Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 12, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 2 By JJ [ ]


Chapter 2

As we drove off on our way to the movies. Derrick was laughing at what a small world it actually is. So I just said "so that is Bill". He looks at me and says "he likes you; he was checking you out big time". I decided right then and there I wasn't going into 'true confessions' I wasn't about to 'out' anyone. With Derrick's track record this should be over soon anyway. After all I was the longest person so far to have a relationship with him. That was only 8 months according to Derrick's friend Leo who did not seem to be a bullshitter. We were meeting Leo and his new bf to see Bull Durham. Leo's playmates are always young and or twinks. He tried to make a move on me, but when he found out I didn't bottom he lost interest in me.

I think he is 7-8 years older than me, Derrick is 5 years older. So I'm always referred to as the 'babe in the woods'. That is one good thing about whom Leo dates they are usually younger than me. After the movies we stopped for coffee at the diner and Derrick told Leo and Chas (I think it was Chas) about running into his latest bedmate. Leo said was he still wearing the wedding ring and Derrick said not sure and I just shrugged I really didn't notice. Derrick says to Leo "you know the Pup, he never noticed that Bill was checking him out". I just shook my head and said I didn't think Bill was. Leo said "between those eyes and that ass why wouldn't he". I almost choked on my coffee. Chas says you do have beautiful eyes.

Leo asked Derrick to describe the guy and what he drove etc. Chas spoke up and said he knew him, I was all ears. Chas tells us how he called himself Joe when he met him. The poor kid got pummeled with questions from Leo. The bottom line was that 'Joe' thought he was a cute 'kid' but too young for him he likes them a little older. I almost choked again. Leo says there you go. You got Chas at 22 and Derrick is 34. Then Chas to get Leo asked Derrick if Bill/Joe's dick as big as it seemed in pants. Derrick and said yes the guy has to be packing almost 9" and fat. Leo didn't like that he was proud of his fat polish sausage. We called it quits for the night, Derrick said I was welcomed to stay; we did have a kind of 'friends with benefit' thing going on. I asked what about Bill, he says the guy is married so why should he be cloistered which I had to agree with. Derrick who was always a good reader of people would look at me and ask if I was okay, I seemed preoccupied I was thinking more precockupied. I just answered I was tired.

When I got home my answering machine light was flashing. Don't forget this was the 80's no cells or even cordless phones. Geez I think there were some places where pushbutton phones were still not compatible. The message was from Angelo he said if I got in before 10pm to call him, if not call him the next morning which was Saturday. I looked at the time it was just 10pm. I called he picked up on the 2nd ring. He asked if we could talk and I said it was late and I was tired let's meet for breakfast at the diner where he took me 15 years before. Angelo asked what time, I don't know what turned me into a cunt (which is very seldom me). I answered you pick the time you are the one who has all kinds of 'meet and greet to attend on Saturdays'. Luckily that remark went right over his head or more than likely did not wish to address it. We settled on 7am, he still seemed that he wanted to talk. I told him I was beat, it was a long day and strange night to much for me digest and discuss right now. He sounded disappointed, I said we can talk tomorrow I have the whole day free, unless you have plans (luckily said without sarcasm). Angelo said the entire day was open. I said see you in the morning and hung up. I showered and went to bed and surprisingly slept pretty good.

I got up and threw on a pair of Jams shorts a white tee and flip-flops. We have been having a warm September. I was going to be comfortable. Angelo was already there when I pulled into the diner parking lot. He was wearing jean shorts a white tee and low Nikes. I felt myself chubbing up. I put out my hand to shake his and he pulled me into a hug he said in my ear I have known you since you were 11, I think we are beyond a handshake. I wanted to answer 'but did I really know you' I kept my mouth shut and just smiled.

I noticed he was not wearing a wedding ring and no tan line. I said Derrick says you wore a wedding ring. Angelo looked at me with those brown eyes and said I only wear it when I go cruising. I asked then you are married, he replied he has been divorced for 10 years. I looked at him and said 10 years, where have you been? He replied working, taking care of my boys and my parents. My boys are 12 and 13. I was amazed, he says to me your parents knew about it I would run into them every so often. I told him they never said a word, but then again my parents weren't into gossip, they always believed in a need to know kind of philosophy.

