Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Jul 2, 2001


Legal disclaimer: not true, all fiction. Not meant to imply anything about anyone. Be old enough to read.

Author's note: another chapter again. Hope it's not too messy.

  • Eternally Yours, part 19 -

The newborn dawn was taking its first unsecure steps outside as the large house finally quieted down for the day. Having seen both Lance and Justin off to their respective beds, Joey and JC were in their own bed, talking quietly. "So what should I call you now?" JC wondered, his arms around Joey's chest, head on his shoulder.

"You can call me anything you want," Joey replied. "But I have kinda grown used to Joey over the years. The only person that still calls me Gianni, is Vincenzo, but then again, he is the only person left that knew me when I was still mortal."

"Hmm," JC replied, squirming a bit next to him, before hugging him even tighter.

"Honey, surely you are not jealous?" Joey moved away a little in order to be able to see his lover's face. "You are, aren't you? That's why you are so upset everytime I go to him."

"Well, listen to yourself," JC said unhappily. He lifted himself up on one elbow. "I know I can never dream of competing with him... I'm..." He was silenced by Joey pulling him closer and kissing him gently.

"I don't want you to compete with Vincenzo, love, there is no reason for that..." He looked straight into JC's blue eyes. "He was the one that turned me, yes...but you are the one I love, the one I want to spend eternity with. You mean more to me than anybody else either living or dead." He twirled a lock of hair around his fingers. "Tell you what... As soon as we get a few things straightened up, we'll leave this place...go somewhere far away, you and me, and Lance and Justin, and start all over again. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," JC answered with a smile, he snuggled up closely next to Joey. "And why do I get the feeling that you know more about this then you're telling?"

"I might know something," Joey told him, pulling him close again. "But there's something I don't know too... Whenever something violent is about to happen, I usually get a warning...this time I am getting nothing. The only time was when the elder vampire showed me, and that was just what can be. So either I lost my visions, or things are going to be fine."

"Things are going to be fine," JC said surely. He found Joey's hand with his own. "I know it will."

When Justin entered the room, he wasn't surprised to find Lance still fully dressed and out of bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for Lance to turn around. The blonde vampire was studying the window. The heavy blinds made sure that no sunlight got though, not even to light the room. It was still half dark, as always. Fully lit rooms were more a means to blend in rather then a necessity. Both Justin and Lance had no trouble seeing in the light darkness.

"Well, aren't you going to say anything?" Lance wondered, his back still turned to Justin.

"You're getting stronger," Justin replied. "That's good. Not to mention that you're probably going to need it all too soon... But to the matters at hand here... Tonight. We'll go out the four of us. Then Joey and JC probably will go see Vincenzo or something. The two of us will be left alone here, with strict orders to stay inside and lock the doors... You get where I'm going with this?"

Smiling to himself, Lance nodded. "Yep, I most certainly do." Keeping his back to Justin to hide the emotions on his face, he couldn't wait until the dark fell again. He would be able to spend most of the night with Chris. For now things couldn't be better.

The evening, and the hunt turned out to be an uneventful one. None of them were in the mood to play, not even Justin made that much of an effort. After a few hours JC herded them all back to the car, and ordered them back inside.

"Joey and I are going to see Vincenzo..." He smiled quickly at Joey who took his hand. "So the two of you are going back to the house. The ones that approached last night might be going after you too."

Justin silently congratulated himself on how well he really knew the two older vampires. Lance just met JC's eyes with a sincere, innocent look. Justin hid a snicker.

"You're as bad as me," he thought. "Good."

They waited until half an hour had passed. In the end Lance shook his head and smiled. "I think we could have walked out straight after them, and they wouldn't have noticed," he remarked. "I mean, they were tight before, but now... As long as the two of them have each other, I don't think they care what happens around them anymore..." In his mind Lance was secretly very relieved that it did no longer hurt at all to watch Joey and JC together, his feelings were occupied by another one all together. Deep in thoughts he didn't notice the look on Justin's face, caused by his words.

A determinated look crossed the taller man's face. "If they don't care, I'll make them care," Justin thought to himself. "And I know just the way to do it. And make sure that they don't think that Lance is better than me too..."

They left the house, each man occupied in his own thoughts about what the night was to bring.

