Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Dec 6, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is fiction. As in not real. Contains m/m situations, be old enough to read this, ok?

Author's note: another chapter from me. Hope you all like. See ya guys soon. Bye bye.

  • Chapter 15 -

"I guess it's just you and me then, love," Joey said as JC and he were alone. "With our little lambs off on their own." "I know," JC said. "They grow up so fast... So what do you want to do tonight?" Kissing JC's neck, just below the ear, Joey whispered: "Go out and feed and then come back here, get into bed..." "I like that," JC replied. "You know hunting always gets me in the mood." "I wasn't aware of that you were ever out of the mood," Joey commented innocently. "Neither are you," JC just said, letting his hands stray.

"See anything you like, sweetheart?" Joey asked as they stopped on the street corner. They had returned to the familar hunting grounds of the downtown streets. "I must admit there is not much to choose from tonight." "I think I want him," JC said and pointed. "I want to play with the policeman." "As you wish, darling," Joey said, giving him a quick kiss. "Let me see if the policeman wants to play with us, ok?" Pressing his lips to Joey's in an eager kiss, JC answered: "Ok."

Joey made sure to have eyecontact with the policeman JC had picked. He knew that most of the police officers patroling this part of town were either some rookie with a mission, or corrupt. Which made them a favourite for his kind. Usually they put up a good fight, a challenge dearly needed. And it was fun to tease them a little with mysterious dead bodies showing up every now and again...drained for blood and with little puncture marks on their necks... And then watch them chase after some psycho killer, because vampires didn't exist, right?

The policeman was intrigued by the bold stare, and just as Joey had expected he turned, said somthing to his partner and moved towards them. Usually all the street's creatures fled as they saw the blue and white cars. If the anonymous men wearing the black uniforms wanted a special one, they sought him out. Waiting till the policeman had nearly apporached them, Joey took JC hand and pulled him into the secluded alley. Kissing him deeply, he winked at him. "Here he comes...your ready?" JC smiled. "Oh yes!"

The policeman was in his late thirties. Face cleanshaven and eyes blue under the edge of his hat. "Hey, you two!" he hollered into the alley. "Come out of there." "Come and get us!" Joey answered. They heard a muttered response. "Don't make me come in after you! I'll drag both your sorry asses downtown for disobeying police orders." "Think he is serious?" JC asked, the thrill of the hunt making his eyes glimmer. "I don't know," Joey said, "let's find out, shall we?"

The policeman's steps were loud in the small alley. "What the hell kinda game are you two playing?" he demanded. "Now get back home before I call your parents and have them come get you at the station. "Now, you wouldn't want to do that," Joey said slowly. "That would be a mistake... Right, lover?" "Huge mistake," JC agreed. "You wouldn't want them to find out now, would you?" Pausing the police officer's eyes snapped back to JC. "What?"

"We know what you did!" JC said, playing his role as the innocent one so well that Joey nearly laughed. The man started looking uncertain. "What do you mean?" he challenged JC. "We know about the bad thing you did," JC said, looking very serious. But it was obvious to Joey that JC was enjoying himself.

Picking up on the policeman's fear and uncertainty, JC moved on. "You shouldn't have done it," he said, "it wasn't right." "How the hell do you know about this?" the answer came. "We know," JC taunted him. brighteyed. "We know all about it!" "You saw me!" the man babbled on, "you saw me kill that chick!" "You killed her," JC nodded. The man had no idea that JC was just playing along with the emotions pouring out of the mow frantic cop. "You killed that poor, innocent girl... Such a bad thing to do..."

Going for his gun, the man snarled: "I was going to bring you both downtown, but now I just going to take you out right here and now!" Raising his shaky hand, he aimed his revolver at JC. One fired shot later, JC looked down to find blood seeping from a wound in his upper arm. "Joey, he shot me!" he pouted. "And not very well either..." "Do you want me to punish him for you, love?" Joey asked, his lips on JC's ear. "Yes," JC answered, looking at the police officer. "I want you to punish the bad policeman." Carefully biting down on JC's earlobe, Joey chuckled. "Of course, baby."

Turning to the man he swiftly kicked him in the head. Watching him fall, Joey got him again, this time in the stomach. "Now apologize to my baby," he growled, circling the man. When the policeman didn't answer, Joey smiled and kicked him again. "I'm sorry," the policeman stuttered, coughing. "Happy, hon?" Joey asked JC, loving the playful gleam in JC's eyes. "I want him to kneel in front of me and say it," JC demanded. "Make him do it, love."

