Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 16, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 4 By JJ [ ]


Chapter 4

I was up and out the door by 7am. I stopped to get some Portuguese rolls and a few pastries to bring to my parents. Sunday breakfast was always big with my family. My parents were up and basically waiting for me. Even when Derrick and I were together I left him sleeping to go see my parents for Sunday breakfast. Occasionally I took him with me, which my parents enjoyed. The only time I never went was if I was working Sundays. Then it would have to be for Sunday dinner which was the tradition in every Italian family, by showing up for breakfast I fulfilled my duty unless it was a holiday or someone's birthday.

While we were eating I said to my parents, you never guess who I ran into in New Haven Friday night. I told them Angelo was taking his Dad out for pizza. I said I didn't know he was divorced and added for 10 years. Both my parents almost in unison said "so how does that affect your life". I said ("to me maybe we could have met sooner") "so maybe not look like an idiot when I asked how his wife was". My Mom laughed "well I guess you got a point there". My Dad says "so what is the big deal when will you ever see him again, we only see you once maybe twice a week". I knew he was joking because that wasn't true I talk to them almost every day. I wasn't about to lie I said "actually this afternoon I'm going over there to play bocce with him". My Dad started laughing "are you, geez you hate bocce you don't have the patience". I said "Dad I always enjoyed playing with you and my brothers and sisters when we were young". My Mom says to him "that's true, Joe till he became a teenager". Truth was I knew the fundamentals of the game but when I was old enough to go with my Dad, there were only old guys playing. (ewwww no one hot). I asked my Dad if he wanted to come. He said no, he sees Angelo and his Dad at the club all the time, and then adds play good don't embarrass me. Then winks and they both say have a good time when I am leaving. There was a message from Derrick, when I got home. I called him and gave him the Reader's Digest version of the night before and he laughed and said well I have to fill my stable again I lost you and the stud. I laughed and told him I'm sure it won't take long. I showered and got dressed it was still too warm for long pants so I threw on some worn shorts and a take top and threw a hoodie and pair of denims in a bag in case it got cool. I had no clue how long I was going to be there. I was assuming they were the Italians whose big meal was between noon and 12 :30 where as my family ate between 2:30 and 3:30 this way here you got done whatever need be before we ate and relaxed the rest of the day and didn't have to worry about a late meal.

Angelo was sitting on the front steps when I pulled up, he smiled and I started to chub up. I went inside and met his Mom, she asked me if wanted a coffee, ice tea, etc. I told her right now I was fine. She told me how I grew up to be a handsome man, I blushed and she patted my cheek. She said to Angelo make sure we drink we will be in the sun. Angelo asked if she knew when his father is coming back, she had no idea. Evidently he was at Angelo's sister's house something to do with a plumbing issue. Then she said something in Italian to Angelo about Marco (son-in-law), and from what I could figure out the only thing he is good for is giving them grandchildren to put it nicely. When we went out back, I said to Angelo my Italian is rusty but did she say that Marco is only good at. I never finished and he said yes basically his Mom meant fucking.

We went out back, I told him my dad said don't embarrass him. He laughed and asked me if I was that bad. Shrugging, I said I haven't played since I was 16-17 years old. We played 3 games he won two and I the third but I am assuming he let me win. By the 3rd game I was losing interest. He said let me take you for a ride I will show you the jobs I am working on.

It was interesting to some degree Angelo is a foreman over about 25 guys. He has them at different job sites. We went to his trailer, we fooled around a little bit but damn it had to be 95 inside. We decided to grab something to eat. Neither one of us was that hungry, so we split a Pete's sub (Subway now) and went to Indian Wells to eat it. We talked about what we were going to do for the week. I got out of work at 3:15 and he was usually home by 4. I went in for 5:45 for overtime; he had to be at the job sites by 6:15. I asked him if he wanted to spend the weekend or part of the weekend at my place. Angelo said it would have to be Friday, because he had his sons on the Saturday till Sunday afternoon. He asked if that was a problem for me, I said "no why it should be it is not like you are going out on a date or to the bar. I'm glad you are not shirking your responsibility as a Dad". He said "a lot of guys didn't have my attitude". So I said "then I must be the second choice". Angelo grabbed my hand and said "I told you before if I knew you felt this way about me at 14 I would have never gotten married". I just rolled my eyes and said "OK". He grabbed me and kissed me hard and said "I am serious, it's not that I was or am into little kids, it's just that even at 14 you weren't a little kid you were cuuute". I started to roll my eyes and he laughed so hard it was good to hear. I said "if you kissed me then like you just did I would have cum in my pants.

