Ethan And Me - Gay/High School

By moc.liamykcul@xelykcul

Published on Apr 8, 2010



Ethan And Me by Lucky Lex

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to any person, place or written works are purely coincidental. It may contain consensual sex between young men. Do not read if you find that objectionable or if it is illegal for you to view this content for whatever reason.

Please do not post, copy or use this story in any manner without my permission.

The characters in this story practise unprotected sex. Please be aware that this is VERY dangerous in today's world and should not be indulged in unless you are in a monogamous relationship and trust your partner implicitly.

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It was a Friday at the beginning of September, just a few days into the new school year and today would come one of my most dreaded moments of the school year. The annual school medical took place in the headmaster's office and was usually carried out by the school doctor, Doctor Forest. He was a kindly old man and had been a local General Practitioner for as long as anybody could remember. This year, however, word had got about that the old boy had retired and his place had been taken by a new guy.

In order to cover themselves in case of allegations of impropriety, the school insisted that one of the schoolmasters be present at every examination and they took it in turns to sit in whenever they had a free period. Schoolmistresses, however, were exempted from this duty as this was a boys' school with six hundred and forty students aged between eleven and nineteen. In my opinion this is the most interesting time in a chap's physical development.

I'd never had a problem in the past with old Doctor Forest, but the grapevine was saying that this new doctor was a hunky young guy, and as I am gay I wasn't sure how my love tackle would react if he was a looker.

The new school year brought with it a reshuffle of pupils according to ability and there were a number of boys in my form now that I had never really known before. One of these was an Irish lad named Ethan Killian. A raven-haired pale-skinned beauty with a slim but firm build and, from what I could see in the showers after gym lessons, a fair-sized package with a healthy black bush above it.

For the medical, a screen was placed just inside the headmaster's study door behind which we undressed, keeping only our underpants on. While one boy was with the doctor, a second was undressing and a third would enter when the previous victim exited. Thus there were always three boys behind the screen. One dressing, one undressing and one waiting. Billy Franks was in front of me and Ethan was in front of him, so as I entered the study, Billy was stripping off and Ethan was with the doctor. Anton Sellers had just seen the doctor and was now dressing. "Watch it out there, Hornsby," Anton said, "Old Stevenson's duty master. He was almost salivating when I dropped my boxers."

Stevenson (or `Rocket' as we boys were wont to call him) was in his fifties and obviously gay. He wasn't just camp, he just couldn't hide his lust when faced with a classroom full of teenage boys.

"Just my bloody luck," I whispered back to Sellers.

By the way, did I tell you? I'm Brian Hornsby. Fourteen years old, a mad keen swimmer (so I'm pretty fit), and averagely endowed in the penis department but with a couple of juicy, low-hanging balls that seemed to make an ocean of love juice daily. I should also tell you that I am uncut, as is normal in England ... oh, and I'm always hard -- `Horny Hornsby' I'm often known as.

Anton left and I started to undress as Billy's name was called, and Ethan came back behind the screen to get dressed. I noticed that he was blushing furiously and then I noticed the tent in his briefs. "Shit, what rotten luck," I said, praying that this wouldn't set me off.

"Yea, that fucking perv Stephenson couldn't keep his eyes off me"

"What's the new doc like?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Young, and he's got bloody cold hands." Ethan said with a grin as he pulled on his trousers. We chatted as Ethan continued to dress and as he left and the next boy came in, I heard my name called and went into the body of the study.

Ethan was right, the new doc was young. He was also drop-dead gorgeous with a killer smile.

"Brian Hornsby?" He asked. I nodded.

"OK then, Brian, I'm going to listen to your chest and back first, then I'll check your eyes and ears and then, I'm afraid, I'm going to get a little more intimate before I check your feet.

"OK doctor," I said, casting a glance at Mr Stevenson, who was giving me his full attention, his lips pursing and his eyes gleaming. The doc checked out my chest and back using his stethoscope, then he looked into my eyes with a torch-like instrument, then made me read an eye chart before checking my ears out with a similar object.

"All in order there," he said. Now I'd like you to drop your underpants, please."