"You heard him," Joey said, watching the fallen man. "On your knees, cop." Staring at him with eyes where rage and hate were quickly devouring sanity the man lounged for Joey. "No, no," Joey scolded him. With an easy hit, he sent the man back to the ground again. "Why do you keep doing this to youirself? My baby wants you to apologize. On your knees." Moving closer to the man, Joey smiled sweetly. "My baby always gets what he wants."

A low growl escaped the man and once again he attacked Joey. Letting the policeman get to his feet this time, Joey waited till he was all up before punching him in the face. His foot made contackt with the back of the policeman's knee, sending him down, kneeling in front of JC. "Tell him you're sorry," Joey whispered into the man's ear, knowing that their victim had to have seen that the gunshot sound in JC's arm had completely healed itself by now. Letting his fingers lock around the man's neck, he increased the pressure of his fingers. As Joey's fingers squeezed the nerves in his neck, the policeman felt himself on the verge of blacking out. "I'm sorry!" he blurted out, "I'm sorry."

The grip on his neck was released and he breathed happily. "Told you so," an amused voice said. "My baby always gets what he wants. I'll make sure of that."

Grabbing the man by his hair, Joey pulled him to his feet. The man's face was a mask of crazed anger scraping into every pore. Turning him against JC, Joey asked: "Do you want him, sweetie?" A wide smile crossed JC's face. "Together, love, as we always do." Joey smiled back. "I love you, sweetstuff." "Love you too, sugar," JC replied.

Keeping his eyes locked on the policeman's face, JC moved slowly towards him, smiling. "It was fun," he said, a little sad tone creeping into his voice. "But unfortunelately all good things must come to an end..." "Go to hell!" the man spluttered through blood and saliva. He was stopped by JC's hand slapping him over the face. "Don't talk back to me, cop." When the man didn't say any more, JC smiled again. "Time to bo beddy-bye bye," he whispered. Stopping in front of the man he moved his lips to the side of the man's neck, knowing that Joey mimicked his actions from behind.

As they both bit down, the man made a gurgling sound, his whole body struggling to move. The movements became spastic and then they weakened away. Lifting his head, Joey met JC's eyes. Throwing the body aside, he swept JC up into his arms. "Did you have fun, honey?" "Yes" JC answered happily, wrapping his arms around Joey's neck. "He was fun! A little stupid, but fun!" "I liked it too," Joey admitted. "You know I love watching you play." "I like the thought of you watching me," JC said, his voice seductively teasing. Pressing his body against Joey's, he added: "I do it just for you."

Joey claimed his lips with a ferocity that made JC's blood ignite, that set his body on fire that made his skin tingle in raw desire to be touched. "Let's go back," he breathed. "I want you." Joey moved his mouth to his throat, making JC moan. Even the slightest touch of Joey's warm lips, and JC's body demanded him, craved him. "We'll go back," Joey promised, trailing a path of kisses up to JC's lips.

"Come," JC mumbled, dragging Joey along, not breaking their kiss. "I need you." Joey ran his hand up under JC's T-shirt. "I can't wait to get back to the house. Right now I would take you on the hood of the car, I don't care who is watching." Insistently kissing his lover's neck, JC almost whimpered. "I don't care if the fucking pope was watching us...god, I want you!" "Backseat of the car," Joey suggested. "Works for me," JC said. "Let's go."

The light rain fall had stopped as abruptdly as it had started. But neither of them moved out from under the small roof, where they were standing closely together. "So what are you doing down here?" Chris asked. "You sure don't look like you belong here." "Neither do you," Lance replied. "And I'm not even running around up on rooftops..." "True enough..." Chris answered. He smiled again, looking a little embarrased. "I wasn't so much running as I was falling down though." "You sure you didn't hurt yourself?" Lance asked, trying to ignore what that smile was doing to his body. "Just my pride," Chris answered, running a hand through his hair. "I landed on you, remember? I should be asking you if you're ok. Are you ok?" "I am," Lance nodded. "You knocked me over, mostly, I was more startled than anything."

Sending Chris a smile, Lance added: "But it has to be weirdest way of meeting someone though." "Don't know about that," Chris smiled back, "I have met quite a few people in some mighty strange ways in my time. But maybe that's just me...I do meet some rather unsual people in my line of work... But nevermind that."

"Thank you for that," Lance thought. "I could just picture the look on your face if I told you I know you are a slayer. How I know? Oh, let's see... How about this? I'm a vampire, and one of the guys I live with used to be a friend of you. Now you want to kill him. Which in turn makes his boyfriend want to kill you. Justin I don't know about. I think he'll kill you just for the fun of it."

Lance knew that this was a stupid, and dangerous game to play, but he just couldn't make himself walk away from Chris. If Chris hadn't discovered that he was a vampire yet, then there was a good chance Lance would be able to keep it hidden from him. He was at least going to give it his best try.

Next: Chapter 16

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