Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Oct 12, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is fiction. I'm not implying anyhting about the sexual preferances of the members of NSync, or their personal lives. I'm however fairly sure that they aren't vampires. If there are laws of any kind keeping from from reading material like this, then don't read.

Author's note: another part! Hope people are liking this, it's my first attempt at something quite as dark as this. Thanks to those who have already given me feedback on this, love you all! :-) So, if you do like this, you know what to do. E-mail adress is Love and looneytunes from Kat.

  • Chapter 2 -

JC was leaning back against Joey's broad shoulder. "Found anyone interesting yet?" he asked, slowly surveiling the club. "Not really," Joey sighed, letting his fingers lazily creep up the sleeve of JC's short-sleeved shirt. An angry voice reached them and they smiled. "And we have a winner," Joey said quietly. Turning in his arms, JC looked up to find the usual eager look in Joey's brown eyes. That always turned him on, he already felt the stirring in his groin. "You want him?" he asked and Joey nodded, lights reflecting themselves in his eyes. Wrapping his arms around Joey's neck, JC purred into his ear: "Want me to do it? So you can watch?" "Of course," Joey answered, tenderly nipping at JC's lower lip. "Have fun, lover..."

The angry young man stood on the middle of the floor, at his feet a young woman was sitting, clutching her cheek. "You hit me!" she said in disbelief. "You fucking hit me!" "Damn right I did!" the man snorted. "Behave like a bitch again and I'll bust your goddamn face so bad not even your mother's gonna recognize you!" "Oh, that's not nice," a soft voice next to him said. The drunk man spun around to face JC. "Why the fuck do you care?" he slurred. "I'm just dealing with this slut here, mind your own fucking business..." "Don't think so," JC answered, he let his eyes linger on the woman. "Maybe I'll just take your woman here and show her what a real man can do..." His hand flew up and stopped the man's fist before it hit him. "Let's go outside, buddy," he smiled at the man. "If you want a piece of me so badly, you can try to get it."

A few people followed them out, amongst them Joey. Smiling a little, he watched JC work the man right into where he wanted him. Keeping to the background, he caught JC winking at him. "Come on," the man snarled. "Let's see what you got, boy!"

"Come get me," JC answered. He easily ducked away the first blow. Then he hit the other in the stomach. Watching the man double up in pain, JC stopped. "Aaww, come on!" he said. "You're no fun at all!" Roaring in anger the man launched himself at JC, knocking him to the ground, which set JC laughing. "That's better," he said, his voice silky and smooth. "But you see, my boyfriend's over there, and he don't like other men on top of I'm gonna have to ask you to move." Looking at JC like he was insane, the man paused. "You fucking faggot!" "Not yet," JC smiled, "but I hope to be later tonight though." With a effortless motion JC threw the other man off him.

They both got to their feet and started circling each other. JC still smiling, his eyes shining with thrill of the hunt. "Come on, baby," Joey thought, desire already pumping through his body. "Take him. I need you." The drunk attacked JC another time, but it did him no good. His target moved too fast for him to follow, and a punch drew blood from his face. The smell of the blood had all of JC's senses in hyper-drive. "Come on, little man," he teased. "Show me what you can do!" Bleeding from a cut over his eye the drunk man staggerdly went after JC again, this time JC didn't step away. He was hungry and the sight of the red, shimmering drops of blood drove him crazy. With a powerful strike he drove the man to the ground, kicking him hard in the back to make him stay down. "Now that was fun!" he whispered as he bent down to the nearly unconscious man. Wiping some blood onto his finger, JC stuck the finger in his mouth. "Not bad," he said, grinning broadly. The man beside him saw what Lance had seen some hours earlier and opened his mouth to scream. "We can't have that," JC said, frowning, and covered the man's mouth with his hand.

The crowd went back into the club as they saw the fight was over. "Serves the stupid bastard right," Joey could hear someone mumble near by. "Hitting his girlfriend like that..." "The other guy was amazing though," another voice answered. "Such a shame he's taken." "Did you see his boyfriend?" the first voice, now giggling, said. "I wouldn't mind doing them both!" "Thanks, but no thanks," Joey thought, knowing that the girls had no idea that he had heard them. All his senses were sharper than the mortals. It came in quite handy at times.

JC was getting a little impatient with their victim. It was the sight of the blood. Joey had noticed that the smell of the blood was what triggered most vampires, but with his boyfriend it was the sight. Without looking Joey knew that JC's blue eyes now were filled with the hunger and he would have that intense look... After they had both fed, he was going to take JC back to the house and fuck him like never before, watching JC play with the bait like that made Joey want him so badly.

JC felt Joey come closer to him. The man in front of him saw a hope in the tall, dark-eyed man. "He's crazy!" he said, his voice faltering in shock and pain. "You gotta help me!" "Oh, be quiet!" JC admonished and clamped his hand over his prisoner's mouth. Then he drew back. "Aren't you a little feisty one..." Planting his foot on the other man's stomach to keep him where he was, JC stood back up. "He bit me!" he complained to Joey. "I'm bleeding..."