I asked him if he wanted to stop at my place before we went back to his parents and my car. Angelo asked "why"? I answered I don't know maybe to get naked and fool around a little bit. He squeezed my thigh and said "Ok but I thought we weren't going to make this all about the sex". I agreed "but it seems I have been waiting for 14 years, it has to be the longest engagement that I know of". He kissed me again and said "You have been thinking about me for 14 years"? "Well not all the time I was with Derrick for 8 months and there were a couple of other short term things" I answered. I said "I have only been doing this for the past 4 years, like you I thought it would go away that it was a phase. I was 24 the first time someone gave me a blowjob". I then turned to him and said "you have been single for 10 years who have you have doing besides Derrick"? Angelo laughed at my play on words and said "no one really that basically he thinks that Derrick was the first gay guy he was actually with, in the respect that the others were all married or living with a woman (if that was true). The 4 'sleepovers you had how did that work, he said the guy was supposed to be away on business one time and the other couple either hunting or camping. Angelo said this guy and him did go camping once, never again!!!

Angelo wanted to know how close was I to Derrick, (I couldn't tell if it was a jealous thing or just curious). I told him we are like brothers, I get treated better now than the last couple of months of our relationship. I owe him a dinner if this works out between us. Angelo just smiled and said I was getting away cheap. It was getting late and I was getting antsy. It was decided that we were going back to his parents.

His parents were sitting out back on their patio. I said a fast Hello to them and Angelo rushed me up to his room to show me something. Ha-ha-ha. As soon as the door was shut he was on me and I was on his bed. I looked at his childhood room and saw a photo of him from his dairy days. He saw me stare at it and said he would have a copy made if I would like it. I just nodded it brought back all those summer mornings. I asked him if he would like to go to the 'Y' with me, that I worked out Monday thru Friday. He said he goes at night and I said "I can't do nights it is rough for me to get up in the morning". He understood, and said we will work something out. He said he would switch and I didn't want him to, I suggested we keep our lives the way they were for the time being. We made out a little longer than I said a very fast good-bye to his folks and left.

Angelo called me right before 8pm; we talked and planned out the next week or so. He was having a harder time then I was with it, he felt he wasn't spending enough time with me, it didn't bother me. Of course I wanted to see him more, but we weren't two high school kids we both had jobs and responsibilities.

This is what we came up with for the time being he would spend every other weekend sleeping over (at least one night). He would come over 2-3 nights during the week after he worked out. He was going to take me skeet shooting and get me a gun permit. He was also on a bowling team, and wanted me to join (to me like watching paint dry). I only played softball and that was the shop league so he couldn't play and then there was bocce (well we all know how that went), even though my Dad would love it so maybe. Angelo also wanted to include me in things with his two boys, but I told him that should be his time with them alone, to savor this time before their lives get busy as they get older.

We were into this schedule for a few months it was the beginning of November. Angelo has really taken to sleeping with someone. Fortunately his company has work to get them through till February anyway. He is glad he is foreman, he will always work even if it is manual but when he was just a laborer there was always a shot of getting laid off once winter came unless they had a lot of inside jobs. One night while we were in bed spooning, he said to me interest rates are coming down you are spending 155.00 + a month here. If you had a house we could live together and he could help OUT not only remodeling but financially too. As I played with his massive dick, I said "Ok Pop, I will think about it".


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Next: Chapter 5

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