Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Sep 27, 2001


Legal disclaimer: all fiction. Don't know any of them. Be old enough to read.

Author's note: sorry about the delay. And thanks to everyone mailing me about this story and asking for updates.


  • Eternally Yours, chapter twenty-one -

Silence was the flavour of the week. Worried glances were exchanged over the sounds of doors slamming and steps leaving their house.

Lance knew that he wouldn't be allowed to move out, no matter how much he may want to at the moment. So he chose the next best thing. As soon as the sun went down, he was out, avoiding all the looks and questions. When the sun was piecing the darkness with the first beams, he was back. Not before.

Sometimes he could smile over his own melodramacy, the walking, talking cliche for a broken heart. But most of the time the hurt was much too eager to do much more than roam the dark streets, lost in his own thoughts. Even Justin was avoiding him now, sending him looks that had gained a new respect for the blonde after all. As far as Lance was concerned, the curlyheaded vampire could walk straight out into the sunlight without him batting as much as an eyelash.

Even hunting and feeding didn't give much joy anymore. It was just something that had to be done.

Carefully avoiding the back alley where they had first met, Lance chose the more rundown parts of the city, feeling at home there. His family was living in one of the suburbs outside of the city, Lance didn't take much notice anymore of that he hardly thought of them at all any longer. Yet he knew he would never come close to his old home ever again.

Looking up to see where his wanderings had taken him, Lance sighed. At the docks. Again. The masts of the boats stretched like pleading fingers towards the heavens. He had allowed himself a few dreams of just going onboard one of the ships and let it take him away, never looking back. But it was only a dream, and not even that. He could never leave. Not alone, at least.

A sound reached his sensitive ears. Sounds of someone moving quickly. Hushed voices. Curiously Lance moved closer. The sounds were coming from behind an old tool shed, where the lights had trouble reaching.

Just a few feet away Lance could clearly make out two persons. A tall and heavily built man, casting shadows over a smaller man in front of him who was holding something in his right hand.

If his heart had still been beating, Lance was pretty sure that it would have stopped. At least skipped a few beats.

The smaller man easily stepped away from the larger man's attack, spinning around and raising his weapon. Quickly as a cat strikes, the weapon bore down. Lance watched the taller figure turn to dust before his very eyes. Drawing back hurriedly, he hardly noticed his back making harsh contact with the sides of the shed. It was quiet again.

As drawn by a magnetic force Lance took a step forward again. As soon as his eyes took in the man still standing over the pile of dust that was slowly being taken away by the wind, he knew that he would never be able to move past, not to mention forgetting what he was feeling for the other.

And that was the reason why he kept still, hidden in the shadows. Just watching. For now that had to be enough, it had to be. Even how much Lance wanted to approach the other, it would bring danger for them both, and only add to the sorrow and grief.

"At least I know he's still here," Lance thought, a flicker of light having snuck into the darkness inside him. "As long as I know he's still here, I can go on..."

After that it became a nightly habit of his. He would go out every night, needing to see his love again, even if his love never knew that he was there. It was like a drug, an addiction. Lance sometimes ironically thought of himself as the slayer's guardian angel. Although without the halo and raven black wings. But there was an aching, a craving inside of him to stay where he was, to not lose his love completely. And for now he was content with just watching, knowing that his darkeyed slayer was allright. But there was still a small, burning hope inside him that the shorter man still felt the same way. That he was missing Lance as much as Lance missed him.

The nights all seemed to turn into one, the days only something one waited impatiently for to be through. Finishing off the feeding quickly, Lance started his search for Chris, always quietly, always careful. He desperatedly wanted to talk to, to touch the other man again, but the memory of the hurt and betrayal in Chris' eyes the last time, kept him back.

Watching a shooting star burn brigthly and then die, Lance slowly smiled. "I wish nothing had changed," he thought. Frowning a little he caught himself protesting weakly to his own wish. "Ok," he then thought. "Modifying the wish a little... I wish that only some things had changed..." Still not completely pleased with the wish, he walked on, passing a shelter for the homeless that frequented the streets here.