Standing on their own veranda, Joey was watching the sky. A velvety darkness that spread over and around the their house, encasing them in star scattered lights. Vincenzo had been thrilled to see them, and JC, who was sure that the older man wouldn't like him, due to his past, was almost too relieved for words. Knowing how important the older vampire was for his lover, his feelings of jealousy and rivalry was now efficiently wiped away.

"So what now?" Joey thought. "What am I supposed to do with all of this? It's not like I'm in it alone. Everything I do, effect the people I love too..."

Staring at the intricate patterns on the stars, he asked whatever powers had granted him his visions: "Is this it? Just like that? I can walk away whenever I choose to? Why haven't you let me see anything of this? Isn't there anything to see...or is this the quiet before the storm?" The stars still blinked in faint colours, the night was still silent.

When it struck, it struck powerfully. A white-hot flash of light, leaving behind a thousand shocked emotions in his head. It made him stumble backwards, til his back slammed into the side of the house. Every sense was invaded with phantom impressions.

In the midst of the mayhem, Joey could clearly see a familar house, a house he had just been to. Once peaceful and safe, it was now engulfed in dancing fire, eager mouths of flames devouring it. He heard screams, felt clammy, dark dust settle on his skin, carried by raging winds. Then it all went black.

He didn't lose consciouness; it was more like the external world turned itself off, faded away. The vision was gone, all Joey could feel now was the sense of warning. A loved presence in his mind made tears form in his eyes, because he knew that his maker had passed on. All that was left of him was the warning sent in the last living moment, to try and protect his children.

All of a sudden the stars had gathered themselves into one massive strobe of lights, it surrounded him, captured him. Everything went unbearably bright and pure, the light burning through him, humming with a strange sound in his ears. It passed, eventually, leaving still small traces behind, running like lost spirits over his skin.

Nearly in a trance-like state, Joey walked calmly down the stairs and headed in the direction of the house they had just returned from. He was in no hurry, knowing that his visions this time had already happened, already there would still be too late. The flames already touched the sky, flames hugging every corner of the house tightly, refusing to give up its price.

They welcomed him, forming portals before closing, small, orange demons of fire bending gracefully to let him pass. Without hesitation Joey stepped in through the fire, feeling the flames yield in front of him. Outside the roses were on fire.

The house was all but empty, but he found what he was looking for, in the last room. Silently Joey touched the outline of a burned man, forever carved into the wall being devoured by flames. "I'm sorry," he whispered, tears making their steady flow down his cheeks. "But you were wrong. I was wrong. You can't loosen bonds that are already broken."

Watching the flames claim the burned shadow, Joey closed his eyes, letting the last of the images come to a rest. As the human outline of the wall crumbled into nothingness, he turned and walked back out.

As he expected, they were waiting for him.

Two groups, both with a leader, already eager and nervous. For a moment the stillness was total.

Then the tall, elder vampire stepped forward, together with a young one, with black, spiky hair and leather clothes. Each of them awaiting his reaction. Behind him the house succumbed to the dancing demons, the rose trees weeping in silent sorrow.

In the end the elder spoke. "You can't stop this," he told Joey. "He was wrong to let you think so."

"I know," Joey simply stated. "And you're all so eager to have me take my place as the chosen one..." A smile flickered over his face as one of the sparks from the fire. "Question is, are you prepared for what will happen if I do?"

The young vampire moved restlessly around. "Come on, man," he said in a surprisingly deep voice. "We already know the prophecy, we know what's going to happen. Might as well have some fun while it lasts." A faceless mass of persons moved with him.

"You think that you're going to die?" Joey asked, watching him. "That I am some sort of revenging angel from heaven, coming to wipe the abominations of our undead souls out of existence? Think again."

Another smile crossed his face. "Have I confused you all now? I guess so. What a fool I have been...such a coward... But that has changed now. I am the bringer of the revolution, and I will see that it ends too."

The elder vampire was coming closer, Joey met his eyes. The smile was back, as the everfalling sparks dancing in the borderlines of the burning house. Reaching out a hand, a piece of broken wood surged into his hand, his fingers curling around the smoldering wood.

"I am the chosen one," he spoke. "If my words are to become law, then let's try out a few things here... Which means, no more mindgames from you..." He took a step towards the taller man. "Did you really think that this would turn me in under your control? Killing the man who saved my life, who gave me eternal life? I think the fool here is you. And you are to pay for what you did." The stake was driven through the elder's heart, while the rest of them watched in shocked silence.

