Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Feb 24, 2001


Legal disclaimer: not true, written by me. Don't read if you're not old enough.

Author's notes: sorry that this took so incredibly long. But I have been working on a lot of other stories. Check out my site and see for yourself. Love and looneytunes from Kat.

  • Eternally Yours, chapter sixteen -

They both felt it at the same time. The presence of other ones, of their kind, around them. Still enclosed in the ligt darkness of the alley, Joey carefully looked up, keeping his arms tightly locked around JC. Over the years they had all learned to treat other vampires' approach with respect and caution. Mostly they were left to themselves, but as waywards they were never completely safe, never completely trusted.

"What's going on?" JC murmured, lifting his head to look around.

"I don't know yet," Joey replied, "but they are here. I can feel them." He studied the darkness around them. There was slight movement in every shadow. Slowly tall, quiet figures stepped forward, forming a circle all around them. Expressionless faces watched them.

"I don't think this is a good thing, babe," JC's voice was worried. This had never happened before. In the silent crowd around them, he could see several elders. For them even to mix with the younger vampires was higly unusual. This meant that something was going on, something big. And by the looks of it, it wasn't anything good.

"What do you want?" Joey asked, not bothering to adress the elders in the respectful tone that was normally used.

A tall man stepped forward, behind him the circle became tighter and closed again.

"Don't be afraid," the vampire spoke. "We mean you no harm, we have simply come here to warn you."

"Warn us?" Joey asked. "Why?"

"The world is changing around us. The beast is un-leashed. It will either swallow us all, or we can tame it. The prophecy has foreseen this. And you will be an important part of this. They will turn to you, when the time comes."

Standing very close to Joey, JC felt his body tense. When looking at him, Joey seemed just like ordinairy, but when JC placed his hand on Joey's arm, he felt muscles so tense that they felt like solid rock.

"I know this prophecy," he heard Joey answer. "It tells about the end of the vampiric society. Why do you think it is coming now?"

"Because you are here," the male elder said. "You have done exactly as the prophecy stated you would. The man committing the ultimate crime and then seek refuge in a new land. He would take one of the enemy as his companion. As the revolution begins he will stand in the middle and everyone will gather around him."

"What if I don't believe in the prophecies?" Joey asked, his voice low and steady.

"You don't have to believe," the answer came. "The ancient words will come true even if you don't believe them true. And I am here to make you see that. See what can be. What you will be."

His eyes locked with Joey's and they both became silent.

"Joey?" JC's worry grew as the other didn't notice him at all. "Joey, what's happening?" He saw from his boyfriend's face to the older vampire's. On his otherwise blank face there was now a small smile, a rare display of feelings. The dark eyes glowed, secretively.

"Joey?" JC tried again. "Joe, come on, what's going on? You're scaring me!" He didn't get any response now either. Turning back to the other man, JC was unsure of what to do. It was clear that he wasn't important here, they had come for Joey. He had heard about the prophecies too. They described what could be the armageddon for their kind, or maybe a new beginning. It was all centered around the one, that would come from nowhere. He would gather every vampire around him, and his word would be what predicted what their future would be.

The air around them was silent, the silent circle of vampires was a dark forest of shadowly trees, their branches spreading out to encase their corner of the world. The city held it's breath as the dark currents flowed and changed direction under their feet.

The male vampire took another step forward, his face now taking on a look of concentration and determination. Suddenly Joey placed a hand to his head, his face taking on a look of pain. Stepping back from JC he pressed the palms of his hands against his temples, a small groan from pain escaping his lips.

Watching his lover fall to his knees, JC was for a short moment frozen. Then he threw himself down, next to Joey, embracing the browneyed man. "Baby, what is it? Please tell me what's wrong."

"Just get him...out of my head!" Joey got out, almost doubling over from the bolts of pain inside his mind. "It hurts...get him out!"

"I will, I'll make him stop," JC was not sure what he was to do. Getting to his feet again, his eyes fell on the elder vampire. He easily picked up on his emotions. Studying the female vampire who had been standing at his right side, JC smiled. Moving quickly he picked up a broken piece of an old door somebody had knocked in long time ago.