A young girl, not much more than ten years old, held a smaller girl by the hand. They both wore dirty, torn clothes; the smallest one's clothes a bit too small. Her face was grimed with tears and she clung to a teddy that clearly had lived past its better years.

"Don't wanna go," she mumbled to the older girl who was most likely her sister. "Wanna stay with you, Livy!"

Livy had tears on her face too, and was trying to pull her hand out of the smaller one's grip. "You have to, Nathalie. Mom and dad doesn't know that I brought you here, it's better this way, if they don't know... They'll take good care of you here, I promise, noone's gonna be mad or hit anymore."

"But why can't you stay too?" the child demanded, her sister having succeded in pulling her hand away. Clutching the teddy to her she looked like a left behind ragdoll on the sidewalk.

The oldest girl straightened up, her face and eyes wise much beyond her years. "Someone's gotta take care of them, Lia. They need me. They're going to be mad at me for taking you away, but I had to." A small, dirty hand came up to dry tears away. "Just tell them..." She bent down quickly and hugged her little sister fiercely. "Just tell them that they have to give you to someone who'll love you, ok? And that I'll be coming back for you one day. I promise."

She took off, running down the streets, soon to be consumed by the darkness that could never be completely chased away by the artificial lights. The other girl staring after her, calling her name. Soon the name trailed over in sobs as she looked around, realising that now she was all alone.

Before Lance could do more than feel sorry for her, the door to the shelter opened. Cocking his head to one side, he felt strangely responsible for the girl, having witnessed her sister leaving her in hope that she'd have a chance of a better life.

A tall, round woman walked out into the street, looking for the source of noise. Lance guessed that this wasn't first time a guest had been dropped off on their doorstep, sort to speak, like this. Wearing overalls and a T-shirt, and with a thick ponytails of black curls she looked like everybody's bigger sister and promptly picked the small girl up.

"Hey, sweetie," she smiled. "Don't worry now, baby, we're going to fix this. Why don't you come inside with me, we got some mighty good chocolate chip cookies that mama Conzuela made just now... Say, that's a nice teddybear...what's his name?"

The girl looked shyly up at her, the crying momentarily forgotten. "Roosevelt," she whispered. "It used to be my mommy's. Mommy's granddaddy named him for her."

The woman chuckled. "That was a good name. You think that Roosevelt would like some cookies too? And a glass of milk?"

Still cluthing the teddybear tightly to her chest, the girl nodded.

"We'll go inside then," the woman smiled. "And then you can tell me some more about Roosevelt..." Their voices became fainter as they walked back inside, and the door was closed. Smiling a little to himself, Lance hoped the young girl got to see her sister again someday. He was just about to head back when the door opened again.

A small boy shot out the door, clear laughter easily heard in the nightly air. Another woman was in the door this time, hands on her hip, shaking her head fondly.

"Roberto! You get back here to your mama right away, young man!"

"I'll get him," a voice Lance knew very well answered, and suddenly a young man was walking past the woman and taking off after the giggling boy. Soon catching up he lifted the boy and slung him easily over his shoulder. Walking back to the woman he gave her the squirming, laughing boy.

"Here. I believe this one belongs to you?"

"Thank you," she smiled. "He's usually such a good boy, I guess he is just bored..."

"That's allright," the darkhaired man smiled, tickling the small boy a little, getting another giggle in return. "I would get bored too, having nothing to do all day. I'll see what I can do about getting some more toys for the children here."

She reached out to place a hand on his cheek, smiling warmly. "Thank you so much, you are a true angel to us."

Even if Lance couldn't see Chris' face, he knew exactly what his expression would be like. Slightly blushing, with a small and shy smile that made his eyes light up just as brightly as the stairs above the neon lights around them. The memory of those eyes was a sweet reminder of what had been, what he hoped would be again.