I said a silent prayer and slipped my boxers down to my ankles. The doctor looked carefully at my love tackle and then said, "OK, now for the embarrassing bit," He took my balls into his left hand and said, "Now turn your head to the side and cough, please" I coughed and heard a slight moan from Pervy Stephenson, which he tried to cover up with a cough of his own, The doctor looked at him with an exasperated expression. "Must be catching," he said irritably." Mr Stephenson quickly looked away as the doc said, "OK, Brian, now turn your back to me and bend over, please." I did as I was asked and the doc gently prised my cheeks apart to get a good look at my love chute. Ethan was right, he did have cold hands.

"OK Brian, you can pull your pants up now." The Doc said as I felt my cock beginning to firm up. I complied quickly and turned back to face him, trying to will Little Brian not to get any harder. "I think I can give you a clean bill of health," he said, much to my relief. "That's it for another year, thank you."

"Thank you Doctor" I said as I went back behind the screen to find my best mate and jerk-off buddy John Baker entering.

"What's he like?" John asked.

"Pretty hot, John," I replied, "But old pervy Stephenson is in there with him."

John laughed, "I might give him something worth watching then." He said.

I should tell you that John is a lot more extrovert and daring than me, and he really leads old man Stephenson on, fluttering his eyelashes and wiggling his butt at him. I keep telling him to be careful, but he's incorrigible, so I just laughed and got dressed before John could comment about the bulge in my boxers.

Of course, regular lessons had been suspended while the medicals were going on, so our form were stationed in the library, and when I got there, there was an empty seat next to Ethan and he beckoned to me to join him.

"How did you get on?" he asked.

"Clean bill of health from the doc," I said, "but old Stephenson nearly shot his load when I dropped my pants."

"Same here," Ethan said, laughing. "Probably even more so when he saw I was hard."

"Yea, how come that happened?" I asked.

"Doesn't it happen to you?" He asked, blushing.

"All the time. It almost happened in there, but I managed to hold it off."

"Yea, that doc's quite something, isn't he?" Ethan asked, then suddenly looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. "No, I didn't mean it like that." He said. "I just meant ... well, ... well, ..."

"Well what?" I asked, knowing I had caught him out.


"Let the cat out of the bag, haven't you?" I remarked.

"Please don't tell anyone, Hornsby, please!" He whispered.

"My friends call me Brian." I said.

"What? You still want to be my friend?" He asked incredulously.

"Umm ... let me think." I said.

"I'll tell you what ... a blow job will ensure my silence."

"You want me to give you a blow job?" Ethan asked.

"No," I replied, placing my hand on his cock, "I want to give you one."

"What!!" he almost shouted.

"SSShhhhh." I said.

"You mean you're ... you're ..."

"I think the word you're looking for is `gay' I said, but homo, fag, queer, cocksucker or poof will do equally well, and yes, I am." I said.

"Fantastic." Ethan said, placing his hand on mine and squeezing it."

"Why don't you come over to my place after school? Mum and Dad run a bar, so they'll be working all evening and we'll have the place to ourselves except for my kid sister, and she knows all there is to know about me."

"That would be great." Ethan said.

"Maybe you could call your folks and ask if you could stay over." I suggested.

"Even better." Ethan said, taking his hand off mine and placing it on my stiffening cock. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you a little better." He said, giving me a gentle squeeze, which I returned as the bell rang to change lessons.

As I got to the school gate that evening I was delighted to see Ethan waiting there for me. As he fell into step beside me he said, "Brian, I just want to make sure we both know where we're going with this. We're getting together to have some fun which will probably include sex of some sort. Is that right?"

I grinned and raised my eyebrows. "Whatever you say." I replied.

"No, seriously, Brian. I want us both to understand what might happen."

"OK, Ethan," I said, "Yes, we're going to spend the evening, and hopefully the night together and we're going to get our rocks off together in one way or another. No strings attached, no comeback, no tittle-tattle, just between us. Is that what you mean?"

Ethan grinned. "Sounds good to me." He said. We walked on in companionable silence until we got to my home, which was above the bar that my parents ran together. As we walked into the bar my Dad raised the counter flap so we could go through.

"Dad, this is Ethan. We're going to do our homework together and then play on the computer. Is it OK if he stays the night?"

"Of course it is, as long as it's OK with his parents."

"Thanks Mr Hornsby," Ethan said. I'll try to check with my Mum about staying the night."

"Great." Dad said. "Mum's upstairs making your tea, and then she's coming back down to work. You know how busy we can get on a Friday night."

"OK Dad," I said. "See you later."

