Europe with Spartacus

By Bill Jonners

Published on Mar 5, 2020


The story is written in collaboration with my friend Fred in Norway and is completely fictional. Ivar is a youngster of the writer's imagination, and so are the men he meets on his `educational journey'.

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Europe with Spartacus

Chapter 19 London (1975)

Ivar was happy. He had spent the morning in Carnaby Street looking at the latest fashions and he'd bought some new items. He had flirted with more than one of the salesmen and even had lunch with a guy that had been very interested in Ivar's way of travelling.

In a huge record store in Regent Street he had found some low-priced LPs and sent a packet to his own home address. He had even bought a `Shadows' LP for his mate Trym and sent it to his military address. "I miss you Trym, very much!" He had written a small note inside the LP cover.

In the afternoon Ivar also visited two sex-shops with no age-problems and bought some really sexy underwear. In an ordinary male clothing shop, he had bought a six-pack of white briefs for his brother.

Ivar left the Tube and hurried up the escalator. He checked his watch. Still one hour until he was to meet his brother for the Christmas Eve celebrations at the Norwegian Seamen's Church. One hour in which he could try on his newly-bought underwear. Just the thought of leather and nylon made his cock stiffen. He knew from similar situations that his private show most certainly would end in a heavy wank. He hadn't cum since his brother played with him the night before. Now he really was in a hurry because he had to pee. The pressure on his bladder was about to kill him.

He waved to the elderly lady in the reception and got very little feedback. Ivar opened the door to the room with his key and was not prepared for the sight inside. Ragnar was laying naked in the middle of the bed. At the foot of the bed he saw the back of a girl buttoning her bra. The room smelled of sex and sweat.

"I have to piss guys, sorry!" Ivar threw the shopping bags into the corner of the room and hurried through the door into the bathroom.

"No problem!" Ragnar shouted after him. "Claire has done her job!"

Ivar didn't understand his own reaction. He was so damn angry. He did his job, then he threw some cold water on his face before he went back to Ragnar.

"What the hell are you into?" he shouted. Ragnar had covered his crotch with the sheet.

"We call it fucking, don't we Kiddo? You never have seen that before, have you?" Ragnar grinned.

Ivar blushed. "But it's my bed too!" he said, uncertain where to sit. Ragnar got up from the bed and passed his brother with a half-hard wet cock without trying to cover up. "We'd better hurry for the church, Kiddo. We are late, aren't we?" Ivar heard the bathtub being filled.

Half an hour later, the two brothers were ready for some Norwegian Christmas celebrations. A chilled rum-and-coke had calmed the situation. Ivar had even handed his brother a new pair of white briefs as a peace offering.

"Didn't you visit the guy from last night? Aron was it?" Ivar asked.

"Yes, I did! He has a marvellous car and bike collection, but he also showed me his dungeon Ð he called it his playroom. You know what I'm talking about, Kiddo?" Ragnar was about to find a clean shirt.

"I wasn't born yesterday!" Ivar sneered. "Did he want to bind you up perhaps, and then flog you?"

"No baby boy, but he wanted me to strip for him Ð just for pictures, he said." Ragnar swallowed and seemed a bit ashamed.

"And you were happy to show off your marvellous body, eh?" Ivar grinned now.

"No, I didn't, but I became so damn excited. He could have made me suck..." Ragnar stopped. "I just left him and found myself a chick. I'm still a fucker, Kiddo. Your test at the homo-bar last night was not a success."

Ivar just blushed, then he looked at his brother, and whispered, "So are you saying I insulted you last night, Bro?"

"No. You showed me what a wonderful little brother I have!" Ragnar hugged Ivar tight. "Come! Let's call Mum and wish her Merry Christmas. Then `help me to the church on time!" Ragnar was not a good singer.

The hours in the Seamen's Church had been great: Traditional Norwegian food, Christmas carols, and a Santa Claus with packets from the Seamen's missionary organisation in the home country. Ivar had been a bit ashamed of himself, feeling he was leeching upon the sailors who were far away from home because of work. He was in London only for his own pleasure.

A group from Ragnar's ship had taken the Underground down to see the huge Norwegian Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square. In a way they felt proud, and they were not the only Norwegians in front of the National Gallery that day. A choir was singing Christmas carols, while looking over the huge square with the tree cut in the woods outside Oslo and sent to London as gratitude for British support during the Second World War.

