Europe with Spartacus

By Bill Jonners

Published on Jan 17, 2020


The story is written in collaboration with my friend Fred in Norway and is completely fictional. Ivar is a youngster of the writer's imagination, and so are the men he meets on his `educational journey'.

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Europe with Spartacus

Chapter 14

French Riviera (1975)

Ivar felt like a star when Ken drove the red open-top sports car out of Nice. They were going west and Ken had three choices: the highway, the old main road or the coastal road. He wanted to show Ivar the Mediterranean landscape and the beautiful coast so he chose the slower, coastal road even though it could be very crowded from time to time, and often a nightmare for a foreign driver.

Ivar had used the lunch break to read the relevant pages in his Spartacus Guide, not exclusively of gay interest, but Ken had promised that he should be able to visit most places during the next two days.

"Read out your list, Viking!" Ken loved to have Ivar close. His hand touched the boy's knee and upper leg every time he changed gear. The whole event - the sun, his partly-naked body, and Ken's touching - made Ivar horny. He'd had no real sex, only a suck and wank earlier that day. Now his cock was tenting the tight shorts.

"The Provençal Farmers' Market and the Picasso museum in Antibes," Ivar read. "The famous Croisette, plus the Film Institute, and Europe's oldest gay pub Zanzibar, all in Cannes." He went on. "The Roman Theatre in Frejus, and perhaps Brigitte Bardot's beach in St. Tropez."

"Hold on, Norwegian! I have only two days. I promised Henrik to be back in Paris in three days. He's damn jealous because you fucked me!" Ken looked at the boy with hair like a cloud in the wind.

Ivar just grinned. "And I want to visit one of the red beaches between Cannes and Saint Raphael," he said. "I hope we can find a naturist one! I would love to swim naked in the salt water here. And I dream about hot sex with you on the sand!" Ivar touched Ken's bulge.

"Okay, babe. We will visit Antibes and Cannes today. The Croisette -- the beach promenade -- is a sight in the evening. Many of the beaches in the Massif des Maures -- the red mountains as your guidebook calls the area - sit in shadows in the afternoon so we will go there tomorrow, and I want a lot of nude pictures in the wilderness around there!" Ken let his hand rest close to Ivar's crotch. The lad moved closer to his French-Canadian companion.

"You're the boss. I love all you are offering me. Just hope I can give you some joy in return!" Ivar combed his hair with his fingers.

"You do, all the time, but feel free to live your own life. You are real bait and there's a lot of hunters around!" Ken used two fingers to squeeze Ivar's leftie.

"Biot!" Ivar pointed at the sign indicating right. "There is a famous glass-mill there with very special glassware."

"You know the area better than me. We may drop in on the return journey tomorrow." Ken changed gear and the car speeded up. The traffic was less heavy now and they would soon reach Antibes. Just before changing lane for the city centre Ken turned left for a huge fortress.

"I hope to take some nude shots here, Ivar! And I want the skyline of Antibes and the harbour with the luxurious yachts as a background." After Ken had parked the car, he hurried up the hill carrying a single camera.

"Did you know that Emperor Napoleon was a prisoner here in Fort Carré?" Ivar asked as he looked down on Ken. He had spurted upstairs while Ken was breathing heavily. "But how can you shoot nude pictures here with all the visitors around?

"I have an idea. My Cannes' colleague told me yesterday. But let's take some shirtless photos first. The sun is coming in from your left. Push your shorts a bit lower and the shadow will emphasise your nice bulge." Ken worked even though some tourists stopped and took some pictures of Ivar as well.

"Come with me. We'll try something illegal!" Ken grinned and pressed his body through a hole in the fence. The small roofless room had walls on three sides and a marvellous view to the Antibes skyline behind the city walls.

"Hurry up. Strip off before somebody finds us!" The naked Ivar knew what to do. He placed his naked body with his back to Ken, then he lifted his arms as if he was worshipping the sun and the sea.

"Great Ivar, superb. You think you can manage to stay flaccid for once? I will shoot a full frontal too." Ken watched Ivar turn around. His cock wasn't flaccid, but the half-hard version would be good in a photoset he hadn't told Ivar about yet.