"Hold Up," shouted a voice as we were about to go upstairs.

"Hi John, come on up." I said as I spotted my best mate.

John followed us upstairs. "John, this is Ethan."

"Hi Ethan," said John, "I think I saw you at school today."

"Yea, I'm in Brian's form this year." Ethan replied.

"Ethan's here for the evening and he may stay the night if his parents agree." I said.

"Well actually, it's just my mum." Ethan said. "I never knew who my dad was." There was an awkward silence. "Hey, it's no big deal," Ethan said. Me and Mum are OK on our own."

"Er ... Brian, I just need a pee." John said.

"Well, you know where it is." I said. "Do you want me to come and hold your hand?"

"It's not my hand I'm worried about." John said as he disappeared.

"Umm ... are you and John ... ummm ..." Ethan ventured.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. John's my best mate, but he's straight." I replied. "We just ... well, help each other out sometimes. He knows that I'm gay and he's cool with it."

"Oh, great. I was beginning to wonder ... ..."

"Oh no, it's just you and me tonight." I assured him.

"Oh, yes, I see." John said with a smirk as he came back into the room.

"I thought you'd gone for a pee." I said.

"Your Mum's in the loo." He replied.

Ethan was looking like a startled kitten. "Hey, it's OK, Ethan," John said. "I know all about Brian, and if you're OK with this it's no business of mine, and I know how to keep my mouth shut."

"Thanks John," Ethan said, "I'm fine with it, but I don't want to come between the two of you."

"Ethan, no man is big enough to come between Brian and me." John said, punching my shoulder.

Our conversation was halted by Mum coming into the room. "Hello darling," she said to me and gave me the usual peck on the cheek. "And who's this?"

"Mum, this is Ethan. He's in my form this year and I thought it would be nice to get to know him. He's going to stay the night if that's OK with his mum."

"Hello, Ethan," Mum said. "I'm very pleased to meet you. Maybe you'll become as much a fixture as this little bugger here." She added, pinching John's cheek.

"Now then, mother Hornsby," John replied, giving Mum his special name for her. "Anybody would think I was always here."

"Aren't you?" she asked as she walked towards the stairs. "There's a shepherds pie in the oven and there's plenty for all of you if you're staying, John."

"No thanks Ma Hornsby, I'm off in a few minutes." John called after her. "I wouldn't want to play gooseberry to these two." He added sotto voce, grinning at us.

As John followed Mum down the stairs Ethan turned to me and said, "He was only here for a few minutes. Why do you think he came?"

"Well, John and I look after one another. He probably spotted us leaving school together and as he didn't recognise you he was probably just checking that everything was OK, especially as I'm gay. He probably wanted to make sure that you weren't a queer basher."

Ethan looked annoyed as he asked, "Well, how does he know that I'm not?"

"John's a very good judge of character and from the way he reacted I think he's taken a liking to you, and it's as though he's given us his seal of approval."

"Oh, and you think you need that?" Ethan asked tersely.

"No, not at all. But it's nice to know that my best mate approves of the person who might become the new guy in my life." I replied.

Ethan's look softened as he asked, "Am I that? Am I the new guy in you life?"

"Let's see how tonight goes and I'll let you know." I said with a smile as I pulled him to me and slipped off his jacket, then I pulled him even closer and kissed him gently on the lips.

Ethan caught his breath then returned the kiss, pressing against my closed lips with his tongue. I resisted briefly, but after a few seconds I opened up to him and we French kissed long and hard. Long and hard also described the state of my cock and as I pulled him yet closer to me, I could feel that he was in the same state. I broke the kiss and wordlessly pulled him into my bedroom and laid him face up on my bed. I knelt to untie his shoes and slipped them off, pulling his socks off afterwards.

I lay down next to him and kissed his face as I one-handedly unbuttoned his school shirt and ran my hand lightly over his chest. His nipples were raised and firm. Next I slid down and undid his belt then unzipped his trousers, and then I stood and pulled them off, his pale blue briefs coming half way with them, but his erection stopping them from coming off completely. I stood and looked down at him as I slowly unbuttoned and removed my shirt. Then as I unbuckled my trousers I saw a dark spot beginning to form on his briefs, and once I got my trousers off I revealed that my boxers were similarly wet. I stood for a few seconds and gazed down on him. "What are you looking at?" Ethan asked.

