Eternally Yours

By Kathrine

Published on Nov 7, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is fiction. Don't read if you're not old enough.

Author's note: not much to say, just that I hope you people are liking this story as much as I love writing it. :) Take care, love and looneytunes from Kat.

  • Chapter nine -

They were back at the house much too soon. The villa was placed on a hill, overlooking the myriads of lights beaming up from the city. The face of the house was turned towards the giant spiderweb of the city, it had it's back to the wilderness of the woods that formed a quiet guard around the heart of the house.

Bathed in thin, white light, the house, their home, seemed secretive. The green lawn in front curved over the slight sloop, and curled around the corners of the house. Except for a large weeping willow the yard was kept in a minimalistic style. Just green grass contrasting the white walls and big glass windows on the front. At the side of the house some of the cellar was built into a garage that could be accessed from the house. Pressing a button on the car's dashboard the garage port obeyed and lifted itself up and out of the way, and Joey drove the car inside before stopping and turning the engine off. Behind them the garage port silently went back down.

"You coming?" Joey asked as Lance didn't show any intention of getting out of the car. "Yeah," Lance sighed. "This is it," he told himself, "you're not going to be pining after him, you're not going to make either him or JC feel uncomfortable because you can't keep your feelings under control." Glancing over at Joey who stood at the beginnings of the stairway that led up to the house, Lance thought to himself for about the hundreth time. "I'm not going to love him like that, I am not..."

As they neared the end of the stairway they could both hear voices, one of them immedeately put a smile on Joey's face, Lance looked away. "It's already starting to hurt less," he told himself. But when he saw the smile on Joey's face meet an identical one on JC's face and they were drawn together in an embrace like forces of nature, it still hurt. "I missed you tonight," JC said after Joey and him had shared a deep, passionate kiss Lance pretended not to notice. "I missed you too, sweetheart," Joey answered. "Get a room, you two," Justin commented from where he was sitting. "Did Justin give you a hard time tonight?" Joey asked, overhearing Justin's comment. "Not more than usual," JC smiled, now he was ignoring the protest from Justin.

"JC is no fun!" Justin sulked. "He won't let me do anything!" After giving JC another kiss, Joey went over to Justin and scooped the boy up in a warm hug. Justin tried to keep up the sour look, but had to give in to laughter as Joey tickled him lightly. "If you behave yourself tomorrow night, and stop the sulking, you can go out by yourself the night after tomorrow," Joey told him. "How is that?" "I'll behave," Justin promised, "I will, I won't complain at all!" "That's good," Joey said, smiling over Justin's eagerness. "We'll go all of us tomorrow night, then you're free to decide yourself."

In a second Justin threw his arms around Joey's neck and hugged him fiercely. "You're not mad at me anymore?" he asked, and Joey could so easily hear the plea in his voice. "I'm not mad anymore," he answered. "Thanks," Justin whispered, "and I am really sorry." "I know you are," Joey said. Looking into Justin's blue eyes, he knew there was one more thing they had to do before they could let all of this go. "There is one more person in this room you have to apologize to, Justin," Joey told him, his eyes finding Lance at the end of his sentence.

At the sound of his name, Lance froze. An apology? They expected that what Justin had done to him could be rendered with a goddamn apology?? They had to be kidding! But then he saw the look on Justin's face. "I'm sorry, Lance," the words were half-whispered. Confused Lance felt the anger that was boiling in him slowly die out into what felt like pity for the obviously regretting sinner he had in front of him. The shining blue eyes of the curlyheaded youth held Lance's own. "I'm so sorry." Was that a beginning of tears Lance could see? He wasn't sure, but he all of a sudden could hear his own voice start to speak without him even knowing. "It's ok, Justin, I forgive you."

The words were out, the words he had woved to never say. Lance had been so sure of that he would never forgive his maker. Justin had murdered him, and yet given him immortality. And he had taken so much away from him. Things that could never be replaced. Still Lance forgave him somehow. A tiny voice inside of him started whispering about issues Lance had kept burried in the deepest darkest corners of his mind. "You like your new life," it said. "It gives you such a thrill to drink their blood. You love the feeling of power. All the other stuff you so sad and teary-eyed claim to be missing, it gets weaker every day. You don't want to go back anymore. Even if you could."