"Close your eyes, boss." Ivar commanded. Ken hesitated. "Go on, don't be nervous!" Ken did as he was told. Ivar, still naked, went up to Ken and stripped him of his city-shorts and underwear before he knelt in front of him.

"Take a photo while I suck you, please. A nice souvenir for me of Antibes." Ivar took Ken's half-hard dick between his lips. A short time later and the man was fully erect. Ivar placed Ken's cockhead in front of his wet lips; a perfect picture.

"You should have been a porn-star," Ken commented.

"You know a porn company? Some around here?" Ivar was curious.

"Ask my colleague tonight, Ivar! He knows the market. Let's leave now, eh?" Ken hesitated as if he was waiting for something.

"Hands on the stone wall. Bend over!" Ivar took command again. He spat in his palm and worked the spit into Ken's arse. Then he licked his fingers and opened his boss.

Ten minutes later Ivar sent his jizz deep inside Ken's body. Then he turned him around and took care of his cock. He soon received a huge load of man-cream and swallowed every single drop.

"It's a shame we didn't have the stand for the camera." Ivar said. "We could have taken some pictures of me fucking you here in the fortress."

"You should end this silly backpack trip and come with me back to Paris, Ivar. Maybe we could persuade Henrik to make a porn movie and be rich!" Ken grinned.

"Has he ever done such a thing?" Ivar asked.

"No, but we have never had a porn-star like you in our house either! But dress now, baby, before we get arrested here. Maybe the hidden cameras are working!" He pointed at some rusty screws at the top of the wall.

"I'm sorry that the farmers' market is closed for the day, but we will stop for a beer soon." The pair walked through the old gate and headed for the front of the Picasso Museum.

"I want a shirtless photo here, and one down by the sea, and then I hope we could take a swim in the sheltered beach a little further along. I trust you brought a swimsuit. It's a family beach, you know!" Ken grinned.

"I guess I could swim naked here. I am just a kid after all. You have even shaved my pubic hair, and I only have dry cummings!" Ivar was very aroused. He felt like a prince.

"You'd better wait until tomorrow. We'll try to find a nude beach then." Ken bought beers after the shirtless shots. Again some tourists took private photos.

"You have some interest in Pablo Picasso?" Ken changed the topic of conversation.

"I have; he's my favourite artist," Ivar replied. "He has a huge picture on one of the walls at the Government Headquarters in Oslo, carved in concrete by a Norwegian artist. And I wrote my final high school paper about the civil war in Spain starting with Picasso's painting `Guernica.'

"Wow!" Ken said. This Ivar, the dancing and fucking Viking prince, seemed to have a very serious academic side too.

"Let's go to the beach now!" Ivar said. They had passed through the rather small Picasso collection. Ken shot plenty of pictures on the street balcony overlooking the beach, and later some photos on the top of the city wall.

It was early evening when the red sports car tried to find a parking spot in the centre of Cannes. "With accreditation only," the sign said.

"We can park here?" Ivar was suddenly the law-abiding youngster from the small Norwegian town well-known for parking tickets.

"I'll go and look for my colleague. You wait with the car, babe!" Ken grinned and left. Half an hour later he was back with a bearded man in his fifties.

"Please meet the king of the paparazzi," Ken said as he pushed the man forward. "Meet my model and lover!" Ivar blushed and looked down, then he found the arriving man's warm and smiling eyes.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Ivar was very formal, and was met very formally too. "Neither model nor lover!" he added. "But Ken takes good care of me; and I am very happy to be here in Cannes."

"How did you get the accreditation, Will?" Ken looked at the man's access card.

"I fucked for it!" The man called Will grinned. "Let's find the best pizza in town. That's what you wanted, wasn't it? Then we can plan your night in Cannes." Will was in front when they reached the western side of the harbour. They were welcomed in a huge Italian restaurant with a nice view to the yacht harbour and the Film Institute.

"You are familiar with the film festival, young man?" Will slowed down the eating.

