Europe with Spartacus

By Bill Jonners

Published on Oct 1, 2019


The story is written in collaboration with my friend Fred in Norway and is completely fictional. Ivar is a youngster of the writer's imagination, and so are the men he meets on his `educational journey'.

If any of our readers have comments and suggestions we are always happy for feedback. All emails to will be answered.

Europe with Spartacus

Chapter 1 Oslo (1975)

"Lillehammer in 5 minutes!" A metallic voice made the announcement. The night-train from Trondheim left the Gudbrandsdalen valley and headed into the town of Lillehammer.

Ivar woke feeling very confused. His head leaned against the shoulder of a mature man sitting at the seat beside him.

"Good morning, son," the man said. "Are you leaving here? I hope you don't object to me reading your book. I picked it up from the floor for you." He placed the Spartacus Guide on the table and smiled.

"I'm on my way to Oslo, sir. Sorry that I have used you as a pillow. You should have woken me up. I must have slept before you arrived. I'm very sorry, sir!" Ivar looked at his watch; 04:20 in the morning, still dark outside, but he could see the ski-jump arena up on the mountain side. The train slowed down as it entered the station.

"No need to be sorry, young man. Not often I have a handsome guy like you on my shoulder." He grinned. His eyes went from Ivar to the book, but he didn't comment. "You were asleep when I boarded at Domb茎, and you have had a good rest for more than two hours now."

Ivar was very confused. The man beside him, probably in his forties, had seen his gay-guide; he had called him handsome, and he had let him stay close even after waking up. Their bodies, their hips and even their legs touched. Ivar was familiar with leg-play on a bus or a train, but not after resting on a stranger's shoulder.

"Sorry, sir. I need to find the toilet," Ivar whispered. The train had just left Lillehammer. He was in real trouble. He had to piss, but he had a morning-wood beyond fantasy. To have a hard-on was a rather common state for this boy. He had been teased in gym and sport for years. But his tight jeans and his short shirt did not hide anything. The more he thought about it, the harder his dick grew. Helped by the man, by hands on his hips, he left the seat with his bum against him, and made his way down the aisle.

It was not Ivar's first time with a hard-on in a railway toilet. It had been one of his early games when he first started to wank, to visit this place when he went to the city for shopping. From time to time Trym, his closest friend, had been there with him for the same purpose, and even some of his other mates. A common game had been to shoot your load down the open toilet and continue with a common piss.

Ivar knew he had to sit down to manage. He pulled down the belt-less jeans. The well-grown cock filled the yellow bikini-briefs. Two wet spots told of a normal situation. Last time Trym had measured his cock, he was 19 centimetres (almost 7.5 inches) when hard. "One centimetre longer than last year," Trym had commented, unhappy because he himself had stopped at a small 12 centimetres (4.75 inches). Ivar pulled back his long foreskin and managed to sit down on the shaking stool.

The youngster was still hard when he tried to dress. He rubbed his cockhead with the stiff paper and placed his dick to the left. "I can see you are a leftie like me!" His father had commented once when Ivar had shown up in tight briefs. "Stay left in politics too!" had been his comment. The old union man was not happy that his youngest son was more interested in pop music and dancing than politics.

"I can't start my adventure with a teenage wank in a railway toilet!" he thought, and adjusted his bulge.

The people in the carriage slept through the night. Ivar was happy when he saw that his fellow traveller had closed his eyes too. But the man opened his eyes again when he tried to pass him. Ivar's bulge was not far from the man's face. To help the lad pass, the man placed a hand on one of Ivar's buttocks.

Down in the seat again, the man gave Ivar his hand. "My name is Thor, I'm a high school teacher. I have been visiting my relatives out west during the summer." The man had a powerful handshake.

Ivar responded the same way. He hated soft handshakes. "I'm Ivar," he said. "Another Viking name, you know!"

"Ivar the Boneless!" the man responded. "A well-known warrior from the Viking sagas, handsome and fearless it's said, even if he did have had a handicap!" Ivar blushed. His mates at school and even his history professor had teased him more than once about that name. Ivar himself had dammed it when he was a kid, but in a way he felt comfortable with the name now.

"You know perhaps another theory about the name?" the man whispered now. Ivar looked at him and knew what was coming. "According to the saga, Ivar the Boneless had no sons. He was boneless ミ his bone couldn't rise - he was unable to get an erection."