Ivar felt an arm around his upper body. He turned to the side and met young Ronaldo's wet eyes. The Philippine boy from Ragnar's crew had been close to him all afternoon. "Strange for you, Ronaldo? Very different from your hometown, I guess." Ivar put an arm around the shivering lad. The weather was far from comfortable for a lightly-dressed boy from a tropical country.

"Not so strange. I grew up in a childcare home run by Catholic nuns so I celebrated Christmas even though Christmas Day was the main day for us," Ronaldo answered. "But I was rented out to a Chinese factory when twelve, and my dad there did not tolerate Christian holidays. I had to work!"

"How did you end up on a Norwegian ship?" Ivar felt sorry for the lad. He looked very young, but Ragnar had told him that he was 22.

"My dad was very hard with me so I ran away and lived on the streets for two years until I got this job. I'm happy now!" Ronaldo showed his white smile and pressed his body as close to Ivar as possible.

"Come on, guys. Let's find the hotel. The crew has left for the ship!" Ragnar was in front of them. "You go with me to the ship tomorrow, okay?" Ragnar looked at Ronaldo. "You can stay with us overnight. Okay with you, Kiddo?" Now he looked at Ivar.

After some arguing at the reception the three ended up in the small room with the huge bed. The minibar was filled up and Ragnar still had a bottle of rum.

"Only non-alcoholic homemade beer for Christmas at home!" Ivar said. He looked at Ronaldo and explained, "Our mum is a teetotaller."

"Yeah, but Dad's not, Kiddo!" Ragnar lifted his glass. "Cheers, and Merry Christmas!" One of the sailors had brought Norwegian brandy for the outdoor event, and Ragnar had got more than his share. He was already in a great mood.

"You haven't shown us what you bought today, Ivar. Put on your new clothes now and let us judge you!" Ragnar pushed Ivar out of bed.

Ivar hesitated, but opened his bags. Then he stripped off his shirt and t-shirt and showed off his summer-tanned upper body.

Ragnar squeezed Ronaldo's thigh. The boy giggled.

Three different t-shirts were shown with acclamation. "You want to see my new jeans too?" Ivar asked. The situation had changed a bit, and Ivar saw that Ronaldo was staring with an open mouth. Soon Ivar was naked but for a tiny pair of seamless low-cut briefs. His dick and balls were visible through the thin fabric and the high leg-cut made half his round buttocks visible.

Ivar struggled to get on the tight pair of jeans; wide legs, but tight around the hips and butt and no fly. When he then added a top that let his hard lower torso stay naked, Ragnar whistled using his fingers. Ivar blushed and turned around.

"Let me!" Ronaldo reached out and tried to put the fabric labels down Ivar's arse crack. Ivar let him. The warm touch and erotic situation was enough to bring his half-hard cock to a new level. He just turned around and let his stiff leftie fill the tight trousers. Ivar found his drink and tried to cool down.

"You told me that you had bought some new underwear too, Kiddo. Let us see how you want to impress the chicks!" Ragnar took the remaining bag and emptied it on the bed. Jocks, and strings and some see-through bikinis were seen, beside two cock-rings and a ball-divider. Ragnar whistled. Ivar blushed and Ronaldo was one big grin.

"I guess you don't need to wank in my jock anymore, Kiddo?" Ragnar lifted a white sports jock. "Put this on and let us see how it fits you."

Again Ivar hesitated. Then he took a huge sip of the drink and stripped to his briefs. He grabbed the jock and went to the bathroom. Moments later he returned. The white sack was filled by the stiff cock and balls, and the ribbons lifted the round buttocks. When Ivar turned around he showed a completely naked butt and when he turned to face the two again the pair on the bed could see that a wet spot was appearing on the thin fabric.

There was suddenly a heavy knocking on the door, which opened even before anybody had answered. A girl stepped inside, whining at the sight of Ivar who tried to cover up his almost naked body.

"We are waiting for you, sailor!" Her voice was intense.

"I'm coming, baby. We are just enjoying a fashion show here. You like my kid-brother's new jock? Sexy eh?" Ragnar groped his own crotch.

"Teen boys should all stay naked!" The girl almost whined. Ivar blushed, but couldn't give a damn. The girl was the intruder.

"Like this!" Ivar stripped off the jock and threw it on the bed. Then he lifted his arms and placed them behind the neck like a real model, just as Ken had taught him in France. His cock was still half-hard even if he had lost most of his erection.