"Yeah, I follow the show on tv every year, but I don't know so much about international films. Most of the news reports are about an actress stripping or something," Ivar said with a grin.

"That's Will's job!" Ken thumped the man's shoulder. "He both creates and reports for the tabloids."

"You know, Ivar, very few movies are shown in the main building over there. It's more like a presentation centre. The new movies are shown all over town, some in big theatres and others in small saloons." Will talked with his hands and body. "I know of an interesting show tonight in one of the small salons. I took Ken there yesterday and he thought it would be of interest to you too."

"What's the theme?" Ivar was curious.

"Nudity in mainstream European movies," Will replied without emotion. "Not only gay stories, but a lot of cute actors on screen. Ken told me you are a good performer yourself!"

"Well, that has to be his judgement, but I would love to go with you, sir." Ivar was still very formal.

"Okay, but we have work to do first!" Ken erupted. "We'll start with some shirtless shots on the broad stairs to the Film Institute. If it's not too dark, I would then like to take pictures of you along the Croisette. I think they run the light-organ with changing colours tonight. I would like to make an experiment."

Ivar felt like an exhibitionist when he entered the stairs in nothing but his tight red shorts. People stopped at the square below. "A lady told another that you were a Swedish actor!" Ken grinned when he spoke to Ivar afterwards. "Maybe you have a twin out there!"

"I have Swedish hair!" Ivar combed his hair with both hands. The blond hair had turned light yellow in the Mediterranean sunshine. Ivar didn't see this, but Will, the paparazzi, continued to take pictures all the time.

"We'll try a fully nude one now!" Ken said. "Please sit on the wall watching the beach and then take off your shorts. I will shoot from behind. I don't think people will mind. Not too many around."

Ivar was not comfortable, as some screaming girls hurried by. Then he saw Will shooting from the beach with his zoom lens. Ivar closed his eyes, moaned and wanked his semi-hard cock long enough for the paparazzi to focus and take a few photos. Ken threw Ivar the shorts. "Crazy Viking!" he said.

"But a very hot one!" Will added. He was beside them now.

"Too dark for my camera now," Ken said. "I have to find a telephone box and have a chat with Henrik before he grows crazy. I will see you after the movie-show. Will is happy to escort you!" Ken squeezed his colleague's left buttock.

"But I'm not dressed for a movie-theatre," Ivar said. He was still wearing his posing shorts and just a cut-off t-shirt.

"You are perfectly dressed, young man! Let's take a walk through the Institute first. They have a tremendous collection of movie posters and there is a great view from the roof garden." Will put a hand on Ivar's shoulder and let him enter the huge building.

"What's your favourite movie genre?" Will asked when they entered the exhibition area.

"As a kid I watched all the Western movies that came to our small cinema, but nowadays I prefer crime and horror, like most youngsters I guess." Ivar stopped in front of a group of posters from Hitchcock's movies. "Psycho is my absolute favourite!"

"Movies are more political these days!" said Will. They stopped in front of a poster from the 1975 winner; a film about the Algerian war. "Ken told me you had met some tough young students in Paris, so you know the subject."

"I did, but mostly l I felt sorry for them." Ivar did not want to complain.

"But now for the entertainment! Let's hurry." The man touched Ivar's buttocks.

The contrast between the Croisette and the darker back streets was great. A small sign on the old building just said BIO. The pair went inside using a side-door and Will just showed his card to a security guard. The salon was dark, the movie was about to start. It was a small theatre, perhaps fifty seats, and most of the seats were double, like small couches. Will chose a double seat on one of the rear rows. Ivar was able to look around now after his eyes had become used to the dim light. There were probably ten viewers, mostly mature men, but some accompanied by younger guys. In front of them was a well-dressed lady and a very dark youngster.

The show started with clips from German movies and then went on to French classic films. Ivar recognised some beautiful young French actors. He had been aroused since the nude posing at the beach; and now his cock struggled inside the tight shorts. He had to spread his legs and try to adjust his bulge.