"Thanks, Lance," Justin said, making sure his voice trembled a little in the end, as of great relief. He saw the blonde's confusion, and almost smiled. His apology to Joey had been real, he was the only person in the world that could make Justin feel bad about something he had done. And if he had to apologize to Lance to make things ok between them again, Justin did that. But nobody had said that he would have to be sincere, had they? Taking on his most innocent and pitifull look Justin watched as Lance's defenses crumbled and fell in favor of his own administrations. Though it wasn't the time to do anything now, Justin knew that he would have to play the role of the good little vampire for quite a while now. Now allowing himself to smile, he wasn't worried about that. In fact, he had all the time in the world.

Justin left the room, proclaiming that he was going to bed. JC turned to Lance and startled him out of his current maze of thoughts. "We have to get you a room of your own," he said. " Come with me, and I'll show you some. You can pick the one you like best." There was a lot of things other than this Lance could imagine doing. Spending time alone with the man he both cared for, and was insanely jealous of, was nervewrecking at least. "Ok," he said meakly. JC smiled at him, before turning back to Joey. "I won't be long," he promised. Pulling JC closer to him, Joey planted a kiss on his neck. "You better not be," he teased. "Are you kidding?" JC answered. "I spent the night without you, that's very close to the limit of the amount of time without you I can handle." Their conversation broke off into another loving kiss. Sighing Lance knew he should look the other way, but he couldn't. Two different feelings fought over his heart. One of them told him to make a go for it, told him that if he wanted Joey, he ought to go after him. The other one was begging him not to, to not try to disturb the love between two so obviously made for each other.

In the end Lance just didn't know what to do. He had to get rid of these feelings as soon as possible, it was just that he had no clue about how to do that. At last the kiss ended and Lance felt his heart shatter in a million pieces at the sight of the mere look they shared. "Never mine..." The silence in the room seemed to have gotten a voice and tormented him with chanting the echo of Lance's thoughts. "Never mine...never mine...never mine..."

"I love you," JC said quietly, still holding onto his lover. "I love you too," Joey answered. Gazing into Joey's brown eyes, JC wasn't really nervous. He knew that the bond between him and his eternal lover couldn't be broken by anything less than death, and maybe not even that. But he could feel the emotional turmoil from the only other person in the room with them, and he wondered when thankfullness and admiration had taken a wrong turn and developed into love. It was like watching black butterflies caught in a storm, all the anger, pain, hope, longings, confusion... "There you go again, Josh," he told himself. "Always out to mend a broken heart, even if, in a backwards way, you're responsible of it's breaking."

After kissing Joey one more time, JC took hold of Lance's hand and dragged him downstairs to the bedrooms. After they had moved into the house Joey and him had made some slight changes. Rooms without an Eastern exposure were converted into bedrooms, the most of them was on the ground floor. Due to that the house was placed on the hill, the house had an extra floor invisible to those who only saw the front. The hill arched steeply down at the back of the house, thus giving room for a floor over the basement. The large kitchen had naturally enough been left pretty much as it was. The bathrooms were modernized and there was now one linked to every bedroom. In the old, main bathroom JC had gotten a jacuzzi installed. Joey had given him absolute control over what to do with the house and JC had had the time of his life. When it was done he was mighty proud. He still was, in fact.

The old house resurrected as a proud, old fighter, helped back to greatness by a few modern helpings and supplies. JC knew he had a habit of talking non-stop about the house and what was done to it when given a chance, so he decided not to bore Lance to sleep with details of tile work and choices of colours and fabrics. Instead he let the other have a good look at all the bedrooms and then waited for him to make up his mind. Quietly Lance wandered about for a bit on his own, then JC found him in a corner room, staring at the moon above the trees. "I'd like this room," he said as he heard JC enter. "I like the moon." "Allright," JC said, joining him by the window. "Do you want to change the furniture?" "No, that's fine," Lance answered. "I kinda like the bed."

"I thought you might," JC smiled. When they had modernized the house, they had kept most of the original furniture. Including a enormous bed now placed in the room they were in. It was massive and had a ceiling made out of purple silk draped around the four posts. Cherubs danced around with mythical animals in the carvings at the sides, flowers and leaves framing it all. "What about the colours?" JC asked, standing by Lance's side, both staring at the pale, new moon. "It's a little dark," Lance admitted. "And the curtains are scary... Did you pick them out?" Taking a closer look at the patterned curtains, JC frowned. "Not my best work, no... They don't fit at all." "Would they ever fit anything?" Lance mused. Looking at the curtains, JC chuckled. "No, probably not. I'll call some shops tomorrow night and have them bring over some samples and then we'll decide what to do in here."

