Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Oct 13, 2000


Legal Disclaimer: this is fiction. I'm not implying anything about the members of NSync. If you're too young to be here, go away.

Author's note: again thanks for the feedback, love ya guys! Story of today is Nick's NSync and the House of Dark Challenges. Very good and it's just starting. Lol, did I spell the title right, sweetie? Hope so. Anyway, if you feel the need to tell me what you think about this story, or anything else for that matters, the e-mail address is Love and looneytunes from Kat.

  • Chapter 3 -

Lance felt like he was floating in a warm, unrelenting sea. It wouldn't give him up even how much he struggled. His body felt heavy and drowsy. A soft moan escaped his lips and he tiredly turned on the bed.

"You're awake," a voice stated and Lance felt his body tense in a thousand knots of fear. He was still alive. He should have been dead...he had died... His mind refused to process the info. It just kept screaming "this can't be happening!" over and over again. "No," he whimpered. "This isn't real!" "Open your eyes," the voice asked. Justin. Justin was still here. His eyes blinked a couple of times on their own accord, then Lance opened them to take a first look as a vampire.

At first he thought Justin had turned on more lights. Then he realised it was still half-dark, it was him that was different. Sounds reached his ears, from outside, from the rest of the house...sounds he never was used to hearing before. There was an unfamiliar sensation in his mouth, Lance let his tongue slide over small fangs. Justin caught his action. "They'll grow," he said, "not so much that people will start to notice. but enough so you can use them." Use them. That thought lingered in Lance's confused mind for a long time.

He turned to Justin, who stared back into his eyes. "You should see your eyes now, Lance," he said in a gentle tone. "They're magnificent." The green colour of Lance's eyes had deepened, keeping the sparkle. They glimmered like miniatyre stars, small pools of intense lights.

Lance didn't hear what Justin said. All he could think of was the way the dried blood on Justin's wrist invaded his senses. It was a hunger like he had never experienced before. Unconcsiously he licked his lips, staring at the rust coloured spots staining Justin's skin. Looking back up to find Justin's eyes, Lance said: "I'm hungry." Justin smiled. "Let's go hunt!" "Hunt?" Lance asked. "You mean..." Then the knowlegde of how his new kind fed hit him. "Oh my God," he said, as he finally took in how drastic his life in reality had changed.

"Lighten up!" Justin tried. "You'll get used to it." "Used to it?" Lance's eyes flashed with anger. "How can you ever get "used" to killing people? What kind of monster have you turned me into?" His words only made Justin shrug again. "You take the ones that deserve it, or the ones that bug's really nothing to it." Still on the bed, Lance watched him, anger zimmering in every part of him. "What kinda hell did you crawl out from?" he snarled. "Who the fuck gave you the right to do this to me? I have to live the rest of my life like a walking freakshow!" "Forever," Justin said. "What?" Lance answered. "You are going to live forever," Justin told him. "You're immortal now."

After hearing that, Lance fell silent, Sitting on the edge of the bed, he couldn't move, nor speak, not even think. Immortal. Vampire. Hunger. He was hungry.

A knock on the door startled them both. "Justin, are you in here?" a voice came through and the door was opened. Joey entered the room and smiled when he saw Lance. "I didn't know you had company..." he started. Then he stopped, slowly turning back to Lance. Seeing Lance's tearstreaked face and shocked expression, Joey carefully went closer to him. The blonde, green-eyed man hardly acknowlegded his presence. "Justin, what did you do?" Joey asked under his breath. "He didn't want to be turned." Taking Lance's chin carefully in his hand, Joey made Lance look at him. The devastated look on the other man's face nearly broke his heart. "You know the rules, Justin," he said, "you never, never, turn somebody that doesn't want it!" "Rules," Justin snorted, "why the fuck care?"

When Joey looked up at him, eyes going dark, Justin regretted his words dearly. Letting go of Lance, Joey grabbed hold of Justin's sweather and slammed him against the wall. "You listen to me, Justin," he said, his voice low and deadly, "if you intend to live through the next day you watch yourself. You follow the rules, and you'll never ever pull a stunt like this again! Then I'll personally take you out, you got that?" "Yes," Justin whispered, feeling hot tears of defeat and shame come to his eyes.