It didn't take long, the wind carried the dust away fairly quickly.

"A life for a life," Joey mumbled, lifting his gaze from the ground to meet a set of black, seering eyes. He smiled. "He killed my father, I killed yours. And your place isn't with them, child." He locked eyes with the same darkhaired woman JC had used as a means to free him from the elder last night. It seemed like an eternity away.

The elders were moving towards him, like a large machine, every part moving in smooth, fluid movements.

"Anyone else with a death wish?" Joey asked, holding up the stake. "This time around I call the shots. Which means, basically, that the lot of you need to get over yourselves. So you were turned a freaking long time ago. So what? Aint no big deal. No need for us to treat you like some sorts of dark half-gods. You aint that special."

At the sound of snickering and scoffing among the younger ones, Joey turned to them. "I'm getting to you, don't worry. Have any of you actually thought about what this would bring? If you actually were to fight each other? Anyone? Then you would bring the end on yourselves, my friends. The council and their pack of slayers are waiting for an opportunity like this. They could move in and dust every single one of your sorry asses, you know why? Because you would be too busy fighting your own kind to even notice." He threw the stake to the ground, next to the small spots of dust the wind had overseen.

"He died because he took the life of someone very special to me, and yes, I will kill again if someone hurts the ones I love. Don't forget that."

"So what are we to do now?" the darkeyed vampire asked, breaking the silence at last. "Continue as we were? Pretending that this never happened?"

"Oh no, not at all." Joey smiled slightly. "Now it's time for me to do what the council fears."

The moon was bloodred through the smoke. Joey was watching it from a safe distance, while mortal men tried to save the old house. The nightly winds brought with them the feeling of loss and regret. "Why did they have to take you, Vincenzo?" Joey sadly thought. "I am so sorry, this is my fault. I shouldn't have tried to run away... At least you're in a better place now...remember all the times you would talk to me about God? How he still cared, even if we had let ourselves be turned to the darkness... I guess you were right...I hope you were right. Maybe we'll meet again someday."

As the fire was extinguished, Joey turned and started the way home.

As he walked in the door, he found his lover waiting for him. Staring into blue eyes, Joey knew that JC already knew too. When his feet gave out under him, and the emotions fighting to surface broke through the barriers, JC was already at his side. For the longest time they just held each other, shared sorrows, tears and griefs.

"Vincenzo was wrong," Joey stated, his voice still weak, but his eyes were glowing in a new-set determination. "I can't run away from this, I can't ignore it any longer. It won't let me." The quiet darkness outside seemed to quiver at his words.

"I am the prophecy."

"I wasn't sure that you would be here," Lance said, offering a shy smile. He had been early, and had spent his time nervously biting his fingernails, which of course grew back to perfect, curved lenghts for each bite he took. Chris was dressed in the same leather coat as last night, with a longsleeved T-shirt underneath and jeans. The sight made Lance smile.

"I was in the neighbourhood anyway, so..." Brown eyes were illuminated by a bright smile. "Of course I am here. Although 'here' isn't exactly the nicest place for a date."

"We can go somewhere else," Lance told him. "But to tell you the truth, with the risk of sounding really, really cheesy... It doesn't matter to me where we are, as long as I get to be with you."

"That is kinda cheesy," Chris replied. "But it's also very sweet. And you're right. It doesn't matter where we are. Not at all."

The last comment had a disturbingly long lasting effect in Lance's mind. "No matter where we are," he thought. "But what about who we are? I wish there was some way I could tell, and not lose this. Sooner or later I'll have to tell him... But not right now."

They were seated on the same low bench where they shared the very first kiss, Lance couldn't believe it had only been last night.

"You know," Lance started, staring into dark eyes. "I know it's early and all that, but I... I think I have fallen in love with you." His heart was doing uncontrolled beats he didn't really need. He could see the battle of emotions clearly on Chris' face. Then the darkhaired slayer smiled carefully, yet happily.

"That's ok. I think I have fallen in love too..."

"Good!" Lance smiled, entwining his fingers with Chris'. Slowly he leaned forward and sealed their confessions with a sweet kiss. Their hands were still in each other's, fingers making an unbreakable lock.

"Aren't you two just the cutest thing ever," a voice drawled behind them, making them both jump.

"Justin?" Lance turned, staring at the other. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sliding discreetly in in front of Chris, he had a very bad feeling about the smug smile the blueeyed vampire was wearing.