"Would you mind if I stayed in here tonight?" Lance asked, still not looking at JC. Another night sleeping beside Joey, knowing that the man he could stretch his arm out and touch was forever out of his reach, felt like more than Lance could handle. "Sure," JC told him, "if you like to. Let me fix the bed for you, I'll go get the covers and pillows." Again he was alone, now Lance took his eyes of the yellowish white object he had locked his eyes on. "I wonder if he knows," Lance thought. "I wonder if any of them know."

Even if his beloved moon was on it's way down to give room to the sun, Lance didn't feel sleepy. JC came back and made the bed, telling Lance that if he needed anything he should just come to their room. That made Lance smile sadly. Their room, JC and Joey's room. "Thanks," he just answered, wanting to add that what he needed neither of them was willing, or able, to give him. After JC left the room fell quiet. Lance closed the heavy curtains after first securing the light-proof blind. The bed covers felt cool and fresh against his skin, a familiar and nice feeling. The darkness in the room stayed and Lance felt himself grow sleepy and knew that the sun was on it's way back to the sky outside. Within minutes he was asleep.

Coming back upstairs, JC found Joey waiting for him in the livingroom. "Lance wants to stay in his new room," JC told him. Joey frowned a little. "Do you think he's allright?" he asked, "he has been acting a little weird today." "Joey," JC started, "Lance is... He is in love with you." "He is what?" Joey looked at JC. "He is just a little lost still, Josh." "I don't think, so, Joey," JC answered him. "At first you became something of a hero, an idol, to him, now he has a lot of feelings for you." Joey went quiet. "Damn," he sighed. "I never meant for that to happen." "I know you didn't," JC said, "and neither did Lance, he is trying very hard not to let it show. But his emotions are too strong, so it's easy for me to pick up on them."

"Do you think I should talk to Lance about this?" Joey asked JC as they both sat down on the couch. There were blinds in all of the windows, and as the day came steadily closer, they had shut them, out of second habit. "I think maybe I should be the one to talk to him," JC suggested. "Lance feels very badly about this. He doesn't want to be feeling this way about you, but he can't help himself. I'll talk to him tomorrow night, when we fix his room." "You do that," Joey answered, as JC cuddled closer to him on the couch. "I just hope he gets over it quickly. I hate the idea of him hurting because of me."

The room was left in darkness, the curtains efficently keeping the sunrays out. The house was quiet, like it too was preparing to rest through the day.

No more words were spoken between them as their lips found each other, their arms embracing the other tightly. Not breaking the kiss JC moved so he was sitting in Joey's lap, one knee resting on the couch on either side of his boyfriend. Slowly JC took hold of Joey's hands, holding them while he pressed the other back against the couch in a greedy, longing kiss. The urgent need made him move so close to Joey as he could possibly manage, already feeling sparks of plesurefilled desire. "I want you," he mumbled against warm, moist lips. "In here?" the answer came, passion and teasing making a attractive combination in Joey's voice. "Yes," JC answered. "On this couch. No going back to the bedroom, takes too long." He let go of Joey's hands, and the second after he felt them on his back. Joey was slowly tracing figures over his back, making JC's skin tingle.

Lacing his fingers in Joey's dark hair, JC let his lips follow the curve of Joey's jawline, reaching his ear. As he bit down carefully, Joey slid a hand between their chests and went to work on the buttons of JC's shirt. One by one the buttons came open. JC moved his lips to Joey's neck, licking and biting the soft, smooth skin. His own hands was busy with pulling up the tight-fitting black T-shirt Joey was wearing. His shirt was being pushed off his shoulders and JC let it fall to the floor before helping Joey pull his T-shirt entirely off.

Wrapping his arms around JC's waist, Joey bent his neck and kissed JC's shoulder. He let his fingers explore the well-known territory of JC's chest and let the tip of his fingers make circles around his nipples, eliciting a moan from his lover. He shivered at the feel of their hips grinding together, they were both equally hard and wanting. They hadn't touched each other like this in far too long. Slightly arching his back to let Joey continue a trail of kisses down his chest, JC never wanted the moment to end. From the very first time they had made love, from the very first touch, they had become addictive of one another.