"Please let me help you," Will whispered. "Come closer!" Ivar moved without looking at the man. He concentrated on watching two youngsters swimming nude in a pond while a man was pretending to wank in the shadow. An adult hand squeezed Ivar's cock and balls. He was really excited, thinking about Trym, his mate at home, and their fantasy about wanking each other in the local cinema. Their only action had been secret touching.

"Please play with me, sir. I'm damn horny!" Ivar whispered.

"I know, kid. I am too. Let me undress you." Will started to pull down Ivar's tight shorts. He looked around. Nobody could see them. The coloured man in front had his head in the lady's lap. Ivar couldn't see his head. It was covered by her skirt, while her gloved hand had opened his front and was jerking his huge black cock.

Ivar helped Will to pull his shorts down. The wet cock pointed upwards and wanted service. Still without looking at the man Ivar found his zip and pulled it down. Will helped by opening the belt and freeing his own weapon. Now Ivar had to turn away from the screen. He looked at the bearded man who smiled a broad and inviting smile.

"Please help yourself, kid!" He put a hand behind Ivar's head and forced him down on the waiting man-cock; a hairy, male-smelling man-cock. Ivar felt his own cock pumping. He knew that if he couldn't cool down he would send his cream over the inviting fellow beside him. A roar from the screen, a man got his cock cut off in an Italian movie; that was enough distraction to help Ivar stop his ejaculation. Ivar dived into Will's lap and gave him a short and hard suck. The man was not too difficult to please. His cock was long and thin, and Ivar gave him a taste of his speciality, a real throat-fuck.

Ivar turned his attention to the movie again. They showed some teasers from a movie called Caligula. Ivar had read that the film was banned and had to be re-made. Will pulled off Ivar's t-shirt. The Norwegian lad was naked now, except for his trainers. Will bent down and found Ivar's nipples. He bit them hard. The boy's roars were hardly heard above the sound from the crazy movie.

"Please ride me, boy. Do it now. Come on, I'll help you. Spit on my cock!" Will turned Ivar around and used his fingers to open him. He used spit to prepare the boy-cunt and then he lifted Ivar from the seat, spread his legs, and helped him sit down, taking the cock deep inside. Ivar cried again, but the sound from the screen was drowning his yell. He felt Will come from behind and use one hand to play with his nipples. The other hand jerked his cock that had softened a bit after the dry penetration. The pain changed soon to heat.

"I wish I could piss!" Ivar thought. To be wanked by an older man while pissing had been a real turn-on for the lad who had been followed to the bathroom in Copenhagen every morning by his old host. Just the thought made his cock fully hard again, and he started to ride Will, who kissed and bit his shoulders, his neck and his hair from behind. On the screen Caligula fucked his sisters. That was not a turn-on for Ivar but the eight naked slaves around had god-like bodies and big dicks. Ivar knew he was reaching an orgasm. Suddenly he looked down at the couple in front of him. The black youngster was spitting his boy-milk all over the lady's gloved hand. His head was bobbing up and down as he tongue-fucked his female companion. The lady looked at the dripping hand for some seconds and then licked the spunk as if it was candy.

"I have to... I have to..!" Ivar squeezed his arse-muscles. Will used two fingers to try and close the foreskin but it was no use. He had to cup his other hand for the load that was shooting from the horny youngster. Ivar moaned again and again. His orgasm was not a fake. The young black man in front showed his face now, and gave Ivar a white smile. He showed off his tongue as if the was licking something. Ivar took the signal and played with the jizz in Will's hand before he licked it with pleasure.

Ivar heard Will's breathing and wheezing, and he felt that he was pounding him from below now. Both of them had more to give. Ivar turned around, and let Will penetrate him again. With his knees on the sofa beside the man's hips, Ivar fucked him with his tight boy-cunt. The movie was about to finish, the music was coming to a crescendo when Will sent his huge man-load deep into the visiting Viking, who responded with a second cumming and soaked the man's shirt and beard. The movie showed the end credits when the two hugged tight.

"Do you have to go back to Nice tonight?" Will asked Ken when they met outside the Film Institute.