Chris and the woman said goodbye and the darkhaired slayer walked down the street. Silently Lance started the same way.

Justin had left too, being much too quiet for either of their likings these days. JC knew that that the younger vampire still doubted their love for him, and would try and test them again some time soon. Sighing he hoped that they would be able to convince him before someone got hurt. Badly hurt.

A hand traced his jaw, coming to rest on his neck. "Don't worry so much."

"I try not to," JC smiled, leaning back. "But I guess I am not that succesfull, am I?"

He was wrapped in a tight, warm hug. "No. Not by the look on your face, no."

Hugging his lover back, JC buried his face in Joey's neck. "I wish he could see just how much we care about him, this is getting stupid...dangerous... I know he fears that we'll leave him, but why can't he see that he is pushing us away himself, right now?"

"We'll make him see that," Joey promised, "and that we both love him too. He's just insecure, baby, he doesn't intend to be mean."

Hesitating a little, Josh looked up at him. "I don't know, Joe... I know Justin's had it rough, but sometimes... He knows what he is doing, and what it's going to cause. Maybe it's just because he is young still, but I don't know about him..."

"Then we'll just keep an eye on him," Joey soothed him. "He'll come around, don't you worry. We'll just give him some time and show him how much we care, and he'll come around."

"I hope you're right about this," JC murmured, looking none too convinced. "Because if not we're going to have a ton of trouble more than what Lance is causing right now."

"Don't forget that you caused just the same trouble some years ago," Joey reminded him, tugging gently on a lock of hair. Batting his hand away, JC had to smile.

"I did, didn't I? But it was all different back then. Tell me honestly, can you see Chris doing what I did? Let himself be turned? Because that is the only way they can really be together."

This time Joey paused. "You know him better than me, love."

"I thought I did," JC replied, so quietly that Joey wasn't sure who he was talking to. Then his boyfriend shrugged it off and smiled up at him. "Weren't we supposed to go out, sweetheart? We forgot in all our gloomyness."

"Awe, but you're cute when you're gloomy," Joey responded, smiling back. "But you're right. We forgot. Where do you want to go tonight then?"

Pulling on his coat, JC looked thoughtful. "Hmm, don't know... Surprise me."

"I'll do my best," his lover promised.

Chris was walking fast, as if he knew right where he was going. Weaving in and out and around the other persons that were out at this hour, Lance had to speed up to keep up with him. They were reaching the Southern side of the city, where the streets were curling around the beaches. There was a beach promenade lining the sandy egde, the booths and stores mostly closed for the night. Lance was surprised to discover that it was well after midnight. They passed the amusement fair, the lights shut down for the night.

At the end of the streets, Chris suddenly stopped, as if he was looking for something. Quickly Lance stepped back, hoping he hadn't been seen. Wondering what Chris was doing out here, just at the beginning of the pier, the darkhaired man jumped off the wooden boards, ducking out of sight.

"What the heck's going on here?" Lance wondered, following a bit slower.

Underneath the pier it was darker, not that it mattered for Lance. Between the pillars he could spot four figures. Chris was standing in the middle, stake raised high. Three shadowy figures moved around him, Lance wasn't even wondering who they were. One of them made a sudden move for Chris, only to be met by a swift kick, throwing him back. Chris followed, another kick had the vampire pinned to a pillar. Quickly staking the vampire he spun around, facing the other two.

They attacked at once, Chris dodging them easily. Hitting the taller one, he split them up. Making sure they were far apart, he blocked one attack, driving the stake into the closest vampire's chest. He paused, looking around quickly for the third vampire.

The last vampire was standing still. From his vantage point Lance heard every word and could watch every move of the fight that now had stopped as suddenly as it had started.

"So you found us," the male vampire said calmly.

"'Course I did," Chris replied, still keeping the fighting stance up. "You left clues all over the town, I nearly thought you wanted me to find you."