Angelo says ask whatever you want. I was at a loss everything was happening to fast. I asked when did he decide he was into guys, he answered he always was and hoped it was something that would go away if he got married. He didn't regret getting married because of the 2 sons but he wasn't out and wasn't planning on doing so. Then he asked me the same question and I replied the first summer I worked with you. He just stared at me, I said what. Angelo said "I still say you don't hear the word no very often with those eyes". I turned red. He asked if I was out, I told him no and like him was not planning to. He asked what the story with Derrick and me was. I told him we met right before the holidays last year and went out for almost 8 months.

"Who broke up with who I want all the details" he said. I told him the truth, it was kind of mutual but more on his part, he wasn't happy and I held the record of being with him the longest. Then added we are closer now then we were then, he is more caring like we are family. I was surprised when he asked me 'do you love him"? And I was honest and said "yes but not in a romantic way the bond we have is stronger than that". Then I asked Angelo do you love him? He looked at me and said "are you for real, I met the guy in the woods". I had to roll my eyes and laugh. Angelo was right but there were some relationships I'm sure were formed at these places.

There was a lull in the conversation; he kept staring like I had egg yolk on me or something. Angelo stated "you know I always felt we had a bond between us". I agreed there was; "I idolized you I thought you were the coolest person in the world". "So what are we going to do about it"? He asked. I shocked myself with what I answered "if you are looking for sex, you are better off sticking with the cruise areas; I'm looking for more than that right now". Still staring at me says "right answer, because I would like to have more than that with you". I asked "have you ever dated a guy"? He shook his head no and said "who better than to start with than a person I already like and kind of know". I smiled.

I said I will tell Derrick, he looked at me strange as if to say why. Before he had a chance to ask I explained again we are friends. Listen I never told Leo, Chas, or Derrick who you really were. He asked why. I explained "out of respect for him or anybody else if they were really married. I never got into outing anyone. I wouldn't want it done to me". Looking at it that way Angelo understood what I was saying.

Angelo looked at me and asked "how about going to Lenny's and Joe's Fish house for dinner"? I said "I like it there, and I would be surprised if we saw anyone we knew there". He goes "especially if we go for 6". It was almost 9am when we left and Angelo said he would call around 1 or so, he was spending some time with his boys. I told him I was calling Derrick to explain to him what was going on. Unless Derrick was already on his way to the park to meet him, Angelo scowled at me and said "if he was on his way there it wasn't to meet him". We said our goodbyes and left.

I stopped home and called Derrick I said I wanted to come over to talk I asked if he needed anything and he answered milk or creamer if I wanted coffee. I stopped and got milk and by the time I got there the coffee was just finishing. We grabbed a cup each and went out to the back yard to sit in the sun. Derrick looked at me and says "you are all dressed up what's up"? I said "I had a breakfast date". He looked at me strange and said "figures you only wear the Jams when you are going somewhere but how did get a date from last night till this morning or did you go out slutting around, after you dropped me off which I would be totally shocked".

I just looked and wondered damn does he know me or what. I told him "I didn't go out but had a message when I came home". He says "from who"? I look and can't help but smile and answered "Angelo". Derrick has the look when he is processing something his eyes light up and he says "Angelo your first crush when you delivered milk". I kept smiling and nodding. He says "how"? I go "by using the telephone". Derrick laughs and says "I know that asshole but why after all this time"?

I say I will tell him the whole story, but not to interrupt me till I'm finished. I tell him how Bill/Joe is Angelo. Derrick's mouth drops and his eyes pop out of his head. I tell him I didn't say anything last night only for the fact that first off I knew he wasn't head over heels in love with him, that it was just a play thing and also the fact of not outing anyone. I tell him he is not married has been divorced for 10 years That Angelo is like us and not out. How we met for breakfast and are going to dinner tonight. Derrick smiled at me and asked "are you guys going to try the relationship thing"? I turned red and nodded. Derrick got up and went behind me and hugged me and kissed the top of my head and said "if anyone deserves this is you". After that we talked a little more about other shit and every once in a while he would laugh and say what a small fucking world. You can't make this shit up. Then he said he should get a free dinner out of this if the relationship works out, that it wouldn't have happened if not for him. I said it was a deal.


Guys I know still no sex, but I'm trying to give some background to the story.

Any questions, comments, write me {}


Next: Chapter 3

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