"What's going on here?" JC asked while entering the room. "Joey, what's wrong?" Lance had moved back on top of the bed. He couldn't take this anymore. Scrambling to his feet, nearly falling out of the bed in the process, he ran out of the room. "Damn it all to hell!" Joey exclaimed. "Josh, stop him! He just got a nasty little surprise, thanks to Justin here..." Without asking any more questions JC took off after Lance.

Barging up the stairs, Lance desperately searched for the door. Running through a large hall, he thought he recognized the hallway leading the the frontdoor. Then someone came up from behind, tackling him to the floor. "Let go of me!" Lance screamed, struggling wildly against the person that was holding him. "Calm down," a voice said, "you can't leave now, it's nearly morning!" "I don't care!" Lance answered, trying to push the owner of the voice away. "If you go out now, the sun will kill you," the voice said. "Oh God!" Lance moaned, letting himself fall to the floors. "I hate this!" he said, as he started to cry. Someone picked him up gently and held him close. "It's gonna be ok," the same soothing voice whispered and Lance looked up to see a pair of compassionate blue eyes looking back at him.

Fairly sure that the man who was holding him now, also was a vampire, Lance just leaned into the embrace and cried. JC hold him close, he couldn't believe Justin would do something like that. He heard footsteps behind him, and didn't need to turn around to know that it was Joey. Kneeling beside them, JC could see the frown on his face. "Where's Justin?" JC asked quietly. At the sound of Justin's name, Lance sought closer to JC. "Downstairs," Joey answered. "God, I just don't know what to do! I never dreamed of that Justin would go this far!" "He did," JC reasoned, "and now we have to deal with it. He turned someone who didn't want to be turned. It's the guy from the club, right?" "Yeah," Joey answered, running a hand through his dark hair. "Shit, I thought he was only going to sleep with him, not...this!"

Lance had blocked out the voices. He hardly felt it when strong arms lifted him up and carried him to a large room he hadn't been in before. Gently he was placed down on a bed. "Relax," another voice said. Lance recognized it as belonging to the first vampire. "We won't hurt you. I'm so sorry for what happened to you." "Thanks," Lance mumbled, he felt weak. "You're going to have to feed," the same voice spoke. "I don't want to," Lance said, but his eyes betrayed him, Joey could easily see the hunger burning in them. "What's your name?" he asked mildly. "Lance..." Lance answered. "Well, Lance," Joey continued. "I'm Joey and that is my boyfriend JC. As you probably have already guessed we're both vampires too."

Both JC and Joey had joined him on the bed. "I know you have a lot of questions," Joey continued, using the same spinning voice he aways used to make people relax around him. It always worked. "But you have to feed, Lance." Rolling up the sleeve of his sweather, Joey helped Lance sit up some. "You think you'll be able to bite through, or should I do it for you?" Joey asked, holding his wrist up to Lance. Sensing the blood Lance couldn't restrain himself anymore. Grabbing hold of Joey's arm, he bit down on his wrist, quickly rewarded by a stream of blood pouring into his mouth. Greedily he drank, too hungry to even consider what he was doing.

After a little while Joey gently drew his arm back. "That's enough for now," he said with a little smile. "Now you will stay here with us and rest. Tonight we will show you what you need to know. But now we have to sleep." Lance was too tired to protest. After snuggling up to Joey he fell asleep at once. JC smiled. "He seems to have taken to you real fast." "Let's hope so," Joey said, "he is going to have a hard time adjusting, that's for sure."

JC laid down next to them. "I know." "Joe?2 a small voice said from the door. Joey looked up to see a sad looking Justin standing by the door. "Can I stay with you guys tonight?" he asked. "Please?" Joey looked over at JC, who nodded. "Ok," Joey said, "but we are going to talk about this tonight, Justin." "I know," Justin said, cuddling close to Joey's back, "and I'm sorry, I really am."

JC turned out the lights. "We'll deal with this later," he said. "Now we all need to rest." As the lights went dark, the room fell silent. Joey felt JC's hand in his and knew his lover was thinking the same that he was. How the hell were they going to fix this?

Next: Chapter 4

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