Chris pushed him uncermoniously out of the way, a sharp stake suddenly in his hand. "You know this guy, Lance?"

"You know him?" Lance asked, mentally slapping himself. Of course Chris knew about Justin. He knew all about JC, and with the reputation Justin had... Of course Chris knew.

"Of course I know him!" Chris said. "Uhm... Let's just say that I know he's not going to do any of us any good. Stay back, I'll take care of him." He stopped when Lance gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Looking from Lance's serious face, to Justin's smiling one, Chris let his gaze go back to Lance. "What's going on?"

"Haven't you told him yet?" Justin smirked, stalking like a slender, evil cat in front of them. "Oh you're bad, Lance. Keeping something like this from your little boyfriend."

"You better explain this right now," Chris murmured to Lance, shrugging his hand off his shoulder. "You want to do it before or after I dust this motherfucker?"

"He won't let you touch me," Justin smiled, looking completely relaxed. "Don't you get it, slayer? He's my kind."

He didn't wait for Chris to answer before he went on. "Lance is a vampire. Just like me. Just like JC..." He smiled brightly at Lance. "I guess you haven't told him about who your new family is either, Lance? That you live under the same roof as the fallen one, and the one Chris is here to kill? What a shame..."

Green eyes were nearly black with rage. "You are so, so dead, Justin," Lance growled.

"Promises, promises," Justin teased.

Starting towards Justin, Lance was stopped by a punch hitting him straight in the face, knocking him flat on his back. Looking up he locked eyes with a slayer set to kill.

"Chris, I can explain!" he quickly said, scrambling back to his feet. For an answer Chris' bootclad foot rammed into his stomach. He stumbled back, grimacing at the pain coursing through him.

"Why the hell would I want you to explain?" Chris' voice was colder than Lance had ever imagined it could be, ice covering the hurt. "What I really want is to kill you and forget that I ever saw you."

Seeing the next hit coming, Lance caught Chris' hand in his and held on to it. "You don't mean that."

"Try me," Chris replied. In his free hand he was still holding onto the stake, his knuckles white from the grip.

There was a second of silence, then Lance took a step back and released Chris' hand.

"Ok," he said quietly, holding both hands up. "If that's what you want... You got it."

Chris nearly lost his balance when Lance took his hand away, and stopped dead in his tracks. The hand holding the stake was visibly shaking. But it wasn't moving. Lance was just looking at him, standing still right in front of him.

Chris' fingers tightened even a little around the stake. Then with a forced breath he threw it away. Packing all his strength in the hit he struck Lance with his fist, sending the taller man flying backwards.

"Don't you ever come near me again," he snarled, his voice low. "Next time, I will kill you." Then he was gone.

Getting to his feet, Lance immediately scanned the alley for Justin. He was all alone. Remaining still, he focused, opening his senses, letting the fiery rage tune him in to the right way.

Silently Justin closed the door behind him. The house was quiet, if he was lucky, Joey and JC wasn't home yet. Chuckling a little to himself, he thought about the slayer. "He's quite the fighter," he admitted. "If Lance can't convince him to forgive him, I might even find some use for him myself..."

"Justin?" a voice said. "What are you doing? I told you to stay inside."

"Oh," Justin said, "I was just... Sorry."

"Nevermind," JC interrupted. "Go get Lance. Something's happened."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Justin tried.

"Why?" JC took a closer look at him. "Where is Lance. Don't tell me that he's not here? Damn it, Justin! The one time it was beyond important that you listened to us and you had to go and..."

"Calm down, Jace!" Justin said, "what's going on? You know I never listen to you, what are you throwing a fit about now?"

"Just go find Lance," JC said, running both hands through his hair. "We need to talk to you."

"Again?" Justin asked, "and me finding Lance isn't the greatest idea right now..."

"Why is that?" JC sent him a narrow-eyed look. "Justin, I swear if you..."

The door opened and closed, loudly. Determined steps sounded down the hallway, then Lance appeared in the doorway.

"Lance, I told you to stay in the house," JC started.

Lance ignored him. His eyes were fixed at Justin. "I am going to fucking kill you," he snarled. Pushing JC out of the way, he lunged for Justin.

--- "Blessed Are The Cheese Makers" (Monthy Python's Life Of Brian.)

-Sanity Is Just A State Of Mind-

Next: Chapter 20

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