"Maybe we did," the other smiled, giving Lance an uneasy feeling. "We all thought you had gone soft after the time in Mexico. I am happy to see that you turned out to be a worthy opponent after all."

"Yeah," Chris shrugged. "Whatever. I have my reasons."

Having the advantage of better hearing Lance picked up on the small sounds of footsteps over sand. Looking behind Chris he saw, to his horror, four new shadows, approaching them.

"Well, I have to say it was an interesting experience," the vampire sighed. "It's a shame I had to waste two good men, but it was all for a better cause..." Now Chris had picked up on that something was wrong too. Sensing the vampires sneaking up on him, he jumped out of the first one's grip, turning to drive the wooden stake through him. Then a new figure kicked him, making him roll over in the sand.

"Time to say goodbye, slayer," a darkhaired, female vampire chuckled, tightening her fingers around his neck.

"Not just yet," Chris got out, his fingers finding a pice of drywood and used it to hit her over the head. She stumbled back and he quickly got back up. She charged at him again, only to have the sharp stake impaled in her chest.

Two vampires were left, together with the leader, and his love was getting tired. Lance had already started his way down to them. Then the leader suddenly struck, showing Chris roughly into one of the heavy pillars. Lance could smell the blood before he saw it. One of the other vampires had pulled a knife, the steel glinting faintly in the moonlight. Chris was mioing less fluidly than before, and Lance knew that it wasn't just fatigue that slowed him now. One hand came up to swipe at the blood from a cut on his forehead.

The blade made a half circle, hitting only the air that time. Next time Chris wasn't fast enough and the knife slid through his clothes and pierced skin underneath. The leader was waving the other vampire on, most likely to go in and finish the kill. The blonde man moved, self assurely, only to face a slayer that had no intention of giving up. Grabbing the new one's arm, he pushed the two vampires into each other, making them lose balance. Gripping the stake, he used both hands to ram in through the chest of one of them, the other moved away from him in a hurry.

"Kill him, damn it!" the leader called impatiently. "What are you waiting for, you useless piece of trash!?"

"I'm guessing he's not too fond of you right now," Chris chuckled, taking a step back. "Why don't you let me put you out of his misery?"

Growling, the last vampire dove for him, bringing them both down.

The leader was watching them, smiling. A hand came up behind him, tapping his shoulder. Surprised he turned around and met green eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked mildly curious.

"Someone you really don't want to know," Lance replied. "You gonna call off your goon, or do I have to kill him too?"


"Yes. Right before I kill you. You don't have any idea who you're trying to kill here, do you?"

"The slayer? Whatever could you be meaning?"

Lifting the other vampire by the collar of his jacket, Lance's green eyes were burning. "The slayer is my man, and I tend to get a wee bit ticked off when people attack him. So what is it going to be? You gonna call your guy off, before or after I rip your head off?"

Recognition dawned on the leader's face. "You are my kind, aren't you... And yet you are here protecting the slayer. Who are you?"

"You don't want to know. And we're really not getting anyway here... Too bad." Looking at the pier over them, Lance smiled at the small piece of wood sticking out from a crossing beam. Grabbing the older vampire he hoisted him up, aiming for the sharp wood. The other was cursing wildly at him, his raging features the last Lance saw before the vampire turned to dust.

Turning around he ran to Chris' side, lifting the last of the vampires off of him and throwing him to the side. "I suggest you run," he growled. "Fast and somewhere far away from here. Because if I ever see you again, I am not going to hesitate in killing you." Watching the other start to flee, he grimly smiled. Then he turned back to Chris.

A strong hand took hold of Chris', and gently helped him up. Still feeling dizzy, Chris leaned back against a pillar, drawing a deep breath. "Thanks," he started, wiping a few grains of sand out of his eyes. "I guess I was in over" His voice deserted him as he looked up to see who his saviour was. His brown eyes widened in shock.


--- "Well, I ain't evil... I'm just goodlooking." (Feed My Frankenstain, Alice Cooper.)

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