The chick stared with an open mouth. Ronaldo swallowed and Ragnar grinned. "I'll be down in some minutes, Claire. Just have to piss! You have to make do with my tool, honey; the kid's a virgin!"

The girl left and Ragnar hurried to the bathroom. Ivar took his place beside Ronaldo. He did not dress, but covered his crotch with a hand and the jock.

Ragnar was ready to leave after a new round with his Brylcreem. His silver-grey suit bought in Alexandria was strange but nice, and his boots were really sexy.

"You have to please my brother, Pinoy. I go with the chicks to their club so don't wait up for me." Ragnar grinned and gave the two on the bed a thumbs up.

Ivar lifted his glass and emptied it. He was left with an Asian boy he knew had sucked his brother, a boy he guessed would give him pleasure if he wanted to. But Ivar wanted more. He wished he could make really love to this beautiful young man.

"I want to give you a Christmas present Ronaldo, your choice!" Ivar pointed at the items still on the bed beside them.

"Too much, amigo," the Asian said, but he lifted and examined the underwear. He found a black see-through net bikini and held it up. "Good, good." He smiled at Ivar as he put the item back on the bed.

"I have stripped for you, Ronaldo. Now you must try this on!" Ivar handed Ronaldo the underwear the boy just had chosen.

Without standing up Ronaldo tried to strip out of his clothes, but he stopped when he was to undo his jeans. "You big, me small!" Ronaldo looked at Ivar with sort of begging eyes.

"You are perfect, I'm sure!" Ivar touched Ronaldo's naked shoulders.

Ronaldo placed himself beside the bed and stripped off his jeans. The lad had no underwear. He turned his back to Ivar, bent over and put on the bikini. Ivar watched the youngster who was hairless but for black patches in his armpits. When Ronaldo turned around he showed off an iron-hard little cock, probably about 10 cm (4 inches), surrounded by a stiff dark bush. His buttocks were like small round globes and the stones were nicely seen inside the ballsack.

"I'll suck you, Ivar!" Ronaldo was between Ivar's legs.

"No, Ronaldo, please. No hurry. I have waited to see your body all day. Let's have a Christmas bath; a good Norwegian tradition." Naked, and with a wet hard-on, Ivar took Ronaldo's hand and led him into the bathroom.

The two youngsters, the Norwegian Viking and the Pinoy beauty, lowered themselves into the old-fashioned bathtub filled with hot soapy water. Ronaldo moaned with pleasure when Ivar after a while turned him around and let him lean against his hot body. Ivar's hard-on found a natural position between Ronaldo's thighs. With lips he comforted the Asian's neck and earlobes, and with both hands he played with his nipples and torso. At last he found the small soapy balls, and the naked glans. Very carefully, he explored the young Asian. He had met many boys and men in the last six months, but this was his first meeting with an Asian youngster.

"You are different, Ivar. Very different!" Ronaldo whispered. He let his chin meet Ivar's.

"Different? Why do you say that?" Ivar whispered too. He wanked Ronaldo's tiny cock with three fingers, played with the string that divided the cockhead.

"You play with me, Amigo. No-one on the ship does that. They make me suck them, and shoot sperm in my face and mouth, and then they call me dirty names. I'm just their whore, you see." Ronaldo tried to let Ivar's cock fill his arse crack.

"And you don't like that?" Ivar kissed the boy's body.

"They pay me well. And most of them are very kind, so I love them. And I love their tools. Very sexy, very big, most of them!" He turned his face to Ivar and grinned.

"You like men Ronaldo, or do you think of girls when you suck the men?" Ivar thought he knew the answer, but he did not want to take advantage of the situation.

"Fucking girls is not my business. Too small a cock to give them pleasure and I hate to lick their cunts. Smell of rotten fish!" He made a grimace.

"So sweaty balls and dirty man-cocks smell better?" Ivar used two hands to spread Ronaldo's buttocks.

"Much better. I like sweaty balls; and oily ones!" He helped Ivar to open up his crack. Ivar let Ronaldo bow forward and put a thumb into his back entrance. The Asian was not a virgin.

"Do the men allow you to cum?" Ivar jerked the boy a bit harder.

"I have to help myself, afterwards, in my own cabin. Very lonely!" Ronaldo let Ivar open his arse with two fingers.

"Nobody gives you a real fuck then?" Ivar kissed the boy's neck and pinched his erect nipples.

The boy went silent, then he whispered, "Only one, occasionally!"