They hadn't expected him to actually attack, and JC hadn't forgotten what he had learned when he was still mortal and was being trained as a slayer. Hooking one arm around the female vampire's neck, he moved up behind here, aiming the make-shift stake at her heart.

"You let him go," he snarled at the male vampire now looking at him. "Or I'll kill her. I swear to God I will kill her."

At the sight of the elder's face, he knew that he had chosen right. Pressing the tip of the wooden stake against the female vampire's chest, he stared at the elder. His fingers was curled so tightly around the piece of wood that he felt the rough edges bite into the skin of his hand.

"Let him go," JC repeated, fighting to keep his voice calm.

He could see the other's struggle over what to do, and the fear mirror-imaged on the female's face.

"Allright. Allright, I'll release him. Just don't hurt my daughter."

"Back away," JC instructed. Dragging the woman with him, he created even a larger distance between them. "When I see that you have let Joey go, you get your daughter back." The fear coming from the younger female vampire was strong and almost made him dizzy.

Slowly they all backed away. None of them showing any emotions at all. When they had reached what JC felt was a safe distance he pushed the female forward, towards the rest of them.

"Aylah!" the voice broke clearly through and the blackhaired female vampire ran to her father. As his eyes again found JC's, he saw the steely determination behind the dark orbs. "This isn't over yet, fallen one," he spoke. "Until next time..." They disappeared back in the shadows as soundless as they had entered.

Spinning around JC ran to his boyfriend that was sitting down on the asphalt, looking ready to pass out. Two twin rivers of blood made their way from his nose, alarmingly fresh and red.

"Baby?" JC's voice was now trembling. "Joey, are you ok? What happened?"

Lifting a weary hand to wipe away the blood, Joey's voice was hardly more than a whisper when he answered. "I could feel him inside my mind. He was hurt. And I couldn't push him away again."

JC was sitting down next to Joey, pulling the other close in a strong embrace. "It's ok, sweetie, he's gone now."

"No," Joey whispered, "it's not ok. He was right about the prophecies, Josh, he showed me what the future holds for me. At least what it can be. It was a bloodbath. All the elder were butchered, the young ones were out of control. And I were their leader. I was in control. They will come looking for me when the revolution is coming. That was why he was afraid of me, afraid of you. Because he knows that if neither of us does something I will have his blood on my hands before the turning of the new moon."

"What do you mean?" JC asked, "the revolution is coming now?"

"It has already started," Joey replied. "That's why Chris is here. He is here to kill me."

Sunrise was yet hours away. The rain had stopped, being content wth the light shower earlier. The clouds opened again to let the moonlight and starshimmer through.

Chris had sat down on a small bench next to the back door of a club. Inside they both could hear the weak, thumping pulse of the music. "Why don't you sit down too?" he asked Lance and patted the bench next to him.

"Ok," Lance said, his heart making a small leap over the feel of the side of Chris' body so close to his. This close he could smell the other man, the scent that was special for him, the sweetness of his blood. It drove him crazy. It was getting nearly too hard to resist the urge to lean over and lick Chris' neck, just to feel the silky skin, the promise of the blood that was just underneath.

In the end he chose the next best thing, and it turned out to be something that made his mind curl around itself, his senses drowning in liquid, all-consuming lust.

Cupping the other man's face, Lance leaned forward and claimed his lips. Softly licking over warm lips he paused to nip carefully at the bottom lip, sensing Chris open his mouth to kiss him back.

Every touch was burning, wherever their bodies were touching, Lance was sure it would leave a schorched mark. His hands moved eagerly, needing to feel, stroke and caress. Just as eager hands were running through his hair, one dropping to fold around his neck. All the time they were kissing, tasting each other.

Neither of them even once looked up to notice the tall figure standing outside the alley, watching them. A smile lit up blue eyes, as he studied the scene in front of him with an amused look.

"Oh little, sweet, innocent Lance," Justin sighed, resisting the need to laugh out load. "What have you gotten yourself into...?"


Next: Chapter 17

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