shook the cloth from my shoulders, and without any prompting, Abaddon slid the claw under the waistband of my jeans, giving just a slight tug. The denim fabric and my leather belt cut easily and fell from my body into a heap at my feet. He huffed a clear sign of his arousal, his forced breath rushing through my hair. I trembled, my mind reliving the words I had written about his lustful attacks.

He next stuck his claw into the fly of my boxers, moving up and slicing the elastic waistband. The flimsy fabric fell open, my semi erect cock and balls, now on display. Abaddon turned his claw, so the hooked side was up and placed it under my cock at the base. I moaned, as he lifted slightly, the energy of his claw, causing my cock to become fully erect at his touch. I gripped at his chest to keep my balance, his claw now stroking under my length.

"Stop, or I will cum," I moaned, falling against him, my face tight to his chest.

"Is that not what you want," he softly growled above me.

"Yes," I said breathlessly, "but not so quickly. I want it to last." I gathered all my strength and pushed him back to the bed. I moved between his legs and rubbed my face along his furry sheath. I moaned as I neared the opening, his musky cock already fully exposed. His knot swollen to its fullest.

I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent that was only his. The scent that I had written and dreamed about for so many years. I moaned as he took my head in his giant paws, the heat of his pads in stark contrast to the coolness of his fur. I swooned as each of his claws contacted my skin. Feeling as they drew closer, the power they contained, jumping like sparks of electricity into my neck.

Abaddon huffed again, his cock throbbing, sliding against my cheek, his tip spewing his hot pre. For all the strength and brawn I had given my werewolf, he was a gentle lover to me. His touch, conveying tenderness, yet dominance. His growl, like a cat's purring, soothing.

He pulled my head, my body following, as he moved me up over his God-like form. He pressed his Maw to my lips and kisses me as I have never been kissed before. His large teeth, crushing against my lips, his hot tongue invading my mouth.

I sucked hard on his long tongue, pulling it from his mouth. I could feel as it entered my throat, I swear, swirling around my tonsils. I felt as he closed his powerful jaws around my face, his K-9s pressing sharply behind my ears.

His breath was now mine, each exhale forced into my nose, fully expanding my lungs. His paws spreading my cheeks, his cock tip gliding effortlessly into my hungry hole. I needed more. I wanted his entire cock inside me now. I did not want him to make love to me. I wanted him to fuck me as his conquest.

As if reading my mind, I was suddenly under him. His paws pressing my shoulders deep into the mattress. His legs roughly spreading my legs as far as they could be spread. His cock, throbbing, beat against my pucker, teasing me.

"You forget, I know your mind," He growled into my ear. "You want me to take you as I took my Beta? To ram my cock deep into you without care? Hmm? Is that what you desire from me?"

Before I could answer, his cock was buried in my ass. His sheath, furled tightly against my stretched hole, as my head slammed into the headboard. His breath was hot on the back of my neck, wet with his saliva.

One paw moved under me to grip my chest. The other, combed through my hair, becoming a buffer between my head and the wooden headboard. His fingers snaked down over my forehead, his claws touching my eyelids, forcing them open. He pulled my head back, making me see our reflection in the headboard mirror. I could see him over me, pressing against me as he held his magnificent cock deep in my ass. He moved his head next to mine, his lips curled, showing his teeth.

"Look as I mate you," he growled menacingly. He rose on his footpaws, my legs instinctively wrapping back around his waist. He tipped, slamming a footpaw to the wall above the headboard. The paw on my head, now turning my face to see a side view in the mirror. His large furry balls swinging heavily as his thick cock stretched my hole.

I reached back to grab his ears, pulling his head closer to mine. I wanted as much body contact as I could get. His tongue was hanging long, out of the side of his mouth, our position, causing it to dangle into my open mouth.

"NO," I cried out, feeling as he began to pull his knot from me. "Leave it in!" My pleas made no difference. He was the Alpha and I a mere fuck toy, here only for his pleasure.

"Watch," he commanded in a fierce growl. I again looked in the mirror, seeing my pucker swelling out, his long, fat knot, slowly pulling out as my ass sucked to keep it in.

"Oh God, yes," I groaned, pulling his head as tight as I could to me. I continued watching as his inches long knot pulled free of me. Even though the shaft and head remained buried in me, I felt an emptiness. I needed him back in me, to fill me yet again.

I pulled with all my strength, my heels digging into his ass cheeks, trying to force him to plunge back into me, yet he still pulled back. His paws held me tight, as I watched his shaft and pointed fat tip pull slowly from my ravenous hole. He began to tease me, fucking just his tip back and forth.

"Beg me for my cock," he growled. "Beg your Alpha for his seed." He rammed his cock into me up to his knot then pulled it back out. "I am waiting," he growled again, his mouth taking hold of my neck and shoulder.

"Fuck me!" I screamed. "Drive your beast cock into me. Stop your playing and fuck me like I know you want to." Abaddon chuckled, moving us off the bed, where he stood on the floor. His paws roughly spinning me, so I now looked up at him. His eyes glowed the red of an Alpha as he pulled me completely onto his cock.