Ivar was about to ask which, but did not want to cross the lad's private borders.

"Your boy-cunt is so hot. I could fill you up now if you let me." Ivar let his soapy fingers stretch the tight muscles. He lifted the well-tanned butt and placed his soapy iron-cock outside the pink hole.

"Please, amigo. Please fuck me! Make me cum, I'm very close, very close!" Ronaldo was more active than Ivar had thought. He lowered himself on Ivar's cock and rode him with closed eyes and a girlish whimper. The soapy water made the entrance easy and Ivar just slowed down and started some light movements to check out the guy. Ronaldo bent backwards against Ivar's body and placed his arms around Ivar's neck. He cried and fucked in the hot water. The two young men were not in the mood for a long, loving session. The teen and the young Asian needed a fast progress. Ivar placed his feet on the tub bottom and used his arms to lift both bodies upwards.

"Take it, take it!" Ivar cried and filled Ronaldo with his boy-cream. Ronaldo, still with his hands around Ivar's neck, shot his load hands-free up in the air. White clots landed in the water while his arse muscles contracted.

"Crazy, amigo. Damn crazy!" Ronaldo let Ivar lower him into the still hot water. Both relaxed now.

The two finished the bath, they towelled each other dry, they applied cream on each other - no spot on the bodies left untouched - and then they settled with a cold beer.

"You are still hard!" Ronaldo touched Ivar's cock. They were sitting side by side among the cushions.

"Like you!" Ivar squeezed Ronaldo's balls and made his little cock grow again. Then he licked the wet glans and tasted the fresh pre-cum. The Asian took command, turned Ivar around and found his cock with a skilled mouth. No doubt that two trained cock-suckers met. Ivar filled the mouth both with cock and balls, and Ronaldo let Ivar throat fuck him with his 19 hard centimetres (7.5 inches).

Heavy sucking and hand-massage brought the youngsters to new heights. Ivar felt the spasms in the Asian's body and knew what was happening. Ronaldo tried to get free from Ivar's lips and tongue, but Ivar didn't let him. He wanted every drop from the erupting dick. And Ronaldo filled him with boy-milk, a bit thinner this time. Ivar licked and swallowed, and used the tip of the tongue on Ronaldo's sensitive glans.

Ivar was hornier than ever and he was ready to fuck again, but first he needed some treatment from behind. He placed himself doggy above Ronaldo's face and fucked his mouth. At the same time, he finger-fucked his own arse.

"Let me!" Ronaldo moved behind Ivar and spat at his entrance. Then he used a rubber-like tongue formed as a small dick inside the boy-cunt. Ronaldo fed Ivar the fingers on one hand as a dick substitute and he sucked them with pleasure. Well wet with saliva, Ronald forced four fingers into the waiting hole. After treatment of the sphincter he pushed deeper and deeper and found the prostate button.

Ivar howled and was about to cum, but he was ready for a real fuck. He wondered if he was being a bit too tough when he pushed the Asian lad onto his back, spread his legs and forced them almost behind his ears. He had creamed the boy's arse with purpose, and now supplied with spit and mucous, Ronaldo was ready for a hard fuck.

And Ivar gave him a hard fuck; no mercy now. He managed to cool down his own needs for fast spunking and concentrated on the lad with the hard buttocks and the smooth arse. Twenty minutes of hard pounding and then Ivar pulled out and pushed back in one single thrust, again and again.

"Yes, yes. Fuck, yesÉI'm...I'mÉ" Ronaldo jerked his oriental cock with three tight fingers. His cockhead was sore and purple red when he came for the third time. Ivar pulled out. He saw that Ronaldo opened his mouth ready for Ivar's spurt. Most of the cum landed inside and around the mouth and some landed on his hot tits. Exhausted the two bodies met in a tight embrace, licking and eating white protein. Ronaldo and Ivar had given themselves the hottest Christmas present ever this Christmas eve.

Ivar had slept soundly. He had moved away from Ronaldo. The bed had been too hot, even though both of them were naked. The two had been covered just by a thin sheet only. Now Ivar woke up a bit chilled, and disturbed by movement on the mattress. The sound was very familiar too. A fucking was going on beside him.