Ivar blushed when he heard himself whisper. "That's never my problem, sir!" He placed a hand around the very visible bulge.

"I've noticed that during the last hours." The high school teacher grinned. The train made a sudden stop and the guidebook again fell down on the floor. Thor bent and handed the Spartacus Guide back to Ivar.

"Interesting book!" Thor said. "I read the chapter about Oslo while you slept. Sorry for my naughtiness."

"You found it interesting?" Ivar blushed and wrapped the book back inside the grey paper.

"I learned more about my home city than I ever knew. But it's not quite updated!" Thor was the one to grin now. Again their legs met and neither of them moved away.

"Two hours, and we will be in Oslo." Thor said. "Maybe we should try for a small morning nap, son." Thor touched Ivar's hand.

"Push me if I try to find your shoulder again then." Ivar did not pull away his hand, but put his head inside his own hanging leather jacket.

"Be my guest, Viking. You are not the first Viking from your region that tries to conquer Oslo." Thor closed his eyes.

"Oslo East. The time is 6:50, we're on time! Thank you for using The Dovre Rail. Have a nice stay in Oslo." The conductor's voice woke Ivar from his sleep inside the dark jacket.

"What's your plan, Ivar?" Thor looked at him as if he didn't want to just leave his young fellow traveller.

"I will just explore Oslo; hope to get a swim in this nice weather too. Beach or the outdoor pool, I think. Enjoy my freedom! I have a bed reserved at the youth hostel tonight. I plan to go to Copenhagen in a few days." Again Ivar showed off a partly naked body when he rose to catch his backpack.

"Yeah, I guessed that from your guide!" Thor smiled and Ivar blushed again. "Will you join me for an early breakfast? I know a small bakery with fresh bread and good coffee." The wheels screeched as the train came to a stop inside the glass-covered station hall.

"I would love too," Ivar was happy. "I just have to store my backpack and my leather jacket for the day." He headed to the left luggage office. From the top of his rucksack he found a smaller bag filled with swim-gear, towel and clean briefs, a thermos and a sandwich box. The former scout had everything planned in detail. When he now added the guidebook to the bag, he was ready for a day out in Oslo.

Karl Johan Street opposite the East railway station was not crowded in the early morning, but the sun was already high. People, not on vacation, hurried to their jobs, and they also met tourists ready to explore the Norwegian capital.

Ivar looked at his fellow traveller from the side; a sporty-looking man with a welcoming smile, about his own height between 1.80 and 1.90cm (around 6ft), dark hair with some grey at the sides. A small belly gave him some age.

"What do you think, Ivar? Do I fit as your first adventure man on your journey ミ a shabby old high school teacher, a character you hoped you had left for a while when you finished your exams, eh?" Thor found Ivar's arm for a while. They passed the Parliament building and had the Royal Palace in front of them.

"You are not shabby, you are both stylish and sexy." Ivar regret the last words the moment he said them. He didn't intend to flirt with this unknown man.

"You are cute, Ivar. If my sons had heard you now, they would have given you a huge laugh," Thor said as he directed Ivar in front of the Grand Hotel.

"You have sons, sir?" Ivar didn't know why, but he had thought this man was single. Maybe he just had hoped he was single.

"Yes, my eldest is only two years behind you, and the other one is twelve. And I am married. Need to be two to make children you know?" Thor put an arm around Ivar's shoulder and they had a good laugh. "You remember Rosenkraz Street from your guide? Oslo's oldest gay pub is to the right here."

"You been there, sir?" Ivar asked, trying to check out the man who hadn't done anything more than invite him for a morning coffee.

"No, I haven't. No reason I couldn't, but you know?" Thor stopped in front of a small coffee shop.

Ivar really didn't know. He was confused. "Is this cruising?" he wondered. Cruising areas was a word from the guide. He wasn't familiar with the word. The guys at home called it `checking' when they were out in town looking for girls.

The smell inside was lovely - newly baked raisin rolls and coffee. "Your son is catching up with you, sir." The elderly lady with old-fashioned serving equipment smiled her broadest smile.

"The young man is not my son, but a student that wants to see Oslo." Thor suddenly blushed as if he was doing something illegal that morning.

"Just in front of us we have the National Theatre." Thor changed theme.

"Yes, I know. I saw Henrik Ibsen's `A Doll's House' there last year," Ivar said.

