Ethan and Angelo

By JJ Rockwood

Published on Jun 27, 2020


Ethan and Angelo Chapter 7 By JJ [ ]

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This is the final chapter of this story. I want to thank everyone for their great comments and encouragement.

Chapter 7

It is 1997 it has been 10 years since Angelo and I reconnected. Angelo's two sons have grown to be fine young men. The oldest is married with a child on the way. He settled out in Chicago, he has a good professor's job at Loyola University. The youngest just graduated and is living with Angelo's parents which are good for both of them. The ex-wife got married a while back and they have settled in South Carolina I think. Everyone is healthy that is the main thing.

We are still not out, and I'm sure everyone assumes we are because basically it has been 10 years (ha-ha-ha) but we do basically have our own lives. I still play softball and bowl with my shop leagues. Angelo plays softball in an over 40 slow pitch league and still plays bocce with the IA club along with my Dad. They both keep asking me to play (their guys keep getting old). I have filled in a few times, but I get bored to play every week. My Dad is so proud when I do even Angelo shows some pride especially if I don't fuck up.

Angelo is still foreman at the construction company, they have gone through good times and very lean times also, but through it all they kept at least a dozen people employed and Angelo doesn't mind getting his hands dirty and sweating. For myself I have moved around in the shop fortunately getting pay increases along the way. Derrick is doing great; he loves his job and is moving down south. Especially since his Dad passed to be with his Mom. His siblings and their families have virtually disowned him; they won't visit their Mom if they know if he is there. I think he is the most prosperous out of all us. I make sure he isn't alone on any holiday big or small and Angelo has no problem with that. Leo is still a major player and both Angelo and Derrick have said to me are the boyfriends getting younger? I think they are but good for him if he can still pull it off, he is a combo of Hulk Hogan and a Hell's Angel. Max is somewhere on the west coast, still drifting from job to job, Angelo's boss his uncle, just shakes his head.

We aren't doing anything for our ten year anniversary, other than a dinner and maybe heading to Cape May, for 4-5 days. Angelo is going to want to go to Chicago when the first grandchild is born in the fall. We are very lucky we do have a decent life, we are not rich and we live within our means. Angelo and I did get some dining room furniture there was no getting away from it. Once his boys started getting older we couldn't get away with just eating in the kitchen especially if he had his parents over. I luckily would escape to my parents on those occasions. When we were alone and with certain friends and my family we were a couple. But there was a wall there as far as his parents went, I didn't care that was his decision. I think my parents being younger just assumed, where as his parents just thought of us as two bachelors unlucky in finding someone. I use to say to him "you are 52 your parents are in their 70's and you are going to put this on them now it might kill them". I told him "I never said a word to my parents, but they are also 59 and 60, a big difference they are just assuming". Then I said "shit there is 15 years between us you are old enough to be my father". He chased me half way around the block. We had a decent size garden, just for tomatoes and squash, I could not get enough of fried squash flowers. We had fresh tomato salad every night. At the end of the season if there were a lot he would jar them for sauce during the winter months, I would help if there were a lot if not that was his baby. Angelo could never understand, he was the type of person that could eat pasta every day. Whereas I only ate lasagna, ravioli, manicotti, etc. Just to have plain pasta and sauce did not do it for me, still doesn't.

To look at us you would assume that we were two tops, but Angelo loves to get fucked. Angelo was the first to person to top me. I love getting my ass eaten out; he would do such a great job you would crave to help something else put up there other than a tongue. To be honest he killed me with the 9" inches that he had. For me it was not enjoyable, I did it because it was for him. Ha-ha I was grateful he did not want it that often.

The fall was the best time of year for us. Work would be slowing down for him and it would be our chance to get away for weekend vacations. We did spend a lot of time going north to Vermont and New Hampshire. Summers we usually did Cape May in New Jersey.

The years seem to be flying by; his parents are getting older and needing a little more help as far as outdoor things which the both of us help with. I don't mind because we are together. His youngest has settled here and is living with his grandparents which does help, I have been vocal about that he is close to 30 and should be enjoying his youth. He is a lawyer and has a thriving practice.

We are into our 15th year together and things are just as good as they were. In all honesty we don't argue, there may be the occasional disagreement over something. But ever since the big blowup over Max, our relationship has been solid. In fact Leo says we are the most boring couple he knows. We don't have threesomes or foursomes, or an open relationship. Leo says we should get married but the thought of that happening wasn't even considered then.

It was 2004, Angelo was 59, and I was 45.We just celebrated 17 years together as a couple. It has been 34 years since that fateful summer that I went to work with him. It was a warm September day it was a Wednesday as a matter of fact. When I got home from work Angelo's son was waiting for me. The young man of 29 looked like he was 39. I asked "what's up, your Dad should be home soon, come on in for a beer or something". He just nodded and followed me into the house, I turned around and he was crying. I asked "what's wrong". I assumed maybe his grandparents. He said "I'm sorry it is Dad, he's gone". Everything stopped. He stayed for a while and he called Derrick and my parents, he had to get back to his grandparents

I kept thinking Ethan wake up, wake up this is a dream but it wasn't. My Dad was there, and then Leo showed up, I had no idea what or how it happened. My Dad and Mom stopped at Angelo's parents before he came over he had left my Mom with them. What had happened was that Angelo suffered a major heart attack, what they refer to as a 'widow maker'; he was gone even before they finished calling 911. I was numb, I couldn't understand it he had yearly physicals there was never anything out of the ordinary.

Everything was a blur, I was in the background, and I had nothing to do with the arrangements. His parents took care of everything. The boys were very considerate, they had figured out years before what our relationship was and it didn't bother them. The only thing they had insisted on was they bought a 3-plot grave. I was told that it was for me if I wanted to be buried with him.

I mourned and cried by myself. At the wake and funeral I was with my parents, Leo and Derrick flew up from Florida. Luckily having a lawyer for a son Angelo had a will, in fact I had even done one just in case. With that his son told me if any of his uncles or his father's friends showed up looking for anything as far as tools or what not tell them to contact him. The son is a hell of a lawyer and I have used him a quite a few times over the years.

Angelo had provided for me, his two sons, and grandchildren. The sons and I were in charge of giving out whatever we didn't want as far as his tools and what not. It is 16 years later I am still in the same house, my parents have passed, and Angelo's parents have passed. The youngest lives in his grandparent's house it is hard to believe he is 45 years old. We talk every week and see each other a couple of times a month. The oldest is still in Chicago the father of 4 now. I do see him if he comes out to visit his brother. Derrick is still in Florida his Mom also has passed. He still worked for the same company until he retired this past December.

I have floated in and out of relationships over the past years. Derrick and I have done a lot of traveling, haven't made it to Europe (now with the Corona who knows when), but we have visited every gay mecca in this country. I am 62 now, and was lucky enough to retire a few years back. That is my story in a nutshell. Thanks for listening.


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