"You." I replied. "You have an amazing body, Ethan." I told him.

"How so?" he asked.

"Your hair is so black, yet your body is so white." I replied.

"I hate my body." He said, frowning. "I'd love to be a tanned hunk like you, but I've only got to sit in the sun for half an hour and I look like a boiled lobster."

"Then it's a good job we don't all like the same thing, isn't it?" I said, reaching down and lightly rubbing the increasingly damp bulge in his briefs. Ethan moaned. He reached up and grasped the hem of the legs of my boxers and tugged. They came half way down pulling my cock straight out in front of me. He then reached up and grasped the waistband, pulling it outwards and down, and revealing my rock hard tool which snapped upright again, hitting my stomach with a satisfying `thwack'.

"Be-au-ti-ful." Ethan said slowly. A string of precum hung from my slit and gradually lengthened until it dropped on to Ethan's leg.

I reached down a scooped it on to my finger, but before I could raise it to my lips Ethan leaned forwards and engulfed my finger in his mouth, looking up at me with those big brown eyes under those beautiful black eyebrows.

"Nectar," he said, reaching up and encircling my erection with his delicate, long, pale fingers and pulling me towards him. His other hand reached around and cupped my left buttock, squeezing it gently before moving on to my crack and running his finger up and down. More precum emerged from my cock and Ethan leaned forwards again, taking my glans into his mouth.

I almost collapsed, but managed to stay upright until Ethan let my cock go and pulled me down on top of him. The front of his briefs was soaking by this time, but that didn't stop me from grabbing his hard tool through the material before clutching his waistband and pulling his briefs down to his knees. Ethan shuffled around until he managed to kick them off, and then there was noting between us except lots and lots of precum.

I slid off Ethan and lay beside him, thrusting my cock into his left hip and grasping his cock with my left hand. I began the rhythmic up and down motion that we're all so familiar with and Ethan looked at me with a lascivious smile. I could feel this glans beginning to swell, and as the skin got tighter so I saw that it began to shine, and Ethan began to pant rhythmically.

I continued to stroke him and his breathing soon became irregular. He began thrusting upwards, moaning the word `yes' over and over again until he shot his ample load over his chest and stomach, and over my hand and arm.

Totally spent, Ethan collapsed and lay there semi-conscious with a satisfied grin on his face, He looked absolutely beautiful and I drank in his appearance, his fragrance and his vibrancy which was evident, even in this semi-soporific state.

I must have drifted off into a little world of my own as I flinched when I felt Ethan's hand wrap itself around my balls. I've always been very sensitive in that area.

"Sorry Brian," he whispered.

"No, it's fine." I said. "I just wasn't expecting it."

"Your balls fascinate me." Ethan said, "Or really, I suppose, it's your ball sack. It lets them hang really low. It's beautiful."

His hand left my balls and took hold of my cock, beginning to pull the foreskin back revealing my glans which was purple with passion. "Be careful, Ethan." I said, "I'm pretty close to cumming."

"Tell you what," he said. "I'll get you off now, and then you'll last longer next time."

"Next time?" I asked as he closed his lips around my cock and he slid right down to the very root. I could already feel the juices gathering, ready to erupt. Ethan lifted off slightly and I felt his tongue caressing my head. He had a rougher tongue than I'd expected, rather like a kitten's. It hadn't felt like that when we were frenching earlier. That was my last thought before I erupted into Ethan's mouth and then collapsed on the bed. Ethan bent over to kiss me and I tasted my own love juice in his mouth.

"Your juice is pretty sweet." Ethan said.

"Oh, and you're a connoisseur?" I asked.

"No!! Well, not exactly." He replied. "I've only tasted my own before and ... and ..."

"And who else's?" asked.

"Kevin's." He said, embarrassed.

"And who is Kevin?" I asked.

"Hmmm ... well ... I suppose Kevin is my version of your John. He's my best mate. He's straight like John but ... well ..."

"You help one another out." I Said.

"Yeah." Ethan replied. "But Kevin doesn't hold a candle to you."

Ethan's mother agreed that he could stay the night, and many nights thereafter. After that first time, we never had sex again, but we did make love -- hundreds and hundreds of times. Occasionally we get together with John or Kevin for a threesome; or even an occasional foursome, but I enjoy it most when there's just Ethan and me, and I hope and pray it will always be so.

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