"How did you like the play?" Thor looked at the watch and didn't really wait for an answer.

"About liberation, isn't it?" Ivar looked at the man with innocent eyes.

"Liberation, yes. Liberation!" Thor placed his one hand over Ivar's and let it rest.

The two left the coffee shop after a small argument about the bill. "I invite, I pay!" Thor did not take Ivar's protests seriously.

Ivar followed Thor to his tram stop. The man swallowed and coughed. "I wish I could see you again," he whispered. The lad just nodded.

"I have an idea," Thor continued. "You said you would visit the beach at Huk today. Just take the local bus to the last stop. On the return you could leave the bus at the Marina close to the fiord. I could meet you there at 2 o'clock. I have a small boat out there. I told you I knew some places not named in your guide book. I could show you one out in the fjord."

A tram was arriving and Thor was in a hurry. "I will look for you at 2 o'clock," he shouted. No whispering now.

Ivar, red-faced, waved him off, even after the tram left the stop. "First day on my tour, and I have a date!" he said to himself with a smile and nearly knocked down an elderly lady.

Some hours later and he had seen the centre, and bought a postcard for his mother. He was standing outside the entrance to Huk, the famous beach on the Bygdoy peninsula. NUDIST AREA' ミ an arrow to the right. Public' ミ an arrow to the left. Ivar was about to enter the first naturist beach in his life. He put his bag across his shoulder and walked very determinedly to the right. Just around the corner he met two naked old ladies, both old enough to have been his grandmother. He tried not to stare. Next he met an old man, with two girls, naked, eating ice cream.

"Good so see some cute young men out here. Get undressed boy!" The man shouted and went on with the two giggling girls. Ivar was not afraid of girls. Since he had won the local twist-contest at the local hotel last year, he had been one of the favourites on the dance floor. But he had never had hot feelings for a girl. When he saw his mates dancing, the look of the sexy boys was what made him hard.

Now he made a decision. He turned around, left this area, and went right to the main beach. Minutes later he was sitting on the rocks next to the fjord in the smallest bikini seen that day. A lot of what he could watch made him have to dive into the cold water to cool down his pumping erection. He thought about Thor too. "I'll be there on time," he told himself as he started to change from his wet bikini into a dry pair of briefs. The towel was too small, and suddenly he couldn't give a damn. He pulled down the bikini, and fully naked he showed off the body he had intended to show on the other side of the fence. Two youngsters whistled and smiled, but he just grinned. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

Thor was waiting outside the Marina. In sport shorts and t-shirt he looked very different from this morning, more hairy than Ivar remembered.

"A small boat!" had been his expression. The mahogany-coloured boat was a dream, and Thor handled it with great knowledge. Soon they were out in the open fjord, with a marvellous view to the Town Hall and the harbour area. They passed the huge shipyards, and they got a fine view of the Akershus Fortress. Thor stripped off his t-shirt and presented a hairy chest and hairy lower arms. He was well-tanned after a hot summer and Ivar found himself very pale beside him.

"Take off your shirt, son. I'll give you some sun protection. You are already getting sunburned." Ivar stripped and showed off his smooth body. Not a hair except for the blond armpit hair. Hard, determined hands, creamed up Ivar's back down to his bum. Then Thor turned him around. With one hand he steered the boat, with the other hand he creamed the boy's front. The man made a longer job than necessary on Ivar's chest, and he swallowed when he saw that the young man's nipples, surrounded by dark coronas, went erect by his touch.

"Out there you see a famous island called "Hovedソya." The so-called Main Island; nice, known for an old monastery. Many girls have lost their virginity out there. But we are not landing there. If you look further east you see a long island. Well, there are two of them. I have heard that this is the new naturist area around, not officially, but no one cares. A lot of younger people here, and I've also heard that the area close to the end of the island is a sort ofノofノ" He stammered "...cruising area for males, like your guide would have described it."

"Cool to be here!" Ivar commented. He was very uncertain about the next step.

"We will drop anchor here," Thor said as if this was a huge ship. "We may dive from the poop deck, and we may sunbathe on the deck in front. Take the wheel, Ivar. I'll do the job with the grapnel." Ivar was happy that he had some experience with boats.