Reaching down to the waistline of Joey's pants, JC's fingers impatiently tore the buttons open. "I need you, babe," he said breathlessly. "I want you inside me, now." Joey pulled him closer again, for another kiss. At the same time he opened JC's jeans and let his hand slip in under the thin fabric of his boxers. Moaning into their kiss, JC finally had worked the buttons of the black pants Joey was wearing all open. Savoring the feel of silky skin under his fingers, JC felt Joey draw a deep, trembling breath as he locked his hand around him. Some very pleasureable moments were spent kissing and caressing each other's most sensitive places.

"There's too many clothes," Joey then said, pushing JC's dark blue jeans further down his slim hips. "Much too many," JC agreed. "Come here..." He raised himself up a little, giving Joey room to lift his hips a little allowing JC to pull his pants further down. Joey mimicked his actions, but soon they both found the clothing to be rather restrictive. "Hold that thought, sweetie," JC sighed and quickly stood up. Then he kicked his jeans and boxers off, before sliding back into Joey's lap. "Much better," he smiled, feeling Joey's naked skin against his own. "Much better..."

Again they pressed together, desperate to feel the other in every way imaginable. "I love you so much," Joey breathed into JC's ear as he let his hand run up a muscular thigh and curving over JC's hip. "Love you too, darling," JC answered him, moving against Joey in a slow, sensual rhytm. "I love you more than anything in this world." The warm hand on his hip moved again, sliding over his hip, over onto his back. Fingers worked magic over his skin, just light touches that threatened to drive JC mad. "Please," he nearly begged, "I need you, Joe." A finger found entance into him and JC felt his body tingle in a shock of waiting pleasure. He squirmed against Joey, grinding into him, and loving the deep moan he was rewarded with. "The stuff's in the bedroom," Joey pointed out, his voice husky with desire. "Then I guess we have to do it the old-fashioned way," JC whispered into his ear. "The old-fashioned...oh my God... The rest of what Joey had meant to say vansihed into a torrent of good feelings as JC dropped to his knees before him and let his mouth do what his hands just a couple of minutes earlier had done.

Pulling back a little, JC smiled up at him. "That, lover, is the old-fashioned way of lubricant. It's much more fun than the usual, don't you think?" That made Joey laugh a little. "You're right, it's much more fun... You planning on staying down there on the floor and are you coming back up so we can finish what we have started?" "I'm coming," JC murmured and got to his feet. "Help me out a little?" "Of course," Joey answered with a smile.

Joey put his arms around JC as his boyfriend climbed back onto the couch. They went back to kissing as they started making love to one another. Holding onto the back of the couch, JC started moving, feeling Joey match his rhytm. It had been too long, even if JC might have wanted to take it slow, his body desired otherwise. Feeling Joey's hold on him tighten, JC captured his lips in a sweet kiss.

It didn't take long for either of them to reach the egde, clinging to each other as a maelstrom of raw pleasure pulled them down in a haze of ecstacy.

For a minute all that could be heard in the livingroom was their quick breathing. Then Joey lifted his head from JC's shoulder to take a look at JC's neck. "I bit you," he said, proceeding to lick a few drops of blood from JC's neck. "I like it when you do that," JC answered, resting his arms on the back of the couch, behind Joey. After planting a kiss on JC's shoulder, Joey leaned his head back to look up at JC. "You're amazing, caro, you know that?" JC was playing with Joey's hair. "It's all your fault, sweetheart," he answered, "we make a great pair don't we?" "The best," Joey agreed. "I love you." "I love you too." "I don't think we ever get tired of saying that, do we?" "Don't think so, no."

Raising his hand to push away some damp locks of hair from Joey's forehead, JC smiled. "I guess we should get to bed, but I really don't want to move." "The bed do sound nice," Joey answered, "but as long as I have you in my arms, I'm fine." JC kissed him tenderly. "I love you, you know." "I know. And I love you too."

Half an hour later they had made it to the bed, and was cuddled up very closely to each other under the covers. Sleepily Joey rested his head on JC's shoulder and draped an arm over his waist. "'Night, darling," JC whispered, feeling sleep sneak up on him too. "Love you." "Love you too," the immedeate response came. Smiling JC snuggled even a little closer to his lover, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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