"I have to, but I know Ivar would like to see the Zanzibar, so…" Ken started. "Ivar may stay overnight by me, if he wants to. You plan to go further west tomorrow, you told me. Can't you pick him up from me tomorrow morning?" Will was eager for more action.

"What do you say, Ivar? Maybe Will would like to show you more than just a movie?" Ken grinned. "He loves to play nude in his pool, and he is very fond of young flesh!"

Ivar blushed and did not know what to say. He could not turn Will down but he loved Ken's company too.

"I think I'd prefer to go back to our hotel and find a change of clothes. Couldn't we both meet you tomorrow night, sir? I would love to see your home." Ivar smiled at Will.

"Good idea, boy!" Will answered. He looked at Ken. "Can't you just take a nightcap with me in the bar. You will probably find some coffee for yourself, Ken. You have to drive safe, you know." He patted Ivar's butt. The case was settled.

"You probably know that Zanzibar is the oldest gay bar in France, maybe in all Europe!" Will stated when they reached the rather anonymous looking building.

"Opened in 1885!" Ivar remarked. He knew his Spartacus Guide. "Interesting that men could meet here, while gayness still was criminalised in other parts of Europe."

"But strange today here in Cannes!" Will continued. "Mostly older men come here with younger partners. The youngsters party together at the discos and clubs. In our androgynous world there are not the same need for gay bars."

Ivar was not in the mood for arguing, even if he had seen the need for places for gay people in many cities already. Now he just followed the local man into a smoke-filled, dimly-lit, brown bar. Many eyes followed the three new guests. Ivar thought he was being undressed by the looks he received and blushed next to Ken who had put an arm around his hips.

Two beers and a shot later and Ivar was turning into his bar mode, dancing in front of the jukebox. A black youngster came up to him; the guy from the cinema. "Hey amigo!" He lifted his hand for a high-five, and Ivar responded appropriately. Ken and Will were in some discussion by the bar. "Hot show in the cinema just now!" He grinned. "How much did he pay you?"

"Paid?" Ivar was one big question. "I wasn't paid, I'm not a…call boy! Just a tourist!"

"Okay, okay. Sorry, amigo! All the boys here are paid you see, more or less! Hanging around the `money'." He grinned again.

"You too? The lady wasn't your girlfriend?" Ivar made himself seem more stupid than he was.

"I'm a gigolo. I'm the best around." He grinned even more. His beautiful white teeth were a contrast to his dark-brown skin and black curly hair.

"But why are you here at a gay bar then?" Ivar whispered. Some older men had started to show interest in the odd couple.

"Easier money!" The young man smiled. "The old chicks pay well, but they want to own your soul. And my soul is not for sale, only my cock and my ass; the cock for a girl and my ass for a rich man. You see, white boy?"

"But what if you fell in love?" Ivar asked the boy who now danced body to body with the Norwegian visitor.

"I never fell in love, honey. I love myself!" He grabbed his crotch with both hands.

"I need to have a piss! Too much beer." Ivar stopped.

"I'll follow you!" The black guy pushed Ivar into the toilets and jammed a wooden stick under the door to keep it locked. Then he placed himself beside Ivar. "You want some service?" He looked at Ivar's stiff cock while rolling out his own dick.

"Wank me please, while I piss!" Ivar said. "How much?"

"Free for you, amigo. Free if you give me your white juice too!" The lad grabbed Ivar's cock just when the yellow stream started. Ivar answered by squeezing the other youngster's hanging balls and half-hard cock.

Minutes later some white drops of cum followed the yellow stream down into the old trough. The black guy licked his fingers. "Thanks for the company," he said. "I have to spare my cock for the next lady. Maybe I'll see you around?" He left. Two elderly men, just outside the door, cursed him because he had locked the door. Ivar understood that the lad had done this before. He managed to fill his tight shorts with his used weapon and grinned at the entering men.

"Thank you for guiding me, sir!" Ivar gave Will his hand. The man answered with a tight hug. "Tomorrow night, no swimsuit," he said.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 16

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