He saw Ronaldo with his legs on the floor, well spread, and his upper body forced down onto the mattress by a tough hand Ð Ragnar's tough hand. Ragnar was fucking his sailor mate with force and lust. Ivar did not think Ragnar realised that he was awake. But he had a close view on what was going on. First he closed his eyes, he wouldn't interfere; he felt shameful looking at his brother's thick and sexy cock entering the body he had fucked just hours ago. By the sound and the movements Ivar understood that Ronaldo liked the hard fuck. Ivar himself was super-erect again. He was wet with pre-cum. Again he had to look at his brother. He had seen him hard over the years, he had even seen him fuck a girl in the barn at home, and he had dreamt of touching his brother's cock more than once, but never dreamt of this sight.

Ivar moved to the end of the bed. Ragnar did not stop his action when he lay down in just the same position as Ronaldo. He even put one arm around the Filipino guy. Then he spread his legs and lifted his hips and closed his eyes. A big hand slapped one buttock, then the other globe got the same treatment.

"Go back to sleep, Kiddo!" Ragnar whispered with a husky voice. Ivar just lifted his hips a bit more. Two new spanks landed, but Ivar heard that Ragnar still was fucking Ronaldo. "Do as you are told, Kiddo! It's Christmas Eve, for God's sake!"

Ivar did not move. For a long time nothing happened. Then he felt fingering in his arse crack; cream was rubbed into his arse and two fingers rather brutally found the way into his boy-cunt.

Ragnar's body was manly and hot when he touched his brother. "I promised myself neverÉ"

"SssshÉBro!" Ivar interrupted him. "You don't have to pay for this pussy. Show me how you fuck your ladies now, Bro. It's my Christmas present to you."

Ragnar was slow and careful when he penetrated his younger brother, but Ivar was not into a game like that. He made it clear that he wanted a fuck like the one Ragnar just had given Ronaldo. And that's what he got. Ragnar swapped between the two boy-cunts. He changed from the use of his cock, to the use of tongue and fingers, and then back to the use of his tool again. He knew how to make this a performance. After half an hour he gave the two some spanks and asked them to kneel. He wanked his cock to climax and shot his white load over the kneeling boys. The two were drenched with the Norwegian sailor's seed.

"Now, show me how you two will help each other to a double ending!" Ragnar found a bottle of beer and jumped onto the bed.

Ivar and Ronaldo cleaned faces and bodies with the use of tongues and lips while Ragnar was grinning and scratching his hairy ballsack.

It was late evening on Christmas day. Ivar followed his brother and his sailor companion to Fenchurch Street station not far from the Tower of London. The three had had a very nice celebration starting with a huge Christmas breakfast at the Seamen's Church, then a long walk along the west bank of the River Thames, before a nap with some fun at the hotel. After a late lunch Ragnar and Ronaldo had found the only pub open on Christmas Day close to St Paul's Cathedral and Ivar had gone into the church to listen to some visiting choirs. He had promised a young choir-guy from Trondheim to meet him later in St Paul's. The two had even arranged to meet the next day for a movie at Odeon cinema at Leicester Square. James Bond's "The Man with the Golden Gun" was the new Christmas movie.

Ronaldo received a hug and a teasing pinch from Ivar before he hurried into the railway carriage. Ragnar gave Ivar a hand, but Ivar drew him close and hugged him. "Take care, Kiddo!" Ragnar said. "I hope to see you at home before you jump into uniform. I'll stay onboard six more months!"

"Be kind to Ronaldo," Ivar whispered. "He's a good guy."

"He's a damn good cock-sucker!" Ragnar replayed. "And so are you, Kiddo. But your ass stinks, motherfucker!" He patted Ivar's chest and jumped inside the train for Tilbury.

Ivar looked at his watch. "They have an hour before they must be onboard," he said to himself as he waved. Then he left for the nearest Tube station. Ragnar had paid for an extra night at the hotel.

Ivar smiled at the old lady in the reception. "Merry Christmas, ma'm!" he said. For the first time Ivar saw her smile.

The room smelled of young men on holiday; some empty bottles and some rum were left behind. Ivar searched for his guidebook. He found it beneath a pillow wrapped in his brother's dirty jock. Ivar grinned and placed the package in front of his nose. "I wonder why he fucked me last night!" Ivar said to himself. Then he opened the Spartacus Guide. He had to plan the next few days. His five-day British Rail ticket ran from the day after tomorrow.

A business card fell from the guide-book Ð Archie, the Scottish gentleman's card. "Maybe I should call him and wish him Merry Christmas?" he thought. "The lady downstairs smiled at me, so maybe she will let me use her phone."

To be continued

Next: Chapter 21

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