His back was arched, his head tipped back. His howl consumed the room, shaking the walls and windows. I didn't care. I was ready to run through the streets screaming to all that Abaddon, my Werewolf, was breeding me.

His paws pushed on my shoulders, his hips fucking his cock and knot inside of me. I felt his balls draining, filling me with his hot seed. I saw him look down at me, complete contentment washing over his face. His paws released me, and I dropped, hanging from his cock.

I groaned as his knot swelled larger, sealing itself in me. His shaft pressing hard against my prostate caused me to moan louder. My cock was rock hard and deep purple in color. My cum churned in my balls, seeking release.

"You just couldn't wait, could you," came Breccan's voice. I opened my eyes to see his naked legs in front of me, as I still hung upside down on Abaddon's cock. I looked up to see him, naked, his cock bobbing above my face. Blood trickled down his chest, as he leaned over to kiss his werewolf lover.

It took me a moment to realize what was going on. I grabbed Breccan's warm legs and pulled myself up to suck the head of his cock into my mouth.

"Well lookie here," Brec chuckled. "Mister mortal man still has some fight left in him." Brec flexed his legs and dipped his cock slightly lower into my mouth. "You were far too easy on him. Got a little sentimental, did ya, Dog breath?" Breccan slapped his hand on Abby's chest, his words slightly slurred.

"You are drunk," Abby growled angrily.

"Why yes, I do believe I am," Brec stammered, pulling his cock from my mouth. "Seems hubby-boy out there drinks too much." Brec belched loudly, Abby taking a step back. "Oh god, beer drunk, the fucking worst." Breccan staggered back several steps before moving forward again, to collapse against Abaddon.

Abaddon moved and lay me on the bed. He then gave Breccan a shove, who fell beside me.

"You never could hold your liquor," he growled. Breccan turned my face to look at him.

"Ssshhiit, hows that mother fucker even stand?" He rolled his eyes and belched right in my face, the stench, a mix of blood, beer and death, causing me to push him away. "S'quese me," he slurred, nodding for me to look over at his waving cock. "Plastered and fucking horny." He got a goofy look on his face, "Wanna have sex?" He began to laugh, "I feel like I wanna fuck the world. Not like hump the ground or a tree, but like everyone in the world." His face changed from jovial to panic. "God no, that'd mean I gotta fuck chicks..." His face took on a slight green color, his body suddenly hit with heaving gasps.

Abaddon moved to help his mate, my body following along as we were still tied. I couldn't help but laugh. This whole scene was just too much. I could even write something like this into my books, it was just too comical. A mighty werewolf knotted to me, about ready to shoot the load of my life. His vampire boyfriend, drunk on the blood of my Alcoholic husband, lying beside me about to puke.

Breccan, still heaving, Was suddenly on my cock. I felt as his fangs sliced into my shaft, his mouth sucking loudly as I not only bled for him but shot the most amazing load of cum I ever had.

He moved his body, and I was soon sucking his vampiric cock, his blood cum, nourishing me as he continued to drain me.

I lost track of time. It felt like we were all connected for eternity. Breccan had sealed the wounds on my shaft, yet continued to suckle my cock. His cock was buried in my throat, and only when Abaddon shoved a finger in Brec's ass, pulling him up could I breathe. I would get several gasps of air, and then the vampire's cock was back in my throat, his hot balls draped over my nose.

Abaddon was finally flaccid enough to pull from my beaten hole, his cock hanging in defeat from his sheath. Breccan moaned seeing this, his fangs giving my cock head a small nick, taking a final drink of my life, before pulling off my very soft cock.

He knelt over my head, his own cock having softened, letting me suck his head to get the final drops of his blood cum before slipping it from my lips.

"I should go check hubby-poo, and make sure I didn't kill him." Brec slapped my chest, his cock and balls rubbing over my face, as he rose.

"He's joking," Abby cooed, as he lay beside me. "Why you felt the need to give him that horrible sense of humor, I'll never know."

"He'll live," Breccan spoke offhandedly, as he returned. "I gave him a tinkle, just to make sure." He shook his cock as any man would do after taking a piss. "What," he exclaimed, seeing Abby and I looking at him. He shook his cock again, slapping it on my lips. "I'm a fucking vampire dumb dumbs. Everything I do is blood." He pondered his words for a second. "Speaking of which, I'm hungry."

"You are always hungry," Abaddon and I spoke in unison.

"Look elsewhere for your dinner," Abby continued. "I am spent, and you have already taken from him."

"Relax, blood bank. I saw this tasty treat a few houses down when I arrived. I'm just gonna slip out for some take-out." He spun to leave, "Back in a jiff."

"Clothes," Abaddon growled, his paw rubbing my chest lovingly. Brec turned, his face blushing.

"Oops, forgot we aren't in the story anymore..."

Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed this little fantasy of mine, between me and the characters of my Erotic novel series - Bark at the Moon -. As always, I enjoy getting your emails. I hope you will send me a note and tell me how you enjoyed this story.


Little Wolf

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