"Make yourself comfortable, son. You can't stay here in those jeans. Maybe you could put some cream on my back first!" Ivar heard the nervous voice. He went up to the man and gave him a tender massage all the way down to the butt line. The hairless back was shining when he without questioning pulled down the sport shorts, with thin following underwear. The high school teacher, that Ivar shared a shoulder with on the train last night, was completely naked in front of him.

Ivar put more cream in his palms and gave the grown-up lightly-haired buttocks a good massage. Thor spread his legs; a very clear signal. The boy didn't hesitate now. He creamed the legs from the feet to the hairy balls, and he gave the balls some cream from behind too. Thor turned around. Ivar knew only one man-cock well. He had given service to his hotel boss for the last three years, but this cock was both longer and thicker and the dickhead was shining with excitement.

"You want me to suck you, sir?" Ivar hardly knew his own voice.

"You a cocksucker? Are you good?" Thor grinned. He had heard that young men were better than women regarding cock-sucking, and he had more than once wanted a question like this.

"Come here, son. Let me strip you first. You can't stay dressed here in the middle of all this nudity. Just look around!" Thor knelt in front of the youngster. Ivar had seen the nudity on the island beside the boat, and he had seen nudity on the boats close to them.

Very carefully Thor stripped Ivar of the strange jeans, very tight around the hips, with wide flared legs. Ivar was a fashion prince among the mates at home. The bikini briefs hid nothing. The rock-hard boner popped up at the front. The ribbon helped to pull back some of the long foreskin. Wet spots told the story of his excitement. Without hesitation Thor pulled down the boy's briefs. The teen cock pointed upwards, a bit to the right. A wild bush of blond hair, and a set of hard smooth balls, made Thor swallow again.

"May I taste you, son?" Thor's voice was fuzzy. Ivar just nodded. He couldn't tell the man that this was the first time a guy was about to suck his cock. His boss had been sucked by Ivar, but the man had denied the young servant all service. Horny, he had wanked in front of the boss many times while listening to the man's dirty language.

Ivar closed his eyes. Thor took most of his 19 cm inside. He had an active tongue and hard lips. The lad from the north lost sense of time and place. He found Thor's head and pumped. He, the most innocent youngster you could dream of, mouth-fucked a high school teacher in the middle of the Oslo Fiord. It had to be a short story.

"Yes, no. I can't. Oh! Oh!" Ivar tried to get his dick out of Thor's mouth, but in vain. For the first time he cummed into a man's mouth, and the man took it all. Ivar shivered, eight contractions, and tears ran from his eyes down the hairless face.

Thor licked his mouth, and looked at the guy in front of him. "Unbelievable!" he said. "Like honey!" He gave the embarrassed youngster a broad smile.

"Lie down, please, sir!" He pointed at the side-bench in the captain's cabin, and thought about the only gay porn he had watched. With the movie in mind, and a young horny man's fantasy, Thor got a service that paid for the day. Ivar played with the man's body, he tugged his balls and he sucked the veiny man's cock better than any woman the teacher had met. When the balls started to contract, and his hips lifted from the bench, he cried as if in heavy pain and drenched Ivar's face and hair with dripping man-cream.

Ivar smiled, he knew he had done his job. Thor grinned. "You should have seen your face just now!" With fingers, he helped Ivar to clean most of the face. "I think we need a swim now. Agreed?"

Thor was the first to dive into the sea, but young Ivar followed. The two played nude in the water like father and son.

After a late lunch, wearing only towels, and an hour in the sun at the front deck, Ivar was sporting another hard-on and he did not cover it this time. Thor virtually lifted the lad and placed him in a sixty-nine position on top of his body. When Ivar spunked for the second time his next dream was fulfilled.

The evening sun was shining on the hillside with a fine view to the famous Holmenkollen ski-jump when Ivar helped Thor to moor the boat.

"Will I see you again, sir?" Ivar whispered when Thor hugged him tight.

"I have to take my sons to a football camp tomorrow, but I have tickets for the theatre tomorrow night; a musical, `Fiddler on the Roof', with one of my favourite singers. Would you like a ticket? I have one extra." Ivar was speechless, but smiled and hugged the man back."

"I'll drop you off by the station!" Thor said. His small car was passing Akershus Fortress. "There you have a ship from the Copenhagen line by the way!" Thor pointed at a white ship just leaving the harbour. He placed a hand on Ivar's knee and let his palm follow the leg upwards. Ivar hoped the ride would last, but Oslo's East Station was close in front.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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