Knowing that the wound would close up in a couple of seconds, Joey couldn't resist to taste JC. He took JC's hand in his, and turned the palm up. A few drops of blood had collected into a little crimson lake. Joey lifted JC's hand to his mouth and licked the blood away. He kept his eyes on JC's face, watching him close his eyes in a flash of pleasure. Letting go of JC's hand, Joey looked down at the man. "This is my boyfriend," he said lowly, yanking the man to his feet. "When other people bite him, I tend to get jealous..." The man was too scared to fight back. As Joey lowered his face to the drunk's neck, he could see JC smile at him, passion darkening his crystal blue eyes. Smiling back, Joey bit down, feeling the warm blood flooding into his mouth.

A whimper was all he could hear as his victim gave up. Truth be told, Joey was a little disappointed. Lifting his head a little, he looked at JC. "Come," he said, a little breathlessly, "drink with me." Kneeling down next to Joey, JC bit down on the other side of their victim's neck. His hand found Joey's, connected like this they felt each other, shared the intense rush of the fresh blood.

A couple of minutes later, the man fell lifeless to the ground. JC got to his feet, not even looking at the corpse. "Did I do good?" he asked Joey and pulled him closer. "You did very good," Joey chuckled softly. "Let's head back, since you've been such a good boy I have a reward for you." "What?" JC asked teasingly. He groaned deply when Joey let their groins meet and he felt his lover's hard erection against his own. "This..." Joey growled in his ear, licking along the earlobe.

Lance tried to move of all his might, but his body wouldn't obey him. Justin was still in the room, and Lance followed him around with his eyes. He didn't want to, but he was afraid not to. "What do you want from me?" he asked, shocked over how small his voice sounded. Now Justin sat down on the bed next to him. Smiling a little, he toyed with the buttons on Lance's shirt. Ripping the shirt open in a sudden move, he let his hand drift over Lance's warm skin. Humming to himself, he seemed to be away in his own world. Only when Lance made another futile attempt to get out of the bed, it seemed like Justin woke up. "No you don't," he said, pulling himself on top of Lance. One knee on each side of Lance's hips, he straddled Lance's legs. Resting his hands on his thighs as he leaned forward, Justin smiled at Lance.

"I only drank enough of you to keep you still," he said, his voice raising and sinking in pleasant tones. "You taste so sweet, my dear." "Please let me go," Lance begged, tears coming to his eyes. "No, Justin said," his face loosing it's smile. "You're mine now, you belong to me." Laying down on his trembling victim, Justin ran a finger over Lance's cheek. "You're beautiful," he said, "I want to taste more of you." Again Lance felt the pressure of teeth on his skin. Justin had done this to him three times now, each time only taken a little.

Feebly Lance tried to push him away, entwining his hand in Justin's curls and willing him away when his hand no longer held the force to carry out his wishes. "Stop!" he sobbed, "don't...I don't want to die..." "Don't be afraid," Justin whispered into his ear, "it's only the mortal you that'll love being one of my kind. I promise you." "No!" Lance screamed as he felt Justin's lips back at his neck, the pain of skin being broken and the loss of blood leaving him cold and powerless. Tears fell from his eyes as he still kept struggling, not willing for one second to give up. When Justin finally pulled back, Lance was laying still underneath him. His breath was uneven and shallow. "If I leave you now, you will die, Lance," Justin spoke softly, watching Lance's eyelids flutter open. "Right now I have your life in my hands." A laugh followed the words. "It's such a rush, you know. You live or die, I decide."

Lance had no energy left to speak, he felt so tired. All he wanted was to close his eyes and pray for this to be a nightmare. "It's scary, isn't it?" Justin's voice came back. "Dying, I mean. Sometimes I have nightmares about it... Don't worry, sweetheart, I won't let you die..." Both fascinated and repulsed Lance watched Justin bite down on his own wrist, tearing the skin, making blood seep out of the wounds. He held his wrist to Lance's lips. "Drink," he said, his voice low and husky. When Lance didn't respond, Justin placed his wrist over Lance's lips, forcing the blood into his mouth. The metallic taste made Lance feel sick. It kept spilling into his mouth and reflexively he swallowed. "That's a good boy..." Justin's voice seemed to hoover over him. The blod kept dripping into his mouth, Lance found himself more and more slipping away.

As an intense pain shot through his body, Lance's eyes flew open again. His hands clawed at the sheets, he wanted to scream. Frantically seeking an escape he curled up on the bed, never having felt anything so agonizing in his life. Justin rolled away. "It doesn't last for long." Now his voice was almost soothing. Gasping for air, Lance felt himself being eaten up by a black emptiness, crushing him in flaming pain.

Justin watched Lance, his eyes not revealing his feelings. "Don't fight it," he said in a casual tone, "it's going to be over sooner if you don't fight." With a sound between a sob and a whimper Lance lost himself in the darkness, feeling the hard coldness claim his body. Next to him Justin watched silently as Lance's breath faded to a stop. This part he had never watched before. He had never turned anybody before. Mildly curious he waited for the blonde man next to him to change.

The first sign was his skin becoming even a little paler. Then he drew a deep breath, his body slowly starting up again. Justin couldn't wait to see his eyes. The eyes always told a lot of a person, in most vampires' case that was even more true. Stretching out next to Lance, Justin waited eagerly for him to wake up.

Somewhere upstairs he suddenly heard a door slam. Joey and JC were back home.

Next: Chapter 3

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